Effect of Ray ‘type’ (major ray influence) on ability to manage glamour






First ray people can overcome glamour with relative ease, once they become aware of it as a personality limitation



Second ray aspirants are usually aware of their glamours because they have an innate faculty of clear perception

Their problem is to eliminate their too rapid response to the ‘magnetic pull of the astral plane’ and its many glamours 

They are less responsive to a glamour than to all glamours, albeit in a relatively temporary manner, which delays their progress greatly 

Because of their clear-sightedness, they add to their sensitivity to glamour an ability to suffer about it

They register their responsiveness as ‘sin and failure,’ and thus delay liberation from it by their ‘negative’ attitude of inferiority and distress 

They could profit enormously from constant use of the formula until they can be aware of glamours, but are not ‘touched’ by them



Third ray people are as susceptible to glamour as are those of the sixth ray

Their devious, twisting, planning minds, and the rapidity with which they can deceive themselves (and others), hinders them from clearing away glamour 

Their tendency to be ‘victims of glamour’ (or ‘glamourised’) is shown by their difficulty in conveying meaning clearly by speech 

The third ray person has guarded himself for many lives by devious formulations of thought and ideas, and can seldom convey meaning clearly

This is why sixth ray people and third ray people almost inevitably prove unable to teach very well.  Both must, therefore, learn to use this formula

 Sixth ray people and third ray people could hasten the process of dissipation if they would force themselves to speak or write their thoughts clearly, and if they would never allow themselves to be ambiguous, or deal in half thoughts, innuendo or suggestion 

They should (make great effort to) clearly enunciate any ideas with which they are dealing



Fourth ray people are peculiarly prone to fall into glamour; this can produce extreme difficulty

They tend to bring their illusions down to the astral plane, and there clothe them with glamour

They have consequently a double problem upon their hands - they are faced with a unification of glamour and illusion 

They are, however, the group of souls that will eventually reveal the true nature of the intuition

This will be the result of their illusory glamorous fight in the world of appearances




Fifth ray people suffer the least from glamour but are primarily the victims of illusion

For them the Technique of the Presence is all-important; it brings in the fact of the Higher Self, a factor the fifth ray person is apt to negate or even refuse to admit

He feels (too) self-sufficient

Fifth ray people respond tooeasily and with such satisfaction to the power of thought

Pride in mental competence is their ‘besetting sin’ and they become too set in their purposes and too preoccupied with the world of the concrete and the intellectual

The moment the Angel of the Presence becomes a reality to them, their response to illusion weakens and disappears 

Their major problem is not so much the negation of the astral body (for they are apt to despise its hold), but they do have difficulty in recognising that which the mind is intended to reveal — the divine spiritual Self

Their lower concrete mind interposes itself between them and the vision



The majority of those working in the field of glamour are sixth ray aspirants (those who have sixth ray personalities or souls, plus those on all rays who have powerful sixth ray astral vehicles) 

These make the most effective workers in this field but they are subject to one major difficulty - in spite of aspiration and good intention, they are seldom aware of the glamours that control them!

It is exceedingly hard for a sixth ray aspirant to admit that s/he is held by glamour, particularly when it is glamour of spiritual connotation or of a very high order

Their glamour is actually enhanced by their energy of devotion, which ‘stiffens’ it, making it most difficult to penetrate

Their complete assurance is a serious obstacle to clear-sighted work, because all that has to go before the work of dissipation can be carried forward successfully

This is why sixth ray people and third ray people almost inevitably prove unable to teach very well.  Both must, therefore, learn to use this formula

Sixth ray people and third ray people would greatly hasten the process of dissipation if they would force themselves to speak or write their thoughts clearly, and if they would never allow themselves to be ambiguous, or to deal in half thoughts, innuendo or suggestion 

They should (make the effort to) clearly enunciate any ideas with which they are dealing



The seventh ray person is faced with the difficulty of his being able to create exceedingly clear-cut thought-forms

The glamours that control him, therefore, tend to be precise, definite and, to him, all compelling 

They rapidly crystallise, however, and die their own death