Leo 2001
Michael Robbins
The Planetary Centres

“I cannot give you the relation of the planetary centres to the human centres or of the systemic centres to the planets. Too much knowledge would be given too soon and prior to the time when there is enough love present in human nature to offset the possible misuse of energy with its often disastrous consequences. The colours, the mathematical rate of the higher vibrations which emanate from the centres-individual, planetary and systemic-and the quality (esoterically understood) of the energies must be the subject of human research and self-ascertained. The clues and the hints have been given in the Ageless Wisdom. The slower method of research is the safer at present. In the next century and early in the century an initiate will appear and will carry on their teaching. It will be under the same "impression" for my task is not yet completed and this series of bridging Treatises between the material knowledge of man and the science of the initiates has still another phase to run.” EA 532

My Response

This is a subject to which I have given long and rather careful thought. I will try not to quote extensively, but simply offer my opinions.

To begin with, the designation of planets as centers within the solar system must remain purely speculative on our parts. We are not even given to know even the true nature of our planetary Logos and His place and function within the system—this being considered one of the secrets of the higher initiations.

Several factors must be considered in regard to placing the planets reasonably:

Is the planet a synthesizing planet?
Is the planet a sacred planet?
Is the planet a non-sacred planet?
What are the personality, soul and monadic rays of the planets concerned, as these rays will affect placement?
Is more than one planet associated with a center? Is there, perhaps, a triangle of planets which could or should be association with each chakra?
What are the zodiacal associations with each solar systemic chakra?
What are the rays of our Solar Logos, as this will tell us something of system within which we are functioning?
What are the members of the SSSOWOIO (the Seven Solar Systems of Which Ours is One—designated as the “Seven Suns”) to distinguish this system from the higher order OAWNMBS which has constellations for chakras and not just suns. (About this matter Stephen and I have exchanged many letters in extensive detail, and perhaps they should be released to the group for perusal—if someone wants to read 150 letters on this subject.)
At the outset, I would like to set forth some hypotheses regarding the rays of the planets. In my forthcoming book, I quote the confirmatory or supportive sources extensively, but here, for the most part, I will simply offer my assessment, much being speculative and based either upon inference or intuition.

To begin with I believe there are number of categories of planets, or (Entities expressing through planets) not entirely easy to classify.

The Three—our systemic Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. (See the chart on TCF 1238 for the circular Beings surrounding the Solar Logos)
The synthesizing planets.
Jupiter in a bridging category of its own.
The other sacred planets.
The non-sacred planets.
The undiscovered planets (both sacred and non-sacred).
The planetoids (which orbit recognized planets, but which are not moons).
Various moons—the “dead”
The first five categories are listed in descending order of essential development, which is different from extent of unfoldment within a developmental category. I am saying that the true spiritual status (its true essential development) of a planetary Entity is different from its degree of unfoldment. A fifty year old non-disciple is more unfolded but less developed than a five year old initiate.

Each of these planets has a specific and most important connection with each of the Seven Suns of the SSSOWOIO. What this assignment can be I can only hazard. According to my best thinking, done in concert with Niklas, I will offer my opinions:

1. Sirius

2. Procyon

3. Vega or Altair

4. Sol/Helios—our Sun

5. Formalhaut

6. Alpha Centauri

7. Altair or Vega

Niklas and I differ somewhat in the emphasis we place upon Altair and Vega. I have offered them in the order which I am tending to support; they are reversed by Niklas. No conclusion has been finally drawn.

Of course within our SSSOWOIO (Seven Sun System), there are many other stars associated, (some of them quite near and familiar) just as there are minor centers and minute centers within the etheric body of a human being. Among these stars may be those we call small red stars and brown dwarves. The ones listed here are those which we feel are most interrelated sacredly. Note that none of them is more than 26 ly away. Vega is the farthest at 26ly, so the position (Niklas’) which supports it as being the base of the spine, has some analogical correspondence in terms of spatial distance.

If I were to hypothetically assign planets to stellar centers it would be as follows—as always with much need of further thought and research.

1. Sirius—Uranus (head center as a whole), Neptune (heart within the head). Vulcan will have its placement in relation to the seven centers within the head. Whether there are other stars associated with Sirius (the hypothesized head center of the Seven Suns) which should relate to the heart within the head and to the seven centers within the head has yet to be determined.

2. Procyon—Mercury

3. Vega or Altair—Saturn

4. Sol/Helios—our Sun—Jupiter

5. Formalhaut—Venus

6. Alpha Centauri—Mars

7. Altair or Vega—Earth (for splenic center), Pluto (for the base of the spine, with some growing influence in relation to the Earth—probably to be unfolded in the next solar system)

Clearly, the other planets of our system (revealed and unrevealed) would each be related to one of these seven suns (whichever the seven suns really are), by ray and numerical affinity. So the above offering is simply to be considered a suggestive sketch which can be examined and debated. The alta major and splenic centers and many others are not mentioned, or at least to not have a stellar assignment given.

As for the Three Great Entities surrounding our Solar Logos (TCF 1238), but lesser to Him just as the three Buddhas of Activity are lesser to Sanat Kumara we find:

1. Shiva: Vulcan, Pluto, Earth (speculatively)

2. Vishnu: Uranus, Venus and Jupiter

3. Brahma: Saturn, Mars, Earth (cf. EP II 99)

I look at Mercury as a great Intermediary, just as the ajna center (with so many rays and planets playing through it) is sometimes left out of the enumeration of the centers.

Although this locally-systemic Shiva, Vishnu or Brahma would have a special connection to the three sets of three planets mentioned above, they would also express themselves through any planet which had direct “numerical affinity” with them.

For instance, Shiva would express through Uranus, Saturn and Mars as well as the three mentioned above.

Vishnu would express through Neptune and Earth as well as the three mentioned above.

Brahma would express through Mercury, Earth, Uranus and possibly Pluto in addition to the three mentioned above.

And of course, it must be realized that any planet expresses through every planet, just as all planets express through our Earth by means of the Lives within Shamballa—especially our planetary Seven Spirits Before the Throne.

The Three Great Beings would be correlated (if the sevenfold assignment is correct) as follows:

1. Shiva: Sirius

2. Vishnu: Sol/Helios

3. Brahma: Vega or Altair

More locally and as regards planetary ray assignments, I hypothesize as follows, bearing in mind that these rays are to varying extents visible or detectable depending upon the status of the planetary Being involved. The higher the status, the more the lesser rays are subrays of the dominating spiritual rays—just as in a human being. Yet, perhaps, the ray-strands can be detected.

As a matter of protocol, I assume that when the Tibetan is speaking of the synthesizing and sacred planets he usually offers the soul ray. When He is speaking of the non-sacred planets, He usually offers the personality ray (as in the case of third ray Earth or first ray Pluto).

Monadic Ray: RI (cf. EP I 420) Also, Uranus is “home of fire electric” (TCF 1154). For me home is monad. “I [the Monad] leave the Father’s home, and turning back, I save.”

Triadal Ray/Soul Ray: R7

Personality Ray: R3 (Niklas believes R5). I cite the following: “Water being the symbol of substance and of material expression plus emotional motivation, Aquarius is consequently dual in its activity, and the third ray expresses itself powerfully through this sign, reaching our planet through Uranus and the Moon which hides or veils Uranus symbolically in this case. There is, therefore, to be found the double influence of Uranus, expressing the quality and bringing in the energies of the seventh ray, in one case, and the third ray in the other.” (EA 138) “Two of our planets, the Earth (non-sacred) and Uranus (sacred), are directly the product of this third ray activity.” (EA 200) That Uranus has tremendous fifth ray activity I do not dispute. I simply assign it to the mind—the scientific mind.

If R3 is the personality ray of Uranus it is much absorbed by R7 and R1. Yet migrations are always found in relation to Uranus, and on the outer level it is a restless, unrestful planet.

Mental Ray: R5

Astral Ray: Is it R2? In some way Uranus is related to the second ray otherwise the Sirius/Pisces/Uranus Triangle would not be possibility. So I wonder. The color of the planet, loosely, is blue.

Etheric/Physical Ray: R7 because of Uranus’ association with all etheric planes—generically ruled by R7; and some R1 because of the “Electric Fire” it confers. Given its present axial inclination, it is certainly the independent one among the many.

Monadic Ray: R2 (cf. again, EP I 420)

Triadal Ray/Soul Ray: R6

Personality Ray: R4 (it is closely related to Buddhi on the fourth plane) or R3 (as it is closely related to the “waters of space” and to the third aspect as its trident symbolizes.

Mental Ray: R2 or R4

Astral Ray: R6 or R2

Etheric/Physical Ray: R2 (indeed, the most relaxing of all the planets—at least a regards its influence in relation to humanity)

Monadic Ray: R3 (cf. EP I 420)

Triadal Ray/Soul Ray: Probably again R3, though in the past, I have noted the importance of R1 in relation to Saturn, and of that connection there can be no doubt, through the Great Bear/Leo/Saturn Triangle.

Personality Ray: Probably R1. R1 must manifest somewhere in relation to the higher vehicles of Saturn, as He is so much connected with the first ray Lords of Karma. In the past I suggested R7 due to the factor of crystallization, and set-forms.

Mental Ray: R5 for scientific discrimination with some R1.

Astral Ray: R1, emotionally cold.

Etheric/Physical Ray: R7, for Saturn rules both the systemic physical plane and the cosmic physical plane.


Monadic Ray: Perhaps R2. Just as Sol has both a second ray soul and a second ray personality, and perhaps Saturn has a third ray monad and soul, so perhaps Jupiter has a second ray monad and soul. The other option is R7, and one must not forget that Jupiter is “King of the Gods”. I now lean towards the importance of R2 for Jupiter, because I think it is the planet most related to our Logos—second ray Sol (even if the monad ray of Sol is R4, as Stephen hypothesizes)

Triadal Ray/Soul Ray: R2 Jupiter is the great heart, and the correspondence is clear (cf. EA 517)

Personality Ray: Probably R7, connecting it with “ritualistic worship”. “1. "Jupiter ... is a deity who is the symbol and prototype of ... ritualistic worship. He is the priest, sacrificer, suppliant and the medium through which the prayers of mortals reach the Gods." (EA 660)

Mental Ray: I hypothesize the inclusive, all-embracing, wise R2

Astral Ray: R6 for the buoyancy and enthusiasm associated with Jupiter

Etheric/Physical Ray: R7, for stateliness and ceremony. The exaltation of Jupiter in Cancer points in this direction—fulfillment upon the lowest or seventh plane.

Monadic Ray: Hypothesizing R4, great artificer in metal, also relating to the fourth ray as distributed through Taurus. Relating essentially to dualistic-periodicity through the Law of Vibration—thus connecting the first systemic law and the fourth ray.

Triadal Ray/Soul Ray: R1 (as given by the Tibetan)

Personality Ray: Possibly R5 through its deep and close connection with the mineral kingdom. The rhythmic nature of Vulcan (correlating it with R7 must also be considered)

Mental Ray: Probable elements of R5 and R1

Astral Ray: Is it R1 again?

Etheric/Physical Ray: R7 for rhythm. R1 for stiffness and obduracy.


Monadic Ray: I hypothesize R5. It is so intimately and deeply connected with intelligence. Mercury is the 5 of man; Venus is the 6 of the devas. Mercury is the ruler of the fifth or Aryan Race.

Triadal Ray/Soul Ray: R4 as given by the Tibetan.

Personality Ray: I hypothesize R3. Mercury inclines towards all manner of illusive thought and activity. “The Moon and Mercury together indicate the activity of the higher and lower mind and are, therefore, related to the third Ray of Active Intelligence which controlled the first solar system.” (EA 280) Presently, the third ray of Mercury is in process of being dominated by its fourth ray soul. From the human angle, however, this domination does not manifest in all people, as observation will attest.

Mental Ray: I hypothesize R5, for Mercury can represent the concrete mind. Probably all three mental rays—3, 4, and 5—work with facility through the mind of Mercury.

Astral Ray: This is more difficult. The true Mercurial types are rather non-emotional and objective. Could the ray be R5? One example of a human being in the Tibetan’s books gave a R5 astral body. It is possible. Something must account for this detachment.

Etheric/Physical Ray: R3—Mercury “gets around”. I think there is little question here. Although it is associated with Kundalini-- “Mercury demonstrates kundalini in intelligent activity, while Mars demonstrates kundalini latent” (TCF 181) I do not see the seventh ray here, but merely the activity of the third or matter aspect.

Monadic Ray: R6. Venus is the “home of the planetary Logos of the sixth ray”. Again. To me, home means monad.(TCF 595)

Triadal Ray/Soul Ray: R5 (as given by the Tibetan)

Personality Ray: R2 For me, Venus is the heart center of the lower sub-diaphragmatic triangle—solar plexus (i.e., lower heart), sacral center, base of spine center.

Mental Ray: R4—aesthetics in relation to Venus are inescapable.

Astral Ray: R2—Venus has achieved this.

Etheric/Physical Ray: R7 Has the etheric physical ray much to do with the outer nature of the planet? I do not know. Venus, physically, is rather hot and violent, but etherically who knows? Certainly the perfection of form for which it so often stands is related to the seventh ray. Think also of its relation to both Jupiter and Uranus with their seventh ray components.


Monadic Ray: I hypothesize R5. Like Pluto, I believe this planet has a deeply mental nature, probably to be revealed more in the next solar system. Its reddish orange color can be associated with R5. As well, among the planets commonly studied by esotericists, it is the fifth from the Sun.

Triadal Ray/Soul Ray: I hypothesize R1. It is the “School for Warriors” and on Mars “They work under the first Aspect logoic and train those whose work is along the lines of the destroyer.” It is the red planet or perhaps a bit orange, and both these colors have first ray associations—as well as others.

Personality Ray: R6 as given by the Tibetan.

Mental Ray: R5 as even among humanity today, Mars rules science

Astral Ray: R4 for struggle, and probably some R6 for devotion and zeal.

Etheric/Physical Ray: R3 reflecting its position within that great Third Ray Entity and also its penchant for activity.

Monadic Ray: R1 as given: “ARIES is the constellation through which initiating conditions will stream into our solar system. It embodies the will-to-create that which will express the will-to-good. It is the monadic ray of our planetary Logos, Whose Soul ray is the second and the personality ray the third. You can note here, therefore, how the transmitting ray of our planetary Logos is the first; and hence the place which the will plays in our human evolutionary process; His transforming ray is the second and that eventually brings transfiguration through the medium of the third…” (EA 619)

Triadal Ray/Soul Ray: R2 as given just above.

Personality Ray: R3 as always given and given just above.

Mental Ray: R4—we are the “adjudicators between the pairs of opposites” and also the fourth planet from the Sun is Adonis is not counted.

Astral Ray: R4 again, I think, and thus our immense struggle. In this we are similar to Mars which also, I believe, has a R4 component in its astral body.

Etheric/Physical Ray: R3 for the fertility and activity of the Nature upon the physical Earth.


Monadic Ray: This monadic ray like that of Mars and the Earth are both inactive in this solar system, though perhaps detectable. Both R3 and R5 are candidates. There is something deeply intelligent about Pluto and deeply connected with Karma, fate, matter and the past—the province of the third ray. About Pluto’s investigative potentials there is little to dispute. This correlates with the fifth ray, but may occur on a lower turn of the spiral. If Earth with is R1 monad can relate to Venus with its R6 (probable) monad, then Pluto with a R3 monad can relate to Mars (its alter ego) with a probable R5 monad.

Triadal Ray/Soul Ray: R6, I think. For obsession and deep involvement with the emotional nature. Here is a planet so much found at not only the first but also the second initiation, where Scorpio rules preeminently. Hades is the astral plane and Pluto is the Lord of Hades. Various reasons are in the first part of Esoteric Astrology. “Two of the other non-sacred planets—Mars and Pluto—function in connection with the sacral centre (Mars) and the solar plexus (Pluto). This latter planet becomes active in the life of the man who is "becoming alive in the higher sense, his lower nature passes into the smoke and darkness of Pluto, who governs the lesser burning ground, in order that the man may live in truth in the higher land of light." (EA 78)

Personality Ray: R1 as given by the Tibetan.

Mental Ray: R5 I hypothesize—the investigator.

Astral Ray: R6 possession and obsession. Relentless desire.

Etheric/Physical Ray: R1 –the exile, the isolate.

Other Planets:

The other planets, soon to be visible or for a long time invisible, all certainly have their ray and chakric correlations. These correlations have strong relevance to where the planets are placed within the chakra system of the Solar Logos. If a planet does not resonate to the major ray associated with a chakra, it is very unlikely to be a ruler or co-ruler of that chakra. But the lines can indeed be sinuous, especially if one considers all the possible rays and numerical resonances associated with the various planets. Finally, all planets find their way into every other planet, and thus all chakras are interpenetrating. This, of course, we know from the etheric anatomy of man.

Assigning Chakras

After this preamble, I will simply assign the planets to chakric centers as I have reasoned them out.

Crown Center in its Entirety, including all centers related to or within the head: The Etheric Sun

Head Centers—all Petals Except those of the Central Twelve: Uranus

Central Twelve—the “Heart within the Head”: Neptune (some Vulcan associations are possible)

The Seven Centers within the Head: Vulcan. Interestingly, Vulcan is related to the etheric body, (EH 143), and the seven head centers are correspondences to the seven etheric chakras, four of which are upon the first ether, and three others in ascending ethers. Through Vulcan the four and seven are related, for from the four etheric planes, precipitation on to the seventh and densest plane occurs. Beauty 4 and the mineral kingdom 7 are both connected to Vul can.

The Ajna Center: Mercury/Mercury. The monadic 5 of Mercury could go a long way towards justifying this, as well as its association with R4, another of the common ajna rays.

The Alta Major Center: Some Pluto associations. Remember that the alta-major is the base of the spine for the head. Saturn also has its place here.

The Throat Center: Saturn

The Heart Center: Jupiter. Jupiter and our Sun are unquestionably intimately related. Just as our Sun, Sol, is a heart within the SSSOWOIO so Jupiter is a heart within Sol.

The Solar Plexus: Venus. There can be much debate about whether Venus is the heart center of the Solar Logos, and seemingly direct quotes can be found, however I believe that although Venus is the most unfolded planet, it is not the most developed, and is essentially a Being inferior to both Jupiter and Neptune which represent its higher counterparts—the heart and the heart in the head respectively. In the Triangle of Venus, Mars and Earth, Venus represents the second aspect (solar plexus), Mars the third aspect (sacral) and Earth the first aspect (base of spine). Given that in our present solar system, so astrally polarized, Venus represents the sixth ray and the solar plexus, we have a possible explanation as to why Venus is so unfolded and so radiant.

The Sacral Center: Mars

The Splenic Center: Earth

The Base of the Spine: Earth and Pluto both are associated but they are not alone.

Broadening the Consideration

Planets Associated by Ray or Numerical Affinity with Each Chakra

Head Center as a Whole: Uranus, Vulcan, Pluto, Mars, and even Saturn through its R1 (the Head controls)

Heart in the Head: Neptune and Jupiter (with its twelve year cycle and its rulership of the twelfth sign—Pisces). Venus will also have some association as will the Sun.

Seven Head Centers: Vulcan, Uranus

Ajna Center: This center is ruled by many rays—almost all of them. Usually, Venus and Mercury only are considered. The Sun as the symbol of the integrated personality must be mentioned. Mars with its sixth ray for directed personality action. Saturn (exalted in Libra—the glyph of which looks like the ajna) for decision. Neptune, definitely for imagination. Being a large center—in the human being having 96 petals, it is only natural that many rays and planets would work through it. It sums to 9 indicating a relative completeness.

Alta Major Center: Pluto, Earth, Saturn—all connected with the base of the head.

Throat Center: Saturn and Earth, also Mercury (with its strong R3). Venus too is the ruler of Taurus which rules the throat zodiacally. This is an entirely different method of looking at planets associated with chakras in the system—through the sign associated with the chakra and therefore, through the planet ruling that sign.

Aries—Head—Mars, Mercury, Uranus

Taurus-Throat—Venus, Vulcan,

Gemini—Lungs—possibly pranic center—and Arms: Mercury, Venus, Earth

Cancer—Breasts and Solar Plexus: Moon and Neptune

Leo—Heart: Sun (veiling Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus—the electrical impulse of the heart)

Virgo—Centers in the Abdomen, and some Solar Plexus—Mercury, Vulcan/Neptune, Jupiter (liver)

Libra—Sacral Center—Venus, Uranus and some Saturn for regulation.

Scorpio—Sacral Center—Mars, Pluto and Mercury (in relation to kundalini)

Sagittarius—Sacral Center and Thighs—Jupiter, Earth and Mars

Capricorn—Skeleton of the Etheric Body—Saturn and Venus, the vase.

Aquarius—Flow of the Etheric Body—Uranus, Jupiter and (Moon—as Vulcan, Neptune and Uranus)

Pisces—Synthesizing all Systems—Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto

Continuing with planets associated with the chakras of the Solar Logos

Heart Center: Jupiter, Neptune, Venus, Sol, and even Earth through its soul ray—eventually.

Solar Plexus: Venus, Neptune, Mars, Pluto

Sacral Center: Mars, Venus (the sacral is the sixth center), Earth (third ray), Saturn (the creation of forms), Uranus (assigned by the Tibetan—largely because of rays seven and three), certainly Pluto and even Neptune—as desire leads to procreation.

Base of the Spine: Pluto, Earth, Mercury (active), Mars (latent), Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and even Neptune (ruler of the Cancer Creative Hierarchy and responsible for manifestation)

A Final Chart

In terms of the relative position of various Entities within our local cosmo system, the following chart may be suggestive. In some of these assignments, I will be offering alternatives to what other theorists (whom I truly respect) have conceived—and with their own good reasons. I simply offer it for the sake of discussion, and to promote a sense of cosmic, systemic and planetary relationship. These thoughts have been put together in cooperation with Niklas Nihlen and have benefited from the pioneering work done by Stephen Pugh. Some areas will be left blank and some centers not included. All this needs to be reasoned through carefully.

Relationships Within the Super-Cosmic Logos

The One About Whom Naught May Be Said

(Level II)

Who is a Chakra within a Cosmic Parabrahm

(cf. TCF 344)

I am limited at this time in the degree of articulation I can provide. More astronomy needs to be studied and more correlations completed, but even if there are errors in these assignments (and I hardly see how they can be escaped at this point of our knowledge), effort at cross-correlation should be productive of light.


I have attempted to lay out a map of relations within our local cosmo-system. This map pertains only to one seventh of the life within the being of our local Cosmic Parabrahm—(TCF 144). Probably, most of the local stars and constellations with which humanity has dealt in its previous history are contained within the Great Being—the One About Whom Naught May Be Said—the Super-Cosmic Logos, Level II, in Whom what we normally call constellations are as chakras.

I do not think there is a way to resolve with certainty the correct placements and determine the nature of what we might call systemic-physiology. But we can think together.