Esoteric Astrological Analysis of CDP [Alice Ortiz]

DINA I 504 - 531

Group IX.1 – The Telepathic Communicators

CDP’s Rays and Developmental Formula

II 6 – 566

Courage – Dispassion – Pure Love


Elena Dramchini

Proposed Astrological Chart for CDP


  1. Disciple CDP ( Mrs Alice Ortiz ) was born on April 10, 1876 in the United States.

  2. We have no time or place of birth, only an address given for a Mrs Julien Ortiz which could have been related to Alice, in which case they may have been located in the same area of the US.

  3. The address was for Greenville, Delaware and this was taken as a place of birth.

  4. What made me to choose Cancer as a possible Rising sign was the following:

  5. a/ The strong 6th Ray presence in her Ray chart pointed to a relation between Mars and Neptune ( both conductors of the 6th Ray ) and thus to Scorpio and Cancer which these two planets rule esoterically.

  6. b/ In Cancer/Scorpio we find energies of prejudice, mistrust, suspicion, fear, doubt, failure, memory of past habits/thoughtforms and attachment/detachment issues. She had to confront these energies and find release/freedom from them. 

  7. c/ Her strong attachment/care/fear for her family/children and thus the emphasis on motherhood.

  8. d/ One of the Stars of Cancer is Asellus the Two Asses ( the Manger ) – the Crib ( where Christ was born ) or the Cradle of life. It is related to care and responsibility of others and particularly the care of children ( the Crib ). It can be found strong in the charts of women who adopted children.

When she passed on to the inner planes she was taking care of the children of the world. On page 33/DINA II we read:  “ CDP is working continuously with the children of the world ( including those who died victims of the horrors of war ) …”

         e/ The midpoint of Moon/Neptune, at 7 Leo 05 ( the orthodox and esoteric rulers of Cancer ) falls on the Manger.

          f/ The Moon ( the orthodox ruler of Cancer ) and the esoteric ruler of the 4th house ( the end of life/Ashram ) is placed in the 5th house of children.

           g/ The 4th house is ruled by Virgo ( Mother/child ) and thus further emphasises  the link to children, through the esoteric rulership of Virgo by Moon ( veiling Neptune ) and thus linking it to Cancer where the Moon is the orthodox ruler and Neptune the esoteric ruler.

           h/ The 4th house is also related to the hereditary memory of all previous incarnations and a family history, giving the form in which the Soul anchors itself. It deals with the issues of attachment/detachment to blood relations and thus the Solar Plexus centre. On page 517 we read: “ It is your love, your clinging possessive love for those you have gathered close around you in the karmic process of life, that hinders your loving them in the strong, true way…”  

           i/ The first decanate and the first Dwad ( the first 3 and 1/2 Degree ) of Cancer is the strongest Moon/Neptune energy of Cancer.

           j/ The first decanate of Cancer is esoterically ruled by Venus – the emergence of the Mind as a tool of the personality, with its ability to discriminate and integrate the different parts of the personality.

  1. Venus is parallel the AS and thus further emphasising the emergence of the Mind as a controlling tool. Page 505/DINA I : “ …your mind nature will come increasingly into control and become the transmitter of illumination as you hold steadily upon your way. “

  2. In the proposed chart Venus conjunct Mars ( in its fall in Cancer ) and both square Saturn ( in its detriment in Cancer ) and all three in aspect to Jupiter ( in its exaltation in Cancer ). This T-Square represents one of the major inter-relation of energies in relation to the Cancer AS.

  3. On page 505/DINA I/June 1933 we read: “ the integration between your mental body and your emotional or astral body has also been very poor. Lately, you have changed that condition and your mind and your astral body are now integrated. …Your mind nature will come increasingly into control and become the transmitter of illumination …”

  4. In 1932 a major healing/correcting/integrating process happened. In July 1932 the Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the progressed Chiron, in September 1932 the Solar Arc Venus sextile the natal Mars and Solar Arc Jupiter square Chiron and transiting Jupiter opposition natal and progressed Saturn; in October 1932 the progressed Venus square the natal Chiron, in November 1932 the Transiting Saturn trine the natal Mars and in opposition to the Solar Arc Venus. We see the Mental energy/body ( represented by Venus/Saturn ) and the Astral energy/body ( represented by Mars ) being healed/corrected ( Chiron ) and 2nd Ray Soul energy ( Jupiter ) is adding its power.

  5. In January 1933 the progressed Mercury ( mental energy ) semisextile the natal Mars and the Transiting Chiron semisquare the natal Mercury. Mars/Mercury are the orthodox/esoteric rulers of the Aries Sun ( indicating the degree of personality integration achievement ).

  6. One of her major problems was fear. Page 504/DINA I : “ Overcome fear, my brother; kill out suspicion and those vile children of fear – nervousness, foreboding, worry…” you are still held back ( 518 ) by fear – not fear for yourself but needless fears for those you love .“

  7. The placement of the Moon indicates the area of the most debilitated fear. The Scorpio 4th test ( or 1st test of the 2nd decanate ) is related to fear. This is 10 to 13 and ½ degree of Scorpio and the most probable ruler of this 4th test is Neptune. That is why the placement of the Moon in the proposed chart would fit the best here and thus linking the Moon/Neptune energies.

  8. In March 1931 the progressed MC ( Dharma ) conjunct the natal Neptune ( the esoteric ruler of the AS and the Personality Ray planet ), indicating a major spiritual opportunity to Soul progress. This was the year of her first instruction from DK.

  9. During the whole year 1931 the progressed Uranus was semisquare the natal AS within 1 minute of Arc, pointing to a transformation/release and a possible detachment from fear and emotional issues [ Moon ( the orthodox ruler of the AS ) in Scorpio square Uranus ( exalted in Scorpio ) ]  In the November 1931 instruction/505: “ Be the sannyasin for the remainder of your life and in detachment seek to serve the Plan. Ponder on this last sentence, because for you it holds the secret of release. “

  10. January 1938/521: “ The past few months have seen the working out of much inner tension. This has materialised upon the physical plane as a sense of real fatigue and has climaxed in a period of illness.” The Solar Arc Neptune conjunct the natal AS in September 1937 and Transiting Saturn making a square to this conjunction in the same month.

  11.  The progressed AS semisquare the natal AS in January 1937. The Solar Arc Neptune quincunx the natal Jupiter in March 1937 and the Solar Arc AS square the natal Jupiter in November 1937. This was an important alignment of energies between the Soul Ray planet ( Jupiter ), the Personality Ray planet ( Neptune ) and the AS ( Soul purpose ). She was asked to work along the line of soul contact ( 519 ), leading to soul release and to the soul activity of those she loves.

  12. On page 510 we read: “ Build in your garden an ivory tower and from the summit of that tower survey your life each day. Build it until the time of the Full Moon of May ( 1935 ) and then at the time of the Wesak Festival and for the three days of that Festival live in your tower and there abide. “ The Wesak Full Moon fell on the 18th of May 1935 when the transiting Saturn was at 9 Pisces 15. One day before the Full Moon ( the 17th May ) the transiting Saturn was at 9 Pisces 12 and thus exactly conjunct the natal MC ( the summit ) in the proposed chart!

                        CDP stands for COURAGE, DISPASSION, PURE LOVE

  1. COURAGE. In August 1940 instruction/527 we read: “ permit the courage of your soul to strengthen you. This courage is not a fighting courage or any sort of struggle to be what is called “ brave. “ It is the courage of sure knowledge, held steadily and unquestioning in the midst of difficulty and discomfort.”

  2. The Soul could be here represented by Venus ( Solar Angel ), by Jupiter ( the Soul Ray planet ) and by Neptune ( the esoteric ruler of the proposed AS ). All these three planets ( Venus/Jupiter/Neptune ) are in aspect to each other in the natal chart and all three are involved at the time of the 2nd initiation ( which she was approaching and probably will take in one ( the next life will be critical in this respect ) or a few lives ).

  3. The only other planet, making an aspect to these three planets, is Saturn, the most elevated planet in the chart. Saturn is the orthodox and esoteric ruler of the 7th house ( relationships/union of soul/personality ) and the 8th house ( relinquishment/detachment ). Detachment from the personalities of others, particularly those of family ( Saturn in its detriment in Cancer ) and children ( Saturn in its exaltation in Libra which rules the 5th house of children ) was one of her major problems.

  4. Saturn is placed in a weak, fearful, emotional ( but can be very strong after emotional control and glamour is overcome, which means after the 2nd initiation ) sign of Pisces, in the 9th house of wisdom/truth/faith/vision/higher or soul knowledge.

  5. Saturn is also related to the Mental body and the Throat centre and its placement in the 9th house strengthen the mental energy.

  6. Saturn placement in Pisces and its sextile to Neptune and square to Mars ( both conductors of the 6th Ray ) relates the mental energy/body ( Saturn ) to the astral energy/body ( Mars/Neptune ).

  7. Mars rules the lower centre and Neptune the higher centre of the Solar Plexus. The Saturn square to Mars and sextile to Neptune indicates the transmutation process of the lower energy of the Solar Plexus into the higher.

  8. This seems to indicate part of the problem behind the poor integration between the Astral and Mental bodies, which she eventually corrected ( in 1932/see point 12 above ).

  9. We know that all the integration/transmutation of lower to higher energies/rays happens through the 3rd Ray ( the same analogy holds for the Solar Plexus being the transmuting centre of the lower centres to the higher ).

  10. Saturn ( 3rd Ray ) is acting here as the transmuting/integrating planet and helping to bring the Mind nature into dominant seat of power ( Saturn at the apex of the T-Square of Venus/Mars, Jupiter, Saturn ) June 1933/505.

  11. In September 1940 ( the last instruction/527, where the keyword “courage “ is mentioned ) the Solar Arc Neptune trine natal Saturn and sextile the progressed Neptune and thus bringing into focus the spiritual/soul ( Neptune – esoteric ruler of the AS ) knowledge ( Saturn in the 9th house, trine the AS ).   

  12. DISPASSION. On page 516 we read: “ What lacks is something most simple to state and most difficult to express. It is simply the failure to be detached. You tie yourself to those you love and oft the clinging hands of love can hinder progress – not only our own but also that of those we love… you are still held back ( 518 ) by fear – not fear for yourself but needless fears for those you love.

  13.  Saturn, the orthodox/esoteric ruler of the 7th house ( personal relationships/union of Soul/personality/acceptance of others as they are as Souls  ) is in Pisces ( reacting emotionally through worry/fear, need to learn loving detachment  ) square Venus, the orthodox ruler of the 5th house ( love of children ), the orthodox ruler of the 12th house and in the 12th house ( weakness/fear/bondage to the personality )

  14. Moon in Scorpio, in the 5th house, square Uranus ( esoteric ruler of the 5th house ). This is an important aspect in relation to the achievement of detachment ( further emphasised by Uranus exaltation in Scorpio ). It calls for the utilisation of the talents/creative expression of the Causal body (5th house )

  15. Uranus placement in the 3rd house ( the occult mind ), its semisquare to the natal AS, its square the midpoint of Mars/Neptune and progressed aspects to the natal and progressed AS, indicates the opportunity for release/freedom/detachment  and control of the powerful 6th Ray energies ( which she failed to achieve in this incarnation and would need to come back again with the 6th Ray personality for the forth time ). 

  16. PURE LOVE. On page 507 we read: “ Will you comprehend me when I tell you that only love can free you? …not love of those you so easily love but the very love of your soul must be called in and, therefore, soul contact is your solution, persisted in steadily throughout  each day. “ She needs to develop trust ( difficult for Cancer/Scorpio ) and relate to the Soul of others not their personalities.

  17. The soul contact is indicated by the Neptune ( esoteric ruler of the AS and also the personality Ray planet ) sextile the AS and quincunx the Jupiter ( the soul Ray planet ). This is further strengthened by Jupiter/Neptune exaltation in Cancer ( the proposed AS ) which brings out the trust/growth ( Jupiter ) of intuitive perception/spiritual sensitivity ( Cancer ) and  redemptive vision/buddhi ( Neptune ) to protect/preserve/heal the form/group/humanity ( Cancer ).   


 November 1931/DINA I/504,505

 “Overcome fear, [ 2nd Ray vice and 4th test of Scorpio ] my brother; kill out suspicion and those vile children of fear – nervousness, foreboding, worry and that instant jumping to conclusions [ Aries ]which are dire and full of disaster. [ Moon in Scorpio is linked to Mars ( the orthodox ruler of  the Aries Sun ) in Taurus by its rulership of Scorpio and Moon exaltation in Taurus. ]

 Achieve that inner poise [ Libra rules the 5th house of creative self-expression/children/Causal body. Its esoteric ruler, Uranus is square Moon in the 5th house ] which faces all that comes in the light of the Eternal.

You are immersed [ water/emotions ] so oft in the terror [ the dispositors of the Scorpio Moon, Mars/Pluto are in a wide conjunction on the cusp of the 12th house ( fear/weakness ).Venus, the exoteric ruler of the 12th house, conjunct Mars in the 12th house  ] of the moment ( yes, terror is the word I wish to use ) that the astral turmoil [ Scorpio/6th Ray ] permits not the clear light of truth [ Jupiter, esoteric ruler of the 9th house ( wisdom/truth/higher mind ) in Sagittarius ]  and of knowledge to shine in. [ Jupiter opposition Venus/Mars ] Both are yours.

You are wise and experienced in many ways.[ Jupiter trine/sextile the Nodal axis ( wheel of past/future incarnation ) and its esoteric rulership of the 9th house ( wisdom ) and its exaltation of the Cancer AS. Strong Taurus and Sagittarius ( accumulation of knowledge ) ]

Sympathy, understanding, [ 2nd Ray ] loyalty [ 6th Ray ] to the cause of occult truth( 5th Ray )  [ the esoteric rulers of AS/MC ( Neptune/Pluto ) and the Sun ( personality ), all in the 11th house of group/Ashramic cause/ideal. Sun trine Uranus in the 3rd house ( the occult mind ) and Neptune ( 6th Ray personality planet, quincunx Jupiter ( the 2nd Ray Soul planet ) ] and steadfast endeavour [ Saturn in the 9th house ( path of Dharma ) ] ( plus selfless thought ) are yours and these qualities are recognised. How else your inclusion in this group of mine?

 But much hindrance come through fear. [ Moon in Scorpio, Saturn in Pisces, strong 12th house and the water triangle of Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces. ]

Etheric weakness also exists [ Uranus in Leo ( vitality ) in the 3rd house ( Etheric body ) trine Sun ( ruler of Leo ) in the 11th house ( Etheric body ). Sun conjunct Chiron and Neptune ( weakness ), Moon ( veiling Vulcan ), related to the circulation in the Etheric body, is square Uranus ( eratic/non-rthythmic circulation of prana ). Prana is related to the 2nd house ( where Moon is the orthodox ruler ) and Taurus ( where Uranus is in detriment ). Gemini and Aquarius also rule the Etheric body and the Venus in Gemini, in the 12th house ( weakness ), opposition Jupiter ( esoteric ruler of Aquarius ) in the 6th house ( health ) point to a weakness/fatigue. This is further emphasised by Venus/Jupiter orthodox rulership of the 6th/12th houses ] and I suggest to you that in your meditation work you imagine to yourself the pouring in of divine energy ( which is a creative function, my brother ) and that you send it on a mission to the etheric counterpart of the spleen. [ the planet Earth ( Spleen ) is in the 5th house ( vitality ) and sesqui-quadrate Venus and Venus is semisquare the Sun. Transiting Saturn was in square to the natal Sun/Earth in December 1931 ]

Visualise not the physiological organ but the etheric area surrounding it and picture it as bathed in pure golden prana. [ employment of Ajna  ( Venus ), Venus semisquare Sun ( golden prana ). The transiting Jupiter trine the natal Sun in November 1931 and in the same month the progressed Moon conjunct the progressed Jupiter in Sagittarius ( vision ), in the 6th house ( health ).

June 1933/DINA I/505,506,507

Part of your life trouble has been that not only have the physical [ Moon/Mars ] and the etheric [ Uranus ] bodies been too loosely combined, tending, therefore, to a devitalised condition; [ Moon square Uranus ]

 the integration between your mental body [ Mercury/Venus/Saturn ] and your emotional or astral body [ Mars/Neptune ] has also been very poor. Lately, you have changed that condition and your mind and your astral body are now integrated. [ see points 12/13 above/justification of the chart ]

When we are considering which planet is being veiled by the Moon, we have the indication here or possibility of the veiled Neptune being taken over or substituted by Uranus due to the emergence of the Mental body into the seat of power and control. 

 It means that no longer will your astral body ( which walks in the veil of illusion ) be the dominant and deciding factor in your experience – as has hitherto been the case – but that your mind nature will come increasingly into control and become the transmitter of illumination as you hold steadily upon your way. [ in 1932 transiting Saturn activated the T-Square of Venus/Mars/Jupiter/Saturn, the progressed MC semisextile the natal Saturn in July 1933 and semisextile the natal Venus in November 1933 and thus activating the natal Venus/Saturn square related to the Mental body ]

 Take your mind away from all your personality problems [ transiting Uranus conjunct the natal Sun ( personality ) and  ruler of the 3rd house ( mind ), in 1932-3 ] and the problems of those with whom you have chosen to walk, in this incarnation, the path of life. [ Solar Eclipse on natal Saturn ( ruler of the 7th house ( relationships with others ) in the 9th house ( path of life ), in February 1933 ]

Each morning for five or ten minutes work with the art of visualisation – a creative art. Visualise [ Ajna/Venus ] to yourself a garden [ Taurus ] in disorder [ Neptune ] that you are restoring to order [ Ajna – organisation; Virgo – restoration ( Venus is in its fall in Virgo ) ] as the garden of your dreams.[ Neptune ] the progressed Neptune conjunct the progressed MC ( Dharma ) in April 1933 and transiting Neptune conjunct the Virgo IC ( foundation ) in August 1933. 

 See two things happen: there must be restoration, [ in June 1933 Uranus ( 7th Ray/organisation ) entered Taurus ( garden ) remembering the goal of this exercise is to focus your attention in the region of the ajna centre of the pituitary body.[ transiting Uranus square the progressed Venus ( Ajna ) in 1933-4 ] There learn the power to organise.

The progressed Sun sextile the progressed Uranus and the transiting Saturn in aspect to both, and the Solar Eclipse on the progressed Uranus in August 1934, indicate the opportunity of establishing a new rhythm and release of new creative expression of the Soul ( Uranus is the esoteric ruler of the 5th house of the Causal body ) through the agency of the occult mind ( Uranus in the 3rd house, which the Sun rules on all levels )

When your problems descend upon you, when you are swept by an ancient habit [ Moon in Scorpio ] of thought [ Saturn in Pisces – past accumulated karma ]  that you know to be wrong but which has as yet a rhythmic power [ 7th Ray transmitted through Aries/Cancer/Capricorn ] over you, then retire into your garden and work there for a short while. It will aid you to break the power of ancient thoughtforms. [ transiting Uranus conjunct the Solar Arc Saturn 1934-6 ]

June 1934/DINA I/507,508

You are facing up to your crisis [ Saturn ] and to your final test [ Scorpio ]of fitness for accepted discipleship.[ progressed Mars trine progressed Saturn;]

Mars/Saturn are active in relation to Scorpio/Capricorn and the Path of Accepted Discipleship; Mars is the dominating factor ( 209EA ) in the tests and trials of the disciple, prior to the experience in Sagittarius and the initiation in Capricorn. It now rules not only the physical body but the whole personality ( doubly emphasised here by the Moon in Scorpio )

Mars is in its detriment, in the critical 29 Degree, Capricorn decanate of Taurus ( esoterically ruled by Saturn ) and thus making the Mars/Saturn square even more powerful. It points to a fight/war with appetites ( the Mars opposition to Jupiter in the 6th house points to overindulgence as a possible health issue, especially that Mars is also the ruler of the 6th house ) and the need for control/discipline ( Saturn ). Mars placement in the 12th house indicates unredeemed karmic issues brought from past lives.

Mars is the dominant factor ( 209EA ) in the tests and trials of the disciple, prior to the experience in Sagittarius and the initiation in Capricorn. The 6th Ray energy of Mars ( that of blood relations ) must be transmuted into 6th Ray energy of Neptune ( that of life ). 

Saturn ( associated with fear wherever is found in the chart ) is placed in Pisces ( sign of fear ). It is considered unfortunate position because one has to face everything what one accumulated in past lives ( Saturn is a karmic planet, placed in the last sign ).

Saturn rules the 7th house of relationships and 8th house of relinquishment and detachment and is placed in the 9th house of vision/truth/higher mind.

Moon is in its fall in Scorpio points to a death of desire/personality and is the archetypal placement for the 2nd initiation. Its position in the first degrees of the second decanate ( related to emotional body ) of Scorpio is related to the fourth test, that of fear.

Moon is the orthodox ruler of the proposed Cancer AS, indicating strong emotional sensitivity and attachment for loved ones/family, and is the orthodox ruler of the 2nd house of spiritual/material values/the treasures of the Causal body and the esoteric ruler of the 4th house of the hereditary memory of all the previous incarnations and family history/Ashram.

Moon is planed in the 5th house of creative self-expression/children/talents of the Causal body.     

If we try to establish what was her final test of fitness for accepted discipleship, we are led to the test of fear. Fear for those she loved and has gathered around her through karmic relationships over many lives and she felt she needed to take care of them emotionally and financially. She was materially well off ( a rich family ) and had no occupation/career, so all her energy/time/thoughts were focussed on those she loved. The energy of accumulation is indicated also behind her health issues, pointing to overindulgence. But she shared what she had with others and helped financially ABB and the Tibetan’s work.

 Her test was to release the fear through the pure love ( one of her keywords ) of the Soul and love those she cared about as Souls not as personalities, because only through detached impersonal soul love she will find release.

We can see that this final test was related to the Solar plexus/6th Ray/Astral body and thus the 2nd initiation. That this test was preordained by the Soul is indicated by the progressed Vertex opposition the natal AS in October 1934.

The Solar Arc Neptune square the natal Nodes axis and the impending Saturn return due next year, add to the importance/significance of the test. 

This is not the time for further words,[ Mercury ]  for it is the time in which you must take action.[ Mars ] The progressed Mars approaching the square to the natal Mercury.

You say to yourself time and time again; “ If there were some one thing I could do to break the prison of thought in which I find myself, how easy it would be and quickly I would do it. “ [ Saturn in Pisces square Venus in the 12th house ( prison ) ]

Talk less [ Venus in Gemini ] and love more.[ the Solar Arc Mercury square the natal Saturn in January 1934 and conjunct the natal Venus in June 1934 ]

Will you understand me when I say that symbolically and psychologically your fight must be fought our in your garden? [ the Solar Arc Moon opposition the progressed Mars and sextile progressed Saturn ]

Meditate therefore upon love.[ the Solar Arc Mercury conjunct the natal Venus ]

Silence,[ 12th house – silence imposed by seclusion ] serenity and loving service [ Jupiter in the 6th house of service ] to all, without exception and without thought of self – these should be the keynotes of your life during the coming months.[ the Solar Arc Venus trine the natal Jupiter in June 1934 ]

Restlessness and resentment, self-pity and suspicion are your present problems. [ vices of the 2nd /6th Rays and Scorpio/Cancer ] Substitute love for these and all will be well. [ the progressed Sun semisquare the natal Neptune in June 1934 ]

January 1935/DINA I/508,509,510

The ancient habits of thought and the quick submerging by the old rhythms are still possible; [ the  progressed Moon ( ancient habits ) opposition the natal AS in December 1934 ]

you are oft profoundly discouraged by the cropping up of the hydra of resentment and of suspicion with its many heads. [ Moon in Scorpio; the Solar Arc Moon square the natal Mercury in January 1935 ]

The fight is not yet over,[ the Solar Arc Mars square the natal Mercury in June 1935 ] but by May 1936, you should have reached a point, where the sense of inner freedom [ the progressed AS conjunct the natal Uranus in January 1936 ] will be so strong that you will realise that the things which affect the personality and which come from the point of development and from the lack of control of the personalities with which you are associated will fail to exert any real power over you.[ the transiting Saturn ( ruler of the 7th house ( personal relationships ) conjunct the natal MC from March to December 1935, indicating control/detachment from the personalities of others. In December 1935 there was a Solar Eclipse on the 7th cusp, bringing into focus the personal relationships.

You will be fast attaining the attitude of the Observer, of the one who looks on – knowing himself to be the controlling soul. [ the transiting Saturn entering the 10th house ( higher mental plane ); transiting Uranus conjunct the natal Neptune ]

Your problem is not this or that circumstance in your life. It is not concerned with the activity of this or that person. It is not tied up with your family life, your financial circumstances or your health. These are but the staging around which you struggle for liberation. These are but the opportunities offered by your soul which, when rightly used, will set you upon the Path of Initiation. [ she is a pledged disciple on the point of becoming an accepted disciple, ready to tread the Path of Initiation in preparation for the 2nd Initiation.

The three planets ( Venus/Jupiter/Neptune ) related to the 2nd Initiation are strongly emphasised in her chart. We could relate Venus to the Throat centre, Jupiter to the Heart centre and Neptune to the Solar Plexus centre.

The Jupiter ( Soul Ray planet ) quincunx Neptune ( the esoteric ruler of the AS and also the Personality Ray planet ) is a very significant aspect, bringing into relation the Solar Plexus and Heart centres and particularly as she was astrally focussed and it was the love energy which would set her free.

 The transmutation of the energies from the S. Plexus to the Heart is going on from after the 1st initiation until the 3rd initiation but the focus is at the 2nd initiation.  

 You know well within yourself that if you could achieve detachment and if you could arrive at a stable, focussed mind that the whole of life would simplify for you. [ control of the strong 6th Ray energies is needed and the achievement of the stable mind is emphasised by the progressions to Mercury. In December 1934 the Solar Arc Neptune conjunct the progressed Mercury; In January 1935 the Solar Arc Moon square the natal Mercury and in June 1935 the progressed Mars square the natal Mercury. Solar Eclipse on the progressed Mars ( Solar Plexus ) in June 1935 ]  

Your health problem is rooted in your astral condition. [ Mars ( related to the Astral body ) is in Taurus ( sign of accumulation/appetites ) and is the orthodox and esoteric ruler of the 6th house of health. ]

Your mind, as a result of the glamour, [ Mars/Neptune – 6th Ray ] may be ever restless and shifting, [ Mercury in Aries/Uranus in the 3rd house ] but the glamour is the result of potent emotional thinking [ Saturn in Pisces square Mars in Taurus in the 12th house ] and of a prolonged attentiveness [ Taurus ] to the circumstances of your physical plane life.[ Mars/Saturn ] This is an interesting comment and astrologically not very easy to define.

Mercury in Aries is a strong esoteric placement, giving the initiation/contact to original/new ideas of the higher mental plane. But the exoteric dispositor of Mercury, Mars ( 6th Ray/glamour ), is in the 12th house ( prison/weakness/fear/unconscious or fearlessness/liberation/ ), in Taurus ( accumulation/staying power/appetites or light/illumination/throat centre ).

Saturn ( also related to the Mind ) is in Pisces ( weakness/fear or strength of redemption/healing ), in the 9th house ( vision/higher mind ) and square Mars in the 12th house.

Neptune ( 6th Ray/glamour ), the exoteric dispositor of Saturn, is also in Taurus, in the 11th house ( social life/friends or group work/group consciousness ).

Neptune conjunct ( even though widely, it still applies ) the Sun, ruler ( on all levels )  of the 3rd house ( lower concrete mind/restlessness or telepathy/antahkarana ).

Sun trine Uranus ( planet of occultism/freedom ) in the 3rd house ( the occult mind or erratic/restless mind ). This is a powerful aspect due to the Sun being the dispositor ( on all levels ) of Uranus and Uranus is the Hierarchical ruler of Aries.

Uranus is the exoteric ruler of the 9th house and square the Mars/Neptune midpoint at 15 Taurus 53. The mind is strongly coloured by the glamour of the 6th Ray energy.

Venus ( also related the mind ) is in Gemini ( strong esoteric placement ) is good for bridging the Soul/personality, building the Antahkarana and expressing/communicating the word/love of the Soul; but it also likes social contacts and loves to talk ( and CDP loved to talk because DK told her to talk less and love more ).

Venus is the exoteric ruler of the 12th house and is also placed in the 12th house. We can relate to this placement ( and the Venus square to Saturn in Pisces ) her statement on page 507: “ If there were some one thing I could do to break [ Pluto, the esoteric ruler of Pisces ] the prison [ 12th house ] of thought in which I find myself, how easy it would be and how quickly I would do it.” We see that if she used the higher/esoteric energy ( Pluto ) she could easily do it.

Venus is the exoteric dispositor of all the Taurus planets ( Mars/Neptune/Pluto ), it is exalted in Pisces ( and thus doubly related to Saturn, plus Venus/Saturn square is the closest aspect in the chart ) and is in detriment in Aries ( and thus related to Mercury ) and accidentally dignified in the 12th house through its exaltation.

Venus is the decanate ruler of the proposed AS ( emergence of the mind as discriminating/integrating principle ) and is also parallel the AS.

We can say that Venus ( 5th Ray Mental body ) emerges as a very powerful planet in relation to the mind ( and also to the Soul ).

By attempting to synthesise the above points we could say that behind the powerful mental energy and strongly conditioning it, is a powerful 6th Ray ( the most potent conductor of glamour ) energy, coming through Mars/Neptune/Pisces ( we would also need to include here the Scorpio Moon and Cancer AS ).

Uranus in the 3rd house ( the occult mind ) semisquare the AS, square the Moon and trine the Sun is a strong energy to be used to release the glamour and achieve detachment.  

 It is by using the esoteric rulership ( and eventually the hierarchical rulership ) that the energies are lifted from the lower to the higher planes/consciousness.

 We could see the difficult test she was facing and the sea of glamour she was immersed in. But it is only by control over the glamour ( or at least great part of it ) she can pass the 2nd initiation. That is why this initiation is the hardest to take because after that the initiation process is greatly speeded up.

The same attentiveness and potency of thought, directed away from your circumstances and to the things of the soul, will free you. [ the need to shift the level of focus and so the process towards the mental polarisation ]

Build in your garden[ Taurus/Venus ] an ivory tower[ higher mental plane ] and from the summit [ MC ] of that tower survey your life each day. [ Transiting Saturn conjunct its own place ( second Saturn return ) in March 1935 and square Venus/Mars/Jupiter ]

Build it until the time of the Full Moon of May and then at the time of the Wesak Festival and for the three days of that Festival live in your tower and there abide.[ transiting Saturn conjunct the progressed Saturn and the natal MC, in May 1935 ( conjuncting the natal MC exactly on the day prior the Full Moon ). 

There is oft a mist [ Neptune/Astral plane ] in your garden, but on top of the tower there is sunlight,[ clarity/detachment ] space [ wide vision ] and air.[ Higher mind/Buddhi ] There I can meet with you [ Master works only on the Mental/Buddhic plane ] if you rightly build and learn the method of ascent ( building of the Antahkarana from the lower mind ( mental unit ) to the higher mind ( mental p. atom )

 The transiting Saturn square the natal Venus in Gemini, in March 1935 and The Solar Arc Mars square the natal Mercury in June 1935 ( both, Mercury and Venus are related to building the Antahkarana ).

July 1935/DINA I/510,511,512,513,514

Your sane humility [ elevated Saturn in Pisces ] is a great asset, provided you do not give way to self-depreciation [ Sun conjunct Neptune and Chiron ]

A spirit of criticism [ Mercury semisquare Pluto; 5th Ray Mind ] My brother, this one factor lets in more glamour into a disciple’s life and into your life than you can realise. Consequently, you frequently fail to see people as they really are, for you see them through the illusion induced by criticism of them. Right here for you – as for so many – lies the usual point of entry for glamour and until opening is sealed, you will not be free from personal glamour. [ the progressed Pluto semisquare the natal Mercury within an orb for a few years ]

Suspicion.[ Cancer/Scorpio Moon ] Suspicion ever lies,[ Neptune ] but lies with such apparent truth [ Jupiter ] that it seems only correct and reasonable.[ Jupiter quincunx Neptune ] This tendency you have fought for long, and a good measure of success is attending your efforts. [ the progressed Vertex trine the natal Neptune in July 1935; the Solar Arc Venus square the natal Neptune in September 1935 ]

Give not to suspicion; but be careful not to cast it away from you into the hidden depths of yourself, whence again it must inevitably raise its head [ Scorpio Moon ]

January 1936/DINA I/514,515

You are now entering a period of crisis.[ the Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the natal Neptune in January 1936 and the transiting Uranus is making a conjunction to it in the same month; the transiting Saturn conjunct the MC and re-enters the 10th house in February 1936 ]

The crisis ( which may focus itself in some aspect of your personality ) must  be regarded by you as an indication of a strenuous effort on the part of your soul to bring about a large measure of liberation [ the progressed AS conjunct the natal Uranus in January 1936 ] before the May Full Moon.

I tell you also assuredly that – for you – the cultivation of harmlessness is the guarantee of a constructive outcome to your crisis this coming spring. [ transiting Jupiter opposition the progressed Sun and trine the natal Sun would aid this ]

Now the sun is again moving northward and there comes for you renewed opportunity [ transiting Saturn over the MC/10th house ]and the possibility of a powerful period of release from your lower nature and from the claims which hold you so potently. [ the Solar Arc Mars ( the astral body ) conjunct the progressed Venus ( the mental body ) in January 1936 and the transiting Pluto ( release/relinquishment ) making conjunction to it; transiting Saturn square the progressed Sun; the Solar Arc AS square the natal Mars in February 1936 ] Let go. Drop that which you hold. Stand free at any cost, relinquishing that which holds you back.

June 1936/DINA I/515,516,517,518

Your gentle nature [ Cancer ] and your loving unselfish attitude militate powerfully against what you yourself are inwardly recognising – a slowly growing spirit of criticism. [ the Solar Arc Pluto semisquare the natal Mercury still within 2 min. orb; the Solar Eclipse on the progressed Mercury in June 1936 ]

But you could help more definitely and consciously if you could free yourself from ties and begin to function in your home and in all your relationships as a sannyasin.[ the transiting Nodes conjunct the AS/DC axis in August 1936; transiting Jupiter conjunct the DC; the progressed Moon enters the 8th house of renunciation/detachment, in September 1936

You have a persistence which is undaunted[ strong 6th Ray energy; Mars in Taurus; ]   and which has guided you from your early days until now. This persistence is the hall mark of the pledged disciple. [ the Solar Arc Jupiter trine the natal Mars in August 1936; Sagittarius ( one of the signs transmitting the 6th Ray ) energy is normally strong in the charts of pledged disciples, indicating the one-pointed attitude/direction. In her chart Jupiter ( the Soul Ray planet ) is in Sagittarius and rules esoterically the 9th house. During the year 1936 the transiting Jupiter is in Sagittarius, having just passed the conjunction to her natal Jupiter and in December 1936 is in opposition to the natal AS]

You have also an inner recognition of truth[ Jupiter in Sagittarius, esoteric ruler of the 9th house of truth/vision ] and of the Plan [ 10th house/Capricorn, Saturn in the 9th house, conjunct the MC ] which is far greater than you suspect and which we tested out years ago.

What lacks is something most simple to state and most difficult to express. This lack almost constitute your Waterloo, to use a current phrase. It is simply the failure to be detached. [ detachment is achieved through the focus upon the higher mental plane ( being the Observer/Soul on its own plane – the mental polarisation ). We can say that the process of detachment starts with the steady/stable mind controlling the emotional nature. We know that she had a restless/shifting/unfocussed mind ( affected by glamour ) and so difficulty in controlling her astral body ( but she was making some progress ). The next stage ( after achieving a stable mind ) is for the Soul energy to illumined the mind which produces a clarity of vision and right discrimination. She lacked both of these qualities ( this is the purpose behind her building the ivory tower- the higher mental plane, and from its summit seeing things/people as they are in their essence – as Souls ).

She was told (520 ) that she is ( her 5th Ray Mind ) analytical but not discriminating and one of her strongest glamours was the glamour of criticism. We see here the link between the restless/unfocussed mind – the failure to be detached –the lack of discrimination – the glamour of criticism.

Mercury ( mind ) has only one aspect, the semisquare to Pluto, which usually points to a critical mind. But the strong esoteric placement of Mercury in Aries indicates the opportunity to lift the focus of the mind upon the higher mental plane and its placement in the 10th house ( mental polarisation ) indicates that she was in the process of stabilisation of the mind and heading towards the mental polarisation ( achieved at the midway point between the 2nd and 3rd initiation ), which lies one or a few lives away for her.

Even though there is no aspect between Mercury and Saturn there is a relationship established through the Mercury being in its fall in Pisces and Saturn being in its fall in Aries. The symbolism of the fall points to the fall of the lowest aspects/qualities of the mind.

The Mercury/Saturn relation contributed to the worry and depressions she suffered from but also helps to concentrate and stabilise the mind.

Saturn square Venus ( both planets can be associated with the Mental body ) makes the mind analytical but also critical through the combination of the 3rd Ray ( Saturn ) and 5th Ray ( Venus ). This aspect is significant also because these planets rule the 5th house ( Libra/Venus ) and 7th house ( Capricorn/Saturn ). She could see easily the faults of others  - as personalities  ( not as Souls ) and thus criticise them.

Venus strong esoteric placement in Gemini and in the 12th house ( accidental exaltation ) and Venus exaltation of Pisces ( the placement of Saturn ) is shifting the energy to the Soul ( the Son of Mind ), further strengthened by Venus rulership of the first decanate of the Cancer AS and its parallel to the AS.        

You tie yourself to those you love [ Cancer – Moon in the 5th house ] and oft the clinging hands of love can hinder progress – not only our own but also that of those we love. Again, you tie yourself to certain people by thoughtforms of depression [ Saturn in Pisces, semisquare the Sun ( ruler of the 3rd house ( lower mental ) and square Venus ( orthodox ruler of the 12th house, in the 12th house of psychic sensitivity/weakness/bondage ) and of suspicion. [ Cancer/Scorpio ] It is your love, your clinging possessive love [ Cancer/Taurus ] for those you have gathered close around you in the karmic process of life [ 4th house of karmic family history, is ruled esoterically by the Moon ( veiling Vulcan/Neptune ) and Mercury is the orthodox ruler ] that hinders your loving them in the strong, true way… 

What makes your lesson doubly hard is the lack of a major activity and a dynamic interest which would engross your full attention. [ she had no full time career, only family concern; the Pisces MC indicates helping/healing/caring for others, the rulers of Pisces ( Neptune/Pluto ) are in the 11th house ( friends/social life/group work ); Jupiter, the other ruler of Pisces and the orthodox ruler of the 6th house, is in the 6th house of service and the other ruler of the 6th house ( Mars ) is in the 12th house of helping others less fortunate; Cancer AS, with the Moon in the 5th house points to the care/love of children and taking the financial responsibility for them ( Moon ( ruler of the 2nd house of money ) in Scorpio; the 4th house ( related to the family ) is ruled by Mercury in the 10th house – she felt that her family was her career]

Let not your physical body [ Mars ] dictate you. Physical disability is the refuge [ 12th house ] sometimes for those who feel that their lives do not provide them with that which they desire, or it is the refuge of those who feel that they have failed upon the Way. You have not failed, my brother. [ Mars ( physical body ), the orthodox and esoteric ruler of the 6th house of health, is in the 12th house of seclusion. Its placement in the critical degree of Taurus ( appetites/desire ), conjunction to Venus ( orthodox ruler of Taurus ) and opposition to Jupiter ( orthodox ruler of the 6th house ), in the 6th house, points to overindulgence ( not only of appetites but also of desire and thus uncontrolled astral body ) She was told that the cause of her health problems lies in her astral condition ( 509 ) ] In November 1936 the Solar Arc Uranus sesqui-quadrate the natal Mars, indicating some disruption/problem with physical health.  

Prior ( or around ) to the 2nd Initiation there is feeling of deep dissatisfaction about things as they are and an agonising realisation of failure and it is at this point that the disciple begins to learn the uses of failure. The sign, mostly associated with failure is Scorpio and the refuge or escape from failure is the physical body, ruled by Mars ( orthodox and esoteric ruler of Scorpio ).

There is a relation ( even there is no aspect ) between the Scorpio Moon and Mars in Taurus, through the exaltation of Moon in Taurus and Mars rulership of Scorpio. There is a link between fear ( the 4th test of Scorpio ), her health problems ( the physical body ), the astral body ( out of control ) and the feeling of failure. 

January 1937/DINA I/518,519,520

You are not so deeply immersed [ astral body/plane ] in the fogs of glamour[ Neptune/Mars/6th Ray ] though you are still held back by fear – not fear for yourself but needless fears for those you love. [ Cancer/Scorpio Moon ] In December 1936 the Solar Arc Neptune semisquare the natal Uranus

For the remaining years of your life lay the emphasis upon your spiritual responsibility[ Saturn ] and your spiritual effect[ Neptune, esoteric ruler of the Cancer AS ] upon all you contact, or with whom your lot is cast. The transiting Saturn enters Aries ( initiating process of spiritual responsibility ) and square the natal AS and the progressed Neptune in May 1937; the progressed Moon entered Aquarius ( group participation ) also in May 1937; the progressed MC ( Dharma ) sextile the progressed Saturn ( spiritual responsibility ) in March 1937;

You are learning fast, my brother, and can break through to a deepened and more realised knowledge [ the Solar Arc Pluto square the natal Sun, ruler of the 3rd house of knowledge in January 1937 ] if you can train yourself in detachment from personality activity with its unwise speech or silences, its criticisms or its bolstering of that which is undesirable in others and its moments of agonised indecision, based on a fear which – in your case – is ever that of and for the personality aspect. [ the transiting Uranus conjunct the progressed MC from June 1936 to April 1937; transiting Saturn semisextile the natal Venus/Saturn square in June 1937;

Stand in steadfastness during this coming year and stand detached. Let not the lesser voices crowd out the voice of your soul or mine voice. Keep the channel clear. Break through, my brother, from the trammels of the past and be the true sannyasin[ transiting Uranus opposition the natal Moon from June 1937 to April 1938; the Uranus progressed conjunct the progressed AS in May 1937 ]

July 1937/DINA I/520,521

Your mental body is on the fifth ray and, therefore, you have an intensely analytical mind. I would, however, remind you that you are analytical but not discriminating.[ we have already discussed this point but just to add that Uranus in Leo ( transmitting the 5th Ray ), in the 3rd house ( logical mind ), trine the Sun ( ruler of the 3rd house and the dispositor of Uranus ), in Aries ( the mental plane/mental p. atom ), indicates 5th Ray Mind. 

Your astral body is governed by the sixth ray and is as yet largely subservient to the will of the personality. This leads you to devote yourself to your personality surroundings and to the conditions which karmically you have evoked.[ both, Mars and Neptune, could be related to the Astral body. They are placed in Taurus which is also associated with the Astral body/desire. Moon in Scorpio is also indicative of the Astral body, particularly in the second decanate of Scorpio ]

Mars, the exoteric dispositor of the Aries Sun ( personality ), square Saturn ( in its fall in Aries ). Saturn in Pisces and Mars in the 12th house ( Pisces house ) bring in the 6th Ray energy, transmitted through Pisces.

Neptune ( the exoteric dispositor of Saturn ) is conjunct the Sun and sextile Saturn in Pisces and Saturn semisquare the Sun.

The Sun is placed in the Sagittarian decanate of Aries, ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in Sagittarius ( conductor of the 6th Ray ) and is in opposition to Mars ( 6th Ray ).

The ruler of the Sun decanate ( as given by DK ) is the Mars. The Mars opposition to Jupiter is thus a significant 6th Ray aspect ( especially as both are the rulers of Sagittarius – Jupiter is the orthodox ruler and Mars the hierarchical ruler ).

Jupiter quincunx Neptune ( 6th Ray ) closes the link/flow of the 6th Ray, all related to the Sun.

We see that Mars is receiving the 6th Ray from Pisces and Sagittarius through their link to the Aries Sun ( personality ).

The subservience of the Astral and Physical body to the personality ( also on the 6th Ray ) through the 6th Ray is evident, especially that both, the personality Ray planet ( Neptune ) and the Soul Ray planet ( Jupiter ) are involved in this 6th Ray energies relation.

The involvement of Saturn in this 6th Ray linkage is due to its karmic evocation of past relation through the personal relationships brought together in this life and thus through  them to learn to control the 6th Ray energy ( Saturn rules the 7th house of relationships and the 8th house of relinquishment/detachment ).           

Your physical body is also on the sixth ray which makes it – and, therefore, your brain – predominantly the servant of your astral body but it also makes you intuitive or astral-buddhic. [ Mars is also ruling the physical body and so its placement in the critical 29 Degree of Taurus is very significant ]

The exaltation of Jupiter in the Cancer AS points to the 2nd Ray Soul

It will be clear to you, therefore, that much of you problem can be summed up by the recognition of the relation existing between the personality, the astral body and the physical body. The physical body and the astral body are, therefore, automatically the servants of the personality. Yet the relation between the sixth and the second rays is so close that the problem of your soul is not insuperable in this life


January 1938/DINA I/521,522,523       

The past few months have seen the working out of much inner tension. This has materialised upon the physical plane as a sense of real fatigue and has climaxed in a period of illness. [ the Solar Arc Neptune conjunct the natal AS and the transiting Saturn making a square to it in September 1937 ]

You have arrived at a new measure of detached freedom and to this freedom you now must hold. [ the Solar Arc AS square the natal Jupiter ( the Soul Ray planet ) in November 1937; the progressed Vertex sextile the natal Saturn and the Solar Arc Venus quincunx the natal Saturn in January 1938 ]

 The dominant note which should rule your life during the next few months is to stand steadily in spiritual realisation. [ the progressed Neptune sextile the natal Saturn, within 2 min. orb for the next few months ]

You will have to see that old thoughtforms of fear and of worry do not resume their ancient sway and that old emotional reactions are not permitted to take form. [ the transiting Uranus opposition the natal Moon ( old thoughtforms of fear and worry ) ]

For you the word “ substitution, “ may prove of real help, enabling you to substitute a fresh and vital interest in the place of the old emerging ideas;[ the Solar Arc Mercury square the natal MC in December 1938 – indicates a new ideas/interest ]

and to substitute a definite physical plane activity in the place of emotional crisis;[ transiting Saturn square the progressed Mars and the Solar Arc Nodes on the natal Mars, in December 1938 ] 

and to discipline your lower life into ways of joy and of happy activity. Joy[ Jupiter ] would prove for you a major healing factor. [ the Solar Arc Uranus semisquare the natal Jupiter in August 1938 – happy activity; Lunar Eclipse on the progressed Jupiter in May 1938 ]

See to it that during the next nine months you preserve an attitude of spiritual indifference or of divine carelessness and emotional detachment. [ the transiting Uranus square the natal and progressed Uranus, semisquare the natal AS and square the progressed AS ] 

From the place wherein your physical plane life is lived, let there go forth that which can heal [ Chiron ] and bless.[ Neptune ] Nothing can stop this blessing; it speeds forth upon the wings of detachment and from a heart that has no care for itself; [ the Solar Arc Neptune in the 1st house and the transiting Neptune in the 4th house – physical life blessed; the transiting Chiron ( the healer ) conjunct the natal AS and the Solar Arc Neptune in June 1938 ]

January 1939/DINA I/524,525,526

 A little more clear thinking and acceptance of the facts which you know about yourself will set you free.[ transiting Saturn conjunct the natal Sun in April 1939 – inferiority; Solar Eclipse opposition the natal Sun in October 1939 ]

Your problem is difficult. It is based upon the fact that you have a sixth ray personality, a sixth ray astral body and a sixth ray physical body. This constitutes a terrific combination of forces, but you assumed the responsibility of handling these forces in order to break the sixth ray hold which that type of energy has had on you for three lives in sequence. [ this indicates that she had  a 6th Ray personality for the past three lives ]

You have reached the age of sixty ( or is it a little more, my brother ? ) and have not yet broken it. Therefore your soul  purpose has not yet been fulfilled.[ this indicates that she would have to come back in the next life with the same 6th Ray personality ]

I seek to see you free before the time of passing over into the “ clear cold light “ comes to you. You have earned the right to your own soul’s freedom and expression. Will you take it now and free yourself, or will you muddle through the remainder of this incarnation and, in another life, have to face the identical problem of family relationships and financial responsibility? [ the transiting Uranus is making the last contact to the natal and progressed Uranus and natal and progressed AS in May/April 1939; the transiting Jupiter conjunct the natal MC in February 1939 ]

You do not express the reality which you are, upon the physical plane.[ the Solar Arc Jupiter ( the Soul Ray planet ) square the natal Neptune ( the Personality Ray planet ), in August 1939; the Solar Arc AS trine the natal Neptune in January 1939 ]

 The thoughtforms which surround you drain you of vital force and yet, physically speaking, you have no organic trouble or disease. These thoughtforms sap your vitality and are definitely destructive – to yourself and to others.[ the transiting Saturn conjunct the natal Chiron in November 1939 ]

January 1940/DINA I/526,527

You have no particular glamour, for you live in a perfect sea of glamour.[ the powerful 6th Ray force ]

Your glamours come to you from two sources. Your inferiority complex[ the Sun conjunct the Neptune and Chiron and semisquare Saturn ] keeps you in a state of glamour and is purely a personality reaction…and controls your life expression on the physical plane, plus the second glamour of physical disability.[ the T-Square Venus/Mars-Jupiter-Saturn ]

I would ask you to cease from the glamour of inferiority and pre-occupation with details which keep you always devitalised. Enter into the joy and strength of non-frustrated service [ transiting Saturn conjunct the natal Neptune and the progressed MC and opposition the natal Moon; the progressed Neptune sextile the natal Saturn ]


August 1940/DINA I/527

You are today in a condition of physical distress[ the progressed Moon conjunct the progressed Saturn in July 1940 ]

and you, at the same time, are emerging out of a life crisis into greater surety, light, knowledge and usefulness. [ the Solar Arc Neptune trine the natal Saturn in September 1940 ]

Note: Four months later this disciple went forth “ to love and serve “ on the inner side of life. Though out of the physical body, she is active in the Tibetan’s Ashram.