Standing With Massed Intent in the Fire of Love


Humanity is entering a period of unparalleled synthesis accompanying the dissolution of the old world order. We are in a period of in-gathering (the greatest of three in-gatherings during the past 2500 years), and we students of the Ageless Wisdom and Spiritual Occultism can and, really, must be part of this process. The magnetism within us must be released into the world in a manner as vibrant as possible. There is still time for many human beings to be positively influenced by the Treasure of Occultism (the “Treasure of Light”) bequeathed to us especially by Masters Djwhal Khul, Morya. Koot-Humi, Hilarion, and by those They have directly inspired—Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Alice A. Bailey, Helena Roerich, and significant others. Behind the Treasure stands the inspiration of the Christ and Sanat Kumara, the “Lord of Venusian Love”.   When I think of where we stand as disciples in the modern age and students of spiritual esotericism, I think we have arrived at a moment of assertion, reaffirmed brotherhood, and the potential for a new synthesis within the Ageless Wisdom movement in the world. If ever there were a time for us all, as brothers and sisters, to stand up for our esoteric values and the esoteric world view--this is that time.   On all sides the values we cherish are being threatened. I view with alarm the developments within the ranks of the sixth ray enemies of democracy and spiritual meritocracy. We have seen it all before. I will now come out and say, definitely, that I believe the Black Lodge to be on the attack again, and that this attack is far more serious than the one that occurred in relation to the Great War 1914—1945. It is my opinion that we are slowly falling into the horrific scenario which Master Djwhal Khul said could be foreseen—the religious war that must not happen.  

In WWII Hierarchy took sides with those who (for all their imperfections) stood for democracy and the freedom of the human Spirit. Ignorance is everywhere present and no government or people is exempt from selfish abuses, but I do believe that Hierarchy will again have to take sides against the oppression of militant, violent, religio-political fanaticism wherever it may be found.   Those who recognize the nature of Aquarian values, and who wish to see the wonder of the New Age unfold, simply must be both strong and loving at this time. I deplore the weakness I see around me (and in myself). The enemies of human freedom are again on the move. They are found in all countries but they are concentrated in those who espouse violent religio-political fanaticism.   Master Jesus has a tremendous task on His hands. Judaism, Islam, Christianity—in their present forms have, one and all, outlived their usefulness to humanity. A universal “New World Religion” is on its way, destined to supersede the inadequate religious presentations of the present era.   Christianity can, I think, make the transition into New Age values most smoothly of the three. The “Crusades” are, we can all hope, over; the Christian Church in general is (after its many abuses, errant quests, and outright failures) “sadder but wiser”. The more reasonable presentations of Christianity do not wish to reclaim for the Church an ancient glory. The Second World War taught Christians a bitter lesson, as Christianity (for all its profession of love) failed to stem the hateful onslaught. Master Djwhal Khul tells us Masonry (that great intended example of universal brotherhood) failed too.   Moderate Judaism can also make the transition. Militant Orthodox Judaism cannot. It is ossified and terrified of change. It too, is a form of retrogressive fundamentalism, and cannot last.  

Militant Islam (so prone to violence) sponsoring an externalized Jihadism (which is not the fighting of the inner psycho-spiritual ‘war’ which all spiritual human beings must fight) is, in my opinion, the worst threat to human freedom at the present time. (And let us be warned—if we in democratic countries react to the threat of Jihadism in such a way as to deprive ourselves of the hard-won freedoms of the past few centuries (paid in blood and untold sacrifice), then we, too, are cooperating in the demise of human freedom.) When the sixth and first rays combine they can easily fall into excess, and we are witnessing brutal excesses at the present time.  

As spiritual occultists-in-training, we all know that the sixth ray (in its “racial” cycle) will be out of incarnation in about one hundred thirty years (“for it will be about two hundred years before all the sixth ray egos pass out of incarnation”—EP I 26—written in the early 1930’s), and, sub-consciously, the fanatical fundamentalists know it. They know that time is against them and they are becoming desperate. While all religious fanatics share this (almost unconscious) desperation, the greatest degree of desperation is, I believe, to be seen in militant Islam.   Let us turn our attention to the psyches of the desperate sixth ray souls found among religious fanatics of all persuasions. The unconscious premonition of their own ‘annihilation’ (really, a temporary pralaya) impels them to reclaim and reassert the glories of the past. In the case of the Jihadists, we have a religion (not really a nation) attempting to reclaim its ancient glory. The attempted reclamations of religio-political fanatics are filled with both national and religious egoism—a lethal combination. The Jihadists, however, are not alone.   The Zionists, partially motivated by a desire for such reclamation, both desired and conspired to reclaim the “Promised Land” (which four thousand years ago—and, thus, in earlier incarnations—they took by force from its rightful inhabitants on the strength of “God’s {supposed} Promise” to them. Who was this “God” who encouraged them to take the lives and property of others and the point of the sword?). The Nazis wished to reassert the ancient Aryan (who, in their view, had been shamelessly diminished by admixture with other races). The Italian Fascists hoped for the reappearance of “Rome in all its Glory”. And now the Radical Islamists wish to reassert the Caliphate, fueled by the burning vision of world domination—Radical Islamic Theocracy for one and all.   Every such anachronistic reassertion is destined for failure. In the case of the Radical Islamists, time (as dispensed through racial and planetary ray cycles) is not on their side. We who support the Western values of freedom, individuality, self-determination, universal progress and the eminence of reason (leading to pure reason) must stand firm—now and for decades to come. With fiery and loving “massed intent” we must face down “the roaring tide of the world’s ignorance”—A Treatise on White Magic 350—holding to light, love and spiritual will even as the “Forces of Opposition” attempt to engulf them by a black wave which promises the slavery of the human Spirit.   We are living in a violent world, and the violence is intensifying because its proponents are ignorant (and even willfully ignorant) of the deep realities of life. We, as disciples of spiritual esotericism and occultists-in-training, are increasingly intimate to these deep realities, but we are few in number, scattered and relatively weak—and we fight among ourselves! This must end!   This is the time for all our spiritual resources to be drawn forth—meditatively, intellectually, compassionately—so that we can “make our mark” within this really terrifying world situation and during what is shaping up to become the “hour of humanity’s greatest need”. The soul of humanity is once again under attack. The enemies are everywhere and even within our own hearts. First the “enemy within” must be neutralized. “He who has conquered himself is as one who has conquered a thousand armies”—this, the Buddha said. And, simultaneously, we must stand in such as way as to prevent the reversion of human consciousness to earlier stages of now unacceptable ignorance. No one religious interpretation can dominate the world, and it is always the atavistic interpretations of religion which are intent on world domination.   The present civilization of our Western World is in decline and a new civilization is uprising. With reference to the virtues of the fourth ray, I would say that we must save the best of the old—the great cultural fruits of Western Civilization—and, progressively, apply our consciousness to the task of making the transition into the world view promoted by the best Teachings of the Ageless Wisdom. It will be a long time before the majority of humanity is ready for spiritual occultism and its detailed teaching, but the deep principles which underlie the esoteric world view—universal brotherhood, recognition of the soul in all, the promise of endless progress for humanity and for all forms of life, the radiance of God Immanent—for such principles millions are ready.   I think we need a new and concerted way of reaching the public with these values and this world enlightened view. The Hierarchy stands and we are seeking (for all our imperfections) to represent Their Teaching. We need not apologize for this. We need not water down the Teaching too much, though we can always “speak proportionately” as Master Morya has said. We must work against the creeping irrelevance that could overtake us and, instead, assertively come forth with the Treasure of Light.   How will be done in the immediate future? I do not fully know, but I know it must be done. Below I have offered some suggestions as to how we may proceed. Only a concerted effort to implement such suggestions will prove or refute their usefulness.   Our goal is DK’s goal: to “teach and spread the knowledge of the Ageless Wisdom”—meditatively, studiously, serviceably—wherever we can find response. We really have to mobilize to reach out—all the while standing for the values proposed by the Ageless Wisdom, standing for the best values of Western (and Eastern) Civilization—for, in many of us, the West and East are fast uniting. We must stand firmly against the fanatical enemies of freedom, wherever these enemies may be found—whether in heartless fundamentalistic doctrines of all kinds, or within the cruelty of our own unspoken thoughts.   I do not say that any of us is perfect in his or her interpretation of the Teaching. We are not Masters. We are not even Arhats (i.e., true Renunciants), and so we are still very much subject to the distortions of the human mind. But we try, again and again, to understand the Truth more deeply so that we can carry the Light to those who are in great need of it—and, in time, we shall prevail.  

There are simply certain things which must not happen. Above all, the ‘war which must not be fought’ (fought on the physical plane) must not happen. We who understand something of the stakes involved are now “on watch” and the responsibility upon us is heavy. Medievalism (no matter in what religio-political form) cannot be allowed to reverse the tide of human progress. Whether the violent fanatics are ‘jihadists’, “crusaders” or Zionist zealots (to suggest names for some of the most violent and militant types claiming to represent three of the great world religions—Islam, Christianity and Judaism) their present approach must be considered totally unacceptable to the modern student of spiritual esotericism allied with the Great White Lodge. Their fanatically misguided ‘will-to-reversion’ must not be allowed to prevail. Should they succeed in their designs, it will be a great disaster for humanity and a brutal set-back for the present phase of the Divine Plan as it applies to the regeneration of humanity and the sacredization of planet Earth.   Now to practicalities! What can we (as students of the Ageless Wisdom) actually do to negate the pernicious effects of policies promoted by this enflamed and fearful group of sixth ray souls who will rapidly be on their way out of incarnation and into a temporary pralaya?   Our response is complicated by the fact that militant, religious fanatics will not listen to reason. Their world view is so narrow and distorted (so unrealistic from the esoteric perspective) that solutions which favor the present and future welfare of humanity and the preservation of our planet make absolutely no appeal to their consciousness.   Many of them are convinced that the Earth will not survive an immanent global conflagration. They envision a future and permanent life within a ‘place’ they call “Paradise” or “Heaven”, a state of vibration which we, as students of esotericism, understand to be impermanent, essentially illusory and ‘located’ upon the higher astral and lower mental planes—the “Summerland” and “Devachan” of Theosophy. Such individuals whose consciousness is adversely conditioned by the escapist, Neptunian aspect sixth ray have no love of the Earth and see no future for it. Their simplistic theology naturally reinforces this dangerous illusion.   Others, expecting the same global conflagration, anticipate that the Earth and humanity will indeed survive (at least for a certain period), though dominated entirely by the faith which they consider to be ‘The One and Only True Faith’. Many Christian fundamentalists expect that Christ will descend from “Heaven” and rule (with the Christian elect) for one thousand years during which time Satan will “bound”. The fate of the Earth following that reign is far from certain, but there is the general expectation of another period of conflagration which will destroy the “old heaven and old earth”—i.e., Earth as we know it will come to an end.   The militant Islamists, on the other hand, foresee (after the great conflagration heralding the return of the Twelfth Imam) the unchallenged reign of Islam on Earth in perpetuity. Other faiths and their adherents will either be destroyed or if they survive will be relegated to an entirely inferior status—“dhimmitude”. Allah’s Rule will be firmly established on Earth forever. The majority of these militant individuals are strongly influenced in their soul nature by the fiery, violent sixth ray planet Mars. The same could be said of modern Christians with a ‘crusader mentality’ and of modern Hebrews who believe that God has given them eternal dominion over the “Promised Land” and encouraged them to take it by violence and hold it by violent force if necessary.   As students of the Ageless Wisdom we can see through the pitiful glamors and illusions which have warped the minds of such militant and violent religious fanatics. We know that in future incarnations they will outgrow the distorted thoughts and passions which presently prey upon their consciousness (and upon the lives of others), but, though their future progress is probable, they cannot (at present) be allowed to work their will upon humanity. The successful execution of their cherished convictions would simply lead humanity into a tragedy of unparalleled proportions. In the following words, the Tibetan has warned, in no uncertain terms, that the present human experiment might have to be discontinued:   “If no progress is made and these problems remain unsolved, at least in some measure, and if humanity slips back into the status existing prior to the war, then nothing can stop the next war. If it comes, it will bring the final death blow to the human race. Mankind as we know it could not survive, nor would it be right and good that it should. The death of a race might then be decreed and the long process of nurturing a race of men who would finally express divinity would have to be started all over again. These are not idle words, but the foundation of a possibility
which can be clearly visioned...." (The Problems of Humanity, First Edition)
  Faced with these dire possibilities, what can we who are students of a profoundly enlightened Teaching actually do to help forestall this terrible potential eventuality?   Let me offer some suggestions concerning the mobilization of what we may call, somewhat idealistically, the “World Esoteric Community”.   1.                  Be well-informed concerning the problem; it will not “go away by itself”, especially in the immediate future. Fortunately, the pattern of ray cycles will work against the perpetuation of these problems, for the sixth ray is well and truly on its way out of incarnation for the present period of human history. Nevertheless, we are faced with a “clear and present danger” for the next fifty years or more, and we cannot “hide our (esoteric) heads in the sand”. The Black Lodge is presently using militant, violent religious fanaticism in the attempt to throw humanity back into the Dark Ages, or worse. The methods of this Lodge (and its witting or unwitting servants) are pursued with seriousness and in all earnest. These individuals and groups are constantly moving against the Light and the possibility of the transformation and liberation of humanity. The advice here is to “know what the enemy is thinking”. This is indeed an “enemy” (at least an apparent one). The “enemy” is not the souls of such misguided individuals, with which our souls are one, but their temporarily distorted personality expressions which are under the spell of a certain form of madness—yes, a form of religious insanity. We must understand what they think, and see what they do, so that such thought and action can be countered both objectively and subjectively. 2.                  Permit no rift to separate us as workers within the field of the Ageless Wisdom: we may choose to pursue quite different methods of representing the Wisdom and, on the outer level, may have many differences of opinion or, even, disagreements. Inwardly, however, we must remain staunch in Brotherhood—united in the fact that we work for the Light and for the coming expression of a greater Love throughout the human race. The achievement of an enlightened, mutually respectful unity will strengthen us and our impact upon the consciousness of humanity. 3.                  Reach and educate as many human beings as possible with the ‘Treasure of Light’ we have been given: at the present time huge numbers of people are simply ‘spiritually insane’. They live, work and believe under the spell of pernicious glamors and illusions, which, if not negated by the Light, may well lead to the annihilation of the majority of humanity. The Great White Lodge did not offer the great Teaching simply for the delight of those who are attracted to it and can somewhat understand it. The Teaching is meant to become a huge spiritual force for the regeneration of human thought and consciousness; so far, this has not occurred. With every skill at our disposal, the Teaching must be introduced to humanity and worked into its substance. Our minds and hearts should be so full of the Teaching that the thoughts we think and words we utter, truly and skillfully represent that Teaching. People still laboring under the spell of ignorance must be taught to think spiritually, which means both logically and intuitively, and with love in their hearts. Even more importantly, the lives we lead must become an embodiment of the Teaching we profess. How this will be done is up to every true student of the Wisdom; that it must be done is unquestionable.

4.                  Meditate as if our lives (and the live of all humanity) depended upon it:

        1. Our true and untapped power lies in our ability to meditate—not in some dreamy or passive way which seeks escape from worldly problems, but with truly creative occult power.

        2. Internally, we must “build the thoughtform of solution” to human problems, and especially to this gravest and potentially most destructive of all human problems—the Problem of Religious Ignorance and the cruel violence it foments.

        3. Our internal potency has barely been applied as it can be applied. Our individual potency within the world of effects may be large or small, but our group potency within the subtle, subjective world of causes can be considerable—IF we apply to this world problem all we know of meditation—and that with consistency. This is a challenge to the World Esoteric Community and one to which it must immediately rise.

5.                  Live our discipleship to the fullest measure: it is evident that talk is one thing and embodiment another. As students of the Ageless Wisdom we are possessed of vast qualities of unapplied, unlived theory. We well know that it is impossible to change the world unless we change ourselves. We can rail against evident abuses while overlooking the abuses for which we are consciously and unconsciously responsible. Unless our radiation and magnetism change for the better, we will succeed in changing nothing. The well-known adage applies: “Be the change you would see happen”. 6.                  And now, one of the most important points: Discover the real meaning of Love and utilize its power to negate the aggressive initiative of the Black Lodge now in progress. I will tabulate certain points concerning this approach—perhaps the most difficult to implement of the seven suggestions offered and, perhaps, the most vital.

        1. If we who are opponents of militant, violent religious fanaticism, ourselves descend into ‘esoteric fanaticism’, we will be fighting fire with the wrong fire. We must not become that which we deplore. This is hard to avoid for the provocation is great and the need to eliminate the source of provocation utterly necessary if humanity is to survive. Let us, however, be most cautious in our utilization of the sixth ray force when attempting to counter the abuses of sixth ray force so glaringly apparent. The battle will not be won by opposing violence with violence (whether mental, emotional or physical). “Hatred ceaseth not by hatred.”

        2. The opponents of the Forces of Light can be defeated by the Power of Love:

                                                              i.      This, in essence, is the mission of the Reappearing Christ, and with His mission we identify.                                                             ii.      The expression of the Power of Love (fierce in heart and solar radiance) is one of the most difficult states for human beings to achieve, but the Great Souls have demonstrated that we can achieve it. “What man has done, man can do.”                                                           iii.      If we descend into hatred of our avowed ‘enemy’—those who, through violence and fanaticism, wish to send human life and consciousness into retrogradation—we will have accomplished nothing. The soul of our apparent enemy and our soul are one. This we have been taught and this we must demonstrate.                                                            iv.      It is possible through the fierce power of Solar Love to— 1.      destroy the ignorance of our apparent enemy 2.      destroy the religious egoism of our apparent enemy 3.      destroy the violence of our apparent enemy 4.      destroy the fanaticism of our apparent enemy 5.      destroy the glamor and illusion of our apparent enemy 6.      destroy the fear of our apparent enemy                                                              v.      Within this Power of Solar Love we can stand and, on the basis of this Love, demand the destruction of all that opposes the Divine Plan for humanity and planet Earth.                                                            vi.      If we love enough—in this way—we will convert the apparent enemy—not through the sword, but through irresistible, subjective solar radiation and magnetism.                                                          vii.      Thus, while taking all practical measures to defeat our apparent enemy, we will find that our greatest ‘weapon’ in the fight to save the soul of humanity is the Power of the Heart of the Sun.                                                        viii.      There is no force in our entire solar system greater than the Power of Love. If we disbelieve this assertion, it is because we have never really understood the Power of the Heart of the Sun nor successfully evoked its flow through our heart and mind.

        1. The Power of the Heart of the Sun is a ferocious Force. The Christ will be victorious over all human negativity (and eventually over the Black Lodge in its present form) because nothing can withstand this Solar Force. Indeed, Love conquers All!

        2. Through the Power of the Heart of the Sun, we shall gain the courage and valor to resist, deflect and destroy every kind of evil now menacing humanity—all this through the power of sacrifice which the Heart of the Sun inspires in every human heart.

        3. Wherever we find the greatest fear we find the greatest danger. Manipulators upon the third ray fear for their material survival and do all they can through intelligent greed, to allay that fear. But there is a greater fear—the fear of annihilation (or damnation) in perpetuity. Religious formulations address that fear with promises of an eternal “Heaven” or “Paradise”, etc. Those upon the sixth ray feel with intensity that they must follow the dictates of their religion if they are to survive forever; because the fear of eternal annihilation (or, worse—eternal damnation in “Hell”) is greater far than the fears surrounding material survival, these fear-ridden people turn fanatical, and will stop at nothing to allay the fear that they may cease to be or, worse, may suffer forever. In the great Religious War now shaping up, we see the existential fear of annihilation and/or damnation running rampant. Yet, as the Christ has said, “Perfect Love casteth out fear”, and upon this we must rely. If we love enough, we shall know what He meant.

7.                  Stand with “Massed Intent” in the fullest possible power of the Heart of the Sun, intent upon spiritual victory for humanity and our planet. We cannot summon the necessary strength of Will to “stand with massed intent” unless we stand within the Power of Love. If we would be victorious over this final attack of the Black Lodge (final, at least, for our period of history), we must stand together in the Divine Solar Flow of the Heart of the Sun. The strength of the Christ is His because He has learned so to stand. Now, on a lower turn of the spiral, the task of learning this stance is ours. Our apparent enemy is the lower aspects of our very self, and together and in Love, we will learn to defeat this enemy. We cannot win this “Religious War” unless we realize that we (yes, every one of us) are both the enemy and the Blessed One. The enemy is within, and that enemy must be defeated by the “Blessed One” Who is also within and who lives in the Heart of the Sun.   It is time that a new note of synthesis resounded in the World Esoteric Community. The Shamballic Impact of 2000 has come, and the Great Decision of 2001. Now let the Good of those great Events permeate that which should be (in deed and not just in name) a true “World Esoteric Community”. The “Treasure of Light” must be widely bestowed—and, yes, over the Internet and in person whenever possible.   If every one of us becomes mobilized on behalf of the Teaching, there is no telling what we might be able to accomplish in this drastically worsening world situation.   WWII precipitated on the physical plane because there were not enough men and women of goodwill to forestall it. Let it not be said that ‘the War that must not happen’ broke in waves of fire over humanity because esotericists (those who are so well-positioned to bear the burden of hierarchical energy) had become irrelevant to the development of the human race!   I question myself. I question each of us individually. I question us all as a world group—what more can we do? From what more intensified point of tension can we work? How can we better cooperate? How can we truly, together and in stalwart, loving Brotherhood, represent the Great Ones before the eyes of humanity? In response to these questions, I have offered seven suggestions. I hope we will study them and apply them to the best of our ability.   I wish to sound with all my strength a wake-up call to the esotericists of the world:   Band together! Cooperate in soul as brothers and sisters! Meditate and study more deeply than ever! Reach out and reach more people, educating them with the “Treasure of Light”! Love deeply with “Massed Intent” so that the sword of evil must shatter against the radiance of that Love!   I have deep love and appreciation for you all, and especially for all who are making deliberate and repeated sacrifices in their lives to bring the Great Teaching forward as a Saving Force.   In Light, Love and Power, Michael Robbins President, University of the Seven Rays