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About Makara BLOG

This blog is an INTERFACE MENU or partial overview of the massive MAKARA archive (see footnote) *

Helpful Hint! — many links take you AWAY from this site — to either the (html root) makara.us website itself, another website, or a link that will open or download a document or video, etc. To return to this MAKARA BLOG ‘super menu’, bookmark it, or keep one of the pages open in a separate browser tab or window, or you can use a browser’s BACK button. 


Hello friends,

Many of you know us and have appreciated these resources for years; thank you for your essential donations to help us continue this work.
For those new to us, these resources are primarily created and maintained by a volunteer army, seeking to improve and expand the study material for the trans-Himilayan, Bailey, Roerich, Blavatsky community, and helpful related studies. While our educational services and these resources are provided free of charge, they are of course not without cost. Your donations are invited and very much appreciated and applied towards expanding and furthering the Work!

To help or learn more, please contact our educational outreach, Morya Federation.

If you’re eager to meet up, check out the Seven Ray Institute. We host annual conferences each Spring in Phoenix area, Arizona, and would love to meet you!

We do not plan to include active communication on this makara.us/portal blog site. Please find us on Facebook under Morya Federation, or use the “contact us” page and our free online education and meditation programs on our Morya Federation website.  You are also welcome to email Contact@MoryaFederation.com

Thank you for reaching out!


* FOOTNOTE of MAKARA history and associations.

Makara.us began in early 2004 to be a repository of the best ageless wisdom resources. Now over 15 years later, Makara contains an impressive depth of material, including the completed works and associated projects of Michael David Robbins, as President of the University of the Seven Rays, and its primary educational component, the Morya Federation.

With Seven Ray Institute, we offer some exclusive products and services, and for over three decades have hosted annual conferences each Spring with esotericists around the globe attending.

These three sites serve as outposts for the serious students of the Tibetan’s Teachings as put forth by Alice A. Bailey, in the 24 books published by Lucis Trust, with related, reinforcing studies and practices.

Looking for something from the original site or want to contact the webmaster? Many old pages on makara are not linked; however they may still show up, so if you bump into history lane, let me know. Use the Contact@MoryaFederation.com address please.


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