Laws of the Soul—the Seven Laws of Group Life
Laws of the Soul — Webinar Commentaries by Michael D. Robbins.
Commentary on the book Esoteric Psychology II by Alice A. Bailey
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Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 25 covers EP II pages 193-200, and is about three hours long. Topics include: 1): presentation of five statements touching on the relationship between outer groups and their prototypical inner groups; 2): the fourth of five statements describing the nature of the newly forming groups: Statement 4: “They are also an experiment which has for its objective the manifestation of certain types of energy which will produce cohesion, or an at-one-ment, upon earth.”; 3): for review, Statements 1, 2, 3 are as follows: Statement 1: “They are an experiment in founding or starting focal points in the human family through which certain energies can flow out into the entire race of men. These energies are ten in number.”; Statement 2: “They are an experiment in inaugurating certain new techniques in work and in modes of communication.”; Statement 3: “They are the externalisation of an inner existing condition”; 4): new energies must be imposed upon energies which over the centuries have established a definite momentum; 5): the new emerging groups must establish harmony amongst themselves; 6): presentation of a new section: “Astrology and the New Groups”; 7): the Law of Group Progress swept into greater power in May, 1936; 8): the Law of Group Progress produces coherence in the units of a group, for good or for ill; 9): within any group thus affected “The recognitions eventuating are those of group affinity, group objective, and group goal.”; 10): one of the factors inducing coherence amongst the units of these new emerging groups is “group idealism”; 11): the members of such groups can register in the brain that which the soul has imparted; 12): the augmentation in December of 1935 of the energies of the constellation Capricorn by the energies of a still greater constellation; 13): discussion of the possible magnitude of this constellation and of the analogy given—that it is to our zodiac what the zodiac is the Earth!; 14): the possible meaning of the revolution of our entire zodiac of constellations around a cosmic center; 15): the availability of Capricornian energies throughout the coming Aquarian Age; 16): discussion of the Festival Week of the New Group of World Servers as a “week of group impact” of the energies of Capricorn; 17): the potency of the Capricorn Full Moon if it falls within the Festival Week of the New Group of World Servers; 18): if there are three members of the New Group of World Servers in any outer group that outer group can be considered connected to the inner group of New Group of World Servers; 19): the membership of the New Group of World Servers is most closely linked on the mental plane; 20): for an individual to become a conscious functioning member of the New Group of World Servers the following requirements are necessary: a): his awakened heart center must be rapidly linked with the heart centers of eight other individuals; groups of nine awakened aspirants can be consciously absorbed into the heart center of the Planetary Logos; b): “The head centre must also be in process of awakening, and the ability to ‘hold the mind steady in the light’ must be somewhat developed.”; c): “Some forms of creative activity must likewise be found and the server must be active along some humanitarian, artistic, literary, philosophic or scientific lines.”; 21): the head, heart and throat centers of such disciples will be linked; this will increasingly be the case for humanity as a whole; thus “triangles of fiery light” will be formed; 22): all this indicates the “Way of Group Progress”; 23): there follows an illuminating tabulation summarizing the first five Laws of the Soul: discussed are the law, the effect, the general physical effect, the inner psychological reaction and the quality developed through the expression of each of these five laws; 24): in this tabulation, new and illuminating information is given which sheds additional light on everything said bout the Laws of the Soul in the sections dedicated to the explanation of these laws; 25): a brief, speculative analysis of the Law of Expansive Response; 26): a brief speculative analysis of the Law of the Lower Four; 27): these laws apply to those who have direct connect to the inner archetypal prototypical groups of which the outer groups are an expression; 28): the coming of an era of peace to humanity—a peace based upon spiritual understanding and not upon an astral condition; 29): discussion of the emergence of the soul qualities—serenity and joy; 30): “These two qualities of the soul—serenity and joy—are the indications that the soul, the ego, the One Who stands alone, is controlling or dominating the personality, circumstance, and all environing conditions of life in the three worlds.”
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Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 25 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 25 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 24 covers EP II pages 183-193, and is about two hours long. Topics include: 1): “The Characteristics of the New Groups”; 2): the outer organization of the New Group of World Servers is fine, nebulous, tenuous; 3): the group is held together by an inner structure of thought and telepathic relationship; 4): within the membership of the New Group of World Servers there is both a diversity of outer life and soul life; 5): the etheric nature of the members of the New Group of World Servers is one of the paramount factors holding this group together; 6): the members of the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet is called an “inner group of Thinkers”; 7): this inner group is divided into seven major divisions; 8): the new outer groups are externalizations of groups which have hitherto operated only subjectively, inspired by the Hierarchy; 9): there is increasingly a trend in humanity towards cohesion and integration and it is this which contributes to the possibility of the emergence of outer groups which reflect the nature and function of the inner groups; 10): subjective relationships determine the cohesion of outer relationships; these subjective relationships must be based on soul contact; 11): the new emerging outer groups are slowly forming “pattern-groups”; 12): prospective members of the new, emerging pattern-groups are tested and tried in many ways; membership in such groups is difficult; 13): there is underway, a great group-training experiment initiated by the Spiritual Hierarchy; 14): mutual love, life and interplay characterize a Master’s group in the inner side of life; can the outer groups demonstrate similar characteristics; the Masters are evaluating this; 15): the inner groups are unencumbered by the physical body; the effort is now being made to see of outer groups can be properly related; the encumbrance of the physical body makes this more difficult; 16): in the new groups, the astral-brain reactions should be regarded as non-existent; 17): the emphasis is on mental and egoic relations; 18): the next section presents material on the experimental nature of the groups; 19): the experiment concerning the new groups is fourfold in nature; 20): the first two descriptions of the nature of these groups is as follows: a) “They are an experiment in founding or starting focal points in the human family through which certain energies can flow out into the entire race of men. “; b) “They are an experiment in inaugurating certain new techniques in work and in modes of communication”; 20): there follows a description of ten groups which are roughly identical to the list of the Ten Seed Groups found in DINA I; 21): in some cases the words used are exactly those found in DINA I, but in many other cases the description of different and is illuminating when compared with the descriptions in DINA I; the ninth group seems to vary quite a bit from Seed Group IX as described in DINA I, and yet, obviously, it is the same group; 22): some of the description of the tenth group in this listing makes it seem to have functions similar to Group IX in the DINA I listing; 23): the third description of the nature of these groups now forming (a continuation from the description of the first two found above, a. and b., ) is as follows: c) “They are the externalisation of an inner existing condition.”; 24): four requirements necessitated in the outer groups vis-à-vis the inner groups are listed.
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Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 24 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 24 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 23 covers EP II pages 179-183, and is about one hour long. Topics include: 1): new groups of “free souls” are now coming into existence; they are welded together by united aspiration and objective; 2): they recognize no authority but that of their own souls and submerge their interests in those of the group; 3): group achievement along these lines will tend to raise humanity as a whole and thus this Law of Group Progress is, esoterically, called the Law of Elevation; 4): probationers and disciples have attempted to raise the race and failed, but the Masters of the Wisdom will succeed; 5): aspirants and disciples can learn to cooperate with this “raising”; 6): the New Group of World Servers can stand between the “dead Master” and the “living Masters” and will facilitate the raising of humanity; 7): the New Group of World Servers “is the first attempt to form a group which would work as a group and attempt a world task.”; 8): the formation of the new groups are an experiment in group activity and are not formed primarily for the perfection of the individual in the group; 9): the work to be done by the new groups is largely upon mental levels; 10): presentation of a list of requirements of those who would learn to work in the new groups; 11): “This contemplated group unity will have its roots in group meditation, or in the contemplative life”; this will work out in some form of group activity; 12): Within such groups “each person will he regarded as a transmitter of the type of energy which is the predominant energy in any ray type, either egoic or personality rays.”; 13): “we must all learn to think of each other as souls, and not as human beings “; 14): the new groups in process of formation must all achieved; group unity, group meditation and group activity; 15): the first and foremost requirements are group integrity and group cohesion; 16): “For the individual it should be remembered that purity of body, control of the emotions, and stability of mind are fundamental requirements and should be the goal of the daily practice.”; 17): “The subjective linking of each group member with each, and the emergence of a group consciousness is a vital objective for the next few decades.”; 18): through these emerging, new groups, it may be possible to restore some of the Ancient Mysteries.
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Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 23 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 23 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 22 covers EP II pages 174-179, and is about one hour long. Topics include: 1): study of the Law of Group Progress; 2): esoterically this fifth Law of the Soul is called the Law of Elevation; 3): its symbol is the “Mountain and the Goat”; 4): this law expresses the progressive energy of the seventh ray and deals with the factor of evolution; 5): this law veils deeply hidden esoteric truths; 6): discussion re the necessity or all disciple-in-training to practice discrimination; 7): the necessary discriminations become ever more subtle; 8): presentation of a list of nine types of discrimination required of the advancing disciple; these nine reveal how very subtle the process of discrimination can become; 9): when the rule of the soul is firmly established, the nine subtle discriminations listed and many others will become “instinctual reactions”; 10): “Intuitional response is the name we give to the instinctual life of the soul”; 11): indication of the paradoxes surrounding the injunction, “learn to discriminate”; 12): the Law of Group Progress can only have an effect in the life of the disciple who is pledged and accepted; 13): the Law of Group Progress must be obeyed instinctively, intuitively and intellectually; 14): initiation is always self-initiated; 15): discussion of three requirements for those who would respond to the Law of Group Progress; among them, decentralization, instinctive service and the ability to use the mind in two directions; 16): readiness for more light is indicated by one’s response to the Law of Group Progress; 17): listing of the modes of functioning and liabilities of groups which have been formed in the past—they have largely been selfish; 18): such functioning is fundamentally different from those groups which are learning to function under the Law of Group Progress.
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Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 22 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 22 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 21 covers EP II pages 172-174, and is about one hour long. Topics include: 1): this program presents an illuminating review of the first four Laws of the Soul: the Law of Sacrifice, the Law of Magnetic Impulse, the Law of Service, and the Law of Repulse; 2): the Tibetan offers different perspectives than were offered in the exposition of each of these laws; 3): the brief summaries are well work studying; 4): some words from the Old Commentary describe the result of obeying the Law of Repulse.
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Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 21 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 21 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 20 covers EP II pages 157-172, and is about three hours long. Topics include: 1): the story of man’s relationship to desire is the story of his search for happiness, joy and bliss; 2): this is also the story of man’s progression from instinct, to intellect, to illumination and finally to identification; 3): the two things which determine the rapidity with which he can bring the Law of Repulse into play: his motive to be of service and his willingness, at any cost, to be obedient to the light within himself; 4): thus, Service and Obedience bring the Law of Repulse into play; 5): discussion of the benefits to the disciple of Service and Obedience; 6): service is the mode par excellence for awakening the heart center and obedience the method for awakening the head center; 7): the urge to serve as the basic urge of the soul of man; “If the urge to satisfy desire is the basic urge of the form life of man, the urge to serve is an equally basic urge of the soul in man.”; 8): “the heart of man is sound but oft asleep”; 9): the watchwords of the disciple, “serve and obey”, have often been distorted in the conventional religious presentation; 10): when service and obedience are understood and followed the law of desire will give way to the Law of Repulse; 11): the Law of Repulse leads to right discrimination and right dispassion; there are also distortions of these faculties; 12): selfish spiritual desire as the major sin of so-called esotericists; 13): on the Path of Discipleship, the Law of Repulse is particularly important; 14): the Law of Repulse is at first very difficult for the disciple to grasp; 15): three things the disciple must do once he recognizes the Law of Repulse; a) he must decentralize himself; b) he must isolate the “Noble Middle Path”; c) he must build the antahkarana or “Path of Light”; “service, an understanding of the Way and the building of the true line of escape” is the task before all modern disciples; 16): “the Central Way” is the path between the pairs of opposites; 17): at the third degree, the Law of Repulse will hold the dominant place in the ruling of the life; 18): repulse considered as “an attitude towards that which is not desirable”; 19): the Law of Repulse involves the devaluation and discarding of that which is not desirable from the perspective of the soul; 20): through discrimination, dispassion and discipline the right choices are made which will set the Law of Repulse into motion; the term “decentralization” should be added to these three and refers to an attitude which removes the personality from its central position in consciousness; 21): the Law of Repulse is also operative on the Path of Initiation but consideration of its function on that Path is too advanced for the average disciple; 22): the presentation of a list of ten opposites between which the disciple must learn to discriminate; 23): the disciple must discover that which is neither of the pairs of opposites and the Central Way which passes between them; this Way the Law of Repulse reveals; 24): only treading the Path of Initiation will reveal the nature of this Central Way and that which is neither of the pairs of opposites; 25): “the Law of Repulse and the pilgrim on the Way of Life”; 26): “The Law of Repulse drives in seven directions, and forces all it thus contacts back to the bosom of the seven spiritual Fathers.”; 27): there is a “Way of Repulsion” for each of the seven ray types; 28): the seven Laws of the Soul lie behind all presentations of truth given out by all spiritual teachers down the ages; 29): DK asks us to find the relationships between the seven Laws of the Soul and the Beatitudes, the stages of the “Noble Eightfold Path”, the Eight Means to Yoga, and the Ten Commandments of the Semitic Religion; 30): by way of example DK relates the Eight Means of Yoga to the Seven Laws of the Soul, and classifies these relationships by ray; 31): DK begins the discussion of the “Seven Directions of the Law of Repulse”; 32): by following these seven directions, each Prodigal Son is drawn back to the Father’s Home on one of seven rays; 33): the impulse to return to the Father’s Home is preceded by the stages of “riotous living”, satisfied desire, satiety and loss of contentment, followed by a period of intense suffering; 34): the seven stanzas dedicated to the Seven Direction of the Law of Repulse are then presented; 35): these stanzas are not analyzed here; they have been analyzed in some hours of previous programming which can be found under the Commentaries on Esoteric Psychology II in the Makara Website; 36): the seven types two whom the Law of Repulse is applied are: the Gardener, Scholar, Weaver, Mixer, Worker, Follower, Magician; 37): DK encourages us to count no cost too great to achieve the revelation brought to us by obeying the Law of Repulse;
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Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 20 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 20 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 19 covers EP II pages 154-157, and is about one hour long. Topics include: 1): discussion of the Law of Repulse and desire; 2): desire as the major problem of humanity; 3): desire underlies the entire psychological problem of humanity; 4): an examination of the various names for “desire” as they appear in psychological theory; 5): desire as an “urgency towards satisfaction”; 6): a list of the categories of desire from the very lowest to the highest conceivable in the human family; 7): all humanity governed and controlled by desire; 8): the relation of desire to the Four Noble Truths propagated by the Buddha; 9): Christ emphasized the need to consider the need of one’s neighbour above one’s own in the attempt to help deliver humanity from his own desire nature; 10): when man’s desires can be turned away from the satisfaction of his own needs they can be turned towards the satisfaction of the needs of the race; 11): the demand of the soul for man’s release from material satisfaction is one of the factors behind the process of reincarnation; 12): the Law of Repulse is strongly involved in orchestrating man’s release from desire for satisfaction in the three lower worlds; 13): the listing of eleven important stages through which average man passes from the early stage of domination by worldly desire to the stage of discipleship, eventually reached.
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Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 19 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 19 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 18 covers EP II pages 151-153, and is about one hour long. Topics include: 1): Postulate 1 connected with the Law of Repulse: the antahkarana and its thread of light are necessary to bring through that which the Law of Repulse conveys; 2): the three higher spiritual laws find themselves reflected in the three lower Laws of the Soul which work through the tiers of petals of the egoic lotus; 3): the first six Laws of the Soul give us the key to the psychological problem of every human being; 4): listing of the seventeen laws through the understanding of which one can arrive at a true understanding of the human being; 5): the Three Cosmic Laws; 6): the Seven Systemic Laws; 7): the Seven Laws of the Soul; 8): the seven minor laws, subsidiary to the Thee Cosmic Laws govern the form side of life; 9): the Seven Laws of the Soul begin to influence the man effectively after he has graduated from the Path of Probation; 10): to grasp and apply all the Seven Laws of the Soul prepares a man for the fourth initiation; 11): discussion of the linking of the seventeen laws to seventeen Masonic Degrees; 12): the fourth or fundamental degree in Masonry; is it the Rose Croix Degree?; 13): discussion of the parallelism between: the eighteen laws, which includes the Law of God’s Synthetic Purpose; the eighteen subplanes through which a man makes his way; the eighteen degrees of Masonry from Entered Apprentice to Rose Croix; the eighteen centers of force through which the spiritual man must work (the three tiers of petals of the egoic lotus plus the “Jewel in the Lotus” are substituted for the four centers on the lower mental plane; 14): the relations between these four lists are “symbolic relations” and will do much to clarify the way of the soul within the body.
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Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 18 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 18 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 17 covers EP II pages 147-150, and is about one hour long. Topics include: 1): discussion of the Law of Repulse; 2): the Law of All Destroying Angels—esoterically; 3): symbol: The Angel with a Flaming Sword; 4): ray energy: the rejecting energy of the first ray; 5): eight characters of the Law of Repulse; 6): the Law of Repulse is an aspect of the Law of Love; the first ray expression of this law is a subray of the second ray; 7): the repulsing Angel guarding the Gate of Paradise acts in love as he repulses the unready, denying them entry; Paradise—a place of danger of the unready; 8): the “Angel with the Flaming Sword” is related to the Tyler in the Masonic Lodge; 9): Paradise has five divisions associated with the first five initiations; 10): the Law of Repulse operates until the time of the “Great Decision”—the sixth initiation; 11): the function of the Law of Repulse is to demonstrate the power of the second aspect of divinity—the Christ-consciousness; 12): threefold discussion of the Law of Repulse; a) the Law of Repulse and the function and quality of desire; b) the Law of Repulse as it expresses itself upon the Paths of Discipleship and Initiation; 13): the seven directions of the Law of Repulse; 14): the Law of Repulse works principally through the soul in all forms, not through the form, per se; 15): the active mind is the medium through which the energies of the Law of Repulse flow; 16): the Law of Repulse reveals the will, plan or purpose of Divine Life; 17): the existence of the antahkarana is necessary if the Law of Repulse is to function; 18): the Law of Repulse and the remaining soul laws convey the influence of the spiritual triad; 19): discussion of the Law of the Soul and the aspects of the egoic lotus or spiritual triad with which they are associated; 20): the Law of Repulse is associated with the atmic level of the spiritual triad; 21): the Law of Repulse relates the atmic level of the spiritual triad to the sacrifice petals of the egoic lotus; 22): the Law of Repulse comes into full functioning at and following the third initiation; 23): tabulation of souls laws four, five and six and their relation to the spiritual triad and to the tiers of petals in the egoic lotus; 24): law four is related to law one; law five is related to law two; law six is related to law three.
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Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 17 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 17 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 16 covers EP II pages 144-146, and is about one hour long. Topics include: 1): review and continuation of the methods of service for those whose soul is upon the sixth ray; 2): of the methods of service for those whose soul is upon the seventh ray 3): discussion of rays to carry out the specific group idea of seven Chohans; 4): Masters study minutely their accepted disciples; 5): the Masters weld together some of their accepted disciples into groups on the outer plane; 6): discussion of the requirements for those who are to be chosen for welding together in this outer plane work; 7): among the qualifications are sensitivity, capacity for group work, dedication and harmlessness; 8): the true server erases out of his consciousness any sense of himself as the central figure in his life drama.
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Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 16 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 16 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 15 covers EP II pages 139-144, and is about two hours long. Topics include: 1): why the New Group of World Servers can emerge today: enough egoic ray types are in incarnation and their personalities are responsive to the energy of their soul; 2): the auras of the members of the New Group of World Servers meet and contact each other; 3): the light radiating from the members of the New Group of World Servers forms a network of light—a magnetic aura; members of the New Group of World Servers are sensitive to the Plan; they carry the forward in their own environment as seems best to them; 4): DK offers some description of the ways in which the seven ray types approach service; He is careful not to say too much lest some seek to force their soul ray into expression before their personality is integrated; also there are those who confuse their soul ray and their personality ray; 5): discussion of the methods of servers whose soul ray is the first; 6): discussion of the methods of servers whose soul ray is the second; 7): discussion of the methods of servers whose soul ray is the third; 8): discussion of the methods of servers whose soul ray is the fourth; 9): discussion of the methods of servers whose soul ray is the fifth; 10): partial discussion of the methods of servers whose soul ray is the sixth.
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Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 15 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 15 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 14 covers EP II pages 131-139, and is about two hours long. Topics include: 1): Discussion of “What are the characteristics of a true server?”; 2): these qualities appear when a man is a true channel for the energy of the soul: a) harmlessness; b) willingness to let others serve as seems best to them; c) joyfulness 3): “the work of the new type of server is directed towards those who are establishing soul contact and who can therefore work under the new incoming Aquarian Law.”; 4): disciples must adhere to the new type of service and not spend their time in modes of service which can easily be handled by those with no esoteric understanding; 5): joyfulness takes the place of criticism and is the silence that sounds; 6): the understand of “sounding joy” and “joyful sounding” can only be understood by living the life of service; 7): Discussion of “What effect does service have upon the mind, emotions and etheric body?”; 8): through the effects of service the existence of an inner reality or Self will be deduced by the scientists of the future; 9): true service is the result of a “tremendous inner happening”; 10): from true service arise a number of “secondary creative causes”; 11): when the true server comes into possession of his instrument of service, then creative work in accordance with the Plan can go forward on all the three lower planes; 12): God limits Himself and expresses Himself through His chosen servers; 13): when the antahkarana is built and functioning (even the first stages of the antahkarana connecting the personality with the soul) the true server begins to emerge; 14): frequent instability of the earlier stages of service; 15): constant repair work is often necessary following the attempted service of the beginner in the field of service; 16): the necessity to root out personal ambition if one is to be a true server; 17): the good of the whole as the motivation of the true server; 18): discussion of the dedication at the end of the Esoteric Catechism; 19): recognition of the Plan of God arises as soul contact stabilizes; 20): the willingness of the true server to become, in his own eyes, a tiny part of a much greater whole; 21): the soul reveals the Plan; the integrated personality reveals the part which the disciple may plan in the revealed Plan; 22): the energy of the soul inclining towards service may deepen the glamours of the astral body if that astral body is already glamoured; 23): the true server hears the “Voice of the Silence” and is not misled by the many voices of the astral plane; 24): the glamor of many servers still longing for personality expression; 25): the following sequence regarding service is important: “devotion to the Plan, to those whom the Plan serves, and to Those Who serve the Plan. “; 26): the energy prompting service galvanizes the etheric body into activity; the physical body follows; 27): the necessity for pausing upon the astral plane before letting the energy of the soul from flowing into the etheric body; 28): the quality of inner thought and desire life determine the outer expression; once the force has reached the etheric body, there is little the average disciple can do; 29): the higher etheric centers are those which are to be activated in true service; 30): introduction to the section on “Distinctive Methods of Ray Service”; 31): the seven ray techniques and methods of service will form the inner core of the coming Science of Service; 32): if the egoic ray of the server is in incarnation, he will work with greater ease and facility; 33): the Masters know which rays are in incarnation at any one time and govern their plans regarding the use of disciples accordingly.
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 14 331 MB .wmv file
Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 14 by Michael Robbins.
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 14 116 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 14 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 13 covers EP II pages124-131, and is about two hours long. Topics include: 1): definition of the term “Service”; 2): service as the “spontaneous effect of soul contact”; 3): service not a quality, activity or method; 4): Service “is a soul urge, and is as much an evolutionary impetus of the soul as the urge to self-preservation or to the reproduction of the species is a demonstration of the animal soul.”; 5): service as a soul instinct; 6): service as “group desire”; 7): service as the “urge to group good”; 8): neither theory nor aspiration will make an individual a server; 9): Christ as the “world’s first Great Server”; 10): Laws of the Soul have an individual effect first and then a group effect; 11): servers must learn to lay emphasis upon soul contact and not upon the form side of life; 12): soul contact is the very essence of service; 13): of service—“What is the field of this science and why do we call it a science?”; 14): the soul contacting the man must bring him to the awareness that he is a “living principle of divinity”; 15): the making of a true server demands that the soul force the man to willingly submit the Law of Sacrifice; 16): the man must learn to “stand in spiritual being”; 17): too much emphasis has been laid upon the aspect of suffering related to the Law of Sacrifice; 18): a period of pain ever precedes enlarged service 19): the spreading of soul radiation through the personality nature in process of subjugation is a natural process and after several lives will produce the server with a world-wide influence; 20): service should be a natural soul expression and not forced by the personality desire to be a server; 21): the point of danger in every life when the theory of service is mistaken for reality; 22): the Forces of Light flow through the mechanism as service in the one who has learned to “stand in spiritual being”; 23): “Harmlessness” is required of the true server; 24): important quotations on Harmlessness both in EP II and from other books; 25): the amazing potentials of Harmlessness as a method of liberation and release; 26): service is a “science” because it is a phenomenal expression of an inner reality; 27): service has a “creative quality” and by right of that quality, service will eventually be recognizes as a world science; 28): Service is a creative urge, a creative impulse and a creative momentous energy; 29): the Science of Service is related to vocational training; 30): the imposition of the Law of Service will bring light to a distracted world; 31): through the imposition of the Law of Service a newer and higher rhythm will be imposed on world affairs; 32): implementing the Law of Service in society is a “definite scientific endeavor”.
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Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 13 by Michael Robbins.
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 13 116 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 13 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 12 covers EP II pages 118-124, and is about two hours long. Topics include: 1): beginning analysis of the Law of Service; 2): related to the sixth ray and to both Aquarius and Pisces; 3): the measure of our success in meditation will be demonstrated by the quality of our service to humanity; 4): three great sciences will emerge during the Age of Aquarius: a) the Science of Meditation; b) the Science of the Antaskarana; c) the Science of Service; 5): the Law of Service may not be escaped; 6): the energies animating the Law of Service come principally from the constellation Aquarius; 7): some of the first effects of the imposition of the Law of Service from Aquarius are negative, such as regimentation and the negation of the value of the individual when compared to the group; 8): a much higher expression of the Law of Service is seen in the kind of service which is rendered by the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet; 9): the Law of Service was expressed for the first time fully by the Christ 2000 years ago; 10): the Law of Service is also called, esoterically, the “Law of Water and the Fishes”; 11): the divine expression of service will be the glory of the coming centuries; 12): discussion of the difference between the symbolic portrayal of the Aquarian Water Bearer and the poised individual with the urn of living water on his head—the symbol of the Law of Service; 13): there is much labor in the Aquarian image and still greater achievement in the symbol of the Law of Service; 14): balance and service are two great impending objectives for humanity; 15): true service is not easy: a discussion of why this is so; 16): despite the difficulty of service there is now a very strong tendency towards its expression; 17): the Tibetan offers a deglamorization of a number of activities which pass for real service but are not; 18): in all these apparent modes of service the true motive (love) is lacking; 19): yet because of the power of the imposition of the energies of Aquarius upon our planet, the tendency towards service is constantly growing; 20): under the energies which impact Earth and human under the impress of the Lord of the Constellation Aquarius, the following developments will occur within humanity; a) the awakening of the heart center in all aspirants and disciples; b) emotionally polarized humanity will be increasingly able to focus in the mind; 21): the energy of the solar plexus will be increasingly transferred to the heart; 22): the development of true feeling is the first step towards group awareness; 23): “the consciousness of the heart” will unfold under the Law of Service; 24): service is offered in a particular way at this time because the energies of Aquarius are impacting the solar plexus of most human beings and not the heart center; 25): most of the service offered today is emotional in nature; 26): instead service must be rendered through a mental response to humanity’s need; 27): the Tibetan poses certain questions about service which He undertakes to answer; 28): His purpose is to prove: a) that service is not a sentiment or an ideal but a scientific procedure; b) that the right understanding of service will lead into the world of meaning and of true values; c) to give some idea about how the Masters of the Wisdom serve at this time.
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Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 12 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 12 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 11 covers EP II pages 113-118, and is about one hour and 43 minutes long. Topics include: 1): much can be accomplished if groups of disciples and aspirants work together rightly as souls; 2): in the Law of Polar personal union is sought; 3): Polar Union is not mystical union; 4): DK provides a list of things which Polar Union is not—all of them of individualapplication; 5): Polar Union is group union; 6): it is meant to reach those Lives which brood over human civilization and Who are so high they work through the Spiritual Hierarchy itself; 7): from these great Lives a “magnetic impulse” can be called forth; 8): the energies of these higher Forces can then reach humanity and transform it; 9): thus, the eyes of humanity will be opened to the basic realities; 10): the grouped world aspirants serve to keep the channel open between the Higher Forces and humanity; 11): the groups and entities involved are as follows: the Forces of Light and the Spirit of Peace; the Planetary Hierarchy; the Buddha; the Christ; the New Group of World Servers and Humanity; 12): the Buddha focuses in Himself the downpouring forces and the Christ the outgoing demand and spiritual aspiration of humanity; 13): the success of the enterprise depends upon the New Group of World Servers; 14): a new relationship between Hierarchy and humanity can be established; 15): the New Group of World Servers will eventually save the world under the Law of Sacrifice; 16): under the Law of Magnetic Impulse an union can be established between the liberated souls and the souls in prison; 17): the members of the New Group of World Servers must come to understand and cooperate with the Law of Magnetic Impulse; 18): all consecrated and selfless souls belong to the New Group of World Servers; 19): the individual reflection of the Law of Polar Union involves the following relationships the world of souls; the Master of his group; the Solar Angel; the aspiring disciple on the lower mental levels; the personality integrated and often troublesome; the aspirant’s environing associates; 20): students can gain release from their limitations by seeing their little unimportant lives in perspective along with the vaster picture; 21): on the plane of soul there is no consciousness of “my soul and thy soul”; 22): the symbol for the Law of Polar Union involving two balls of fire and a triangle relates to the two centers in the head and the triangle which is eventually formed between those two centers and the alta major center; 23): the two balls of fire become alive and intensely stimulated through meditation, service and right aspiration; 24): these centers in the head become “magnetically impelled towards each other”; 25): this is a microcosmic reflection of the larger magnetic impulsion which involves the Higher Forces and humanity; 26): when the triangle in the head is completed and the three laya centers are united in a triangle of fire, there is the indication that the disciple is truly governed by the subjective side of his nature; 27): when this triangle is complete he is governed by the Law of Magnetic Impulse; 28): the higher and lower poles of his nature (soul and personality) are now united; 29): individual aspirants must “learn to cherish a spirit of confidence, of joy and of love, deep and lasting, for each other”; 30): when the fiery triangle in the head is completed the Polar Union has been brought about.
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Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 11 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 11 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 10 covers EP II pages 109-113, and is about one hour long. Topics include: 1): analysis of the Law of Magnetic Impulse; 2): the ajna center is strongly involved as is the sign Libra; 3): there are many expectable things which the Law of Magnetic Impulse is not; 4): it has little to do with the world of form or with the relationship of the soul to form, per se; 5): this law is law closely related to the second ray; 6): it is concerned with “inter-soul” relationship and with the synthesis underlying the form; this is true, really, of all the Laws of the Soul; 7): the Law of Magnetic Impulse governs relationships between seven groups of souls on the higher mental plane; 8): a right understanding of this law leads a man to greater understanding of his subjective life; 9): man’s subjective life is not his personal psychic life; 10): the Law of Magnetic Impulse is very important because “Deity”, i.e., our Solar Logos, is on the second ray; 11): “The Law of Magnetic Impulse is in the soul realm what the Law of Attraction is in the world of phenomena.”; 12): it is the subjective aspect of the Law of Attraction; 13): the Law of Magnetic Impulse is the Law of Attraction as it functions in the Kingdom of Souls; 14): the Law of Magnetic Impulse functions in a dimension beyond the spell of the great Heresy of Separateness, and is, therefore, difficult to explain to those who are conditioned by the active, lower mind; 15): the Solar Angels respond to this law; 16): under this law the egoic lotus unfolds; 17): we can best understand the Law of Magnetic Impulse in the following ways: a): “The impulsive interplay between souls in form and out of form.”; b): “The basis of egoic recognition.”; c): “The factor which produces reorientation in the three worlds.”; d): “The cause of the magnetic rapport between a Master and His group, or a Master and His disciple.”; 18): occultly the Law of Magnetic Impulse is called the “Law of Polar Union”; 19): this law concerns only soul and soul relationships; 20): the Law of Magnetic Impulse governs relationships between larger groups of souls and between the soul aspect of kingdoms of nature; 21): the Law of Magnetic Impulse will eventually be the determining law of the human race; 22): this will not be the case for some time yet; only when the majority of human beings know what it means to function as a soul; 23): under this law humanity will become a transmitter of spiritual energy from the higher to the lower kingdoms of nature; 24): under this law groups of men and women can touch higher spiritual sources and transmit spiritual energy into the three lower worlds; 25): under this law the group carries the individual to greater heights than he could ever achieve alone; 26): the Law of Magnetic Impulse controls human beings within group formation and only within group formation; the relationships in such groups much be soul relationships.
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Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 10 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 10 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 9 covers EP II pages 105-109, and is about one hour long. Topics include: 1): added to the three previous relinquishments is the fourth – relinquishing the sense of responsibility for what other disciples do; 2): this sense of responsibility is based upon “a sense of righteous responsibility, an adherence to principles as they appear to the individual, and the accumulated experience of the disciple,—which is necessarily incomplete experience.”3): the link between disciples is of the soul and not the mind; 4): an inner subjective linking is indispensable; 5): the process which is to salvage our civilization is to be carried forward under the Law of Sacrifice; 6): perfect unanimity and cooperation among servers is not yet possible; 7): differences and divergences will fall away when the inner link between disciples is held in love and when disciples relinquish authority over each other; 8): there are Three Rules: a) “First, see to it that you permit no rift to appear in the inner relation in which you stand to each other”; b) “Secondly, pursue your own duty and task, shoulder your own responsibility, and then leave your fellow disciples to do the same, free from the impact of your thought and criticism.” c): “Thirdly, preserve ever in work the attitude of mind which must grow out of the two rules above, faithfully followed.” 9): There are three interpretations of the three rules: a): “1. Relinquish or sacrifice the age-old tendency to criticise and adjust another’s work, and thus preserve the inner group integrity.”; b): “2. Relinquish or sacrifice the sense of responsibility for the actions of others, and particularly of disciples.”; c): “3. Relinquish the pride of mind which sees its way and its interpretations to be correct and true, and others false and wrong.”; 10): These rules and their interpretations guide the Teachers on the inner side of life; 11): “ …in freedom and in the sense of joy and in the strength of inner cooperative love is the best work done.”; 12): the Teachers look for the sacrifice of the non-essential in favor of the essential; 13): techniques and methods are secondary to the One Humanity; 14): cooperation is indispensable among disciples and nothing must be allowed to interfere with it.
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Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 9 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 9 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 8 covers EP II pages 103-105, and is about one hour long. Topics include: 1): the Relinquishing of Gain is performing action without attachment as in the Bhagavad Gita; 2): the power to detach ourselves from our achieved possessions is latent in our spiritual nature; 3): the soul must relinquish the personality; 4): an important sequence in this process is as follows: dispassion, discrimination, detachment; 5): rose is the color of affection; a rosy cross indicates, for one thing, that the consciousness has affection for that which is to be found upon the cross; 6): the soul must relinquish it tie to other personal selves; other people are to be met only on the plane of soul; 7): many disciples are detached from their own personality self, but still have personal attachment to the intimates, the “near-ones”; 8): such personality attachments are repeatedly taken away from the disciples until at length he or she learns the lesson of impersonality; then all those who were taken away are restored to the disciple, but as souls, on a higher turn of the spiral; the disciple has learned to love them as souls; the real man one gained can never be lost; 9): parents on the Path of Discipleship are taught man lessons in detachment by their children; 10): “to hold, one must detach and to keep, one must release; 11): “The soul has also to learn to relinquish the fruits or gains of service and learn to serve without attachment to results, to means, to persons or to praise”.
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Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 8 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 8 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 7 covers EP II pages 101-103, and is about one hour long. Topics include: 1): 1): the three major monadic ray types express through the seven ray types—either the seven soul rays or, perhaps, the seven subsidiary monadic rays; 2): the formula Three, IV.7. expresses the major ray structure of an individual whose Monad is upon the third ray, his soul upon the fourth ray and his personality upon the seventh ray; 3): to this formula the rays of the three lower vehicles must be added; 4): it is possible to have a fifth ray astral body as the sample ray formula indicates; 5): one should study oneself and others and prepare sample ray charts of the kind here discussed; 6): the painful and sorrowful reactions to the Law of Sacrifice can never be eliminated on Earth or on Saturn and Mars; 7): for our Solar Logos, bliss and sacrifice are synonymous terms; 8): on other planets the Law of Sacrifice is not experienced painfully and sorrowfully; 9): human beings can also experience bliss, ecstasy, exaltation and sublimation of feeling if they are sufficiently advanced spiritually; 10): when a human being escapes on to the plane of unity there is no sorrow or suffering; 11): such escapes usually occur unpredictably in states of heightened emotional intensity and do not last; 12): the antahkarana is the “way of escape” into such states and it can be used consciously and at will; 13): even a partially constructed antahkarana can lead to a temporary and fleeting escape into the higher worlds when such a partial antahkarana is submitted to great excitation; 14): via the antahkarana, the “way of escape” becomes the “way of daily livingness”; 15): esoteric psychology can be understood in terms of the Law of Sacrifice: when this occurs light will be thrown on the following; a) the Saturnian influence in human life; b) the cessation of rebellion or the ending of the Martian influence; c) the building of the antahkarana which releases a man from personality life; d) the evocation of group consciousness; e) the ending of pain and sorrow; f) entrance into Nirvana and the beginning of the real Way.
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Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 7 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 7 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 6 covers EP II pages 99-101, and is about one hour long. Topics include: 1): there is a tremendous mystery in the relationship of certain stupendous Ray Lives to three planets which express their personality; 2): only three Planetary Logoi are aware of pain and suffering as we understand those terms; of the three, our Planetary Logos experiences these states most fully; 3): pain and sorrow are the result of rebellion and divine discontent; the sense of duality contributes to pain and suffering; 4): there is a stage of human consciousness which transcends the perception of duality; 5): consciousness of the underlying consciousness of the whole transcends suffering and immersion in duality; 6): the focus of esoteric schools upon at-one-ment is oriented towards this type of transcendence; 7): there is diversity in the instinct towards betterment; 8): there is the urge towards individual betterment which is essentially selfish; 9): there is the instinct towards the betterment of others—this is service; 10): there is finally the “active application and the complete sacrifice of the lower separated self through the power to “stand in spiritual being”; this indicates the transcendence of the “Earth, Saturn, Mars” consciousness; 11): the contribution of Saturn, Mars and Earth is a major contribution to the whole—the solar systemic whole; 12): the electrical units passing through these schemes gains, through sacrifice, sorrow, suffering, etc., a psychic sensitivity which otherwise would not be possible; 13): there is a prevalence of third ray Monads among the Sons of Men, especially at this time; 14): this monadic Ray of Active Intelligence expresses itself through the seven ray types—either soul ray types of monadic ray types,
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Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 6 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 6 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 5 covers EP II pages 95-99, and is about one hour and 30 minutes long. Topics include: 1): the Law of Sacrifice as the “impulse to give” can be traced through all the kingdoms of nature; 2): the Law of Sacrifice and the work of salvage and salvation; 3): the Law of Sacrifice is related to the instinct to betterment and the urge to progress; 4): the Law of Sacrifice and the instinct to betterment governs the Law of Rebirth; 5): the sacrificial instinct governs both the involutionary and evolutionary arc; 6): there is a dual sacrifice: the sacrifice of the high for the sake of the low and the sacrifice of the low to regain the high; 7): sacrifice under Saturn always involves choosing one way rather than another; sacrificing one way for another; 8): “When this urge to sacrifice in order to win, gain or salvage that which is deemed desirable is understood, then the whole clue to man’s unfoldment will stand revealed”; 9): sacrifice connotes the emergence of that which is most divine in man; 10): sacrifice if the predominant characteristic of Deity; 11): the Law of Sacrifice works out differently on different planetary schemes; 12): the Planetary Logos of our Earth is conditioned by the psychology of the “Divine Rebel”; 13): only rebellion produces pain and sorrow; 14): discussion of a beautiful section of the Old Commentary which describes the descent of our Planetary Logos into the assigned field of service and His rebellion from the task; 15): sacrifice blended with pain, sorrow and difficulty are found on Saturn and Mars; 16): Saturn, Mars and Earth in a curious esoteric manner constitute the personality expression of a stupendous Ray Life; 17): in the case of the three major Rays (and the Beings Who transmit them) three planets constitute the personality expression; 18): concerning this stupendous Ray Life: the mental body expresses through Saturn, the astral body through Mars and the physical body through the Earth; 19): Uranus, Jupiter and Venus are the personality expression of yet another stupendous Ray Life.
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 5 235 MB .wmv file
Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 5 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 5 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 4 covers EP II pages 93-96, and is about one hour long. Topics include: 1): to the higher consciousness, descent into matter is death; 2): “the angels chose to die and in dying, lived”; does this refer to the Solar Angels or to man as an Ego; or to that part of man which is the soul-in-incarnation which, when sacrificing itself, gains new life; 3): the sacrifice of the Solar Angels helps to lift matter into heaven; 4): the mystery of the Solar Angels is the “mystery of the ages”; 5): in itself, the process of sacrifice is deeply mysterious; 6): in the far-distant past, the Monad undertook its ‘Pilgrimage of Sacrifice’ in the spirit of joy; 7): man repeats the supreme sacrifice of the Monad undertaken at the “dawn of time” by a deliberate sacrifice as a world savior—far later in his evolutionary career; 8): the “Sacrifice of a World Saviour” is worked out within himself and also before the world as a spiritual drama; 9): the Drama of the World Saviour can be enacted as either the Christ or the Buddha enacted it; these enactments had different results; 10): for the Christ through the Initiate Jesus it was the drama of death through sacrifice; 11): for the Buddha, it was the drama of the death of personal desire; 12): sacrifice travels in both directions; the death of that which is lower in order to release that which is higher; or the death of that which is higher to relase that which is lower; 13): the many painful emotional and psychological states surrounding the process of sacrifice all occur because man is still identified with the form and not with the consciousness of the soul; 14): the moment a man identifies himself with the soul and not the form, he understands the Law of Sacrifice and is spontaneously governed by it; 15): in this type of sacrifice there is no pain, sorrow or real death involved; 16): World Saviours can appear on all the rays and not just on the second and sixth (as has been emphasized during the Age of Pisces); 17): there is a connection between the Atlantean civilization and the experiences of the Age of Pisces; 18): the work of a World Saviour, on no matter which ray he may appear, is salvage, restitution, renovation and revelation; through sacrifice they accomplish this; 19): they are much misunderstood but their work is good.
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 4 178 MB .wmv file
Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 4 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 4 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 3 covers EP II pages 89-93, and is about one hour and 30 minutes long. Topics include: 1): the Solar Deity is a Great Sacrifice; 2): the same is true also of a Cosmic Deity of that sacrifice we can know nothing; 3): cosmic sacrifice is related to the crucifixion of the Cosmic Christ upon the cross of matter; 4): through the sacrifice of a Great Life, all lower lives contained within it receive opportunity for advancement; 5): we cannot know the reason why a Cosmic Deity undertakes such a sacrifice; even our Solar Logos is a Cosmic Deity; 6): for the very high Initiates, some glimmering of cosmic intent is beginning to dawn; 7): due to the influence of a Cosmic Deity upon our Solar Logos there has developed during human history; a) the power to be more conscious; b) a growing refinement of the form; c) the power to transcend time; d) the power to progress from one dimension to another; e) the control and mastery of the elements in which we habitually live; f) the movement from instinct to intellect and thence to intuition; 8): the sacrifice if a Great Life has made this possible; who is that Life? Is it Sanat Kumara? Is it the Solar God; is it the Cosmic Logos to whom our solar God is related?; 9): a study of the objectives of this great crucified and impelling Being are: a) the development of consciousness; b) the refining of forms; c) the intensification of realised life; 10): the foregoing great eventualities are but the lowest aspect of Divine Purpose; 11): the understanding of Cosmic Purpose persistently deepens; 12): the energy of the fourth ray is directly and appropriately related to the Law of Sacrifice; 13): the fourth ray has so much to do with our solar system, our planet, our Creative Hierarchy, the Fourth, the human kingdom, the fourth; etc. 14): through these fours the Law of Sacrifice is prevalent upon our planet; 15): the fourth ray is the “Ray of Conflict” with a view towards eventual harmony; 16): the fourth ray is a controlling factor in the evolution of our solar system, which is a system of the fourth order; 17): the line-up of fours in relation to our present solar system, shows why our little planet is, at least apparently, so important; 18): since the fourth ray dominates the fourth kingdom of nature and the Fourth Creative Hierarchy, it is now of paramount importance in relation to these two groupings; 19): the position of our planet in the series of solar systems and the position of our solar system in a series of solar systems and in relation to the Cosmic Logos are parallel; 20): under the fourth ray, beauty must be achieved through struggle; 21): the fourth ray is the ‘Ray of Livingness through Death’; 22): it is the ‘Ray of Harmony through Strife; 23): it is the ‘Ray of Union through Diversity and Adversity’; 24): the Solar Angels are “returning nirvanis” and at first, some of them took human beings; 25): we have to learn to what extent we can be considered the “angel” and to what extent the Monad-in-immersion; 26): we as Monads chose to die in order that lesser lives might live; 27): the sacrifice of the Monads and of the Solar Angels has made possible the evolution of the indwelling consciousness of DEITY; 28): for the indwelling life which had worked its way upward through the three lower kingdoms, the sacrifice of the Solar Angels has made possible still further progress; without them (and in our solar system) no further progress would be been made in a timely manner; 29): three kinds of service result from the work of the Solar Angel; a) our service to God; b) our service to other souls; c) our service to the lower kingdoms; 30): all possible human progress is closely related to the Law of Sacrifice.
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 3 259 MB .wmv file
Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 3 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 3 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 2 covers EP II pages 87-89, and is about one hour long. Topics include: 1): Exoterically the name for the first Law of the Soul is the Law of Sacrifice; 2): the esoteric name of the law is the Law of Those Who Choose to Die; 3): the symbol for this law is a Rosy Cross with a golden bird hovering above it; 4): this first Law of the Soul expresses fourth ray energy; 5): this first law is the easiest Law of the Soul for man to understand; 6): the strength of the Law of Sacrifice has been reinforced during the Age of Pisces; 7): the Law of Sacrifice lies at the root of many of the world religions; 8): the death and sacrifice of a deity are related to the liberation and release of those for whom the sacrifice is made; 9): through egocentric distortion the divine Law of Sacrifice has developed a selfish application; 10): the Law of Sacrifice governs the appearance and disappearance of universes, solar systems, planets, human beings, etc.; 11): the creation of worlds and the manifestation of the Creator come under the Law of Sacrifice; 12): the true meaning of sacrifice is “the impulse of giving”; 13): the impulse of giving holds the whole secret of “at-one-ment” and “the forgiveness of sins”; 14): during the Christian Era the emphasis has been laid upon forgiveness and atonement; 15): the true doctrine of sacrifice has been terribly misinterpreted in such doctrines as the “elect of God”, and other doctrines pointing to individual, selfish salvation which ignores the salvation of others; 16): to understand Christ’s Teaching “group implications” must be understood.
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Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 2 by Michael Robbins.
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Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 2 by Michael Robbins
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 1 covers EP II pages 85-87, and is about one hour long. Topics include: 1): the Seven Laws of Group Life; 2): these laws pertain to those who are beginning to live consciously as souls; 3): the LOTS Section concerns the qualities which distinguish all true believers, aspirants and sincere disciples; 4): external virtues are the result of the expression of internal virtues; 5): the soul and the world of the soul are governed by laws which are different from the laws governing personalities; 6): the powers of the soul are today working into expression; they would have been considered magical or superhuman a few centuries ago; 7): certain developments with modern civilization are the guarantee of the innate divinity of man; 8): man’s “godlike” qualities are the expression of his inner potentials; they need to be studied which is not yet generally the case; 9): goodness, super-human powers and these virtues are all related to group life and group expression; 10): all that tends towards unity is evidence of the powers of the soul and its group consciousness; 11): there is a great dualism in today’s idealism;12): one set of ideals emphasizes the value of the individual and its selfish tendencies; 13): the higher set of ideals emphasizes the group and the welfare of the group members—the welfare of the Whole; 14): these ideals are at war and the balance is still tipping towards the individual and the selfish; 15): a point of balance will be achieved; 16): eventually human idealism will be “on the side of the angels”; 17): the Solar Angels will influence the consciousness of humanity; this will not occur for some time; 18): a review of the relationship of the Observer to the personality fields, the soul field and still higher fields; 19): man must learn to live by a new set of principles.
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 1 173 MB .wmv file
Video of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 1 by Michael Robbins.
Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 1 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Laws of the Soul Webinar Commentary 1 by Michael Robbins