Law of Repulse — Webinar Commentaries. (Formerly titled: Old Commentary Commentaries.)
Commentary on the Old Commentary stanzas related to the Law of Repulse by Michael D. Robbins
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Old Commentary Commentaries 4. Here are the audio and video links to Old Commentary Commentaries 4. This deals with the Law of Repulse Ray 6 and Ray 7.
Old Commentary Commentaries 4 908 MB .wmv file
Video of Old Commentary Commentaries 4 by Michael Robbins.
Old Commentary Commentaries 4 122 MB .wma file
Audio of Old Commentary Perpectives 4 by Michael Robbins.
Old Commentary Commentaries 4 161 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Old Commentary Commentaries 4 by Michael Robbins.
Old Commentary Commentaries 3. Here are the audio and video links to Old Commentary Commentaries 3 which includes a commentary on the Direction of Ray 5—Law of Repulse for Ray Five.
Old Commentary Commentaries 3 285 MB .wmv file
Video of Old Commentary Commentaries 3 by Michael Robbins.
Old Commentary Commentaries 3 56 MB .wma file
Audio of Old Commentary Perpectives 3 by Michael Robbins.
Old Commentary Commentaries 3 74 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Old Commentary Commentaries 3 by Michael Robbins.
Old Commentary Commentaries 2. Here are two more Old Commentary Commentaries Programs focusing on the Law of Repulse for souls upon the third and fourth rays. The Law of Repulse represents a significant reorientation in the life of the soul through the personality. Let us see whether we have passed this point of reorientation and firm detachment.
Old Commentary Commentaries 2 433 MB .wmv file
Video of Old Commentary Commentaries 2 by Michael Robbins.
Old Commentary Commentaries 2 88 MB .wma file
Audio of Old Commentary Perpectives 2 by Michael Robbins.
Old Commentary Commentaries 2 116 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Old Commentary Commentaries 2 by Michael Robbins.
Old Commentary Commentaries 1. I have started a new series of Webinar Programs entitled Old Commentary Commentaries. It is my intention to discuss some of the most important and practical sections from the Old Commentary. I am beginning with the Law of Repulse, the Fourth Law of the Soul and this mailing includes my commentary on the Direction of Ray 1 and Ray 2. The Law of Repulse is very important for disciples at our stage of evolution. It helps us establish a true sense of spiritual values and to release our preoccupation with lesser desires.
Old Commentary Commentaries 1 356 MB .wmv file
Video of Old Commentary Commentaries 1 by Michael Robbins.
Old Commentary Commentaries 1 94 MB .wma file
Audio of Old Commentary Commentaries 1 by Michael Robbins.
Old Commentary Commentaries 1 125 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Old Commentary Commentaries 1 by Michael Robbins.