Seeds of the Infinite — webinar meditations and discussions led by Michael D. Robbins
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Dear Friends of Humanity and the Ageless Wisdom,
There is so much to say that I had best be brief. I am undertaking a philosophical adventure. I am in the process of writing a new book called “Seeds of the Infinite”—SOTI for short. I have been collecting these seeds for quite a number of years now, and more intensively since 2010. I hope that this book of Seed Thoughts will be ready in a year, or maybe two—one can never tell, as this type of creative work seems to have a life of its own.
The subject is ultimately one of extremest simplicity and yet is very difficult, the simplicity deceptive. During the past two months I have been putting the seeds in digital form to make them accessible. At first I thought to wait until everything was completed before offering webinars to students of these subjects. Today, I was impressed by the thought that it would not be entirely wise to wait—and of course, my Sun-sign is Aries, which does not encourage one to become a great ‘waiter’! J
My first book on the subject of infinity and its relation to the ‘ABSOLUTE DEITY’ was called Infinitization of Selfhood. It came out about one nodal cycle ago, in 1996. But I knew I was far from done with this subject of endlessness, and so have sought to penetrate more and more deeply for the purpose of inducing the state of “Isolated Unity” or at least a useful approach to that state. If you have read Esoteric Psychology, Vol. I, you will recognize “Isolated Unity” as an advanced theme for meditation along a first ray line. The corresponding themes for meditation are “Inclusive Reason” for the second ray and “Presented Attributes” for the third ray. Those whose souls are on the Rays of Attribute will use one of these three themes. Fourth and sixth ray souls will use “Inclusive Reason”; fifth ray souls will use “Isolated Unity” and, although many seventh ray souls do resolve eventually upon the first ray, while they are seventh ray souls I think they would be well advised to use “Presented Attributes”.
In the ongoing series of webinars which I propose, it doesn’t make any difference what your soul ray may be. You may be able to benefit if you have a passion for the Realization of the One. Each webinar will be highly meditative but there will be philosophical material presented before each meditation, and the attempt to understand the material.
I do not pretend that what I intend to offer will be easy of assimilation. Nor do I propose that your intensive studies, largely along second ray lines, in which the detail of the manifested Whole is pondered and assimilated, can be discontinued. Such study cannot be discontinued.
What I am proposing is that while We Are making Our approach on the Curriculum of the Soul (and it may take many lives), some of Us who have the aspiration and fortitude, should also make approach via the Curriculum of the Spirit (the Being or BEING) which all of us ESSENTIALLY Are.
The subject matter to be covered is based on the great second ray mantram, “Naught it but ME”. The realization of Unity is the great pursuit. In first ray terms, we seek to isolate that Unity, so that it persists in consciousness and identification in the face of all possible diversity, which usually distracts us from the Realization of Unity. So there is a very practical goal here—that We learn how to sustain the realization of Unity in the presence of Diversity—that We learn how to deal with the Many, even while persistently realizing the Presence of the One (the Presence of the ‘ONE-as-One’).
The methods I use are to a degree third ray methods. I have created elements of a new language which some of You may find useful and others, not at all. It is the way I have to approach. For instance, instead of writing the word ‘I’, I frequently write ‘8′, signalling the ‘DESCENT’ of ABSOLUTE REALITY into a Maha-Mayavic Manifestation—namely, our Universe. Thus ‘8′ becomes the symbol for My Real ‘in-Universe’ Identity, which is not at all the relative, lower-ego-bound ‘I’.
Additionally, 8 coin words all the time: for instance, when 8 speak of the kind of ‘in-Universe’ perception which reveals the Oneness of things, 8 use the term ‘infusception’—and so forth.
The webinars will, in certain respects, be a ‘mental workout’, and 8-as-‘I’ (personally) intend to learn a lot, but the deeper motive is to unveil the All-Pervading One, or more precisely, the All-Pervading ‘One-as-ONE’. The practicality of it all is for Us to learn gradually to consciously sustain ‘Continuity of Being’ even while trying to handle the tremendous diversity with which We Are always confronted.
(Why am 8 capitalizing personal pronouns? Well, it’s all about Our Real ‘in-Universe’ Identity.)
‘ ’-as-8-as-‘I’ must admit that, from the human perspective, ‘I’ am somewhat daunted by this tremendous subject. ‘I’ ask myself, who am ‘I’ to attempt to “Reveal the One”, or at least bring its realization more stably into our consciousness. Really, ‘I’ am not fully qualified, but the aspiration towards the ‘One-as-ONE’ burns so strongly in my consciousness that ‘I’-as-8 just can’t help myself, and have to at least give it a try.
There is a strong possibility that certain complexities of thought may turn off some attendees. They may ask, “Why all this new language and attempted precision of thought, when the goal is so simple, so very obvious?” And they may have a point. This approach is not for everyone—8 do not fool MySelf about that. So 8 have wondered—Whom shall 8 invite, when the possibility of burn out is so very high, and when, really, learning the details of the Ageless Wisdom on the second ray line, and according to Master DK, is the thing in which we all must abidingly engage with fullest attention.
Yet, for some, this approach which 8 Am evolving—and which is definitely a “work in progress”, may be really useful to those for whom the aspiration to be (and consciously be) is burning in their heart.
My intention is to continue these webinars based on Seeds of the Infinite and “Isolated Unity” over the years—maybe once a month, maybe twice a month. We will see how we go. The purpose is to make a meditative differencein the lives of those students who can stand and withstand this approach—even as they continue to study Master DK’s books intensively and without let up.
Whoever decides to participate may find some interior adjustments necessary. The abstract mind will definitely be in use, as will, to a degree, the buddhi and atma—not to mention as much influence as may be possible from the Monad. To some extent, mathematics will enter, though not the kind of math to which we are usually accustomed. We may also expect perhaps disturbing reactions from our concrete mind which is accustomed to thinking in a certain manner and which may rebel against the kind of stretch which 8 intend for Us to pursue.
Everything We do will, ultimately, be based on the ancient Sanskrit Mantram, “Tat Tvam Asi”—“Thou art That”. If we leave this incarnation with a firmer grasp of our True Identity as That—(or, should 8 say, ‘That-as-THAT’), We will find ourselves much closer to being the Being which We Really Are. (Then, of course, there is the BEING WE REALLY ARE!)
So, sign up if you will. Take a risk. It is definitely a risk for me as the Waters of the Great Ocean of Life are uncharted—at least by the likes of Us!
Light, Love and Power,
Or ‘ ’-as-8-as-‘I’
Seeds of the Infinite webinar 19: Equilization in Being. The webinar was led by Michael D. Robbins. This meeting was held on December 19, 2015. The invitation, meditation, and the Discussion of Concepts Contained in Seed Thoughts 3 Instructional Sheet that Michael used are included in the links below.
Seeds of the Infinite 19
Video — 109 MB .wmv file.
Seeds of the Infinite 19
Audio — 91 MB .mp3 file.
Seeds of the Infinite 19
Invitation — 29 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite 19
Meditation — 29 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite 19
Discussion of Concepts Contained in Seed Thoughts 3 Instructional Sheet — 33 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite webinar 18: Seed Thoughts on True Identity. The webinar was led by Michael D. Robbins. This meeting was held on December 12, 2015. The invitation, meditation, and the Discussion of Concepts Contained in Seed Thoughts 2 Instructional Sheet that Michael used are included in the links below.
Seeds of the Infinite 18
Video — 240 MB .wmv file.
Seeds of the Infinite 18
Audio — 104 MB .mp3 file.
Seeds of the Infinite 18
Invitation — 33 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite 18
Meditation — 33 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite 18
Discussion of Concepts Contained in Seed Thoughts 2 Instructional Sheet — 33 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite webinar 17: Seed Thoughts on True Identity. The webinar was led by Michael D. Robbins. This meeting was held on December 5, 2015. The meditation and the Discussion of Concepts Contained in Seed Thoughts 1 Instructional Sheet that Michael used are included in the links below.
Seeds of the Infinite 17
Video — 244 MB .wmv file.
Seeds of the Infinite 17
Audio — 99 MB .mp3 file.
Seeds of the Infinite 17
Meditation — 29 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite 17
Discussion of Concepts Contained in Seed Thoughts 1 Instructional Sheet — 33 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite webinar 16: Feeling the Eternal Now. The webinar was led by Michael D. Robbins. This meeting was held on November 28, 2015. The meditation and the Concepts re the Point 4 Involving the Point in Time Instructional Sheet that Michael used are included in the links below.
Seeds of the Infinite 16
Video — 251 MB .wmv file.
Seeds of the Infinite 16
Audio — 104 MB .mp3 file.
Seeds of the Infinite 16
Meditation — 37 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite 16
Concepts re the Point 4 Involving the Point in Time Instructional Sheet — 53 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite webinar 15: on The SUPRA-NOUMENAL and the ETERNAL NOW. The webinar was led by Michael D. Robbins. This meeting was held on November 21, 2015. The meditation and the Concepts re the Point 3 Involving the Point in Time Instructional Sheet that Michael used are included in the links below.
Seeds of the Infinite 15
Video — 268 MB .wmv file.
Seeds of the Infinite 15
Audio — 101 MB .mp3 file.
Seeds of the Infinite 15
Meditation — 37 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite 15
Concepts re the Point 3 Involving the Point in Time Instructional Sheet — 53 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite webinar 14: On the Illusion of the Point in Space and the Origins of the Universe. The webinar was led by Michael D. Robbins. This meeting was held on November 14, 2015. The meditation and the Concepts re the Point 2 Involving the Point in Time Instructional Sheet that Michael used are included in the links below.
Seeds of the Infinite 14
Video — 294 MB .wmv file.
Seeds of the Infinite 14
Audio — 117 MB .mp3 file.
Seeds of the Infinite 14
Meditation — 41 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite 14
Concepts re the Point 2 Involving the Point in Time — 53 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite webinar 13: On the Virtual Point, the True P/point, the Universal Point and the Ultimate Point . The webinar was led by Michael D. Robbins. This meeting was held on November 7, 2015. The meditation and the Concepts re the Point document that Michael used are included in the links below.
Seeds of the Infinite 13
Video — 345 MB .wmv file.
Seeds of the Infinite 13
Audio — 135 MB .mp3 file.
Seeds of the Infinite 13
Meditation — 37 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite 13
Concepts re the Point — 45 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite webinar 12: The Infinitesimal, Maha-Maya and YOU/You/you. The webinar was led by Michael D. Robbins. This meeting was held on October 31, 2015. The meditation and the Concepts re the Infinitesimal and Absolute Infinitesimal document that Michael used are included in the links below.
Seeds of the Infinite 12
Video — 272 MB .wmv file.
Seeds of the Infinite 12
Audio — 114 MB .mp3 file.
Seeds of the Infinite 12
Meditation — 12 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite 12
Concepts re the Infinitesimal and Absolute Infinitesimal — 16 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite webinar 11: Concepts regarding Infinity. The webinar was led by Michael D. Robbins. This meeting was held on October 24, 2015. The meditation and the “Version 3” Concepts re Infinity file that Michael mentioned are included in the links below.
Seeds of the Infinite 11
Video — 264 MB .wmv file.
Seeds of the Infinite 11
Audio — 114 MB .mp3 file.
Seeds of the Infinite 11
Meditation — 41 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite 11
Concepts re Infinity v3 — 53 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite webinar 10: Extending Identification to the Mineral Kingdom. The webinar was led by Michael D. Robbins. This meeting was held on October 17, 2015. The meditation used during the webinar is included in the links below.
Seeds of the Infinite 10
Video — 155 MB .wmv file.
Seeds of the Infinite 10
Audio — 96 MB .mp3 file.
Seeds of the Infinite 10
Meditation — 41 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite webinar 9: Identification with the Vegetable Kingdom. The webinar was led by Michael D. Robbins. This meeting was held on October 10, 2015. The meditation used during the webinar is included in the links below.
Seeds of the Infinite 9
Video — 246 MB .wmv file.
Seeds of the Infinite 9
Audio — 112 MB .mp3 file.
Seeds of the Infinite 9
Meditation — 37 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite webinar 8: Widening Identification—Humans and Animals. The webinar was led by Michael D. Robbins. This meeting was held on October 3, 2015. The meditation and the AAB Extracts file that Michael mentioned are included in the links below.
Seeds of the Infinite 8
Video — 335 MB .wmv file.
Seeds of the Infinite 8
Audio — 120 MB .mp3 file.
Seeds of the Infinite 8
Meditation — 37 KB .docx file.
Seeds of the Infinite 8
AABExtracts — 132 MB .zip file.
Seeds of the Infinite webinar 7: The Simplicity of Identification. The webinar was led by Michael D. Robbins. This meeting was held on September 26, 2015.
Seeds of the Infinite 7
Video — 278 MB .wmv file.
Seeds of the Infinite 7
Audio — 106 MB .mp3 file.
Seeds of the Infinite webinar 6: Descent of the Energies on the First Ray Stream producing Isolated Unity. The webinar was led by Michael D. Robbins. This meeting was held on September 19, 2015.
Seeds of the Infinite 6
Video — 284 MB .wmv file.
Seeds of the Infinite 6
Audio — 114 MB .mp3 file.
Seeds of the Infinite webinar 5, led by Michael D. Robbins. This meeting was held on September 12, 2015.
Seeds of the Infinite 5
Video — 251 MB .wmv file.
Seeds of the Infinite 5
Audio — 110 MB .mp3 file.
Seeds of the Infinite webinar 4, led by Michael D. Robbins. This meeting was held on August 29, 2015.
Seeds of the Infinite 4
Video — 234 MB .wmv file.
Seeds of the Infinite 4
Audio — 106 MB .mp3 file.
Seeds of the Infinite webinar 3, led by Michael D. Robbins. This meeting was held on August 22, 2015.
Seeds of the Infinite 3
Video — 300 MB .wmv file.
Seeds of the Infinite 3
Audio — 127 MB .mp3 file.
Seeds of the Infinite webinar 2, led by Michael D. Robbins. This meeting was held on August 15, 2015.
Seeds of the Infinite 2
Video — 253 MB .wmv file.
Seeds of the Infinite 2
Audio — 103 MB .mp3 file.
Seeds of the Infinite webinar 1, Inaugural Meditation and Discussion, led by Michael D. Robbins. This meeting was held on August 8, 2015.
Seeds of the Infinite 1
Video — 267 MB .wmv file.
Seeds of the Infinite 1
Audio — 125 MB .mp3 file.