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Vol. III: Astro-Rayology
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Tapestry of the Gods
Volume III
by Michael D. Robbins

in progress

Interpretations of Famous People by Ray, Sign and Life Emphasis
With Explanations of All Astrological and Rayological Elements

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hosted on MAKARA

Venus in Sagittarius

Venus in Sagittarius or Venus in Relation to Sagittarius

(from Esoteric Astrology)

1. Venus Instrumental in Relating Gemini and Sagittarius:

Gemini and Sagittarius are connected through their ruling planets (because the Earth is more closely related to Venus than to any other planet)…” (EA 131)

2. The Gemini-Sagittarius Interrelationship, Facilitated through Mercury and Venus:

It is for this reason that you have the exoteric ruler given as Mercury and the esoteric ruler as Venus, for they embody between them the energies of the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict and the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science which is embryonic understanding of causes and conditions resulting therefrom and also of the Plan.

Again you find the note of duality in the relationship (established by the activity of these two rulers) between the third kingdom of nature, the animal kingdom and the kingdom of God or of souls, the fifth kingdom in nature, thus producing the fourth or human kingdom. Between these two the influences play from Sagittarius to Gemini and vice versa.” (EA 354-355)

Specific Expressions of Venus in Sagittarius

The animal is always connected with Sagittarius in the early days and the angel with Gemini and Venus. It is a bit like Mars-Sagittarius versus Venus-Gemini to produce man Mercury-Scorpio

Venus in Sagittarius for the Average or Undeveloped Man

1. Venus in Sagittarius—Attraction to the Unfamiliar
Venus upon the Mutable Cross is the principle of attraction, and Sagittarius represents all that is unfamiliar—that lies beyond. This combination, therefore, stimulates attraction to that which lies beyond the normal realm of familiar persons, places and things. There may be a pursuit of novel attractions

2. Venus in Sagittarius—Love of the Exotic; Far-Away Beauty:
This combination may easily give a love of the exotic. “If it is beautiful, it has to be far away”; “If it is far away, it has to be beautiful”; “If it is unattainable, I want it.” Venus in Sagittarius may give a desire to travel to “foreign lands” (Sagittarius) to find “love” (Venus).

3. Venus in Sagittarius—“Foreign Affairs”:
It is hard for the Venus in Sagittarius person to marry the “boy or girl next-door”. Lovers, marriage partners and even friends are likely to be found abroad—or at least unfamiliar places. If this is not the case, the longing for such relationships will persist.

4. Venus in Sagittarius—the “Pot of Gold” at the End of the Rainbow:
Upon the Mutable Cross, Sagittarius is given the directive—“Let food be sought”. Sagittarius is the seeker, whether the quest is material, intellectual or spiritual. Sagittarius (transmitting the sixth ray) is also a sign of great faith. That faith can lead to the quest for the improbable if not the impossible. The faith and idealism of the Sagittarian subject, and the love of the quest (really, of the hunt) will lead to the search for the proverbial “pot of gold” at the end of every rainbow. Who is to say that it does not exist?

5. Venus in Sagittarius—Adventure in ‘Love’; the Challenge of ‘Love”
Sagittarius is the sign of adventure, Venus, the planet of ‘love’. The result (at least in the early stages of evolution) can be the “hunter for love”—the Don Juan. “Let food be sought.” Let anyone and anything desirable be sought! A second mantram for Sagittarius is: “I see the goal. I reach that goal and then I see another.” This can also apply to conquests in love—ever conquering and moving on. Thus, Venus in Sagittarius stimulates an adventurous and passionate pursuit of the opposite sex, or, at least, of whatever one considers beautiful. The “hunt is on”—for beauty.

6. Venus in Sagittarius—the “Treasure Hunter”:
A Venus in Sagittarius person could easily fit into the Robert Louis Stevenson novel, “Treasure Island”. Sagittarius gives the love of search and discovery; Venus orients towards the beautiful and the valuable. This makes the “treasure hunter”. If the treasure is “buried treasure” it helps to have a little Pluto or Scorpio active in the chart.

7. Venus in Sagittarius—One-Pointedness in the Pursuit of What is ‘Loved’:
At first Sagittarius may “scatter its arrows”, being attracted to many objects of desire. There may be many loves—not just one, thus, somewhat reminiscent of early Venus in Gemini—though more intent upon each love. Later, even on the Mutable Cross, Sagittarius develops one-pointedness; Venus, of course, represents the object of desire or love. When that object is “in sight”, there is likely to be a one-pointed, undeviating pursuit—until found.

8. Venus in Sagittarius—Insistence on Freedom in the Love Relationship:
Sagittarius wants room, freedom, space. This sign promotes a “free-ranging” attitude. “Don’t fence me in.” There may be one-pointed loyalty to the loved-one, but also the insistence upon the freedom to explore all attractions.

9. Venus in Sagittarius—Stimulation of the Ajna and Sacral Center:
Of Sagittarius it is said, “We are told that Sagittarius governs the thighs, which are the main centre of physical power and protective strength, and also the sacral centre which provides the energy for the use of the creative powers of the physical life.” (EA 191) Certainly Mars, placed in this sign will stimulate, through double emphasis, the sacral center, but upon the Mutable Cross, Venus, too, has its role to play. The sacral center is aroused by the eye (the ajna center) over which Venus rules. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” The sacral center is active in the pursuit of beauty, and Venus represents this beauty. The ajna center is associated not only with Venus, but with Sagittarius as well, for it is a major center of direction. Further the ajna and sacral centers, together, combine to produce “personality”. With Venus in Sagittarius, we have the desire driven, one-pointed personality, excitedly pursuing its vision of beauty. Of course, until rather late upon the Mutable Cross, there is no true personality, but the early indications of directed pursuit of the beautiful can be found even before the personality is completely integrated.

10. Venus in Sagittarius—Superficial and Casual in Relationship:
Early Sagittarius is casual and experimental. There may be the attitude of, “I’ll try anything once.” Desire impels pursuit, but the desire is rarely deep. Once achieved, any goal but leads to another goal; any person ‘won’, but leads to another ‘con-quest’. Venus in Sagittarius does not stand on formalities with regard to the conduct of relationships—something Venus in Capricorn does. This is one of the combinations with the “roving eye”, which is another way of expressing an early version of “divine discontent”. The cause is a fundamental (if unconscious) search for unattainable beauty.

11. Venus in Sagittarius—Love of Horses:
This assignment seems, perhaps, trivial, but will be shown to be quite literal. We are not here discussing only the love of riding horses, but the love of drawing them, painting them, grooming them, and “showing” them. For such persons, the horse (Sagittarius) is a thing of beauty (Venus), and one simply loves them.

12. Venus in Sagittarius—Enthusiastic Optimism in ‘Love’:
Sagittarius has a quality of buoyancy and is rarely depressed. Venus, in and of itself, is a planet of enjoyment. In the average human being, this gives a hopeful attitude in matters of love. The lover is inspired by the thought of love and pursues it with high expectation. The tendency, however, to always “follow the vision” may lead to restlessness once the longed-for vision has become an ‘acquired’ reality.

Under this influence there is also a tendency to never look backwards. Other influences permitting, there will be an attitude expressed as, “there are lots of good fish in the sea”. Such people recover quickly when they lose the object of their desire or love. If, however, they have one-pointedly fixed their mind and heart upon a specific object of affection, even death will not be enough to deter their fixation. They will simply (probably in vision and imagination) journey to “other worlds” in pursuit of the beloved.

13. Venus in Sagittarius—“Long Journeys” in Pursuit of the Beautiful
“I will find you, if I have to go to the ends of the earth.” This expresses the Venus in Sagittarius attitude towards the beloved and the beautiful—once the eye has fixed itself upon the target. The contrast between Venus in Scorpio (who would “go through hell” for the one he loves) and Venus in Sagittarius is interesting. In Robert Burns poem, “My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose”, there is a line which says, “Yet, I will come to thee my dear, though it be ten thousand mile.” In those days, ten-thousand miles meant, “the ends of the Earth”. Venus in Scorpio goes through the depths to find the beloved—witness Orpheus in the “Underworld”. For Venus in Sagittarius, the long journey under the inspiration of love, is upon the plains of Earth. In any case, the one-pointed magnetism towards the beloved person, place or thing is so strong, that no amount of travel proves a deterrent.

Venus in Sagittarius for the Advanced Man

1. Venus in Sagittarius—One-Pointed Mental Focus:
Venus is the planet of “intelligent mind”. The advanced man in Sagittarius achieves “one-pointedness”. (EA 333) The result of blending these two influences gives the one-pointed, intelligent mind. The powers of mental focus are enhanced as is the purposeful tenacity of the mind.

2. Venus in Sagittarius—Clear Vision:
Both Venus and Sagittarius are related to the ajna center—the center of vision. Venus has a direct connection (EA 517), and Sagittarius an inferred connection through the qualities/themes shared by both the ajna center and Sagittarius—directionality, one-pointedness and integration. The clear-sightedness of the Sagittarian is proverbial; Venus too, as transmitter of the lucid fifth ray and ruler of the lucid mind, is associated with clear-sighted vision. Together, Venus and Sagittarius confer keen sight—whether external or internal.

3. Venus in Sagittarius—Foresight:
Sagittarius gives the ability to see ahead, and Venus represents the attractive goal. The Venus/Sagittarius mind is projective—projecting itself into the future. Venus confers lucidity upon this future-oriented vision.

4. Venus in Sagittarius—Reorientation and Elevation of Values; Progressive Values:
Sagittarius, the Archer, takes aim according to the nature of desires or aspirations. The average or undeveloped man with Venus in Sagittarius “aims low”; he values the things of this Earth. The advanced man has learned a few things in his “pursuit of life”; his desires have become aspirations, reoriented towards higher (if not yet quite spiritual) possibilities. As least it can be said that his values (Venus) have become progressive (Sagittarius) and elevated.

5. Venus in Sagittarius—Attraction to Greater Light:
Sagittarius, like Taurus, is a light-seeking sign. At first it seeks the form, as of value in itself; later it seeks the value within the form; later still, it seeks the light, itself. Venus, the brightest of the planets (from the geocentric perspective of Earth) represents the light which is sought. That which is of a vibration higher than the immediately present vibration appears lighted, for all vibration is light. The registration of the phenomenon of light depends upon a significant differential in rate of vibration. We can say that Venus in Sagittarius represents the pursuit of higher vibration, higher value—in short, of light. With this combination there is a positive attitude in this quest—the serene belief that one will, in fact, find the light he is seeking.

6. Venus in Sagittarius—High-Mindedness; Pursuit of the Ideal:
Sagittarius represents the Seeker, and Venus, the “sought”. That which is sought is considered high, beautiful, ideal. This combination indicates “the pursuit of lofty things”

7. Venus in Sagittarius—One-Pointedness in the Pursuit of What is ‘Loved’:
The disciple/initiate in Sagittarius has a reputation of undeflectable one-pointedness. The greater the level of advancement, the greater the one-pointedness. Venus, represents all that its attractive. Always man pursues what he considers to be of greater value. Venus in Sagittarius decides, irrevocably, upon what it values most, and directs a undeflected attention thither.

8. Venus in Sagittarius—Enthusiasm for Beauty:
Sagittarius governs the Sixth Creative of Lunar Lords and is especially connected with the astral elemental—the seat of desire and later, of aspiration. As the higher influence of Venus becomes more powerful in the life, the response to the “beautiful” is heightened. The subject develops an enthusiasm for beauty and his astral body is excited by the beautiful, which he pursues.

9. Venus in Sagittarius—High Standards of Beauty:
This is an idealistic combination, especially in relation to judging what is beautiful. That which is low and base is not accepted. Beauty must inspire, uplift and ennoble.

10. Venus in Sagittarius—“Beauty can Pierce One Like a Pain”:
In combination with Venus, the arrow of Sagittarius has the power to pierce the veils of unresponsiveness. The arrow (Sagittarius) of beauty (Venus) awakens the individual to a deeper (and often painful) sensitivity.

11. Venus in Sagittarius—Free Attitudes in the Love Relationship:
Personal ‘love’ upon the early Mutable Cross is often possessive and binding. The advancing human being begins to realize that there is growth only in freedom. Each must be free (Sagittarius) to pursue his or her higher values (Venus). The attitude, progressively developed, is of freedom in relation to that which is loved.

12. Venus in Sagittarius—Openness and Honesty in the Love Relationship:
After the early tendency towards exaggeration is overcome, Sagittarius (which does, after all, distribute the fifth ray constellationally) instills a love of the truth. Venus, a fifth ray transmitter as well, also contributes to clarity and truth (depending, of course, upon aspects). In all matters of affection and love, this combination will express straightforwardly, thus contributing to a clarification and elevation of the magnetism which unites people in relationship. This openness is entirely different from the more covered attitude which may be found with Venus in the water signs.

13. Venus in Sagittarius—Elevated, Idealistic Attitudes towards Love:
The advancing man with this combination holds the objects of his affections in high regard. He desires to “look up to” the one he loves and will tend to emphasize the beloved’s highest qualities. Obviously, the possibility of projection is strong. Does the object of love really possess these qualities, or are they really found in the aspiration and idealism of the beholder.

14. Venus in Sagittarius—Chivalric Love
The tendency to idealize the beloved, to place him or her “on a pedestal”, can lead (and have led) to the exaggerations of courtly, chivalric love. The polarization between the lover and the beloved increases—the; ‘distance’ between them, artificially increased. As the “knight” courts his “lady fair”, very little reality enters the relationship. Love becomes a great inspiration to poetic expression, but the lovers refuse to acknowledge the more mundane or darker aspects of their beloved. The Knight-errant; pursuit of the fair lady; going to the “ends of the earth”.

15. Venus in Sagittarius—Cosmopolitan Tastes; Appreciation for a Wide Range of Beauty:
Sagittarius travels the world (often purposefully, in search) and Venus lends the quality of appreciation for what is seen. With the inevitable exposure to many peoples and their cultures, parochial values are challenged and cosmopolitan values take their place. The sophisticated “man of the world” comes to understand the relativity of all value systems.

16. Venus in Sagittarius—Cultural Anthropology:
Venus, representing values, is the planet of culture. Sagittarius gives breadth and perspective. Under this influence, the individual studies and appreciates many different cultures, their arts and sciences. A widely-appreciative, multicultural perspective develops.

17. Venus in Sagittarius—Recognition and Valuing of the Beauty of the Earth:
Sagittarius is closely related to the Earth, itself; Venus is the planet of beauty and of the appreciation of beauty. Under this combination, the beauty of the Earth is recognized, valued and pursued. This would be an excellent position, for instance, for those who wish to photograph the beautiful sites and sights of the world.

18. Venus in Sagittarius—Steadiness in the Love Nature:
Sagittarius in relation to Venus can steady the love nature, just as the archer must steady his aim before he releases the arrow. As soul values take the place of superficial desires, the subject moves from the pursuit of many loves to the selection of one love. Under this combination, the individual knows whom and what he loves, and why he persists, one-pointedly in that love.

19. Venus in Sagittarius—Discovering a Wider World through Relationship; Love as a Means of Expanding Perspective:
Love, relationship and union become the means expanding vision and understanding. Those who love, see more because they are together

20. Venus in Sagittarius—Study Abroad:
Sagittarius rules foreign travel and the search for light. Venus is the light of the intelligent mind. Together, the bring the willingness to go in search of the light. Practically, this can mean study far from home, or wherever the light can be found.

Venus in Sagittarius for the Disciple or Initiate

1. Venus in Sagittarius—the Quest for Celestial Beauty, the Beauty which Lies Beyond:
Pure beauty and divinity are inseparable. The inspired seeker pursues to the highest kinds of beauty—found, in their purest forms, within the archetypal realms (the worlds beyond and within the lunar realms).

2. Venus in Sagittarius—“Seek and Ye Shall Find—the Soul”:
“Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you”—these words express the invocative attitude of the aspiring disciple. Venus represents the higher worlds, and Sagittarius the questing one. Under Venus in Sagittarius, the disciple seeks the soul, and the undeviating polarization of his consciousness within the realm of soul.

3. Venus in Sagittarius—the Union of Beauty and Truth:
In addition to its powerful transmission of the sixth ray, Sagittarius also distributes the fourth ray of beauty and fifth ray of truth. Venus, too, represents spiritual beauty and the light of truth. In the high realms of soul life, beauty and truth blend and fuse. The realization of their union is conferred upon the disciple or initiate influenced by this combination.

4. Venus in Sagittarius—the Sublimation of the Life of Desire:
Once Sagittarian desires are transformed into aspirations, their quality is entirely elevated. In the life of the initiate, the sixth ray potentials of this combination are evoked—for Venus is the “home of the planetary Logos of the sixth ray”. (TCF 595) The familiar, material world no longer holds any appeal; the initiate longs for transcendence. Transfiguration is achieved under Venus in Capricorn, but its first stages are indicated by the transcendent idealism of Venus in Sagittarius.

5. Venus in Sagittarius—Divine Discontent; Eternal Dissatisfaction:
Sagittarius is ever dissatisfied with its highest attainments, ever-seeking higher goals and wider horizons. Its thirst can be satisfied only in the higher worlds, and not even then. Under the Sagittarian impulse (or its higher cosmic and universal correspondences) the final target is the Universal Point of Origin. Interestingly, it is within the constellation Sagittarius that the center of our galaxy can be found. When Venus is in Sagittarius, the quest will be for ever-more-transcendent forms of beauty—beauty achieved, savored and abandoned for pursuit of beauty still more sublime.

6. Venus in Sagittarius—Mystically Longing and Quest for the “Beloved”:
Sagittarius is pre-eminently a sixth ray sign, embracing the themes of longing and yearning for the object of desire—the “beloved”. In the mystical consciousness, the lover (longing for union) is ever separated from the beloved (Venus); Sagittarius represents the ‘distance’ of that separation and the aspirational action taken to overcome that distance.

7. Venus in Sagittarius—the Quest for the Holy Grail:
A dove, the bird of Venus, hovers above the “Holy Grail”. The work of Venus within the personality is to transform it into the “Holy Grail”, that it may receive, contain and embody the energy of the Christ. The “Grail” is considered priceless—the most valuable of all possible objects of attainment. Sagittarius represents the “knight”, ready to “go to any lengths” in pursuit or the Grail; Venus (perhaps in relation to the Moon) represents the Grail itself. The Grail, however, is ever elusive, and for the great majority of seekers, unattainable. Sagittarius, however, is only inspired by the quest for the unattainable.

8. Venus in Sagittarius—Vision Quest:
The divine vision is seen by the third eye in cooperation with the ajna center. Venus is the normal ruler of the ajna center, and as the orthodox ruler of Taurus, is associated with the “eye of the bull”—the third eye. Sagittarius is at once the “seeker” and the “seer”. Under Venus in Sagittarius the disciple/initiate pursues the inner vision which the soul (Venus) confers. Outer disciplines and austerities are applied in order to induce inner sight. The vision to be reached is a soul vision, and expresses the will of the soul for the direction of the personality, guiding the personality on its life mission. The lucidity of Venus helps to clarify and define the Sagittarian sense of mission and the path which must be followed.

9. Venus in Sagittarius—the Soul as Mentor and Guide:
Sagittarius is a sign associated with mentorship and guidance. Outer mentors do exist, and serve a useful purpose. but each disciple/initiate must learn to rely most upon the guidance of his own soul (symbolized by Venus). The Venus in Sagittarius combination effectively puts the soul in the seat of guidance. The subject comes to know with a high degree of certainty those steps which will lead in the direction of soul-inspired dharma.

10. Venus in Sagittarius—Pursuing Soul Light Afar:
Great journeys have been undertaken in the quest for knowledge and wisdom. Thus journeyed Pythagoras and, if the Agni Yoga Teaching is correct, Jesus as well. Love-wisdom (Venus) is a great magnet, inspiring the seeker to go wherever necessary to discover (Sagittarius) the Truth. The luminous fifth ray of both Sagittarius and Venus augment this quest for light.

11. Venus in Sagittarius—Soul-Focus as a Path into the Fifth Kingdom of Nature:
Sagittarius represents the path: “In Sagittarius, the disciple has two things to discover within himself; these are the power to make progress upon the path and to walk the Way, and also the ability to create in the higher and spiritual sense.” (EA 191)

Venus represents soul consciousness. One-pointed attentiveness (Sagittarius) to the soul (Venus) is, itself, a path into the fifth kingdom of nature—the Kingdom of Souls.

12. Venus in Sagittarius—One-Pointed, Sustained Focus on the Soul:
Sagittarius gives consistent, one-pointed focus, and Venus represents the soul. Within the Geminian consciousness, awareness of the soul alternates with the negation of soul awareness—at least until a rather high stage of development is reached. Sagittarius, however, focuses persistently, and never “loses sight of” the soul, or later, of the Presence—regardless of time-space distractions. The lofty soul perspective is maintained and the “eye of the soul” is open, even while seeing with the two eyes of the dualistic personality.

13. Venus in Sagittarius—Seeing as the Soul Sees:
The seeker has a vision; the soul has its own. At first these two visions are widely separate and do not converge. The seeker can only imagine what it is the soul sees. But after much practice, the seeker becomes the seer, and through identification with soul consciousness, begins to see with the eyes of the soul. A ‘virtuous circle’ is created; soul vision enhances soul-infusion; soul-infusion enhances soul vision. In the process of meditation, Sagittarius governs inspiration, which follows upon contemplation (Libra) and illumination (Scorpio). The lunar blindness is lifted. The one who sees is no longer simply a personality, but, instead, becomes a soul-infused personality and—at the highest points of identification—the soul itself. The soul-as-seer, confers an inspiring perspective, gained over many incarnations. The sense of time is altered and enlarged; the past, present and future begin to converge upon a point. This prepares the way for the experience of the “Eternal Now” upon the mountain top of transfiguration in Capricorn.

14. Venus in Sagittarius—the Solar Angel’s Goal for the Personality’s Life:
Sagittarius indicates not the goal which the personality envisions for itself, but the goal which the Solar Angel (Venus) has envisioned for its little personality. It is the task of the personality to discover this higher goal, align with it and pursue it. These soul-seen goals can be conceived as the goals which the Solar Angel determines in order to add value to the personality life, and, thus, to the causal body. These soul-inspired goals are wise and attainable; often, personality goals are unrealistic and unattainable.

15. Venus in Sagittarius—the Light of the Higher Mind:
Sagittarius (in its higher expression) is associated with “universal or spiritual mind”. Venus is a planet of the higher mind, and rules the higher three levels of the systemic mental plane. Venus in Sagittarius confers a steadfast orientation to the light of higher mind—leading, thence, into triadal mind where the mental potentials Sagittarius can be released. The influence of Venus continues into the Triad and cannot stop at the level of soul mind; Venus can be seen relating to both buddhi (the principle which the Logos of Venus is cultivating) and atma (correlating to the fifth ray of Venus, since the atmic plane is fifth from below. A signature of the light of the higher mind. The higher mind can play its part fusing soul and personality.

16. Venus in Sagittarius—Love of Philosophy:
Philosophy is the development of a buddhi-manasic perspective upon life in the three worlds of evolution. Sagittarius (the enlarger of perspective) is a philosophical sign. Venus, as Lord of the soul realm, contributes to the ability to think with the higher mind. Together, these two bestow a lofty perspective upon the life of every day. The fifth ray of both Venus and Sagittarius lead to an understanding of causes and effects. Through the illumined mind, the philosopher is helped to think (Venus) his way to the goal (Sagittarius). This is an excellent combination for the pursuit of the light and love of wisdom. Other planets, such as Jupiter, contribute greatly to the search for truth.

17. Venus in Sagittarius—Double Ajna Center Emphasis:
Venus rules the ajna center; Sagittarius is indirectly associated with this center through the qualities of direction and integration. The ajna center corresponds at different stages of evolution with 1) the integrated personality, 2) the soul as buddhi-manas, and 3) the Spiritual Triad (for which it is an instrument of expression). When Venus in Sagittarius is employed correctly by the disciple/initiate, we have the integrated, soul-inspired personality following the direction conceived by the soul. With Sagittarius, in general, the “sense of direction” is very good. Under Venus in combination with Sagittarius, the sense of soul-direction should be excellent.

18. Venus in Sagittarius—Envisionment for Manifestation:
What is to be achieved must first be conceived, or envisioned. This combination gives the capacity for envisionment in the service of manifestation. The clearer the image of what must be materialized, the more successful the intended manifestation.

19. Venus in Sagittarius—Vision of the Destined Beauty:
All beings in cosmos are destined to “end in beauty”. Venus is a symbol of that beauty—at least with regard to the destiny of the human family. Sagittarius is the sign of destiny and destination. Venus in Sagittarius gives movements towards a destined consummation. A vision of the inner pattern of beauty which has to be manifested.

20. Venus in Sagittarius—Discovery and Adventures in Beauty:
Sagittarius often utilizes an experimental approach. In combination with Venus, we have experimental adventures in the creation of different expressions of beauty.

21. Venus in Sagittarius—"Travel Powers”, Projections and Transports of the Ajna Center
Certain siddhis connected with the ajna center allow the yogi to transport his consciousness to a great distance and participate in “remote-viewing”—i.e., non-local observation. Venus (ruler of the ajna center) when placed in Sagittarius (the sign associated with the spanning of distances) represents the power thus to project. Much of what has been called “soul-travel” can be understood in this way. Venus in Sagittarius is thus associated with the higher psychism of the ajna center, so much of which involves a refinement of the sense of vision.

22. Venus in Sagittarius—a Vision of the Soul:
The soul must “come into view” before the disciple can polarize personal consciousness within soul consciousness, and then consciously become the soul. The first phase of this process (‘sighting the soul’) is governed by Venus in Sagittarius; the latter part, which necessitates transfiguration, is ruled by Venus in Capricorn.

23. Venus in Sagittarius—Symbolism:
Both Venus and Sagittarius stimulate vision. Sagittarius (the energy behind the ninth house of the horoscope) stimulates dreams and higher imaginings, especially those which present to the consciousness in symbolic form. Venus, too, is associated with the symbolism (often visual) which descends as a soul-directive into the consciousness of the disciple: “Venus connotes in our minds … that which must work out into symbolic expression upon the physical plane.” (EA 384) The presented visions of soul attainment which this combination stimulates, will often appear in symbolic rather than literal form. This combination may also be associated with mathematical formulae.

24. Venus in Sagittarius—Truth:
The fifth ray is truthful and accurate. Both Venus and Sagittarius are transmitters of the fifth ray. Sagittarius has a well-established reputation for truthfulness and for the love of truth. Venus represents the light and love of the soul which clear away the lie of glamor and illusion. Together, they form a truth-seeking and truth-revealing combination

25. Venus in Sagittarius—Development of the “Eye of Light”:
The philosopher quests after the “Philosopher’s Stone”—another way of saying the “All-Seeing Eye” (of third eye, the “eye of light”). This “Stone” is also the “Pearl of Great Price”. Pearls come under the rulership of Venus. The full development of the “eye of light” requires Venus in relation to Taurus and Capricorn, but luminous Venus in clear-seeing Sagittarius (the sign of perspective) represents an important stage in the development of this panoramic eye.

26. Venus in Sagittarius—the Death of the Stymphalian Birds:
In Sagittarius the noise and clatter of the “Stymphalian Birds” is silenced; thus, disruptive thoughtforms are banished from the ‘swamp’ of kama-manas. Instead of the many loud voices of the mental (and astral) planes, the “still small voice of the soul” is heard. Venus (associated with the throat center through Taurus) is one of the symbols of this “still small voice”. The outspoken Sagittarian masters silence; the light of the soul reflects itself with accuracy in the quieted chitta.

27. Venus in Sagittarius—Temperance and Soul Perspective:
Sagittarius, at length, after fanaticism is spent, is a sign of temperance. Venus confers the love-wisdom of the soul. Together they give a wise and balanced point of view—a soul-perspective upon the life of every day.

Individuals with Venus in Sagittarius

Horatio Alger
Joan Baez
Willy Brandt
Al Capone
Andrew Carnegie
Lewis Carroll
Winston Churchill
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Jane Fonda
Michel Gauquelin
Hermann Goering
Howard Hughes
Bela Lugosi
Douglas MacArthur
Edouard Manet
Emily Post
Giacomo Puccini
Dr. Francis Regardie
Auguste Rodin
Theodore Roosevelt
Jonas Salk
Albert Schweitzer
Alexander Scriabin
Margaret Thatcher
Boris Yeltsin
Paramahansa Yogananda

Astrological Interpretations
by Michael D. Robbins

commentary and projects
by Michael D. Robbins

to the University of the Seven Rays 

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updated February 2008
