Blessed Ones — Webinar Commentaries by Michael D. Robbins.
Commentary on the psychology of the Monad and its Pilgrimage in the book Esoteric Psychology II by Alice A. Bailey
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Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 13 covers pages 43-44, and is about one hour long. Topics include: Analysis of “a few succinct and terse phrases” for the expression of Monads on Ray VII. Conclusion.
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 13 207 MB .wmv file
Video of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 13 by Michael Robbins.
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 13 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 13 by Michael Robbins
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 12 covers pages 42-43, and is truncated at 40 minutes. Topics include: Analysis of “a few succinct and terse phrases” for the expression of Monads on Ray VI.
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 12 114 MB .wmv file
Video of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 12 by Michael Robbins.
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 12 39 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 12 by Michael Robbins
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 11 covers pages 41-42, and is about one hour long. Topics include: Analysis of “a few succinct and terse phrases” for the expression of Monads IV and V.
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 11 235 MB .wmv file
Video of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 11 by Michael Robbins.
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 11 67 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 11 by Michael Robbins
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 10 covers pages 39-40, and is about one hour long. Topics include: Analysis of “a few succinct and terse phrases” for the expression of Monads I, II and III.
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 10 225 MB .wmv file
Video of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 10 by Michael Robbins.
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 10 72 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 10 by Michael Robbins
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 9 covers page 39, and is about one hour long. Topics include: The Blessed One Stanza for the Ray Seven Monad
“The Blessed One sought the pathway into forms but held [Page 39] with firmness to the hand of the Magician. He sought to reconcile the Pilgrim, who was himself, to life in form. He sought to bring the world of disorder in which he found himself into some kind of order. He wandered far into the deepest depths and became immersed in chaos and disorder. He could not understand, yet still held to the hand of the Magician. He sought to bring about that order that his soul craved. He talked with all he met, but his bewilderment increased.
To the Magician thus he spoke: ‘The ways of the Creator must be good. Behind all that which seems to be, must be a Plan. Teach me the purpose of it all. How can I work, immersed in deepest matter? Tell me the thing that I must do?’
The Magician said: ‘Listen, O Worker in the furthest world, to the rhythm of the times. Note the pulsation in the heart of that which is divine. Retire into the silence and attune yourself unto the whole. Then venture forth. Establish the right rhythm; bring order to the forms of life which must express the Plan of Deity.’
For this Blessed One release is found in work. He must display his knowledge of the Plan by the sounding of those words which will evoke the Builders of the forms and thus create the new.”
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 9 302 MB .wmv file
Video of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 9 by Michael Robbins.
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 9 84 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 9 by Michael Robbins
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 8 covers page 38, and is about one hour long. Topics include: The Blessed One Stanza for the Ray Six Monad
“The Blessed One caught the vision of the Way, and followed the Way without discretion. Fury characterised his efforts. The way led down into the world of dual life. Between the pairs of opposites, he took his stand, and as he swung pendent between them, fleeting glimpses of the goal shone forth. He swung in mid-heaven. He sought to swing into that radiant place of light, where stood the door upon the higher Way. But ever he swung between the pairs of opposites.
He spoke at last within himself: ‘I cannot seem to find the Way. I try this way, and tread with force that way, and always with the keenest wish. I try all ways. What shall I do to find The Way?
A cry went forth. It seemed to come from deep within his heart: ‘Tread thou, O Pilgrim on the Way of sensuous life, the middle, lighted way. It passes straight between the dual worlds. Find thou that narrow, middle way. It leads you to your goal. Seek that perceptive steadiness which leads to proved endurance. Adherence to the chosen Way, and ignoring of the pairs of opposites, will bring this Blessed One upon the lighted way into the joy of proved success.'”
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 8 242 MB .wmv file
Video of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 8 by Michael Robbins.
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 8 75 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 8 by Michael Robbins
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 7 covers pages 37-38, and is about one hour long. Topics include: The Blessed One Stanza for the Ray Five Monad
“The Blessed One came forth in ignorance. He wandered in a darkness deep of spirit. He saw no reason for this way of life. He sought among the many threads that weave the [Page 38] outer garment of the Lord, and found the many ways there be, leading to the centre of the web eternal. The forms that weave that web hide the divine reality. He lost himself. Fear entered in.
He asked himself: ‘Another pattern must be woven; another garment formed. What shall I do? Shew me another way to weave.’
The Word for him came forth in triple form. His mind responded to the vision clear evoked:—’The truth lies hidden in the unknown Way. The Angel of the Presence guards that Way. The mind reveals the Angel and the door. Stand in that Presence. Lift up thine eyes. Enter through that golden door. Thus will the Angel, who is the shadow of the Blessed One, reveal the open door. That Angel too must disappear. The Blessed One remains and passes through that door into the light sublime.'”
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 7 263 MB .wmv file
Video of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 7 by Michael Robbins.
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 7 73 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 7 by Michael Robbins
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 6 covers page 37, and is about one hour long. Topics include: The Blessed One Stanza for the Ray Four Monad;
“The Blessed One rushed forth to combat. He saw existence as two warring forces, and fought them both. Loaded with the panoply of war, he stood midway, looking two ways. The clash of battle, the many weapons he had learned to use, the longing not to fight, the thrill of finding those he fought were but brothers and himself, the anguish of defeat, the paean of his victory,—these held him down.
The Blessed One paused and questioned: ‘Whence come the victory and whence defeat? Am I not the Blessed One Himself? I will invoke the angels to my aid.’
The trumpet sound went forth: ‘Rise up and fight, and reconcile the armies of the Lord. There is no battle. Force the conflict to subside; send for the invocation for the peace of all; form out of two, one army of the Lord; let victory crown the efforts of the Blessed One by harmonising all. Peace lies behind the warring energies.'”
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 6 207 MB .wmv file
Video of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 6 by Michael Robbins.
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 6 65 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 6 by Michael Robbins
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 5 covers page 37, and is about one hour long. Topics include: The Blessed One Stanza for the Ray Three Monad:
“The Blessed One gathered force. He hid himself behind a veil. He rolled himself within that veil, and deeply hid his face. Naught could be seen but that which veiled, and active motion. Within the veil was latent thought.
The thought reached forth: ‘Behind this veil of maya I stand, a Blessed One, but unrevealed. My energy is great, and through my mind I can display the glory of divinity. How can I, therefore, demonstrate this truth? What shall I do? I wander in illusion.’
The word went forth: ‘All is illusion, O Dweller in the shadows. Come forth into the light of day. Display the hidden glory of the Blessed One, the glory of the One and Only. The glory and the truth will rapidly destroy that which has veiled the truth. The prisoner can go free. The rending of the blinding veil, the clear pronouncing of the truth, and practice right will render to the Blessed One that golden thread which will provide release from all the maze of earth existence.'”
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 5 202 MB .wmv file
Video of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 5 by Michael Robbins.
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 5 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 5 by Michael Robbins
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 4 covers pages 36-37, and is about one hour long. Topics include: 1) The Blessed One Stanza for the Ray One Monad;
“The Blessed One flies like an arrow into matter. He destroys (or ruptures) the way by which he might return. He grounds himself deeply in the depths of form.
He asserts: ‘I will return. My power is great. I will destroy all obstacles. Nothing can stop my progress to my goal. Around me lies that which I have destroyed. What must I do?’
The answer comes: ‘Order from chaos, O Pilgrim on the way of death, this is the way for you. Love you must learn. Dynamic will you have. The right use of destruction for the furtherance of the Plan, must be the way for you. Adherence to the rhythm of the planet will release the hidden Blessed One and order bring.'”
2) the Blessed One Stanza for the Ray Two Monad;
“The Blessed One built him an ark. Stage by stage he built it, and floated upon the bosom of the waters. Deeply he hid himself, and his light was no more seen,—only his floating ark.
His voice was heard: ‘l have built and strongly built, but am a prisoner within my building. My light is hidden. Only my word goes forth. Around me lie the waters. Can I return from whence I came? Is the word strong enough to open wide the door? What shall I do?’
The answer came: ‘Build now an ark translucent, which can reveal the light, O Builder of the ark. And by that light you shall reveal the lighted way. The power to build anew, the right use of the Word, and the using of the light,—these will release the Blessed One, deep hidden in the ark.'”
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 4 201 MB .wmv file
Video of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 4 by Michael Robbins.
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 4 67 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 4 by Michael Robbins
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 3 covers pages 29-36, and is about one hour long. Topics include: 1) apparent contradictions are always found in the descriptions of the Blessed Ones; 2) for instance, the Blessed Ones are “naught” yet they are all that is; 3) in the ability to reconcile the paradoxes comes the understanding of the Blessed Ones; 4) a wonderful injunction which should be memorized; 5) Four Ways which stretch before the disciples of the Lord of the World: the Way of Release, the Way of Loneliness, the Way which leads to the Mountaintop of Isolation, the Way of Purification; 6) a wonderful paragraph by the Tibetan describing the Way we must tread—also worthy of memorization; 7) the released inner Being can enter at will the “four gates into the City of Shamballa”; 8) single words to describe the requirements: liberation, loneliness, detachment, isolated unity, purification; 9) to know the goal is of service at this point in time; 10) the true definition of a Blessed One as “One who is perfectly expressing some ray quality through some chosen phenomenal appearance, which is assumed at will for purpose of service, but which in no way constitutes a limitation and in no way holds the Blessed One a prisoner, because His consciousness is in no way identified with the phenomenal appearance, nor with the quality it expresses.”; 11) Individualization and the Seven Rays; 12) seven stanzas which properly understood give the key to the new psychology; 13) various ways of describing the Monad;
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 3 234 MB .wmv file
Video of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 3 by Michael Robbins.
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 3 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 3 by Michael Robbins
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 2 covers pages 31-33, and is about one hour long. Topics include: 1) the greater awareness always includes the lesser; 2) the state of Being of the liberated and enlightened spiritual Existence includes all states of activity and awareness which have preceded the liberated, enlightened state; 3) from hell, to heaven, to Nirvana; 4) from personal ego, to group soul, to pure intuitional life; complete freedom from all vibratory impressions; 5) nothing, however, is lost of faculty or consciousness previously acquired; 6) wonderful quotations from The Old Commentary; 7) the flashing forth of the Buddha at the time of Wesak tells much concerning the nature of the Blessed Ones; 8) the listing of apparently contradictory aphorisms to illustrate the elevated spiritual status of the Blessed Ones; 9) the Blessed Ones are obviously the Monad-in-extension, or the Monad-in-attenuation; 10) we are studying monadic psychology.
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 2 195 MB .wmv file
Video of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 2 by Michael Robbins.
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 2 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 2 by Michael Robbins
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 1 covers pages 29-31, and is about one hour long. Topics include: 1) Individualization, Initiation, and Identical—three steps of human progress. 2) a study of the meaning of higher identifications; 3) the “Relinquished Point”; 4) the end of all self-centeredness; 5) the two points of individual in the long history of the soul: identification with form life and identification with all that lies outside of form expression and is released from it; 6) only such great Lives as the Christ and the Buddha really know what this kind of identification means; 7) qualities gained while identified with form life remain and can be used in the stage of identification with that which is beyond form; 8) Livingness, Being, Wholeness and Unity are distinctive of realization through identification; 9) absorption into the One Life; 10) freedom from both form and ego; 11) the usefulness of the “Doctrine of Negation” when describing the higher states of consciousness; 12) identification as a state of “No-Thing and Non-Ego”; 13) the inadequacy of current language to describe these states; 14) in the state of identification only the macrocosmic Life is sentiently realized; all individual reactions to matter and to egoic states have dropped away.
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 1 209 MB .wmv file
Video of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 1 by Michael Robbins.
Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 1 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Blessed Ones Webinar Commentary 1 by Michael Robbins