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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle

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Michael Robbins New Video Commentary on
Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle

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Michael’s Notes from:  TELEPATHY AND THE ETHERIC VEHICLE_46_Complete


Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 47   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 110-112, continuing section XIV Higher Aspects of Relationship Within the Universal Mind.  Astral sensitivity is fallible and frequently erroneous in its interpretations. The higher telepathy—also a form of sensitivity—becomes eventually infallible; in its earlier stages (where methods of interpretation and of deduction are concerned) it may prove frequently at fault.  Straight mental telepathy is one of the highest demonstrations of the personality; it is in the nature of a bridging faculty, for it is one of the major steps towards the higher impression. The normal processes of evolution will, however, prove incontrovertibly the existence of faculties which make the higher spiritual and subjective impressions possible, and eventually normal.  This “Supreme Science of Contact” can be broken up into the following phases which are all progressively developed from each other.  1) Astral sensitive awareness (based on the reactions of the solar plexus, carried forward upon the astral plane). In its highest form it becomes the factor which later makes intuitive awareness and intuitive sensitivity possible on the buddhic plane. Aspirants are at one stage of their development strongly astral-buddhic in nature.  2) Mental telepathy (involves two minds or several minds, and is carried forward on the mental plane. It is the factor which makes impression possible, such as: the soul of the telepathic individual, using the knowledge petals of the egoic lotus—a high form of mental intelligence and the abstract mind; this aspect of mental substance is largely used by the Hierarchy in order to reach the minds of disciples. This involves the three aspects of the mind: the concrete mind, the Son of Mind, and the abstract sensitivity or reaction. This involves (on the physical plane) an activity of the pituitary body and also the use of the ajna centre.  This program was recorded on 17 Dec 2021.   Approximately 1hr, 7 mins.

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Audio 65MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 46   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 109-110, beginning section XIV Higher Aspects of Relationship Within the Universal Mind.  Michael reviewed where he left off, where the disciple is becoming an evocative and invocative center of energy and his alignment becomes a potent factor in invoking a fresh flood of higher impression and his magnetic aura becomes more and more sensitive.  This makes him able to respond to his environment and the evocative call of humanity, becoming a power station en rapport with Hierarchy.  He becomes a receiver of light and then a distributor of light in the dark places of the world and into human hearts.  Then begins the new section on Higher Aspects of Relationship Within the Universal Mind.  The word telepathy covers the many phases of mental contact and the exchange of thought without the use of the spoken or written word or sign.  However, this does not cover the higher aspects of “relationship within the Universal Mind.” The third aspect, that of intelligence, is involved when interpretation of contact occurs; the second aspect, that of love-wisdom, is the factor which makes the higher impression possible, and this it does while that aspect is developing. During this developing process, only straight telepathy is possible and there are 2 kinds:  Sympathetic telepathy (immediate understanding, awareness of events, apprehensions of happenings, and identification with personality reactions) connected with the solar plexus activity of the personality; and Mental telepathy (the interplay of transmitted thought among advanced intellectual people which is a relatively new and unexplored science).  The range of activities of mental telepathy is the seed or germ of higher contacts and of impressions coming from levels higher than the buddhic or intuitional plane; it is related to the higher aspect of the Universal Mind, to the intelligent Will. In both cases, the lower aspect of love (emotional and sensitive astral response) and the pure love of the soul are involved.  This program was recorded on 15 Dec 2021.   Approximately 1hr, 4 mins.

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Audio 62MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 45   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 108-109, concluding section XIII Telepathic Sensitivity a Normal Unfoldment.  Registration and interpretation of the higher impressions is a basic occult science and takes much learning and application to perfect.  As the two processes are slowly developed, the third stage automatically becomes increasingly effective.  The received and interpreted impression brings fundamental changes in the life and the state of consciousness of the aspirant. He becomes an evocative and invocative center of energy. What he has received through the alignment channel becomes a potent factor in invoking a fresh flood of higher impression; it also makes him evocative upon the physical plane so his magnetic aura becomes increasingly sensitive to spiritual inflowing impressions and also increasingly sensitive to evocation from his surrounding physical environment and from humanity. He becomes a power station en rapport with the Hierarchy and he receives and distributes (in response to the evocative call of humanity and human need) the energy received. He also becomes a receiver of light and of spiritual illumination, and a distributor of light in the dark places of the world and into human hearts. He is, therefore, an invocative and evocative center for use by the Hierarchy in the three worlds of human evolution.  This program was recorded on 10 Dec 2021.   Approximately 45 mins.

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Audio 52MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 44   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 106-108, continuing section XIII Telepathic Sensitivity a Normal Unfoldment.  All impressions must be translated and interpreted in symbols, in word forms or in pictorial representations; these cannot be avoided.  It is in the word forms that he is apt to go astray. They are the media through which the registered impression is conveyed to the brain consciousness, making possible his useful comprehension of abstract ideas.  The true disciple is ever aware of the possibility of error, of the intervention of psychic intrusions and distortions; he knows that true and effective interpretation of the imparted impression is dependent largely upon the purity of the receiving channel. A thick veil of concrete thoughtforms can also distort the true interpretation, as can astral intervention; the teaching upon the Path and the spiritual impression can be interfered with by glamour from the astral plane or by separative and concrete ideas emanating from mental levels. It is important to grasp the necessity of a factual alignment so that a direct channel is created, along which the impression can descend into the brain. At first, this channel and alignment must be established between the brain and the soul. Later, as the disciple consciously creates the antahkarana and becomes a functioning part of the Ashram, he learns to by-pass the astral vehicle and the causal body. The astral body is by-passed before the fourth initiation, and the causal body before the fifth.  The process of the by-passing takes time and must be worked at with intensity, first of all with the focus upon the emotional nature through conscious discrimination, and finally upon the soul nature under the inspiration of the Spiritual Triad which is eventually substituted for the soul. All this will take many incarnations. Registration and interpretation of the higher impressions is a basic occult science and takes much learning and application to perfect.  As the two processes are slowly developed, the third stage automatically becomes increasingly effective.   This program was recorded on 8 Dec 2021.   Approximately 1hr, 14 min.

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Audio 71MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 43:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 104-106, continuing section XIII Telepathic Sensitivity a Normal Unfoldment.  The disciple, desires impression from the Hierarchy, what might be called vertical impression.  One problem concerns the interpretation and the clear and correct recording of the impression, which is a far more difficult matter. The subject who is impressed must know the source of the impression; he must be able to relate it to some field of demanded information or energy distribution. He must be able to state clearly what aspect of his recording mechanism (the mind, the astral body, the energy body, or the brain) the imparted and registered impression has made impact. One of the difficulties, for instance, facing the aspiring disciple is to record directly in the brain impressions from the Spiritual Triad (and later from the Monad), via the antahkarana.  This impression must be a direct descent from mental levels to the brain, avoiding all contact with the astral body to be devoid of error or tinted with any emotional complex whatsoever (for it is the astral level of consciousness which is the great distorter of essential truth). Impressions from the Ashram or from the Spiritual Triad pass through three stages: first, the stage of mental recording. Second, the  stage of brain reception. The accuracy of this reception is dependent on the quality of the physical brain cells, upon the polarisation of the thinking man in the head centre, and the freedom of the brain cells from all emotional impression. The difficulty lies here, that the receiving aspirant or the focussed thinker is always aware emotionally of the descent of the higher impression and of the consequent clarification of the theme of his thought. This must, however, be recorded by a perfectly quiescent astral vehicle, and therefore you will see one of the main objectives of true meditation.  And third, the stage of recognised interpretation.  The character in its entirety is involved in this important matter of correct interpretation. This program was recorded on 7 Dec 2021.   Approximately 1 hr, 25 min.

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Audio 205MB .mp3 file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 42:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 102-103, continuing section XIII Telepathic Sensitivity a Normal Unfoldment.  The disciple, desires impression from the Hierarchy, what might be called vertical impression.  This motive, being largely self-centered, turns the disciple introspectively in upon himself (this stage causes many aspirants to become become prisoners, astrally speaking, because they register in their magnetic aura the many astrally motivated thoughtforms of what they believe and hope vertical impression supposedly would convey). They contact with facility the astral counterparts of the higher worlds, which are reflected (and thereby distorted and glamored) into the astral plane. All disciples—at some point or another of their training—have to work through this phase of glamour so they can clarify and intensify the magnetic aura and, simultaneously, clarify the surrounding astral world with which they are in contact. They learn also that the longing to register impressions from the Hierarchy must give place to the determination to place their magnetic aura at the disposal of humanity.  Then they learn to register human need and to understand where help is possible by their service. By means of this conscious registration of invocative appeals from the world of horizontal contacts, the magnetic aura of the disciple is cleared of the hindering thoughtforms and from the aspirational desires and longings which have previously prevented right registration. Later on, when the accepting disciple becomes the accepted disciple and is permitted to participate in ashramic activity, he adds the ability to register hierarchical impression; but this is only possible after he has learned to register impression coming to him from his own soul (the vertical impression) and from the surrounding world of men (the horizontal impression).  The fact of registration is no unusual phenomenon. Sensitive people are constantly being impressed from some level of consciousness or other, and are receptive to these impressions according to the level of consciousness upon which they normally function; mediums, for instance, are exceedingly prone to receive impressions from etheric or astral levels, as are the vast majority of astral psychics. Impressions from mental levels (concrete, abstract or of a more exalted nature) make their impress upon the minds of those who have attained a true measure of focus upon the mental plane. Scientists, mystics, mathematicians, occult students, aspirants and disciples, educators and humanitarians and all who love their fellowmen are all susceptible to such impression, and one of the outstanding needs of the disciple is to develop adequate sensitivity to ashramic impression and contact. Then he moves out of the group of mental sensitives listed above.  This program was recorded on 6 Dec 2021.   Approximately 1 hr, 3 min.

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Audio 60MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 41:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 99-101, continuing section XIII Telepathic Sensitivity a Normal Unfoldment.  The Processes of Registration are invocative approaches from a wide area of possible contacts; the disciple has to learn to distinguish between these many impacts upon his sensitive aura. In the early stages the majority of them are unconsciously registered, though the registration is acute and accurate; the goal, though, is conscious registration.  This is brought about through the constant and steady holding of the attitude of the Observer (the detachment of the Observer from all desires and longings which concern the separated self). The word “observer” involves the concept of duality and of separation. But the motive prompting observation is not self-interest; instead it is the determination to clarify the aura so that it can register only that which will be illuminating and related to the divine Plan, of benefit to humanity and to the creation of a new server within the Ashrams of the Hierarchy.  The divisions made by certain psychologists of the consciousness of man into subconscious, conscious or self-conscious, and superconscious have a real measure of value here. The disciple, first of all, becomes a truly conscious unit of humanity and thus develops a true self-consciousness. This he learns to discriminate between the lower self and the higher self, and this renders his magnetic aura sensitive to an aspect of himself which has not yet been a controlling factor. From that achieved point he begins to register impressions with increasing clarity and accuracy. Usually, in the early stages, the one desire of the disciple is to register impressions from the Hierarchy; he much prefers that idea to the idea of registering impressions from his own soul or from the surrounding human factors, his fellowmen and the environment and the circumstances which they create.   This program was recorded on 5 Dec 2021.   Approximately 1 hr, 26 min.

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Audio 82MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 40:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 99-101, continuing section XIII Telepathic Sensitivity a Normal Unfoldment.  The moment an aspirant begins to work consciously at his own unfoldment and to consider and deal with the aura with which he is equipped, he then passes through three stages during his progress upon the Path of Return. First, the stage where he discovers the potency and the quality of his astral aura.  Second is the stage where the mental vehicle increases its potency and produces a mental radiation which is so strong that it dominates and controls the astral aura.  And the third stage is where the soul expresses its essential nature of love and begins to pour its radiation into the astral aura, via the astral body; eventually the sensitivity of love is substituted for emotional sensitivity and desire.  Aspirants are to be found at all these three stages of sensitivity. Let us now deal with the processes of registration, of recording interpretations, and the resultant invocative response. Bear in mind that these are general rules (not dealing either with the ideal or with the undesirable); the sources of impression change as the disciple makes progress.  Always the larger and the greater source will include all lesser sources; the fact that a man is sensitive to hierarchical impression in his mental aura will not prevent his being sensitive in his astral nature to the invocative and emotional call of human beings. The two together are most useful in effect, if the disciple sees to it that they are related. The capacity to interpret recorded impressions is likewise learnt as the mental aura develops under the influence of the mind held steady in the light of the soul; the disciple learns that all recorded truth is susceptible to many interpretations, and that these unfold with increasing clarity as he takes one initiation after another, and as he develops conscious responsiveness. The ability to invoke demonstrates from life to life and involves the invocation of conscious response from the anima mundi or from the subconscious soul of all things, as well as from the human consciousness and from the world of super-conscious contact.  This ability develops steadily as the aspirant treads the Path of Discipleship; it is frequently prefaced in the earlier stages by much confusion, much astral psychism and frequent wrong interpretations. All that is needed is experience, and that experience is gained through experiment and its expression in the daily life. It is a system of trial and error in the life and experience of the accepting disciple. When he is an accepted disciple, the errors decrease in number even though the trials become more extensive and, therefore, cover a much wider range of activities.  This program was recorded on 4 Dec 2021.   Approximately 1 hr, 36 min.

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Audio 92MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 39:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 97-99, continuing section XIII Telepathic Sensitivity a Normal Unfoldment.  The aura which each individual has created is a fragment of the over-shadowing soul which brought man into manifestation. This aura is composed of the emanations of the etheric body, and this in its turn embodies three types of energy for which we are individually responsible (the health aura, essentially physical; the astral aura, usually the most dominant and controlling factor; and the mental aura, relatively small until developed).  Every individual lives and moves and has his being in this aura; it is this living, vital aura which is the recording agent of all impressions, both objective and subjective. It is this agent of sensitive response which the indwelling self has to control and use in order to register impression or to direct etheric or mental impression out into the world of men. Astral impression is purely selfish and individual and, though it may affect a man’s surroundings, is not directed as are the other energies registered. All of us carry around a subjective mechanism which is a true and perfect picture of our peculiar point in evolution. The light of the soul within the aura and the condition of the various aspects of the aura indicate whether or not the disciple is nearing the Path of Discipleship. As the emotional reactions lessen, and as the mental apparatus clarifies, the progress of the aspirant can be exactly noted. The problem of the aspirant is to lessen the extent and the power of the astral aura, and extend and increase the potency of the mental aura. Most aspirants are definitely polarised in the astral nature, and their problem is to achieve a different polarisation and to become focused upon the mental plane; this takes time and vast effort. Eventually the radiation of the soul is substituted in place of the emotional activity of the aspirant; this emanation is a radiation from the love petals of the egoic lotus.  This program was recorded on 3 Dec 2021.   Approximately 1 hr, 20 min.

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Audio 76MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 38:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 96-97, continuing section XIII Telepathic Sensitivity a Normal Unfoldment. Michael reviewed some of what he talked about last time concerning the fact that  sensitivity to impression is a normal and natural unfoldment, paralleling spiritual development; and as the disciple begins to demonstrate soul quality, the higher sensitivity is developed and he then becomes a magnet for spiritual ideas and concepts. They drop into his field of consciousness because he has created a magnetic aura which invokes them and brings them into his mind.  It is this aura which is the reservoir of thought-substance which he can spiritually rely. His point of focus is upon the mental plane; he is no longer controlled by the astral nature and is successfully constructing the antahkarana along which the higher impressions can flow. The disciple in due time becomes a tiny correspondence of the Hierarchy—invocative as it is to Shamballa and easily evoked by human demand. These areas of sensitivity pass through three stages: sensitivity to impression from other human beings; sensitivity to group impression; sensitivity to hierarchical impressions, reaching the disciple via the Antahkarana.  Three points which are concerned with sensitivity to impression, with the construction of the resultant reservoir of thought, and with responsiveness to subsequent invocative appeals are: the processes of registration; the processes of recording interpretations; and the processes of resultant invocative response.   This program was recorded on 2 Dec 2021.   Approximately 1 hr, 20 min.

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Audio 77MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 37:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 94-96, beginning section XIII Telepathic Sensitivity a Normal Unfoldment.  DK gives no instructions for developing telepathic sensitivity as it should be (and always is) a normal unfoldment when the disciple is correctly oriented, dedicated, and learning decentralization. If it is a forced process, then the sensitivity developed is not normal and carries difficulty and future danger. Where the disciple is concerned, release from the constant consideration of personal circumstances and problems leads inevitably to a clear mental release; this then provides those areas of free mental perception which make the higher sensitivity possible. Gradually, as the disciple acquires true freedom of thought and the power to be receptive to the impression of the abstract mind, he creates for himself a reservoir of thought which becomes available at need for helping other people and for growing world service. Later, he becomes sensitive to impression from the Hierarchy, and later still, he becomes sensitive to impression from Shamballa, and the quality of the Will which implements planetary Purpose. The ideas, concepts and spiritual objectives he is becoming aware of are steadily being formulated into thoughts, and upon these he learns to draw as he seeks to serve his fellowmen. The essential point to be grasped is that sensitivity to impression is a normal and natural unfoldment, paralleling spiritual development. As the disciple begins to demonstrate soul quality, the higher sensitivity is developed; he then becomes a magnet for spiritual ideas and concepts. They drop into his field of consciousness because he has created a magnetic aura which invokes them and brings them into his mind.  This program was recorded on 30 Nov 2021.   Approximately 1 hr, 45 min.

Video 792MB .mp4 file
Audio 101MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 36:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 90-93, concluding section XII Relation of the Human to the Hierarchical Center.  Humanity has a steadily growing responsiveness to an expanding environment, as for instance man’s recognition of the distinction between nationalism and inter-nationalism. This responsiveness is conditioned by human freewill; he may learn rapidly and fast or he may go the slow way, but his state of consciousness remains one of a developing conscious reaction to his environment. This integration into his environment, his absorption of its atmosphere and his potency in progression are all related to the fact that he is created to receive impression and that he possesses a mechanism of response to all the facets of the divine expression in manifestation. The theme of revelation runs throughout the entire evolutionary process; step by step, stage by stage, expansion after expansion, initiation after initiation, the divine WHOLE is realised by man. The Science of Impression is in reality the technique where Humanity has been taught by the Spiritual Hierarchy from the moment of its first appearance upon Earth; it is the technique which all disciples have to learn; it is a technique which is implemented by the Will, and its consummation is the complete assimilation of the “little wills of men” into the divine Purpose. Disciples then become agents of the divine will and are entrusted with the direction of energies, with the plan and with the secrets and the inspiration which are hidden in the Mind of God. To that knowledge—germinated and formed in the solar system previous to this—they add the magnetic attractiveness of the second Ray of Love-Wisdom (that which this solar system is developing). This power to use the ray energies to attract and impress the constantly expanding revelation is the clue to all the work going forward today, and to the Science of Impression. It involves the constant opening up of a new environment that reaches all the way from the lowest grade of daily living to that point upon the ladder of evolution when the aspirant becomes consciously susceptible to what we call spiritual impression. At that point he becomes capable of being more sensitive to a higher range of impression and—at the same time—he himself begins to learn the art of impressing the minds of others. This he does through a growing knowledge of himself and through learning the art of registering. The clearer and the more deeply apprehending his capacity is to register the impression to which he is sensitive, the more easily he will reach those he must aid towards a wider and deeper insight. The first step then is the fact of recording and of reducing into correct and available concepts, ideas and thoughtforms, that which he has registered. This marks the first stage in his truly occult service. From the reservoir of thought-substance he learns to project those magnetic ideas which will invoke the attention of those he seeks to help; this is called the stage of resultant invocation. It is an invocative act, an invocative way of living, which will find its way into the minds of men, and which will call forth or evoke from them a response and a widening consciousness; the processes of spiritual impression are thereby set up; it is also an invocation—on the part of the disciple—for further and greater impression and inspiration in order to increase his ability to serve.  This program was recorded on 29 Nov 2021.   Approximately 2 hrs, 48 min.

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Audio 160MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 35:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 88-90, continuing section XII Relation of the Human to the Hierarchical Center.  The Science of Impression is the bedrock or the foundation for the practice of telepathy. Those who are receptive to impression are found to fall into two groups:  those possessing unconscious receptivity to telepathic impression (at present, the majority where impression is received via the solar plexus, and the thoughtforms generated are dispatched from the throat center of the impressing agent). And those who are developing a conscious receptivity (where the impression is, first of all, received by the mind and then imparted to and registered by the brain; the impressing agent then works via the ajna center).  The first group of recipients are purely personality grounded or focused; under this group we class all mediumistic phenomena, even those of the highest astral or spiritual nature, plus the messages received from the usually beautiful subconscious of the average person upon the Probationary Path. Messages from the disciple’s own soul are intermediate between those mediumistic expressions and those which are definitely mental in nature.  With the last type of communication, there are found mixed messages or impressions from the Ashram, soul communication and direct relation with the Master—a relationship at this stage non-existent. When the disciple begins to realize certain differences, a new type of registration will awaken and guide the disciple’s consciousness.  When the disciple has mastered to some degree the significant difference between messages from his own subconscious or the subconscious of other people with whom he may be en rapport, and the messages coming from his own soul, his life then becomes more self-directed and organized, more fruitful from the angle of service, and therefore of definite use to the Hierarchy. He learns to distinguish the messages coming from his own soul from those which are hierarchical; his life becomes more clearly directed; he next distinguishes accurately the communications which come to him from the Ashram. When he can distinguish between these various communications, then and only then does the third type of communication become possible—direct messages which are due to contact with the Master of his Ashram in person. He can then be trusted with some of the directive potency of the Ashram itself; his thinking will then affect and reach others. This developing effectiveness grows with rapidity when the fourth type of impression is familiar to the disciple: that coming from the Spiritual Triad, and therefore from the Monad and Shamballa. The sixth initiation, in which only Masters can participate, marks a transition from the first three stages of impressibility required by the disciples as preludes to the fifth initiation (in reality to the third, fourth and fifth) and are related to the three stages of Triadal communication, each of which is related to the seventh, the eighth and the ninth initiations.  The numerical progression or the Law of Correspondences never breaks down in this process of understanding the purpose and the plans of the planetary Logos—established before the worlds were created and finding their prototypes upon the cosmic mental planes. These points are peculiarly difficult for men to grasp at this time becausetheir state of consciousness is concentratedly individualized.  This program was recorded on 27 Nov 2021.   Approximately 1 hr, 54 min.

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Audio 109MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 34:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 86-87, continuing section XII Relation of the Human to the Hierarchical Center.  For the aspirant and particularly for the conscious disciple, the impression to be considered comes from four sources:  the disciple’s own soul, the Ashram with which he is to be affiliated, directly from the Master and from the Spiritual Triad, via the Antahkarana.  The first two stages cover the period of the first two initiations; the third precedes the third initiation and persists until the disciple is himself a Master; the fourth type of informative impression can be registered after the third initiation and reach the disciple in the Ashram. There are two aspects to this work of impression: one deals with the capacity to be impressed; the other with the ability to be an impressing agent. The disciple is not permitted to practice the art of impressing until he himself is among those who receive Triadal impression and therefore impression from Shamballa, within the protective area or aura of the Ashram with which he is affiliated. It must be remembered that this Science of Impression is the science of thoughtform-making, thoughtform vitalization and thoughtform direction; and only a disciple who has passed through the processes of Transfiguration and is no longer the victim of his own personality can be entrusted with so dangerous a cycle of powers.  As long as any selfish power exists (for unspiritual control or influence over the minds of others), the disciple cannot be trusted with the deliberate creation of thoughtforms designed to produce specific effects.  Only after he has passed the tests of the Transfiguration Initiation may he do so. This program was recorded on 26 Nov 2021.   Approximately 1 hr, 14 min.

Video 549MB .mp4 file
Audio 70MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 33:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 85-86, continuing section XII Relation of the Human to the Hierarchical Center.  One of the factors inhibiting personal telepathic development lies in the fact that the strong, potent and modern ascension of the spirit in man—as a whole—frequently offsets personality reactions, and telepathy is a personality matter depending upon contact between mind and mind. The moment, however, that man tries to be telepathic, he is immediately swept into a vortex of abstract energies which condition him for spiritual impression far more than they fit him for personal relationships telepathically established.  This surprising development led the Masters to abandon the training of individual disciples in telepathic rapport and to recognize the opportunity to train and develop invocative groups. Instead of working in lower mental substance with specially picked aspirants, They changed the medium of contact to that of the soul and launched the relatively new Science of Invocation and Evocation. The lower mind then became simply an interpreter of impressions with the emphasis upon the group mind, the group purpose and the group will. This developing system of trained invocatives made the mind a positive acting factor and tuned out all tendency to negativity.  This decision then led to the instituting of the processes of group initiation, thus shifting the area of training and the whole of the teaching process and of preparation for initiation on to higher levels. The experiment of giving mankind the Great Invocation was tried and is proving successful.  The four requirements which are needed to aid the disciple to meet the demands of the initiatory process are the ability to be impressed, the capacity accurately to register the impression, the power to record what has been given, and then to give it word forms in the mind consciousness.  On the basis of the information received, the disciple must then properly invoke the needed energies and learn through experience to produce a responsive evocation. The entire human family is today an amazing receiver of impressions, owing to the myriad types of susceptible mechanisms. It is because of this that the human kingdom (the great middle kingdom whose function it is to mediate between the higher and the lower) is the subject of so much divine impression, conveying the purpose of Sanat Kumara.  In these instructions, Master DI is dealing with group possibilities, with groups which can be trained to record, register and be impressed by the Hierarchy. The responsibility of impressionability, of telepathic registration and of invocative appeal is very great.  This program was recorded on 24 Nov 2021.   Approximately 1 hr.

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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 32:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 83-85, beginning section XII Relation of the Human to the Hierarchical Center.  True telepathic rapport is part of the Supreme Science of Contact and has peculiar and definite reference to humanity. Many different terms can convey some understanding, such as the Science of Contact, the Science of Impression, the Science of Invocation and Evocation, the Science of Relationship or the Science of Sensitivity.  All these terms convey different aspects of the reaction of form to impression, to impact, to environment, to the thought context of various minds, to ascending and descending energies, to the invocation of agents and the evocation of their response. The whole planetary system is a vast interlocking, inter-dependent and inter-related complexity of vehicles communicating or responsive to communication.  When this inter-related and communicating system is studied from the angle of relationships, then the processes of evolution and the goal of the spirit of man become of vital importance.  But the subject is both vast and difficult to comprehend, so we are only working with two factors here: the Science of Impression in relation to mankind; and the impressing Centers as they affect the understanding of relationship. These—from the human angle—cover reception of impression and of ideas, and expressions of the consequences of sensitivity at this time and in this particular cycle.  We are here considering the relation of the human center to the hierarchical center and the growing responsiveness of humanity to the “Centre where the Will of God is known”.  Humanity is outstripping telepathic development in the rapid responsiveness of entire groups, and of human beings en masse, to group impression and to group impartation of ideas. The sudden response of groups and nations to mass ideologies has been both unexpected and difficult to handle wisely and constructively. It was not anticipated by either Shamballa or the Hierarchy that mass impression would develop more quickly than that of individual sensitivity, but it has happened that way. The individual within a group and working within a group is far more correctly sensitive than is the man struggling alone to render himself sensitive to impression.

This program was recorded on 23 Nov 2021.   Approximately 1 hr, 29 mins.

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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 31:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 80-82, completing section XI The Results of Contact and Receptivity.  There is an amazing planetary sequence of impression—all of it emanating from the highest possible sources, though stepped down and regulated to the receiving factors of the different kingdoms; all of it concerned to a greater or less degree (according to the quality of the mechanism of reception) with the will and purpose of Sanat Kumara.  The main factor preventing a completely unimpeded sequence of impression from Shamballa straight down into the mineral kingdom, via all the other kingdoms, is the factor of freewill, resulting in karmic responsibility. Both the good and the bad karma produce conditions which not only have to be worked out, but lead to conditions which delay the liberation of the planet. Good karma necessitates the “living through” of conditions where everything is good, happy, beneficent and useful. The evil karma generated in any kingdom in relation to the “realm where dwelleth the planetary Dweller on the Threshold” stands between the cosmic Door of Initiation and our planetary Logos. This Dweller represents all the mistakes and errors due to wrong reactions, unrecognised contacts, deliberate choices made in defiance of known good, and mass movements and mass activities which are temporarily not progressive in time and space. In connection with the planetary Logos and that great planetary struggle, we are all implicated in His subsequent initiation, from the atom of substance up to and including all the Lives which form the Council Chamber of the Lord of the World.  The sum total of all the living processes and entities that compose the manifestation of Sanat Kumara are responsible for the creative evolutionary processes; it is also responsible for what we call time, with all that that concept involves of events, opportunity, the past, the present and the future, the good and the evil.  The problem of the human kingdom is very great. Humanity is the recipient of so many impacts, so many impressions, so many telepathic and mental currents and so many qualified vibratory impressions from all the seven kingdoms in nature that aeons have elapsed in developing the adequate discriminative sensitivity and in establishing the point in evolution from which conscious invocation must arise and upon which the evoked impression must be registered. Unconscious invocation proceeds all the time; when it becomes conscious, it becomes exceedingly powerful.  The entire human family is today an amazing receiver of impressions, owing to its myriad types of susceptible mechanisms. These impressionable instruments are capable of registering tamasic impressions, coming from the sub-human kingdoms, particularly the third and the first; they record rajasic impressions coming from mental sources of all kinds; they are also—to a much less degree—responsive to sattvic or rhythmic impressions. Their response to these high impressions and their registration of truth, light and quality, coming from the highest sources is growing.  It is because of this that the human kingdom (the great middle kingdom whose function it is to mediate between the higher and the lower) is the subject of much divine impression, conveying the Purpose of Sanat Kumara. The responsibility of impressionability, of telepathic registration and of invocative appeal is very great.  This program was recorded on 22 Nov 2021.   Approximately 2 hrs, 27 mins.

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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 30:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 75-79, beginning section XI The Results of Contact and Receptivity.    All those developments within the area or region of progressive contacts are only useful and truly available when they are developed normally and naturally and are not the result of premature unfoldment. When the development is premature there is always the danger of wrong, erroneous and self-centered interpretations. People today frequently evidence a telepathic tendency; they “tune in” with something or someone, though they don’t know what it is. It is usually self-related, usually some kind of platitude in nature.  This is not a result of a high point of spiritual unfoldment and it does not warrant their being the custodians of mysterious spiritual messages. There are many sources of these kind of messages.  Some are messages emanating from the relatively nice, well-trained subconscious nature of the recipient (about 85% of telepathic or inspired writings at this time).  Some are impressions from the soul, which are translated into concepts and written down by the personality; the recipient is deeply impressed by the relatively high vibration which accompanies them (about 8% of the writings and communications put before the general public by aspirants today).  Some are teachings given by a senior or more advanced disciple on the inner planes to a disciple under training or who has just been admitted into an Ashram (about 5% of the teaching given, and this is in relation to the entire world, not one specific occult group).  And some are communications from a Master to His disciple (this accounts for 2% of the entire telepathic receptivity demonstrated by humanity as a whole throughout the entire world).  It must be remembered that the activity of all these “impressing agencies” is felt in a wide and general sense throughout the entire planet and the planetary aura. No kingdom in nature escapes this impact; this is how the purpose of the Lord of the World is carried out. Being, Coherence and Activity are blended into one created and creative whole; life, quality and appearance respond unitedly to the imposed intention of the planetary Logos and yet, at the same time, remain creatively free as regards their reaction to these contacted impressions; this reaction is necessarily dependent upon the type and quality of the mechanism which registers the impression.  The major impression registered in the second kingdom of nature emanates from the angel worlds and from the deva hierarchy (the angels and devas are to the vegetable kingdom what the spiritual Hierarchy is to humanity). The animal kingdom has a peculiar relation to the fourth kingdom in nature, and the unfolding of the animal consciousness proceeds along lines paralleling, yet dissimilar to that of the human being who is beginning to respond to the kingdom of souls, the fifth kingdom (it is the karma and destiny of the fourth kingdom to be the impressing agent for the third). The problem is complicated, however, by the fact that the animal kingdom antedates the human and had generated a measure of karma—both good and evil—prior to the appearance of mankind. The “impressing process” carried forward by humanity is modified and often negated by two factors:  human ignorance and selfishness, plus inability to work consciously and intelligently with the embryonic minds within animal forms; and the self-generated karma of the animal kingdom which is largely being worked off in its relation to mankind today. The karmic entity—holding a type of rule within the third kingdom—is a part of the planetary Dweller on the Threshold.   This program was recorded on 21 Nov 2021.   Approximately 3 hrs, 12 mins.

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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 29:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 72-74, the conclusion of section X Sequential Revelation of Relationships.  True capacity to invoke and evoke is based upon a mysterious development—impossible before the time of the third initiation—of the esoteric sense. The occult training offered to aspirants, disciples and initiates of lesser degree produces certain changes within the brain, with corresponding changes within the buddhic vehicle; these changes enable one at will (after the third Initiation) to contact the monadic point of contact or a Member of the Hierarchy with whom he may desire to consult. It does not involve the use of speech or words but is simply a technical method where an initiate within the Hierarchy or en rapport with Shamballa can make his presence felt and certain ideas can be presented by him. For average humanity, the development of the intuition is the lower correspondence to this type of esoteric sense employed by initiates of high degree; within the Ashrams, advanced disciples are taught how to discover this within themselves and to use this newly developed mechanism. They can know simultaneously both the demand and the answer which their invocation has evoked. A highly developed discriminative faculty is needed for this (it is an advanced part of the technique where disciples were first permitted to attract the attention of the Master).  When animal-man passed through the door of individualization and became a human being he came possessed of an innate potency of sight; for aeons he has seen in the three worlds. Through the door of initiation, having attained the mystical vision, each aspirant will become aware of that within himself which permits a spiritual perception of such an expansive nature that he gets his first real and individual glimpse of the divine Plan. Symbolically speaking and in order to preserve the concept of this door in the mind of humanity, true esoteric meetings are entered on the password. Only the WORD can enter through this door—this highest and widest of all doors. Once through that door and once eligible to the Council Chamber of the Great Lord, the Initiate will comprehend what is meant by “monadic impression.” It is an innate responsiveness to the Purpose of the Universal Mind of the One in Whom we live and move and have our being.  This program was recorded on 20 Nov 2021.   Approximately 1 hr, 32 mins.

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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 28:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 71-72, continuation of section X Sequential Revelation of Relationships.  Beginning the sub-section on Mind the focus of Planetary Development.  DK reminds us that in our planetary development, the emphasis of the entire evolutionary process is on the MIND.  Various aspects of the mind include intelligence, mental perception, the Son of Mind, the lower mind, the abstract mind, the mind as will, the Universal Mind.  The 3 major factors which engineer divine purpose and step it down to what we call the Hierarchical Plan are the triangle of the Son of Mind, the abstract mind, and the Universal Mind (these must be brought into a vital, active  relationship and when the initiate has attained, through monadic contact, a touch of the Universal Mind, then he can sense the Purpose). This requires the development of the abstract mind, plus the residue of mental perception from the Son of Mind (the soul). The average aspirant has no idea about the nature of the awareness or the reactions to contact of the third-degree initiate and this limitation must be kept in mind.  The Science of Invocation and Evocation is based entirely on a sense of relation (between hierarchy and Shamballa, and to a small extent, between humanity and hierarchy). Little is really known about the responses and the reactions of those high initiates who can tap into the Universal Mind.

This program was recorded on 20 Nov 2021.   Approximately 1 hr, 24 mins.

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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 27:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 69-71, continuation of section X Sequential Revelation of Relationships.  The Hierarchy contributes the faculty of pure reason, which is the governing faculty of the Hierarchy and which brings into activity the quality to which man has erroneously given the name of “love” (associating it as a sentimental aspect); rather pure reason is the supreme characteristic of the Members of the Hierarchy, expressing itself in right action and right human relations.  Pure love is a quality or effect of pure reason; this is needed for the grasping and the comprehension of the Purpose as it works out through the Plan sponsored at any one time by the Hierarchy.  This impression emanating from Shamballa takes the form of a focused emanation which employs the higher aspect of the antahkarana as its channel of contact through the buddhic and atmic levels of consciousness into the area of magnetized consciousness which surrounds and protects the true Shamballa center.  Bear in mind that just as the mass of men do not know, recognize or respond to the Hierarchy, so—within the Hierarchy itself—you have a group analogous to this mass of men. There are many lesser members of the Hierarchy and many disciples who do not know, recognize or as yet respond to the influence or the potency of Shamballa.  Within the Hierarchy, the Science of Impression conditions the relation between senior and junior members in the various Ashrams. All do not respond in the same way, for in its higher aspects it is a science in process of mastering. It might be said that impression governs and conditions all those within the Hierarchy whose abstract mind is highly developed. It is not fully developed in the case of many disciples in the Ashram, and hence only certain Members of the Hierarchy are permitted to know the details of the Plan; the remaining members of the Hierarchy take their orders from their seniors.   This program was recorded on 18 Nov 2021.   Approximately 37 mins.

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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 26:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 66-69, continuation of section X Sequential Revelation of Relationships.  This Supreme Science of Contact governs all reactions to impact (including those of Sanat Kumara down to the scarcely discernible reactions of the infinitesimal atom). For the sake of clarity, they have been divided into three major areas based on the reactions of the three major planetary centers to their environment. You can see the significance and the importance of the dictum in The Secret Doctrine that the Hierarchy and all in the Council Chamber of Sanat Kumara (or Shamballa) have invariably passed through the human stage of evolution, for only human beings can perfectly blend and express life-reason, and only human intellect can consciously create what is needed in order to bring the needed stages of manifested life into being.  Whether we are dealing with simple telepathy, invocation and evocation, or impression, we’re in reality considering the effect of life-reason as it manifests in relation to the available and suitable environment.  All this takes place through men in process of being made perfect, who have attained a relative perfection, and—in the majority of cases—arrived at perfection elsewhere than in this present manifesting cycle.  Technically speaking, it is the Hierarchy which is “impressed” from Shamballa, and Humanity which is reached by the Hierarchy via the method of invocation and evocation. Within the human family two things occur as the result of this received and recognized activity of a phase of the Science of Contact.  First, telepathic relationship is set up. And second, intuitional telepathy begins to manifest increasingly among advanced human beings in all lands and all races.  This Science of Contact governs relations within our entire planetary life and includes, for instance, the rapport being established between humanity and the domesticated animals (these animals are to their own kingdom what the New Group of World Servers is to humanity). The New Group of World Servers is the linking bridge and the mode of communication between the Hierarchy (the fifth kingdom) and Humanity (the fourth kingdom) under the present divine Plan.  That which impresses Shamballa and is received by the Grand Council of the Lord of the World, comes via Sanat Kumara because HE is in close contact with other planetary Logoi or groups of planetary Logoi, wielding a united, focused, intelligent Will. It is Sanat Kumara Whose task it is to impress the Lives Who meet periodically in the Council Chamber with the next phase of unfolding Purpose. This Purpose is later stepped down until it emerges as the hierarchical Plan (contingent upon imminence, atmic realization and pure reason). The Hierarchy is no group of mystical workers; only those aspects of divine Purpose which can be immediately grasped and developed and which are patently valuable to humanity—when presented in right form by the Hierarchy—are registered by Them. They act ever in response to a Law of Imminence which is almost unrecognizable and indefinable by advanced humanity.  Never forget that in considering Shamballa and the Plan, we are thinking entirely within the limits of the expression of the WILL aspect of the Lord of the World; this factor has to be accepted theoretically, even if not yet understood.  This program was recorded on 17 Nov 2021.   Approximately 1 hr17 min.

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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 25:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 64-66, the beginning of section X Sequential Revelation of Relationships.  While this extra-ordinary science is the evidence of evolution, of the essential dualism in manifestation, and the testimony to the unfoldment of consciousness; at the same time it proceeds upon the basic premise that the various phases of consciousness which are steadily and sequentially revealed in time and space are the sum total of the states of consciousness of the “One in Whom we live and move and have our being.” All these phases of conscious acceptance of existent phenomena and their related reactions are, to Sanat Kumara, what a day’s experience and reactions or the current life experiences are to the intelligent man—only vastly more enveloping and comprehensive. I have called this science of rapport and of reaction the Supreme Science of Contact. The reaction to this contact, whether cosmic as in the case of Sanat Kumara, or planetary as in the case of the Members of the Hierarchy, is nevertheless limited and circumscribed (from the point of view of the informed aspirant), is responsible for the creation of Karma (the setting in motion of causes which must have effects—these effects can be rendered useless when the entity concerned brings the needed intelligence, wisdom, intuition or will to the circumstances involved.  During the cycle of manifestation, this combination of life-awareness, spirit-reason, atma-buddhi, is the product of activity, quality, ideology, rationality, relationship, unity, and many other expressions of the divine nature. The Science of Contact will not only reveal quality, but is revealing the lines of relationship which underlie all manifestation and of which the etheric body is the symbol. It is also rendering man sensitive to ideas as the unfolding intellect of man permits it.   This program was recorded on 16 Nov 2021.   Approximately 1 hr49 min.

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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 24:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 59-63, the conclusion of section IX Expanding Areas of Conscious Interaction.  The basic Science of Sensitivity is the art of all responsiveness to phenomena and is peculiarly applied to the reaction, the recognition, the responsiveness, and the registration of all phenomena to be found throughout the cosmic physical plane. This is the plane where our entire threefold planetary Life finds expression and which we have subdivided (for the sake of clear thinking) into the seven planes of our solar system.  This work proceeds from cycle to cycle, in the earliest stages, with no conscious intention on the part of the developing life; yet field after field of consciousness is slowly recorded, and area after area of the surrounding physical, mental and spiritual worlds come within the arena of perception, and are mastered and controlled, until eventually the unit of life becomes the human being, self-directed, an individual. Finally the man becomes the Master, controlling and directing within the periphery of His wide awareness, in consonance with the divine Mind and Plan.  The advanced man in the 3 worlds is conscious of 2 inherent triplicities:  the lower man (physical body, astral nature, mind) and the 3 periodical vehicles (Monad, Soul, Personality); the Soul and personality have made contact and become technically soul-infused as the three lower vehicles and the soul are united.  The etheric body is then at the point of assuming great power and can be consciously used as a transmitter of energy and forces, consciously directed; and impacts from the highest of the periodical vehicles, working through its instrument, the Spiritual Triad.  The entire human kingdom will eventually be a major magnetic center upon our planet, invoking all the higher kingdoms upon the formless planes and evoking all the lower or subhuman kingdoms upon the planes of form. Some day, two-thirds of the human family will be sensitive to impacts coming from the Mind of God, as that Mind fulfils its intentions and carries out its purposes within our planetary ring-pass-not. In its turn, humanity will provide the area of mind within whose ring-pass-not the subhuman kingdoms will find the correspondence of the Universal Mind which they need for their unfoldment; man, as you well know, is the macrocosm for the microcosm of the lower kingdoms in nature. This is the goal of all human service.  The Science of Impression might be regarded as the fundamental science of consciousness itself, for the result of contact and impact leads to the awakening and the unfoldment of consciousness and of that growing awareness which distinguishes every form throughout the manifested world.  Every form has its own area of awareness, and evolution is the process where forms respond to contact, react to impact, and pass on to greater development, usefulness and effectiveness. The Law of Evolution and the Science of Impression cover the unfoldment of consciousness and bring about adaptability to the immanent soul. This program was recorded on 15 Nov 2021.   Approximately 2 hrs 16 min.

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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 23:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 58-59, the beginning of section IX Expanding Areas of Conscious Interaction.  The training given by the Masters in Their Ashrams has one main objective: to increase, develop and enable their disciples to utilize in service their inherent and innate sensitivity.  Response to impact is something we all register; our five senses have opened to all people five great realms from which impact comes. We respond automatically to the senses and the emotional stimuli, and rapidly the race is reaching out towards mental telepathy. Contact, with resultant impact from the soul, is also quite rapidly developing, as is the still higher contact emanating from the Spiritual Triad and opening up areas of interaction previously known only to the Hierarchy. All these developing contacts involve conditions covered by the two words: Contact and Impact.  Contact is the recognition of an environment which has somehow been evoked and made its presence felt.  Impact is something more than simply registering contact; it develops into conscious interaction, conveying information.  It is revelatory in nature, and can be defined in its initial stages as the guarantee of a new area for exploration and for spiritual adventure, an indication of a wider field where consciousness may expand more and more and register increasingly the divine purpose waiting to be more fully known.  The normal field of ordinary telepathic perception, through a slowly learned process of invocation and evocation, becomes a state of consciousness distinguished by a trained sensitivity.  The disciple unfolds a spiritual recognition which is controlled, understood, and directed to useful hierarchical ends. This is a very simple definition of the process called The Science of Impression.  This program was recorded on 14 Nov 2021.   Approximately 1 hr 39 min.

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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 22:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 56-58, the conclusion of section VIII The Supreme Science of Contact.  DK reminds us how much he has already said links up with these teaching on the Points of Revelation. In the very condensed summation of the Science of Impression, he touched briefly on the three great groups of Lives that are constantly under impression and in their turn, become impressing agents.  This should be studied and related to the teaching on the Points of Revelation (a generic term covering all the responses to the activities of the eye of the mind, the eye of the soul, and the insight of the Universal Mind). Sight is the greatest of all the developments in this world period in which the Logos is seeking to bring the subhuman kingdoms to the point where human vision is theirs, to bring humanity to the point where spiritual vision is developed and hierarchical insight is the normal quality of the initiate sight, and to bring the Members of the Hierarchy to the point where universal perception is Theirs. It might be said that: through the door of individualization the subhuman kingdoms pass to human vision (leading to mental contact and intelligent impression); through the door of initiation humanity passes to spiritual vision (leading to soul contact and spiritual impression); and through the door of identification the Hierarchy passes to universal vision (leading to monadic contact and extra-planetary impression).  Each time that there is a fresh vision of a compelling and conditioning nature, it is the result of invocation by the one seeking the new impression. When this invocative spirit is present, the results are inevitable and sure and the response evoked cannot be stopped. This is the basis of all the success of desire (material or otherwise), aspiration, prayer and meditation. We always get—in time and space—what we invoke; and the knowledge of this fact, scientifically applied, will be one of the great liberating forces for humanity.  This program was recorded on 13 Nov 2021.   Approximately 1 hr.

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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 21:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 54-55, the continuation of section VIII The Supreme Science of Contact.  It might be said that consciousness itself, which is the goal—on this planet—of all the evolutionary process, is simply the demonstrated result of the Science of Contact. The unfoldment of this conscious response is, in reality, the growth of the sensitive awareness of the planetary Logos HIMSELF. The human mechanism and its ability to respond to its environment (as science well knows) has been developed in response to an inner urge, present in every human being and in all forms of life, and to the “pull” and magnetic effect of the surrounding environment. Step by step, the forms have unfolded one sense after another; one form of sensitive response after another until the human being can receive impressions from the physical plane and rightly interpret them; can respond to the emotional contacts of the astral plane and succumb to them or surmount them; and can become telepathic to the world of the mental plane, thus sharing in the life and contacts of the three worlds which constitute his environment and in which he is submerged while in incarnation. What he gets out of this life of constant impression is largely dependent upon his power to invoke his environment and draw from it (in evocative response) what he needs in all the various departments of his being.  The germ or embryonic capacity for all types of planetary contact is inherent in every man and will not be frustrated in the long run. In this knowledge of goals already achieved in the three worlds lies the guarantee of achievement in the more subjective worlds which are present within the aspirant’s surroundings but to which he remains as yet unawakened and unenlightened. This program was recorded on 9 Nov 2021.   Approximately 1 hr 11min.

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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 20.1:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 52-53, the beginning of section VIII The Supreme Science of Contact.  The three sciences of contact are all equally interdependent and all related to the art of responsiveness.  The three inter-dependent modes of expression are the Science of Impression (the will-to-be, related to the Spiritual Triad, connected with the abstract mind, source of emanation is Shamballa), the Science of Invocation and Evocation (love or attraction, related to the soul in all forms, connected with the lower mind as the agent of the soul, source of emanation is the Hierarchy), and the Science of Telepathy (mind, human intelligence, related to the personality, connected with the head center, source of emanation is Humanity itself).  You will see how all these pairs of opposites play their part, exemplifying the dualistic nature of our planetary Life:  the abstract mind and the lower mind, the soul and the lower mind, and the lower mind and the head center.  Each of them acts as an invocative agent and produces evocation. All act as recipients and as transmitters, and all of them together establish the group inter-relation and the circulation of the energies which are the distinctive characteristic of the entire world of force.  One point you all need to grasp is that the progressing disciple does not move into new fields or areas of awareness, like a steady marching forward from one plane to another (as the visual symbols of the theosophical literature would indicate). What must be grasped is that all that IS is ever present. What we are concerned with is the constant awakening to that which eternally IS, and to what is ever present in the environment but of which the subject is unaware owing to short-sightedness. The Kingdom of God is present on Earth today has always been, but only a few are aware of its signs and manifestations. The world of subtle phenomena  The sounds and sights of the heavenly world are as clearly perceived by the higher initiate as are the sights and sounds of the physical plane as you contact it in your daily round of duties. The world of energies, with its streams of directed force and its centers of concentrated light is likewise present, and the eye of the mental clairvoyant can see the geometrical pattern which thoughts assume upon the mental plane, or as the lower psychic can contact the glamors, illusions and delusions of the astral world.  It is simply a question of the acceptance, first of all, of its existence, the development of a mechanism of contact, the cultivation of the ability to use this mechanism at will, and then inspired interpretation. This program was originally recorded on 6 Nov in a shorter version, then rerecorded on 8 Nov 2021.   Approximately 1 hr, 51min.

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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 19:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 48-51, the conclusion for section VII The Science of Impression: Its Solar and Planetary Function.  The study of the Science of Impression will greatly facilitate the presentation of those ideals which must and will condition the thinking of the New Age and will eventually produce the new culture and the new expression which lies ahead of humanity. This science is, in fact, the basis of the theory of relationships and will lead to the expansion of the idea of right human. When the Science of Impression has been correctly brought down to the level of an educational objective, it will be found to be closely linked to the emerging teaching about invocation and evocation and will be expanded to include not only right human relations to the superhuman kingdoms, but right human relations with the subhuman kingdoms also. It will be concerned with the sensitive response of the entire natural and supernatural world to the “One in Whom we live and move and have our being”; it will put mankind into a right relationship with all aspects and expressions of the divine nature, deepening subjective contact and bringing about a diviner objective manifestation and one more in line with divine purpose. It will lead to a great shift of the human consciousness off the levels of emotional and physical life (where the bulk of humanity is focused) on to the levels of mental perception.  The Science of Impression is concerned with the activity of the head center as an anchoring center for the antahkarana, and the ajna center is concerned with the process of translating the recorded intuition into a form and its subsequent direction into the world of men. In the early stages and until the third initiation, the Science of Impression is concerned with the establishing of an invocative sensitivity between the Spiritual Triad (temporarily expressing itself through the abstract mind and the soul or the Son of Mind) and the concrete mind. This mental triangle is a reflection, in time and space, of the Monad and of the two higher aspects of the Triad. When the relation between the lower and the higher mind is correctly and stably established, you have the swinging into activity of the lowest triad connected with the Science of Impression—the head center, the ajna center and the throat center.  The Technique of Invocation and Evocation is the name given to the method where the desired relationship is brought about. The Creative Work is the name given to the manifestation of the results of the two above processes. The three aspects of the Technique of Invocation and Evocation with which the average disciple should concern himself are those of the building of the antahkarana, the correct use of the lower mind in its two higher functions (the holding of the mind steady in the light and the creation of the desired thoughtforms), and the process of precipitation whereby the impression is enabled eventually to take tangible form.  This all fits into the theme of world service as it is to be applied in the expansion of the human consciousness on a large scale; this is one of the major tasks of the New Group of World Servers.  This program was recorded on 3 Nov 2021.   Approximately 1.9 hrs.

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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 18:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 46-48, continuing section VII The Science of Impression: Its Solar and Planetary Function.  The discussion continues with the impression of Humanity by the Hierarchy (through the stimulating of ideas), the influence of Ashrams of the Masters as they affect the aspirants of the world, the humanitarians and the idealists, and the activity of the New Group of World Servers.  These are only a very few of the impressing forces of the planet, and only a few of the major groups which are—in their intrinsic nature—both recipients of impression and agents later of the impressing agent. When we arrive at the human family, this reciprocal activity is blocked by human selfishness; it is this “interruption of impression” and this “interference with the divine circulatory flow” which is responsible for sin, for disease, and for all the various factors which make humanity today what it is. When the free flow of divine energy, of divine interplay and of spiritual purpose is re-established, then evil will disappear and the will-to-good will become factual goodwill upon the outer physical plane.  In the statements given above in connection with the three great planetary centers you have the basis for the new and coming Approach to Divinity which will be known under the expression: Invocative and Evocative religion. It is this new Science of Impression which forms the subjective basis and the uniting element which binds together the entire realm of knowledge, of science and of religion. This Science of Impression is the mode of life of the subjective world which lies between the world of external happenings (the world of appearances and of exoteric manifestation) and the inner world of reality. Impressions are received and registered; they form the basis of reflection for those aspirants who are sensitive enough to their impact and wise enough to record carefully in consciousness their emanating source. After due practice, this period of brooding upon the registered impression is followed by another period where the impression begins to take form as an idea; from that point it follows the familiar course of translation from an idea into a presented ideal; it then comes under the invocative appeal of the more concrete-minded until it finally precipitates itself into outer manifestation and takes form. What Master DK’s instruction is doing is to take the student a step further into the world of reception and perception and point him to the more subtle contacts which lie behind those concepts which are regarded as definitely nebulous and to which we give the name of intuitions.  This program was recorded on 1 Nov 2021.   Approximately 1.5 hrs.

Video 663MB .mp4 file
Audio 81MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 17:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 43-46, continuing section VII The Science of Impression: Its Solar and Planetary Function.  Continuing with the discussion about certain great sources of impression concerning  our planetary Life, the second of these is the impression of the Hierarchy by Shamballa itself, certain great lives who are swung into cyclic activity (i.e. at Full Moons), that great group of divine Contemplatives (intermediary between Shamballa and the Hierarchy), and the Buddha (at the time of Wesak). We are dealing with the reception of impression by groups or by aggregations of groups composed of living Beings Who have Their own agents of distribution or impression. The entire evolutionary history of our planet is one of reception and of distribution, of a taking in and of a giving out. The key to humanity’s trouble (focusing, as it has, in the economic troubles of the past two hundred years, and in the theological impasse of the orthodox churches) has been to take and not to give, to accept and not to share, to grasp and not to distribute. This is the breaking of the Law which has placed humanity in the position of guilt. The task of the New Group of World Servers is to offset this evil; they are to humanity what the Buddhas of Activity are to Shamballa, and the group of divine Contemplatives (the Nirmanakayas) are to the Hierarchy. The Buddhas of Activity are Themselves impressed by the WILL of God as it energizes the entire planetary life.  The Nirmanakayas are impressed by the LOVE of God as it demonstrates itself as the attractive force which impulses the Plan inspired by the Purpose (it is the Hierarchy, impelled to action by the Will-to-Good, externalizing itself as goodwill). And the New Group of World Servers are impressed by the active INTELLIGENCE of God (they translate this divine impression and step it down in two great stages, bringing it into concrete manifestation). This program was recorded on 31 Oct 2021.   Approximately 1.5 hrs.

Video 645MB .mp4 file
Audio 80MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 16:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 41-43, beginning section VII The Science of Impression: Its Solar and Planetary Function.  The entire subject of telepathic communication can be approached under a more subjective name that is interpretive of the more universal and prior stage than that of direct telepathic reception. The occultist ever approaches the subject connected with the evolutionary process from the angle of the whole and then the part, from the periphery to the center, from the universal to the particular. Masters do not deal with telepathy as a science warranting consideration, rather They are concerned primarily with the Science of Impression. Impression is the subtlest reaction to the vibratory mental activity of some other mind or group of minds as its radiatory influence affects the unit or aggregate of units. The first stage is registering an impression; it is generally vague at the beginning, but as a thought, idea, purpose or intention of the sending agent concretizes, it slips into the second stage which appears as a definite thoughtform.  Finally, that thoughtform makes its impact upon the consciousness of the brain (just behind the ajna center and in the area of the pituitary body). It can appear also in the region of the solar plexus center. For those whose consciousness is above the three worlds (therefore not conditioned by the personality), the impression is the factor of importance.  Their consciousness is impressed, and their response is so sensitive to the higher impression that they absorb or appropriate the impression so that it becomes a part of Their own “impulsive energy.”  Impression, as an art to be mastered both from the angle of the impressing agent and of the impressed recipient, is definitely related to the world of ideas. As far as our planetary Life is concerned, there are certain great sources of impression.  One is the impression of Shamballa by:  a) members of the Great White Lodge on Sirius, b) from one or other of the constellations which are at any particular time astrologically en rapport with our planet, c) from a triangle of circulating energy, emanating from the two planets which—with our planet, the Earth—form a triangle in any particular cycle, d) from the planet Venus, the Earth’s alter ego.  These are the major entering impressions, recorded by “the Universal Mind,” the mind of God, our planetary Logos.   This program was recorded on 30 Oct 2021.   Approximately 1.5 hrs.

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Audio 82MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 15:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 40-41, a review on section VI Group Telepathic Work: Three Injunctions, about how the masters work with impression upon the minds of their disciples, of telepathic work carried on with the Master as broadcaster and the disciple as the recipient of impression and of energy. This reception of impression and energy has a dual effect, bringing into activity the latent seeds of action and of habits (good or bad), thus producing revelation, purification, enrichment and usefulness.  And it vitalizes and galvanizes the personality into a right relation to the soul, to the environment, and to humanity.  It is necessary for all disciples to grasp the correspondence to this hierarchical effort and any effort which you may make in order to work as a group of individuals with groups or individuals.  This program was recorded on 30 Oct 2021.   Approximately .5 hrs.

Video 209MB .mp4 file
Audio 27MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 14:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 39-41, continuing section VI Group Telepathic Work: Three Injunctions. DK advises that any group work of this kind must be carefully controlled.  Any group effort which seeks to impress the mind of any subject (whether an individual or a group) must be strenuously guarded as to motive and method.  Any group endeavor which involves a united applied effort to effect changes in the point of view, an outlook on life, or a technique of living must be utterly selfless, most wisely and cautiously undertaken, and must be kept free from any personality emphasis, individual belief, prejudice, dogmatism or ideas. The moment that there is the least tendency on the part of a group (or of an individual in a group) to force an issue or to bring mental pressure to bear on an individual or group, you have what is called black magic.  Right motive may protect the group from any serious results to themselves, but the effect upon their victim will be serious, rendering him negative and with a weakened will.  The result of all true telepathic work and rightly directed effort to impress a subject will be to leave him with a strengthened will to right action, an intensified interior light, an astral body freer from glamour, and a physical body more vital and purer. The potency of a united group activity is incredibly powerful.  This is the method of of the Hierarchy, impressing upon the minds of Their disciples, of telepathic work carried on with the Master as broadcaster and the disciple as the recipient of impression and of energy. This reception of impression and energy has a dual effect, bringing into activity the latent seeds in action (producing revelation, purification, enrichment, and usefulness) and it vitalizes and galvanizes the personality into a right relation to the soul, to the environment, and to humanity.  It is necessary for you and for all disciples to grasp the correspondence to this hierarchical effort and any effort which you may make in order to work as a group of individuals with groups or individuals. An appreciation of the power which you may let loose, of the dynamic effect which you may succeed in awakening in the subject of your directed thought, and of the impression which you may imprint in the mind and consciousness of the subject should incite you to a guarded purity of life (astral and physical), to a watchfulness over thoughts and ideas, and to a love which will safeguard you from all love of power. Thus you will preserve the integrity of those you seek to help.  This program was recorded on 29 Oct 2021.   Approximately 1.5 hrs.

Video 646MB .mp4 file
Audio 87MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 13:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 37-39, beginning section VI Group Telepathic Work: Three Injunctions.  This involves united group telepathic work, opportunities, and the responsibility of disciples working with it, as well as the dangers involved.  The first requirement is a deep love and understanding for other disciples, and developing impersonality to the response of others so as to avoid any disharmony within the group.  The constant effort of the group is to bring about a group love of such strength that nothing can break it and no barriers rise up between members; to cultivate group sensitivity; to develop and unfold a group ability to work as a unit, so that there will be nothing in the inner attitudes of any of the group members which could break into the carefully established rhythm. It is quite possible for a member of the group to retard the work and to hold back the group because he is so engrossed in his own affairs or in his own ideas of self-development.  Likewise, when some members cease their activity it affects the inner group vibration; when others become slowed up by definite changes in their outer or inner lives, this requires periods of adjustment and reorganization of the life. These changes, although external, can produce powerful psychological changes and upset the rhythm of the soul’s work. An experienced disciple will not let this upset his inner rhythm.  This program was recorded on 26 Oct 2021.   Approximately 1.3 hrs.

Video 623MB .mp4 file
Audio 76MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 12:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 31-36, the entire section V The Growth of Telepathic Rapport.  The use of words telepathically must be mastered as a preliminary step to the use of sentences and of thoughts. Choose a word and meditate upon it; study it in the 4 ways indicated by Patanjali (study its form, symbolically as a word picture; study it from the angle of quality, beauty, desire; study its underlying purpose and teaching value; study its very being and identify with the divine idea underlying it).  The word goes out upon the life breath of the transmitter; his lower mind then sends out the purpose aspect; his astral consciousness is responsible for sending out the quality aspect; and the form aspect is sent out as he says the word—very softly and in a whisper.  A group of disciples working in an Ashram has to learn that groups are held together by an inner structure of thought; that the focus of the externalized group life is the etheric body (as a receiving agency, and a circulating medium for energy coming from the mind, soul, Master, or group mind); that the mind is the first exoteric expression of soul consciousness; that there are 7 types of telepathic relationships possible (solar plexus to solar plexus, mind to mind, master to disciple, groups to similar groups, subjective groups to objective/receptive groups, the Hierarchy to various Ashrams of Masters, and the Hierarchy to the New Group of World Servers.  The growth of telepathic rapport will bring in an era of universality and synthesis with its qualities of recognized relationships and responsiveness; this will be the glory of the Aquarian Age.  Disciples must occupy themselves increasingly with right understanding, right designation and right definition of the new science of telepathy. This requires bridging work by disciples in endeavor to understand the medium of transmission, method of transmission, manner of reception, and the mode of interrelated activity.  Disciples must also cultivate sensitive reactions to each other and to the other humans within their sphere.  Those disciples who are working along these lines are the nurturers of the seed of the future intuitional civilization; the intuition is the infallibly sensitive agent, latent in every human being.  It is based on direct knowledge, unimpeded by any instrument normally functioning in the three worlds. Of this intuitional future age, Christ is the Seed Man.  The truly telepathic man is the man who is responsive to impressions coming to him from all forms of life in the three worlds, but he is also equally responsive to impressions coming to him from the world of souls and the world of the intuition. It is the development of the telepathic instinct which will eventually make a man a master in the three worlds, and also in the five worlds of human and superhuman development. This is a process now going forward, and it is going on through the medium of telepathic groups and of telepathic people, and through the medium of exoteric scientific investigation. The building of the thoughtform which will accustom the race to the idea of telepathic work is proceeding, and the seed of this development is becoming very vital and powerful. It is, in the last analysis, the seed of MASTERHOOD.  This program was recorded on 26 Oct 2021.   Approximately 2.5 hrs.

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Audio 141MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 11:  Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 25– 30, the entire section IV The Three Types of Energy Involved.  Telepathic inter-relation between the members of a group grows through the medium of a constant attitude of reflective thought and a steadfast love for each other. These terms refer to the two major types of energy in the world today, and are of a vitality, potency and substance so subtle and fine that they can work through and force the pranic fluids which constitute the substance of the etheric body into activity.  This telepathic work is concerned with three types of energy which demonstrate as forces with the power to motivate.  First is the force of love with its negative quality which attracts the needed material for the idea, the thought or concept to be transmitted; it is also the attractive agency used by the recipient. This is why DK often emphasizes the necessity for love and for non-criticism.  Second is the force of mind. This is the illuminating energy which lights the way of an idea or form to be transmitted and received (light is subtle substance). The success of this is dependent upon the alignment of the bodies of the transmitter and the recipient; this double line of contact must be that of mental energy and brain electrical energy. There must be mental development and mental control; it is literally a state of consciousness conditioned by the integrated mental person so that he is aware of and inclusive of the mental state and thought processes of another person.  And third is the energy of prana, or the etheric force of the vital body. This energy, by an act of the will and under the pressure of the magnetic power of love, responds to or is receptive to the dual energies mentioned above. The idea, thoughtform or mental impression which must be recorded in the brain consciousness of the recipient opens a way in the pranic fluids and so controls their activity (which is as ceaseless as the thoughtform-making propensities of the chitta) that the brain becomes responsive in two ways:  a) it is rendered passive by the impact of the three types of energy, blended and fused into one stream of force; and b) it becomes actively responsive to the idea, impression, thoughtform, symbol, words, etc., which are being swept into the area of its conscious activity.  Successful telepathic work is dependent upon having no barriers existing between the receiver and broadcaster; on the broadcaster being mainly occupied with the clarity of his symbol, with the word or thought (and not with the receiver); and having the receivers think with love and affection of the broadcaster for a minute or two; and on the receivers working with detachment. A quiet spirit and well regulated thoughts will aid much, and the cultivation of dispassion which desires nothing for the separated self.  The need of sensitive receivers is great, so train yourselves. Forget yourselves and your own petty little affairs; keep an attentive ear to the voices which issue forth from the world of spiritual Being, and love each other with loyalty and steadfastness. This program was recorded on 24 Oct 2021.   Approximately 2hrs.

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Audio 114MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 10:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 22–25, continuation of section III Three Types of Telepathy: Instinctual, Mental, and Intuitional.  The previous program outlined that which concerns man in his own inner individual contacts, work and training. There are four more telepathic contacts of note because they constitute the goal for humanity: 7) Telepathic work between a Master (the focal point of a group) and the disciple in the world, 8) Telepathic work between a Master and His group, 9) Telepathic work between subjective and objective groups, and 10) Telepathic work between the Hierarchy of Masters as a group or a part of the Hierarchy, and groups of disciples. Some of these forms of telepathic work have a distorted reflections on the physical plane (i.e., mass psychology, public opinion).   This program was recorded on 23 Oct 2021.   Approximately 2 hrs.

Video 680MB .mp4 file
Audio 93MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 9:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 20– 22, continuation of section III Three Types of Telepathy: Instinctual, Mental, and Intuitional.  Master DK mentions 10 types of telepathic work and Michael covered the first 7 in this video.  DK lists the various forms of telepathic work for general instruction:  1) Telepathic work from solar plexus to solar plexus (closely connected with feeling and emotions, carried on instinctively below the diaphragm).  2) Telepathic work from mind to mind, just beginning to be possible.  3) Telepathic work from heart to heart (this is a sublimation of the feeling response registered in the solar plexus, it concerns only group impressions, it is simply the consciousness of the sorrow of the world and the weight of grief under which humanity struggles.).  4) Telepathic work from soul to soul (for humanity, this is the highest possible type of work).  There are two other groups of telepathic possibilities once the four above-mentioned groups of telepathic impression are beginning to form a conscious part of the disciple’s experience.  5) Telepathic work between soul and mind (a technique where the mind held steady in the light then becomes aware of the content of the soul’s consciousness, part of the group life of the soul on its own level; this is the true meaning of intuitional telepathy).  6) Telepathic work between soul, mind and brain (in this stage the mind still remains the recipient of impression from the soul but, in its turn, it becomes a transmitting agent or communicator).  In time, and as the result of technical training, the disciple can reach the mind and brains of other disciples; it constitutes one of the major rewards of right meditation and involves true responsibility.  This program was recorded on 22 Oct 2021.   Approximately 2 hrs.

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Audio 120MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 8:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 19– 20, continuation of section III Three Types of Telepathy: Instinctual, Mental, and Intuitional. Intuitional telepathy is one of the developments on the Path of Discipleship and is one of the fruits of true meditation. The area involved is the head and throat, and the three centers which will be rendered active in the process are the head center (receptive to impression from higher sources), and the ajna center (the recipient of the idealistic intuitional impressions); the ajna can then broadcast what is received and recognized using the throat center as the creative formulator of thought.  Anything going on in connection with consciousness is externalized on the physical plane, and deals with developing sensitivity to impression.  In reviewing the parallels between the 3 modes of telepathic work and the 3 major ways of communicating, we see that instinctual telepathy relates to the telegraph, to train travel with stations everywhere.  Mental telepathy relates to the telephone, to ocean travel with ports on the edges of all lands.  And Intuitional telepathy relates to the radio, to air travel.  This program was recorded on 21 Oct 2021.   Approximately 1.3 hrs.

Video 644MB .mp4 file
Audio 80MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 7:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 16– 19, beginning section III Three Types of Telepathy: Instinctual, Mental, and Intuitional. These three produce differing modes of activity and tap differing areas of communication.  Instinctual telepathy is based on those impacts of energy which come from one etheric body and make an impression upon another. The medium of communication employed is the etheric substance of all bodies, which is necessarily one with the etheric substance of the planet. The area around the solar plexus is sensitive to the impact of etheric energy, for this area in the etheric body is in direct “touch” with the astral body, the feeling body. This instinctual response to etheric contact was the mode of communication in Lemurian times, and largely took the place of thought and of speech. In our race, the Aryan, instinctual telepathic work is still the major expression of this spiritual possibility, but at the same time mental telepathy is becoming increasingly prevalent. This will be more and more so, as time goes on. It is most difficult in this transition period to define, or differentiate, the peculiar areas involved, because the solar plexus is still exceedingly active. What we have today is a mixture of instinctual telepathy and the beginning of mental telepathy. This manifests, however, very seldom, and then only in the educated classes. The throat center is primarily involved where mental telepathy is concerned; there is also sometimes a little heart activity and always a measure of solar plexus reaction. Hence our problem. Frequently the communicator will send a message via the throat center, and the recipient will still use the solar plexus. The throat center is the center, par excellence, of the medium, of all creative work. The heart and the throat, however, must eventually be used in synthesis. The energies that link and bind come only from the heart center.  It was for this reason that DK assigned certain meditations which stimulated the heart center into action, linking the heart to the head center through the medium of the thousand petalled lotus. This heart center, when adequately radiatory and magnetic, relates disciples to each other and to all the world. It will also produce that telepathic interplay which is so much to be desired and which is so constructively useful to the spiritual Hierarchy—provided it is established within a group of pledged disciples dedicated to the service of humanity. They can then be trusted.  This program was recorded on 21 Oct 2021.   Approximately 2 hrs.

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Audio 121MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 6:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 11 – 16, covering the entire section II Telepathic Work. Telepathy will only be understood when the nature of force, of emanations and radiations, and of energy currents is better grasped. This is rapidly coming about as science penetrates more deeply into the arcana of energies and begins to work—as does the occultist—in the world of forces. It is only as the centers employed are consciously used that we have that carefully directed which will be fruitful. For instance, an emotional person, using primarily the solar plexus center will have difficulty entering into rapport with a mental type.  The two parties concerned are using different centers and are sensitive to certain types of force and closed to others. All who seek to tread the Path of Discipleship are endeavoring to live in the head center, and—through meditation—to bring in the power of the soul. The problem which you face, as disciples learning telepathic sensitivity, is founded on two things: which of your three bodies is the most active, and which center is the most expressive in your equipment (where your life energy is predominantly focused and your sentient energy expresses itself the most). The third type of telepathic work is that from soul to soul; this is the highest type of telepathic work possible to humanity and is that form of communication which has been responsible for all the inspirational writings of real power, the world Scriptures, the illumined utterances, the inspired speakers, and the language of symbolism. It only becomes possible where there is an integrated personality, and, at the same time, the power to focus oneself in the soul consciousness. The mind and the brain have, at the same time, to be brought into perfect rapport and alignment.  Telepathic communication is also between a Master and His disciples, a Master and His group, between subjective and objective groups, between the Hierarchy and groups of disciples on the physical plane, and between the Hierarchy and the New Group of World Servers.  I would remind you right at the outset that sensitivity to the thoughts of one’s Master, sensitivity to the world of ideas, and sensitivity to intuitional impressions are all forms of telepathic sensitivity.  This program was recorded on 21 Oct 2021.   Approximately 2.25 hrs.

Video 863MB .mp4 file
Audio 119MB .mp3 file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 5:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 8 – 11, completing I The Field of Telepathic Interplay. In connection with disciples and aspirants, it is presumed that their minds are somewhat attuned to the soul, and that their soul, mind and brain are coordinated and are beginning to function as a unit. This is the individual responsibility. Now comes the task of learning to be responsive to the group and to find and contact those minds which are energized by similar thought currents. The undeveloped human being and the unthinking, non-mental man or woman can be and often are telepathic, but the center through which they work is the solar plexus. The line of communication is, therefore, from solar plexus to solar plexus (this is instinctual telepathy and concerns feeling in every case). Later, when group work in telepathy is undertaken, the centers of transmission where high and consecrated feeling, devotion, aspiration and love are concerned and where the groups work with pure love, communication will be from heart to heart, and from a group heart to another group heart. The second form of telepathic work is that of mind to mind; only mental types are involved, and the more that emotion and strong desire can be eliminated, the more accurate the work will be. With this work an attitude of non-attachment is of real assistance. Emotion and desire for anything on the part of the receiving agent creates streams of emanating energy which repulses that which seeks to make contact, such as the directed thought of someone seeking rapport. When these streams are adequately strong, they act like a boomerang and return to the emanating center, being attracted back there by the power of the vibration which sent them forth. This program was recorded on 16 Oct 2021.   Approximately 1.8 hrs.

Video 731MB .mp4 file
Audio 106MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 4:   Michael continues his comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 5 – 8, a continuation of I The Field of Telepathic Interplay. The second law governing telepathic communication is “in union is strength.”  The interplay of many minds produces a unity of thought which is powerful enough to be recognized by the brain. When each member of the group can function in his mind-consciousness, untrammeled by the brain or the emotional nature, he will discover the universality of the mental principle which is the first exoteric expression of the soul consciousness. He will then enter into the world of ideas, becoming aware of them through the sensitive receiving plate of the mind, and he seeks to find those who respond to the same type of ideas and who react to the same mental impulse, simultaneously with himself (discovering he is en rapport with them).  The understanding of the first law produces results in the mind or mental body; the understanding of the second law produces results in a lesser receiving station, the brain, through the strengthening of a man’s own mental reaction by the mental reaction of others. This process has been used by adepts, senior disciples, and initiates in physical bodies; now the process can be extended and developed by the emerging group of mystics and world servers who constitute, in embryo, the world Savior.  Only those who know something of the meaning of concentration and meditation and who can hold the mind steady in the light will be able to understand this thought-directing process and who has aligned his brain, his mind, and his soul.  The etheric body of the planetary Logos is swept into activity by His directed will; energy is the result of His thoughtform playing in and through His energy body. This thoughtform embodies and expresses His world Purpose. Advanced humanity, the mystics and the knowers, are becoming increasingly aware of the mind which directs the evolutionary process. When this awareness is cultivated and the individual mind is brought consciously into contact with the mind of God as it expresses itself through the illumined mind of the Hierarchy of adepts, we shall have the steady growth of omniscience. This program was recorded on 16 Oct 2021.   Approximately 1.3 hrs.

Video 566MB .mp4 file
Audio 78MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 3:   Michael continues his initial comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 2 – 5, a continuation of The Field of Telepathic Interplay.  We use the word God to signify the expression of the One Life which animates every form on the outer objective plane. The etheric or energy body of every form in nature is an integral part of the etheric body of the planet itself and consequently of the solar system. Through this medium, every human being is related to every other expression of the Divine Life, minute or great. The etheric body is composed of myriads of threads of force or tiny streams of energy, held in relation to the emotional and mental bodies and to the soul by their coordinating effect. Through the etheric body, energy circulates from some mind; with humanity in the mass, response is made unconsciously to the rulings of the Universal Mind. Within the human family are also the inner group of Thinkers who work in mental matter and control from the subjective side of life the emergence of the great plan and the manifestation of divine purpose.  This group of Thinkers falls into seven main divisions and is presided over by three great Lives or super-conscious Entities (the Manu, the Christ, and the Mahachohan). The function of a disciple who is receptive to the impression of the group of Thinkers and Hierarchy is to focus a stream of energy of some special kind upon the physical plane where it can become an attractive center of force and draw to itself similar types of ideas and thought currents which are not strong enough to live by themselves or to make a sufficiently strong impact upon the human consciousness.  This program was recorded on 14 Oct 2021.   Approximately 1.3 hrs.

Video 623MB .mp4 file
Audio 80MB .m4a file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 2: Michael continues his initial comments about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Section One – Teachings on Telepathy pages 1 – 2; beginning The Field of Telepathic Interplay with a preliminary discussion about the nature of ether. DK tells us that one distinguishing characteristic of world servers is that they understand the outer organization is practically non-existent; rather they are held together by the inner structure of thought and telepathic inter-relation.   In the new groups are collected together people who are very diverse in their nature, in ray structure, who are of different nationalities, and also equal diversity in the life experience of the souls concerned.  When the Biblical words are used: “In Him we live and move and have our being,” we have the statement of a fundamental law in nature: Omnipresence. It has its basis in the substance of the universe, what scientists call ether covering the ocean of energies which are all inter-related and which constitute that one synthetic energy body of our planet.  Ether is the great means of providing omnipresence, ubiquity, or “everywhereness.”  This program was recorded on 13 Oct 2021.   Approximately 45 min.

Video 294MB .mp4 file
Audio 41MB .mp3 file

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Program 1:   Michael began his discussion about Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle by reviewing the foundational charts at the beginning of the book.   This program was recorded on 12 Oct 2021.   Approximately 40 min.

Video 253MB .mp4 file
Audio 39MB .m4a file
Charts and Graphs (zipped file of multiple files)