Essential Energy Combinations

Taurus and the Seven Rays

Sun (and Ascendant) in Taurus

In Relation to Personalities (and Souls)

On the Seven Rays

  1. Sun Taurus (or Ascendant Taurus), R1P (or R1S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4) (A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges due to the fact that the first ray is transmitted through the planet Vulcan, the esoteric and hierarchical ruler of Taurus. The applicable categories are Strong by Rulership Class 2 and Class 3. Thus, the reinforcement will be strengthened for all who are disciples and initiates, and weaker for the average individual).

  1. (Selfish, Self-Centered or Self-Serving Human Being):

  1. The self-willed destructiveness and obstructiveness of the self-centered Taurus person combines with a braced rigidity—a refusal to change—qualities induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the first ray. (These undesirable qualities would be in the nature of a relapse or reversion to a formerly bound condition, as it is not possible to have a first or second ray personality unless one is at least an aspirant. The first or second ray may, however, enter the personality by other lines of influence.)

  2. Accentuates self-will and stubbornness.

  3. Rooted fixity; resistant immovability.

  4. Passive aggressive. Willfully unresponsive.

  5. Or rushing forward and trampling; rage and “seeing red”.

  6. Crude, blundering, obstructive. “Bullheaded”.

  7. Powerful instinctive nature.

  8. The pursuit of “wrathful satisfaction” (EA 157) (Saddam Hussein, former leader of Iraq, has a strong combination of Taurus and the first ray. So did Hitler.)

  9. The glamor of physical strength.

  10. Aggressive. Acquisitive. Envious. Grasping the objects of desire. Demanding ownership. Thus, inciting aggressive wars for the sake of expanded ownership. “You have what I want; I will take it”. The unjustified sense of entitlement.

  11. Isolative and inert.

  12. Willful obstructiveness.

  13. Willful destructiveness.

  14. Willful materialism.

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Taurus, with the first ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

  1. The persistent momentum of the advancing Taurus individual combines with the power to overcome induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the first ray.

  2. Fortifying the form; building well and in strength.

  3. Holding in manifestation. Bringing will into form. Concretizing.

  4. Persisting in intention; holding to purpose.

  5. Becoming a source of strength for others—a bulwark of stability in ever-changing circumstance.

  6. Keeping the highest values at the forefront consciousness and asserting them persistently.

  7. On the Path of Discipleship: high aspirational idealism pursued with strength.

  8. On the Path of Discipleship: learning to hold firmly to established spiritual values.

  9. On the Path of Discipleship: learning the forceful application of the light of wisdom in circumstances in which spirituals values are threatened.

  10. On the Path of Discipleship: learning to shatter (under Vulcan and the first ray) the outgrown values of the past.

  11. On the Path of Discipleship: charging forward with great strength and throwing aside the opposition when spiritual values must be asserted.

  12. On the Path of Discipleship: learning to express the spiritual will emphatically, impressing it upon the personality.

  13. On the Path of Discipleship: either building or destroying according to the measure of light perceived.

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Taurus, with the first ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

  1. The power to experience, work within and wield the “Light of Life” itself—a power arising and growing within the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Taurus—combines with an steadfast, persistent spiritual will induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the first ray.

  2. The way of Zen. The annihilation of conceptual obscurations. The beating of “staff” or “rod”, forcing confrontation with immediate, non-conceptual reality.

  3. Uncompromising relationship to the spiritual will—the Vulcanian pressure of that will.

  4. The shattering of all structures (Vulcan, first ray) which prevent access to the “unfettered enlightenment” of Shamballa; the causal body is one such structure.

  5. Overpowering experiences of power within the “blinding light” accompanied by the infusion of power. Satori. Samadhi. Sudden illumination. Enlightenment.

  6. Alignment with Shamballa.

  7. Realizations of the Greatest Guru in Shamballa and His immovability.

  8. The power of Shamballa and its reflected light and life to create synthesis.

  9. The availability of transmuted instinctual powers to achieve super-normal feats of spiritual strength. The “black bull” of materialism becomes the “white bull” of spiritual might.

  10. Hiding all difference, blotting out all form”. The annihilation of all formal distinctions in the blinding light.

  11. Achieving the power of the Cyclops—the “single eye”.

  12. Ability to sound forth (Taurus) words of power (first ray).

  13. Wielding the power (not just the receptivity and expanded consciousness) of the “Eye of Shiva”.

  14. The overpowering “Light of Life” of Shamballa; learning to work under the influence of this Light.

  15. The steadfastness, the changelessness of the Eternal Ageless Wisdom.

Directives and Counsels for Taurus and the First Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Abide Steadfastly

  2. Adhere To Essentials

  3. Accumulate Authority

  4. Affirm Principles

  5. Annihilate Unnecessary Accumulations

  6. Aspire Towards Shamballa

  7. Be Immovable

  8. Brace Yourself Against Attack

  9. Build The Fortress

  10. Build-Up Power

  11. Carry-On No Matter What

  12. Consolidate Control

  13. Continue To Stand

  14. Create Laws Which Embody Wisdom

  15. Defeat Desire

  16. Defend The Highest Values

  17. Demand Enlightenment

  18. Destroy Old Attachments

  19. Detach

  20. Dominate The Instinctual Nature

  21. Endure

  22. Envision The Fixed-Design

  23. Express “Enlightened Enthusiastic Will”

  24. Firmly Build

  25. Fortify The Law

  26. Give Voice To Shamballic Will

  27. Govern With Practical Wisdom

  28. Guard And Defend The Beauties Of Nature

  29. Illuminate Principles

  30. Illumine Purpose

  31. Impose The Will Upon Elemental Life

  32. Insist Upon Practical Ethics

  33. Let Go”

  34. Overcome Resistance

  35. Overrun The Enemy

  36. Persist

  37. Persist Constructively

  38. Plod-On Relentlessly

  39. Preserve Momentum Indefatigably

  40. Proclaim Wisdom

  41. Protect Spiritual Treasures

  42. Push All Opposition Aside

  43. Push Forward Towards Enlightenment

  44. Reinforce The Spiritual Will

  45. Reveal The Divine Will

  46. Rule By The Light Of Wisdom

  47. Shed Light Upon Divine Purpose

  48. Smash Materialism

  49. Solidify The Power Structure

  50. Strengthen The Center

  51. Utilize Resources Purposefully

Mantra for Taurus and the First Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: I seek with will and power to learn to feel the “Light of Love”, and then to learn to wield the “Light of Life” itself.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “I Assert the Fact”—the “Light of Life” itself!

Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R1/Taurus: Standing at the center in the ‘Nucleus of Power’ and grasping with full fortitude the ‘Hammer of God’s Strength Divine’, the firm and potent Leader apprehends a clear reflection of Shamballic Light unfettered, which reveals exactly where that mighty strength must be applied.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Taurus and R1

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R4 constellationally.

  1. R1

  1. Transmits principally R5 and R1 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R1

  1. Colors: Deep blue and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) red-orange, orange, orange-yellow. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.)

  1. Colors: red and “roaring orange”

  1. Note: DO sharp or C sharp, though the color “deep blue” will relate Taurus to the blue or indigo notes, G and A.

  1. Note: RE or D

  1. Expresses through the throat center, and secondarily through the sacral center, and (via Venus) through the ajna center.

  1. Expresses through the base of the spine and the crown center.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number III, liberated

  1. Creative Hierarchy number I/VI, unliberated

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom, through Vulcan; the Vegetable Kingdom, through Venus; the Kingdom of Souls through Venus; and the Kingdom of Solar Lives through Vulcan.

  1. Related to the Kingdom of Solar Lives and also the Mineral Kingdom.

  1. Identified principally with the Consciousness and Matter Aspects of Divinity.

  1. Identified principally with the Father Aspect.

  1. Frequently identified with the Mother Aspect.

  1. Identified with the Father Aspect.

  1. Identified principally with Light

  1. Identified principally with Life

  1. Identified with Substance

  1. Identified with Being

  1. Identified with concretion

  1. Identified with abstraction and, to a degree, concretion

  1. Identified with Earth and earthiness

  1. Essentially disidentified with Earth and earthiness (thought the first ray Department of the Manu wields power over the racial form).

  1. Attachment followed by detachment

  1. Associated mostly with detachment and death

  1. Often sensual and/or sensuous

  1. Essentially, the ascetic, inwardly detached. Shiva. Sensuality does, however, appear in some great power figures (Caesar, Mao, etc.).

  1. The Builder, essentially constructive (though sometimes, through Vulcan, the Destroyer)

  1. Usually, the Destroyer (though, under Vulcan, sometimes the Builder)

  1. Slow to be aroused

  1. When necessary, quick to be aroused

  1. Moving slowly until aroused

  1. Moving rapidly; rapid in response

  1. Inertia as well as sustained momentum

  1. Initiative

  1. Often lazy or slothful

  1. Executive

  1. Sitting

  1. Standing

  1. Pondering

  1. Acting

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Taurus and R1

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Taurus Connected to the First Ray Through Vulcan: Taurus and the first ray are connected through first ray Vulcan, esoteric and hierarchical ruler of Taurus.

  2. Taurus, the First Ray and Shamballa: Taurus (via Vulcan) is the sign principally associated with Shamballa. Shamballa, of course, is the principal first ray center on and within our planet.

  3. Fixity of Will: Taurean individuals are endowed with that fixity of will characteristic of the first ray.

  4. Persistence and Endurance: Both energies endow those they influence with the factor of persistence and endurance.

  5. Taurus, the First Ray, Wisdom and Shamballa: Those who are upon the first subray of the second ray (i.e., those on the wisdom line of the second ray), make their way to Shamballa, the first ray planetary center. The Buddha (the archetypal Taurean as far as humanity is concerned) was foremost among such, and even now is Shamballa’s emissary to humanity.

  6. The Shattering Hammer-Stroke: Taurus is connected to the Vulcanian hammer-stroke which (in the case of first ray souls) shatters the causal body at the fourth initiation and releases them into the “Greatest Light” of the Spiritual Triad. One of the symbols of the first ray is the “fist” (cf. EP II 352), allied to the “hammer”.

  7. The Mineral Kingdom: Both influences are related to the mineral kingdom (the first kingdom) which stores tremendous power (first ray) in its atomic configurations.

  8. Gripping and Holding: The first ray endows its natives with the power to grip and hold. These capabilities are typical of the Taurean—especially the Taureans influenced by Vulcan.

  9. Taurus, First Ray and the First Initiation: It is possible to connect Taurus with the first ray in yet another way by considering the first initiation, in which the first-ray esoteric and hierarchical ruler of Taurus, Vulcan, is said to be so active, reaching “to the very depths of his [the disciple’s] nature”. (EA 70)

  10. Related to the Third Initiation: At the third initiation there is an initial conscious contact with the monad (first ray/first aspect) and an overpowering experience of the “blinding light” (Taurus—“The Light of Life”).

  11. Related to the Fourth Initiation: Taurus, Vulcan and the first ray are all active at the fourth initiation in which the advancing initiate faces the depths of aloneness (a first ray factor). “Vulcan is the ray or planet of isolation for, in a peculiar sense, it governs the fourth initiation wherein the depths of aloneness are plumbed and the man stands completely isolated.” (EA 392)

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Taurus is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the First Ray is Proposed as Prominent

    1. Oliver Cromwell—Lord Protector of England (Sun Sign)

    2. Ulysses S. Grant—American President, Leader of the Union Forces during the Civil War (Sun Sign and Ascendant)

    3. Adolf Hitler—Founder of Nazism, Dictator of Germany Preceding and During WWII (Sun Sign)

    4. Saddam Hussein—Former Dictator of Iraq (Sun Sign)

    5. Jeddu Krishnamurti—Sage, Teacher of Spirituality (Sun Sign)

    6. Maximilian Robespierre—Leader During the French Revolution; Known as “The Incorruptible” (Sun Sign)

    7. George Washington—Hero of the American Revolution, First President of the United States (Ascendant)

    8. Walt Whitman—19th Century American Poet; Author of “Song of Myself” (Possible Ascendant, or Aries)

  1. Sun Taurus (or Ascendant Taurus), R2P (or R2S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4) (A mild to moderate mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges due to the fact that the second ray is transmitted through a component {probably personality} of Venus—the exoteric ruler of Taurus, and ruler, exoterically and esoterically, of the second and first decanate respectively. (Opinion on this rulership may vary.) As Venus is a sacred planet, the hypothesizing of its personality ray as ray two, would indicate that the second ray is not transmitted as strongly as the fifth ray, the soul ray of Venus. Yet, because Venus is “pure love-wisdom” (and may have an ultimate second ray monad into which its sixth ray monad is absorbed), the second ray after all, must be a very significant Venusian transmission. Certainly, the second ray of Venus strongly stimulates the second ray soul of our planet, Earth. (The question of the position of the second and sixth rays in relation to Venus is not easy to solve. Probably Venus is ultimately a second ray planet, if we think that the primary monadic rays of all entities in cosmos must be one of the three Rays of Aspect.) Since Taurus is the second sign on the reversed wheel, it also has a numerical affinity with the second ray. This combination tends to reinforce the second ray along the knowledge, light and wisdom line rather than the love line.)

  1. (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being):

  1. The self-indulgent inertia of the self-absorbed Taurus person combines with the immobility induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the second ray. (These undesirable qualities would be in the nature of a relapse or reversion to a formerly bound condition, as it is not possible to have a first or second ray personality unless one is at least an aspirant. The first or second ray may, however, enter the personality by other lines of influence.)

  2. Laziness, inertia, slow-moving. Victim of tamas. Unwillingness to bestir himself or be bestirred.

  3. Overly affected by sensation. Sensuous, sensual and amorous. Indulgent. The pampering of the physical/emotional nature.

  4. Utterly captivated by the allurement of the senses.

  5. Excessively touch-sensitive.

  6. Placid and agreeable as long as material needs are met.

  7. The physical Hydra—sex (“the flesh”), money (acquisitiveness, greed), comfort (ease of living).

  8. Excessive accumulation—even of fat.

  9. Easily attached; difficult to detach. Encumbered by strength of desires and attachments.

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Taurus, with the second ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

  1. The aspiration towards the Light characteristic of the advancing Taurus individual combines with the growing love of knowledge and wisdom induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the second ray.

  2. Aspiration for the light of knowledge.

  3. Becoming a giver of light.

  4. Learning the power of detachment.

  5. Giving stability to others.

  6. Calmness and serenity, willfully held (Vulcan, as esoteric ruler of Taurus).

  7. The beneficence of the natural approach.

  8. Growing realization of the goodness of life-in-form.

  9. Ruminating, pondering attitude. The achievement of slow but deep realizations.

  10. Gaining facility with magnetic healing. Feeling sympathetically the energy conditions in the vehicles of another.

  11. Must beware of “the glamour of too complete an understanding which negates right action” (EP I 121) (a glamor of the second ray accentuated by the inertia of Taurus).

  12. On the Path of Discipleship: increasingly strong aspiration towards the light.

  13. On the Path of Discipleship: learning to see the light in all forms.

  14. On the Path of Discipleship: growing experiences of luminosity in meditation. Beginning to achieve the light-filled mind.

  15. On the Path of Discipleship: achieving the light, love and clarity which is useful in eliminating glamor.

  16. On the Path of Discipleship: strength through love. Growing experiences with the “Light of Love”.

  17. On the Path of Discipleship: the steady acquisition of the Light of Wisdom.

  18. On the Path of Discipleship: learning the “Buddha-Way”—detachment from desire, leading to wisdom, leading to further detachment, and so on.

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Taurus, with the second ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

  1. Illumined living under the influence of the “Greatest Light”a spiritual quality characteristic of the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Taurus—combines with a true expression of Love-Wisdom induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the second ray.

  2. Strong expressions of the “Light of Love”

  3. Fulfillment of the ‘treasury’ (Taurus) of the causal body (second ray). The “storehouse is now adequately full”. (EP II 167)

  4. Rightly motivated philanthropy—from the heart, and not for the gain it may bring the giver.

  5. Standing free and detached from form and yet immersed within the light and love which pervade form.

  6. A deep understanding of Divine Beauty within the form. Respect and appreciation for the beauty and rationality of Creation. The profound realization that Beauty is Truth.

  7. Seeing the light within all forms; further, seeing all forms “within the Light” and all forms as the Light. “In that light we shall see Light.”

  8. Access to the buddhic faculty of Pure Reason which dispels illusion.

  9. Many experiences of the waxing light. Persistently deeper entry into Samadhi states.

  10. Illumined living” (EA 332).

  11. Bestowing the light. Taurus is the most luminous of the signs and the light of the second ray is the most vivid: “The vivid light of the second ray soul (the most vivid in this second ray solar system)…” (R&I 516). The second ray is called the “ray of the illuminator” or the ray of “light-giving influence” (DINA I 177).

  12. Seeing the World of Nature and all Space/Time as emergent from the Light and, essentially, ‘in solution’ within the ever-present Light.

  13. Experiences of Sophia (the Light of Divine Wisdom).

  14. The opened, all-seeing “third eye” (the Eye-of-Synthesis).

  15. Registrations of the “Light of Life”—the “Greatest Light”, the “unfettered enlightenment” of Shamballa. (R&I 370) Understanding life from the synthetic perspective revealed.

Directives and Counsels for Taurus and the Second Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Accumulate Knowledge

  2. Aspire Towards Illumination

  3. Be Generous With Spiritual And Material Substance

  4. Be Natural As You Bestow The Teaching

  5. Bless Persistently

  6. Bring Light To Illuminate Consciousness And The Form

  7. Brood And Ponder—‘Ruminate’ Slowly And Wisely

  8. Build Schools

  9. Collect The “Nuggets Of Truth”

  10. Confer Names Which Illuminate The Essential Nature And Pattern Of Any Being

  11. Consolidate The Light

  12. Continue The Pursuit Of Education

  13. Display The Glory Of The “Greatest Light”

  14. Endow Humanity With The Treasures Of The Soul

  15. Enduringly Spread The Knowledge Of The Ageless Wisdom

  16. Envision Unity

  17. Express Love Eternal Through The Light Bestowed

  18. Feel Empathy Within The Body

  19. Fixedly Abide In The Energy Of Love-Wisdom

  20. Focus Vision

  21. Forge Unanimity

  22. Fortify Sources Of Illumination

  23. Gather The Riches Of The Teaching

  24. Generously Provide “Needed Substance”

  25. Gently Dissolve Attachments

  26. Geometrize Through The Use Of Sound

  27. Give Wisdom—Share The Illumination Achieved

  28. Ground” The Expression Of Love-Wisdom

  29. Illumine The Whole

  30. Illuminate The Divine Pattern

  31. Magnetize Resources

  32. Magnetize through Sound and Light

  33. Masterfully Build The Edifice Of Light

  34. Nurture The Talents And “Gifts” Of Others

  35. Persevere In The Expansion Of Consciousness

  36. Persist In The Building Of Unity

  37. Precipitate The Light Of Knowledge And Wisdom

  38. Preserve Treasures

  39. Provide Assets To Be Shared

  40. Push-On Strongly Towards The Light Of Wisdom

  41. Radiate Illumination

  42. Reveal The Ageless Wisdom

  43. See “The Greatest Light

  44. Seek Enlightenment

  45. Serve Humanity With “Enlightened, Enthusiastic Will”

  46. Share The Light Of Wisdom

  47. Shed Light Upon And Within The Group Process

  48. Slowly Gather That Which Is Of Value

  49. Solidly Build Right Human Relations

  50. Substantiate The Inner Light

  51. Suffuse The Instinctual Nature With Love

  52. Support And Endow Scholars

  53. Teach The Highest Values

  54. Unfold Naturally And Organically

  55. Utilize All Resources Wisely

  56. Wisely Understand The Nature Of Desire

Mantra for Taurus and the Second Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: Through Love and though Wisdom, I seek to see and radiate the “Lights of Love and Life”.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “The Greatest Light” now stands revealed, at-one with the “Light of Life”.

Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R2/Taurus: Focussed at the center of a radiant Lotus Blue, the Scholar as the Teacher, illumined by the “Greatest Light”, speaks words of ageless wisdom which enlighten all who hear.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Taurus and R2

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R4 constellationally.

  1. R2

  1. Transmits principally R5 and R1 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R2

  1. Colors: Deep blue and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) red-orange, orange, orange-yellow. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.)

  1. Colors: indigo blue, sapphire blue, light blue.

  1. Note: DO sharp or C sharp, though the color “deep blue” will relate Taurus to the blue or indigo notes, G and A.

  1. Note: SOL or G

  1. Expresses through the throat center, and secondarily through the sacral center, and (via Venus) through the ajna center.

  1. Expresses through the heart chakra; the “heart in the head” and also through the spleen as solar prana on our planet

  1. Creative Hierarchy number III, liberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number II/VII, unliberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom, through Vulcan; the Vegetable Kingdom, through Venus; the Kingdom of Souls through Venus; and the Kingdom of Solar Lives through Vulcan.

  1. Related to the Vegetable Kingdom and the Kingdom of Souls

  1. Often identified with the matter aspect of divinity.

  1. Principally identified with the consciousness aspect of divinity.

  1. Associated with Wisdom

  1. Associated with both Love and Wisdom

  1. A sign strongly associated with Shamballa

  1. A ray mostly associated with Hierarchy

  1. Frequently identified with the Mother Aspect

  1. Frequently identified with the “Son” Aspect

  1. Often stubborn and self-willed

  1. Mostly accommodating and cooperative

  1. Builds up considerable speed after momentum is achieved

  1. Usually proceeds slowly and wisely

  1. Difficulty with sharing

  1. Endowed with a strong tendency to share

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Taurus and R2

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Taurus and the Second Ray in Relation to the Number Two: Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and the second ray is, naturally, the second of seven. Thus, no matter what other relations may exist between them, they are related by numerical affinity.

  2. Wisdom: The second ray is the ray of Love-Wisdom, and Taurus is the sign of Wisdom. (The Buddha is the Lord of Light and Wisdom, and the Wesak Festival, at the Taurus Full Moon, is essentially a festival of enlightenment and wisdom.)

  3. Taurus, the Second Ray and the Pleiades: As it travels the Path of the Solar Logoi, our second ray Solar Logos is making its way towards the Pleiades (seen from the Earthly perspective through Taurus). The Pleiades are the Cosmic Mothers and distributors of cosmic second ray energy (as well as energy of the third ray). (cf. TCF 1162)

  4. Light: Both influences have a special connection to the light. Taurus, the “Mother of Illumination”, is related to the “Greatest Light”—the “unfettered enlightenment” of Shamballa. The second ray produces the most luminous souls, and the antahkaranic word of power for the second ray is, “I See the Greatest Light”.

  5. The All-Seeing Eye: Both influences are necessarily associated with the “All-Seeing Eye”—the “Eye of Shiva” through which the “Greatest Light” is seen. This eye is the “Eye of the Bull”. The second ray is classically associated with vision and the sense of sight.

  6. Slow Movement: Both Taurus and the second ray incline those they influence to move slowly. This is almost always so in relation to the second ray. Taurus may incline towards speed once it gathers momentum, and is, of course, associated with the charge of the bull.

  7. Inertia: The factor of inertia and inaction presents a challenge to those affected by either influence. “This is called the ray of wisdom from its characteristic desire for pure knowledge and for absolute truth—cold and selfish, if without love, and inactive without power.” (EP I 203—Underlining MDR)

  8. Blue: Both Taurus and the second ray are associated with the color, blue—deep blue for Taurus, and indigo blue (very close to deep blue) for the second ray.

  9. Magnetic Building Process: Both influences contribute to the magnetic building process. The Vulcanian binding process of Taurus ensures that forms will cohere, and the second ray is knows as the “Ray of Attractive Coherency”. (EA 411)

  10. Form Building: Form building takes place through the instrumentality of the throat center (zodiacally ruled by Taurus) and the second ray is, of all the rays, the builder of the form. (IHS 3, EP I 159)

  11. The “Word”: Both Taurus and the second ray are related to “the Word”.

  12. The Causal “Treasury”: Both influences have a special connection with the causal body which is the treasury of the personal life where qualities and values are accumulated. The “treasures of heaven” are accumulated in the causal body—a vehicle which is expressive, predominantly, of the second ray—the ray of quality.

  13. Relation to the Second Initiation: Taurus can be related to the second ray through the second initiation, an initiation in which deglamorizing light (Taurean light) is released into the astral plane. At the second initiation (resonant with the second ray—even though the sixth ray is paramountly active), the general astral situation is clarified and illumined and love (expressed by the second ray) begins to take the place of desire).

  14. Relation to the Third Initiation: At the third degree, the full light of the soul (second ray) breaks forth through an elevated Venus, and the blinding “Light of Life” (the light of the monad) is initially released for conscious apprehension.

  15. Relation to the Fourth Initiation: At the fourth initiation, the depths of aloneness are plumbed through the instrumentality of Vulcan (esoteric and hierarchical ruler of Taurus); buddhi (the sixth principle associated with the second ray) is released into full expression, and the second aspect of the will (correlated with the second ray) is the energy which promotes the destruction of the causal body (which cannot abide the inflow of buddhi).

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Taurus is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Second Ray is Proposed as Prominent

    1. Robert Browning—Victorian Poet, Occultist (Sun Sign)

    2. Jeddu Krishnamurti—Sage, Teacher of Spirituality (Sun Sign)

    3. Socrates—Greek Philosopher, Teacher of Plato, Martyr in the Cause of Freedom of Thought (Sun Sign)

  1. Sun Taurus (or Ascendant Taurus), R3P (or R3S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4) (No significant mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges, either constellationally or through either the directly given or inferred rays of the two planetary rulers, Venus and Vulcan. Taurus, however, has a strong relationship to the Earth, which has a third ray personality, and it is only along this line of relationship that any reinforcement can be seen as occurring. The Moon, exalted in Taurus, also has certain undeniable third ray associations (being a planetary “corpse” remaining from the third chain of our Earth-scheme). In many respects, the “lunar lords” are ruled, categorically, by the third ray. That the Buddha (a third ray Monad) is closely associated with the Moon Chain is also significant (cf. TCF 1193-1194). In general, however, the category of mutual reinforcement can only be considered weak or vestigial.)

  1. (Selfish, Self-Centered or Self-Serving Human Being):

  1. The love of sensuous, material living characteristic of the selfish Taurus person combines with the active, manipulative materialism induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the third ray.

  2. This is a somewhat contradictory indication, as mobility and immobility are both to be found.

  3. Strongly materialistic impulse. Ever alert to gaining material advantage.

  4. The instinctual nature ‘rides’ the man. The “black bull” is in control.

  5. Acquisitiveness. Manipulation for the sake of achieving ownership, financial advantage and control. Can become obsessed by greed and envy. ‘Having’ far exceeds ‘needing’. “Cornering the market”.

  6. Glutton for possessions or for knowledge—considering knowledge as a possession upon the mental plane.

  7. Connoisseur (third ray) of material pleasures.

  8. Given the three temptations of “the world, the flesh and the devil”, then, captivation especially by “the world”.

  9. Maya flourishes. Ensnared by material preoccupation and process.

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Taurus, with the third ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

  1. The common sense and intelligent worldliness of the advancing Taurus individual combines with the mental and material adaptability induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the third ray.

  2. The accumulation (Taurus) of knowledge (Taurus and third ray) for more constructive purposes.

  3. One who knows how and where to get what is desired or required. Selective (third ray) acquisition (Taurus). Traveling (third ray) for the sake of acquiring (Taurus) knowledge (Taurus and the third ray).

  4. Capacity to apply and adapt (third ray) the knowledge or materiel accumulated (Taurus).

  5. A retentive memory serving an alert intelligence.

  6. In possession (Taurus) of diverse talents and gifts. Resourcefulness.

  7. Capacity for financial planning and manipulation.

  8. A builder of the foundation. Knowing how and when to build.

  9. Retail. Real-estate. The warehouse. Strong material practicality.

  10. Capacity to manipulate prana in the healing arts.

  11. Capacity to manipulate financial energy for increasingly worthy purposes.

  12. Capacity to heal and cure through herbalism and other natural means.

  13. Philanthropic tendencies.

  14. On the Path of Discipleship: active, intelligent planning (third ray) for the acquisition and materialization of spiritual values (Taurus).

  15. On the Path of Discipleship: the thirst and quest for spiritual knowledge. “Taurus incites towards experience and towards the gaining of knowledge;…” (EA 448) This tendency will expand under the influence of the intelligent third ray.

  16. On the Path of Discipleship: applying oneself to the financing of the work of the Hierarchy.

  17. On the Path of Discipleship: a growing revelation of the Divine Light.

  18. On the Path of Discipleship: a growing understanding of the many paths (third ray) which lead to the Light.

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Taurus, with the third ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

  1. A great incentive for the Light of Knowledge/Wisdom—an incentive increasingly possessed by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Taurus—combines with the a flexible intelligence (both practical and abstract) induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the third ray.

  2. The gathering of valuable resources (Taurus) from a great diversity of sources (third ray). Thus, great worldly and spiritual resourcefulness

  3. The idealistic drive to acquire and apply knowledge in wisdom.

  4. The acquisition of encyclopedic knowledge. (Is the Tibetan partially influenced by the energy of Taurus. Certainly, He has much of the third ray.)

  5. Ability wisely to use accumulated knowledge.

  6. Active philanthropy. Giving generously and with selective intelligence (third ray) from one’s fullness. Mastering the Law of Economy to endow spiritual causes.

  7. Reasoning profoundly (third ray) on the nature of light and mind. (Emmanuel Kant was strongly conditioned by Taurus and the third ray). Thus, reasoning one’s way into the Great Light.

  8. Ensuring the luminosity (Taurus) of higher thought (third ray).

  9. Ability in the field of higher mathematics.

  10. The drive towards Omniscience.

Directives and Counsels for Taurus and the Third Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Accumulate Spiritual ‘Treasures’

  2. Administer Herbal And Natural Remedies

  3. Amass Knowledge

  4. Analyze Value Systems

  5. Apply The Light Of Knowledge in Wisdom

  6. Articulate Thoughts Sonorously

  7. Aspire Towards Self-Sufficiency—Material And Spiritual

  8. Bring Balance Between Desirelessness And Legitimate Desire

  9. Brood Upon The Ramifications

  10. Build Constructive Thoughtforms

  11. Build The Foundation And Reinforce It Well

  12. Build-Up The Economy

  13. Collect Objects Of Value

  14. Compare Value Systems

  15. Consolidate Assets

  16. Construct Creatively

  17. Create Opportunities For The Growth Of Light

  18. Criticize Resistant Habits And Inertia

  19. Critique Wisdom Traditions

  20. Discriminate Between The Blind Intelligence Of Instinct And The Light Of Mind

  21. Dispense Time For The Proper Building And Fulfillment Of The Form

  22. Distribute Possessions

  23. Diversify Holdings

  24. Draw The Architectural Plans, Then Build

  25. Embody The Wisdom In Words

  26. Energize Spiritual And Material Incentives

  27. Engage In Financial Planning

  28. Envision Creative Solutions

  29. Finance The Building Process

  30. Focus Divine Mental Perception

  31. Forge A Practical Strategy

  32. Forerun’ The Coming Of The “Greatest Light”

  33. Foresee Practical Consequences

  34. Gather Financial Resources

  35. Generate Useful Materials

  36. Give Substance To Ideas

  37. Ground’ Concepts

  38. Illuminate The Lotus—Enhance Its Natural Beauty

  39. Illuminate The Divine Plan

  40. Illumine The Process Of Reasoning (Kant)

  41. Implement Strategies For Growth

  42. Intelligently Utilize Materiel

  43. Interpret That Which Is Seen, Revealing The Light Within

  44. Interpret Various Systems Of Enlightenment

  45. Intone Words Magically

  46. Invest Sagaciously

  47. Keep The Records Contributing To A Great Understanding Of The Slow Persistence Of Material Process And Progress

  48. Manipulate The Energies Of Nature (China)

  49. Memorize—Accumulate The Light Of Knowledge

  50. Multiply Financial Holdings

  51. Perspicaciously Discuss Ethics And Values

  52. Plan Resourcefully

  53. Produce Alliance Between The Soul And Its Material Sheath

  54. Provide Spiritual And Material Incentives

  55. Save For The Purposes Of Travel

  56. See’ With Foresight

  57. Separate Low Desire From High Desire

  58. Shed Light Intelligently

  59. Speak Astutely

  60. Speculate Upon The Nature Of Enlightenment

  61. Support The Material Foundation

  62. Sustain Thinking

  63. Think Luminously

  64. Think Universally Within The Light Of The “Greatest Light”

  65. Unify The Lower Four—Fulfill Material Development Until It Is Ready For The Revelation Of The Light

  66. Weave In Substance

Mantra for Taurus and the Third Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: Creatively I seek to weave the thoughts acute through which the “Lights of Love and Life” may comprehended be.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “Purpose Itself Am I” within the glory of the “Light of Life”

Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R3/Taurus: Acute, alert and centered in the pulsing “Web of Life”, the Weaver, with intelligence, proceeds to weave with lighted threads a tapestry of texture rich and luminous—patterned to reveal the worlds of knowledge and of meaning.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Taurus and R3

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R4 constellationally.

  1. R3

  1. Transmits principally R5 and R1 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R3

  1. Colors: Deep blue and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) red-orange, orange, orange-yellow. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.)

  1. Colors: green, yellow, black

  1. Note: DO sharp or C sharp, though the color “deep blue” will relate Taurus to the blue or indigo notes, G and A.

  1. FA or F

  1. Expresses through the throat center, and secondarily through the sacral center, and (via Venus) through the ajna center.

  1. Expresses through the throat chakra and (to a degree) through the sacral chakra, also through the spleen as planetary prana, and, quite reasonably, through the ajna center when that center represents the Spiritual Triad

  1. Creative Hierarchy number III, liberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number I, liberated, and Creative Hierarchy number III/VIII, unliberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom, through Vulcan; the Vegetable Kingdom, through Venus; the Kingdom of Souls through Venus; and the Kingdom of Solar Lives through Vulcan.

  1. Related to the Animal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives.

  1. Often identified with the light of consciousness and the light of matter.

  1. Identified mostly with the light of matter (thought the third ray must necessarily be related to Divine Intelligence).

  1. Fixity

  1. Flexibility

  1. Stubbornness

  1. Adaptability

  1. Prone to inertia

  1. Given to great activity

  1. Often concrete in relation to the data of the senses.

  1. Often abstract in relation to the data of the senses.

  1. Simplicity of thought (other influences notwithstanding).

  1. Frequent complexity of thought.

  1. Slower speech (other influences notwithstanding).

  1. Given to rapid speech.

  1. Holding

  1. Manipulating

  1. More visual

  1. More verbal (though imagination may be strong).

  1. Strong emotional, passional life

  1. More disidentified from the emotions

  1. The hammer effect

  1. The deft touch

  1. Persistence

  1. Discontinuity

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Taurus and R3

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Relationship to Earth: Both Taurus and the third ray have an intimate relationship to the planet Earth, the personality ray of which is the third.

  2. Materialism and Release from Materialism: Both influences contribute to the strength of materialism, but, similarly, both can be used to promote disillusionment from materialism.

  3. Maya: Similarly, both influences are related to the concept of maya. The third ray generates maya through wrong thought and action. Taurus is related to the entire factor of objectivity, which is the experiential basis of Maya—considered in a larger sense.

  4. Related to the Throat Center: Both Taurus and the third ray are related to the throat center. Taurus is the zodiacal ruler of the throat center and the third ray is transmitted through both Saturn and the Earth which rule the throat centers of disciples and ordinary humanity, respectively.

  5. Sound: Both Taurus and the third ray are consequently related to sound. Taurus relates the Word of God which is generated by the Great Singer, Vishnu, Lord of the second aspect of divinity. Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac; the throat, which this sign rules, produces sound. The third ray is related to the factor of sound in the fourfold sequence: vibration, light, sound, color.

  6. Inertia and Resistance: Both influences are related to the inertial factors of life which must be overcome by light, love and power. Taurus represents the Vulcanian resistance of matter—the ancient rhythms (lunar in nature) which must be repatterned. The third ray rules the matter aspect, itself, and was the ray strongly conditioning both the first solar system and the Moon-chain—both of which generated materialistic energy patterns which must now be transmuted, transformed and, in general, redeemed.

  7. Prana, Vital Energy: Both influences have a relation to prana—vital energy. Perhaps it is planetary prana, rather than solar prana, which each of these energies helps gather and specialize. In any case, the golden prana of the etheric body is accumulated through Taurus; the etheric body itself is the third of the personality vehicles and, thus, has numerical affinity with the third ray.

  8. Builders: Both Taurus and the third ray are essentially builders rather than destroyers. The third ray is the “Builder of the Foundation” (EP I 68) The attractive coherency furthered by the magnetism of Taurus, is responsive for the organized accumulation characteristic of the building process.

  9. Any Initiation?: It is difficult to see this combination of energies especially related to any particular initiation, though various cases can be made. The first initiation is preceded by much destructive Vulcanian activity, thus implicating Taurus. It is also an initiation in which physical appetite (Taurus) must be subdued. The third ray is frequently the personality ray at and preceding the first initiation.

    The second initiation is typically Taurean in certain ways, for the light must illumine the astral body. At the second degree, the “illumined mind and spiritual intelligence” are achieved, thus implicating the third ray of intelligence.

    At the third initiation (which naturally resonates with the three of the third ray), a great illumination (Taurus) occurs. The third aspect of divinity is overcome in the blinding light.

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Taurus is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Third Ray is Proposed as Prominent

    1. Johann Friedrich Carl Gauss—German Mathematician, Famed for his Revolutionary Theory of Numbers (Sun Sign)

    2. David Hume—Scottish Philosopher, Historian, Economist, and Essayist, known especially for his Philosophical Empiricism and Skepticism. (Sun Sign)

    3. Immanuel Kant—Philosopher (18th Century), Author of “Critique of Pure Reason” (Sun Sign)

    4. William Lilly—Expert English Astrologer (Sun Sign)

    5. Nicolo Machiavelli—Renaissance Political Philosopher, Statesman, Playwright; Author of “The Prince” (Sun Sign)

    6. Karl Marx—Political Philosopher, Revolutionary, Sociologist, Historian, and Economist; Author (with Friedrich Engels) of “The Communist Manifesto” (Sun Sign)

    7. Bertand Russell—Prolific English Author, Philosopher, Mathematician, Peace Activist in Later Years (Sun Sign)

    8. Socrates—Greek Philosopher, Teacher of Plato, Martyr in the Cause of Freedom of Thought (Sun Sign)

    9. Ludwig Wittgenstein—Austrian Logical Positivist Philosopher; Best Known for his Philosophy of Language (Sun Sign)

  1. Sun Taurus (or Ascendant Taurus), R4P (or R4S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4) (A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges due to the transmission {though not in greatest strength} of the fourth ray, constellationally, through Taurus. The appropriate category of reinforcement would be, Strong by Constellational Transmission. The fourth ray is also transmitted through Mercury, ruler of the second decanate both esoterically and exoterically, and through the Moon which is the planet exalted in Taurus.)

  1. (Selfish, Self-centered, or Self-Serving Human Being):

  1. The persistent struggle by the form life for expression despite higher and better promptings—a struggle typical of the self-centered Taurus person—combines with the warfare between “rajas”(desirous activity) and “tamas”(inertia) induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the fourth ray.

  2. The tamasic aspect of the fourth ray is at first emphasized over the rajasic aspect.

  3. Let struggle be undismayed”. (EA 403)

  4. The warfare caused by the instincts. Fighting (fourth ray) for the gratification of the instinctual nature (Taurus).

  5. Carried away by the beautiful. Indulging in all that is sensuously beautiful. Captivated by beautiful objects or persons and having to own them.

  6. Strongly subject to the sex instinct. The sensualist.

  7. Pleasure-loving to the point of impracticality.

  8. Strongly determined upon the acquisition of what is considered beautiful—just for the sake of having it and whether or not it is needed.

  9. Uncertainty (fourth ray) about what is worth having (Taurus). Thus, an uncertain sense of values.

  10. A house divided”. The instinctual nature (exalted Moon in Taurus, Moon transmitting the fourth ray) is the opponent of progress.

  11. Matter (the fourth aspect of the personality) reigns.

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Taurus, with the fourth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

  1. A powerful attraction to beauty-of-form characteristic of the advancing Taurus individual combines with a keen sensitivity to harmony, beauty and art induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the fourth ray.

  2. Beauty strongly accentuated. All the arts appreciated.

  3. Appreciation of the beauty (fourth ray) of Nature (Taurus).

  4. Beauty of form (Taurus/Venus) and the “Corrector of the Form”.

  5. Great sense of rhythm; love of the dance.

  6. Sculpture. Creativity. Music.

  7. The expression of beauty (fourth ray) through the throat center (Taurus). Song, poetry, oratory.

  8. The elevation of life through the acquisition of beautiful objects.

  9. Visual acuity.

  10. Providing architecturally beautiful environments for the enhancement of the quality of life. The builder of that which is beautiful.

  11. On the Path of Discipleship: learning to discern (fourth ray) finer and truer spiritual values (Taurus).

  12. On the Path of Discipleship: the increasing stimulation of the ajna center for purposes of creative visualization.

  13. On the Path of Discipleship: a growing light (Taurus) upon the Path brings a greater sense of proportion (fourth ray) and a truer sense of values.

  14. On the Path of Discipleship: a growing appreciation of beauty, helps to overcome negative emotions.

  15. On the Path of Discipleship: the use of sound, color and the arts leads to a harmonizing of the personality vehicles and their integration. Expressivity leads to a healing of the emotional vehicles.

  16. On the Path of Discipleship: learning to bring harmony, balance and beauty to the desire nature. Part of deglamorization and sensitizing the astral nature for the reception of the energy of love.

  17. On the Path of Discipleship: a strongly developed sense of beauty brings about the achievement of a more balanced, “sattvic” approach to living.

  18. On the Path of Discipleship: learning to access the light of intuition (fourth ray) as it reveals the ways of materializing (Taurus) beauty (fourth ray) through form (Taurus).

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Taurus, with the fourth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

  1. A sensitivity to the presence and higher meaning of vibration, light, sound and color (all of which are matter itself)—a sensitivity increasingly characteristic of the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Taurus—combines with a rapidly developing sensitivity to the harmonizing energy of buddhi induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the fourth ray.

  2. Beauty and Truth are seen and known as identical.

  3. Enraptured by the beauty of the world.

  4. A deep understanding of how to bring together form (rupa) and the formless (arupa).

  5. Consciousness is strongly receptive to the buddhic plane, thus appreciating the harmonizing of all forces.

  6. Strong capacity to synthesize sound, color and form.

  7. Growing ability to hear the name by which the soul is called—the “hidden name Egoic” and to see the pattern of that name.

  8. The development of “Mantra Yoga” as a creative and harmonizing agent.

  9. Highly developed ajna center. Using it as an organ of ‘unitive appreciation’ and to envision the beautiful.

  10. Just as the Buddha overcame the Forces of Illusion, so this combination of energies is adept at doing the same. Intuition (fourth ray) and the “Greatest Light (Taurus)”, together, are adequate to the task. Illusion is dispelled and consciousness is transformed into a unitive-intuitive field.

  11. The revelation of the beauty of Divine Creativity. The power to recognize the archetypes embodied in natural forms, and also to create forms which beautifully embody the same archetypes.

  12. The Crucifixion Initiation (the Renunciation Initiation) ends in the achievement of Harmony. Vulcan (carrying the first and fourth rays) is active at this fourth initiation (ruled by the fourth ray). Taurus, ruled by Vulcan, distributes the fourth ray constellationally. When Taurus and the fourth ray appear in the energy equipment of the initiate (and the time is right) a large measure of the energy-endowment needed to take the fourth initiation is present. The Buddha renounced—for Taurus teaches renunciation of all attachments and acquisitions. Taurus and Vulcan bring the power to sacrifice. And finally, through the fourth ray (both present and transmitted through Taurus), “Harmony” is achieved—harmony with the Love of God as found on the buddhic plane.

Directives and Counsels for Taurus and the Fourth Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Abide In Beauty

  2. Accumulate Objects Of Beauty

  3. Add And Subtract Aesthetically

  4. Adorn The Edifice

  5. Affirm The Value Of Expressivity

  6. Appreciate All That Is Lovely

  7. Aspire Towards Buddhic Realization

  8. Attune To The Energies Of The Natural World

  9. Battle Persistently (“Let Struggle Be Undismayed”)

  10. Beautify The Form

  11. Bridge The Contrasting Worlds Of Light And Dark

  12. Bring Color To The World Of Tangibility

  13. Brood Upon The Beautiful

  14. Build In Harmony

  15. Contemplate The Beauty Of Nature

  16. Correct The Form So That Beauty May Be Fully Expressed Through The Form

  17. Create Rich And Contrasting Textures

  18. Cultivate The Light Of The Intuition

  19. Dance Rhythmically

  20. Design Beautiful Buildings

  21. Dwell In The Holy Place Where Three Lights Meet—The Lights Of Earth, Of Love And Of Life.

  22. Embody Buddhic Consciousness

  23. Endow The Arts

  24. Envision Divine Beauty

  25. Evaluate Judiciously

  26. Establish A Beautiful Rhythm

  27. Express Beauty Naturally

  28. Feel Harmony And Discord Within The Body

  29. Fight Doggedly

  30. Finance Artistic Projects

  31. Find The Seed Of Even Greater Beauty Of Form

  32. Forge Links Of Relationship

  33. Fortify The Peace

  34. Fund The Expression Of Beauty

  35. Gather The Fruits Of Culture

  36. Give Substance To Aesthetic Impressions

  37. Ground’ The Intuition

  38. Harmonize The Desire Nature

  39. Illuminate The Laws Of Harmony

  40. Intermediate Between The Forms Of Heaven And The Forms Of Earth

  41. Intone Words Of Beauty

  42. Intuit The Nature Of Form

  43. Intuitively Access Illumination

  44. Invest In Works Of Art

  45. Let A Life Of Beauty Be Your Treasure

  46. Link The Three And Three So That Triadal Light Shines Through The Form

  47. Keep The Peace

  48. Mark The Parting Of The Way—Where The Paths To The Mysteries Of Heaven And The Dark Mysteries Of Materialism Diverge

  49. Massage The Form Until Harmony Is Achieved

  50. Mediate Between The Light Of The Soul And The Light Of Form

  51. Pacify The Instinctual Nature

  52. Paint Sensuously

  53. Perceive The Way Which Leads To The Beauty Of Illumination

  54. Practically Establish The “Art Of Living”

  55. Provide Substance For Expression

  56. Refine The Senses

  57. Render The Formless Tangible

  58. Respond To The Sensuous Life

  59. Reveal Beauty Through Form

  60. Reveal The Light Within The Symbol

  61. Shape The Form Masterfully

  62. Share Resources Fairly

  63. Sing Sonorously

  64. Sooth The Raging Bull

  65. Stabilize Cooperative Efforts

  66. Steady Inconsistency

  67. Struggle Enduringly

  68. Sublimate The Instinctual Nature Through Artistry

  69. Substantiate The Intangible

  70. Support Artists

  71. Sustain Accords

  72. Transform Desire Through Beauty

  73. Treasure The Great Works Of Art

  74. Trumpet Forth the Note of the Lord—Build Boldly by means of Sound

  75. Unite Wisdom And Beauty

  76. Uphold The Harmony Of The Whole

  77. Value That Which Is Most Beautiful

Mantra for Taurus and the Fourth Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: With intuition penetrant, I seek to know the Harmony Divine through which the “Light of Love”, the “Lights of Love and Life” may stand revealed in Beauty.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “Two Merge with One” in Beauty when the “Light of Life” Illumines all the Worlds

Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R4/Taurus: Vibrantly responsive to the scintillating ‘Spectrum of all Rainbow-Colored Tones’, the ‘Artist of his Life’, immersed within the streaming light, sees a lum’nous vision, and hears a glorious sounding, which he seeks with joy in beauty to embody in the life of form.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Taurus and R4

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R4 constellationally.

  1. R4

  1. Transmits principally R5 and R1 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R4

  1. Colors: Deep blue and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) red-orange, orange, orange-yellow. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.)

  1. Colors: yellow, green, cream

  1. Note: DO sharp or C sharp, though the color “deep blue” will relate Taurus to the blue or indigo notes, G and A.

  1. Note: MI or E

  1. Expresses through the throat center, and secondarily through the sacral center, and (via Venus) through the ajna center.

  1. Expresses through the ajna center at a relatively advanced point of evolution. Related as well to the fourfold base chakra.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number III, liberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number II, liberated, and Creative Hierarchy number IV/IX, unliberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom, through Vulcan; the Vegetable Kingdom, through Venus; the Kingdom of Souls through Venus; and the Kingdom of Solar Lives through Vulcan.

  1. Related to the Vegetable Kingdom and the Human Kingdom.

  1. Fixity

  1. Vacillation and variability

  1. Stubborn resistance

  1. Flexible accommodation; compromise

  1. Routinization

  1. Irregularity, generated according to impulse.

  1. Centralization

  1. Bi-polarity

  1. Heavy strokes

  1. Lighter, more variable strokes.

  1. Plodding

  1. Nimble leaping

  1. Clear direction

  1. Often erratic process

  1. Given to Tamas

  1. Tamas and Rajas

  1. Often practical and “down to earth”.

  1. Often impractical and improvident.

  1. Given to realism

  1. Tendency to follow the imagination regardless of realistic considerations.

  1. Financial planning

  1. Financial carelessness

  1. Generating and retaining prana.

  1. Squandering prana through irregular, frictional living.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Taurus and R4

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Fourth Ray Constellationally Transmitted Through Taurus: Taurus is strongly expressive of the fourth ray which is transmitted through it constellationally (though not presently in the same strength that it is transmitted through Scorpio).

  2. Relation to the Lunar Nature: Both Taurus and the fourth ray are related to the lunar nature and its struggles against the Light—Taurus, because the Moon is exalted in this sign, and the fourth ray because the Moon is said to transmit the fourth ray.

  3. Conflict of Desires: Both influences are related to the conflict of desires upon the astral plane.

  4. Love of Rhythm: Both Taurus the fourth ray conduce to a love of rhythm.

  5. Appreciation for Beauty, Artistry: Both energies have great appreciation for beauty and are inclined towards artistic expression. Sound are color are important to those influenced by either energy.

  6. Sensuality and Sensuousness: Those influenced by either Taurus or the fourth ray are given to sensuality and sensuousness.

  7. Struggle: Both influences share the dynamic of struggle. The Fourth Ray is the “Ray of Harmony Through Conflict” and the evolutionary mantram for the Fourth Ray is, “Let Struggle Be Undismayed”. The struggle against the inertia (Tamas) of matter is prominent in both cases.

  8. The Glamor of the Physical Body: The glamor of the physical body is related to both influences—to Taurus because of its general connection with the material nature and the fact that the Moon (representing the physical body) is exalted in this sign; to the fourth ray because the physical body is the fourth aspect of the personality. Under the fourth ray, the forces of the previous solar system (symbolized by the physical body) struggle against the more progressive forces of the present solar system.

  9. The New Group of World Servers: Both Taurus and the fourth ray are instrumental in the expression of the New Group of World Servers—Taurus because this group represents the ajna center of the Lord of the World (R&I 368); and the fourth ray because this ray ensures that there will be no destructive break between the best values of the past and those spiritual values which are emerging in the new civilization. “The major task of the fourth ray aspirant is to harmonise the new ideas with the old, so that there can be no dangerous gap or break.” (EP II 142)

  10. Relation to the Second Initiation: The light of Taurus is useful in dispelling glamor before the second initiation and contributes as well to the “mental illumination” necessary at this degree. The astral body must be somewhat harmonized before the second degree can be taken, and this can be seen as the role of the fourth ray.

  11. Relation to the Fourth Initiation: Taurus and the fourth ray are connected in relation to the fourth initiation, which is ruled by the fourth ray—the ray majorly transmitted through the constellation, Taurus. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Vulcan (with its fourth as well as first ray component) is active, thus implicating Taurus. A practical example of the connection of Taurus to the fourth degree is shown in the life of Krishnamurti who was born with the Sun in Taurus, and was said by a Master (“Sir Thomas”) to be taking the arhat initiation (the fourth).

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Taurus is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Fourth Ray is Proposed as Prominent

    1. Ludwig Van Beethoven—German Composer (Possible Taurus Ascendant or Scorpio, to be Determined)

    2. Johannes Brahms—German Composer of the 19th Century, With Beethoven and Bach, One of Germany’s ‘Three Great B’s’ (Sun Sign)

    3. Martha Graham—Dancer, Choreographer, Brilliant Innovator in the Field of Modern Dance (Sun Sign)

    4. Leonardo da Vinci—Painter, Architect, Inventor, Engineer, Renaissance Genius (Sun Sign)

    5. Yehudi Menuhin—Virtuoso Violinist, Author, Promoter of Numerous Social and Environmental Causes (Sun Sign)

    6. Sir Lawrence Olivier—Actor (Perhaps the Outstanding Actor of the 20th Century) (Sun Sign)

    7. Percy Bysshe Shelley—One of the Greatest English Romantic Poets, Passionate in his Search for Love and Social Justice (Ascendant)

    8. Rabindranath Tagore—Bengali Poet, Short-Story Writer, Song Composer, Playwright, Essayist, and Painter who was Awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913 (Sun Sign)

    9. Richard Wagner—Innovative German Romantics Composer of Opera, (“Music Dramas”) (Proposed Ascendant)

  1. Sun Taurus (or Ascendant Taurus), R5P (or R5S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4) (A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges due to the transmission of the fifth ray through Venus, exoteric ruler of Taurus. The applicable category is Strong by Rulership—Class 1. Disciples upon the fifth ray will also be quite strongly affected by the fifth ray transmitted through Venus, as Venus is, for Earth, the most important sacred planet. The strength of mutual reinforcement is further increased by the place Venus plays as first esoteric decanate ruler and second exoteric decanate ruler. The fifth ray is also probably transmitted through the monadic vehicle of Mercury—ruler of the second decanate of Taurus esoterically.)

  1. (Selfish, Self-Centered or Self-Serving Human Being):

  1. The circumscribed, insistent materialism of the self-centered Taurus person combines with the unrelieved ‘this-worldly’ focus induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the fifth ray.

  2. Materialistic and concrete-minded.

  3. Set and fixed and unadaptable within the mind. Idée fixe.

  4. Matter of fact. Pedestrian. Uninspired. (The lower part of the British temperament, the personality of Great Britain being ruled by Taurus with its fifth ray emphasis through Venus, and the soul of London ruled by the fifth ray (easily appropriated by the British mind).

  5. Commonsense as a prejudice against new thought.

  6. Ignorant skepticism.

  7. Crudeness of perception.

  8. Pride-of-mind—the very concrete mind.

  9. Arid, over-accumulative mentality.

  10. Stuck in the repetition of established techniques and procedures.

  11. A prejudiced and unresponsive mind.

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Taurus, with the fifth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

  1. The incentive towards the acquisition of knowledge characteristic of the advancing Taurus individual combines with the urge-to-discover induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the fifth ray.

  2. A healthy commonsense serves the attainment of all worthy objectives.

  3. Interest in the biological and botanical sciences.

  4. A growing understanding of the mechanics of natural process—anatomy, physiology.

  5. Capacity to throw a beam of light on any subject under investigation.

  6. Penetrating the nature of matter. Realizing the close relation between light and matter. Physics.

  7. Accumulating a storehouse of useful occult facts. The “well-stocked mind”.

  8. On the Path of Discipleship: increasing ajna center stimulation.

  9. On the Path of Discipleship: use of natural (Taurus) and reasonable (fifth ray) methods in pursuing development upon the Path.

  10. On the Path of Discipleship: a growing objectivity—necessary as the human soul examines its personality and attempts to achieve control of the desire body.

  11. On the Path of Discipleship: utilizing the technique of a focussed beam of light for the dissipation of glamor.

  12. On the Path of Discipleship: an unfolding aptitude to study and apply the Science of illumination—Raja Yoga.

  13. On the Path of Discipleship: utilization of the light to reveal more light. “In that light we shall see Light”.

  14. On the Path of Discipleship: a growing facility in the developing the “mind held stead in the Light”.

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Taurus, with the fifth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

  1. The will to see the “Greatest Light” through the “All-Seeing Eye”an orientation of will increasingly characteristic of the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Taurus—combines with the capacity to pierce the “disk of golden light” until the intense light of spirit is revealed—a capacity induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the fifth ray.

  2. Advancement in the science of Raja Yoga. Thus, the achievement of mind-control. Once the modifications of the chitta are stilled (Taurus), the inner Worlds of Light are revealed (Taurus and fifth ray).

  3. The factual (not just theoretical) illumination of the mind by experimentally following techniques which lead with certainty to that illumination.

  4. Generally, advancement in the Science of Consciousness.

  5. Capacity to access the light of the Spiritual Triad as “Three Minds Unite”.

  6. Increasing penetration into the Divine Mind.

  7. Opening of the third eye. “In that light we shall see Light”.

  8. Increasingly factual understanding of the nature of the Plan, and the specific energy techniques for the application of that Plan to conditions in the world.

  9. Capacity to penetrate the “disc of golden light”, and attune to the Shamballa Influence (so related to Taurus and Vulcan).

  10. Revelation of the light behind and within the “Garment of God”—the form. The substance of the worlds is seen and understood as light.

  11. Realization of light as substance, and developing effective techniques to work with that substance.

  12. Understanding the rates and measures of vibration which make Space/Time what it is.

  13. Scientifically accessing occult ‘sound formulas’ which are responsible for generating, sustaining and dissolving Creation.

  14. The scientific study of Mantra and Words of Power.

  15. The growing ability to study and factually apprehend the egoic sound which brought personality life into manifestation.

  16. The definitely occult rather than mystical approach to the Divine Light and the Divine Sound.

Directives and Counsels for Taurus and the Fifth Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Accumulate Facts

  2. Authenticate Objects Of Value

  3. Ascertain What Is Truly Necessary

  4. Affirm Common Sense

  5. Amass Information

  6. Analyze Your Real Needs

  7. Apply Yourself Scientifically To A Life Of Practical Spirituality

  8. Appreciate The Particulars

  9. Aspire Towards Certainty

  10. Ascertain The Details Of Various Systems Of Enlightenment

  11. Assemble The Details Concerning The Science Of Illumination

  12. Become An Expert In Working With Metals

  13. Be Natural And “Matter Of Fact”

  14. Bend All Resources Of The Mind Upon The Attainment Of Illumination

  15. Bring Your Knowledge “Down To Earth”

  16. Brood Carefully Upon The Findings

  17. Build-Up A Body Of Data

  18. Calculate The Relative Worth Of Possible Incentives

  19. Clarify Values

  20. Collect Knowledge

  21. Concentrate The Expression Of Light

  22. Conduct Studies Within The Life-Sciences

  23. Connect By Means Of Luminous Mental Substance The Higher And The Lower Lights

  24. Consolidate Evidence

  25. Continuously Inquire

  26. Count Your Possessions And Assets

  27. Define The Nature Of Enlightenment

  28. Detach Yourself From Your Desires

  29. Discover Spiritual Treasures

  30. Dispense Knowledge Of The Many Worlds Of Form, Objective And Subjective

  31. Divide, As With The Sword, The Realms Of Solar Luminosity And Those Of Darkened Lunar Light

  32. Endow Laboratories

  33. Establish The Truth Clearly

  34. Evaluate Objectively

  35. Examine Your Attachments

  36. Insist-Upon Proof

  37. Focus The Light Of Wisdom

  38. Forge A Body Of Knowledge

  39. Fund Research

  40. Guard Well The Door Leading To Each Greater Accession Of The Light

  41. Illuminate The Contents Of The Mind Divine

  42. Initiate Both Consciousness And Form To Greater Luminosity

  43. Investigate The Natural World And Natural Phenomena

  44. Keep The Secret Well—The Formula Of Condensation Whereby The World Of Light Becomes The World Of Matter And Of Form

  45. Know Thoroughly The Nature Of Substance

  46. Learn The Best Techniques Of Investment

  47. Let Knowledge Be One Of Your Most Valued Resources

  48. Measure The Structure Of Natural Forms

  49. Objectively Examine The Instinctual Nature

  50. Open The Door Into The Mind Of God—Shed Light Upon All Things

  51. Persevere In The Spirit Of Investigation

  52. Persist In The Pursuit Of Truth

  53. Precipitate The Cross—The ‘Weight’ Of Light Now Densified, Holding Soul To Earth

  54. Probe The Nature Of The Dense And Subtle Forms

  55. Prove The Worth Of Things

  56. Put The Truth Into Practice

  57. Repair The Form

  58. Reveal The Truth—Let All Perceptions Be Illumined

  59. Rule, Enlightened, In The Causal World—Let The “Jewel” Shine

  60. Quantify The Content Of The Causal Body

  61. Question Until Enlightenment Is Achieved

  62. See Clearly And Realistically

  63. See-Through Error

  64. Seek The Light Within The Light: “In That Light We Shall See Light”

  65. Scrutinize The Nature Of Light

  66. Shed Light Upon The “Garment Of God”

  67. Solidly Build The Union Of Three Minds

  68. Steadily Pursue Verification

  69. Study Nature

  70. Technically Master The Energies Of The Form Nature

  71. Value Clarity

  72. Winnow The Chaff—Let The Husks Of Ignorance Fall Of Their Own Weight To Earth

Mantra for Taurus and the Fifth Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: Upon a beam of focussed thought, I seek to know the Higher Mind, to penetrate the “Mind of God” and there to apprehend in truth the “Lights of Love and Life”

Mantram for the Initiate Consciousness: “Three Minds Unite” revealing thus the blazing “Light of Life”:

Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R5/Taurus: Intent within a ‘Beam of Intensely Focussed Light Divine’, the ‘Scientist of Life-in-Form’ in contemplation turns his eye upon the worlds of substance, seeking to release the light within the realm of matter/form, ‘till substance, of itself, shines forth—radiant, self-luminous, within the lighted whole.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Taurus and R5

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R4 constellationally.

  1. R5

  1. Transmits principally R5 and R1 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R5

  1. Colors: Deep blue and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) red-orange, orange, orange-yellow. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.)

  1. Colors: orange (exoteric) and indigo (esoteric)

  1. Note: DO sharp or C sharp, though the color “deep blue” will relate Taurus to the blue or indigo notes, G and A.

  1. Note” LA or A

  1. Expresses through the throat center, and secondarily through the sacral center, and (via Venus) through the ajna center.

  1. Expresses through the ajna center

  1. Creative Hierarchy number III, liberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number III, liberated, and Creative Hierarchy number V/X, unliberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom, through Vulcan; the Vegetable Kingdom, through Venus; the Kingdom of Souls through Venus; and the Kingdom of Solar Lives through Vulcan.

  1. Related to the Human Kingdom and the Kingdom of Souls.

  1. Archetypal ruler of the emotional body (with Aries ruling the mental and Gemini the etheric)

  1. Strongly associated with the mental body in both its aspects—rupa and arupa.

  1. Often given to a strong emotional response. There can be “storms and tempers”.

  1. The affect is often regulated or even flat.

  1. Mind may be biased by desire.

  1. Maintains a more objective, unbiased point of view.

  1. Taurean magnetism can be strong—both animal magnetism and emotional magnetism.

  1. The fifth ray works against the facile expression of magnetism.

  1. Initially, Taurus conduces to attachment.

  1. Always conducing to detachment.

  1. Often given to expression in the musical and visual arts, as well as dance.

  1. Not usually expressive in the arts (other influences notwithstanding).

  1. Expressive of the strong will.

  1. Expressive of the intelligent will.

  1. Expressive of the entire lunar nature because the Moon is exalted in Taurus.

  1. Expressive only of the mental aspect of man.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Taurus and R5

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Taurus Related to the Fifth Ray Through Venus: Taurus is connected to the fifth ray through its orthodox planetary ruler, Venus

  2. Relation to Light: Both influences are connected with the light. Taurus is related to the “Greatest Light” –the “unfettered enlightenment” of Shamballa, and the Fifth Ray Lord is a Being of the intensest luminosity—the most luminous and highly developed of all the Ray Lords (cf. EP I 76-77).

  3. The Light of the Soul: Both energies conduce to the discovery and utilization of the “light of the soul”.

  4. Ajna Center: Both energies influence strongly the ajna center. Taurus represents the “Eye of the Bull” and its exoteric ruler, Venus, is a fifth ray planet ruling the ajna center.

  5. Light and the Dissipation of Glamor: Both influences are effective at the second initiation in the dissipation of glamor. Both are involved in the use of the light for this purpose.

  6. Practicality: Both share a practical and matter-of-fact attitude.

  7. Detachment: Both energies contribute, eventually, to the process of detachment. Taurus does this through the transmutation of desire into aspiration, and the fifth ray through the power of observation and analysis.

  8. Studying the Garment of God: Both energies influence the disciple towards a study of the “Garment of God”—Taurus because of a love of nature and a basic identification with materiality, and the fifth ray through its abiding interest in matter and material processes.

  9. Acquisition of Knowledge: At a certain point of evolution, both influences incline strongly towards the acquisition of knowledge. They are both fed by the “Will-to-Know”.

  10. Forces of Materialism: Both energies have been influential in strengthening the Forces of Materialism. Hitler’s Sun Sign was Taurus, and had WWII ended unfavorably for the Allies, humanity may well have been “re-initiated into the Earth and forced to turn their backs upon the dawning light” (EA 543), a very negative use of the Taurean energy. As well, the fifth ray, with the first, is an energy characteristically expressed by the materialistic “Black Lodge”.

  11. Related to the Second Initiation: This is the initiation of ‘deglamorization’ assisted by the light of Taurus and the penetrating beam of laser-like light provided by the fifth ray. Both of these energies make possible the achievement of the “illumined mind” and “spiritual intelligence” necessary at the second degree.

  12. Related to the Third Initiation: The fifth ray is the ray predominant at the third initiation, during which processes there appears the first real experience of the “Greatest Light” of the monad. The ajna center, with which both these energies are involved, is the center most stimulated at the third degree.

  13. Related to Mastership?: We may infer that the fifth initiation has numerical affinity with the fifth ray (though this initiation is predominantly energized by the first ray). That initiation is called “The Revelation”, which relates it to Taurus as the “Mother of Illumination”. From that time forth, the Master lives within the “Greatest Light” of the monad.

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Taurus is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Fifth Ray is Proposed as Prominent

  1. Elias Howe—Inventor of the Sewing Machine (Sun Sign)

  2. Enrico Fermi—Atomic Scientist Responsible for the First Controlled Chain Reaction (Ascendant)

  3. Guglielmo Marconi—Electrical Engineer, Inventor of Radio (Sun Sign)

  4. Carl Sagan—Scientist, Popularizer of the Modern Scientific Thought through the Television Series “Cosmos” (Ascendant)

  5. Nikola Tesla—Scientist and Inventor (Possible Ascendant or Aries)

  6. Teilhard de Chardin—French Philosopher, Jesuit Priest, Paleontologist, Geologist, Visionary Mystic (Sun Sign)

  7. Eli Whitney—Inventor of the “Cotton Gin” (Proposed Ascendant)

  1. Sun Taurus (or Ascendant Taurus), R6P (or R6S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4) (A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through the transmission of the sixth ray, probably monadically, through Venus, the exoteric ruler of Taurus. Usually, however, this mutual reinforcement would be considered only moderate, as the sixth ray is not one of the rays directly given for Venus by the Tibetan. However, in this case of the sixth ray initiate, in whom a sixth monadic subray is manifesting in strength, the combination would be considered Strong by Rulership—Class 3. This reinforcement is further strengthened by the fact that Venus is, exoterically {on the clockwise wheel}, the ruler of the first decanate, and esoterically {on the counter-clockwise wheel}, of the second.)

  1. (Selfish, Self-Centered or Self-Serving Human Being):

  1. The powerful urge towards “wrathful satisfaction” characteristic of the selfish Taurus person combines with the driving desire induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the sixth ray.

  2. Desires very powerful. Truly, the desire-driven man.

  3. Unreasoning urges. Blind passions.

  4. Rigid, unadaptable (Taurus) idealism (sixth ray). Great difficulty compromising on strongly-held thoughts, ideals and values.

  5. Emotional extremes and rages, like Taurus and the first ray, but with less control

  6. Lunar lords very powerful (as they are ruled by the sixth ray and the Moon is exalted in Taurus).

  7. Detachment very difficult; desire for possession very strong. “I desire”.

  8. Demagoguery: arousing the passions of others through oratory. (Hitler)

  9. Fixated and determined upon images of satisfaction.

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Taurus, with the sixth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

  1. The high aspirational idealism (cf. EA 391) of the advancing Taurus individual combines with the fiery desire to ascend induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the sixth ray.

  2. Following a vision of betterment—often at great cost. This is similar to the Sagittarian approach (but with more likelihood of knocking over those who are, apparently, “in the way”).

  3. Great persistence—emotionally and aspirationally driven.

  4. On the beam”. Unswerving momentum.

  5. Steadiness of idealism—not subject to change.

  6. A high sense of spiritual values and an increasingly non-negotiable approach to the attainment of those values.

  7. Oratorical ability; arousing and inspiring through the voice.

  8. On the Path of Discipleship: great “aspirational idealism”. Once aroused, running (‘charging’) towards the light.

  9. On the Path of Discipleship: capable of transforming emotion into aspiration. Power to arouse and inspire.

  10. On the Path of Discipleship: the cultivation of emotional detachment through the use of the light. Dispassion.

  11. On the Path of Discipleship: steadiness of perception, and a rapidly stabilizing orientation to the soul and its world.

  12. On the Path of Discipleship: the capacity to see and pursue the “Vision” as presented by the soul. Learning to see as the soul sees followed by devotion to what is seen.

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Taurus, with the sixth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

  1. The ceaseless quest to experience complete illumination characteristic of the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Taurus, combines with the drive to reach that point of intensification at which “The Highest Light Controls”a drive induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the sixth ray.

  2. Keenest aspiration for the Light. Thus a willingness to go to any length or extreme to acquire the Light or to see within the Light. Fixation upon the “Highest Light”—the highest conceivable point of tension.

  3. A Buddha-like combination, as He had the Sun in Taurus and a sixth ray mind. His mind was bent upon what might be called the ‘Light of Suchness’.

  4. Enlightened, enthusiastic will” (R&I 240), a distinguishing feature of the New Group of World Servers.

  5. Undeviating and highly elevated (sixth ray) sense of spiritual values.

  6. Valuing “treasures in heaven” above all. Repudiating all other treasures.

  7. Using the Light to detach from the impulsions of desire.

  8. An effective combination for transforming desire into spiritual will.

  9. Uncompromising determination to resolve the World Process into the “Highest Light”, and control the life from the point of tension which that Light represents.

Directives and Counsels for Taurus and the Sixth Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Abide In Fidelity

  2. Adhere To Your Beliefs

  3. Adore The Beauties Of Nature

  4. Affirm The Vision

  5. Arouse Enlightened Enthusiastic Will

  6. Aspire Idealistically Towards The Great Objective

  7. Become The “Seeker And The Sought”

  8. Be Firm In Your Commitments

  9. Be Steadfast In The Performance Of Your Duty

  10. Be The “Warrior On The March”, Defending The Lighted Values Of The Heavenly World (John Brown—probably with Aries.)

  11. Be Unbending In Your Dedication

  12. Bear A Sword Of Logoic Power, A Sword Of Light (The Sixth Ray Lord is the “Sword Bearer of the Logos”)

  13. Cause The Form To Be Built (Sixth Ray “Will-to-Causation”)

  14. Champion The Power Of The “Highest Light”

  15. Charge’ Towards The Goal

  16. Consecrate Money To Sacred Ends

  17. Control Attachments By Means Of The “Highest Light”

  18. Count All As Loss” Unless The Lights Knowledge And Of Wisdom Be Attained

  19. Crucify And Be Crucified In Defense Of The Ageless Wisdom

  20. Dedicate Yourself To The Building Process

  21. Desire The End Of Worldly Desire

  22. Devote Yourself To That Which You Value Most

  23. Doggedly Follow

  24. Do Not Be Moved From Your Convictions

  25. Earnestly Cherish “Treasures In Heaven”

  26. Embody Loyalty

  27. Encourage Steadfastness

  28. Endure Until The Destination Is Reached

  29. Enfire Determination

  30. Enthusiastically Seek Illumination

  31. Envision The “Highest Light”

  32. Finance A Valued Cause

  33. Flame Imperishably With Ardent Aspirational Idealism

  34. Focus Upon A Chosen System Of Enlightenment

  35. Follow The Light Which Shines Ever On Ahead

  36. Go On And On Upon The Path

  37. Hate’ The Forms Which Imprison The Soul In The ‘Inertial’ Worlds

  38. Hold Fast Upon “The Way”

  39. Hold High The Banner Of Enlightenment

  40. Hold Nothing Back In The Pursuit Of The “Blinding Light”

  41. Immolate The Contents Of The Causal Body

  42. Incite Irresistible Incentive

  43. Inspire The Love Of The Clear Cold Light

  44. Invoke Shamballa

  45. Keep On Keeping On”

  46. Lead The Twelve—Illumine The Way

  47. Long For Release From Materiality

  48. March Forward As “The One Whom Naught Can Turn”—Steadily, Steadfastly—Toward The Light Which Ever Beckons On Ahead

  49. Martyr Yourself In Relinquishing The Material Sphere

  50. Motivate Others In The Quest For Light

  51. Move With Gathering Momentum Towards Your High Calling

  52. Negate Desire; As The Buddha Did, Detach From Form!

  53. Never Give Up On The Quest

  54. Overrun All Obstacles

  55. Persevere Upon Your Pilgrimage

  56. Persistently Adhere

  57. Promulgate The Wisdom Of The Ages

  58. Provide Incentives For Missions

  59. Pursue The “Light Of Love”

  60. Put Into Practice The Highest Ideal

  61. Quest After The Great Treasure

  62. Render The Vision Tangible

  63. Resist All Deviation

  64. Rise Into The Realms Of Pure Light

  65. Sacrifice Riches And All Possessions If Need Be

  66. See The Distant Objective

  67. See The “Right”, Emerging In The Fullest Light

  68. Seek Earnestly For The Light Of Wisdom

  69. Set Your Eyes Upon The Vision

  70. Sing Praises Through The Use Of The Voice

  71. Shed Light Upon The Path Of Devotion

  72. Stand For “Suchness”

  73. Stop At Nothing In Pursuit Of The “Light Of Life”

  74. Strive Forward With Illumined Faith

  75. Sublimate The Energy Of Passion

  76. Substantiate The Ideal

  77. Uphold The Truth With Firm, Enlightened Spiritual Will

  78. Utilize Resources On Behalf Of The Ideal

  79. Venerate The Treasures Of Spirituality

  80. Yearn For Substantial Purity

Mantra for Taurus and the Sixth Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: Devotedly, with ardor keen, with fiery aspiration, I seek to touch and merge within the “Lights of Love and Life”.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: The “Highest Light Controls” when once the “Light of Life” is touched and felt and known.

Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R6/Taurus: Enraptured at the center of a ‘Scintillating Rosy Flame’, the ardent ‘Devotee of Life’ beholds a vision in the waxing light; it draws him irresistibly, with keenest aspiration; his the task substantial—to make the vision real.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Taurus and R6

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R4 constellationally.

  1. R6

  1. Transmits principally R5 and R1 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R6

  1. Colors: Deep blue and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) red-orange, orange, orange-yellow. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.)

  1. Colors: Silvery rose and light blue

  1. Note: DO sharp or C sharp, though the color “deep blue” will relate Taurus to the blue or indigo notes, G and A.

  1. Note: DO or C

  1. Expresses through the throat center, and secondarily through the sacral center, and (via Venus) through the ajna center.

  1. Expresses through the solar plexus center and, at a later stage of evolution, through the ajna center (cf. EH 149).

  1. Creative Hierarchy number III, liberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number IV, liberated, and Creative Hierarchy number VI/XI, unliberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom, through Vulcan; the Vegetable Kingdom, through Venus; the Kingdom of Souls through Venus; and the Kingdom of Solar Lives through Vulcan.

  1. Relates to the Vegetable Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives.

  1. Taurus has a strong relationship to Shamballa.

  1. The sixth ray is related more to Hierarchy, which is entered in strong measure through love and aspiration.

  1. Includes, through Vulcan, the note of will.

  1. Intimately associated with the principle of kama or desire.

  1. Taurus is associated with the light.

  1. The sixth ray is associated with heat (especially the heat of passion).

  1. Associated with both the Sun and the Moon.

  1. Associated more especially with the lunar forces (although at a very high level the Solar Logos may be considered as moving towards Taurus and the Pleiades).

  1. Tends towards a practical understanding of earthly realities.

  1. Often contributes to a lack of common sense and a disengagement from the earthly plane.

  1. Seeking the embodiment of soul/spirit in matter. Heaven on Earth.

  1. Seeking elevation and flight from matter. Longing for a “heaven” detached from Earth.

  1. Taurus is associated with slowness until aroused, and momentum is achieved.

  1. The sixth ray is associated with speed: “run not so straight” (EP II 372).

  1. Slow to react, but can, at length, become enraged.

  1. Quick to react emotionally.

  1. Closely related to the form and the perfecting of the form. The exalted Moon shows that form must become the well-fashioned container of soul/spirit.

  1. Frequently known as the rejecter of the form.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Taurus and R6

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Identification with the Emotional Vehicle: Both Taurus and the sixth ray are identified with the emotional vehicle. The sixth ray, generically, rules the astral plane, and Taurus (of the three preliminary signs, Aries, Taurus and Gemini) is directly associated with the vehicle of desire.

  2. Detachment: One of the key issues facing anyone influenced by either of these energies is that of detachment. The Buddha’s entire message (and the Buddha was and is the archetypal Taurean) centered around detachment from desire.

  3. Aspiration and Aspirational Idealism: Both Taurus and the sixth ray are closely connected to aspiration and aspirational idealism. “Aspirational idealism in its highest possible expression is also achieved in Taurus.” (EA 391) The following sentence links the sixth ray with aspiration: “Your gift to this group of co-disciples is that fiery, dynamic, zealous aspiration which is the spiritual quality of the sixth ray,…” (DINA I 107)

  4. Strong Lunar Component: Both Taurus and the sixth ray have a key lunar component. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, indicating the primacy of the lunar tendencies in the life of the undeveloped Taurean. Similarly, the sixth ray is the ray predominantly associated with the “lunar lords”—the elemental lives which provide the personality vehicles of the human being.

  5. The Ajna, Solar Plexus and the Personality: Taurus is associated with the ajna center which, in an important way, is related to the solar plexus center, through which the sixth ray expresses. At first, for the emotional man, the solar plexus is considered the central center of the personality; later, for the more mentally focussed man, the ajna chakra becomes the personality center.

  6. Voice: Both influences are connected to the voice and the impassioned use of the voice. Taurus, zodiacally, rules the throat center, and can channel emotional or artistic energy through that center. The sixth ray individual is known for his oratorical power, as many sixth ray preachers and demagogues have demonstrated. The number six is twice three; three is the number of the throat center and is the number of the ray which expresses through that center. Thus, is an important relationship demonstrated.

  7. Relation to the Monad: Taurus and the sixth ray are both tangentially related to the monad. Taurus in many ways rules Shamballa which is the home of the monad. The monad, however, has its primary focus upon the sixth plane (counting from below to above) and is thus related to the sixth ray, for the monad is a “Lord of persevering and ceaseless devotion”. If we place Aries upon the highest subplane of the cosmic physical plane, Taurus would be related to the second or monadic subplane. The monad is, for man, the source of the “Greatest Light”.

  8. Relation to the Second Initiation: During the second initiation process, the astral body is subdued and “put to death”. This initiation is ruled by the sixth ray. Part of the stabilizing of the astral body comes from Taurus, the provider of illumination which eliminates so many of those glamors promoted by the sixth ray.

  9. Relation to the Fourth Initiation: Through Vulcan, Taurus is related to the fourth initiation—an initiation of great sacrifice and even martyrdom (thus connecting it with the sacrificial—and fiery—sixth ray).

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Taurus is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Sixth Ray is Proposed as Prominent

  1. John Brown—Radical American Abolitionist, Hanged for his Attack on Harper’s Ferry (Sun Sign)

  2. Father Joseph Damien—Belgian Priest and Missionary to the Lepers of Molokai Island (Ascendant)

  3. Rudolf Hess—Fanatic, Quixotic Nazi Politician (Sun Sign)

  4. Jim Jones—Cult Leader Known for the Mass Suicides Which Occurred in his Community (Sun Sign)

  5. Dr. Martin Luther King—American Baptist Minister and Leader of the Civil Rights Movement in America (Proposed Ascendant or Aries)

  6. Nicolai Lenin—Leader of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution and First Head of the Soviet State (Sun Sign)

  7. Maximilian Robespierre—Leader During the French Revolution; Known as “The Incorruptible”; Deeply Implicated in the “Reign of Terror” (Sun Sign)

  1. Sun Taurus (or Ascendant Taurus), R7P (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4) (No significant mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges, either constellationally or through the normally given rays of the ruling planes. Vulcan, the esoteric and hierarchical ruler, may have a seventh ray association through the factor of rhythm and its association with the mineral kingdom, and Saturn {ruler of the third decanate esoterically and probably the first decanate exoterically} may have a seventh ray association as well, through its rulership of the dense physical plane and the cosmic physical plane, but other than these remote connections, there is no apparent mutual reinforcement.)

  1. (Selfish, Self-Centered or Self-Serving Human Being):

  1. The ‘rutted’ routinization of the self-centered Taurus person combines with the crystallized repetitiveness induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the seventh ray.

  2. Habit-bound. Form-bound. Repetitive. “In a rut”. Stuck.

  3. Un-original.

  4. Inertia. Negative rhythm.

  5. Life becomes instinctual and biologically determined.

  6. Comfortable (Taurus) traditions (seventh ray).

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple) [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Taurus, with the seventh ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

  1. The sound appreciation of the uses of matter and form characteristic of the advancing Taurus individual combines with the practical ability to organize and manifest induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the seventh ray.

  2. Endowed with the patience and persistence to be an excellent builder.

  3. Excellent powers of manifestation. Rhythmic approach to expression and to maintenance of the form.

  4. Material creativity. The “Builder”. Building solidly and in beauty.

  5. Beauty in form—architecture, dance, etc.

  6. Following the tried and tested rules which lead into the world of the soul.

  7. Disentangling the psyche from the world of glamor and illusion through the use of right practice.

  8. Learning to build relationships and networks which hold. Reliable.

  9. Understanding the needs of the body—especially in terms of the instinctual natural rhythms which must be observed.

  10. Understanding the value of economic cooperation, and forging networks which support this approach.

  11. On the Path of Discipleship: practical spirituality. It’s natural; it makes sense; and it accomplishes something of value; it works! Steady progress. Building real abilities.

  12. On the Path of Discipleship: helping to solve the economic problems incident to treading the Path. Learning the meaning and value of an ‘enlightened materialism’.

  13. On the Path of Discipleship: learning the practice and application (seventh ray) of sound spiritual values (Taurus). The “Treasury” (the causal body, ruled in part by Taurus) manifests concretely in daily life (seventh ray).

  14. On the Path of Discipleship: learning a rhythmic and meditative approach to the Light. Right spiritual practice (seventh ray) reveals the Light (Taurus).

  15. On the Path of Discipleship: learning to express the Light through rightly constructed forms.

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Taurus, with the seventh ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

  1. The exaltation of form as a radiant vehicle for soul/spirit—and exaltation increasingly achieved by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Taurus—combines with a highly developed facility for bringing spirit/soul and matter/form into relationship—a facility induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the seventh ray.

  2. Further the work of Triangles—forging (Vulcan) the network of Love and Light.

  3. Capacity to sculpt, weld, or shape perfected forms.

  4. Transferring the Light (Taurus) into perfectly prepared forms (seventh ray).

  5. Building the forms in which the Light of Wisdom may be embodied.

  6. Right conduct (seventh ray) on the Path of Knowledge and Wisdom (Taurus).

  7. A strongly transmutational and transformational pattern. Alchemically elevating matter (seventh ray) into its full ‘light-value’ (Taurus/Vulcan).

  8. Utilization of sound as a agency of creation (or destruction) in line with the Plan.

  9. Understanding the fundamental mantrams and rhythms of life.

  10. Expert incantation—(Taurus, the voice, and the seventh ray determining the mantram and its right rhythmic use). Speaking, singing, intoning mantrams exactly as required. Facility with “Mantra Yoga”

  11. Useful in the white-magical process. Understanding rhythmic interplay with the soul.

  12. Power to hear the Voice of the Soul and to speak those words which will express and reveal that Voice.

  13. Developing the capacity to achieve ceremonial access (seventh ray) to the Light (Taurus).

  14. Carefully building the links (seventh ray) to Shamballa (Taurus).

  15. Building structures (seventh ray) which can hold the Sound and bear the Light.

Directives and Counsels for Taurus and the Seventh Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Abide By Valued Traditions

  2. Accumulate Property

  3. Adhere To Practical Examples

  4. Administrate Possessions And Holdings

  5. Alchemize The Instinctual Nature

  6. Alchemize The Body, Make It Fit To Bear The Light

  7. Amass Real, Tangible Things

  8. Affirm The Reality Of Archetypes

  9. Appreciate Appearance

  10. Aspire Towards Perfect Expression In Form

  11. Be Firm In The Process Of Completing What You Begin

  12. Be Steadfast In All Practical Procedures

  13. Brace Concrete Structures

  14. Breed Refined Animal Forms

  15. Brood And Ponder Upon The Magical Process

  16. Build New Structures

  17. Build-Up A Collection Of Right Spiritual Habits

  18. Build The Square—The Basis Of Life In Form—Firm And Solid

  19. Ceremonialize The Processes Of Nature

  20. Codify The Rules For The Acquisition Of Wisdom

  21. Conduct Ceremonies For The Approach To Light

  22. Construct An Edifice Step By Step And In Sequence

  23. Consolidate The New Pattern

  24. Control Desire

  25. Create Rules To Manage The Desire Nature

  26. Create The Form To Fully Embody The Life Of Soul And Spirit

  27. Design Patterns For Natural Living

  28. Do Not Be Moved From Your Chosen Stance

  29. Embody The Light In The Sanctuary (The Shekinah)

  30. Endow Organisms And Organizations

  31. Endure Until The Idea Is Worked Through

  32. Envision The Working Out Of The Plan

  33. Establish New Paradigms

  34. Evaluate The Details And Practicalities Of Situations

  35. Express Spiritual Values In Perfected Form

  36. Express The Will In Beauty And Organically Through Form

  37. Express Through Natural Rhythms

  38. Feed The Sacred Fire—Let Inert Matter Rise And Live

  39. Feel The Processes Within Living Organisms

  40. Finance Foundations

  41. Focus The Light Within The Material Form

  42. Forge Networks Of Relationship

  43. Fortify Useful Structures

  44. Gather And Collect Prana

  45. Give Substance To Descending Thoughts

  46. Ground’ New Patterns Of Activity And Behavior

  47. Grow In An Orderly Manner

  48. Guard The Temple Constantly—Create A Shield Of Light, Impenetrant To All Not Of The Light

  49. Heal The Body With Pranic Vitality

  50. Hold Fast To The Rules Of Right Living

  51. Illuminate Ancient Practices

  52. Illumine The Temple

  53. Initiate With The Heavenly Sword—Raise Nature To The Patterned World Of Heaven

  54. Irradiate The Living Form With Light

  55. Intone Magical Phrases

  56. Invest In Tangible Goods

  57. Invoke The “Greatest Light”

  58. Invoke The Wrath Of The Elements To Defend The Light Embodied In The Form

  59. Keep On Keeping On” With Utter Regularity

  60. Keep The Magical Word—Sonorously Sound It Forth Upon Its Own True Note

  61. Last Until The Time Of Consummation

  62. Let “The Highest And The Lowest Meet” Upon The Plains Of Earth

  63. Lift To Life The Lives Which Rest In Slumber And Inert

  64. Manage Accumulated Resources

  65. Manifest The Light Of Wisdom

  66. Manipulate The Wand—Call Forth The Light Within The Form

  67. Massage And Vitalize The Body

  68. Master Magical Mantra

  69. Move With Gathering Momentum Towards Full Expression

  70. Never Give Up On The Road Towards Completion

  71. Organize Your System Of Values

  72. Orient Your Eyes And Eye Toward The World Of Light

  73. Perfect Methods Of Radiating The Light

  74. Persevere In Your Training

  75. Persist In The Work Of Manifestation

  76. Precipitate The Light

  77. Preserve Momentum And Smooth Functioning

  78. Reinforce The Structure Of Law

  79. Regulate The Energies Of Nature

  80. Relax Rhythmically And Naturally

  81. Renovate Properties

  82. Reorganize Material And Spiritual Assets

  83. Render The Divine Light Tangible

  84. Resist The Disruption Of Established Rhythms

  85. Restore The Body To Order

  86. Reveal The Light Within The Sanctuary

  87. Ritualize The Use Of The Voice

  88. Sanctify Your Possessions

  89. Save Treasured Objects

  90. Secure All Necessary Resources

  91. See The End From The Beginning

  92. Shed Light In Rhythmic Waves

  93. Solidly Build New Organizations

  94. Sound The Notes To Gather The Devic Forces

  95. Stabilize Policies

  96. Stand Fixed And Upright

  97. Summon Into Presence Through The Medium Of Sound

  98. Supervise Investments

  99. Systematize The Approach To Acquiring Pranic Vitality

  100. Throw Light Upon The Ancient Mysteries

  101. Transform The Material World

  102. Turn The Key To The Mystery—Alchemize The Form To Light, The Light To Love, And Love To Greater Life

  103. Use Sound To Create Form

  104. Utilize Riches Practically

  105. Value Perfection

  106. Visualize The Expression Of “Suchness” In Form

  107. Watch In The East—Watch Within The Lighted Sphere Those Semi-Lighted Candidates Who Seek A Greater Light

  108. Watch Over Material And Spiritual Treasures

  109. Work In The Magical Art—With Sound, In Light, In Vibration And With Form Now Work. Make The Form Appear Or Disappear At Will.

Mantra for Taurus and the Seventh Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: I seek to manifest in perfect form the patterns which the “Lights of Love and Life” reveal.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “The Highest and the Lowest Meet” Expressing in Perfection, the “Light of Life” Itself.

Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R7/Taurus: Invoking at the center of a ‘Magic Circle’ rightly drawn, the ‘Magician of his Life’, sees a lighted pattern, hears a glorious sound, discerns a pulsing rhythm—all telling of a form to be created in the Light—a form to take its place within the Greater Form embodying the Word.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Taurus and R7

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R4 constellationally.

  1. R7

  1. Transmits principally R5 and R1 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R7

  1. Colors: Deep blue and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) red-orange, orange, orange-yellow. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.)

  1. Colors: violet and purple

  1. Note: DO sharp or C sharp, though the color “deep blue” will relate Taurus to the blue or indigo notes, G and A.

  1. Note: TI or B

  1. Expresses through the throat center, and secondarily through the sacral center, and (via Venus) through the ajna center.

  1. Expresses through the sacral center and also (at a later stage of evolution) through the base of the spine center. Additionally, throat center expression is found in disciples. (Some head center expression will be found in initiates for whom Uranus rules the highest head center.)

  1. Creative Hierarchy number III, liberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number V, liberating, and Creative Hierarchy number VII/XII, unliberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom, through Vulcan; the Vegetable Kingdom, through Venus; the Kingdom of Souls through Venus; and the Kingdom of Solar Lives through Vulcan.

  1. Relates to the Kingdom of Solar Lives and the Mineral Kingdom.

  1. Associated with the highest Center, Shamballa.

  1. Associated with matter in its lowest state of vibration (as found upon the seventh, or lowest plane, and in relation to the seventh Creative Hierarchy, the “Baskets of Nourishment”).

  1. Associated both with plodding and charging. Thus, both “wild rushes” and routinization are found in relation to Taurus.

  1. Associated with steady progress and the incremental approach. Routinization.

  1. Connected, through Vulcan, with the factor of isolation.

  1. The seventh ray is an energy which links and induces relationship.

  1. Taurus is given to “storms and tempers”.

  1. The seventh ray contributes to politeness and good manners.

  1. The builder and destroyer

  1. The builder

  1. Taurus is finally associated with the world of boundless light.

  1. The seventh ray is associated with the light that is form. The seventh ray does not as easily enter the world of abstraction as does Taurus.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Taurus and R7

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Materiality: Both Taurus and the seventh ray are strongly associated with materiality.

  2. Form: Both Taurus and the seventh ray are closely associated with the factor of form.

  3. Manifestation: Both energies contribute greatly to the process of manifestation—the emergence of a thought or idea out of subjectivity into objectivity.

  4. Rhythm: Both Taurus and the seventh ray are closely associated with the factor of rhythm. Taurus, through Vulcan, is associated with rhythmic emphasis. The seventh ray is connected with cycles and the timing of cycles, the activities and interludes.

  5. Magical Process: Both Taurus and the seventh ray are related to the magical process—Taurus, through the factor of visualization through the ajna center and the third eye (the “single eye” of “Eye of Shiva” so closely associated with Taurus). The seventh ray is the magical ray, and under its influence appear the formulas and methods by which the magic of manifestation is worked.

  6. Mineral Kingdom: Taurus, through Vulcan, is deeply connected with the mineral kingdom. The mineral kingdom is ruled by the seventh ray (as well as the first).

  7. Ruts and Routinization: The factor of routinization is related to both Taurus and the seventh ray, though the Tibetan offers a different opinion in the following: “He will move spasmodically and in wild rushes; steady measured progress upon the Way is very hard for him.” (EA 394) It would seem that the “wild rushes” apply particularly when either the first or sixth ray is combined with Taurus.

  8. Sex: Both Taurus and the seventh ray are closely related to the factor of sex. Taurus, in a way, conditions the entire instinctual nature and the seventh ray brings the pairs of opposites together. Both energies can reasonably be associated with the sacral center—the seventh ray through seventh ray Uranus which is given rulership over that center (EA 517).

  9. The Jewel in the Lotus: Taurus, partially through Vulcan, is associated with the “jewel in the lotus”—a source of brilliant light (again, Taurus). The seventh ray is related to all jewels and crystalline formations.

  10. The Sacral/Throat Transference: Taurus and the seventh ray cooperate in the flow of force between the sacral and throat centers. Taurus, zodiacally, rules the throat, and has some relation, through instinctive sexuality, with the sacral center. The seventh ray is definitely associated with the sacral center (which it most commonly rules) but also with the throat center in the case of the disciple. “The throat centre of the average integrated personality is governed by the third ray and is strongly energised by third ray energies (again seven in number), whilst the throat centre of the spiritual aspirant, of disciples and initiates below the third initiation is responding primarily to seventh ray influence, and this is peculiarly the case now as the seventh ray is in incarnation.” (TEV 137) In any case, the flow of energy/force between these two centers is promoted by both of these influences.

  11. Nature: Both Taurus and the seventh ray are close to “Mother Nature”. Taurus is associated with the blooming of all Nature, and the seventh ray with the natural rhythms through which Nature unfolds, comes to fruition and dies, only to be later reborn. The beautiful forms of nature are related to beauty-bestowing Taurus and to the seven ray of perfect form.

  12. Utilizing Natural Rhythms: Both the highly developed Taurean and seventh ray person have learned to wait, and to avail themselves of natural rhythms as they seek accomplishment.

  13. Resistance: In both Taurus and the seventh ray, the principle of resistance is highly developed. Taurus is often loathe to move and the seventh ray is not eager to relinquish an established form, pattern or rhythm.

  14. Building: Taurus and the seventh ray are both building influences. They know how to assemble the needed material and bring it into coherence, though the factor of organization is more pronounced for those upon the seventh ray. Taurus, through Vulcan, has, of course, its destroying aspect with which the seventh ray is not so clearly endowed. In some respects, however, re-organization (ruled by the seventh ray and Uranus) is destruction.

  15. Related to the First Initiation: Taurus is associated with the first initiation through the prominence of Vulcan at that degree, and through the necessity to master the physical appetites (Taurus) to a significant degree. The seventh ray is the ray most potently expressing at the first degree. The subduing of the sexual energies is a particular task and, as can be clearly seen, is related to both energies.

  16. Some Possible Relation to the Fifth Degree: The fifth initiation is called “The Revelation”, thus relating it to the revealing “Eye of the Bull” which reveals reality in “the Greatest Light”. The seventh ray assures that the “Highest and the Lowest Meet” which is represented in the chakra system by the fusion of base center and crown which occurs at the fifth degree.

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Taurus is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Seventh Ray is Proposed as Prominent

    1. John Audubon—American Ornithologist, Naturalist (Sun Sign)

  1. Amelia Earhart—Aviatrix, Aviation Pioneer Famed for her Daring Solo Flights (Ascendant)

    1. Elizabeth II—Queen of England, a Constitutional Monarchy; During the Last Half of the 20th Century (Sun Sign)

    2. John Muir—Scottish American Naturalist and Conservationist (Sun Sign)

    3. Florence Nightingale—Nurse, the “Lady of the Lamp”, Founder of Trained Nursing as a Profession for Women (Sun Sign)

    4. Henry Martyn Robert—Devised “Robert’s Rules of Order” (The Standard Manual for Parliamentary Procedure in the United States) (Sun Sign)