

Astro-Rayological Interpretation & Charts
Images Physiognomic Interpretation

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Michel de Nostradamus—Physician, Psychic, Seer, Astrologer

December 14, 1503 OS, St. Remy, France, 12:00 PM, LMT. (Source: from Kraum  who quotes “data recorded from his friend as ‘around noon’,” given in Astrology and the Occult Sciences.)  Died, July 2, 1566, Salon, France. 



(Source: Notable Nativities) Another time is proposed—11:40 AM LMT from Jeane Hitt, and there is also a rectification attempt giving 12:25:25 PM, LMT but this later time is unlikely due to the position (too far advanced) of the progressed MC/IC when he lost his wife and two children to the plague in 1533. (Check for second ray)

(Ascendant, in two cases, Aries and in one case, Pisces; MC in Capricorn (in one case, Sagittarius) with Sun and Mercury, retrograde, in Capricorn—Mercury conjunct the MC of both charts; Neptune also in Capricorn; Moon in Scorpio; Venus in Aquarius; Mars, Jupiter and Saturn conjunct in Cancer; Pluto in Sagittarius; Uranus in Pisces)

The chart for 11:40 AM, LMT given by Jean Hitt in Mercury Hour, yields a Pisces Ascendant, without much changing the house positions from the Aries Ascendant chart. Certainly, Pisces is understandable in terms of Nostradamus’ psychism and  impressionability.

Perhaps personal tragedy led to the psychic receptivity which produced the Nostradamus Prophecies. It is said that he lost his wife and two sons to the plague (Moon in Scorpio, Pluto in H8, with Mars, ruler of H8 in Cancer, H4 (or H5), conjunct Saturn, and Chiron, the planet of wounding, in the H5 of children) and only after ten years, returned as an astrologer with prophetic gifts.

The Pisces Ascendant chart, ruled by Pluto in H8, the house of death and occultism, would also contribute to those events in his life which would normally be judged as unfortunate, as well as to the tendency to withdraw in the face of tragedy.     

The Prophecies of Nostradamus are unique, and have been influential for hundreds of years. Serious students of these prophecies believe they are accurately predictive and unfolding as seen by the great prophet and seer. Capricorn, according to the Tibetan, confers psychism in its highest degree of development, and we might say that Nostradamus, whose Sun and retrograde Mercury were in Capricorn, was given a “mountain-top vision” of the unfolding world-process.

His language, of course, is enigmatic and subject to interpretation. The predictive and often veiling third ray is certainly involved as is the imagistic fourth ray, for the Prophecies are written in verse form.

The somewhat later chart—about twenty-five minutes later—gives Sun and Mercury positions in the ninth house, more correlated with seership. The third ray (associated with the power to plan) is frequently involved with futurism.

The third ray is certainly reinforced in this chart through the presence of six planets in the combination of third ray Capricorn and Cancer. His elevated (and inwardly-turned-because-retrograde Mercury) receives added importance for being the esoteric ruler of the proposed Aries Ascendant. Mercury is opposed to prophetic Jupiter.           

For Nostradamus, with Moon and Scorpio (in H8 in the two earlier charts), Pluto in H8 and the “malefics” Mars and Saturn in Cancer, the sign of family and in H4 or H5, the houses of family and children, there appears to have been a “death and rebirth” experience, with the proposed Aries Ascendant signaling the ‘resurrection’ which he experienced after ten years of withdrawal (possible Pisces Ascendant) and deep thought.

Could we see in these indicators, the experiencing of the second initiation, with its emphasis upon emotional detachment, and an entering into the field of the third initiation (with its Capricorn, mountain-top experience) and its association with the opening of the psychic powers for purposes of service?

Certainly he emerged from his tragedy a new man, endowed with the gift of sight (the ajna center associated with the third initiation)—a gift which had been previously darkened under Scorpio. Interestingly, both Aries and Capricorn can, in different ways, be associated with the third initiation, and Pisces and, especially, Scorpio, with the second.

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