Essential Energy Combinations

Scorpio and the Seven Rays

Sun (and Ascendant) in Scorpio

In Relation to Personalities (and Souls)

On the Seven Rays

Sun Scorpio (or Ascendant Scorpio), R1P (or R1S)

  1. Sun Scorpio (or Ascendant Scorpio), R1P (or R1S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4) A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through the first ray, very likely transmitted constellationally along with the fourth ray through Scorpio—Scorpio being the first ray disciple/initiate Hercules’ sign. If this were the case, an appropriate category would be Strong by Constellational Transmission. Transmission of the first ray also comes through the first ray components of both Pluto and Mars, Mars being both the exoteric and esoteric ruler of Scorpio {and, arguably, possessed of a first ray soul}, and Pluto being in the category of a ‘special’ ruler, considered by many modern astrologers to the primary ruler of Scorpio. Pluto, being a non-sacred yet “esoteric” planet, should have the first ray expressing primarily through its personality. All in all, it seems that Pluto should especially be associated with Scorpio esoterically, and, thus, the principle {confirmed} category of reinforcement would be Strong by Rulership—Class 2. Pluto seems to operate consciously in the lives of those who are at least “on the Path”. Further reinforcements come from Mars ruling the first decanate in esoteric order, and possibly Pluto, possibly ruling the third decanate esoterically. The first ray, transmitted monadically through Uranus, exalted in Scorpio, can be considered a further reinforcement, but especially for those who are advanced disciples or initiates—i.e., for those who can respond to monadic transmissions.)

  1. (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)

  1. The monstrous, unredeemed, hydra-like qualities of the selfish, self-centered Scorpio person combines with the willful, hard-hearted egoism induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the first ray. The result could be extremely destructive, depending upon the degree of selfishness. (These undesirable qualities would be in the nature of a relapse or reversion to a formerly bound condition, as it is not possible to have a first or second ray personality unless one is at least an aspirant. The first or second ray may, however, enter the personality by other lines of influence.)

  2. The “monster” rules.

  3. The “World, the Flesh and the Devil” rule.

  4. The ascendancy of vice.

  5. Passionately aggressive negativity.

  6. The lower nature is armed and ‘strangles’ the higher tendencies. Scorpio rules “death by suffocation”. (EA 98) In this case the higher life is suffocated by the lower.

  7. The lower nature refuses to co-exist with the higher, and challenges it directly. (Later, the higher nature refuses to co-exist with the lower. This leads to the “death of the personality”.)

  8. Murder, cruelty, willful destruction of the good.

  9. Entrenched darkness fights against the light.

  10. Hostility projected as paranoia.

  11. Biological warfare. Negative forces seek to conquer the positive by surreptitious means. Stealth for purposes of annihilation. Sneak attacks.

  12. Shadow governments. The so called, ‘real’ sources of control.

  13. Assassination squads. Hit teams.

  14. The temporary ‘death’ of the soul.

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Scorpio, with the first ray as either the ray of the personality or soul

  1. The courage and willingness to confront internal and external danger of the advancing Scorpio individual combines with the attitude of fearlessness induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the first ray.

  2. The “Warrior”—increasingly on the side of the good. A commando, a Ninja in a good cause.

  3. Courage and readiness to confront the “monster”.

  4. Realizing that the real enemy is “within”; willfully determined to destroy that enemy.

  5. On the Path of Discipleship: a determined decision that evil will not continue to live in the heart.

  6. On the Path of Discipleship: bending all powers of will to counter the tendencies of the nine-headed Hydra.

  7. On the Path of Discipleship: attempting to “Kill out…” Lethal methods to face a lethal adversary. The opposition, however, will not ‘die’ by this means

  8. On the Path of Discipleship: the attempted suppression of vice; the human soul grips the monster in a stranglehold. This is only a partial solution.

  9. On the Path of Discipleship: supervision the “death” of one’s own astral nature. Killing all desires which do not lead to soul expression.

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Scorpio, with the first ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

    1. The willingness (in strenuously achieved humility) to triumph over all negativity and spiritual ‘death’—a capacity possessed by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Scorpio—combines with the courageous will-to-self-sacrifice induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the first ray.

    2. Presiding over the “death” of one’s own personality.

    3. Scorpio and the first ray will carry the disciple towards the third initiation (cf. EA 199), and perhaps beyond (as there is much of useful destructiveness in this combination at a certain stage of evolution). The fourth initiation is ruled by the fourth ray (Scorpio transmits the fourth ray) with much of the first ray contributing a necessary destructive power. As the third and fourth initiation may be taken in the same life (IHS 84-85), one who is equipped by Scorpio and the first ray to take the third initiation, may carry this energy forward for application in preparing to take the fourth degree, and in actually taking it.

    4. Scorpio and the first ray contribute the necessary “death of the ego” (necessitated in some degree at the third initiation {through the release of the soul from personality control}, and completely at the fourth initiation).

    5. The strength to lift the Hydra into the first dimension of life, per sethe buddhic plane—where its power is destroyed, vitiated, drained away. In a way, this is a surrender (by this very willful combination of energies) to a Higher Will.

    6. The ray of death (the first) and the preeminent sign of death (Scorpio) combine to give new life, free from the dense physical body of the Solar Logos and focussed within the cosmic ethers—beginning with the buddhic plane (the plane of harmony). (cf. LOM 215)

    7. Entrance into the third initiation calls for the “utter sacrifice of all forever” (TCF 824) One can see how the combination of Scorpio and the first ray provide this opportunity for sacrifice. These two energies, as well, appear in relation to the Law of Repulse (EP II 165), which is the first of the soul laws necessitating the use of Triadal energy, rejecting, eventually, all that does not allow the Spiritual Triad (the true soul) its expression.

Directives and Counsels for Scorpio and the First Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Abstract From Form Through The Mastery Of Death

  2. Achieve The Victory Of Principle

  3. Annihilate Attachment

  4. Attack Relentlessly

  5. Be The “Conqueror Of Duality”

  6. Be Victorious Over Ill Will

  7. Break Into The Garden And Lay The Garden Low

  8. Cast Out Obsessors

  9. Command The War To Cease

  10. Compel Drastic Changes

  11. Compete With The ‘Enemy’ And Be Victorious—Within And Without

  12. Conquer The Forces Of Death

  13. Consume All Vice Upon The Burning Ground

  14. Create Laws For The Suppression Of Evil Tendencies

  15. Crush Crime

  16. Crush Out Desire

  17. Cut The “Gordian Knot” Of World Illusion

  18. Cut Through Maya And Deception

  19. Declare War

  20. Defeat Egoism

  21. Demand Struggle

  22. Demonstrate Complete Control

  23. Destroy Limitation

  24. Detach From Selfhood

  25. Die To The Control Of The Forces Of Death

  26. Disperse The Forces Of Obstruction And Resistance

  27. Enforce Sacrifice

  28. Eliminate Lawlessness

  29. Empower The Forces Of Liberation

  30. End Aggression

  31. Eradicate Wicked Pride

  32. Execute Criminal Elements—Within And Without

  33. Exorcise The Possessed

  34. Exterminate Vampirism

  35. Extirpate The Foe

  36. Fight The Good Fight”

  37. Fight For The Fulfillment Of Destiny

  38. Force Agony And Suffering To Subside

  39. Fortify The Good In The Great Battle

  40. Free Yourself From Vice

  41. Fulfill The Will Of The Lord Of Death

  42. Give Up Selfishness

  43. Grasp Advantage—For The Good

  44. Humble Yourself Before The Divine Will

  45. Impose Your Will Upon Personality Rebellion

  46. Initiate Mortal Conflict

  47. Insist Upon Sacrifice

  48. Invest In That Which Augments Power

  49. Kill The Enemies Of The Divine Will—Within And Without

  50. Kill Out Ambition

  51. Let The Breath That Blasts Rob Evil Of Its Right To Breathe

  52. Let The Finger Of God Point To That Which Must Be Destroyed

  53. Let The Lightning Of The “Most High” Release The Life From The Grip Of Death

  54. Let There Be Just Revolution

  55. Lose The Power To Harm Unjustly

  56. Make War Against The Forces Of Evil

  57. Negate Mortality

  58. Obliterate Fear

  59. Open the Door Letting in the “Light Of Day”

  60. Overcome Death

  61. Persist Until Victory Is Achieved

  62. Plant The ‘Seed Of Death’ Through Touch And Then Withdraw

  63. Prevail Over Deadliness

  64. Prevent Catastrophes

  65. Protect Yourself And Others From Malignant Forces

  66. Put And End To Injustice

  67. Put Down Insurrections And Rebellions

  68. Ravish Souls Through The Ecstasy Of Death

  69. Renew The Power Of Law

  70. Renovate The Application Of Principles

  71. Resurrect The Spirit

  72. Rise Above Obdurate Materiality

  73. Sacrifice Yourself For The Good

  74. Seize Authority

  75. Separate From Separativeness

  76. Slay The Monster

  77. Smash Illusion

  78. Strenuously Oppose Torture

  79. Struggle With The Might Of Evil

  80. Subdue Emotion

  81. Subjugate And Rule The “Dweller On The Threshold”

  82. Surmount Density

  83. Survive The Killing Forces

  84. Terminate Terrorism

  85. Toughen Your Resistance To Evil

  86. Transform Identity

  87. Triumph Over The Lethal Anti-Spiritual Forces

  88. Undermine Unjust Dictators

  89. Vanquish Cruelty

  90. War Fearlessly

  91. Withstand The Onslaught Of The Forces Of “Mara”

  92. Win The Day!

  93. Wipe Out The Dragon Of Evil

Mantra for Scorpio and the First Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: I intend with will and power, to become the Higher Unity, Triumphant in Triadal Light, Victorious in Love and Spirit Power.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “I Assert the Fact”—the Fact of Triumph in Triadal Light, of Victory Through Love and Spirit Power.

Proposed Symbol/Image for R1/Scorpio: Standing at the center in the ‘Nucleus of Power’, and grasping with tenacity the mighty ‘Sword of Victory’, the Leader, filled with courage and imbued with sacrificial will, assails the vicious ‘Monster’ he has sworn to God to kill.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Scorpio and R1

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R4 Constellationally.

  1. R1

  1. Scorpio rulers transmit R6, R1 and R4.

  1. R1

  1. Color: crimson (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) greenish-blue, blue or blue-indigo). (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.) Black is a strong but non-chromatic possibility.

  1. Color: red, red-orange, black.

  1. Note: possibly SOL or G.

  1. Note: RE or D

  1. Pervades solar plexus, sacral and base of spine centers. Expression through throat and ajna centers is possible via hierarchical Mercury.

  1. Expresses through the base of the spine and the crown center.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number IV/IX, unliberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number I/VI, unliberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Animal Kingdom via Mars, the Human Kingdom via Mercury and R4, the Kingdom of Souls via Mercury and R4.

  1. Related to the Kingdom of Solar Lives and also the Mineral Kingdom.

  1. Emotionally intense.

  1. Represses emotions, forcible detachment.

  1. Psychologically penetrating.

  1. Often ignores psychology.

  1. Inclined towards self-destruction—(the scorpion stings itself if it cannot sting others).

  1. Destructive impulses not necessarily directed to self.

  1. Intense inner conflict (due to R4 and R6, Mars and Mercury).

  1. .

  1. Inclined to introspection.

  1. Less given to introspection.

  1. Focussed in the depths .

  1. Ray of Abstraction—focussed as much in heights as depths.

  1. Initially, Scorpio holds emotional/mental attitudes, and has difficulty releasing.

  1. The first ray is the ray of release, and more easily destroys hindering magnetisms.

  1. Scorpio is can be sinuous and serpentine. (Relation to R3).

  1. The first ray, per se, is direct, straight and simple.

  1. Tendency to cover, conceal and hide. Under-handedness. (Revelation comes later.)

  1. Tendency to uncover, disclose, reveal. Forthrightness.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Scorpio and R1

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Death and the Process of Death: Both influences are closely associated with the process of death. Scorpio is paramountly the sign of deaths (with Aries and Pisces also involved in the death process) and ray one is the undisputed ‘Ray of Death’.

  2. Destructiveness: Both influences are largely destructive. In the early days, there is destruction to fulfill some desire or another; in later days, destruction is wielded for the sake of liberation, but always some form or other will be destroyed.

  3. Power Sought and Wielded: Under the influence of both factors, power is sought and wielded.

  4. Fighting Against Evil: Eventually, it the responsibility of those influenced by these energies to fight directly against evil.

  5. Related to the Black Lodge: Experience has shown Scorpio (with Capricorn) to be the two signs which are most representative of the forces of the Black Lodge, for the forces of negative Saturn and negative Pluto (both transmitting the first ray) are unleashed. Further, most members of the Black Lodge are upon the first ray in their soul aspect. “Most of the members of this centre of cosmic evil are upon the first ray itself, and some of the divine purpose is known to a few of them, for—in their due place and in the initiatory regime—they too are initiates of high degree, but dedicated to selfishness and separativeness”. (R&I 717) Further, the work of the “Materialistic Forces” is related to the “Fifth Ray aspect of the First Ray”. (cf. EXH 89)

  6. Victory and Triumph: Both Scorpio and the first ray are energies which lead to victory and triumph—through engagement in great battles.

  7. War and Aggression: Both influences incline, in early days, to war and aggression—simply grasping what is desired. Later, in Scorpio, the processes of conflict give way to the processes of peace under the harmonizing influence of the higher fourth ray and because of the perspective offered by buddhic intuition. With respect to the later demonstrations upon the first ray, the Science of Statesmanship “makes peace”, not war. The aggressor upon the first ray becomes the “peace-maker”.

  8. Important in Relation to the First Three Initiations: Scorpio and the first ray are involved in the first, second and third initiations (according to the Tibetan), and can be understood even in relation to the fourth. The first initiation brings tremendous destruction through two first ray planets—Pluto and Vulcan—the first of these being a planet especially associated with Scorpio. Always Scorpio is to be found where old habits and old attachments have to be relinquished or destroyed.

    The second initiation brings about the “death of desire”
    (IHS 85). It is clear that the Moon (standing in this case for the desire body) has a strong relation to this second initiation. As a matter of fact, the Moon is Scorpio can be seen in relation to all three preliminary initiations—standing for the death of animal instinct at the first initiation, the death of desire at the second initiation and the death of the illusory mind at the third initiation. In any case, the first ray through Pluto is required at the second initiation to put the desires through a kind of spiritual death. The lower nature of such a man “passes into the smoke and darkness of Pluto” (EA 78). Hades is the astral nature, and, mythologically, Pluto has rulership over this realm.

    Continuing this exposition which links the first ray and Scorpio to the first three initiations, we find at the third degree the death of illusion. Scorpio is related to the Serpent of Illusion (as well as to the Dragon of Wisdom). Scorpionic illusion is killed through intuitive Mercury, but also through access to the monad (which, for the first time, consciously makes its impression felt).

    Although the Tibetan does not give it as a possibility (though one must read carefully!), it stands to reason that Scorpio and the first ray could well be part of the energy pattern which sets up the possibility of the fourth initiation. The causal body is destroyed (Scorpio and the first ray) and a true “dark night of the soul” is experienced (again the darkness of Scorpio, plus Vulcan—first ray). Dying to the entire personality (ruled by the number four) fits well with the symbolism of the Moon (fourth ray) in Scorpio (distributing the fourth ray). The entire drama is told in the relationship between the fallen Moon in Scorpio and Mercury in Scorpio (Mercury being the hierarchical ruler). In a way, it is Pluto, again, which severs the fourth degree initiate from the need ever to return via reincarnation to the three worlds. Again the four is involved, as the sign of reincarnation is Cancer, the fourth sign, ruled by the Moon which distributes the fourth ray.

    There is so much in the connection between Scorpio and the first ray which involves not only the number one but the number four. These energies are involved in the theme of “life and death” and when utilizing these energies (at various stages along the Path), one finds that one must “lose one’s life to find it”,
    (cf. FITI 91)

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Scorpio is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the First Ray is Proposed as Prominent

  1. Ataturk-Mustafa Kemal—Turkish Statesman, “Father of the Turks”, Wise Exponent of the Shamballa Energy According to the Tibetan (Ascendant)

  2. Genghis Khan (Temujin)—Mongolian Conqueror of Asia and Much of Europe (Proposed Sun Sign)

  3. Hermann Goering—Nazi Leader Preceding and During WWII, Head of the “Luftwaffe” (the German Air Force) (Ascendant)

  4. Henry V—King of England (Proposed Ascendant)

  5. Martin Luther—Inspirer of the Protestant Reformation (Sun Sign)

  6. Benito Mussolini—Fascist Dictator of Italy (Ascendant)

  7. Napoleon Bonaparte—Conqueror, Self-Crowned Emperor of France (Ascendant)

  8. Horatio Nelson—Admiral of the British Navy, Hero of Trafalgar (Proposed Ascendant)

  9. George Patton—Most Formidable of the United States’ Generals during World War II (Sun Sign)

  10. Theodore Roosevelt—USA President, Statesman, Conservationist “Rough-Rider” (Sun Sign)

  11. Joseph Stalin, Russian Dictator, the “Man of Steel”—Dictator of Russia (Proposed Ascendant—or Capricorn. So much secrecy surrounds Stalin’s birth day and year that arriving at a correct chart for him is extremely difficult.)

  12. Margaret Thatcher—Prime Minister of Great Britain (Ascendant)

  13. Henry David Thoreau—Essayist, Poet, Individualist, Transcendentalist (Proposed Ascendant with R6)

Sun Scorpio (or Ascendant Scorpio), R2P (or R2S)

  1. Sun Scorpio (or Ascendant Scorpio), R2P (or R2S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4) (No significant mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges with respect to this combination, whether through rays transmitted constellationally through the sign Scorpio or through its ruling planets. Only, Venus, ruler of the second decanate in one decanate allocation and the third in another transmits the second ray, probably through its personality. Since Venus is a sacred planet, such a transmission is relatively weak {though certainly not negligible}—sacred planets having largely overcome their personality radiation. An appropriate category of reinforcement would be Weak—by Decanate Rulership or Numerical Association Only.)

  1. (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)

  1. An intense attachment to the vices of ‘lunar’ living characteristic of the self-centered Scorpio person combines with the inability to release self from snares—a state induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the second ray. (These undesirable qualities would be in the nature of a relapse or reversion to a formerly bound condition, as it is not possible to have a first or second ray personality unless one is at least an aspirant. The first or second ray may, however, enter the personality by other lines of influence.)

  2. Probably not a very common combination as the second ray does not reach Earth through the constellation Scorpio or its rulers.

  3. Weak, helpless surrender to vice. The strength to resist cannot be marshaled.

  4. Lower magnetisms, lower “allure” rules.

  5. Hardly having the will to resist the imprisonment which the Hydra represents. Some of the heads are especially dangerous to this combination of Scorpio and the second ray: sex, comfort, fear and hatred are probably the four most prominent. (The first ray type in or under Scorpio is vulnerable to all the heads, with fear and comfort being somewhat reduced in power.)

  6. Strong and clinging attachment to the forces which eventually bring death.

  7. Loving illusion. Functioning as or under a “deluder of souls” (cf. TWM 240).

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Scorpio, with the second ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

  1. The penetrating psychological insight of the advancing Scorpio individual combines with the capacity to wisely understand induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the second ray.

  2. One sees and understands the effects of vice within the life.

  3. Perspective, humility and wisdom grow.

  4. Emerging psychological skills—especially in the field of depth psychology.

  5. Compassion arises through suffering. Love emerges after prolonged darkness.

  6. A teacher of martial arts—especially as a tool for building consciousness.

  7. Conflict resolution.

  8. On the Path of Discipleship: learning detachment from compelling vices through understanding.

  9. On the Path of Discipleship: learning detachment from compelling vices through love.

  10. On the Path of Discipleship: learning that love is a spiritual weapon.

  11. On the Path of Discipleship: the light of the soul is brought into dark places.

  12. On the Path of Discipleship: the unconscious nature is raised into consciousness where it cannot do as much harm.

  13. On the Path of Discipleship: learning to substitute love for desire.

  14. On the Path of Discipleship: in general, learning to “let go” through the application of Love-Wisdom.

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Scorpio, with the second ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

    1. The power to detach from desire regardless of sacrifice to the personal self—an aptitude possessed by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Scorpio—combines with the ability to release through the power of love induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the second ray.

    2. Becoming an excellent esoteric psychologist. Understanding the depths and heights of human nature.

    3. Identifying as the soul and becoming the redeemer of the lower threefold man.

    4. Drawing-in the intuition and loving-understanding to release the lower man from the Serpent of Illusion. Only intuition (buddhi, fourth plane, second and fourth rays) can dispel illusion.

    5. Luminous soul love (fed by the intuition) dissolves illusion.

    6. Disidentifying with the eighteen lower fires, and identifying with the world of buddhi-manas, triad-soul.

    7. Repulsion from all that is low becomes redemption and uplift. The soul absorbs the ‘hate-ful’ personality into the field of Love-Wisdom.

    8. The deadly “Dweller on the Threshold” merges with the “Angel of the Presence”.

    9. Love is the True Warrior and “Love Conquers All”.

    10. The “peaceful warrior” who conquers through love.

Directives and Counsels for Scorpio and the Second Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Achieve Victory Over Fear

  2. Alchemize Lower Magnetisms Into Higher Attachments

  3. Annihilate Sentimental Attractions

  4. Battle With The Enemies Of Inclusiveness

  5. Be Faithful Unto Death

  6. Be Firm But Gentle

  7. Be Generous With Profits From Investments

  8. Be Harsh If Necessary In Order To Be Kind

  9. Be A Warrior For The Light

  10. Bear With The Negativity Of Others

  11. Bless Those In Bondage

  12. Bring Benediction To The Depths

  13. Bring Light To The Dark Spaces Within The Three Lower Worlds

  14. Brood Deeply And Ponder

  15. Build Masterfully After Destruction Has Done Its Work

  16. Bury The Hatchet”

  17. Care For Those In Deep Distress

  18. Clear The Way To Open Expression

  19. Clearly See The Evil Tendencies Within Yourself

  20. Confer Names Which Go To The Essence Of Identity And Reveal It

  21. Comfort Those Who Mourn

  22. Conceal In Order To Reveal

  23. Confront Adversity In The Educational Process

  24. Conquer Cowardice Through Love

  25. Contend With Yourself For The Sake Of Liberated Love

  26. Control The Emotional Vehicle So That Love May Emerge

  27. Courageously Ameliorate The Wretchedness Of Humanity

  28. Cross The Threshold Of Darkness To Find The Light

  29. Cultivate The “Warrior Within”

  30. Deeply Understand Suffering

  31. Defeat Malignant Forces Through Positivity

  32. Demonstrate The Triumph Of The Christ Aspect

  33. Deprive Yourself For The Sake Of Sharing

  34. Detach From Useless Adhesions

  35. Die To ‘Excessive Care’

  36. Disclose The Treasures Of The Causal Body

  37. Display The Glory Which Shines Effulgently After Transformation Has Been Achieved

  38. Dissolve Vices Through Love

  39. Do Away With Anxieties

  40. Draw Forth Deep Knowledge Of The Self

  41. Educate Those Who Dwell In Darkness

  42. Eliminate The Obstacles To Unity

  43. Endure Spiritual Agony If Necessary

  44. Enter Deeply Into Psychological Education

  45. Exercise Patience Throughout Catastrophe

  46. Expel ‘Possessors’ Through The Power Of Love

  47. Exhume And Clear Away Impediments To Group Love

  48. Express Eternal Love Despite The Agony Of The Conflict With The World Illusion

  49. Face Weakness Courageously

  50. Fight For Beauty And Truth

  51. Forfeit Your Life For The Hierarchy

  52. Fuse And Blend The Warring Dualities

  53. Generously Provide For Those Of Struggle With Adversity

  54. Gently Dissolve The Vices Of Life

  55. Give Until It “Hurts”

  56. Go To The Depths To Experience Enlightenment

  57. Guard What You Love With Your Life

  58. Have Compassion For Psychological Bondage

  59. Humble Yourself Before The Power Of Divine Love

  60. Intensify Magnetism

  61. Invest Yourself In The Educational Process

  62. Irradiate With Light The “Forces Of Mara”

  63. Kill-Out Cowardice

  64. Let Compassion Arise Through Thorough Psychological Knowledge

  65. Let Pain Bring Due Reward Of Light And Love”

  66. Lose Your Life To Find It; Lose The Personality To Gain The Soul

  67. Love Intensely

  68. Magnetize Irresistibly

  69. Masterfully Build—Anchoring The Foundation In The Darkest Depths And Ascending Towards The Realms Of Liberation

  70. Merge And Fuse With Quiet Intensity

  71. Mine The “Nuggets Of Truth”

  72. Neutralize Wrong Allure With Light And Love

  73. Overcome Separativeness To Establish Cohesive Love

  74. Pass Bravely Through Conflict To Experience Illumined Soul-Infusion

  75. Penetrate With Ever-Deepening Understanding

  76. Penetrate Deeply Into The Art And Science Of Meditation

  77. Ponder On The Nature Of Illusion

  78. Pour Forth Wisdom Born Of Your Struggle With The Tendencies Of Lunar Life

  79. Proceed Deeply And Carefully

  80. Proceed Serenely Through Loss

  81. Probe The Foundation Of The ‘Building’

  82. Protect With An “Eagle-Eye”

  83. Purge And Purify Group Life

  84. Put Your Money Into Socially Responsible Investments

  85. Radiate The Light Of Life And Love Through The Form

  86. Quiet The Rebellion Of The Personality

  87. Realize That Love Conquers All

  88. Rebuild!

  89. Redeem The Criminal Element—Within And Without

  90. Refuse To Be Suffocated

  91. Reject Depression

  92. Remain Loyal To The Soul Throughout The Inevitable Battle

  93. Renew The Heart With Frequency

  94. Renounce Comfort For The Sake Of Spiritual Joy And Happiness

  95. Renovate Group Structures

  96. Repulse The Selfishly Over-Conscientious Attitude

  97. Research The Divine Pattern

  98. Resurrect Through Love

  99. Risk Extremes To Reveal The Light

  100. Sacrifice Yourself For The Sake Of Redemption

  101. See Behind The Personality To Reveal The Radiance Of The Soul

  102. See Through Deception

  103. Seek Psychological Intimacy

  104. Shed Light Upon The “Dweller On The Threshold”

  105. Struggle Within Yourself To Establish Loving-Understanding

  106. Surmount Over-Sensitivity

  107. Survive Cruelty And Adversity Without Returning Hatred

  108. Teach The Methods Of Rising Out Of Bondage

  109. Terminate All Timidity And Cowardice

  110. Tolerate Tribulation

  111. Transform Your Vision

  112. Transmute Lower Attachments

  113. Triumph Over Emotion To Establish The Reign Of Love

  114. Undergo Loss Serenely

  115. Undermine The Basis Of Fear

  116. Unveil The Mystery Of Love

  117. Use Hypnotism Therapeutically

  118. Vanquish Mortality Through Understanding

  119. View Apparent Disaster Wisely

  120. Wage War With Love And Light

  121. Wisely, “Fight The Good Fight”

Mantra for Scorpio and the Second Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: Throughout the fearsome struggle, e’en in moments most obscured, I seek to know the light of soul suffusing and the love of soul pervading—subsequent revealers of Triadal Mind, Triadal Love and Power.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “I See the Greatest Light”—Revealed by my Triumph in Triadal Mind—revealed by the Victory of Buddhic Love and Atmic Power.

Proposed Symbol/Image for R2/Scorpio: Focussed at the center of a radiant Lotus Blue, the illumined Scholar/Teacher, triumphant in the Light of Truth, victorious in Wisdom and in Love, pours forth his lighted strength into the yawning pits of hell, redeeming and uplifting, salvaging and saving, conquering the ‘Devil’ and the Dark.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Scorpio and R2

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R4 Constellationally.

  1. R2

  1. Scorpio rulers transmit R6, R1 and R4.

  1. R2

  1. Color: crimson (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) greenish-blue, blue or blue-indigo. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.) Black is a strong but non-chromatic possibility.

  1. Color: indigo blue, sapphire blue or light blue.

  1. Note: possibly SOL or G.

  1. Note: SOL or G

  1. Pervades solar plexus, sacral and base of spine centers. Expression through throat and ajna centers is possible via hierarchical Mercury.

  1. Expresses through the heart chakra; the “heart in the head” and also through the spleen as solar prana on our planet.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number IV/IX, unliberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number II/VII, unliberated

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Animal Kingdom via Mars, the Human Kingdom via Mercury and R4, the Kingdom of Souls via Mercury and R4.

  1. Related to the Vegetable Kingdom and the Kingdom of Souls

  1. Hell”

  1. Christ harrows Hell.

  1. Hate

  1. Love

  1. Illusion

  1. Wisdom

  1. Triumph

  1. Weakness and capitulation

  1. Concealment

  1. Revelation

  1. Promotes the destruction of the form.

  1. Promotes the preservation of the form.

  1. Scorpio promotes conflict (eventually, in the interests of harmony).

  1. Inclination to avoid conflict whenever possible.

  1. Warlike

  1. Peace-loving

  1. Vengeful, resentful, grudge-bearing.

  1. Forgiving.

  1. Strong always (for good or ill); heroism.

  1. Initially weak—later, strong in Love; initial cowardice.

  1. Tumultuous

  1. Tranquil

  1. Astrality. Intense emotion

  1. Promotes peace in the emotional nature through love

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Scorpio and R2

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Developing the Processes of Psychology: Both Scorpio and the second ray are involved in developing the processes of psychology. The true psyche is the soul, the representative of the second aspect of divinity. The second ray always inclines, in some measure, to the study of the psyche. Scorpio (transmitting the fourth ray—another psychological ray) inclines to the study and practice of “Depth Psychology”, in the interests, eventually, of achieving the heights of conscious realization.

  2. Revealing the Light: Both Scorpio and the second ray are involved in the process of revealing the light. Second ray souls are the most luminous of souls. The Tibetan states this as follows: “The vivid light of the second ray soul (the most vivid in this second ray solar system)…” (R&I 516) This ray is also the ray of “light-giving Influence” (DINA I 177). Scorpio is the sign of darkness, but it is a darkness entered in order, eventually, to reveal the higher light. Once the hydra-headed obstructions are cleared away, the light breaks in. Conversely, once the light breaks in (the light of the intuition, through the building of the antahkarana) the Hydra is destroyed. The process is reciprocal and creates and positive feed-back loop. Scorpio represents the “Light of Day” (EA 330).

  3. Calm after the Storm: Both influences combine to fully reveal the nature of “the calm after the storm”.

  4. Admittance into Hierarchy: These two energies are especially important in admitting the struggling human soul into the Hierarchy of Light and Love.

  5. Destructiveness—but How?: Both the energies of Scorpio and the second ray are terribly destructive. But what do they destroy and how do they do so? Scorpio withdraws life from imprisonment in form. The second ray attracts the life in form to the ‘Center of Love’ residing free from form.

  6. Death and Love as Death: Both the energies of Scorpio and the second ray are energies of death. But what dies and what is the mode of dying? It might be said that the Christ Force loves the personality to death (or rather, to its death). A mystery is contained in these thoughts so remote from the usual channels of thought.

  7. Related to Processes Important at the First, Second and Third Initiations: Scorpio (like Capricorn) is a sign active in the initiation process, and is said to be particularly active at the first three degrees.

    At the first degree, to the usual destructive and transforming qualities of Scorpio, is added the entrance into a new kingdom of Nature—the Kingdom of Souls. This kingdom is ruled by the second ray whereas the Human Kingdom is ruled by a lower expression of the fourth ray under the control of the third, or matter aspect, of divinity.

    At the second degree, to the death-dealing energies of Scorpio which kill personal desire, is added the inflow of soul love which renders the astral body an instrument for the distribution of love/buddhi; at least, a significant beginning is made.

    At the third degree, to the destruction of the grip of the personality over the soul, is added the emergence into dominance of the energies of Love-Wisdom (the major energy of the soul no matter what its particular individual ray may be).

    Even at the fourth degree (which is not given by the Tibetan as much related to Scorpio), the power of love, heart and buddhi emerge through the medium of the second ray as the causal body is destroyed by the Scorpionic/Piscean/Plutonic/Vulcanian forces.

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Scorpio is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Second Ray is Proposed as Prominent

  1. Louis Braille—French Educator who Invented the Braille Reading System for the Blind (Sun Sign)

  2. Desiderius Erasmus—Renaissance Humanist and Scholar (Sun Sign)

  3. Marsilio Ficino—Italian Philosopher, Theologian, and Linguist; his Translation of Commentaries on Plato Generated Florentine Platonist Renaissance (Sun Sign)

  4. Robert Gerard—American Esoteric Psychologist and Occultist (Ascendant)

  5. Victor Hugo—French Romantic Poet, Novelist, Dramatist (Ascendant)

  6. Helen Keller—Author, Educator Who Triumphed Over Blindness and Deafness to Becomes One of the World’s Most Cultured Individuals (Ascendant)

  7. Jawaharlal Nehru—Statesman, First Prime Minister of India (Sun Sign)

Sun Scorpio (or Ascendant Scorpio), R3P (or R3S)

  1. Sun Scorpio (or Ascendant Scorpio), R3P (or R3S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4) (A moderate mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through the third ray associations related to Mars, Pluto and Mercury, the three rulers of Scorpio. Mars represents the emotional vehicle of a great third ray Entity, and Pluto may have third ray components in relation to its monadic ray {purely speculative, but an a monadic ray which relates to the intelligence aspect of divinity is reasonable}. The strongest third ray association is with Mercury, being its probable personality ray. A appropriate category of reinforcement would be Mild by Rulership. For the ordinary individual and even for the disciple, the third ray associations of Mars or Pluto are remote at best. The third ray of Mercury is much more accessible, but Mercury is the hierarchical ruler, and therefore, significantly available only to initiates. Further, the third ray of Mercury probably expresses on a personality level, and not through the soul or monad of that planet, and hence, would not be as significant to initiates. A slight additional reinforcement of this combination comes through the exalted planet Uranus, which can reasonably be hypothesized to have a third ray personality. At least, we know that Uranus does transmit the third ray {EA 138}, but that it is not its principal ray. For Uranus, ray seven is so accentuated {almost necessarily the soul ray}, and ray one is given as an “esoteric” ray {EP I 420}. Only the personality ray remains as a possibility. No significant decanate reinforcements occur.)

  1. (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)

  1. The stealth and deceptiveness of the selfish, self-centered Scorpio person combine with the manipulativeness and deceit induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the third ray.

  2. The Serpent of Illusion wraps the human soul in its coils.

  3. Maya flourishes and deception rules.

  4. Ensnared by the subconscious nature.

  5. The Hydra schemes to get what it desires.

  6. The spider awaits its prey. Espionage and entrapment.

  7. The truth is covered, The lie creates a false world. (Josef Goebbels was born in Scorpio with a powerful third ray)

  8. The most powerful Hydra heads with this combination are: sex, money, fear, ambition, pride and separativeness.

  9. The third aspect of divinity (by fair means or foul) seeks to strangle the second aspect in its tentacles.

  10. Selfish strategy. Plots, cabals and treachery.

  11. Covert financial manipulations.

  12. Cornering the market”.

  13. Greed and acquisitiveness.

  14. The theft of vitality and of the means whereby life can be lived.

  15. Every form of intelligent selfishness.

  16. Treachery moves towards its goal undetected.

  17. Cloaked in impenetrable obscurity. Twisted psychological motivations.

  18. Sinister (left-handed) motives.

  19. Conspiracy theories and those to whom such theories refer. Suspicion and paranoia.

  20. The hidden enemy of the Light.

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Scorpio, with the third ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

  1. The capacity for subtle understanding and a comprehension of the matrix of causality—characteristics of the advancing Scorpio individual—combine with a wide and diversified knowledgeability induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the third ray.

  2. The development of subtlety of mind.

  3. The often shocking emergence of the hidden truth.

  4. An intricate network of hidden causes come to light.

  5. The capacity to foresee many usually unsuspected eventualities.

  6. Journalism and reporting which bring abuses to light. “Muckraking”.

  7. Hidden financial manipulations are exposed.

  8. Department of Intelligence” within the “War Department”.

  9. On the Path of Discipleship: detecting the movements of the subconscious nature.

  10. On the Path of Discipleship: learning to outsmart the subconscious and instinctual forces.

  11. On the Path of Discipleship: strategic financial planning to finance good works.

  12. On the Path of Discipleship: planning strategic attacks on the enemies of light and love—whether internal or external.

  13. On the Path of Discipleship: subtle personal intelligence ‘colludes’ with the internal and external Forces of Light and Love. The intelligent personality forms an alliance with the soul.

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Scorpio, with the third ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

  1. The illumination and ‘disillusionment’ of the mind—achievements possessed by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Scorpio—combine with the great acuity of mind induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the third ray. The third ray has been called “the acute energy of divine mental perception” (R&I 558).

  2. One who has greater-than-usual access to the “secrets of the Mind of God”.

  3. Detecting the hidden, occult aspects of the Diving Plan.

  4. The mind is elevated to a high position. Mercury (monadically hypothesized to be upon the ‘fifth-to-third’ ray) is the hierarchical ruler of Scorpio.

  5. The blending of buddhi (Scorpio) and manas (the third ray). The philosophical approach (third ray) to the realm of intuition (Scorpio).

  6. Having the intricacy of mind to follow the manifold twists and turns in the Gordian Knot of Illusion. One who can untie the “Gordian Knot”. Disentangling the World Illusion.

  7. Able to detect a lie immediately.

  8. Able to foresee the many and varied undesirable consequences of erroneous thought.

  9. One who can move swiftly and efficiently in darkened areas.

  10. An acutely intelligent strategist for the implementation of the Divine Plan.

  11. One who has learned swiftly and skillfully to detach from all mayavic, glamorous or illusory patterns.

  12. Knowing the “game of the world” and mastering it for the sake of helping the Hierarchy.

  13. One who is intelligently-free from the World Illusion and able to plan with God for the execution of God’s Plan.

Directives and Counsels for Scorpio and the Third Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Achieve Victory Over The Spirit Of Criticism

  2. Acquire Knowledge In Depth

  3. Alchemize The Forces Of Matter

  4. Analyze The Forces Of Mara

  5. Apply Yourself To Solving The Mystery Of Time And Space

  6. Articulate Trenchantly

  7. Attack Faulty, Illogical Thinking

  8. Avoid Ensnarement

  9. Battle With Confusion—Clarify

  10. Be A Deep Thinker

  11. Be A Forerunner Of The Light—Preparing Its Way—By Encountering Darkness And Discriminating It From The Light

  12. Be A Warrior In The Cause Of Mental Clarity

  13. Bring Intelligent Balance To The Struggle Amongst The Three Lower Vehicles, And Between These Vehicles And The Soul

  14. Break the Enemy’s Secret Code

  15. Build A Threefold Foundation Of Regenerated Substance—Transmuted And Transformed

  16. Clear Away Impediments To The Intelligent Understanding Of Concepts

  17. Communicate In Depth

  18. Compete With Your Own Stupidity

  19. Comprehend The Material Origin Of Sin

  20. Conceal That Which Must Remain Secret

  21. Conquer Ignorance And Stupidity

  22. Contend With Yourself For Ever More Ingenious Solutions

  23. Control Emotion Through The Exercise Of Intelligence

  24. Create Secret Codes And Encryptions For “Intelligence” Operations

  25. Creatively Find Hidden Or Unsuspected Paths To The Goal

  26. Cross The Threshold Of Darkness In Search Of The Patterns Of Divine Mind

  27. Defeat Dishonesty

  28. Decipher The World Illusion

  29. Demonstrate Depth Of Reasoning

  30. Deprive Yourself Of Unworthy Avenues Of Escape

  31. Destroy The Web Of Obstructive Thoughtforms

  32. Detach From Excessive Complexity

  33. Develop Economic Power

  34. Die To The Manipulative Mentality

  35. Dig Into An Understanding Of Material Processes

  36. Disclose The Laws Of Thought

  37. Discover Foundational Economic Formulas

  38. Discriminate Between The Pairs Of Opposites, Thus Clarifying Their Roles In The ‘Great War’

  39. Disengage From Destructive Entanglements

  40. Diversify Investments

  41. Do Battle With Your Mind

  42. Draw Up The Plans For A Program Of Regeneration

  43. Eliminate Deceit

  44. Elude Evil Tendencies

  45. Escape From Bondage

  46. Exhume And Apply Ancient Mantra

  47. Expose Corruption

  48. Exterminate Indirection And Innuendo

  49. Fathom The Divine Plan

  50. Fight For The Creative Use Of The Mind

  51. Finance The “Good Fight”

  52. Find The Psychological Roots Of Mental Pride And Get Rid Of It

  53. Forfeit Unfair Advantage

  54. Foresee Methods Of Dealing With Drastic Change

  55. Gain A Broad Perspective Upon The Subject Of Death

  56. Get To The Root Of The Meaning Of Time And Space

  57. Give Up Materialism

  58. Give Voice To Arcane Knowledge

  59. Go To The Roots Of Conceptualization

  60. Grasp The Secret Of Triplicity And The “Trinity”

  61. Humble Yourself Before The Love Of The Soul—Which Is Greater Than Your Own Intelligence

  62. Intelligently Expose Treachery And Underhandedness

  63. Interpret That Which Is Seen With Deep Insight And Acumen

  64. Invest In Financial Operations Which Will Support The Expression Of The Plan

  65. Investigate The Causes Of Genius (Howard Gardner)

  66. Intensify Your Power Of Thought

  67. Interpret The Meaning Of Sin And Evil

  68. Keep Silence—Silently Weave

  69. Keep The Records Telling The Story Of The Progress Of The Light Emerging From Darkness

  70. Kill Out Material Ambition

  71. Let Reason Conquer Ignorance

  72. Live Through And Survive The Evolutionary Phase Of Mental Overstimulation

  73. Lose Interest In The World Maya

  74. Maneuver Intelligently In The Great Battle

  75. Outsmart The “Serpent Of Illusion”

  76. Overcome The Limitations Of Mental Reasoning

  77. Pass Bravely And Intelligently Through The “Forest Of Error”

  78. Penetrate Into The Field Of Divine Mental Perception

  79. Plan For the Alleviation Of Disaster

  80. Plan For The Coming Of Death

  81. Plan With Foresight And Keep Your Own Counsel

  82. Probe Deeply For Creative Solutions

  83. Produce Enigmatic Combinations

  84. Provide Power For Locomotion

  85. Purge Yourself Of Material Selfishness

  86. Raise Money To Promote Better Communication

  87. Reason Deeply--Profoundly

  88. Rebuild The Material Foundation

  89. Refuse To Lie

  90. Reject Duplicity

  91. Relinquish Rationalizations And Excuses

  92. Remember Those Experiences Almost Lost In The Depths Of The Subconscious

  93. Renew The Power Of The Thinking Process

  94. Renounce The Tyranny Of Thoughtforms

  95. Repulse The Personality And Its Processes

  96. Research The Nature Of The Thinking Process

  97. Resurrect The Kundalini Fire—The Fire Of Matter

  98. Reveal Unwritten, Unspoken Aspects Of History

  99. Secure All Needed Resources

  100. See Into The Machinations Of The Instinctual Nature

  101. Separate The Values Of The Soul From The Tempting Tendencies Of The Personality

  102. Skillfully Deal With Catastrophe And Crisis

  103. Slay The Dragon Of Illusion

  104. Stop Evading The Soul—Face It Courageously

  105. Strategize In Silence

  106. Struggle To Cease Deceiving Yourself

  107. Think Deeply And Thoroughly On How To Achieve Economic Well-Being

  108. Trap Evil Doers

  109. Transform Your Material Nature Via The Holy Spirit

  110. Transmute Impracticality Into Skill In Action

  111. Uncover The Mainspring Of Creative Thinking

  112. Undermine The Roots Of Nescience

  113. Understand The Economy Deeply

  114. Unify The Lower Four—Let The Soul Conquer The Brahmic Aspect

  115. Unravel The Skeins Of Fate And Karma

  116. Unveil The Mysteries Of The Mind Of God

  117. Use The Mind To Destroy The Mind—Rise Above The Limitations Of Thought

  118. Vanquish The Mental Hydra

  119. Veil And Yet Reveal; Disclose And Yet Conceal; Cover And Uncover

  120. Vitalize Renovations

  121. Wield Thought As An Agent Of Beneficent Destruction

  122. Wrest The Light From Dark Places And Thus, Illuminate The Lotus

Mantra for Scorpio and the Third Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: I struggle in my mind to understand the deeper meaning of this most confusing battle twixt my higher and my lower self; let the Purpose of the Triad be revealed; let the Purpose which I am and which I must express be known.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “Purpose Itself Am I”—a Purpose Known and Understood, when Standing in Triadal Light Triumphant—Victorious through Buddhic Love and Atmic Power.

Proposed Symbol/Image for R3/Scorpio: Alert and at the center of the planetary ‘Web of Life’, the perspicacious Weaver, sagaciously surveys the tangled threads of worldly maya, then creatively reweaves the web according to the pattern long-intended by God’s Plan Divine.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Scorpio and R3

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R4 Constellationally.

  1. R3

  1. Scorpio rulers transmit R6, R1 and R4.

  1. R3

  1. Color: crimson (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) greenish-blue, blue or blue-indigo. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.) Black is a strong but non-chromatic possibility.

  1. Color: green, yellow or black.

  1. Note: possibly SOL or G.

  1. Note: FA or F.

  1. Pervades solar plexus, sacral and base of spine centers. Expression through throat and ajna centers is possible via hierarchical Mercury.

  1. Expresses through the throat chakra and (to a degree) through the sacral chakra, also through the spleen as planetary prana, and, quite reasonably, through the ajna center when that center represents the spiritual triad

  1. Creative Hierarchy number IV/IX, unliberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number I, liberated, and Creative Hierarchy number III/VIII, unliberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Animal Kingdom via Mars, the Human Kingdom via Mercury and R4, the Kingdom of Souls via Mercury and R4.

  1. Related to the Animal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives.

  1. Strongly involved with the processes of the astral body.

  1. More connected to the mental and physical bodies.

  1. Engaging in physical combat.

  1. Shrinking from physical combat; sneaking away. May fight with thoughts and words.

  1. Inner conflict.

  1. Rationalizing, self-justifying.

  1. Confrontational

  1. Evasive

  1. Experiential

  1. Abstracted

  1. Research to discover knowledge.

  1. Manipulation of existing knowledge, or thinking to arrive at knowledge.

  1. Seeking the destruction of the hindering form—eventually.

  1. Seeking the mending and sustainment of the hindering form—at first, though untying all the knots of ignorance—eventually.

  1. Battle-scarred

  1. Mental identification helps avoid battle.

  1. Scorpionic processes reveal the “Sun God”.

  1. Ray tends to support the ‘Dominion of the Moon’—the processes of matter and form, though Divine Mind eventually comes to the rescue.

  1. Immorality

  1. Amorality

  1. Related to sex as a psychological process

  1. Generically related to sex as a procreative, form-producing process

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Scorpio and R3

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Maya and Illusion: Both Scorpio and the third ray are closely related to the factors of maya and illusion. In lower Scorpio it is said, “Let maya flourish and deception rule”. The third ray is the “Lord of Space” and “Dispenser of Time”. Space/Time is the Great Illusion itself.

  2. War with the Form: Scorpio is a sign of duality—more specifically of “conflict with duality” (EA 332). One of the dualities engaged in the ‘Scorpionic Wars’ is the form (ruled generically by ray three).

  3. Conspiring to Preserve Lunar Privilege: Both Scorpio and ray three may conspire to preserve the prerogatives of the lunar lords. Scorpio, as the Hydra, is the negativity of the threefold lunar form (expressing a ninefold corruption). Although the Moon “falls” in Scorpio, it is in Scorpio, at first, that a great (and losing) effort is made to preserve the pre-eminence of the negative lunar tendencies. The Moon and the third ray are closely related, because the Moon-chain was the third chain. The third ray, wedded to the program of the first solar system, reinforces early, lunar, Scorpio tendencies. Both become, as it were, ‘defenders of the unholy past’. Scorpio is a “triple sign” represented, symbolically, by the letter “M”, which stands for matter, and, in English, sums to 13/4 which represent the world of form.

  4. Disentangling the Consciousness from Maya: Once the tide is turned and the soul becomes the motivating force, Scorpio and the third ray cooperate in the disentanglement of the consciousness from the web of Maya. Scorpio helps the disciple “see through” illusion, glamor and maya, and the third ray (though an excellent knot-maker in the early days of evolution) knows well how rapidly to untie the very knots it has made. Thus the two, Scorpio and the third ray, bring about a successful extrication from the many tangled threads of energy and force which bind the prisoner in the lower worlds.

  5. Sexuality: Considering sexuality as within the province the third ray—the ‘Ray of Form-creation’, a line of reinforcement with Scorpio (one of the foremost signs related to sexuality) can be found. The sexual organs are ruled by the sign Scorpio, Necessarily, this sign strongly affects the sacral center, which is, as well, powerfully affected by Mars (the orthodox and esoteric ruler of Scorpio). The third ray is also closely related to the sacral center—the center whose purpose is the procreation of physical forms.

  6. Related to Processes Important at the First Three Initiations: This combination has something to offer at each of the first three initiations.

    There is important throat center stimulation at the first two initiations. At the first, the sexual energy of the sacral center (Scorpio) is transferred to the throat (ruled by the third ray). Scorpio (ever the ‘thief’ of vitality for good purposes of for ill) absorbs sexual vitality and raises it to the creative center.

    At the second initiation, there is also throat center stimulation. In this case a kind of “mental illumination” (an “illumined mind”
    DINA II 267) must be produced, and the throat center must no longer contribute to the entanglement of manas with kama. Mind must extricate itself from the astral body, and to this end, the third ray (“The Divine Separator”—EP I 68) labors.

    At the third degree, illusion must be defeated, and to this end the third aspect of the monad (correlated with the third ray) becomes active, unifying the mental field and ending its fragmentation. The mind is no longer darkened under negative Scorpio, but the full “Light of Day” shines in the mind. A releasing mental illumination is achieved (Mercury, hierarchical ruler of Scorpio, distributing the third ray as well as the fourth). The Dragon of Wisdom disentangles the illusory coils of the Serpent of Illusion.

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Scorpio is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Third Ray is Proposed as Prominent

  1. Andrew Carnegie—Scottish American Industrialist, Philanthropist, Endower of Libraries (Ascendant)

  2. Bill Gates—Computer Magnate, Entrepreneur, Director of Microsoft Empire (Sun Sign)

  3. Joseph Goebbels—Nazi Leader, Politician, Chief Propagandist (Sun Sign)

  4. Henry George—American Land Reformer and Economist who Proposed the Single Tax (Ascendant)

  5. Marc Edmund Jones—American Astrologer and Philosopher, “Dean of American Astrologers” (Ascendant)

  6. Mata Hari “Margaretha Geertruida Zelle”—Spy, Double-Agent, Prostitute, Symbol of Sex and Intrigue (Ascendant)

  7. Regiomontanus—German Astrologer, Astronomer, Humanist; Devised a System of House Division (Ascendant)

  8. Bertrand Russell—Prolific English Author, Philosopher, Mathematician, Peace Activist in Later Years (Ascendant)

  9. Leon Trotsky—Russian Revolutionary, Rival of Joseph Stalin on whose Orders he was Assassinated (Sun Sign)

  10. Voltaire—18th Century French Author, Satirist, Philosopher, Poet, Historian, Encyclopedist, Novelist (Sun Sign)

  11. Ludwig Wittgenstein—Austrian Logical Positivist Philosopher; Best Known for his Philosophy of Language (Ascendant)

Sun Scorpio (or Ascendant Scorpio), R4P (or R4S)

  1. Sun Scorpio (or Ascendant Scorpio), R4P (or R4S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4) (A very strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through the fourth ray transmitted constellationally—and in greatest strength—through Scorpio, and through the fourth ray transmitted through Mercury—the hierarchical ruler of Scorpio. The principal category of reinforcement would be Very Strong by Constellational Transmission and would operate for all people. For initiates, a further categorization of Strong by Rulership—Class 3 would be appropriate. Initiates with a strong Scorpio influence respond to Mercury, which transmits the fourth ray, almost certainly as its soul ray. The fourth ray influence from Mercury would only mildly affect the average individual and even the average disciple, but the fourth ray through Scorpio is so powerful and pervasive that there would be no want of fourth ray for any type of individual born in or under this sign.)

  1. (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)

    1. The conflict and tension (both imposed and experienced) by the selfish, self-centered Scorpio person combine with the friction, instability and constant turmoil induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the fourth ray.

    2. War and the arts of war—for personal gain.

    3. Deep-seated conflicts. War in the deepest recesses of the psyche. Seething.

    4. The battle with negativity is intense (even if largely invisible) and mostly the negative forces overcome the positive.

    5. Unresolved tensions as a cause of ill-health—physical, emotional and mental.

    6. Fear of defeat. Coupled with an equally strong fear of victory.

    7. Frequently snatching defeat from the jaws of victory through self-sabotage.

    8. Killing the thing one loves most. Loving what one appears to hate.

    9. Love and hate focussed upon the same person.

    10. Conflict between “Eros” and “Thanatos”—the life and death instincts.

    11. Thus, mortal conflict between the forces of life and the forces of death.

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Scorpio, with the fourth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

      1. A deepening understanding of the causes and dynamics of struggle and conflict characteristic of the advancing Scorpio individual combines with the ability to bring harmony out of conflict—an aptitude induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the fourth ray of “Harmony Through Conflict”.

      2. Development of the martial (Scorpio) arts (fourth ray). The art of war pursued for unselfish reasons.

      3. Engaging in combat for the purpose of ending combat.

      4. Growing expertise in conflict-resolution.

      5. Growing expertise in understanding crisis and intervening in crisis situations.

      6. Crisis counseling. (The second ray and Scorpio are also involved in this field.)

      7. Suited for the practice of therapeutic psychology.

      8. Expressive in the dramatic arts. Inducing catharsis and release.

      9. Creativity involving the depths and heights of the human experience.

      10. On the Path of Discipleship: victory over vice emerges through constant conflict with vice.

      11. On the Path of Discipleship: harmonizing the internecine warfare within the personality vehicles. (cf. EP II 340)

      12. On the Path of Discipleship: having the courage to confront and work-through all detected personality negativity.

      13. On the Path of Discipleship: engaging strenuously in the conflict between soul and personality to the point at which the personality becomes harmonized to the will of the soul.

      14. On the Path of Discipleship: learning the value of intuition in the dispelling of illusion.

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Scorpio, with the fourth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

        1. A profound understanding of the bondage and victory of the human soul/spirit—a gift possessed by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Scorpio—combines with an intuitive, buddhic ability to understand, experience and promote the inherent harmony between the apparently warring “pairs of opposites”an understanding induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the fourth ray, the ray of the buddhic plane.

        2. Realizing that all warring opposites are already part of a One with which they are slowly merging. “Two Merge with One” (R&I 518) That buddhic and pervasive Oneness is sensed behind and within all evident and warring dualities.

        3. Achieving victory in harmonizing the soul and personality under the Laws of the Soul.

        4. Experiential knowledge that the victory of the soul over the massed hostility of the personality is achieved through intuitively accessing Divine Love.

        5. A deep realization that no matter how horrible may seen the fate and experiences of the human race, nevertheless, a profound love and harmony underlie those experiences and that fate.

        6. A deep realization that soul and personality, spirit and matter, deeply love each other, and are intended for a union in which the best qualities of each will emerge for the benefit of the other.

        7. A profound understanding of the fate, destiny, dharma and karma of the Fourth Creative Hierarchy, the Human. Scorpio and the fourth ray are the rulers of the Creative Hierarchy of Human Monads. When this combination is present, therefore, there is a special resonance with the monad—its purpose, its quality, its focus. Perhaps Scorpio and the fourth ray together is the most human of all energy combinations, and acquaints the one qualified by these energies with the deeply conflicted and yet (eventually) glorious and beautiful destiny of all human beings and of the human family as a whole.

Directives and Counsels for Scorpio and the Fourth Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Achieve Victory Over Vacillation And Inconstancy

  2. Alchemize The Lower Into The Higher

  3. Amass Resources For The Promotion Of Culture

  4. Ameliorate Crisis

  5. Artistically Express The Conflict Between Good And Evil

  6. Attack Ugliness

  7. Banish The Forces Of “Mara” Through The Power Of True Beauty

  8. Battle With The Great Pairs Of Opposites

  9. Be A Warrior In The Cause Of Beauty

  10. Be Deeply Sensitive

  11. Be Victor In The Conflict With Duality

  12. Bridge Conflict Through The Use Of Resonance And Rapport

  13. Bring To The Surface The Cause Of Discord

  14. Brood Deeply Over The Nature Of Beauty And Ugliness

  15. Carry Peace To Those Who Mourn

  16. Compete With Your Own Tendency To Fail

  17. Comprehend Deeply The Art Of Conflict Resolution

  18. Conquer Divisiveness

  19. Contend With Yourself For The Sake Of Self-Refinement

  20. Control Emotion So That Concord May Emerge

  21. Correct The Form Through A Radical Understanding Of Its Deep, Essential Structure

  22. Create Analogies Of Such Occult Depth That Only The Intuition Can Reveal Them

  23. Create Sharp And Shocking Contrasts

  24. Cross The Threshold Of Darkness In Search Of The Intuition

  25. Dance With Intensity

  26. Decipher Arcane Pictorial Languages

  27. Defeat The Serpent Through The Use Of The Intuition

  28. Detach From Predictability

  29. Deeply Understand The Art Of Living

  30. Defuse Tensions In Lethal Situations

  31. Demonstrate An In-Depth Understanding Of Cooperation And Its Impediments

  32. Detect That Which Is Truly Of Value

  33. Die To The World Of Form—Enter Formlessness

  34. Discern That Which Is Needed To Correct The Form

  35. Discover The Sources Of Inspiration

  36. Dispel Illusion Through Access To The Intuition

  37. Divine The Depths Of Human Nature And Find Something In Common With Everyone

  38. Do Away With Unnecessary Frictions

  39. Dwell In The “Holy Place”—The Place Of Intuition

  40. Encounter Others With Utter Frankness

  41. Enter The Silence And Intuitively Comprehend The Depths Of Life

  42. Eradicate The Obstacles To Peace

  43. Expose The Causes Of Conflict

  44. Express Intense Emotions Through Art

  45. Fathom The Intangible And The Ineffable

  46. Fight For Harmony

  47. Find Serenity In Apparent Agony—Thus Triumph

  48. Force The Conflict To Subside”

  49. Generate Crisis For Purposes Of Revelation

  50. Grasp The Secret Of Form And The Formless

  51. Harmonize The “Dweller” And The “Angel”

  52. Humble Yourself Before The Goddess Of Beauty

  53. Identify Deeply With Humanity’s Struggles

  54. Instigate Conflict In Order To End Conflict

  55. Intensify Your Expressivity

  56. Intermediate Between The Warring Poles

  57. Intuit The Fundamental Equivalence Of The Pairs Of Opposites

  58. Intuitively Understand The Psychology Of Emotion

  59. Invest In Peace

  60. Investigate The Causes Of War

  61. Keep Silence So That Beauty May Dawn Upon Your Consciousness

  62. Kill Out Temptation—Giving-In To The Low While Knowing The High

  63. Kneel So That The Final Battle May Be Won

  64. Know The Human Kingdom As A Warring Kingdom Intent On Peace

  65. Let Beauty Arise Out Of Deep Pain

  66. Let Buddhic Love Triumph Over Wrong Allure

  67. Let Crucifixion Lead To Harmonization

  68. Let The Inner Warrior Arise Within You And Enforce The Law Of Magnetic Control

  69. Link The Three And The Three—The Triadal Warrior Above And His Threefold Opponent—The “Monster”--Below

  70. Live The Law Of Sacrifice—The Law Of Those Who Choose To Die

  71. Let The Realization Of Beauty Transform And Redeem The Torture Of Life

  72. Make Peace Through Strength

  73. Mark The Parting Of The Way—The Right From The Left Hand Path

  74. Master Your Materials—Bring Beauty Out Of Ugliness

  75. Never Seek Appeasement With Evil Forces—Thus Avoid An Unworthy, Inherent Tendency

  76. Overcome Separativeness Through The Power To Bridge

  77. Pacify Crisis

  78. Passionately Desire The Beautiful

  79. Perceive The Way With Deep Discernment

  80. Perfect The Martial Arts—Physically And Psychologically

  81. Penetrate The Arupa Worlds

  82. Plant Deep The Seed Of The Flower That Is To Come

  83. Prevail In Your Spiritual Struggles

  84. Probe The Secrets Of Symbolism

  85. Produce Rich, Deep Colors

  86. Profoundly Understand That Pain Releases Beauty

  87. Purge Yourself Of All That Is Not Refined

  88. Realize The Immortality Of Beauty—Deathless Beauty

  89. Rebuild The Temple Of Culture

  90. Recognize The Value Of The Ever-Present Death Instinct

  91. Refuse To Become A Ne’re Do Well—Refuse To Fail

  92. Reject Low Aesthetic Standards

  93. Relinquish The Forces Which Resist The Soul

  94. Renounce Imperfection

  95. Repel The Repulsive

  96. Resurrect The Human Spirit Through Artistic Inspiration

  97. Reveal The Roots Of The Ancient Conflict Between Spirit And Matter, Between Body And Soul

  98. Rise Above All That Is Sordid

  99. Risk Extremes In The Artistic Expression Of Psychological Truth

  100. Sacrifice All So That Two May Merge With One

  101. Sacrifice For The Sake Of Buddhic Realization

  102. See Into The Hidden Reasons For War

  103. Seek Psychological Intimacy Through Perfected Rapport

  104. Sublimate Pain Into Exquisite Sensitivity

  105. Summon Resistance To The Surface

  106. Trumpet Forth The Challenge On Behalf Of The Lord

  107. Understand The “Eternally Lovely Secret Of Death”

  108. Unite Beauty And Terror Artistically

  109. Unveil The Realm Where Angels And Humans Meet

  110. Use Color To Facilitate The Process Of Dying

  111. Utilize The Grotesque To Reveal The Lovely

  112. Vanquish Self-Sabotage

  113. When Fighting The “Good Fight” Ensure That Both Sides Win

Mantra for Scorpio and the Fourth Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: Engaged within a battle for the very life of Soul, I struggle both as Angel and as Dweller; and I struggle as the Warrior twixt the two; let the warring two I seem to be, at last become the One I truly am.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “Two Merge with One”—a One Revealed to Consciousness Triumphant, Merged within Triadal Light, Triadal Love and Power.

Proposed Symbol/Image for R4/Scorpio: Vibrantly responsive to the scintillating ‘Spectrum of Rainbow-Colored Tones’, the ‘Artist of his Life’ beholds the struggling, warring Opposites, the light, the dark opposed in deadly strife; in pain and bliss he grasps them both, demanding that they fuse and blend, for only thus will Beauty, in its fullness, be revealed.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Scorpio and R4

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R4 Constellationally.

  1. R4

  1. Scorpio rulers transmit R6, R1 and R4.

  1. R4

  1. Color: crimson (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) greenish-blue, blue or blue-indigo. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.) Black is a strong but non-chromatic possibility.

  1. Color: yellow or crème

  1. Note: possibly SOL or G.

  1. Note: MI or E.

  1. Pervades solar plexus, sacral and base of spine centers. Expression through throat and ajna centers is possible via hierarchical Mercury.

  1. Associated with the ajna center through Mercury, and with the heart center because it is the fourth center. Also with the four-petalled based of spine center

  1. Creative Hierarchy number IV/IX, unliberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number IV/IX, unliberated, and Creative Hierarchy II, liberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Animal Kingdom via Mars, the Human Kingdom via Mercury and R4, the Kingdom of Souls via Mercury and R4.

  1. Related to the Vegetable Kingdom and the Human Kingdom.

  1. Closely associated with death.

  1. Not necessarily associated with death—except when buddhic realization leads to the death of form.

  1. Not necessarily associated with beauty. The “Monster” of ugliness is familiar.

  1. Usually associated with beauty in some measure.

  1. Scorpio is a sign of control.

  1. Lack of control and discipline is a problem for the fourth ray type.

  1. Inclined towards caution.

  1. Often reckless.

  1. Concealment.

  1. Oscillation between revealing too much or too little.

  1. Sign of power and great endurance

  1. Initial weakness, until “Steadfastness” is achieved

  1. Retentive, conserving, holding, hoarding.

  1. Prodigal, wasteful.

  1. Brooding

  1. Spontaneous

  1. Heavy’

  1. By turns ‘light’ or ‘heavy’.

  1. Generally serious and dependable.

  1. Often, at first, unstable.

  1. Domination of the enemy; the soul dominates the enemy.

  1. Peace, and the reconciliation of soul and personality as well of all “opposites”.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Scorpio and R4

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Crucial in Relation to the Fourth Creative Hierarchy: Very importantly, these two energies—of Scorpio and of the fourth ray—are the two energies which combine to rule the Fourth Creative Hierarchy of Human Monads. Humanity is a struggling kingdom of nature destined for the divinely harmonious resolution of its conflicts. Humanity is, like Scorpio, “The Fighter”. (EA 333) Through humanity, soul and personality, spirit and matter, are in final and mortal combat. They must be harmonized and reconciled to each other through wise, loving intuitive consciousness—the contribution of the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict, which conveys the holistic, buddhic intuition. Mercury is the ruler of the Fourth Creative Hierarchy and is, planetarily, the principal transmitter of the fourth ray. Mercury, “the star of conflict” becomes, for human consciousness, the “star of intuition”. Lower Scorpionic, Mercurial Illusion is defeated by the dispelling radiance of buddhic realization. True intuition reveals the whole and ends the “Great Heresy of Separateness”. Scorpio and the fourth ray, when they have fulfilled their harmonizing function, lead humanity into the Fifth Kingdom of Nature, and into the domain of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, which, eventually, is to become the soul ray of humanity.

  2. War and Struggle: The energies of both Scorpio and the fourth ray incline to war and struggle. “Test, Trial and Triumph!” “Struggle, Strength, and Sagittarian attitudes”. (EA 206) These are the story of the life of the aspirant/disciple born in or under Scorpio. The fourth ray is the ray of “Harmony through Conflict” and the life of the fourth ray disciple is, at first, one of constant warfare.

  3. Dispelling Illusion: Both Scorpio and the fourth ray cooperate in the dispelling of illusion. In Scorpio the nine-headed Hydra is overcome, but it is only through the fourth ray and its transmitter, Mercury, the hierarchical ruler of Scorpio, that success is achieved.

  4. Powerful Expressivity: The energies of the fourth ray and of Scorpio both incline towards powerful expressivity—once the Scorpio individual has decided to reveal what so often he keeps to himself.

  5. Approach and Avoidance: Both influences incline towards a powerful “approach/avoidance complex”. So often, the Scorpionic person is attracted to that which he must later relinquish. Intense engagement and forced release is the story. The fourth ray person is also strongly engaged in attraction/repulsion behaviour, in fight-or-flight behavior. For him, a balanced attitude must be achieved.

  6. Involvement in the Death Drama: Both Scorpio and the fourth ray involve the disciple in the death drama but in different ways. Scorpio always inclines to the death and destruction of form—to detachment from form and its relinquishment. The fourth ray brings about death when perfection or final beauty has been achieved.

  7. Victimization by Mood: Persons influenced by both energies can become the victim of mood. Scorpio broods and the fourth ray is given to sudden and unpredictable mood changes.

  8. Related to the Process Important at the First Initiation: Scorpio, we are told, is active at the first three planetary initiations—the “Birth”, “Baptism” and “Transfiguration”. At each of these initiations there is a great battle between various of the personality “pairs of opposites”—battles which are, essentially, a reflection of the battle between soul and personality. The fourth ray is the “Ray of Struggle” and is implicated in each of these battles. The first battle is between the etheric body (newly charged with soul-patterning), and the instincts of the physical elemental.

  9. Related to Processes Important at the Second Initiation: Scorpio is most associated with the second initiation, at which time occurs the “death of desire” (cf. IHS 85, EA 127). There is a great struggle on the astral plane followed by a harmonization and a relaxation of destructive tension. To this struggle and subsequent placation, the energies of both Scorpio and the fourth ray contribute—for they bring harmony after conflict.

  10. Related to Processes Important at the Fourth Initiation: The fourth initiation is ruled by the fourth ray. At this initiation there occurs a threefold process characterized by the words “Crucifixion. Sacrifice. Harmony.” The energies of Scorpio stage circumstances and life events so that the first two of these words can be applied; these energies also contribute to the subsequent harmonization. The energies of the fourth ray are ‘torturing’ energies related to Crucifixion; they are also energies which govern the first Law of the Soul—the “Law of Sacrifice” (cf. EP II 87); fourth ray energies are also those which finally, after much conflict, produce buddhic harmonization—harmonization under the influence of Love-Wisdom.

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Scorpio is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Fourth Ray is Proposed as Prominent

  1. Sarah Bernhardt—French Actress, “The Divine Sarah” (Sun Sign)

  2. Leonard Bernstein—American Conductor, Composer, and Pianist (Ascendant)

  3. Benvenuto Cellini—Renaissance Italian Sculptor and Goldsmith (Sun Sign)

  4. Fyodor Dostoyevsky—Russian Novelist, with Profound Psychological Penetration (Sun Sign)

  5. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe—German Poet and Novelist, Playwright, and Natural Philosopher; the Greatest Figure of the German Romantic Period and of German Literature as a Whole. 18th Century (Ascendant)

  6. John Keats—English Romantic Lyric Poet (Sun Sign)

  7. Friedrich Nietzsche—German Philosopher and Social Critic (Proposed Ascendant)

  8. Vaslav Nijinski—Russian Ballet Dancer known for his Great Leaps (Ascendant)

  9. Edgar Allan Poe--American Short-Story Writer, Poet, and Critic, Famous for his Tales of Mystery and the Macabre (Ascendant)

  10. Raphael—Italian Renaissance Painter (Ascendant)

  11. Auguste Rodin—French Sculptor (Sun Sign)

  12. Rudolf Steiner—Philosopher, Educator, Occultist (Ascendant with R2, 3, 5, 6)

  13. Dylan Thomas—Welsh Poet and Playwright (Sun Sign)

  14. William Wordsworth—English Romantic Poet; Poet Laureate of England (1843-1850) (Ascendant)

Sun Scorpio (or Ascendant Scorpio), R5P (or R5S)

  1. Sun Scorpio (or Ascendant Scorpio), R5P (or R5S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4) (A mild to moderate mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through the fifth ray components of Mars, Pluto and Mercury—the three rulers of Scorpio. Whether the category of reinforcement is Mild by Rulership or Moderate depends upon the evolutionary development of the individual concerned. While the fifth ray is not the principal and most expressive ray of any of these planets, it seems to feature prominently in the higher vehicles of all of them. Mars and Pluto rule most people born in or under Scorpio. It can be reasonably argued that the fifth ray is the monadic ray of Mars {a planet which, interestingly, rules science {EA 215}, and is associated with Pluto—given its tendencies to engage in research}. But probably, the fifth ray emanates from the upper reaches of the energy system and would not be so accessible to the average individual. If, however, the fifth ray rules the mental vehicle of either or both of these planets, it would be more accessible. The fifth ray may well be the monadic ray of Mercury {though not its primary monadic ray which, hypothetically, must be one of the three Rays of Aspect}. Mercury is the hierarchical ruler, of Scorpio. This must remain speculative, but almost certainly the monadic ray of Mercury is the fifth, eventually to be resolved into the third. In any case, the fifth ray is not the normally given ray for Mercury, and so cannot confidently be used to indicate the category {for initiates} of Strong by Rulership—Class 3, but in the lives of initiates, the fifth ray of Mercury will be significant. Thus, the category of reinforcement for initiates can be reasonably given as Moderate by Rulership. In general, the reinforcement is strengthened by the possible Venusian rulership of one of the Scorpio decanates, transmitting as it does the fifth ray. The Tibetan seems to be deliberately obscure about how to assign the decanate rulers to this sign.)

  1. (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)

  1. An exclusive focus upon the phenomenality of the three lower worlds—a focus characteristic of the self-centered, materialistic Scorpio person—combines with the skepticism and insensitivity induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the fifth ray.

  2. Active disbelief in the energies beyond and within matter.

  3. Using the rational mind to defend and justify an attachment to the materialistic world view.

  4. Explaining all higher phenomena in terms of material causes. (Mind is an epiphenomenona of brain.)

  5. Using the mind to penetrate into another to find his or her weakness. Investigation for the purpose of disempowering others. Research to disable. These abilities would serve well in military intelligence.

  6. Cold penetration, without the motive of love.

  7. The mental heads of the Hydra: pride, separateness, cruelty

  8. Extremely destructive criticism.

  9. Thoughts and words which are like darts. Thoughts and words which can kill.

  10. The power to create cleavages with the mind.

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Scorpio, with the fifth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

  1. The growing capacity for penetrating research and a deep knowledge of causes—both qualities which are characteristic of the advancing Scorpio individual—combine with keen analytical, fact-finding abilities induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the fifth ray.

  2. Power for the most penetrating research. (Jonas Salk and Marie Curie both were born in Scorpio, and had a powerful fifth ray component to their ray chart. Thomas Edison was probably a fifth ray soul with Scorpio rising.)

  3. Atomic and sub-atomic research.

  4. The ability to find what no one else can find.

  5. The power to detect very obscure causes.

  6. Strong medical interests. Surgery. Powers of diagnosis. Finding the root of disease.

  7. Gradual cultivation of (at least, figurative) “x-ray vision”.

  8. In general, the power to throw a beam of focussed light into the darkness.

  9. On the Path of Occultism: deep commitment to the truth.

  10. On the Path of Discipleship: capacity for deeply penetrating meditation.

  11. On the Path of Discipleship: the ability to disidentify from the astral body and emotional states.

  12. On the Path of Discipleship: capacity to detect hidden glamors, throwing a beam of focussed light upon them.

  13. On the Path of Discipleship: facility for “meditation with seed” and for occult meditation.

  14. On the Path of Discipleship: the growing power to penetrate the mysteries of Nature in relation to the three subhuman kingdoms.

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Scorpio, with the fifth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

    1. The abilities to know the truth and conquer illusion—abilities increasingly possessed by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Scorpio—combine with the power to achieve soul-inspired, mental illumination, induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the fifth ray.

    2. Developing occult powers, siddhis, scientifically. Literal ‘x-ray vision’.

    3. Mastery of the world of glamor by the soul-inspired powers of the mental body.

    4. Power to extract from the world of soul hidden occult formulas and words of power.

    5. Power to slay the Serpent of Illusion with light.

    6. Capacity to engage in occult scientific research—discovering the secrets of the soul and even higher secrets.

    7. Power to ferret out the “secrets of initiation”—tracing hints to their true significance.

    8. Power to become the true occultist for whom “knowledge is power”. The science of occultism.

    9. Power to ensure that soul/triadal light forever conquers the realms of darkness-the realms of lower form.

    10. In general, the growing mastery of the forces of nature, and their control in line with the Spiritual Will, the Divine Plan and Purpose.

Directives and Counsels for Scorpio and the Fifth Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Achieve Victory Over Uncertainty

  2. Alchemize Matter To Produce Clear Perception

  3. Analyze The World Illusion

  4. Annihilate Faulty Reasoning

  5. Apply Yourself To Surgery—Physical Or Psychological

  6. Arrive At Essential, Root Definitions

  7. Ascertain The Occult Psycho-Technologies To Conquer Death

  8. Ask The Deepest Questions

  9. Attack Superstition

  10. Battle With Error

  11. Be A Cool Head Amidst Catastrophe

  12. Be A Warrior In The Cause Of Exact Truth

  13. Be An Occult Scientist, Or A Scientific Occultist

  14. Be Logical And Level-Headed In The Face Of Personality Rebellion

  15. Be Resourceful—Find The Unexpected

  16. Be The Threefold Thinker—Think With Acuity

  17. Become An Expert In The Art Of Objectivity

  18. Bring Hidden Facts To The Surface

  19. Brood Deeply Over The “Garment Of God”

  20. Bury Evidence Which Can Be Used By The Forces Of Opposition—“Cover Your Tracks”

  21. Clear Away The Impediments To Lucidity

  22. Conceal And Disclose The “Door Into The Mind Of God”

  23. Conduct A Thorough Exploration

  24. Connect Through Intelligence The ‘Mind Of Heaven’ With The ‘Mind Of Hell’

  25. Conquer Wishful Thinking—In Yourself And Others

  26. Contend With Yourself To Achieve The Highest Possible Standard Of Truthfulness

  27. Contribute To The Triumph Of The Light

  28. Control Emotion So That It Cannot Possibly Interfere With Clarity Of Thought

  29. Convey The Sirian Energy—Transforming Evil Into Good

  30. Count Your Losses And Gains Realistically

  31. Counter The Forces Of Mara With A Beam Of Luminous Thought

  32. Courageously, Tenaciously—Open The Door Into The Mind Of God

  33. Cross The Threshold Of Darkness In Search Of Supreme Luminosity

  34. Decipher The Secrets Of Nature

  35. Defeat Death Through Knowledge

  36. Deprive Yourself Of Disbelief

  37. Destroy Superficiality

  38. Detach From Sentiment—See Things As They Are

  39. Detect Fallacies

  40. Diagnose Deep-Seated Difficulties

  41. Discern God Beneath His “Garment”

  42. Discover Nature’s Occult Formulae

  43. Disidentify With The Allurement Of Matter And Form

  44. Dispense Occult Knowledge

  45. Divide With The Discriminating Sword—Good From Evil

  46. Divulge Concealed Information

  47. Employ Scientific Technology To Bring The Causes Of War To An End

  48. End The Separativeness To Which You Are Prone—Analyze Its Essential Fallacy

  49. Enter The Silence In Search Of The Clear Cold Light Of Truth

  50. Enthusiastically Renew The Quest For Knowledge

  51. Examine In Depth

  52. Face The Facts Courageously, Even If They Are Fearful

  53. Fathom The Equivalence Of Letter And Number—‘Numerologize’

  54. Ferret Out Corruption

  55. Find Secret Data

  56. Forfeit Bias And Prejudice

  57. Go To The Depths Of Concretion

  58. Grasp The Secret Of Matter (Of Objectivity)

  59. Guard The Secrecy Of Dangerous Formulas

  60. Guard The Door Into The Holy Mystery Deep Concealed

  61. Humble Yourself Before The Knowledge To Be Found In The Divine Mind

  62. Illuminate Specific Aspects Of The World Maya

  63. Initiate Those Who Are Worthy Into The Secrets Of Transformational Energy

  64. Instruct, Share Knowledge, In Order To Ameliorate The Human Condition

  65. Intensify The Search

  66. Interest Yourself In The Power Of Technology

  67. Intermediate Between The Solar And The Lunar Mind

  68. Invent And Renovate

  69. Invest In Technology

  70. Investigate That Which Is Concealed—By Nature Or By Others

  71. Isolate A Field Of Research And Learn It Thoroughly

  72. Keep Discreet Silence With Respect To The Practical Facts Of Occultism

  73. Keep The Secret Utterly Protected—Be Inscrutable

  74. Kill Lies

  75. Leave No Stone Unturned’—Inquire Exhaustively

  76. Learn The Facts About Obsession And Possession

  77. Let Dispassion Free You From Bondage

  78. Live Through The Many Moments Of Frustration In The Search For Truth

  79. Lose Thyself; Die To Lower Self To Discover The Light Supernal

  80. Meditate With Sufficient Depth That “Three Minds Unite”

  81. Mine The Nuggets Of Knowledge

  82. Move Relentlessly Towards Exactitude

  83. Negate Negativity

  84. Number’ The World To Reveal Its Mysteries

  85. Observe Acutely—Do Not Be Fooled

  86. Offer Liberating Techniques To Those In Deep Distress

  87. Open Your Analytical Mind To The Desirability Of Personal Catharsis

  88. Overcome Ignorance

  89. Penetrate In Thought Until Clarity Is Attained

  90. Perceive The Stupidity Of Giving In To “Wrong Allure”

  91. Precipitate The Cross Of Sacrifice And Death

  92. Prevail Over The Habitual Stupidity Of Common Sense

  93. Probe, Test And Try Until The Necessary Invention Is Found

  94. Purge The Mind Of Illogic And Careless Reasoning

  95. Pursue Facts Even In Dangerous Circumstances

  96. Raise Money For Technological Advancement

  97. Realize The Immortality Of The Spirit By Penetrating The Disk Of Golden Light

  98. Reject All That Violates Common Sense

  99. Repel With Your Flaming Sword All Those Unready For The Higher Death

  100. Repudiate Nonsense

  101. Research, Dig, Exhume The Facts

  102. Reveal Exactitude Of Truth Long-Hidden In The Depths Of Soul

  103. Rise Above The Limitations Of Lower Mind

  104. Risk Extremes If Necessary To Discover The Truth

  105. Ruler Within The Third Heaven—Transform Darkness Into Light

  106. Sacrifice For The Sake Of Illumination

  107. Scrutinize, Then Judge According To The Light-Content

  108. See Into Concrete Structures

  109. See Specifics With An “Eagle Eye”

  110. Seek The Deepest Truths In Quantification

  111. Sever Yourself From Preoccupation With Trouble And Pain

  112. Slay The Slayer Of The Real—The Unenlightened Mind

  113. Solve Crimes—Develop Skill In Forensics

  114. Stop Thinking (On Occasion) And Feel!

  115. Study The Specific Dynamics Of Rebirth

  116. Survey Personal Agony As If From A Distance

  117. Think Clearly When Confronting Malignant Forces

  118. Through The Use Of Occult Formulas, Crystallize The Form

  119. Throw Light On Dark Subjects

  120. Transmit The Sirian Vibration

  121. Triumph Over Narrow Skepticism

  122. Turn The Technology Of Mass Destruction Into The Technology Of Peace

  123. Understand Deeply The Hidden Implications Of Numbers

  124. Undermine The Basis Of Ignorance

  125. Use Commonsense To Free Yourself From Glamor

  126. Use Reason To Defeat The Savage Beast—The “Monster”

  127. Use Science To Reveal The Mysteries Of Life

  128. Use The Laser-Like Mind As Your Weapon Of Choice In The “Great Battle”

  129. Verify The Truth Of Resurrection

  130. View The Contents Of The Psyche With Scientific Impartiality

  131. Wage War With The Refusal To See

  132. Wield Death With Your Flaming Sword

  133. Winnow The Chaff—Cast Away All Refuse

Mantra for Scorpio and the Fifth Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: I am the threefold Thinker, and thinking in three ways diverse, I struggle on the plane of mind so that these three may fuse as one.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “Three Minds Unite” Triumphant in Triadal Light, a Light suffused and fed by Buddhic Love and Atmic Power.

Proposed Symbol/Image for R5/Scorpio: Intent within a ‘Beam of Intensely Focussed Light Divine’, the ‘Scientist of Life’ probes within the darkness for the secrets it conceals; his the task to bring to sight the hidden light within the dark—thus God’s design in form, emerges from obscurity profound.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Scorpio and R5

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R4 constellationally.

  1. R5

  1. Scorpio rulers transmit R6, R1 and R4

  1. R5

  1. Color: crimson (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) greenish-blue, blue or blue-indigo. Black is a strong but non-chromatic possibility.

  1. Color: orange or indigo blue.

  1. Note: possibly SOL or G.

  1. Note: LA or A.

  1. Pervades solar plexus, sacral and base of spine centers. Expression through throat and ajna centers is possible via hierarchical Mercury.

  1. Expresses through the ajna center, where it serves at the primary ruler.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number IV/IX, unliberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number III, liberated and Creative Hierarchy number V/X, unliberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Animal Kingdom via Mars, the Human Kingdom via Mercury and R4, the Kingdom of Souls via Mercury and R4.

  1. Related to the Human Kingdom and the Kingdom of Souls.

  1. Darkness, the underworld.

  1. The fifth ray Lord is “…a Being of the intensest spiritual light…” (EP I 76)

  1. Immersion in conflict.

  1. Cool detachment from and dis-identification with conflict.

  1. A primary sign of passion.

  1. Dispassionate attitude.

  1. Strong emotional identification.

  1. Almost exclusively mental identification.

  1. Venus in detriment in Scorpio.

  1. Venus is primary planetary transmitter of R5.

  1. Hell” for the Solar Angels.

  1. The fifth ray rules the “Third Heaven” of St. Paul, the main service focus for the Solar Angels.

  1. Identified with the first three initiations, but primarily the second.

  1. Identified primarily with the third initiation, even if useful at the second.

  1. Powerfully magnetic.

  1. Reduces individual magnetism because of mental objectivity and non-emotional emphasis.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Scorpio and R5

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Strengthening the Hold of Illusion: Both influences conspire, at first, to strengthen the hold of illusion upon human consciousness. Darkened Scorpio refuses to let in the light, and ray five strengthens those functions of mind which are the “Slayer of the Real”.

  2. Strengthening the Mind: Scorpio is a sign active in the strengthening of the mind. “In Scorpio the mind is released into full governing activity”. (EA 179-180). This proceeds in two stages: the empowerment of the intellect and the illumination of the intellect. One can see how Mercury and the fifth ray will cooperate in this process.

  3. Holding Negativity, Refusing to Forgive: The fifth ray contributes, in the unregenerate man, to the existence of an “unforgiving temper” (EP I 207). The Scorpio individual as well is known for its ability to hold fast to negativity—“holding a grudge”.

  4. Mental Destructiveness: The fifth ray gives the ability to destroy through the use of the mind. The Tibetan calls this “the power to rationalise and destroy” (EP II 42). The destructive tendencies of Scorpio, when mentally focussed through pride, separativeness and cruelty (the three mental heads of the “Hydra”) are equally lethal. It can be seen how powerful a force for mental destruction could be created through the combination of these two energies.

  5. Involvement in Esoteric Psychology: The fifth ray and Scorpio can cooperate in the field of esoteric psychology. The highest method of teaching upon the fifth ray is “The Science of the Soul—Esoteric Psychology” (EP I 50). Scorpio, we know, is a deeply psychological sign. Thus a commonalty is seen. Of course, the emphasis during the twentieth century has been upon the psychology of the personality. Perhaps when the psychology of the true psyche, the soul, is emphasized, other signs may emerge into an equally psychological reputation.

  6. Deepening Research: Both of these influences contribute to a deepening of research, no matter what may be the field in which the research may be performed.

  7. Sharing the Factor of Control: Both of these influences share the power to control energy. Of the fifth ray disciple it is said: “ ‘I mastered energy for I am energy itself. The Master and the mastered are but One’.” (EP I 417) The capacity of Scorpio for control and self-control is proverbial. This is one of the meanings of the “fall” of the Moon in Scorpio. The lunar forces are for aeons ungovernable. Under Scorpio, at length, they meet their match, and are regulated and put in their proper places. This means, of course, the defeat of the Hydra.

  8. Active at the Second Initiation: Although Scorpio is outstandingly associated with the second initiation and the fifth ray with the third, they both cooperate at the second initiation, at which point “an illumined mind and spiritual intelligence” must be characteristic of the initiate (cf. DINA II 267).

  9. Active in Relation to the Third Initiation: The fifth ray governs the third initiation and Scorpio is still active at this relatively advanced stage helping in the process of overcoming illusion (over which it formerly ruled). Paul of Tarsus, we remember, took the third initiation as a Scorpio individual, and was, as well, powerfully gifted with the fifth ray (on which ray He is now said to be a Chohan). The power to move from darkness into the “blinding light” characteristic of the third degree is characteristic of the combination Scorpio and the fifth ray.

  10. Assist in the Achievement of Initiation: Scorpio and the fifth ray combine, in general, to make a powerful force for the achievement of initiation. The purpose of Scorpio is to overcome all impediments to soul-infusion. The soul focuses within the fifth kingdom of nature, and the fifth ray is, obviously, a co-ruler (with the second ray) of that fifth kingdom. Thus, in a way, the Scorpionic process attempts to clear the way for the unobstructed expression of the higher fifth ray (allied with the second).

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Scorpio is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Fifth Ray Is Proposed as Prominent

  1. Maria Skeodowska Curie—Polish-Born French Physicist Famous for her Work on Radioactivity and Twice a Winner of the Nobel Prize. (Sun Sign)

  2. Thomas Alva Edison—Inventor of Incandescent Bulb, Phonograph, Motion Picture Camera and Many Other Important Inventions (Ascendant)

  3. Michel Gauquelin—Psychologist Scientist, Statistician, Astrological Researcher (Sun Sign)

  4. Anton van Leeuwenhoek—Naturalist and Inventor of the Microscope, Father of Microbiology (Sun Sign)

  5. Carl Sagan—Scientist, Popularizer of the Modern Scientific Thought through the Television Series “Cosmos” (Sun Sign)

  6. Jonas Salk—Medical Researcher, Immunologist, , Discoverer of the Polio Vaccine (Sun Sign)

  7. Immanuel Velikovsky—Revolutionary Scientific Theorist (Proposed Ascendant)

Sun Scorpio (or Ascendant Scorpio), R6P (or R6S)

  1. Sun Scorpio (or Ascendant Scorpio), R6P (or R6S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4) (A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through the sixth ray transmitted through Mars, both the exoteric and esoteric ruler of Scorpio. The operative category of reinforcement is Strong by Rulership—Class 1 and Class 2. Pluto, as well, has a solar plexus association {cf. EA 78}, and Scorpio a close association with the astral plane—the sixth plane. Perhaps the reinforcement will be strongest for the average individual, since the sixth ray is, probably, the personality ray of Mars. By the time the stage of development is that of disciple, the first ray of Pluto and even, to a degree, the fourth ray of hierarchically-ruling Mercury can be felt. Further reinforcement is found in relation to the first and third decanates—the first decanate {in normal decanate order} ruled by sixth-ray Mars esoterically and possibly but not definitely the third {in normal decanate order} by Mars exoterically.)

  1. (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)

  1. The smoldering, passion of the selfish, self-centered Scorpio person combines with the emotional intensity induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the sixth ray.

  2. A desire nature which refuses to be subdued.

  3. Deep identification with the objects of desire.

  4. Addiction to vice. Driven by the promptings of the heads of the Hydra. Compulsion. Obsessive addiction.

  5. Most active Hydra heads: sex, fear, hated, ambition, separativeness, cruelty.

  6. Will destroy those who do not share its ideals. (Christianity is a Scorpionic, sixth ray religion. Islam (especially in its more militant variety) is on the sixth ray and the first and certainly has its Scorpionic side.)

  7. The crucifier and the crucified” (EP I 80)

  8. Sadism and other forms of extremism.

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Scorpio, with the sixth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

  1. The determination to conquer desire characteristic of the advancing Scorpio individual combines with an earnest aspiration induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the sixth ray.

  2. Aspiration which refuses to be stopped or deflected.

  3. Focussed strength (Scorpio) driving the ideal.

  4. Desperation for victory.

  5. Hara-kiri” (“seppuku”). Suicide in the face of dishonor. (Japan is ruled by Scorpio in the soul and the sixth ray in the personality). The ceremonial aspects of the Hara-Kiri ritual come from Capricorn (the personality sign of Japan).

  6. The “suicide squad”. Kamikaze.

  7. On the Path of Discipleship: no half-way measures.

  8. On the Path of Discipleship: a dedication to high desire. Fiery aspiration.

  9. On the Path of Discipleship: fiery transmutation and dedication to the transformative processes.

  10. On the Path of Discipleship: idealizing the higher worlds of soul and spirit and a determination to “shun the pits of hell”. (EP II 587)

  11. On the Path of Discipleship: a desperate struggle upon the astral plane. Trying earnestly to live “above” the downward drawing magnetisms. Producing much struggle as a result. As a result, splits and cleavages may occur in the nature.

  12. On the Path of Discipleship: an upward rising point of tension creates the perception of a great gulf between the “low” and the “high”.

  13. On the Path of Discipleship: a sublimation of energies invested in low desire.

  14. On the Path of Discipleship: suppression of the normal, instinctual nature. Of Christianity, the Tibetan writes : “It is however pre-eminently a religion which has waged a cruel and oft illogical war upon sex and its implications;…” (EA 212)

  15. On the Path of Discipleship: the aspirational elevation of the sub-diaphragmatic energies towards the higher centers.

  16. On the Path of Discipleship: rising from the ashes of the “burning ground”.

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Scorpio, with the sixth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

    1. All-exacting self-sacrifice for the sake of the higher values—a capacity possessed by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Scorpio—combines with an elevated idealism which counts all lost if the goal is not achieved—an attitude induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the sixth ray.

    2. Devotion unto death”.

    3. I count all things but loss that I may win Christ”. (LOS 176) “Forgetting the things which are behind, press forward towards the prize of your high calling in Christ”. (R&I 73)

    4. A man must “lose his life to find it”.

    5. Pursuing self-immolation on the burning ground (cf. LOM 18). The “primary impulse of the life is towards self-sacrifice and the immolation of the lower nature”. (IHS 193) (This will also be true to some extent for the sixth ray in combination with Aries and Sagittarius—both of them, Mars-ruled on some level of expression).

    6. Entirely rejecting the old order of life for the new. Idealistic repulsion of that which is sub-standard.

    7. Cooperation with the soul as it seeks to defeat and redeem the personality elemental.

    8. One who is accepted into the ranks of the Hierarchy, because he has offered the “last full measure of devotion” (his very life—in the lower worlds).

    9. The attitude of the renunciant—rejecting the sphere of lesser tension (Scorpio) and idealizing the higher (sixth ray)

Directives and Counsels for Scorpio and the Sixth Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Accept Martyrdom And Death If Necessary

  2. Adhere Intensely To The Truth

  3. Amass Resources For Causes You Deem Worthy

  4. Annihilate Attachment

  5. Arouse Yourself To “Fight The Good Fight”—And Fight As One Possessed

  6. Arrive At The Essence Of Any Creed You Hold

  7. Aspire Towards “Death”—Philosophically Understood

  8. Battle With Ferocity

  9. Be A Crusading Warrior

  10. Be Exhaustive In Your Inner Search

  11. Be Intrepid As You Follow Your Calling

  12. Be Loyal Unto Death

  13. Be The “Warrior On The March”—Let Nothing Stand In Your Way

  14. Bear The Sword, Inspired From On High—Destroy That Which Thwarts The Logoic Ideal

  15. Become The Imperishable Flaming One—Find Immortality On The Final Burning Ground

  16. Be Strong Upon The Way

  17. Boldly Tread The Path Of Devotion

  18. Brave The Fires Of Self-Immolation

  19. Bring The Fires Of Undying Aspiration To The Surface Of Your Life

  20. Brood Deeply On Your Reason For Following The Path Of Devotion

  21. Burn Your Way Through Crisis

  22. Clear Away The Impediments To Your Destined End

  23. Commit Yourself To Drastic Change

  24. Confront Your Dedicated Foe—The Dweller On The Threshold

  25. Conquer Infidelity

  26. Contend With Yourself So That The Highest Light May Control

  27. Control Emotion Amidst The Fires Of Aspiration

  28. Count All Things As Loss Unless Your Reach Your Destination

  29. Courageously Perform Your Duty

  30. Cross The Threshold Of Darkness In Search Of Your Highest Aspiration

  31. Crucify And Be Crucified—Experience The Death Of Form

  32. Dedicate Your Life To Killing The Hydra

  33. Demonstrate That Death Must Give Way To Devotion

  34. Deprive Yourself Of Lower Satisfaction

  35. Despise Comfort

  36. Detach From Emotionalism

  37. Detect Hidden Paths

  38. Devote Yourself To The Task Of Slaying The Hydra

  39. Die To Passion And Desire

  40. Discern The True Path

  41. Do Away With Your Dependency

  42. Enter Into The Silence And Commune With The Object Of Your Devotion

  43. Expel Obsession And Possession

  44. Expose False Ideals

  45. Face Your Deep-Seated Fear Of Being Lost

  46. Faith Is The Substance Of Things Hoped For, The Evidence Of Things Unseen”—Knowing This, Counter Negativity

  47. Fathom The True Nature Of The Vision

  48. Fight Fiercely

  49. Follow Your Commitments And Convictions To The Death, If Necessary

  50. Forgetting The Things Which Lie Behind, Press Forward To The High Calling Which Is In Christ”

  51. Gather The Power Which Arises From Holding To Your Highest Ideal

  52. Give Your “Life’s Blood” For The Cause

  53. Go Beyond The Bounds Of Mortal Endurance

  54. Grasp The Secret Of Sacrificial Devotion

  55. Hate’ Form—Destroy Its Hold Upon You

  56. Hold Nothing Back In The Pursuit Of Your Mission

  57. Humble Yourself Before The Awesomeness Of The Highest Energies

  58. Identify Deeply With “The Beloved”

  59. Intensify Your Search

  60. Keep Silence, And Ascend

  61. Keep The Vase Of Your Aspiration Sealed

  62. Kill Sin

  63. Kill Out Desire”

  64. Lead The Twelve To Uncompromising Victory

  65. Let The Highest Light Achieve Victory Within Your Psyche

  66. Let The Inner Warrior Inspire You

  67. Let Your Faith Be Triumphant

  68. Live Through The Disappointment Of Many Errant Quests

  69. Lose Your Little Self In Pursuit Of Your Vision

  70. March Forward As The “One Whom Naught Can Turn”—Concede Nothing

  71. Negate Desire Relentlessly

  72. Overcome Lack Of Realism

  73. Pass Bravely Through Conflict On Your Way To Your Ideal Destiny

  74. Passionately Desire To Find The Way

  75. Penetrate The World Illusion Through Sincerity And Purity

  76. Pledge Yourself To The Conquest Of Death

  77. Pray For Victory Over The Forces Of Evil

  78. Promise Never To Wrongfully Reveal Occult Secrets

  79. Purge Yourself Of Impurity

  80. Rebuild The “Shrine Of Man’s Living”

  81. Refuse To Deviate

  82. Reject Cowardly Compromise

  83. Relinquish You Life, If Necessary, For The Great Objective

  84. Renew Your Ardor

  85. Renounce Blind Belief

  86. Repudiate Narrowness

  87. Resist Through Rectitude The Snares Of Vice

  88. Restrain Impulse

  89. Rise Above All Worldly Pain

  90. Rush Forth To Combat

  91. Sacrifice All To Attain Your Goal

  92. See The Right With Your Eagle-Eye

  93. Seek The Deepest Truths In The Highest Dimensions

  94. Slay The Serpent Of Lunar Life

  95. Spurn Enchantments

  96. Struggle With Unflinching Dedication

  97. Subdue The “Beast”

  98. Sublimate Emotion Into Aspiration

  99. Test And Try Your Faith

  100. Through Purity And Truth, Conquer Maya

  101. Throw Yourself Into Liberating Catharsis

  102. Transcend Pain And Loss Through Faith In The Inner Self

  103. Transmute The Intensity Of Your Emotional Nature Into Real Love

  104. Tread The Burning Ground With Supreme Confidence

  105. Triumph Over Your Own Fanaticism

  106. Trust Deeply In The Midst Of Mortal Peril

  107. Uncover The Wellspring Of Devotion

  108. Understand Deeply Why You Follow

  109. Uphold The Truth—Even If It Means Your Death

  110. War With Fervor

  111. Yearn For The Highest

  112. Zealously Struggle With Your Lower Nature

Mantra for Scorpio and the Sixth Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: I long to see “The Highest Light” controlling in my lower life and, to this end I will with zeal to fight against the darkness, ever straining towards that Light.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “The Highest Light Controls” my life in triumph, since Triadal Light and Love and Power are now Attained.

Proposed Symbol/Image for R6/Scorpio: Enraptured at the center of a ‘Scintillating Rosy Flame’, the ‘Devotee of Life’ commits to battle with the Hydra so the Soul may be triumphant and the “Highest Light” prevail.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Scorpio and R6

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R4 constellationally.

  1. R6

  1. Scorpio rulers transmit R6, R1 and R4.

  1. R6

  1. Its influences pervade the three sub-diaphragmatic centers.

  1. R6

  1. Color: crimson (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) greenish-blue, blue or blue-indigo. Black is a strong but non-chromatic possibility.

  1. Color: rose or light blue.

  1. Note: possibly SOL or G

  1. Note: DO or C. Some possibility in relation to A or Ab must also be researched.

  1. Pervades solar plexus, sacral and base of spine centers. Expression through throat and ajna centers is possible via hierarchical Mercury.

  1. Expresses through the solar plexus center and, at a later stage of evolution, through the ajna center (cf. EH 149).

  1. Creative Hierarchy number IV/IX, unliberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number IV, liberated, and Creative Hierarchy number VI/XI, unliberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Animal Kingdom via Mars, the Human Kingdom via Mercury and R4, the Kingdom of Souls via Mercury and R4.

  1. Relates to the Vegetable Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives.

  1. Scorpio represents the “Pits of Hell”, the depths.

  1. The sixth ray influence is almost always oriented towards the “heights”.

  1. Power and enterprise, self-reliance.

  1. Over-leaning on others” (EP I 208). Especially true of the Neptunian transmission of this ray.

  1. Too conflicted, too divided.

  1. Too (superficially) straight. “Run not so straight”. (EP II 372)

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Scorpio and R6

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Identified with the Processes of the Astral Plane: Both Scorpio and the sixth ray are powerfully identified with the process of the astral plane. Sixth ray Mars is a powerful ruler in Scorpio and is one factor providing the astral connection.

  2. Strong Focus on the Solar Plexus: Both influences create a strong focus upon the solar plexus, as the primary door to the astral plane.

  3. Lunar Lords are Powerful—the “Monster”: In Scorpio (in the early days of evolution) the Moon holds sway and creates a kind of ‘lunar unity’—the “Monster” (“Unity of selfishness”) (EA 333). The sixth ray is the ray which informs the Creative Hierarchy of “Lunar Lords” who hold sway in that period of human evolution before the soul begins to assert its control.

  4. Conflict with Duality: Both Scorpio and the sixth ray incline those they influence to be in conflict with duality. Scorpio is known as the “Fighter”, and the Scorpionic battle between the polar opposites of soul and personality is the great theme of this sign. Although the sixth ray periodically (and eventually) induces one-pointedness, it, too, causes a swinging between the poles—“vibratory activity between the pairs of opposites”. (EP II 42). Just as Scorpio is a sign of war, so the sixth ray is a warring ray (transmitted as it is by Mars, the “god of war”).

  5. Strong Sexual Emphasis: These two influences are powerfully sexual. This is readily understood of Scorpio (which rules the organs of generation). The sixth ray is transmitted by Mars (Scorpio’s orthodox and esoteric ruler). Mars is powerfully associated with sex—especially in the male. The sixth ray too is the cause of much sexual difficulty on our planet because of its close identification with the Principle of Desire (cf. EH 303).

  6. Six Vices Particularly in Evidence: A number of the Hydra heads correlate well with the sixth ray: sex, fear, hatred, ambition, separativeness and cruelty. Thus this combination of sign and ray causes a reinforcement of these vices.

  7. Close Connection to Glamor—Astrality: The sixth ray is almost always involved in the induction of glamor (and its eventual dissipation). Those who create something are responsible for it! Scorpio too, with its tendency to produce in incompletely spiritualized man a strong astral focus, is much involved with strengthening glamor. “Let maya flourish and deception rule”.

  8. Powerful in Promotion and Eradication of Evil: These two energies, negatively considered, are powerful in the promotion of evil. The main dens of evil are to be found upon our astral plane (and the cosmic astral plane). If we think of what the Buddha had to overcome when he faced “Mara” (the symbol of evil), it was primarily glamour and illusion. If Mara has a sign, Scorpio is an excellent candidate; and of course, the sixth ray is primarily identified with desire which is impulsed (as far as humanity is usually concerned) from the astral plane.

    Positively, these two, together, give steadfast devotion to the eradication of evil. This means, especially, the ending of glamor (technically considered) and secondarily of illusion and maya (the eradication of which involve other rays than the sixth).

  9. Concept of the “Enemy” Significant: The concept of the enemy is powerful in relation to both influences. Those upon the sixth ray mercilessly persecute their enemies and this is true of the cruel Scorpio types. Fixations within the astral-mental field are responsible for such unforgiving attitudes.

  10. Involved in Processes Connected to the Second Initiation: The second initiation is governed by the sixth ray and the sign most closely associated with it is Scorpio. Those who take this initiation must have successfully waged war with glamor and overcome many of the glamors connected with the astral plane. (Perhaps not all mental glamors are defeated at this initiation.) At the second initiation will triumphs to a degree over desire. The rays transmitted through the principal rulers of Scorpio—ray six through Mars and ray one through Pluto—are implicated in this contest between will and desire.

  11. Associated with Process Related to the Fourth Initiation: Rays one and six (planetarily distributed through Scorpio) rule the “burning ground” which is at its fiercest during the processes of the fourth initiation, when the personality “dies”, under the influence of the “Sign of Death” (Scorpio). We know of the fiery nature of the Sixth Ray Lord and its tendency towards “self-immolation” (a death to personality life accomplished at the fourth initiation). Although the Tibetan does not explicitly associate Scorpio with the fourth degree, a study of the sign and its rays make the conclusion hard to resist.

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Scorpio is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Sixth Ray is Proposed as Prominent

    1. Saint Augustine, Theologian and “Church Father” (Sun Sign—Proposed)

    2. Joseph Goebbels—Nazi Leader, Politician, Chief Propagandist (Sun Sign)

    3. Billy Graham—Southern Baptist Preacher, Evangelist (Perhaps the Most Popular of the 20th Century)(Sun Sign)

    4. Charlton Heston—American Actor, Especially in Heroic Roles, and President of the National Rifle Association (Ascendant)

    5. Victor Hugo—French Romantic Poet, Novelist, Dramatist (Ascendant)

    6. Nicolai Lenin—Leader of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution and First Head of the Soviet State (Ascendant)

    7. Martin Luther—Inspirer of the Protestant Reformation (Sun Sign)

    8. Norman Rockwell—American Illustrator; his Illustrations Idealize Mid-20th Century “Americana” (Ascendant, with R4)

    9. Upton Sinclair—American Writer and Social Critic (Ascendant)

Sun Scorpio (or Ascendant Scorpio), R7P (or R7S)

  1. Sun Scorpio (or Ascendant Scorpio), R7P (or R7S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4) (No significant mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges with respect to this combination, whether through rays transmitted constellationally through the sign Scorpio or through its ruling planets. One reinforcement does exist, however, due to the seventh ray transmitted through Uranus, the planet exalted in Scorpio. It is common knowledge that Scorpio is a sign of transformation, and the influence of the exalted Uranus must certainly further this transformational tendency. The operative category of reinforcement would, therefore, be Weak by Numerical Affinity.)

  1. (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)

  1. A dedicated indulgence of the lower appetites—a trait characteristic of the selfish, self-centered Scorpio person—combines with a deep love of physicality induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the seventh ray.

  2. Covertly seeking control for selfish purposes. Attempting to manipulate and condition others by surreptitious means.

  3. Trapped by the physical nature and its compulsive rhythms. The habitual strength (seventh ray) of the instinctual nature (Scorpio).

  4. Demanding that instinct be gratified rather than transmuted and redirected.

  5. Powers of destruction (Scorpio) used to preserve the “old order” (seventh ray).

  6. Secret (Scorpio) organizations (seventh ray). Hidden governments. Covert operations. Secret security forces. Even, hidden wars.

  7. In the most negative sense, the Black (Scorpio) Lodge (seventh ray) itself—especially in its ritualistic aspects.

  8. Effective in the precipitation (seventh ray) of that which is negative (Scorpio).

  9. Black Magic. Although there are said to be no black magicians upon the physical plane, itself, (cf. TWM 544-545), negatively motivated people under the influence of Scorpio and the seventh ray may come under the direct or indirect influence of the true black magician.

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Scorpio, with the seventh ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

  1. The power achieved through reserve—a quality characteristic of the advancing Scorpio individual—combines with a steadfast self-control under rule and law induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the seventh ray.

  2. Strong powers of self-control are cultivated and demonstrated.

  3. Building great reserves of strength through containment and discipline.

  4. Power generated through organization. Organization for power. The efficient use of all powers of a system.

  5. A well-organized fighting force. From another perspective, the immune system of the body, and whatever strengthens the body’s “secret defenses”.

  6. On the Path of Discipleship: the theoretical must become the practical. Application to “practical occultism”.

  7. On the Path of Discipleship: bringing the instinctual nature under rhythm and regulation.

  8. On the Path of Discipleship: focus upon the control of the instinctual nature. Real discipleship demands achieving control over forces which, left to themselves, wish to keep the human soul subjugated to the forces of matter.

  9. On the Path of Discipleship: learning the occult power of secrecy.

  10. On the Path of Discipleship: initial cultivation of the occult powers hidden in the human energy system.

  11. On the Path of Discipleship: rituals (seventh ray) practiced for the transformational purposes (Scorpio and the seventh ray).

  12. On the Path of Discipleship: the work of transmutation and transformation proceeds, in preparation for later transfiguration.

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Scorpio, with the seventh ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

    1. The ability to achieve the transformation and regeneration of the lower self—a capacity possessed by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Scorpio—combines with a great knowledge of alchemical processes (transfigurative, transformational and transmutational) induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the seventh ray.

    2. Occult orders and brotherhoods.

    3. Releasing the powers latent in the third aspect of divinity. (What we call “atomic energy” is one such power.)

    4. Releasing the power of kundalini—the greatest of all transformers and regenerators. Becoming the Phoenix through the ascent of kundalini.

    5. Detecting the secrets of immortality. The profound alchemical researcher—especially when the fifth ray was added (as in the case of Mme. Curie).

    6. The precipitation (seventh ray) of occult energies.

    7. The true occultist. “Practical occultism”. The practicing occultist.

    8. Engaging in “Wizard’s Wars” with the Forces of Darkness. (Gandalf from “Lord of the Rings”)

    9. Creating the “philosopher’s stone”.

    10. Active in solving the “Mystery of Sex” at the fourth degree.

    11. Alchemy: the secret, arcane, occult work—the “Great Work”

Directives and Counsels for Scorpio and the Seventh Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Abolish Imperfection

  2. Accomplish Deeply And Thoroughly

  3. Accumulate Power Through Ceremony

  4. Achieve Exactitude And Depth In Your Expression

  5. Alchemize The Latent Powers Of Matter

  6. Apply Appropriate Punishments (Even Death) For Violations Of Law

  7. Be A Living Example Of Fearless Intelligence

  8. Be A Resourceful Administrator

  9. Be Congruently Worthy—Earn Respectability

  10. Be Severe In Applying Transmutation To Energy System

  11. Be Polite But Firm

  12. Behave Well In The Midst Of Extreme Conflict

  13. Bring Things To Finality, Completion, To An End

  14. Brood Deeply Upon Magical Formulas

  15. Build The Square Upon A Deep Foundation

  16. Bury Vital Secrets Until The Hour Appropriate For Their Exhumation

  17. Challenge Rigidity

  18. Clear Away Imperfections

  19. Compete With Yourself For Ever More Perfect Expression

  20. Conceal What Should Not Be Known From Those Who Should Not Know It

  21. Confer Respect When It Is Due, Regardless Of Likes And Dislikes

  22. Confront The Dragon Who Guards The Secret Treasure

  23. Conquer Illusion, Glamor And Maya Through Right Practice

  24. Control The Form—Its Active And Its Latent Powers

  25. Create Secret Formulas To Bring About Intended Results

  26. Create The Form With A Deep Knowledge Of Interior Structure

  27. Cross The Threshold Of Magic In Search Of The Secrets Of The Magical Art

  28. Decipher Encryptions

  29. Deepen Your Spiritual Practices

  30. Deeply Understand The Secrets Of Sex Magic, But Do Not Abuse Them

  31. Defy Unreasonable Taboos

  32. Destroy The Completed Form

  33. Destroy Structures And Resurrect Them According To New Principles

  34. Detect The Flaw

  35. Diagnose Systemic Difficulties

  36. Die To Unoriginality

  37. Discover The Psychological Roots Of Conformity

  38. Do Battle With Fearful Conservatism

  39. Do Not Spare Yourself In The Formidable Task Of Bringing Heaven To Earth

  40. Empower The Law

  41. Enforce Policies

  42. Engage In Radical Reformation

  43. Enter The Silence In The Presence Of The Shekinah

  44. Execute The Plan Divine

  45. Exemplify Both Bravery And Discretion

  46. Expel Those Who Do Not Conduct Themselves Properly

  47. Express The Will From The Heights To The Depths

  48. Fathom The Art And Science Of Occult Transformation

  49. Feed The Sacred Fire So That It Rises From The Depths Of Matter Into The Heights Of Spirit

  50. Fight To Establish Uprightness

  51. Find The Hidden Power Of Cultural Traditions

  52. Follow The Rules Of Initiation As If To Do So Were A Matter Of Life Or Death

  53. Guard The Temple With Lethal Effectiveness

  54. Hold Nothing Back In The Effort To Bring Spirit Into Matter

  55. Identify With Both Spirit And Matter

  56. Immerse Yourself In Deep-Seated Change

  57. Initiate With The Sword—Confer Yet Another Step Leading To The Triumph Of Spirit Over Matter And Soul Over Form

  58. Invest In Tangible Assets

  59. Investigate The Secrets Of Alchemy

  60. Invoke The Heavenly And Subterranean Forces

  61. Invoke The Wrath Of The Hell In The Service Of Heaven

  62. Keep The Magical Word Safe, Secure And Secret

  63. Keep Your Composure Through Test And Trial

  64. Keep Your Knowledge Of The Secrets Of Initiation Hermetically Sealed

  65. Keep Your Own Counsel And A Trusted Chamberlain

  66. Kill Out Stubbornness And Obstructiveness

  67. Lift To Life—Overcome Death

  68. Lose Thyself In Manifesting The Plan Of God On Earth

  69. Maintain Inviolable Secrecy

  70. Manage Crisis

  71. Manifest Boldly

  72. Observe The Rules Scrupulously When Performing Dangerous Rituals

  73. Order All Things For Transformational Purposes

  74. Overcome Death Through A Thorough Understanding Of The Mysteries Of The Form

  75. Passionately Desire Perfection

  76. Penetrate Deeply Into The Magical Process

  77. Perform Rituals Of Exorcism

  78. Persist Steadfastly Until Consummation Is Achieved

  79. Plumb The Depths To Achieve Fulfilled Expression

  80. Preserve Inviolate The Secrecy Of Temple Rites And Rituals

  81. Probe Deeply Into Hermeticism

  82. Provide The Key To The Mystery—The Secret Of The Ages

  83. Purge Yourself And The World Of Indecency

  84. Put And End To Prejudice

  85. Rebuild The Shrine Of Man’s Living”

  86. Reform Organizations

  87. Regulate Intense Emotion

  88. Renew The Vital Life Of The Body

  89. Renovate Networks

  90. Regenerate Systems

  91. Relinquish Intolerance

  92. Reorganize Drastically

  93. Renounce Judgmentalism

  94. Research The True Nature Of Archetypes

  95. Repudiate Conventionality

  96. Research The Occult Secret Of Immortality

  97. Restructure Paradigms

  98. Resurrect Ancient Practices

  99. Revive Ancient Rites

  100. Sacrifice Your Life For The Fulfillment Of Your Duties

  101. See Behind And Within Appearances

  102. See Things Through Into Their Final Form

  103. Silently Labor For The Consummation Of All

  104. Speak Magical Words With Power And Intensity

  105. Summon Root Power To The Surface

  106. Strengthen Your Rectitude

  107. Struggle With Yourself To Adhere To Proper Codes Of Conduct

  108. Study The Occult Art Of Shape-Changing

  109. Summon The Deva Kingdom For Acts Of Beneficent Destruction

  110. Temper Your Response To The Allure Of Matter And Form

  111. Terminate Once Perfection Has Been Reached

  112. Transform Your Habit Nature

  113. Transform Your Nature Through The Practice Of Karma Yoga

  114. Tread The Burning Ground With Dignity

  115. Undermine Materialism

  116. Understand With Occult Depth The Secrets Of Materialization

  117. Unify Fierily—The Fire Of Kundalini With The Fire Of Spirit

  118. Utilize Rituals To Generate Occult Power

  119. Wield The Power Of Magic

  120. Work In The Magical Art With Depth And Power

  121. Wreck The Old Structure And Replace It With A New

Mantra for Scorpio and the Seventh Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: I fight to bring the High to Low, the Low to High again; I war to bring the Heavens to Earth, that Earth may rise and peace prevail.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: When “Highest and the Lowest Meet”, I stand as Soul Triumphant—Victorious in Triadal Light, Triadal Love and Power.

Proposed Symbol/Image for R7/Scorpio: Invoking at the center of a ‘Magic Circle’ rightly drawn, the ‘Magician of his Life’, calls upon the depths to rise unto the heights, and calls upon the heights to plunge into the deep; the monstrous depths must be disclosed, the glorious heights revealed; man is both; man is one—the synthesis complete.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Scorpio and R7

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R4 Constellationally.

  1. R7

  1. Scorpio rulers transmit R6, R1 and R4.

  1. R7

  1. Color: crimson (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) greenish-blue, blue or blue-indigo. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.) Black is a strong but non-chromatic possibility.

  1. Color: violet (and various shades of purple).

  1. Note: possibly SOL or G.

  1. Note: TI or B.

  1. Pervades solar plexus, sacral and base of spine centers. Expression through throat and ajna centers is possible via hierarchical Mercury.

  1. Expresses through the sacral center and also (at a later stage of evolution) through the base of the spine center. Additionally, throat center expression is found in disciples.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number IV/IX, unliberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number V, liberating, and Creative Hierarchy number VII/XII, unliberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Animal Kingdom via Mars, the Human Kingdom via Mercury and R4, the Kingdom of Souls via Mercury and R4.

  1. Relates to the Kingdom of Solar Lives and the Mineral Kingdom.

  1. Passionate, intense.

  1. Moderate

  1. Extreme (in battle).

  1. Regulated

  1. All’s fair in love and war”.

  1. Follows the rules.

  1. Form destroying.

  1. Form-preserving (for much of its evolutionary career) (though later, reorganizational).

  1. Conflicted

  1. The skillful, sometimes gracious avoiding of conflict.

  1. Brutally frank.

  1. Tactful, politic, polite.

  1. Most focussed upon the psychological word of kama, manas and kama-manas.

  1. More focussed upon the physical-etheric plane, and within the mind, to a degree. A more extroverted influence than Scorpio .

  1. Disrupts and “makes waves” consistently.

  1. Seeks to operate according to policy and precedent, more impersonally.

  1. Inventive approaches are forced in the extremity of battle.

  1. Tried and true methods of achievement are carefully followed, without deviation if possible. (Later, inventive Uranus may guide, but even then, the archetype is followed.)

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Scorpio and R7

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Related to Sexuality and the Physical Appetites: Both Scorpio and the seventh ray combine in the field of sexuality, and in relation to other physical appetites. They are active together in this regard, at the time of the first initiation. Scorpio is active at all three of the first initiations, and the seventh ray is the focal ray for the first initiation. The physical body and its appetites have to be somewhat controlled. Scorpio’s capacity for control and the seventh ray capacity for regulation thus combine to make this initiation possible (although other signs of the zodiac are more well-known in relation to the first initiation).

  2. Related to “Sex-Magic”: Scorpio and the seventh ray also combine in the area of “sex magic”. Scorpio is a powerful sign of sexuality and the seventh ray brings the poles into relation. Both energies suffer from the “Glamour of the mysterious and the secret”—a glamor given specifically in relation to the seventh ray. (GWP 123). Sex magic is involved with the secret, mysterious and illicit generation of power, using the sexual energy for purposes never intended. Also, more conventionally, sexual energy can be used to manipulate others and bring them under one’s power and ones spell. Both Scorpio and the seventh ray, negatively considered, can combine to support this retrogression.

  3. Related to the Power to Transform: These two influences are highly transformational. The seventh ray is the Ray of Alchemy, and Scorpio brings about major transitions, such as those 1) from darkness to light; 2) from the unreal to the real; 3) from death to immortality. Both these energies are focused upon elevating the rate of vibration and the quality of matter to be found within the lunar fields. In a more technical sense, we might say that the seventh ray is specifically (though not exclusively) focussed upon the physical/etheric plane and Scorpio very much upon the astral plane (though the physical and mental planes must surely be included), but both are transmutative in the larger sense of the term.

  4. Closely Related to the Planet, Uranus: Both these influences have a close relation to Uranus, the destroyer of the past. Uranus transmits, primarily, the seventh ray, and Uranus is exalted in the sign Scorpio. Although a different aspect of the seventh ray is traditional and mummifies the spirit, the Uranian seventh ray can cause chaos and disruption in the process of reorganization.

  5. Secret Police and Covert Security Forces: Secret police (under Scorpio) operate, ostensibly, for purposes of national security (seventh ray).

  6. Veiling, Hiding and Concealing: Both influences induce the power to veil, cover, hide, conceal. Motives are easily withheld. When Scorpio influences, there is secrecy and the carefully controlled release of information. When the seventh ray influences, there is impersonality and official policy and protocol behind which it is easy to conceal one’s more personal thoughts.

  7. Related to an Interest in the Occult: Both influences relate through an interest in the occult. To a disciple whose personality and physical body were on the seventh ray, the Tibetan says the following: “Your physical body is upon the seventh ray, and this will be easily apparent to you, accounting, as it does, for your interest in music, ritual, psycho-analysis. The goal of all these three methods of expression is to bring together and relate harmoniously the soul and the form, which is the major task of the seventh ray upon the seventh or physical plane”. (DINA I 640) The founder of modern psycho-analysis, Sigmund Freud, had the Sun in Taurus opposed by a singleton Mars in Scorpio. There are a number of charts drawn for him in which Scorpio is also the Ascendant. While the seventh ray can be superficial, it can also be deep.

  8. The Generation of Power Through Ritual: Both the seventh ray and Scorpio are capable of generating power through ritual—especially when their forces are combined. The seventh ray is, in many respects, the ‘Ray of Community’. Those upon this ray realize the power of the group, and seek to bring group energies to focus through the art and science of ritual. Scorpio rules “the money of others”, which is the same as the power of others. Scorpio individuals know how to encourage others to pool their power in “joint ventures” which increases power to a degree far greater than any individual could hope to achieve singly.

  9. Active in Relation to the First Initiation: Scorpio is active in relation to the first three initiations, and the seventh ray especially at the first. Additionally, both Pluto and Vulcan have a strong role to play at the first initiation. Pluto rules Scorpio in a special sense, and Vulcan can be related to the first kingdom, the Mineral Kingdom, ruled by the first and seventh rays. Scorpio and the seventh ray combine to given the initiate of the first degree a new type of control over the instinctual forces of his nature, the physical appetites particularly.

  10. Relevant in Relation to the Third Initiation: The seventh ray is not usually associated with the third initiation, but it is the initiation of the completely integrated personality (soul-infused) and the seventh ray is a great integrative factor. Scorpio is the energy which destroys obstructions to integration.

  11. Relevant to the Fourth Initiation: Scorpio is a preeminent sign of sexuality (especially related to the psychological and spiritual dimensions of sex). The seventh ray brings the opposites into relation, and so conditions sex in many contexts. We are told:

    “At the fourth initiation another of the great secrets is revealed to him. It is called ‘the mystery of polarity,’ and the clue to the significance of sex in every department of nature on all the planes is given to him” (IHS 172).

    Scorpio transmits the fourth ray, related by numerical affinity to the fourth initiation, and the seventh ray presides over the meeting and the uniting of the polarities, “The Highest and the Lowest Meet”. It is fitting that these two energies should be involved (at least in preparing for an initiation) at which the secrets (Scorpio) of sex and polarity (seventh ray) are revealed.

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Scorpio is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Seventh Ray is Proposed as Prominent

  1. Giovanni Casanova—Adventurer, Notorious Lover of Hundred of Women, Meticulous Diarist, ‘Magician’ (Ascendant)

  2. Nicholas Culpeper—British Physician, Astrologer and Herbalist of the 17th Century, Known for “Culpeper’s Herbal” (Sun Sign)

  3. Maria Skeodowska Curie—Polish-Born French Physicist Famous for her Work on Radioactivity and Twice a Winner of the Nobel Prize. (Sun Sign)

  4. Henry George—American Land Reformer and Economist who Proposed the Single Tax (Ascendant)

  5. Paracelsus—German-Swiss Physician and Alchemist, Physician (Proposed Sun Sign)

  6. Dr. Francis “Israel” Regardie—Occultist, Secretary to Aleister Crowley, Explicator of the Rituals of the “Order of the Golden Dawn” (Sun Sign and Ascendant)