00:26:14 JoWalz: The YT link for the music that MDR will play for you today: https://youtu.be/R4OvBOPSTOQ 00:29:02 JoWalz: Also for those who find benefit from the musical Oratorio immersion experience here is the playlist for Virgo Solar Fire Oratorio on YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVFB-s6rGtNxIgwHTCcwQ2NlPAqLF-G3r 00:55:03 Heike Bobert: In German we don't use "da sein" like "being there" in contrary to here. In contrary to here it would be "dort sein". The Dasein is really more like beingness itself. But I don't know how Heidegger in his time used it. 00:55:41 Heike Bobert: like here and there 00:56:41 Heike Bobert: I don't know an English equivalent 01:03:48 Heike Bobert: Maybe I would say "Da-sein" is used like beingness in being now and here. 01:39:36 Ann Veronica Chryssis: I try to obliviate my form but a question persists echoing through the ages. WHO AM I? You are form I answer back! I need to chase you away. Yes, comes the answer but WHO AM I? You are form I persist answering back, go away! Form is organized matter. WHO organized you? The Soul I answer, even more the Spirit. Will you stay so low comes the echoing voice do you really stop there? I am the planet and beyond. I am the planets that orbit the sun. I am the Sun and eventually I am the universe. And isn’t all of this form came echoing the question back? Yes, it is but it is higher form it is Spirit! Matter is Spirit in its highest form and Spirit is matter in its lowest form. You are ONE! Form and Spirit together. You are nothing but the universe in a leaf that falls from a tree. You are THAT. You are ONE! 01:44:51 Joan Schofield: The Divine? 01:46:04 Heike Bobert: the substratum then consists of every, countless possibility of form, but is un-formed 01:49:41 Anne Parker: I think of it as a “dissolving” of form into absoluteness. 01:50:43 Ann Veronica Chryssis: I understand. The whole problem is that when one names it you in-form it . That which is beyond and underlies all and cant be named always eludes you. 01:51:47 Lori: Some thoughts: It is the essence which underlies, coheres and sustains all outer phenomenon. 01:57:19 Ann Veronica Chryssis: Thank you 💓 01:57:36 Martine Dupont: Thank you 01:58:04 Anne Parker: Thank you and blessings to all💖 01:58:33 Mikhael Crow: Vigil can be seen at: https://www.youtube.com/c/MoryaFederationEsotericEducation/live 01:59:25 Tia Clark: Many Thanks!!!