Esoteric Astrology Adventure — Webinar Commentaries by Michael D. Robbins.
Commentary on the book “Esoteric Astrology” by Alice A. Bailey
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Esoteric Astrology Adventure 161 section b. covers pages 693-695. The video is about 1 hour, 16 minutes long, and includes the following topics: 1.) Finally, we cover the Planetary Schools in this last session; 2.) We start with Uranus and the School of Magic in relation to the cosmic ethers, producing perfection or completeness in relation to the numbers 7 and the 10 and 12; 3.) Uranus stimulates the groupings in the cosmic ethers, the chakras of our Planetary Logos and Solar Logos, and the cosmic prana; 4.) Earth is called the School of Magnetic Response, the graduates of painful endeavour, the adjudicators between the polar opposites – having something to do with Gemini and Venus; 5.) Vulcan is the School of Fiery Stones and its humanity is connected to the mineral kingdom and to humans on earth who are called the living stones; Pluto and Uranus are also related to the release of energy through the mineral kingdom; 6.) The human goes from a “living stone” to a “Diamond Soul” before destruction of the causal body; 7.) Jupiter is the School of Beneficent Magicians or the College of Quadruple Force Units, and The Palace of Opulence; 8.) Mercury’s pupils are Sons of Aspiration, points of Yellow Light and so there are Mercurians among us; 9.) Venus is the School with five strict Grades which are the likely prototypes of our five initiations to achieve mastery; 10.) Mars is the School for Warriors, open grades for soldiers and maybe anyone can get in if aggressive enough?; 11.) Neptune is involved with the Sons of Vishnu and propelled by buddhic inspiration; 12.) Names of other schools are not given.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 161 section b. 316 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 161 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 161 section b. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 161 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 161 section a. covers pages 691-693. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) The “systemic formation of great importance in the next round” is the so-called “Judgment Day” in the fifth round of the fourth chain, Michael speculates if this involves Mercury and Venus helping to make Earth a sacred planet and Mars pulling in the other direction; 2.) We know that from Mars those who are qualified will be transferred to our Earth-scheme – pulling 2/5ths of humanity towards itself—and those who come in from Mars will remain with those on the Path in the Earth-scheme; 3.) Further investigation is made into the hidden planets of the inner round and their relationship to the various scheme Agnishvattas; 4.) In regard to the dense physical planets we are not told the round involved, but the chain mentioned may give a hint as to the round; 5.) There is also an interesting revisit of the chakras and relationship to rounds.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 161 section a. 204 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 161 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 161 section a. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 161 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 160 section c. covers pages 688-691. The video is about 1 hour, 15 minutes long. 1.) Continuing with quotes on the Science of Triangles; 2.) Venus, Earth and Saturn relates to soul-brain-mind alignment; 3.) The Laws of Electricity hold the reason for the two Masters who stand aside each initiate before the Initiator; 4.) Several references to various triangles related to the KUMARAS; 5.) Michael asks if Saturn was involved in individualization as it creates separation and intelligence; 6.) This section concludes with an alternate consideration of systemic chakras to the chains.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 160 section c. 271 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 160 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 160 section c. 71 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 160 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 160 section b. covers pages 684-688. The video is about 1 hour long. 1.) This section covers quotes on Venus and the Science of Triangles; 2.) Venus is related to its analogues in the angelic realm, manasic permanent atom, kumaras, Pleiades, Sirius, various triangles, and the antahkarana; 3.) Venus is Feminine, Earth is masculine, Mercury androgynous; 4.) Michael reminds of us three kinds of triangles — Equality (all on the same level, such as constellations), Polarity (such as two on the same level and one on a different level like Capricorn-Saturn-Venus), and Differentiation – (all three on different Levels: Pleiades-Capricorn-Mercury); 5.) Venus is in the fifth chain, fifth globe, and that relation to the subplanes is explored; 6.) Animal man was in the Fourth Creative Hierarchy; 7.) Creative Hierarchies are ‘trans-systemic’—operating across the system; 8.) Michael expands upon the term egoism and egotism, an egoist, and connection to the left hand path; 9.) Next covered are some hints on the SCIENCE OF TRIANGLES; 10.) We are reminded of the triangle between Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 160 section b. 251 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 160 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 160 section b. 66 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 160 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 160 section a. covers pages 680-684. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) The Fourth Kingdom began developing as humanoids about 21 million years ago through the bodily presence of Lords of the Flame from the Venus Chain of the Earth-scheme – not the physical Venus globe in its own scheme; 2.) This event required Sanat Kumara, as an emanation of the Planetary Logos of Earth, to submit to the incarnation physically; 3.) This alignment included the Solar Logos, as the Solar Angels come from the Heart of the Sun, the Venus scheme, and then the Venus chain of the Earth scheme and the Venus (or second) globe of the Earth chain; 4.) Systemic kundalini was also involved and this may involve Mars for animal-man or Mercury as the ruler of the Fourth Creative Hierarchy (Scorpio Hierarchy) and the Angels of Venus and the ‘men’ of Mercury were combined on Earth in a real Gemini happening of the two brothers in their waxing and waning, and we have the three rulers of Gemini involved here; 5.) Michael considers if individualization was really a major initiation for our Planetary Logos or, if a minor initiation, it would have to be the third initiation of a minor kind (see TCF p. 384 and IHS p. 181) – in either regard, speculation continues on what initiation would this be for Venus or Mercury; 6.) The number 105 Kumaras is mentioned but 108 is very important so there three Esoteric Kumaras must be the Buddhas of Activity; 7.) Several mysteries are included here relevant to the secret of this world cycle and the complexities of root, sub and branch races; 8.) Considering is given on the Law of Mutual Attraction, and if this is different than the Law of Attraction and Repulsion and the sexual impulse; 9.) This section concludes with a consideration of Earth and Venus’ relationship and the beauty of nature.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 160 section a. 223 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 160 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 160 section a. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 160 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 159 section b. covers pages 678-680. The video is about 1 hour long. 1.) This section covers quotes on Virgo and Venus; 2.) We must consider if the constellations actually ‘revolve’ around a central group because there are astronomical problems; 3.) Is there a cosmic Solar Angel? 4.) Chain lords are also Heavenly Men.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 159 section b. 207 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 159 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 159 section b. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 159 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 159 section a. covers pages 677-678. The video is about 1 hour long. 1.) This section covers Gemini, Leo, Pisces, and Taurus. 2.) Gemini has much to do with the Third Ray, although Gemini is a Second Ray sign; 2.) Castor is the brother whose light is waning, the personality, and Pollux is the bright brother, representing the soul; 3.) Pollux sacrifices himself to Castor as the Solar Angel sacrifices itself to its ‘man-under-supervision’; 4.) The Divine Flames of the first Creative Hierarchy is ruled by Leo and the Sun (veiling Uranus or Vulcan); 5.) Pisces is connected to the Messiah, water and purification, with Neptune, but also with fire; 6.) The claim of all planets being in the sign Pisces at the incarnation of the Messiah needs checked astronomically, as may be esoteric; 7.) Buddhism also has ornaments of a cross formed of two fishes, related to dissolution or death; 8.) Taurus also has connection to Sun Gods; 9.) Taurus had relation to the ‘center of the Universe’ (whatever that refers to exactly, as it holds Alcyone.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 159 section a. 204 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 159 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 159 section a. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 159 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 158 section d. covers pages 675-677. The video is about 1 hour long. 1.) This section begins with references to Vulcan from The Secret Doctrine and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, some points covered in previous videos; 2.) Care needs taken in determining Vulcan’s location in the astrological chart; 3.) The Law of Sacrifice and Death is a kind of reversal of the first law of Vibration and relates to Vulcan and Neptune in opposition – Vulcan builds and Neptune destroys through pralaya; 4.) Vulcan has only transmuted 2/5ths of its humanity; 5.) The quotes for Capricorn are taken up next, beginning with the relation of the fifth creative hierarchy, the human personality, related to Makara or the Crocodile; 6.) The Dragon of Wisdom or serpents of light are relataed to the reptile or Crocodile which represented the lower aspects; 7.) Capricorn is the 10th sign, maybe connected to the Zodiac of 10, and has 28 stars; 8.) The Makaras of the Fifth Hierarchy are on their way to becoming Kumaras or Groups of Solar Angels, which combine to become Planetary Logos; 9.) It is connected to the pentagon, and Venus, the five-fold man, and the Ocean God; 10.) Capricorn also personifies solar fire, at least in connection with the higher part of the Fifth Creative Hierarchy and elevation of Venus on the mountain top; 11.) This dual hierarchy also personifies fire by friction and the mental elementals; 12.) Capricorn rules crystallization and hence destruction and is responsible for the destruction of the physical Universe; 13.) Michael discusses the clockwise and counter-clockwise rotations on the Solar Atom; 14.) Capricorn holds the mystery of `the sheep and the goats’ and the process of initiation; 15.) Each scheme sees an avatar from Capricorn appear on mental levels in the third round of the third chain and disappears in the fifth round of the fourth chain; 16.) Michael elaborates upon this relationship to the so-called ‘Judgment Day’ which relates to this time and the moon chain.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 158 section d. 248 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 158 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 158 section d. 71 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 158 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 158 section c. covers pages 674-675. The video is about 1 hour long. 1.) Michael continues with consideration of Solar Logoic chakras and Venus’ place; 2.) Venus is in the fifth round and further progressed than the other planets, but we must be careful in interpreting this, if it means scheme rounds or chain rounds; 3.) Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are vehicles of manas, buddhi, and manas; 4.) In terms of the dual ajna, the right eye is buddhic and astral (yellow and rose) and the left eye is manasic and etheric (blue and violet) [ref VS]; 5.) It seems the Judgment Day, the middle of the fifth round, that Mercury, Venus, and Earth will cooperate, with Mars on the other side.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 158 section c. 180 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 158 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 158 section c. 56 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 158 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 158 section b. covers pages 671-674. The video is about 1 hour long. 1.) This section concludes the quotes on Uranus and begins on Venus with references about how it is “far older than the earth” (like the moon). Does this refer to this solar system or somehow older than our Solar Logos or part of His earlier systems, or does older mean more advanced and more unfolded? We recall that Mercury is also older and more occult than Venus; 2.) The relationship of Venus as a ‘little sun’ reinforces the role of the Solar Angels as solar light beings who give light to Earth; 3.) Note that HBP and DK use the term “Spirit of the Earth” differently, DK meaning the “planetary Entity” and HPB meaning a Logos; 4.) Venus is the most powerful and prominent entity for Earth (as Sirius is for Sol) with Venus being Earth’s prototype, with Venus and Saturn providing laws via Libra; 5.) Individualization is under the sponsorship of Venus, and the fifth ray enters in Lemuria with at least a primitive Law of Cleavages providing distinction between observer and that which is observed; 6.) Did the Solar Logos benefit from a similar solar angelic intervention on a cosmic level, just as animal-man did on Earth? If so is it a kind of Pleiadian kind of individualization which nurtures mind rather than ‘gives a spark’; 7.) Venus has a kind of buddhic humanity (earth’s humanity is barely mental); 8.) (At this time) Michael believes Venus corresponds to the solar plexus center in the logoic quaternary.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 158 section b. 226 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 158 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 158 section b. 66 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 158 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 158 section a. covers pages 670-671. The video is about 1 hour long. 1.) This section covers the Sun, and begins with some context about the seven rays (of the Sun), seven worlds, seven rivers, seven continents, etc, and in Theosophy the word chain may mean scheme, so care must be taken in what level or scope is being referred to; 2.) Similarly the term universe may refer to the solar sphere and not the entirely of the Cosmos, so pralaya may relate (only) to a final synthesis of the solar system; 3.) The central spiritual sun relates to the monadic nature, the heart of the sun to the soul nature, and the physical sun to the Holy Spirit or personality of the Solar Logos; 4.) Expanding these the Holy Spirit may work through Saturn, Mars, Earth – and God the Son through Uranus, Jupiter, Venus – and God the Father through Neptune, Vulcan, and Pluto or Vulcan, Neptune, Pluto; 5.) Mercury is not included in this trinitarian dissection, and may be everywhere as the connecting antahkarana or kundalinic way, the 4th plane, the communicator, and also as humanity bridges between the macro and microcosm; 6.) The reference in the Secret Doctrine is that there are nine deities that witness human action, and astronomically we now consider ten planets (plus esoterically two undiscovered, the 7 and the 5 = 12); 7.) Several points are raised about the levels of initiation of Helios and his forms, and relation to the ‘houses’, including the midnight sun and dark light of Shamballa; 8.) The reference to the true colour of the sun being blue relates to it as the Blue or Second Ray logos; 9.) This session continues about Uranus as a mystery planet and how as time, Cronus, it mutilates Uranus, but there is also strong Ray 3 in Uranus as it renders all time simultaneous revealing the Eternal Now; 10.) Solar kundalini is stimulating Uranus, Earth, and Saturn as part of the 7th ray of our current Age of Aquarius.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 158 section a. 223 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 158 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 158 section a. 62 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 158 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 157 section d. covers pages 668-670. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) There is a triangle between Sirius, Saturn, and every planet; 2.) The term “home” relates to the monadic level, so we could say Uranus is HOME to electric fire, Saturn HOME of fire by friction, and NEPTUNE the HOME of solar fire; 3.) The Sun when termed a non-sacred planet veils another planet, sometimes Vulcan, Neptune or Uranus, and maybe even Jupiter; 4.) Michael mentions how we may assign the sun and other stars in the Seven Solar Systems of Which Ours is One, or the Sirian System, as: Altair—base of the spine, Alpha and Beta Centauri—sacral center, Fomalhaut—solar plexus, Sol/Helios as the heart center—heart center, Vega—throat center, Procyon—ajna center, Sirius—head center (see EA p. 301); 5.) Although the Sun dispenses Solar Fire, Solar Fire is the basis of all modes of electricity; 6.) The sun is both matter and spirit, and a great magnet of the Second Ray; 7.) The radical statement that Alcyone (in the Pleiades) is the center of the Sun’s orbit is captivating as no astronomical data supports this, so is it symbolic? 8.) The planets are chakras in the Solar Logos and together they are one radiatory potency of mainly the Second Ray; 9.) the Egyptian trinity of sun, moon and Mercury equated to Osiris, Isis and Hermes, Father, Mother and Son.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 157 section d. 256 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 157 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 157 section d. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 157 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 157 section c. covers page 668. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) Venus, Earth and Saturn may be the personality triangle undergoing vivification of a greater being — the mind, astral and dense physical body, or solar plexus center, base of the spine and throat; 2.) This vivification process is referred to as ‘turning attention to, which involves a kind of kundalinic stimulation; 3.) Considering the Aquarian Age and its rulership by Uranus and Saturn we have a triadal or mental stimulation of the seventh ray during a seventh ray age moving towards cosmic mental polarization; 4.) The injunction that ‘occultism must win the day’ refers to it being recognized and respected by a sufficient number, with the mental planets Saturn and Uranus being stimulated this will assist along with the retraction of the astral or devotional qualities of the sixth ray; 5.) Saturn may be a “Lesser Dragon” and facing one’s “Dweller on the Threshold” is like facing a Dragon; 6.) Saturn synthesises the four planets which embody manas (perhaps the non-sacred) and eventually for all Seven, yet we understand that Mercury has a destiny in Uranus, and Venus a destiny in Neptune.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 157 section c. 269 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 157 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 157 section c. 63 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 157 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 157 section b. covers pages 666-668. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) This session continues with the Treatise on Cosmic Fire commentary on Neptune and that Man begins to coordinate his buddhic vehicle only once his personality horoscope shows Neptune dominant. Michael points out that this may be when Neptune is on Angles, conjunct Sun, Moon or Ascendant or a ruling planet, or if Cancer or Pisces is prominent, perhaps Virgo or the Moon in Virgo; 2.) Those on the Sixth Ray may be called ‘occidental mystics’ and gathered into the Neptunian path of return, from Venus with its sixth ray monad; 3.) Neptune, along with Venus and Jupiter, are directly involved with the 2nd initiation, and Neptune/Leo/Sirius enhance the sensitivity of the astral body; 4.) Neptune is connected to the perfecting process through the 4th, buddhic plane, and perfection is also a faculty developed on the atmic plane; 5.) The solar flames or solar angels are related to both Venus and Neptune; 6.) Next we address Pluto, and its relationship to the serpent or kundalini, and health; 7.) Pluto deals with the underworld and unconscious; 8.) Both Saturn and Uranus can be considered the Father, the preserver and destroyer aspects; 9.) Michael notices that Saturn and Vulcan connect the hammer and sickle of Soviet Communism to Jehovah, a jealous first ray god of Shamballic impress; 10.) Saturn brings opportunity through cooperation with Law; 11.) The human soul was ‘anchored’ by Saturn, and its freedum thus curtailed by materiality.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 157 section b. 256 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 157 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 157 section b. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 157 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 157 section a. covers pages 665-666. The video is about 1 hour long. 1.) This section continues with the moon, as it is unable to support life because humanity has been removed from it, and it is a decaying body without heat or life – because there are no ‘principles’ left on the moon; 2.) Michael emphasizes the magnitude of the failure of the moon as it is SYSTEMIC, not just a planetary failure, and retarded the progress of the entire system; 3.) The reasons for sexual misery on Earth arose from this failure and misuse of sexual energy, which has become like a vampiristic thoughtform draining away humanity’s vitality and this root of sin is involved with lunar or sacral center transgressions against the Holy Spirit or creative energy; 4.) We learn that the Solar Logos DID interfere and transfer human and deva lives into inner spaces, denuding the Moon of its sustaining life. This occurred once and in our own time almost interfered again in the Second World War; 5.) The ancient feud between light and dark can be traced back to the moon, and what role did the Black Lodge initiates from the previous solar system play here? Did they also inhabit the Moon?; 6.) Curiously, we begin commentary on Neptune on page 666, and note the Ray 6 Soul of Neptune and its quality of devotion and “imaginary” connection of Neptune to the Sun; 7.) Michael expands that while Neptune may have an ‘imaginary’ connection it has a real FUNCTION as a sacrificial Redeemer and perhaps providing DIVINE INTERVENTION similarly to how Venus intervened in Earth’s planetary process by sponsoring the Solar Angels; 8.) Neptune is referenced as a “God of reasoning” but this must be a reasoning of “transcendental mind”—of buddhi perhaps, as people strongly influenced by or with an afflicted Neptune are often illogical or intuitive; 9.) Michael mentions Sirius’ synthesizing effect and relation to an undiscovered planet some call Isis; 10.) We read of a “peculiar group of Beings” who seem to live on Neptune and work with the sixth principle –is this astral kama or buddhi? Orion/Betelgeuse related to the sixth principle and Draco is a source of buddhic energy and Michael proposes Draco, Saturn (the lesser dragon) and Neptune may be involved in the kind of sacrifice Sanat Kumara has done; 11.) The mysterious relationship of Vulcan and Neptune may be due to its connection to the base of the spine center and the seven ray, as Vulcan rules the head center.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 157 section a. 221 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 157 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 157 section a. 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 157 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 156 section b. covers pages 661-665. The video is about 1 hour long. 1.) We continue with references in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire on Mars as it rules birth, death, generation and destruction – tying it to Aries and Scorpio; 2.) Mars relates to the Cube of Space and to desire within time and space and the ordinary three dimensions, the six of desire and form, and the sixth center, the sacral; 3.) The triangle of Earth, Mars and Mercury is related to the base center, kundalini ascending, active and passive, and also in terms of mind, emotions, and body; 4.) We move onto Mercury and consider it’s move out of obscuration and if this involves the appearance of life; 5.) If Mercury is “far older” than Earth this reinforces its role in the previous solar system and its third ray quality; 6.) As Mercury is Hermes and Wisdom, involved with the initiation of men into magic, its role will be powerful in the second decan of this Age of Aquarius; 7.) That Mercury is “one with the Sun” suggests the pathway to Mastership through the 4th ray and the antahkarana leading to unity or fusion; 8.) This Oneness extends to a unity with Venus, and therefore can be viewed as three-headed, which reinforces that the Fifth race is born under Mercury with its theme of ‘three minds unite’; 9.) The quality of Buddhi and Manas as related to Mercury, the yellow golden colour and left and right eyes are considered; 10.) Michael helps contextualize that the dual relationship of Mercury-Venus as Hermes-Aphrodite is not meant to work out as hermaphroditism in the physical body, but as an androgynous psyche – our angelic part and creative human nature; 11.) the threefold nature of kundalini in relation to Merucry is again addressed; 12.) Next we review the quotes about our moon, Luna, and that it is as a ‘shadow dragged after a new body’, which has qualities of a corpse or evil and retrogressive; 13.) From both astronomy and esoteric astrology we learn that the moon is much older than the earth, and then DK points out that the Earth is (was) a satellite of the moon, as the moon is diminishing; 14.) Yet the mystery persists as the moon is considered the king of the planets and sovereign over the vegetable kingdom, and the moon is ‘the mind’.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 156 section b. 198 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 156 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 156 section b. 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 156 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 156 section a. covers pages 659-661. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) The constellations connected with manas are Sirius and likely Merope, Electra and Leo Minor; 2.) A Cosmic Avatar from Sirius visited our system at the time of individualisation 21,000,000 years ago; 3.) Mercury was also active at this time when the “eighth gate” was opened in the first cosmic initiation, individualisation; 4.) If there is an initiation of our Solar Logos, does the Logos of Sirius or other Initiators “visit” our system?; 5.) Our Solar Logos has taken the two initiations of the threshold but not the third cosmic, so is that Initiator from the Great Bear?; 6.) Jupiter is a prototype of ritualistic worship, and Christ plays a kind of role of Jupiter during the Christ Festival of Invocation to Shamballa; 7.) Jupiter is the “throne of Brahma”, and Brahma is ruled by Saturn and includes the five systemic planes – “throne” signifies Mastership; 8.) Jupiter is the personification of cyclic law and is connected with the 4 of Perfection; 9.) Jupiter’s ‘eye’ is the sun which represents the All-Seeing Eye but both are also heart centers; 10.) Mercury represents mind; Mars astral body; Earth the etheric-physical body – the Earth corresponds to Venus; Mars to Jupiter, and Mercury to Saturn; 11.) The Sons of Mind are only beginning their work on Jupiter and so are ‘behind’ Earth in this way; 12.) Are the non-sacred planets here which the Sun and Moon veil necessarily physical?; 13.) The inner round involves subtle chains which work through the more obvious planets; 14.) Considering that Mars has moons, Demos and Phobos, to which “he has no right”, to Whom do these satellites belong and why were they gravitationally captured?
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 156 section a. 205 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 156 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 156 section a. 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 156 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 155 section a-b. covers pages 656-659. The video is about 2 hours long, and includes the following topics: 1.) Cosmic evil affects the Earth due to a misadjustment of a star in the Great Bear, probably Alioth conveying the third ray, or it may be Merope who “hid her face in shame” for having married a mortal, Sisyphus, who may be our Earth Logos.; 2.) Our Earth prototype may be the same as Saturn’s for third ray expression, and when we become a stronger second ray planet may be the prototype is Jupiter, and the prototype would be Uranus for Earth’s first ray Monad; 3.) How much independence, if any, does any Monad have from its emanating source, and aren’t all emanated from the Universal Logos?; 4.) Pleiades are the wives of the Great Bear and the nurses of Mars, thus related to the sixth ray and third aspect of divinity; 5.) Mars rules the personality, and Alcyone is the Star of the Individual or the ahamkaric attitude, so the Pleiades nurture our third aspect or the personality; 6.) Scorpio and Mars is the story of desire; 7.) When HPB says Alcyone is the point around which our universe revolves, is this inadequate astronomy or an occult relationship, or when we read “our universe” do we not mean the Great Totality?; 8.) There is a strong relationship between the Pleiades, Atlantides, Hyades, and Mars; 9.) Perhaps there is a Logos who is the Heart of the “One About Whom Naught May Be Said”—and this creates a triangle of Orion, Betelgeuse, and our Sun; 10.) Deities have duality, male deities their consorts, and Brahma is the masculine expression of the third aspect of divinity, Pleiades the feminine expression; 11.) Siva is related to the Great Bear, and Vishnu to the heart center, which is perhaps Orion; 12.) Michael considers these relationships of what chakras (constellations) may be in the lower quaternary;
13.) Sirius is the source of manas to our Sun, as Pleiades is connected to manasic development in planets, with Venus responsible for mind on Earth, creating a triangle of Sirius, Pleiades and Venus; 14.) Pleiades are also involved in bringing buddhic function to our Solar Logos which is even greater than the conferral of manas by Sirius to our Solar Logos, and Sirius may be on a path towards the Pleiades to strengthen cosmic buddhi; 15.) Our seven schemes are giving a great deal to the Pleiades just as our Earth is giving more to Venus than it receives; 16.) Manas relates to R3 and R5, so there may be a triangle of Sirius (R5 soul), Electra (hypothetically R5) and Merope (hypothetically R3) and Leo Minor (according to Stephen Pugh); 17.) Sirius’ name of the`Dog Star’ may reinforce the quality of loyalty and devotion from a sixth ray Monad; 18.) The Logos of Sirius has achieved cosmic mental polarization and our Solar Logos has not.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 155 section a-b. 336 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 155 section a-b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 155 section a-b. 127 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 155 section a-b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 154 section c. covers pages 654-656. The video is about 1 hour long. 1.) As the previous section concluded, we pick up with the Human Being being similarly constituted – with the entity who is manifesting being the Thinker (a Dhyan Chohan or Monad), which has a physical body, and a receptive center, the spleen (is it a pole?), a radiation in the form of a health aura, atomic rotation, and a distributive effect of the aura; 2.) In the Seven Stars of the Great Bear Michael relates these to Hindu lore, such as Benetnash to Alcyone, Mizar to Maia, Alioth—Merope, Megrez—Asterope and Sterope, Dubhe—Electra, Merak—Celaeno, Phegda—Taygete; 3.) The Seven Rishis are the Prototypes of the Angels or Archangels) Who are the Planetary Spirits; 4.) The Rishis mark time and duration of events in our lives; 5.) Michael discusses the meaning of ‘leading stars’ and considers that these are relataed to the chakras of the One About Whom Naught May Be Said, such as Benetnasch—Leads the Great Bear, Mizar—Leads Orion—as a heart center, Alioth—Leads the throat center constellation, maybe part of the Pleiades, Megrez—Leads perhaps an ajna center constellation, Dubhe—Leads the Little Bear, Merak—Solar plexus, Phegda—Leads Draco—7th ray, kundalinic constellation. But why are there two ajna contenders and no Sacral center? 6.) If the stars are not planetary does it mean they do not have planets or that they do not revolve around any particular center? 7.) There is a connection of Draco and Saturn and the septenate in the Great Bear (Leviathan – the dragon or devouring whale); 8.) If Draco has the seventh ray, then does Saturn which is assigned to the Dragon? Saturn rules the 7th plane and Saturn sometimes rules the base of the spine—as a kind of anchor; 9.) Michael wonders if this is what compels the Monad into incarnation where it is ‘swallowed’ by the five lower worlds; 10.) As Vulcan is to the chakric system of the human being, so the Great Bear is the chakric system of the “One About Whom Naught May Be Said”; 11.) We are not yet in a monadic solar system—next system the Prototypes may change; 12.) This Age of Aquarius will be very much under the Great Bear as the two most influential stars will be related to the two rays of greatest prominence, the 5th and 7th Rays for a kind of Age of the Science of Magic; 13.) There is a relationship of Sirius, Alioth and Saturn, and manas in relation to Karma – our task is to make many adjustments in the conditions (which relate to the third ray) so that the right geometric relations of the second ray can prevail.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 154 section c. 198 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 154 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 154 section c. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 154 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 154 section b. covers pages 650-654. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) Main points about the Rays and the Planets is that every planet is an Entity, each is the expression of two ray forces—the personality and the egoic, and these two rays are in esoteric conflict; 2.) Michael speculates upon which two rays are involved for each planet – such as Vulcan—maybe R1S is in conflict with a R5 or R7 personality, Mercury—the R4S is in conflict with the R3P, Venus—the R5S is in conflict with the R2P, Earth—the R2S IS conflicting with the R3P, Mars—the R1S? is in conflict with the R6P, Jupiter—the R2S is in conflict with the R6P, Saturn—the R3S probably is in conflict with the R1P, Uranus—the R7S is in conflict with the R3P (migrations and relocations) or R5P, Neptune—the R6S is in conflict with the R3P? (veils, misleads and confuses—like the lower R3) the R4P?, Pluto—the R3S? or a R6S in conflict with the R1P; 3.) The retrogression through the signs is from Pisces through to Aries and this is the cycle into matter, as Pisces initiates with the mantram, Go forth into matter; 4.) Aquarius and the Word ‘Let desire in form be ruler’; 5.) Capricorn, Let ambition rule and the door stand wide; 6.) Sagittarius, Let food be sought; 7.) Scorpio, Let Maya flourish and let deception rule; 8.) Libra, Let choice be made; 9.) Virgo, Let matter reign; 10.) Leo, Let other forms exist, I rule; 11.) Cancer, Let isolation be the rule and yet the crowd exists; 12.) Gemini, Let instability do its work; 13.) Taurus, Let struggle be undismayed; 14.) Aries, Let form again be sought; 15.) THEN — from the angle of the soul the correct or spiritual order of Aries through to Pisces is: Aries.—I come forth and from the plane of mind I rule; 16.) Taurus.—I see, and when the eye is opened, all is illumined; 17.) Gemini.—I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow; 18.) Cancer.—I build a lighted house and therein dwell; 19.) Leo.—I am That and That am I; 20.) Virgo.—I am the Mother and the Child. I, God, I matter am; 21.) Libra.—I choose the way that leads between the two great lines of force; 22.) Scorpio.—Warrior I am, and from the battle I emerge triumphant; 23.) Sagittarius.—I see the goal. I reach the goal and see another; 24.) Capricorn.—Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back; 25.) Aquarius.—Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men; 26.) Pisces.—I leave the Father’s Home and turning back, I save; 27.) The energies which originate in the solar system are the solar logos, which includes the (etheric) body, the receptive pole of the central sun, surface radiation or solar prana, movement produced by systemic rotation, and a distributive effect of etheric radiation; 28.) In a planet, similarly we have the manifesting entity, its body, its receptive center or pole, surface radiation, rotational movement, and distributed etheric radiation.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 154 section b. 245 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 154 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 154 section b. 64 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 154 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 154 section a. covers pages 649-650. The video is about 1 hour long. 1.) The section begins with the figure showing ray relationships between sacred and non-sacred planets; 2.) The exoteric non-sacred planets are called the outer round and connects peculiarly with the inner round which offers humanity a dual opportunity for evolution; 3.) The seven grades of psychic knowledge are related to the second ray—as all the sacred planets are Dragons of Wisdom in whom the love aspect has been stimulated; 4.) Diagram II covers the planet, human principle, colour and weekday – these are from an exoteric perspective and there are likely many blinds or veils involved in this diagram; 5.) Next is the Kingdoms of Nature and the Planets list, upon which Michael elaborates about the likely rays and relevant astrological points.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 154 section a. 233 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 154 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 154 section a. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 154 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 153 section b. covers pages 647-649. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) The solar system akin to a blue lotus, as our Solar Logos is the Blue Logos, and regardless of scale, heart center atom is a twelve-petalled lotus; 2.) Earth as a base of the spine center, if analogous to the human being, will have only four petals; 3.) Earth’s planetary polar opposite, if Venus, represents a solar plexus and would have 10 petals; 4.) Earth’s complementary equilibrising planet, may be Mercury and if so may be an ajna center for the Solar Logos, and as such is fourfold (two major petals of two parts each); 5.) Explanation of the Hall of Wisdom and the astrological department where masters work with horoscopes of kingdoms of nature and scheduling hierarchical activity; 6.) There are etheric-only constellations and students are advised to refrain from attempting cyclic computations as so much is unseen; 7.) Draco stimulates the love-wisdom aspect of the lesser Dragons of Wisdom, the Planetary Logoi; 8.) Tabulation inserted on page 648 is of the rays and planets according to Besant, includes ‘method’, planets and colour – these will be from the previous system and should not be confused with DK and Bailey presentations.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 153 section b. 271 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 153 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 153 section b. 65 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 153 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 153 section a. covers pages 645-647. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) Mercury, Venus, Sun and Moon are the `Guardian angels of the four corners of the Earth'” and may be like karmic agents or as Lords of Karma, symbolically indicating the return of the Prodigal Son to the soul and life aspect; 2.) As the Secret Doctrine was written before Pluto was discovered, we can note that the Sun veils Vulcan and the Moon veils Pluto; 3.) The Four Lords deal with Relationship through Venus, Enlightenment with Mercury, Pain through Pluto and Return with Vulcan; 4.) These four Maharajas are greater Beings, the Sun with Leo, the Moon with Scorpio, Mercury and Aquarius, and Venus with Taurus; 5.) Saturn is the bridge to the egoic lotus and the greater Bridge from the previous solar system to the present solar system, via conformity to ‘devotion’ and relentless karmic commitment; 6.) Michael elaborates upon the rays of the planets; 7.) the term “Universe” often means our solar system; 8.) In context of the seven chains or globes, there is an equivalence of terms of Angels, Planetary Logoi, Planetary Spirits, Dhyan Chohans, Archangels, and Spirits of the Presence; 9.) The Second Round involves a kind of grafting of the second aspect beneficent forces onto the vegetable kingdom which raises their quality and speeds their evolution, and in the fourth round the Solar Angel and the individualization process is a kind of grafting onto the animal-man of the period, accelerating their process; 10.) The seven chambers of the Pyramid were known by the name of one of the planets and thus to be an initiate one is somehow assimilating the gifts of the planetary septenate.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 153 section a. 225 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 153 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 153 section a. 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 153 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 152 section b. covers pages 644-645. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) The etheric or fourth ether, the buddhic plane, is the true level of physicality in our solar system and the chakras of the Heavenly Men function “normally”, yet as Michael considers there must also be chakras that function on the higher cosmic ethers; 2.) It seems the sacred planets are permanent home to the principles of the solar logos and the non-sacred planets may be temporary homes for these principles; 3.) Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Vulcan are still developing the mind principle, but are we here dealing with the dense physical or the etheric, or the scheme rounds; 4.) This manasic development requires a stage where transmutation on a large scale is possible and this may require a causal body capable of flowering; 5.) Uranus, Neptune and Saturn function differently to Venus, Vulcan, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Earth and exoteric Saturn; 6.) In the Mars and Earth-schemes and maybe for exoteric Saturn, the higher groups of Agnishvattas DO NOT hold sway.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 152 section b. 219 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 152 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 152 section b. 66 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 152 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 152 section a. covers pages 643-644. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) Traditionally there are 70 planets in addition to our systemic chain that influence the destiny of the nations, and 115 lesser and etheric planetary bodies which probably orbit the sun; 2.) We seem to have two types of creators: the spirit of the planet (planetary Entity?) and the Spirit of the heavens; 3.) The Secret Doctrine refers to the planets as the Sun’s younger brothers not His sons; 4.) The Seven Sacred Planets are directly related to the seven principles and vehicles in man; 5.) Does the “One About Whom Naught May Be Said” have a First, Second and Third Logos corresponding to the Three Persons of the Trinity? Could the Kumaras, with the Central Kumara represent a Higher Seven, and the sacred planets a Lower Seven?; 6.) Michael concludes with a question raised previously session, if a Planetary Logos becomes a Solar Logos or does an aggregation or grouping of Planetary Logoi become a Solar Logos, just as an aggregation or grouping of Solar Angels/Pitris becomes a Planetary Logos.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 152 section a. 218 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 152 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 152 section a. 62 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 152 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 151 section b. covers pages 642-643. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) The Planetary Logoi are the Dragons of Wisdoms and emphasize the second aspect of divinity as they have not developed Cosmic Will, as has the “Lion of Cosmic Will”, our Solar Logos; 2.) The material forces of nature are not really blind as they are directed by inner spiritual Entities who use the planets as vehicles; 3.) The seven great Intelligences or systemic Ray Lords are Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Venus and presumably the veils, the Sun and the Moon; 4.) The planets are living, intelligent bodies, with growth and gradual evolution — they are Beings just like other Beings in cosmos and have a life cycle on their way to becoming or recombining to become a Solar Logos? Are they actually WITHIN the Solar Logos and not isolated B/beings who arise independently?; 5.) The planets or ‘Gods’ are divided into two triads, a lower triad with Mars, Mercury and Venus, and a higher triad of Moon (probably veiling Vulcan, but could be Neptune or Uranus), Jupiter and Saturn; 6.) Our Monads come from the Logoi of the visible planets; 7.) The Trinity is represented by the Sun (the Father), Mercury (the Son), and Venus (the Holy Spirit); 8.) There were seven tabernacles, or causal bodies, created at the time of individualization and available for Monads to inhabit under different karmic conditions; 9.) As well, every race is born under one of the planets, such as Saturn for the third, perhaps Mars for the Atlantean, Mercury for the Aryan Race, Venus or Neptune for the sixth rootrace, Uranus for the seventh – alternately the soul rays of the planets may be assigned to the root-races.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 151 section b. 199 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 151 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 151 section b. 65 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 151 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 151 section a. covers pages 641-642. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) The energies in the Universe include Inter-cosmic (affecting constellations), Inter-planetary, Inter-chain, Inter-globular, Inter-sectional (transference between kingdoms in nature), Inter-human, and Inter-atomic; 2.) the energy from the zodiac is concerned with stimulation of the planetary Logoi involving their cyclic karma which involves the monads and devas which form Their bodies; 3.) The term “solar system” may refer to a constellation like the Great Bear or Pleiades or Sirius, and usually relates to second ray motion, and this includes the human atom, or system, with its spiral activity controlled from the egoic body; 4.) Michael points out that the important quaternary is the head center connected with atma and Great Bear, the heart center and cosmic buddhi and the Pleiades, the throat center with intelligence and the Pleiades, and Sirius with the heart center; 5.) Michael consideres the various amalgamations or aggregations of the apparent identicalness of the seven chief planets, seven Spirits, Dhyan Chohans or Solar Angels which together become a Planetary Logos; 6.) The solar angelic aggregation for Venus is of a higher order than the solar angelic aggregation for Earth; 7.) Michael raisies the question of whether the Planetary Logos has a ray, emits a ray, or transmits a ray.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 151 section a. 208 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 151 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 151 section a. 62 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 151 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 150 section c. covers pages 639-641. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) All Heroes of antiquity travel through each of the signs like the sun through the heavens and personify the sufferings, triumphs, and miracles of an adept before and after initiation – such as Hercules, with the Labours of Hercules perhaps our best example of such a Hero; 2.) The dual Taurus-as-Eve encouraged the picking of the Apples of Knowledge and the dual Scorpio or Mars-Lupa had the good and evil reputation, and these opposites meet or fuse at the center of the wheel; 3.) References from A Treatise on Cosmic Fire begin with the mystery of the triangle of the Great Bear, Pleiades, and seven planetary Logoi of our system, and in the adjustment of these triangles is the story of the spirit-matter relationship or karma on those planets; 4.) Well beyond these triangles, there are many lesser triangles which must be studied, and in addition computations must also include Ursa Minor, the Pole Star, Capricorn and Draco, as well as all other constellations and stars in the zodiac; 5.) Until the subject of energy and the etheric body and radio-activity is understood these mysteries will remain unrevealed.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 150 section c. 277 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 150 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 150 section c. 66 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 150 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 150 section b. covers pages 638-639. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) Man can react against the stars, but the best astrologers’ calculations will remain imperfect unless karmic law and cycles are taken into consideration and mastery of this knowledge can only be achieved through initiation; 2.) astrologers are usually incorrect in making correspondences of days and planets and colours; 3.) There is white and black astrology, and it is the astrologer himself which determines this, not the principles; 4.) Each constellations has good or evil influence as variously combined with other energies; 5.) The Great Bear and Pleiades constitute the greatest mystery; 6.) the fixed Cross is the Cross of the Soul, filled with the Fourth Ray it is the Cross of Struggle, the Cross upon which the initiate takes three initiations and prepares for the fourth.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 150 section b. 265 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 150 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 150 section b. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 150 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 150 section a. covers page 638. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) Michael considers the complexity of each Hierarchy furnishing the aura of one of the seven principles with its specific colour (roughly): the monad blue, Atma green (or red-orange), Buddhi blue and yellow, Higher Manas either yellow or green, Lower manas—Orange or Green, Kama-manas red to rose (sometimes blue), and etheric body Violet; 2.) Each of these Hierarchies is the ruler of one of the sacred planets and also controls in relation to the non-sacred planets; 3.) In the most practical sense we have all seven sacred planets ruled primarily by one ray, which is at present the strongest; 4.) We must be careful to not consider the Creative Hierarchies the same as the ‘Ray Hierarchies’; 5.) HPB emphasizes that astrology IS an exact science and DK tells us astrology is susceptible to proof and that we must undertake this kind of proof with statistical methods.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 150 section a. 246 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 150 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 150 section a. 63 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 150 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 149 section b. covers pages 636-638. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) Earth was created by the terrestrial Spirits of the seven planets and this is the basis of what grew into Astrology; 2.) Michael considers if these are the Agnichaitans or lower builders who are not self-conscious but respond to direction from the self-conscious deva Entities; 3.) The seven groups of Dhyan Chohans or Solar Angels are the primeval seven Rays and thus why there are seven chief planets; 4.) Under each Sacred Planet are born one of the human groups, and Michael speculates that the Aryan Race is under Mercury and the next or sixth rootrace, maybe under Venus; 5.) Our essential, surviving Entity, the Monad, is partly the direct emanation from, and partly the Planetary Entities themselves – this is part of the whole Science of Emanation [also see Michael Robbins’ Volume VII of Tapestry of the Gods, Infinitization of Selfhood, for more on this subject]; 6.) This descent and reascent of the monad cannot be disconnected from the Zodiacal signs as the Monad is a cell of a Planetary Logos and only implanted in the Earth temporarily; 7.) Michael makes some really interesting observations about the human Monad’s pilgrimage and relation to Zodiacal energies and its antiquity; 8.) Each of these primordial, first Seven Rays are also sevenfold and thus the importance of 7×7, as the 49 relates to the Sons of Fohat, the Sons of Mind, the Spirits of Darkness; 9.) The seven colours also correspond to the seven rays and are sub-divided into seven; 10.) Each Hierarchy provides the soul and is the builder of the three elemental kingdoms, the kingdom of man, and the Kingdoms of Souls, Planetary and Solar Lives; 11.) This implies that every member of the elemental kingdoms is a man in the making, and all men eventual planetary and solar lives.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 149 section b. 243 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 149 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 149 section b. 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 149 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 149 section a. covers pages 635-636, the Appendix. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) This section begins DK’s ‘suggestions for students’ and includes pertinent references about astrology from The Secret Doctrine, by Helena P. Blavatsky; 2.) Mythology relates to astronomical, theogonical and human struggles – like “survival of the fittest” in the lower worlds – so that the form which is most congruent with the Archetype of Purpose may be created; 3.) The incessant fights of the Gods in the Old Scriptures are like adjustments of energy centers; 4.) Astrology existed before astronomy and is the psychological or spiritual interpretation of astronomical measurement; 5.) Essentially astrology is the great Science of Relationships between emanated entities; 6.) Astrology is understood only by those with extra sensory perception of a high kind; 7.) Stars and constellations have an influence on individuals, souls, Monads, and groups, nations, and mankind as a whole and one day we will be able to read the records of all that has and will transpire over many millions of years; 8.) The Third Ray Department includes astrologers who know the occult forces emanating from the constellations; 9.) The universal conformity of the divisions of the Zodiac and names of the Planets in the same order everywhere indicates the impossibility of chance or coincidence; 10.) Michael emphasizes that these constellations are in fact the heart-in-the-head center of the “One About Whom Naught May Be Said” – thus structurally a very ancient antiquity, but here Blavatsky indicates the ancientness of man’s recognition of the zodiac and its meaning; 11.) High ceremonial astrology depends upon the knowledge of the Initiate and this ability to contact, invoke and cooperate with those inner beings is coming again through Masonry, the Church rituals and New World Religion, which special dates and ceremonies are based upon propitious timing.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 149 section a. 298 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 149 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 149 section a. 62 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 149 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 148 section a. covers pages 632-634. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) Capricorn, the third of the Ray Three constellations, carries the Will of Shamballa to the initiates, giving them an enterprising spirit so they can complete the Will of God on earth; 2.) In biblical terms, the Holy Place is Hierarchy and related to Ray Two, the Holy of Holies is Shamballa and related to Ray One, and the Outer Court is Humanity and Ray Three – and these Three are One; 4.) It is through Ray Four where we learn of at-one-ment, through Ray Five where we develop the ability to understand, through Ray Six we move towards identification with that synthesis, and through Ray Seven we demonstrate synthesis on earth; 5.) Michael elaborates upon how Will is all about the passage of through directed power in the lower worlds if the Heavenly Archetype is to be approximated; 6.) Transfiguration is a change of the dimension in which we customarily work; 7.) We have an interactive teaching where all aspects come into mutual relationship with other aspects and so the Many are absorbed into the One.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 148 section a. 166 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 148 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 148 section a. 67 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 148 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 147 section c. covers pages 630-632. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) Every ray type arrives at a stage where wisdom is transmuted into omniscience and then consciousness and form are superseded by One Who is greater than both these phases; 2.) The Third Ray wills to incarnate, wills to know, wills to be conscious, and extricates Himself from identification from the Many, producing external synthesis over time; 3.) The trinity of Life-Quality-Appearance is the basic relation of the Ray’s enduring and persistent synthesis – it is the circle or completed cycle – the serpent of matter, serpent of wisdom, and serpent of life as one – this is the eternal threefold dragon; 4.) Attraction (the Serpent of Wisdom), Subtraction (the Serpent of Matter), and Abstraction (the Serpent of Life) are related to the first three initiations from the Will aspect; 5.) This trinity knows itself as the Transmitting One and is the Third Ray’s attractive nature in the words of the Christ: “I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me.”; 6.) The Trinity also knows itself as a Transforming Agent, chanting “Glory to God in the highest, on Earth peace, goodwill to men”; 7.) Finally, it is the Transfigured One who realizes “Glory to God in the highest”; 8.) These major Rays of Aspect embody the entire story, the minor Rays of Attribute provide detail and DK will not analyze the other four rays therefore – Michael indicates the hope of course that students in the new esoteric schools will work out the three modes of will and four realizations (Transcending, Transmitting, Transforming and Transfiguring) for the four triangles of attribute; 9.) Cancer symbolizes the will through the medium of mass consciousness, rudimentarily defined as `public opinion’ as it reflects a kind of ‘critical mass’ (which directs pressure towards that which is desired) as created through education or propaganda; 10.) Libra is the point of balance between the pairs of opposites and indicates the will-to-express, the seventh type of Will of the seven; 11.) Michael concludes this section by discussing skill-in-action is how the Third Ray Being discovers Itself, under the Will-to-Fulfillment.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 147 section c. 251 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 147 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 147 section c. 69 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 147 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 147 section b. covers pages 626-630. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) Michael recalls for us that the Great Being of the Second Ray also expresses through the three types of Will: Conditioning, Fulfilling and Conquering, and through four modes: Transcending, Transmitting, Transforming, Transfiguring; 2.) The Will always expresses through three zodiacal constellations and these are all behind the “One About Whom Naught May Be Said”; 3.) Along with Gemini (previously covered), the Second Ray expresses through Virgo which brings fusion to the pair of opposites, providing a triple union; 4.) This is the second ray in its nourishing and guarding aspect that which produces the Christ; 5.) Michael discusses the Vulcan and Moon relationship in Virgo and the Will-to-Emerge, in this regard he advises against the choice during pregnancy of doctor intervention in inducing labor; 6.) Pisces is the consummation of the Second Ray’s work of the Will, the Will-to-Save; 7.) This is the whole story of unity producing the objectivity of the Christ principle; 8.) The Third Ray Will works through Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn and the Moon, Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and this is a clue to what we call evolution; 9.)The Will-to-Evolve involves That which is more than consciousness and form; 10.) This Ray of Creative Intelligence arranges according to the demand of the Archetype of Purpose; 11.) DK ensures that we distinguish between matter, the Mother, and substance, which is energy or ether and which as the Holy Spirit overshadows the Mother; 12.) Our focus is on substance and therefore is an idea beyond and behind all man’s knowledge and thus inexplicable; 13.) Michael emphasizes that A Treatise on Cosmic Fire therefore is about the dynamics of the etheric body or ethers of space; 14.) It is this Third Ray Being which is our evolving reality and which is developing conscious awareness of itself within that which It is not– and so we are discussing stages by which the Entity discovers Its Self in the ‘not self’; 15.) There is the first stage where sensory perception is transmuted into knowledge, where form gradually adapts according to need; 16.) Next is the stage where knowledge is transmuted into wisdom and this knowledge is used to detach from the form, which is the organ of perception; 17.) Michael concludes with emphasis upon this ability of a growing discrimination is consciousness slowly detaching Itself from form, while still using the form, and this is the third ray process of “manipulation”.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 147 section b. 204 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 147 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 147 section b. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 147 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 147 section a. covers pages 623-626. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) Vision and seeing that which must be loved comes before the Will may be evoked, this is why the work of the Christ comes before the work of the First Ray; 2.) We again see the three aspects of the will functioning through the second ray, the first is the will-to-initiate or to condition, which fuses Humanity and Hierarchy; 3.) The second is the will which brings fulfilment by means of a relentless pushing forward until the desired goal is reached; 4.) Thirdly, the will which conquers death because of its intense love of the presence which persists forever; 5.) This is not the will of the mystical vision but the incentive behind the Lord of Sacrifice who makes all Whole; 6.) This is the transcending will that differentiates between process and goal, between initiation and that which is revealed and that which as yet unknown; 7.) The second ray knows itself as the transmitting will which is a basic mystery and concerns the at-oning will which in its lowest expression is love between the sexes; 8.) The second ray also knows itself as the transforming will because it involves cause and effect, life and form, changing wrong relationship into right relationship; 9.) Michael expands upon the Law of Attraction and Repulsion as the great Method of Transformation that brings Right Relationship through mutual attraction and the conformity to the Archetype of Purpose that enables “spirit to mount upon the shoulders of matter”; 10.) Transcendence, which results in transfiguration, is worked out through the three constellational Lords Who are attuned to the Second Ray by an “act of its sufficient will to act in time and space”; 11.) Gemini’s Two Brothers symbolizes the interplay between dualities — governed by Mercury and Venus the intuition and mind are blended together; 12.) Michael expands upon the identity and relationship of the Two Brothers in the sense of the Elder Brother and the Prodigal Son having the same monadic origin.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 147 section a. 210 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 147 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 147 section a. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 147 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 146 section c. covers pages 620-623. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) The Ray One Will-to-Good works through Aries with the Will-to-Create, Leo with the Will-to-Fulfillment, and the Will which Conquers Death in Capricorn; 2.) Capricorn is the conquering will, initiation is a conquest which initiates man into the will aspect (not the Soul aspect); 3.) The Earth provides ideal conditions for Capricorn’s type of achievement as it is in the process of transforming from a non-sacred to sacred planet –a kind of staging ground for the conquering of death by Saturn; 4.) Saturn is this powerful transmitter of the First Ray to the Earth via Capricorn/Saturn/Earth; 5.) DK says the first ray energy will be accelerated, and yet, the Michael mentions that the Leo/Pisces/Capricorn triangle faded out in 1975; 6.) Visualization enhances the downflow of energies through the kind of diagrams earlier given; 7.) Aries is the Initiator, Leo the Self, and Capricorn the transfiguring Agent that repolarizes the consciousness of man onto the planes of the spiritual triad; 8.) The triangles of constellations are ordered by their relationship as transmitters of the first ray activities — Aries most related to the One About Whom Naught May Be Said, and Capricorn the least; 9.) From the angle of human relations, the triangle is rearranged and Leo is preeminent, then Capricorn, then Aries -– so the order of the constellations is dependent upon the evolutionary status of the Life which the constellations are affecting; 10.) A fresh light on astrology will come from understanding the difference of constellations, galaxies, stars, and signs; 11.) Michael expands that there would be no constellational effect upon humanity without the signs to receive, concentrate and distribute those energies from the constellations; 12.) Further, the mismatch of signs to constellations is related to a devic field of concentrated influence during the seasons and so it isn’t the energy of Pisces which is received by humanity at the Spring equinox but Aries, so the Planetary Logos may receive constellational energy and humanity the energy of the signs; 13.) Ray Two comes through the triangles of Gemini, Virgo and Pisces, and Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, the Moon, Pluto -– this is the Will-to-Unify; 14.) This is the dominating will of our planet as a second ray soul, and it is the energy which brought the Hierarchy into being, as well as Scorpio/Sirius/Mars under the impact of the Shamballa or first ray force; 15.) All the teaching given out has been upon the Second Ray since 1575; 16.) The two most prominent world Teachers and Saviours, Buddha and the Christ, are on the Second Ray, as is Master K.H.; 17.) This second ray energy is the will to draw into itself or attract into itself, Love.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 146 section c. 228 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 146 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 146 section c. 64 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 146 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 146 section b. covers pages 617-620. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) (Continuing from previous … ‘In the process of sacrifice That Which is the sustaining Whole realizes within itself transcending will, transmitting will’), transforming will, and transfiguring will; 2.) Students should focus more on That within themselves, which “having pervaded their little universe with a fragment of itself remains” as they then will have anchored themselves in transcending power and guarantee the flow of the will-to-achieve; 3.) They should then visualize the needed transformation and believe in the transfiguration; 4.) DK returns to the theme of the Macrocosm and Aries, as it embodies the will-to-create that which will express the will-to-good (and thus related to the third aspect of divinity which is the monadic ray of our planetary Logos; 5.) Michael considers these rays and signs related to the monadic level, and if humanity may have a first ray monad; 6.) The influence of Mars and Mercury, through Aries, brings conflict and death of the form, and the illumination which arises from conflict; similar to the story of Scorpio; 7.) In Leo we have the will-to-fulfillment or achievement, to fulfill an archetypal pattern of self hood; 8.) The will-to-good works out through the climaxes of creation, group consciousness, and the conquest of death.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 146 section b. 207 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 146 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 146 section b. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 146 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 146 section a. covers pages 612-617. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) These diagrams FOUR and FIVE give the extension from the One to the Many in macrocosmic and microcosmic levels; 2.) We now enter the realm of causes and transcendent purposes of how the three constellations transmit the three aspects of the Will to Earth; 3.) Sanat Kumara, as a disciple of the Solar Logos, is the only Existence on our planet who is capable of responding to and carrying out these objectives from the Great Bear; 4.) Ray One works through Aries, Leo and Capricorn (and the four planets Mars, Mercury, Sun, Saturn) bringing forth a new realization of being; 5.) Remember that the Path of Initiation training process is about the evolution of the Will; 6.) It is ultimately the unfoldment of the love nature which reveals the Will; 7.) We are now dealing with the creative will which initiates manifestation (Aries), brings forth fulfilment (Leo), and overcomes death (Capricorn); 8.) Death (or limitation) is a deterioration in time and space due to matter and spirit’s tendency to isolate itself (Michael provides a quote from Esoteric Healing which elaborates upon disease and death as a result of these two forces); 9.) The First Ray may be best summed up as “The Transcendent One, the Life, the Whole, the All entered into communion with Itself and by this act became a vital point of life and focussed power.”;10.) Michael considers the emanations of That and Its relation to realization, information, and Itself; 11.) In the process of sacrifice That Which is the sustaining Whole realizes within itself transcending will, and transmitting will … (continued in next section).
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 146 section a. 230 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 146 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 146 section a. 65 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 146 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 145 section c. covers pages 610-612. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) DIAGRAM FOUR shows the pattern of energy descent from each of the stars of the Great Bear, through its three Ray constellations (as described in Tabulation X on page 590); 2.) The four non-sacred planets are also transfiguring agents to the earth; 3.) The hourglass shape of this diagram is similar to the thunderbolt, or Dorje; 4.) As related to the earth, these words hold the key to the whole process: Transcending—The transcending cause (Monad), Transmitting—The zodiacal constellations (Spiritual triad), Transforming—The Sun. The Soul., and Transfiguring—The planets (the personality vehicles); 5.) The word “Translated” relates to when the “souls of just men are made perfect” (a Ray Four word); 6.) Michael elaborates upon the possible more specific meanings of these terms and levels of interpretation, in relation to treading the Way of Higher Evolution; 7.) DIAGRAM FIVE provides a human pattern of descent, the “interior light chart” of an advanced aspirant on the verge of discipleship; 8.) Michael conjectures upon the interior light charts of other levels of man and related Triangles (such as referenced on pages 169-170 of Treatise on Cosmic Fire).
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 145 section c. 257 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 145 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 145 section c. 64 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 145 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 145 section b. covers pages 608-610. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) The triangular interrelations of stars within constellations are considered and how they form a unit with other triangles; 2.) Life, soul, kama-manas, and vitality are four expressions of the One Ineffable Cause or One About Whom Naught May Be Said; 3.) The method of combining the triangles so that they can represent the quaternary as here given may be beyond understanding; 4.) Our ‘unimportant’ solar system is still part of the sevenfold appearance of this same Essential Cause – Michael reflects upon the deeper meaning of our ‘solar system’; 5.) The stream of cosmic energies from Ursa Major produce transformations which rearrange form to archetype; 6.) Michael considers the various Seven Spirits – Before the Throne of the “One About Whom Naught May Be Said”, Seven Kumaras, Sacred Planetary Logoi, and maybe these Radiant Seven are the seven head centers within the head, and the Seven Kumaras with the centers above the head (in the Tibetan Headdress); 7.) The important Diagram Three that shows a double diamond of descending energy pattern is introduced; 8.) Each ray passes through the three constellations to the Sun and then to the non-sacred planets and sacred planets.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 145 section b. 280 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 145 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 145 section b. 67 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 145 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 145 section a. covers pages 607-608. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) There are two angles of understanding of these constellation and ray relationships – the quality of life of the Lord of Ursa Major (Michael suggests this is the Being in question), and the quality of the will which humans can respond to after the third initiation; 2.) These are of three qualities, the will which conditions, that which brings fulfillment, and that which conquers death; 3.) Michael considers the differing dimensions which can be called ‘universe’; 4.) The Great Bear is also involved with Ursa Minor and the Pleiades, due to relation of Seven Solar Systems of Which Ours is One (Michael includes some thoughts on the nature of Sirius and the ajna and solar plexus); 5.) This triple relationship relates to the One About Whom Naught May Be Said; 6.) The relationship of the terms, or the use of blinds with ‘constellation’ and ‘solar system’ is considered, for instance in terms that our local constellation on which our Sun represents a heart center and is one of the major stars, and may has 115 + planets, is a one star solar system, ours.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 145 section a. 221 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 145 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 145 section a. 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 145 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 144 section b. covers pages 605-607. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) The Seven types of Will, when their full creative work is complete, will lead to an unknown synthetic something which is the seed of the next solar system; 2.) These Will aspects are something the Masters struggle to understand and it may be until the Sixth Degree when this essence is recognized; 3.) Ray I.—That which incites to and produces initiation; 4.) Ray II.—That which is the cause of vision or the power to see; 5.) Ray III.—That which develops sensory perception into knowledge, knowledge into wisdom and wisdom into omniscience; 6.) Ray IV.—That which is the illumined will, the basis of buddhi or the intuition; 7.) Ray V.—That which is the cosmic seed of liberation, an aspect of destruction, related to Uranus and the power to rationalize; 8.) Ray VI.—That which causes thoughtform building, the creative urge; 9.) Ray VII.—That which can be called the principle of order; 10.) Michael elaborates upon the principle of cohesion, the second aspect of divinity, that results in fruition — the beauty and fullness of Jupiter and Venus; 11.) This is all related to the final aspects of the highest initiations when a great synthesis occurs.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 144 section b. 204 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 144 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 144 section b. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 144 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 144 section a. covers pages 602-605. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) These seven energies evoke the Will aspect in advanced man and evoke within humanity: Initiation. Vision. Education. Intuition. Liberation. Idealism. Organisation; 2.) At the close of the Aquarian Age those keynotes will have produced major changes; 3.) Consideration of Tabulation X and why constellations and planets are related to rays; 4.) The effects of the 7 Ray Energies as they pour forth from one of the stars of the Great Bear (Michael elaborates upon some ray polarization issues for earth, and time and space transcendence); 5. The Seven rays express themselves through Three zodiacal constellations; 6.) These Ray Beings are custodians of the Will in its plan making or form-building nature; 7.) The nature of the will is undefinable; 8.) These constellations and ray relationships are only in connection to the earth; 9.) Michael contemplates a new science related to energy descent and rational mutation patterns; 10.) Diagram One and Diagram Two are introduced, showing lines of approach in a diamond formation; 11.) Michael wonders if bisecting the square is an act of consciousness with its sense of duality; 12.) The seven rays are divine prototypal Will – the Will of the Great Bear.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 144 section a. 202 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 144 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 144 section a. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 144 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 143 section b. covers pages 599-602. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) Ray Five in terms of the Divine Will is matter and spirit as opposite ends of the same pole; 2.) It is the Will which produces concretion and a balanced point, thus related to Taurus and Libra by Venus; 3.) Beauty results when pattern is balanced and perfected and 5th plane provides mastery; 4.) Michael highlights how scattering of causal debris results in revelatory clearing; 5.) Ray Five is the Will and intelligent pattern by which all atoms are made; 6.) This intelligence is related to the 1st Solar System which was liberated through the mastery of energy; 7.) Michael conjectures on eventual liberation of First Ray Monads; 8.) Ray Five is the seed of consciousness inherent in life of matter, the living unnamed substance; 9.) The Will to Action in matter, related to death or initiation – the death of ignorance; 10.) Ray Six, Devotion or Idealism embodying God’s idea, providing desire behind creation; 11.) Michael considers ‘the Idea’ linking to First Ray inevitability or invincibility; 12.) This is the Will to Fulfillment, along a Sirius/Leo and Jupiterean line; 13.) The desire nature is related to movement – that which seeks wholeness, and so related to consciousness whereas Will is not related to consciousness but is an impersonal force; 14.) The Will forces the idea of God as fact, and Michael explains distinct points of view about the states of change and no change in the Eternal Now; 15.) DK emphasizes from the Secret Doctrine that an Idea causes manifestation from intense cosmic desire; 16.) Consciousness is the recognition of a progressive plan, and Michael emphasizes the Will is undeflected by registrations or sensitivity whereas receptivity is integral to consciousness; 17.) Reference Rays and Initiations p.175-176 on the blinding conviction of unalterable will oblivious of time and space aware only of intensity of direction; 18.) The Will’s highest expression in humanity today is idealism; 19. Ray Seven, Ceremonial Order is the Will which Drives through to manifestation with periphery and point at the center are embodied in, as Michael suggests, a kind of Radius or Radiatory Will; 20.) It is the Will to ritualistic synthesis or well-coordinated rhythms; 21.) It is the Divine Nature of Necessity – the Will or Purpose to manifest on the outer plane, the Will towards Expression; 22.) nature’s way is producing beauty, order, right relationship through reflecting that which is above to that which is below; 23.) Today highest expression in humanity is organization; 24.) Michael emphasizes in conclusion that these seven types of Will are the driving force or impulsion towards a fixed pattern and are reflections of archetypes in the mind of God; 25.) The keynotes of the Seven Rays and the Will Aspect:
Initiation. Unification. Evolution. Harmonisation. Action. Causation. Expression.
Initiation. Vision. Education. Intuition. Liberation. Idealism. Organisation.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 143 section b. 199 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 143 sectionba. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 143 section b. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 143 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 143 section a. covers pages 596-599. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) This section introduces a key table, Tabulation X, which presents the rays, their three constellations, and orthodox and esoteric rulers. For the serious student, this table should be committed to memory; 2.) It is the Will aspect embodied in the rays which works out destructively when working through an orthodox planet, and constructively with an esoteric planet; 3.) The theme is now to formulate the Seven Ray energies in terms of the Will and not love or consciousness; 4.) RAY I—The energy of Will or Power is related to that will which conquers death, related to Capricorn, and shows death as part of the Great Illusion; 5.) Michael discusses the heart as this quality that pervades the isolation which death seems to impose; 6.) Death is a “figment of the imagination” as customary imagination reinforces the reality of a veil between ‘living’ and ‘dead’; 7.) The imagination can rather be an instrument of the intuition and love to break the artificial boundaries through Ray One’s ability to destroy form and the death of negation, of anything that negates life; 8.) Master Morya says the great mantram for the First Ray is Yes Yes Yes; 9.) Michael elaborates that Presence – is omnipresent – and this negates the apparent reality of death; 10.) Ray One initiates and inaugurates, it is divine incentive; 11.) The highest expression of Ray One now for humanity is the process of Initiation; 12.) Ray Two, the Energy of Love-Wisdom, is the energy to unify, synthesize, produce coherence, prevent fragmentation and establish relationships; 13.) The highest expression of Ray Two in humanity is the expression of mystical vision; 14.) Ray Three, the energy of Activity Intelligence, is the Will of Conditioned Purpose. Michael explains this purpose is Uranian subject to Saturnian conditions – ie, a plan subjects purpose to time and space conditions so that it can be accomplished under the Law of Economy; 15.) The Third Ray is the Will to evolution, it’s highest expression is education and progressive development through experience; 16.) The Fourth Ray, Harmony through Conflict, is the Will to Destroy Limitation. This is not the Ray One Will to Destroy that which negates or separates (death), it is allied but more about the removal of boundaries that give us the sense of limitation. Again, not limitation that the consciousness would recognize or profit from struggling with, but the Will itself to destroy this limitation. 17.) Harmony is liberating; 18.) Christ died as he had achieved harmony with the will of God, “the veil of the Temple was rent in twain from top to the bottom”; 19.) the “seeds of death” emerge from the Fourth Ray and the Grim Reaper, with his cleaving scythe, is an aspect of this Will; 20.) Death is an act of the intuition, from the Soul’s Will to harmonize it severs the Spirit from its form once harmony is achieved; 21.) The highest expression of the Fourth Ray in humanity is the intuition as it works out in releasing the individual into the group.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 143 section a. 220 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 143 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 143 section a. 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 143 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section e. covers pages 595-596. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) The sacred personality of our solar system involves The Great Bear (Aries), the Pleiades (Cosmic Astral), and Sirius; Michael considers the associations to cosmic planes and rays; 2.) Triangles of stars distribute the ray energy in three modes to each one of the zodiacal triangles and and in a way Great Bear, SIRIUS/Little Bear/ Pleiades are behind EVERY zodiacal triangle; 3.) Michael tackles the question of either three or seven great constellations as the basis for the “One About Whom Naught May Be Said” and investigates the relations of constellations, chakras and rays; 4.) Why most first ray energy never reaches our solar system and the priority of Hierarchy and the second ray; 5.) the mysterious expression of the seven rays as all triplicities subdivide into septenates, yet preserve their identity; 6. Michael has explained how the three major rays combine into duads and to also be analogues to the Three Persons of the Trinity… and transmitted via the twelve constellations and here conveys his new appreciation of the one great process of Transmission. Reception. Absorption. Relation and Living Activity; 7. A review of problems and solutions, and the requirement of the focused will to distill the usually insoluble problems.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section e. 224 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section e. 65 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section d. covers pages 593-595. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) The will is what finally conquers death, death in general, Death to Consciousness, not only death as it affects the form nature; 2.) This will is the principle of victory, and the final united success; 3.) Christ Himself is striving towards this knowledge and we may only speculate; 4.) The point here is to convey an idea of a vast realisation about the “endless Way of which Nirvana itself is but the open door” and the goal of all hierarchical endeavour; 5.) The divine Plan is often distorted and provided only in terms of humanity striving towards Hierarchy, but Hierarchy itself strives towards Shamballa; 6.) The will which brings fulfilment is coming from the cosmic astral plane; Michael discusses Leo’s relationship here; 7.) The will which conquers death is an outpouring from the cosmic mental plane.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section d. 194 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section d. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section c. covers pages 590-593. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) Continuing context of Shamballa, and Will and Divine Purpose, and their latency in the mind of God since the beginning of time; 2.) We know somewhat of intelligence of God and of the love we are learning slowly; 3.) Of the will and purpose of God, humanity knows nothing due to selfishness; 4.) The Great Bear is connected to Shamballa…we are shown nothing lower than the Earth as the receptor, but we could draw another Dorje to plot the distribution and reception of the energies received as shown on p. 610, Diagram 3 and 4; 5.) Regarding the three major expressions of the will aspect: that which conditions the life aspect (Aries), fulfilling right relations (Leo), and which conquers death (Capricorn); 6.) There is will as conditioner of nature of any nation or race, ie, concerned with the major archetypes of a period through large groupings. 7.) The word “life” as that which synthesises spirit, soul and body – that fourth something which hovers behind all manifestation … hinted at in Bhagavad Gita: “Having pervaded this whole universe with a fragment of Myself, I remain.” (EA 591); 8.) The will which fulfils all relationships according to the standing archetype and relates to wholeness, fulfilment of purpose: Jupiter, Sirius, Leo; 9.) There is a reflection of this will-fulfilment in one who finds his heart’s desire, and we see its relation to Leo and consummation or completion through fulfilling that which is desired; 10.) sacrifice of all which is not the archetype is required to achieve this GREATEST THING; 11.) This process is when the end is seen from the beginning and the completed whole is produced; 12.) The ARCHETYPE appears at the beginning as is the END, because all things must configure themselves according to the pattern present by the ever-enduring ARCHETYPE.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section c. 206 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section c. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section b. covers pages 588-590. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) Context of discussing will aspect is in consideration of the Rays, Constellations and Planets which concerns the first aspect of the will; 2.) The Great Bear is the originating sources of the seven rays, and seven planetary Spirits manifest through the medium of the seven sacred planets and each rays from the Great Bear is transmitted to our solar system through three constellations and their ruling planets; 3.) Signs are concentrated influences; 4.) the tabulation X shows the three constellations for each ray but must be interpreted in terms of the great zodiacal wheel of 25,000 years; 5.) To discuss the Various Aspects of the Will we have difficulty as words will be misleading, but some concepts may help for future teaching; 6.) The mode for revelation: A thought is given; a symbol described; an idea portrayed –- then intuitives pick up thought which eventually reveals a next step.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section b. 241 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section b. 63 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section a. covers pages 584-588. The video is about 1 hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) We must learn how to utilize that Divine Will which is evoked; 2.) Two great handicaps to the free expression of the Shamballa force are sensitivity of the lower nature to its impact, and well-meaning people who talk vaguely and beautifully but refuse to consider the techniques of the will of God in operation; 3.) the energy of the will upon the materialistically minded person would strengthen the lower self-will, that the person might become a monster of wickedness, responding negatively to Aries/Pluto/Shamballa; 4.) To counter evil will requires opposition of an equally focussed spiritual will by men and women of goodwill; 5.) the will can be contacted only from the mental plane although intensified desire can invoke the Will… only those who are working with mind can begin to appropriate this energy; 6.) Fire was an outstanding aspect of WWII and produced with the aid of the mineral kingdom the great means of destruction in this war; 7.) as a practical suggestion DK asks if a group would try to fit, contact and use Shamballa energy; 8.) Hierarchy is in approach to Shamballa and the Masters have much to learn about Shamballic Energy; 9.) Discussion around the direct impacts of Shamballa, with greater safety when more second ray and group approaches; 10.) Reasons for conscious use of Shamballa force needed to offset certain selfish minds of Black Lodge; 11.) Planetary soul infusion is created by interplay between Humanity and Hierarchy and when this is better established both will “stand together with massed intent and the general public with the world thinkers and intuitives will join in affirmation of right.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section a. 245 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section a. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 142 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 141 section a. covers pages 581-584. The video is about 45 minutes long, and includes the following topics: 1.) Difficulty comprehending Love is due to it usually being interpreted as kindness to personalities; 2.) love has never been factually expressed—except by the Christ; 3.) Recorded words of Christ were: first, to His mother: “Wist ye not that I must be about My Father’s business?” ; second at the Baptism in Jordan “Suffer it to be so now, for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness.” Symbolizing the conquest of desire; and at the close of His life in Gethsemane: “Father, not my will but Thine be done.” – These demonstrate recognition of the three aspects of Shamballa; 5.) Desire when massed and focussed, can invoke will; 6.) will ends desire and bends Vulcanian form to divine purpose; 7.) Desire is invocative and the Will is evocative.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 141 section a. 123 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 141 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 141 section a. 44 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 141 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 140 section c. covers pages 574-581. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) The Fixed Cross awakens the vague determinations to evoke Will and put a man en rapport with the will aspect of Deity; 2a.) Mutable Cross integrates man into Humanity; 2b.) Fixed Cross integrates disciple into Hierarchy; 2c.) Cardinal Cross integrates the initiate into Shamballa; 3.) Tabulation X); 4.) A great spiritual awakening will arrive after the war, which has taught humanity many lessons and values; 5.) What humanity determines to have, it achieves. This is an occult law, for desire is the strongest force in the world; 6.) Organised, unified desire provided the Axis Powers with early success, but there was little of the spiritual will that was shown by the allies; 7.) Discussion of the Nature of the Will; 8.) Will-to-Good was opposing the selfish desire of the Axis Power; 9.) The secret of the will tied the unconquerable nature of goodness and ultimate triumph of good; 10.) This spiritual will was brought in by the Allies; 11.) Two key words about Shamballa energy: Group Use and Understanding.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 140 section c. 160 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 140 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 140 section c. 47 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 140 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 140 section b. covers pages 569-574. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) Transition to the Fixed Cross, remember importance of Pisces as sign of transition; 2.) Mutable Cross has brought about vast experience of millions of years of individualized human life; 3.) Dissatisfaction emerging from those making the transition who no longer have material desire but divine discontent and turn to invocation, aspiration, mysticism, then occultism; 4.) Duality now consciously recognised, desire gives place to love – this is personality moving in that divine emerging aspect. [vsk note similarity of solar plexus two points and Meditation II]; 5.) DK gave out two stanzas of a great occult mantram: 1936, and before 1942; 6.) second stanza given out later and intended to be a “decision point in a time of crisis”; 7.) The two versions of the Great Invocation showed how the same invocation has distinctions and applications for different times and groups. the first group—emotional and idealistic; 8.) The blended invocation and the united call bear upon the hidden Centres of the “Saving Force” and this united appeal was needed at the world war; 9.) Consider next each Invocation, which cross, and for whom they were designed; 10.) Upon the Fixed Cross its four streams of energy produces three emerging conditions; 11.) Self-conscious man in Leo becomes the group conscious man in Aquarius.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 140 section b. 184 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 140 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 140 section b. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 140 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 140 section a. covers pages 565-559. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) All crosses function simultaneously in the life of the Christ, establishing a new perfection and example of fusion of twelve energies in one divine personality; 2.) The initiate is the forerunner of this type of threefold simultaneous expression; 3.) DK introduces the Fixed and Mutable Crosses in connection with the Cosmic Christ (no mention of Jesus); 4.) THE FIXED CROSS – in Taurus, the Christ demonstrates the Light of the World and ‘if thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light’; 5.) Leo is the sign of self-conscious identity to which Christ testifies “what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul?”; 6.) the significance of Scorpio has been deleted from the New Testament but preserved in the legend that Christ killed two serpents, representing the pairs of opposites or duality; 7.) The Aquarian expression is shown in the Last Supper when Christ sends disciples to find the man bearing a pitcher of water on his shoulder, and speaks of the waters of life; 8.) THE CARDINAL CROSS – the highest forms from the human level; 9.) Aries provided the impulse to inaugurate the Christian era and the age of Love; 10.) Cancer is referred to as the sheep, and this refers to the mass consciousness rather than initiate consciousness; 11.) Libra stood as a point of balance or midway between the old and new and East and West; 12.) The Christian era is also this point of balance or crisis of equilibrium for human kingdom, where it makes a decision about spiritual inclination or regression to materialism; 13.) Capricorn is the point of crystallisation resulting in death, and the Will that conquers death is also related to Capricorn; 14.) The stone rolled away from the burial cave shows the overcoming of this lower aspect; 15.) Michael expands upon how Hercules and Christ achieved a twelvefold learning in each of the signs, Hercules as the Triumphant Disciple in most instances, and Christ as the Triumphant Initiate in all challenges; 16.) A study of these life events of world teachers will bring a sense of livingness to the three Crosses; Reminder of Mount Golgotha: The Mutable Cross—the unrepentant thief. Humanity; The Fixed Cross—the repentant thief. Hierarchy; and The Cardinal Cross—the Cross of Christ. Shamballa; 17.) The Cross of the Crucified Christ is of prime importance as the Fixed Cross and involves conscious reversal upon the zodiac; 18.) Each of these Crosses makes its presence felt through the medium of an “invoking sound.”; 19.) Each transition a crisis.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 140 section a. 187 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 140 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 140 section a. 62 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 140 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 139 section c. covers page 562-565. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) Under Gemini “The Light shines forth because the greater light and the lesser light approach and then invoke each other, with Virgo these blended lights reveal the Lighted Way; 2.) Man passes from form to soul, from dark to light retracing steps backward. On the reversed wheel he now goes counter-clockwise using the power of Sagittarius; 3.) Pleiades in Taurus appears and thus one radiant sun of Taurean illumination—I SEE THE GREATEST LIGHT – in Pisces a Great Light Shines; 4.) The theme of the Crosses is fusion and integration and the keynote is the power to include and express the vertical and horizontal life; 5.) Michael considers the how to sound the CHORD OF A CROSS; 6.) there are seven forms of light, 12 Forms of zodiacal light, 12 Creative Hierarchies, so far 31 types of light; 7.) the light of the seven centres in man (when enhanced by the light of the seven planetary centres) and the five kingdoms in nature (7+5=12), plus the zodiac will “in the next century—form a seed thought or “key sound” for the next revelation of the Ageless Wisdom”; 8.) We may anticipate a new language of synthesis must emerge and astrologers must understand the effect of the Crosses upon humanity. 9.) Astrology has been too sign-centered; not seeing the forest for the trees, but man “stands at the midway point where the four energies meet” and is sensitive to the other three signs; 10.) Some elaboration upon Sun in Gemini, gold and silver, and DK provides a hint about the horoscope of the Initiate Jesus; 11.) The Gemini aspect of Christ-Jesus; Jesus the Christ is shown in the perfect fusion of the basic duality: the human and the divine; 12.) The Virgo aspect in His twelfth year: “Wist ye not that I must be about My Father’s business,” 13.) The Sagittarian energy enabled Him to say .. “I must go up to Jerusalem”; 14.) The Piscean aspect in its highest expression and constant communication with the Monad, his “Father in Heaven”; 15.) At the Sixth initiation there is constant communication with the Monad; 16.) There are various references to Jesus the Christ as a mixture of influences, some by Jesus, some overshadowed by the Christ yet through Jesus, and some of the Christ Himself, with Jesus no longer in the body.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 139 section c. 200 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 139 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 139 section c. 57 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 139 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 139 section b. covers pages 560-562. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) The purpose of the personality is to allow divinity to flow through material creation. 2.) the Nazi’s lower use of the Swastica brought in a misuse of substance against the Holy Spirit; 3.) The symbol of the Fixed Cross Cross of Humanity is the long arm cross with a circle at the crossing (see the text); 4.) Humanity is second ray soul fourth ray personality; 5.) The circle is the Circle of Illumination and also the Circle of the Completed Former Cycle; 6.) The symbol for the Cardinal Cross is more complicated, a triangle upon a vertical line, with circles at each corner of the triangle and a small line extending outward (see text); 7.) Notice the First Ray nature of Pluto in the Cardinal Cross symbol; 8.) the triangle is the manifested Monad, while Monadic essence is unmanifested Pure Being; 9.) More about the three Crosses are scattered in the chapters on the zodiac; 10.) To get meaning of Crosses, think in terms of synthesis of four streams of energy; 11.) Importance and difficulty of synthetic thinking synthesis of evolution, its problem and its goal to see united wholes; 12.) Synthesis in the Mutable signs, for instance, have Gemini—the presentation of duality, Virgo—the presentation of blending life and form, Sagittarius—the presentation of focussed energy, Pisces—the presentation of a blended radiance; 13.) Note on Sun Rulership in last decan of Pisces; 14.) See the word BLEND in the opposites of Virgo and Pisces; 15.) Commentary on ‘field consciousness’; 16.) Culminating radiance is the result of the focus of life, intention, and energy into a “radiant point of power.” Every Cross has a point of culminating radiance. Every cosmic decanate must have its own Jewel; 17.) Pisces is most potent in Mutable Cross.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 139 section b. 188 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 139 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 139 section b. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 139 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 139 section a. covers pages 557-560. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1.) The Cross of the Hidden Christ is the Mutable Cross and it governs the form or body nature. 2.) The Mutable Cross controls the whole life cycle in the strictly human stages and deals with the entire soul-personality integrations; 3.) the Mutable Cross conditions humanity and Hierarchy; 4.) the Cardinal Cross governs the manifestation of the Monad and rules Shamballa; 5.) The Mutable Cross is the Cross of the Holy Spirit, The Fixed Crossis the Cross of the Son of God, Cardinal Cross is the Cross of the Father; thus related to supernal Will, love, activity; 6.) Michael provides astrological connections, noting Saturn upon the Fixed Cross, self-awareness of Leo, right direction of Sagittarius, and the orientation change to “the spiritually vertical which involves the inclusive horizontal”; 7.) The Plan of the Logos begins to take shape Upon the Cardinal Cross; 8.) Commentary around the THREE PERSONS and the THREE CROSSES; 9.) The Mutable Cross of material change and constant movement is depicted by the swastika.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 139 section a. 220 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 139 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 139 section a. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 139 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 138 section a. covers pages 555-557. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1): continuing with the Fixed Cross; 2): “It is called the Fixed Cross because the man is stretched upon it by the directed choice and immovable intent of his soul”; 3): the Cardinal Cross – the Cross of the Risen Christ; 4): characteristics of the Cardinal Cross: a) the Cross whereon the Spirit is crucified, governing and directing the soul as it moves forward on the Path of Initiation; b) pre-eminently the Cross of initiation and of all “beginnings”; it marks the “beginning of the endless Way of Revelation”; c) it is the Cross of the “widespread arms, the open heart and the higher mind”; Omnipresence and Omniscience are known are this Cross and preparation begins for the stage we call “Omnipotence”; d) it is the Cross on which cosmic energy is known; e) on the widespread arms of this Cross the Planetary Logos is Himself stretched.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 138 section a. 174 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 138 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 138 section a. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 138 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 137 section a. covers pages 550-555. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1): the Three Crosses; 2): the Crosses are concerned with wholes, with the synthesis of manifestation and with the unified experience of the incarnating E/entity; 3): the Crosses can truly be understood only by those with initiate consciousness; 4): the Mutable Cross is the Cross of the Hidden Christ; 5): characteristics of the Mutable Cross; a) transforms the animal into the aspirant; b) the Cross of the personality and of the steadily developing human being; c) the Cross of temporal and temporary change; d) the Cross of the responsive form nurturing the indwelling Christ; 6): the Mutable Cross is called the “Common Cross” because it deals with the mass or herd of humanity; 7): the Fixed Cross is the Cross of the Crucified Christ; 8): characteristics of the Fixed Cross: a) it conditions the man who is the probationary disciple, the pledged disciple and the accepted disciple; b) the Cross of the Soul, also called the “Cross of Right Direction”; it is the Cross of “fixed vision and that immovable intent which draws the man from points of light to blazing solar radiance”; c) on this cross four energy blend with the energies of the solar system itself; man becomes aware of issues which concern the larger whole; d) the energies of the Fixed Cross continue to evoke response until the third initiation.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 137 section a. 192 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 137 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 137 section a. 67 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 137 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 136 section a. covers pages 546-550. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1): Russia’s atheistic approach sounder than the German approach to religions—the restoration of the ancient gods; 2): Germany’s approach involved the “imposition of the ancient myths” and an attack upon the “Christ of the world”; 3): a triumphant spiritual ideal is on the way to manifestation in mystical Russia; 4): Germany will one day regain the expression of soul life; 5): Germany must be aided to regain her spiritual standing; 6): Pluto stages the tests of humanity, the world disciple; 7): under Pluto arises the death of old forms leaving humanity freer; 8): the spirit is “undying” and will be impressed by the energy which will bring forth the new and needed forms; 9): the interplay of energy and vehicle produces consciousness of some kind; 10): when the nature of the energies impacting Earth are known, it should be possible to prove the factuality of their nature; 11): three sacred planets, Uranus, Mercury and Saturn are particularly active today; 12): Uranus is related to Aquarius, Libra and Aries; 13): Aries, the “inaugurator” is rendered effective through seventh ray Uranus.; 14): Aries—the initiator of the New Age and of its coming civilization; 15): Aquarius is the “Determiner of the Future”; 16): Libra is responsible for the escape from opposing forces at the midway point; 17): Mercury is especially related to humanity and to four signs of the zodiac—Aries, Gemini, Virgo and Scorpio; 18): these four signs have particular relation to the dualities with which man is concerned; 19): Mercury brings humanity to a state of crisis; 20): Mercury brings to man the revelation of divinity; 21): Saturn applies the tests and its third ray is related to the third ray of Earth; 22): Saturn brings to humanity a point of crisis to which the clue and the outcome lies in the recognition of balance; 23): Capricorn, the sign of initiation, hovers over our planet; Saturn is powerful in three positions—orthodox, esoteric and hierarchical in relation to Capricorn and Libra; 24): thus, the sign of Balance and of Initiation will produce intelligent effects on Earth; 25): Initiation, characterized by self-initiation, is the demand of humanity at this time; the Spirit of Life enforces this.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 136 section a. 187 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 136 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 136 section a. 64 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 136 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 135 section c. covers pages 542-546. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1): there begins a discussion of Capricorn, its rulers and the rays of those rulers in relation to the triangle under discussion; 2): Capricorn as the sign of initiation; 3): Venus as indicating the ability to use the mind as the reflector of soul purpose; 4): DK gives a dark warning regarding the misuse of Capricornian and fifth ray Venusian energies; He speaks of the re-initiation into the Earth and a humanity which is forced to turn its back upon the dawning light; 5): a dark period of materialism and of physical animal control is held out as a possibility should man fail to use his spiritual opportunities; 6): when this dire possibility was discussed the Forces of Light had not yet triumphed in the Second World War; 7): the representatives of the “lighted way” in both Germany and Japan were incapable of acting; 8): in the axis countries, the Hierarchy distinguishes between the bewildered mass, the wrongly educated youth and the obsessed leaders; 9): the leaders were merely “shells” for ancient, evil entities; 10): the obsessors were the spirit of materialism embodied; 11): these ancient entities sought under the influence of the three constellations under discussion, to enslave the race; 12): humanity itself, evoked these entities; 13): the Forces of Light needed to be evoked by the massed aspiration and spiritual desire of all the peoples of the Earth; 14): the Venusian influence brings in not only Taurus but Libra; 15): a great process of balancing is underway; 16): humanity’s imminent decision under Libra is indicative of a great point of crisis in the human kingdom; 17): if humanity chooses rightly the spirit of love will triumph; 18): the influence of Pisces indicates the mode whereby humanity could triumph; 19): the emergence of the influence of the planet Pluto, the hierarchical ruler of Pluto, indicated the necessity for the triumph of death—the death of old and outworn forms; 20): the need was for death as the “Great Releaser” to triumph; 21): Germany responded to a lower expression of the need for death; 22): Germany sought the destruction of religion in order to evoke the ancient gods and deify the forms of matter; 23): Germany sought to make the state the supreme end in men’s lives; 24): this would have crushed individual love and the spirit of Right Human Relations.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 135 section c. 247 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 135 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 135 section c. 62 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 135 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 135 section b. covers pages 539-542. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1): the three constellations under discussion—Leo, Capricorn and Pisces—had much to do with creating the conditions which impulsed the Great War—the first and second world wars; 2): all kingdoms of nature were involved in that war; 3): great mental power, used mostly in a material application, also arose from this triangle; 4): a great augmentation of the Will-to-Good also arose; 5): thus we see the rays of the hierarchical rulers at work; 6): DK explains man’s current situation as impulsed by the hierarchically ruling planets and their rays; 7): three rays and four houses of the horoscope are referenced; 8): DK enters an elaborate discussion on the rays and houses concerned; 9): first He deals with the seventh ray transmitted through Uranus; 10): DK describes the seventh ray, Uranian effect in terms of the eleventh house and the seventh plane; 11): the precipitation of karma is related to these two factors; 12): this precipitation involves the precipitation of the evil within humanity and also, on a much higher level, the initiation of the Planetary Logos; 13): three phases of initiation within the ranks of humanity are indicated; initiation into the Aquarian Age; initiation of aspirants into the world of accepted discipleship; the higher initiations for certain disciples who are capable of taking them; 14): a great reorganization is going on amidst all the destruction; this is due to the seventh ray; 15): the emergence of the spirit of freedom and the revolt against slavery are also related to the emergence of the seventh ray; 16): the energy of Leo (the sign of self-determination) is extremely powerful in today’s situation; 17): mankind can either emerge into the New Age or commit suicide; 18): the influence of the “stars” will either assist this emergence or conduce to destruction; 19): self-consciousness, now so emphasized, will give place to group consciousness; 20): the group spirit is now strongly demonstrating and this constitutes an initiation for the race; 21): there is a tremendous orientation towards freedom within humanity; 22): humanity is now in the process of preparing for initiation; 23): eleven is the number of the initiate; 24): Aquarius is the “sign of universal relationships”; 25): for this coming freedom the influences of Leo, Capricorn and Pisces have been preparing humanity; 26): the axis powers talked of world groups, but this signified a world grouping built around Germany; 27): the grouping indicated by the Divine Plan is “a grouping based on the ideal of brotherhood, on the will-to-good and on the freedom of the whole.”
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 135 section b. 240 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 135 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 135 section b. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 135 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 135 section a. covers pages 531-539. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1): DK continues with the type of research which should be conducted: research into the relation of the planetary centers to the systemic centers; 2): that which is a lesser and receiving source and “rule” a greater and outpouring source according to the degree of receptivity of the former; 3): man is attempting to establish an intelligent relation to the whole of which he is a part; 4): DK refrains from giving in detail the relation of various centers to the different rays; He is cautious about the possible misuse of energies; 5): DK leaves much about the centers and rays to human discovery, thinking it the slower but safer way of achieving the necessary knowledge; 6): DK speaks of an initiate coming in the early part of the 21st century to carry on with the third in this series of bridging treatises; 7): DK speaks of the necessity of much re-building and regenerating in during the 20th century, saying that it is the requirement for the giving of further esoteric teaching; 8): DK speaks of a delayed third revelation if the Forces of Opposition triumphed in the Second World War; 9): DK tells us that divinity will always triumph, however delayed that triumph may be; 10): a new chapter begins and in it, DK discusses three major constellations of the zodiac: Leo, Pisces and Capricorn; 11): the power of the three major constellations was expressive during a period from 1875 to 1975; one can wonder if it has entirely faded out now that we are living through the 21st century; 12): Leo, Capricorn and Pisces are closely related to the closely related to the destiny of humanity; 13): to their influence, the influence of Aquarius must be added; 14): there were two other times in human history that these three constellations were together influential: at the time if individualization and at the climax of the great Atlantean War; 15): there was always a fourth constellation involved—at individualization it was Gemini and during the Atlantean War it was Sagittarius; 16): the effect of the influence of these three constellations was, in Atlantean times, the “Great Flood”; 17): the effects of these three constellations are “mass effects”; 18): the three constellations are discussed in terms of their hierarchical rulers and interesting connections are made; 19): the hierarchical rulers of the three are related, each, to a house of the horoscope; the eleventh, second and eighth houses respectively; 20): rays seven, five and one are involved if we take the constellations in the order—Leo, Capricorn, Pisces; 21): these three rulers give the precipitation of inner forces, an increased activity of the lower mind, and an outpouring of the Shamballa force.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 135 section a. 240 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 135 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 135 section a. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 135 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 134 section c. covers pages 528-531. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1): discussion of planetary and systemic centers; 2): DK suggests a wide field of research related to all the information He has given on the energies and forces of the various nations and cities; 3): He suggests research into the nature of the individual’s many energies; 4): He suggests research into the various national centers and their esoteric ruling energies; 5): as an example, DK discusses certain major cities in the USA from the perspective of their rays and the chakras they represent within the nation; 6): it seems that the quality of the aggregations of human beings which are localized in great cities is related to the ray force and chakric function working through those cities; 7): cities of ray and chakric importance to the British Empire are also suggested; 8): Russia, the United States and the British Empire are to be considered three great fusing centers, each with their particular sphere of influence in relation to the globe; 9): the various type of divisions found in the world are discussed: cities, nation, continents, hemispheres; 10): the destiny of the planet lies in the hands of Russia, the United States and Great Britain; 11): the soul integrity of each nation must be preserved and its purified national purpose emphasized; 12): these three groups are not selfish in their intent; 13): the governments of these three are “for the people”; 14): other nations will learn to cooperate with these major three; 15): the selfishness in nations must be overcome; 16): the feminine and masculine orientation of various nations is discussed with indications which will be, perhaps, surprising.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 134 section c. 195 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 134 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 134 section c. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 134 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 134 section b. covers pages 525-528. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1): energy relationships between individuals and nations do not connote any invariable destiny; energy can be misused; 2): leaders of the opposing idealistic groups in the Second World War left behind them symbols of national intent, ideals or corruption; 3): the members of the allied groups during the Second World War fought with the Forces of Light; 4): the Occident and the Orient are governed by the second and fourth rays (Occident) and the fourth and third rays (Orient); 5): we are in a “period of shifting rays”; 6): human destiny lies in the hands of the United States, Great Britain and Russia; 7): the rule of the people is being developed in each, in an embryonic manner; 8): the Occident and the Orient will come to understand each other when the second ray soul of the Occident becomes more active; 9): the Science of Energy Relationships is of utmost importance though it is still in its infancy; 10): discussion of the four ways of that the Science of Energy Relationships can be studied: through antagonisms, identicality, fusion and in relation to all of humanity; 11): nations whose rays are the second and fourth will play an important role in determining human destiny; 12): spiritual energy is streaming through the five major centers; 13): “Consciousness is dependent upon its vehicle for expression and both are dependent upon life and energy for existence.”; 14): discussion of the possible chakric correspondences which the five planetary centers represent; 15): some of the five express predominantly soul energy and some, personality force; 16): the Occident and the Orient have their own chakra systems; 17): the head center of the Occident is beginning to respond to second ray energy and its ajna center to fourth ray energy; in this lies the hope of the race; 18): the second and fourth rays will eventually be the rays of the human family.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 134 section b. 192 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 134 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 134 section b. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 134 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 134 section a. covers pages 521-525. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1): the force expressing through Geneva—the second ray of Love-Wisdom; 2): Geneva and the “binding together in brotherly love”; 3): the achievements of Switzerland in relation to the second ray energy of the Geneva; 4): the motto of Geneva: “I seek to fuse, to blend and serve”; 5): the energy of London in relation to the building aspect of the first ray; 6): London in relation to the Law of Synthesis; 7): Britain’s destiny in relation to “intelligent justice and fair economic distribution”; 8): the keynote of the force working through Great Britain and London is “I Serve”; 9): New York in relation to the force sixth ray force of devotion and idealism; 10): world unity as a great ideal; during the time of the Second World War and perhaps, even now, humanity is passing through a time of “critical suspension”; 11): the sixth ray—both militant and active or mystical and pacific; 12): the keynote for New York is “I Light the Way”; 13): Great Britain and the United States are considered the two major world democracies; 14): the first Ray of Will and Power pouring through Darjeeling; 15): this force stimulates the will of dictators; 16): the soul ray of India is the same ray that pours through Darjeeling; 17): India has given the world the Ageless Wisdom and more; 18): India will be related to the revelation of the “Light of Life Itself”: this correlates with the Aries energy which conditions the soul of India; 19): the importance of the relationship between Great Britain and the United States and of Great Britain and India; 20): the sacrifices of Great Britain during the Second World War indicates a response to its second ray soul; 21): the forces flowing through Tokyo are those of the first ray in its lower and materialistic aspect; 22): it is implied that Japan has a fourth ray soul; 23): during the Second World War its sixth ray personality responded to the first ray energy—the energy flowing through Tokyo; 24): Italy has a fourth ray personality, corresponding to the fourth ray soul of Japan and Germany; 25): Italy has a sixth ray soul responding to the sixth ray personality of Japan.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 134 section a. 275 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 134 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 134 section a. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 134 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 133 section d. covers pages 519-521. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1): listing of important facts which bear repetition; 2): here are the facts: a. our planet is a non-sacred planet in process of becoming a sacred planet; b. the transference of humanity’s consciousness from a lower level to a higher level can take place (could have taken place) in the twentieth century is human will it (had willed it); c. the vastness of the probably is indicated by a crisis in the life of the Planetary Logos, by the release of new energies into the various kingdoms of the planet, and by the destructive effect of the Shamballa Force; 3): the will-to-have was opposing the Will-to-Good and the Will-to-Build; 4): the fixed intention of the Will-to-Good of the men and women of goodwill, working for the whole and not the part, is required to neutralize the effect of the opponents of the Forces of Light; 5): in the planetary sense what is occurring is the transference of the energy of the planetary solar plexus center to the planetary heart center; 6): what are needed in the world today are the power to sacrifice, inclusive surrender, clear vision of the whole, cooperation and sharing; 7): the foregoing are the immediate goal of our Planetary Logos for humanity; 8): the listing of the five points for the release of spiritual energy during the Aryan Root Race; 9): these five points are five cities – Geneva, London, New York, Darjeeling, Tokyo; 10): at this point the rays governing each of these cities are mentioned; 11): these five centers are being deliberately stimulated; 12): mention of thus far quiescent centers to appear in the African continent and in the region of Australia (note the word “region”); 13): the major five correlated with the number five of the fifth root-race are what are of importance today.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 133 section d. 219 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 133 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 133 section d. 64 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 133 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 133 section c. covers pages 517-519. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:1): continuation of the VITALLY IMPORTANT TABULATION carrying on with the ajna center of the initiate and disciple; 2): various kinds of alternative rulerships of chakras are also discussed; the presence of alternative rulerships will depend upon the evolutionary status of the individual under examination; three types of evolutionary status are referenced—average man, disciple and initiate; 3): we are here dealing with the principle of ‘functional mutability’; 4): while no planet representing the fourth ray is given in these tabulations, the fourth ray enters and is influential because it is the ray of humanity; 5): additional factors complicate the rays which condition the chakras of the human being – these are a man’s past, his individual horoscope and his soul and personality rays; 6): man’s centers are also conditioned by the centers within the human kingdom and the planetary centers; 7): “The Races, the Rays and the Signs” – a new section of study; 8): the disciple must learn to relate his Sun-sign to his Rising-sign and his personality to his soul; 9): the disciple must learn to see himself (his soul and personality) as a tiny part of a much greater whole; 10): the disciple must achieve “spiritual inclusiveness” to offset the tendency towards a totalitarian world order based on a materialistic vision; 11): the illuminative value of the “Law of Contrasts”; 12): Master DK calls the twentieth century “this century of destiny”; 13): He desires that what He writes be of practical value;
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 133 section c. 192 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 133 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 133 section c. 57 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 133 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 133 section b. covers pages 516-517. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1): the antahkarana is needed if these astrologically related sciences are not to remain obscure; 2): correct interpretation of the new esoteric astrology depends upon the use of the intuition; 3): “The intuition (as the philosopher understands it) is the ability to arrive at knowledge through the activity of some innate sense, apart from the reasoning or logical processes”; 4): the emergence of the intuition is dependent upon the exhaustion of the resources of the lower mind; 5): the intuition is “the sense of synthesis, the ability to think in wholes, and to touch the world of causes” and is needed for the simplification of the complexities associated with the new esoteric astrology; 6): introduction of a VITALLY IMPORTANT TABULATION dealing with the planets which rule the seven major chakras in the case of the average man and in the case of the disciple and initiate; 7): discussion of this tabulation continues through the discussion of the head center of disciples and initiates.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 133 section b. 279 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 133 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 133 section b. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 133 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 133 section a. covers pages 515-516. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1): different ray forces enter with each personality; 2): will the Sun-sign in each incarnation necessarily be different? Different references seem to contradict; 3): will a different Sun-sign in successive incarnations lead necessarily to different Rising-signs for those incarnations? Different references seem to contradict; 4): in different lives, different centers come under stimulation; 5): the relation of the Science of Occultism to the Science of Laya Yoga; the Science of Triangles must be interpreted in terms of energies received, transferred and used; 6): “It is a statement of fact that the world of the occultist is the world of energy, of forces, of their origin, their point of impact and the methods of their assimilation and transference or elimination”; 7): occult statements must be verified or they remain useless, in the realm of theory; 8): to find one’s way out of the caverns of bewilderment a “golden thread” is needed; 9): restatement of the Five Subsidiary Sciences related to the Science of Esoteric Astrology.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 133 section a. 284 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 133 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 133 section a. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 133 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 132 section b. covers pages 513-515. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1) The last three of the nine foundational statements relating to esoteric chart interpretation; 2): the importance of the new technique of chart superimpositionis here discussed; 3): review of the earlier three foundational statements which are to be added to the nine just given making twelve foundational statements in all; 4): Master DK says the following of these twelve statements or suggestions: “If these statements are added to the three I earlier gave you, you will have twelve suggestions as to the lines along which new astrological investigation can run, providing proof of the accuracy of astrological deduction and the guarantee of the truth of what I tell you.” 5): to determine which planetary influences rule which chakras in the fourth kingdom of nature or in the planet as a whole, it is necessary to know the point of evolution of both; 6): constant mutability rules this phase of the study of planetary rulership vis-à-vis the centers; 7): study these twelve suggestions with great care as they are the foundation of practical esoteric astrology.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 132 section b. 189 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 132 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 132 section b. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 132 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 132 section a. covers pages 511-513. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1): The Centres, the Rays and the Signs; 2): planets viewed as transmitters of ray influence; 3): this interpretation concerns only man; 4): interpretation depends on: a. point in evolution; b. life focus; c. soul and personality rays; d., condition of the centre; 5): the initiate, the disciple and average man have, in many cases, different planets ruling the chakras; 6): in undeveloped man only the sacral center and the ajna center are ruled by sacred planets (c.f. EA 517) but Master DK in another reference tells us that it is the head and heart centers of the undeveloped man which are ruled by sacred planets; 7): does the sacred planet connected with the soul rule the head center while the sacred planet associated with the personality ray rule the heart center? ; there is much here to investigate; 8): there follows a discussion of six of the nine foundational statements which rule the esoteric interpretation of the astrological chart; these nine are a MUST for anyone who wishes to approach astrological chart interpretation intelligently; 9): always note the order in which Master DK presents the seven and five planets; hints are concealed in the order – for instance the inversion of the order of Neptune and Uranus.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 132 section a. 201 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 132 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 132 section a. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 132 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 131 section a. Continuing with the tabulation. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics: 1) The Relation between the Planets Rays and the Houses. This program features a new kind of summary viewing the houses from a different perspective.2): Completing the first four houses—how their content and meaning is related to the sign-associated planetary rulers and to the rays which are transmitted by the signs associated naturally with the house;
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 131 section a. 207 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 131 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 131 section a. 63 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 131 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 130 section a. Continuing with the tabulation which deals with the higher meanings of the houses. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Ongoing attempt to work out the higher correspondences for houses nine, ten, eleven, twelve—corresponding to the signs Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
- The corresponding chakras are offered in each.
- Meanings which indicate the influence of the soul in the areas of experience ruled are also offered.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 130 section a. 304 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 130 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 130 section a. 63 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 130 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 129 section a. is still on page 511, as the higher correspondences to the usual house meanings are being worked out. The video is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Ongoing attempt to work out the higher correspondences for houses five, six, seven and eight.
- The corresponding chakras are offered in each.
- Meanings which indicate the influence of the soul in the areas of experience ruled are also offered.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 129 section a. 261 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 129 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 129 section a. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 129 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 128 section a. covers pages 509-511, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The houses are the “prison of the soul”.
- In DK’s view, modern astrologers have worked out the meaning of the houses relatively satisfactorily.
- DK offers some suggestions for astrological interpretation.
- The modern astrologer should substitute the esoteric planets for the exoteric planets, and will find confirmation of Master DK’s ideas.
- The astrologer should distinguish between the sacred planets and the non-sacred planets; he will find that the sacred planets fuse the soul and personality.
- The non-sacred planets influence the form nature.
- The modern astrologer should study the fluid area of the veiled planets. He must determine the point of evolution reached and which of the veiled planets is the ruler.
- In using the exoteric planets the astrologer will throw much light upon the life of those upon the Path of Probation. In using the sacred planets, much light will be thrown upon the life of disciples.
- Astrologers should consider the three suggestions above; then much progress will be made towards the unveiling of the astrology of the soul.
- DK suggests that astrologers should work out the higher correspondences of the more material and concrete meanings of the houses.
- He discusses the lower and higher correspondences of the first two houses.
- The organs of the body are included, and in the higher interpretation, the chakric correspondences to those organs.
- The illuminative energies of Taurus are active in the second house. So are the energies of Venus—“the endower of mind plus the embodied soul”.
- The second house as the “house of values—material and spiritual”.
- The remainder of 128 a., is given to a comparative analysis of the first four houses. The attempt has been made to follow the Tibetan’s instructions and work out the higher correspondences to the more material and concrete meanings of the houses.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 128 section a. 197 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 128 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 128 section a. 63 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 128 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 127 section c. covers pages 507-509, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The houses are considered “the lesser zodiac”.
- The non-sacred planets rule houses one, four, five and eight. The Earth is a non-sacred planet and can be associated with house two or six. A discussion is offered.
- The lower man has four aspects by the enumeration here given. The outer physical body is separated in this enumeration from the etheric body. The personality is considered the fifth vehicle.
- It occurs that the number five associated with the personality can justify the use of the inverted pentagram as an appropriate symbol.
- The Kingdom of God is considered a “veiled” kingdom. The other and lower four are unveiled.
- When considering Aries, Cancer, Leo and Scorpio, we can consider Cancer and Leo as ruled by sacred planets and Scorpio as ruled by an esoteric planet, Pluto (esoteric but not sacred).
- Mars is the alter-ego of Pluto as Venus is the alter-ego of Earth.
- Pluto is in the midst of an “esoteric approach” to the Earth.
- The Earth, Mars and Pluto form an important triangle related to the three aspects of the personality, with Venus playing the part of the soul.
- There are reasons to consider either Mars or Pluto as ruling either the astral body or the lower mind.
- The triangle of Earth/Mars/Pluto may be a major determining triangle for the individual who is about to pass onto the Path of Probation.
- The four houses governed by the four non-sacred planets, excluding the Sun, are “houses of the personality mundanely oriented”.
- The remaining planets governed by the sacred planets are not so material or so exoterically oriented.
- Yet all houses serve to place limitations on the expanding consciousness.
- A list of all planets and the houses they may rule is proposed. There enters the ambiguity of the house which is to be ruled by the non-sacred planet the Earth.
- The first house is the house of “action in the physical body”. This is house of one who fights for what he desires.
- “Aries, the first house, and Mars and the Earth initiate conflict, focussed in a form.”
- In the fourth house the form is the custodian of the spiritual essence. It is a house of ”Harmony-through-Conflict”
- The Sun as transmitter of second ray force rules the fifth house—the “mansion of the soul” or causal body. Leo is also involved.
- Sacredly, the spiritual man in the fifth house can say: “I am the eternal cause of all relation. I am and I exist.”
- The dualism of the second ray is first realized in the fifth house.
- Pluto transmitting the first ray rules the eighth house of “major separations and death”.
- The soul shoots the arrow of death.
- The upward pointing arrow is the true astrological symbol of Pluto.
- Sun and Moon veil certain planets only in the present cycle. Later they will not be veiled.
- The majority of human beings are not tuned to the reception of vibrations from Vulcan, Uranus and Neptune. These planets are often “veiled”.
- Only disciples and groups can respond to Pluto consciously.
- Vulcan a sacred planet is never an exoteric ruler.
- Uranus and Neptune rule the eleventh and twelfth house respectively. Their true nature expresses during the later stages of the Path.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 127 section c. 224 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 127 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 127 section a. 62 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 127 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 127 section b. covers pages 503-507, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The Logoi of non-sacred planets are becoming aware of all that lies within the solar systemic ring-pass-not.
- Such Logoi are also developing response to the quality of life which informs the Sun, Sirius.
- DK tells us that the Logos of a sacred planet has taken “three cosmic initiations”. Such a Logos is the Logos of our Earth-scheme, who has taken three initiations and is working on a fourth. However, should these initiations be considered “cosmic”.
- Discussions follows on the varying use of the term “cosmic” when discussing the initiations of Planetary Logoi and Solar Logoi.
- The Logoi of sacred planets are aware of all that lies within our solar system; is conscious of and vitally responsive to the Life of Sirius; and are beginning to respond consciously to the Pleiades.
- The Pleiades embody not only the Intelligence Aspect but express that Principle of Life we call vitality or prana.
- The Logos of a sacred planet has taken five cosmic initiations. Again, we have to be cautious re the use of the word “cosmic”, because there are two series of initiations open to both the Planetary Logoi and the Solar Logoi.
- There are “major cosmic initiations”, “cosmic initiations” and lesser initiations which can be called “cosmic” in some contexts. Sometimes the terms “major cosmic initiations” and “cosmic initiations” are considered equivalent, and the lesser initiations are even called “cosmic”.
- A name for a Solar Logos: “the Sacred Triangle of all-inclusive Force” because the Great Bear, Sirius and the Pleiades are included with the range of awareness of a Solar Logos.
- There are three types of “cosmic” initiations pertaining to the three types of B/beings under discussion: one type for the human being, another for the Planetary Logoi, and still another for Solar Logoi.
- The highest initiate on our planet has no faintest notion of the initiations which the Solar Logos has taken. Does this mean that our Planetary Logos has no such conception?
- DK reminds us that there are unrevealed divine aspects and characteristics—beyond the normal three with which we are familiar.
- A discussion of the “unknown divine attributes” would be meaningless to us.
- Four more divine aspects (or attributes) are to be revealed in our solar system.
- The Planetary Logoi are cultivating an awareness of these remaining four. Man cannot presently fathom them.
- There is a parallel between the consciousness of a human being up to and including the third initiation and the consciousness of the Logos of a non-sacred planet. Two divine aspects, soul and personality, are in process of intimate relation.
- The Logos of a sacred planet is involved in incorporating into His consciousness, awareness of the Monad.
- There is an extensive discussion here on planetary initiation, and the various higher initiations involved.
- When dealing with the houses of the horoscope, astrologers must take into consideration whether the planet associated with the house is a sacred planet or not.
- A non-sacred planet deals primarily with life in the three worlds while a sacred planet deals with the fusion of consciousness and form as well as a quickening of the intuition.
- The intuition is considered the lower aspect of the Monad.
- DK lists the sacred planets in order from the Sun except that He reverses Neptune and Uranus, perhaps because of Neptune’s special status in this solar system.
- DK lists the non-sacred planets indicating that both the Moon and Sun each veil a planet. The planet the Moon veils in this case is “hidden”. This is not specified with respect to the planet veiled by the Sun.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 127 section b. 405 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 127 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 127 section b. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 127 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 127 section a. covers page 503, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The subject now is “Sacred and Non-Sacred Planets”.
- What can here be said by the Tibetan is limited by the fact that the subject concerns great and major mysteries of initiation.
- This subject concerns the status of the Planetary Logos and their objectives on the Cosmic Path of Evolution.
- A planet is considered sacred when its Logos has taken five of the major planetary initiations. This statement causes some problems which have to be carefully analysed. What, really, is a major initiation of a Planetary Logos?
- A non-sacred planet is one whose Logos has not taken these five major initiations.
- The degree of logoic inclusivity is related to this question of the sacredness of any Planetary Logos.
- There follows a discussion of the way in which the human being is developing inclusivity and how the higher initiations open to the human being give him a hugely expanded range of consciousness.
- The higher initiations endow man with “freedom of the planet.”
- Do man’s five major initiations start with the first initiation or the third initiation? Only the seventh degree initiate has true “freedom of the planet” and is developing extra planetary awareness.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 127 section a. 425 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 127 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 127 section a. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 127 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 126 section c. covers pages 496-500, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The domain of exoteric astrology concern “the world of tangible happenings, precipitated events, and personal characteristics.” From these the Tibetan has shifted our attention.
- Esoteric astrology is concerned with “the world of conditioning energies, controlling incentives, impulses and causes…”
- What is presented in the book, Esoteric Astrology, is but the first dim outline of the astrology of the soul.
- DK’s presentation of esoteric astrology is revolutionary in nature and unwelcomed by many.
- Two fundamental ideas in the new esoteric astrology are as follows:
- The reversal of the disciple upon the Wheel of Life.
- The influence of the Rising-sign.
- Master DK hoped to elicit from us a sense of the vastness of the astrological theme.
- Astrological must argue from the universal to the particular in presenting the astrology of the soul.
- The charting of the personality horoscope is still of value for those traveling clockwise around the wheel.
- The new astrology is “the astrology of the human consciousness, of the solar angel, of the son of mind, the spiritual man.”
- Among aspirants, disciples and initiates, the new esoteric astrology should now be proving its usefulness.
- New meditations on astrological will be forthcoming helping the human being to brighten the “web of life” and the individual to do the same relative to his individual “web of life”, the etheric body.
- Esoteric astrology will help the disciple live the “dual life of discipleship”.
- The Science of Triangles is “a science which concerns the entire subjective pattern of manifestation and the significance of which is closely inter-related with the Trinity of manifestation”.
- The Science of Triangles deals with Life, Quality and Appearance.
- The “seed thoughts” conveyed in this brief exposition of the Science of Triangles will lead to the development of the Science of Relations.
- There are here presented three interrelated sciences: The Science of Triangles; the Science of Etheric Structure or Substance; the Science of Relations.
- The ability of man to live the vertical life of the spirit and the horizontal life of relationship will grow with every decade and man will transcend himself.
- The blasting away of the thick crust of thoughtforms will allow a new type of receptivity to the higher energies and a true understanding of the Science of Triangles.
- Humanity’s emergence from the thraldom of matter parallels the descent of spirit upon opposing matter.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 126 section c. 279 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 126 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 126 section c. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 126 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 126 section b. covers pages 494-496, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- As humanity can understand it, the goal of the evolutionary process in relation to our Planetary Logos is to render the planet sacred, and thus more integrated into the logoic body of expression.
- Gemini—Libra—Aquarius bring about the final stages of mental unfoldment during the later stages of the Path. They bring about Illumination.
- Illumination is a synthesis of instinct, intellect and intuition.
- In the book, there follow three excellent descriptions of the functions of these three air signs. The briefest summaries will follow here. For more elaboration, please listen to the commentaries.
- Through Gemini “the Messenger and the Angel exchange their understanding”. Mercury and Venus are involves; so also, the human being and the Solar Angel.
- Through Libra the “super-mind” is brought into expression. Is this buddhic or atmic? The super-mind is the response of the illumined mind to the Mind of God.
- Aquarius is closely related to the Universal Mind. It :expresses the activity of the mind which has been initiated into the purposes of the Universal Mind.”
- Certain great triangles affect the mental response apparatus of humanity. To the one above, two others can be added. All three are listed below
- Gemini—Libra—Aquarius
- Taurus—Scorpio—Capricorn
- Sagittarius—Cancer—Leo
- All three are discussed in detail and their interrelationships noted.
- Also noted are the relationships of these constellations to those planets which are active in developing and expressing the mind.
- Another important “triangle in consciousness” is Cancer/Leo/Aquarius
- These three are largely responsibility of the growth of human understanding and the developing both of the human response apparatus but also the relationship between human consciousness and its response apparatus.
- These three eventually produce identification with the divine essence underlying form.
- The keynote of the fourth initiation in terms of form, consciousness and identification: “identification with that which is the subjective and real Self and the consequent withdrawing from that which is the not-Self”
- Cancer—Leo—Aquarius: from instinctual mass consciousness, to intellectual self-consciousness, to eventual superconsciousness in Aquarius.
- The triangles are living, moving, focusing and transmitting.
- The triangles will underlie the entire manifested universe.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 126 section b. 246 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 126 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 126 section b. 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 126 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 126 section a. covers pages 490-494, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Several constellations find themselves in more than one ray triangle.
- When a ray triangle has only one constellation which is placed in more than on triangle, then the ray passing through that triangle may be relatively inactive. Such is the case with the fourth ray today, as Taurus and Scorpio are not placed in any other ray triangle.
- It appears that while Capricorn is usually considered the major transmitter of R7, Aries in the R7 triangle can be considered “most active”. This must be clarified.
- Five of the constellations are found in only one ray triangle; these are, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius.
- When the fourth ray becomes exoterically active, Taurus will be considered an active point in the R4 triangle, which is not now the case.
- Scorpio is esoterically active in relation to the tests and trials of disciples as they are prepared for initiation.
- Gemini is the relatively inactive point in the second ray triangle.
- Libra is relatively inactive in the ray three triangle because there is no true balance in the world today. This will change as Libra grows in power in the planetary horoscope.
- Capricorn leads esoterically to the externalization of the mysteries.
- The ray five triangle will soon revolve making Aquarius the predominating point in that triangle.
- The ray five triangle of Leo/Sagittarius/Aquarius governs the relation of humanity to the Hierarchy through the mind.
- The work of the ray five triangle is discussed in relation to the history of humanity and to the three degrees of Masonry. (Very important.)
- These three signs are also correlated with the past, present and future: Sagittarius—past; Leo—present; Aquarius—future.
- Our theme is always the evolution of consciousness.
- The Solar Angel, called by many names in various traditions, must be brought into the seat of power.
- This task is entrusted to the three Great Lords who rule: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius—the three air signs or constellations.
- Our little planet is not of real or focal concern to these three Great Lives.
- The probably of response to and interpretation of environing contacts is found particularly on the non-sacred planets but overall throughout the solar system.
- In our solar system, the major theme of “response to contact”.
- Wonderful definitions of love, wisdom and service: “Love is response to contact and this—in the human being—means understanding, inclusiveness and identification. Wisdom connotes skill in action as the result of developed love and the light of understanding; it is awareness of requirements and ability to bring together into a fused relationship the need and that which will meet it. Service is essentially a scientific mode of expressing love-wisdom under the influence of one or other of the seven rays, according to the soul ray of the serving disciple.”
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 126 section a. 229 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 126 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 126 section a. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 126 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 125 section a. covers pages 488-490, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Since Leo is such an important transmitting energy in the present world crisis, rays one and five which are transmitted through Leo are also very active and prominent.
- Also, the Sun as ruler of Leo is very active and powerful.
- Also, the planets transmitting rays one and five, Pluto and Venus respectively, will be very active. The possibility of the esoteric activity of Vulcan can also be mentioned.
- This series of interrelationships illustrates how certain associated energies are understood as active and prominent. These interrelationships consist of planets, constellations/signs and rays.
- The prominence of Leo exists over and above any planets which may be found in Leo.
- Each of the seven rays expresses itself through three constellations. This is the basis, says Master DK, of the Science of Triangles and of esoteric astrology itself.
- The rays, the constellation, the planets and our Earth become interrelated in a great synthesis of energies.
- DK again re-lists the manner in which each of the seven rays is transmitted through three zodiacal constellations.
- Various interrelationships between the rays, constellations and planets are discussed.
- The manner in which a ray pours itself particularly through one of the three ray triangles lasts throughout this world cycle—that world period which comes to an end with the end of the Aquarian Age.
- It becomes apparent that a world period is different from and usually large than a world cycle.
- The list of zodiacal constellations through which each ray most powerfully pours is given and this is discussed:
- R1 through Aries.
- R2 through Virgo
- R3 through Cancer, though for disciples, through Capricorn. R3 in Cancer produces a mass movement towards liberty, release and light.
- R4 through Scorpio
- R5 through Leo, but soon changing to Aquarius
- R6 through Sagittarius
- R7 through Capricorn
- Very important results of these relationships are given. Master DK’s words essentialized the effect of each ray being transmitted most strongly through a particular sign in this world cycle.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 125 section a. 443 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 125 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 125 section a. 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 125 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section e. covers pages 487-488, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Leo/Libra/Capricorn constitute a triangle which always causes crisis.
- Depending upon which constellation was paramount at any time the following results were produced and are being produced:
- A dominant Leo produced individualization.
- A dominant Libra produced a balancing of the material and spiritual tendencies with a movement away from the material and into the spiritual.
- A dominant Capricorn is producing the crisis of initiation, for the individual and humanity, and the appearing of the fifth kingdom of nature—the Kingdom of Souls.
- Another important triangle in which Leo is active is Taurus/Leo/Aquarius
- Taurus inclines towards experience and the accumulation of knowledge.
- Leo inclines towards the expression of that experience in daily life and the justification of the knowledge accumulated.
- Aquarius inclines towards the use of such experience and justified knowledge in world service.
- These two triangles are closely related through Leo.
- Finally, Taurus brings final illumination.
- Finally, Leo produces the fully Self-conscious man.
- Finally, Aquarius produces the man of spirit, of life and of consecration to the divine expression of service.
- We see that triangles can be interpreted on various levels.
- In the Archives of the Lodge, the triangles are called “Triangles in Revolution” indicating that at one time or another each of the points of the triangle is in a controlling, dominating position with the other two subordinate.
- Each point in such triangles pours its energies through its esoteric ruler. The esoteric rulers of the subordinate constellations are of secondary importance to the esoteric ruler of the dominating constellation—at any one time.
- We must know which constellations are the focal points for particular ray energies. This will tell us which ray energies are in major or minor expression.
- This proposal is subtle and reasoning is offered re how it works.’
- Much depends upon the prominence (at any particular time of history) of the constellations concerned with ray transmission.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section e. 213 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section e. 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section d. covers pages 486-487, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- There are three ruling constellations: Scorpio, Taurus and Pisces.
- They rule because of the keynotes of our solar system and planet: testing trial, desire, illumination, matter, form and salvation.
- Our solar system expresses the second aspect of divinity, and hence the emphasis upon these three signs which constellationally express only the rays found upon the 2—4—6 ray line. (Hard-line rays, however, do come through planetary rulers associates with these constellations.)
- The three signs, themselves, may or may not be, per se, “cosmic decanates” but are rulers of cosmic decanates. Sometimes it seems as if Master DK calls the three rulers (Scorpio, Taurus, Pisces) by the name “cosmic decanates”. His language must be watched analysed very closely.
- Hercules is associated with Scorpio—strength through testing.
- The Buddha is associated with Taurus—illumination through struggle.
- The Christ is associated with Pisces—resurrection through sacrifice.
- Each of them rules not only a particular ruling constellation, but also a fourfold decanate—one of the three divisions of our zodiac. These decanates may, perhaps, be associated with the three Crosses.
- Scorpio/Taurus/Pisces constitute a triangle of paramount importance in the initiation process.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section d. 201 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section d. 56 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section c. covers pages 484-486, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Esoteric Astrology entirely concerns the consciousness aspect as that consciousness affects the form life.
- DK will focus on two types of triangles: 1) those which affect the masses of men; and 2) those which affect aspirants, disciples and initiates.
- The first group produces individual self-consciousness on a large scale and the second group produces the possibility of initiation for advanced humanity.
- Leo/Sagittarius/Aquarius are a very active triangle and affect humanity as a whole.
- Leo helps many step out of the mass and function as detached, individual entities.
- Sagittarius affects the world aspirants giving them an unswerving allegiance to higher spiritual values.
- Aquarius affects world disciples and initiates leading them to world service on a large scale.
- Two movements—towards individual self-consciousness and towards initiation are today greatly intensified.
- The influence of these three is felt through their esoteric rulers: Sun, Earth and Jupiter.
- The triangle Aries/Leo/Virgo is very important in inaugurating the New Age.
- Aries—the inaugurating of new movements
- Leo—the emergence of a humanity which is more self-aware
- Virgo—the emergence of the Christ-Consciousness
- The potency of this triangle has been felt since 1835. This seems particularly the case for the potency of Leo Impulsing the emergence of the truly self-consciousness individual.
- Our zodiac is divided into three parts.
- Each part is ruled by one constellation: these are Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus.
- These three constellations (in relation to the three parts of our zodiac and in relation to a Greater Zodiac) are correspondences to the planets in relation to the decanates of our zodiacal signs.
- There follows extensive discussion on the this subject. Master DK’s words here are not easy to interpret and so various interpretations are offered.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section c. 250 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section c. 66 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section b. covers pages 481-484, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Some of the energies we are dealing with have the effect of uniting the three planetary centers.
- Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius contribute energies which make humanity divine.
- Aries is related to the Pointer farthest from Polaris. This Pointer conveys the Will-to-Unify and to bring about synthesis.
- The triangle here is Aries/Pointer/Earth.
- It is presently involved in causing a shift in the Earth’s axis.
- The triangle Vulcan/Pluto/Earth combines with the triangle Aries/Pointer/Earth
- These five energies are momentous relation.
- They produce in humanity conscious evolution, direction and the founding of Shamballa on Earth.
- These five are related to the Will-to-Be (from the consciousness angle, not the angle of manifestation).
- The activity of these five produce another triangle: Leo/Polaris/Another Pointer (the Pointer closest to the Sun—let us call it Pointer 2).
- Aries/Pointer 1/Earth and Leo/Polaris/Pointer 2 are interlocking and potently affect the evolution of consciousness. These two triangles produce the appearance of Shamballa and Humanity—the two poles.
- Scorpio/Sirius/Mars produce the manifestation of Hierarchy. When combined with the energy of Earth, we have four streams leading humanity towards discipleship and initiation.
- When these three groupings: Aries/Pointer1/Earth/Vulcan/Pluto; Scorpio/Sirius/Mars; Leo/Polaris/Pointer 2; are all functioning properly together humanity and our Earth will be functioning in perfect rhythm and will be responsive to the energies coming from Alcyone in the Pleiades.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section b. 220 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section b. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section a. covers pages 478-481, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The Science of Triangles is related to spirit and synthesis.
- The Science of Triangles must always be approached from the angle of the three basic energies, the Great Bear, Sirius and the Pleiades and in relation to Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity.
- The etheric body of our planet presently presents a major pattern of squares but when planetary evolution is completed this web will be a pattern of triangles.
- The etheric body of sacred planets consists largely of triangles.
- The etheric body of the Sun presents a pattern of interlaced circles.
- On Earth the etheric pattern is slowly being changed from squares to triangles.
- “This is done by the creation of division, by the application of the Law of Separation, but also by the recognition, in consciousness, of duality, the application of directed motion and the appearance of two triangles in the place of one square.” (EA 478)
- An ancient seer once communicated the method to Master DK.
- The astrologer of the future will lay the emphasis upon the following:
- The Science of Triangles
- The Rising-sign
- The three Crosses
- The twelve arms of the three Crosses will eventually take the place of the twelve house when casting the horoscope of the soul.
- The new astrology will chart the life of the soul.
- The twelve constellations and their ruling esoteric planets will gradually transform the horoscope.
- With the help of the new astrology the individual will focus his energies with consciousness and intent, and will not be passive to circumstance.
- Virgo and Scorpio are triple in nature.
- When the astrologer grasps the meaning of their triple nature he will be ready to work with the new astrology.
- Virgo and Scorpio refer to the growth of the Christ-Consciousness and mark a crisis of integration in which the soul is at-one-ing itself consciousness with the form and with the spirit. This occurs in the life of the soul and not the life of the individual.
- Virgo, Pisces, Scorpio and Taurus make the man a true triangle.
- Triangles produce changes in consciousness which make the man divine.
- Certain esoteric combinations of energies will “through the agency of human thought, reacting to zodiacal influences” transform our Earth into a sacred planet.
- When the energies of the triangles affect aspirants and disciples they can be better known and understood.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section a. 248 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section a. 64 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 124 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 123 section b. covers pages 476-478, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The two triangles are: Leo/Libra/Sagittarius; Taurus/Pisces/Aquarius; note the inversion of order between the last two signs.
- Man and his “habit of crisis”.
- Crises as invaluable testing points.
- Wonderful description by DK of all that can emerge from crisis.
- Conclusion of the Science of Triangles
- The relation of squares (the quaternial relation) that brings the form into a state of adequacy. The triangles relate to the consciousness which must be expressed through the evermore adequate form.
- The soul must illumine the mind if the Science of Triangles is to be grasped.
- “The Science of Triangles is related to the total expression of the divine triplicity of manifestation: will, love and intelligence or life, consciousness and form.”
- Only as the disciple awakens within himself the correspondence to these three aspects can he truly understand and apply the Science of Triangles.
- On our planet, the Science of Triangles is related to Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity. Only the man who is coming into relation with these three can truly understand the Science of Triangles.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 123 section b. 398 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 123 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 123 section b. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 123 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 123 section a. covers page 476, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- When there is a fifth, sixth and seventh initiation, the centers concerned may appear within a mayavirupa.
- All twelve constellations and their ruling planets, bring about man’s release from the Wheel of Rebirth.
- Seven of the twelve are instrumental in bringing about the Crises of the Soul
- Five of the constellations are instrumental in helping man tread the final stages of the Way and enter into the fifth kingdom of nature.
- Analysis of the 12, the 7 and the 5 which “mark the 24 episodes of the Cross of Life”.
- The Seven Crises and the Seven Stations of the Cross.
- The five signs which are not included in the Seven Signs of Crisis can be grouped into two triangles if Leo is included.
- In this case, Leo begins the process and Aquarius consummates it.
- The two head centers and heart center must be awakened for him truly to understand.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 123 section a. 436 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 123 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 123 section a. 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 123 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section e. covers pages 474-476, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The three triangles under discussion are presented with a sign (at the lower point of the triangle) representing the final results of a group of three crises.
- Crisis is brought about by a certain habitual state of mind. It is surmounted by the imposition of a higher and more spiritual rhythm on the original state.
- A certain objective rhythm establishes the crisis; a certain subjective rhythm is instrumental in surmounting the crisis.
- The Seven Signs of Crisis (Cancer, Aries, Capricorn, Gemini, Scorpio, Virgo, Leo) can also be related to the seven major chakras in the etheric body. An attempt is made to show a reasonable correlation and how it was derived.
- For analysis by advanced students DK proposes that there are correlations between: 1) the seven planes of divine expression; 2) the seven states of resultant consciousness; 3) the seven crises leading to the expansion of consciousness—these we have been studying; 4) the seven initiations climaxing these expansions; 5) the seven centres wherein these results are realized;
- Attempts are made to propose reasonable ways of thinking about these possible correlations.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section e. 182 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section e. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section d. covers pages 472-474, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Five constellations not so intimately concerned with human mass crises as are the seven listed above.
- The five are more concerned with the specific unfoldment of the human individual.
- Pisces, however, has a unique relation with the seven which are related to the seven which produce the great crises related to all men.
- The Pisces force has brought humanity to the very Door of Initiation.
- Pisces has led to world adjustment, the international spirit and the formation of many groups. Aquarius will synthesize these factors.
- Three keynotes: self-awareness in Leo; culturing care in Virgo; self-release in Pisces.
- The Seven Constellations of Crisis affect man from his first incarnation to his final release.
- In various lives, one of these constellations or another will be predominant and this will call forth from man the maximum of possible effort bringing him into a more enlightened state of consciousness.
- A man may conquer circumstances and still be defeated in consciousness.
- Crisis simply must produce a greatly expanded consciousness and also a widely extended horizon.
- The crises listed occur three times from the standpoint of the major life cycle:
- The Evolutionary Cycle—the entirety.
- The Cycle of Aspiration—the stage from the intelligent man to the accepted disciple.
- The Cycle of Initiation—the stage from the “Accepted Disciple” to the stage of Master or higher. “These seven crises are each re-enacted during the process of self-initiation into the world of meaning and of reality.”
- The seven crises and their constellation constitute the keynotes of the major seven initiations. Attempt is made to explain a possible correlation of the crisis, sign and initiation.
- Each initiation admits to a particular stage of consciousness and a particular one of the seven planes of the cosmic physical plane.
- The seven signs of crisis are depicted as three triangles. There is a final synthesis or focal point.
- Cancer—Aries—Capricorn
- Gemini—Scorpio-Virgo
- Capricorn—Virgo–Leo
- There are three triangles but only seven influences. The effects of the triangles representing the first two cycles are fused and blended in the third cycle.
- The energies of these three triangles plus the energies of the five constellations not included among the seven: Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces enable the man to escape from the human kingdom into the fifth kingdom of nature.
- Looking at the constellations from a different perspective than that of the Seven Crises, we have seven which bring a man from Individualization to the Path of Discipleship.
- These are: Cancer, Aries, Gemini, Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo, Leo. Note that these are not in the same order as the Seven Constellations of Crisis.
- There are eight constellations, including three out of the Seven Constellations of Crisis which bring a man from the stage of disciplic selfhood to that of the self-perfected soul.
- These are: Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
- The following is a proposed order for these eight signs taking the man from the first initiation to the stage of the higher initiations: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Taurus, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
- The attempt is made to explain these eight and their progression.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section d. 201 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section d. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section c. covers pages 468-472, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Virgo is a powerful dual energy and expression of the “animal mundi” or “sol of the world.”
- Ancient astrologers merged these two signs into one sign.
- Then as the fact of the dualism of spirit and matter became a factor in man’s consciousness, this composite sign was divided into two signs.
- With this the “war between the pairs of opposites” became a “war with purpose”.
- The energy of Pisces influences those who respond to both the Leo force (as individuals) and to the Virgo force (as those becoming aware of the Christ Consciousness).
- The higher aspect of Pisces gives awareness of the group, the whole and the universe.
- Pisces conveys buddhi, the higher correspondence of the lower psychic nature, and is the mediator rather than the medium.
- Pisces represents “intuition control” rather than the intellectual overlordship of Leo and the limitations of Virgo.
- The three energies Leo/Virgo/Pisces are actively playing upon the humanity today. They produce three emergences; of the individual out of the mass; of the aspirant to the first initiation out of the group of individuals; of the initiate as he emerges out of the ranks of world disciples.
- There are three types of consciousness to be found in humanity today and these three signs contribute to the rapid unfoldment of these three types.
- There are seven great crises in connection with the human being on the path of evolution.
- These seen are, the Crisis of: Incarnation, Orientation, Initiation, Renunciation, the Battlefield, the Birth and the Burning ground.
- For each of these crises there is a Quality, Constellation and Cross. Study them carefully.
- The crises are not listed either in zodiacal order, or in terms which indicate a developmental order.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section c. 212 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section c. 55 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section b. covers pages 467-468, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The eight constellations discussed are the “Eight Potencies of the Christ” and are concerned with the evolution of the soul.
- They govern psychic unfoldment in all forms.
- Leo, Virgo, Aquarius and Pisces omitted. Concerned with fusion of soul and form and with the expression of consciousness on the outer planes of expression.
- Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Pluto are the rulers of the four which are not included in the eight.
- In the horoscopes of the future the major triangles and the three Crosses will be strongly indicative in the “chart of the soul” and will control deductions as to the unfoldment of consciousness.
- “The triangles indicate possibility p; the Crosses indicate process and points of crisis.”
- The Science of Triangles is the science of the universal blueprint underlying the phenomenal worlds and also closely related to karma.
- Spirit and Matter constitute one substance.
- The new type of astrological charts will demonstrate soul purpose on its own plane and group relations on the physical plane.
- Leo/Virgo/Pisces of supreme importance in relation to our planet. They will eventually bring about the initiate of our Planetary Logos.
- These three will eventually make of our Earth a sacred planet.
- If we wish to understanding the sacredizing of our Earth we need to understand:
- The threefold energies lying back of Shamballa concern the Planetary Logos.
- These three energies play upon the Monad and have an increasing effect on the Path of Initiation.
- Leo/Virgo/Pisces referred to as: “the Producers of that which knows, the Informers of that which is awakened and the Constructors of the modes of fusing Wisdom.” The sequential relationship of these constellation to the three functions is easily seen.
- They produce unity, then shatter that produced, then reconstruct.
- This is an inverted triangle concerned with the unfoldment of human consciousness in three aspects.
- Leo produces self-consciousness, unity and the “ahamkaric” principle.
- The energy of Virgo shatters the synthesis of the lower unity produced by Leo.
- The “uniqueness of Virgo is that it produces the form as well as stimulates the life within that form and, therefore, nourishes and energises two lives simultaneously.”
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section b. 256 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section b. 62 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section a. covers pages 466-467, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Aries/Libra/Sun—make possible the transition of the “Accepted Disciple” to the Path of Initiation.
- The three triangles listed as Triangles of Transition from one stage on the Path to another and higher.
- Aries makes the entering of the formless worlds possible
- Libra achieves the balance which makes escape from the pairs of opposites possible.
- This triangle reveals the true meaning of being.
- Three triangles, three keywords indicating process: Sensitivity, Illumination, Inspiration.
- The “Seven Solar Systems of Which Ours is One” reach our solar system via the constellations Taurus and Scorpio. True elucidation not possible.
- The “Seven Solar Systems of Which Ours is One” are “initiators of conflict” closely related to the Fourth Creative Hierarchy and to Earth in this fourth round.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section a. 218 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section a. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 122 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 121 section b. covers pages 463-466, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The mass of men share energy down-pouring from the magnetic center. There is a use of the term “magnetism” related to the third ray. The word is used in this way when describing the ‘Diamond of Triangular Circulation’.
- Aspirants and probationers respond to the pull of the evocative center.
- “Accepting Disciples” and initiates express the interplay along the base line between the evocative and magnetic points.
- Higher initiates and Masters express the energies in the magnetic center and use these energies to return to the emanating center.
- The sixfold triangle expresses as a fourfold diamond.
- In the new astrological of the soul the three Crosses (with their twelve arms) will be of much more importance than the twelve houses.
- The twelve houses concern the personality. The twelve arms of the three Crosses concern, in general, the soul.
- Which of the twelve arms of the three Crosses appear in the horoscope or fail to appear? This will be highly relevant to the new astrology of the soul.
- All four influences of the three Crosses will be found in the chart of the Master.
- The major cosmic Triangle works through six constellations at this time.
- Sirius works through Cancer and Capricorn.
- The Pleiades work through Gemini and Sagittarius.
- The Great Bear works through Aries and Libra.
- For each such triangle there is a planet which acts as a transmuting agency for the stream of energy directed towards the Earth.
- The six zodiacal influences aid in the development of self-consciousness and later spiritual consciousness.
- The six zodiacal constellations through which the Three Great Constellations work are concerned with the three stages on the Planet of Return.
- The energies passing through the triangle Sirius/Capricorn/Cancer, thence to Saturn, enable the advanced man to tread the Path of Probation.
- The energies passing through the triangle Pleiades/Gemini/Sagittarius,, thence to Mercury enable the probationary disciple to tread the Path of Accepted Discipleship.
- The energies passing through the triangle Great Bear/Aries/Libra, thence to the Sun/Vulcan enable the “Accepted Disciple” to tread the Path of Initiation.
- The Path of Probation is that section of the Path upon which the aspirant learns to
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 121 section b. 243 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 121 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 121 section b. 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 121 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 121 section a. covers pages 460-463, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The lowest point of the ‘Diamond of Triangular Circulation’ is the distributing center. It can be anything from a chakra to a great stellar system.
- When a downflow of energy from the emanating center merges with the energy of the center of reception, there is qualification of the downflowing energy.
- The “focal point of reception” is the same as the “magnetic centre”.
- The manner in which the higher triangle evokes the lower is discussed step by step.
- The ‘Diamond of Triangular Circulation’ describes the involutionary process of man and greater Entities.
- The Monad, soul, personality and the personality vehicles are directly related to the ‘Diamond of Triangular Circulation’.
- The upper triangle is the ‘Triangle of the Real’ and the lower triangle the ‘Triangle of the Unreal’.
- The final completion of the upper triangle is facilitated by the building of the antahkarana from the magnetic centre to the emanative centre.
- For Members of the Hierarchy, the lower or evoked triangle pertains to five planes and not just three.
- The two points of greatest importance in the ‘Diamond of Triangular Circulation’ are the emanating point and the evocative centre (which receives the first downflow and the first return ‘upflow’.
- When visualizing the way Masters can be placed at the points of triangles or stars, the direction to the left of the observer represents the soul and to the right, the personality or third aspect of divinity.
- The evocative center is the “producer of crises” because it receives two lines of energy (downflowing and ‘upflowing’) directly.
- Force becomes energy and energy becomes life.
- Emanative, evocative and magnetic energies characterize the superior triangle.
- Receptive, distributive and critical force characterize the lower or evoked triangle.
- When the ‘Diamond of Triangular Circulation’ is completed the energies flowing along the base line will consist of two arrows flowing in opposite directions. The same can be said for some or all of the other sides of the diamond figure. This is not represented in the given diagrams.
- The magnetic point is related to involution.
- In the “Eternal Now” the triangle is not incomplete. Energy is flowing along all sides of both triangles and the shared baseline as well.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 121 section a. 244 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 121 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 121 section a. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 121 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 120 section c. covers pages 458-460, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The governing rays (for the soul and personality) and the signs of these five centers are given.
- The commentary offers additional ray and sign information for each city where it is available.
- Some cities have three signs and three rays associated with them. These ray and sign expressions must be considered to exist on different ‘levels’.
- The commentary follows Master DK’s instructions to correlate what is given in this section of the book Esoteric Astrological with what He has given elsewhere.
- A rather extensive collection of energies appears and this collection sheds light upon the function of these outlets in the planetary process and in the life of humanity.
- In all of these cities either the soul ray or the personality ray is in control. Expression of the former leads to constructive results; expression of the latter to separative or destructive results.
- Always one point of any triangle is in a predominant position.
- “Every triangle is, therefore, the expression of one fundamental energy and of two secondary forces.”
- In every triangle there is 1: an emanating energy center; 2: a receptive force center; 3: a responsive point of negative energy.
- All this is preparation for a discussion of the major dynamics of interrelated triangles forming of two triangles what appears to be a diamond shape.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 120 section c. 188 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 120 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 120 section c. 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 120 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 120 section b. covers pages 456-458, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- A third great scheme of evolution is unfolding referred to as “the unfoldment of divine purpose on its own plane.” This is in addition to the parallel schemes of the deva evolution and human evolution.
- Hierarchy is attempting to become responsive to this third great scheme of evolution.
- There are five outlets for inner energy through which great and general effects are produced in the external planetary life.
- Where such outlets are found, there is also found a city of spiritual importance.
- Here is a list of the five:
- —For the British Empire.
- New York.—For the Western Hemisphere.
- —For all of Europe, including the U.S.S.R.
- —For the far East.
- —For all of central Asia and India.
- Two more points or outlets will later be added.
- The energy of five rays pour through these five centers.
- The effect of force flowing through Darjeeling is not so apparent, but it is an important distributing center for Hierarchy.
- From these five centers two triangles are formed:
- London—New York—Darjeeling
- Tokyo—New York–Geneva
- Through Geneva and Darjeeling pure spiritual energy can be directed with more facility than through the others.
- The five centres are “centres of impelling energy”.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 120 section b. 177 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 120 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 120 section b. 57 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 120 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 120 section a. covers pages 454-456, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Consulting important tabulations and references from EP I for their correlation with the Science of Triangles.
- The lower kingdoms constitute an important triangle of force.
- The human kingdom is to be correlated with the ajna center of the planetary life.
- Question regarding all of humanity as the planetary ajna center and the NGWS as the planetary ajna center.
- Five centres in man are rapidly awakening.
- Humanity was at one time the correspondence to the solar plexus. Was it ever a correspondence to the throat center? It seems so from many references.
- One day humanity will be the correspondence to the planetary heart center.
- Hierarchy will then shift into Shamballa.
- The two heart centers, one between the shoulder blades and the other in the head are the guarantee of this later shift.
- Tabulation on the Planetary Kingdoms, their rays, and the chakras with which they are associated.
- Listed also are the number of centers functioning in each of these kingdoms.
- There are some surprising correlations in this tabulation. The animal kingdom is connected with the planetary throat center. It seems like there is an anticipation of what could be, and not necessarily what is for all members of a kingdom at this time.
- There are also root-race correspondences given in this inclusive tabulation.
- The deva kingdom is correlated with the sacral center, with the seventh ray and the second root-race.
- In this tabulation the deva kingdom is the only kingdom which is not directly on the line leading to human evolution.\
- Students may be surprised to realize with centres are functioning in the sub-human kingdoms.
- Some unusual rays are also assigned showing the general mutability of relations when considering these correlations.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 120 section a. 218 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 120 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 120 section a. 63 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 120 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 119 section b. covers pages 451-454, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- It is not yet safe for aspirants and disciples to unite the head center and the base of the spine center in response to a definite appropriation of Shamballa Force.
- The awakening of the ajna center and throat center makes it possible for the disciple to become safely and consciously creative if he fulfils two conditions.
- A conscious orientation towards the soul and Hierarchy
- Love of humanity
- Of the “One About Whom Naught May Be Said” it can be said that it is a Being for Whom “love and the will-to-good expressed through Universal Mind are the outstanding characteristics”
- Triangles and the Planetary Centres
- All influences reaching humanity or the individual must first pass through the planetary centres—Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity.
- Four other centers must be considered: planetary throat center, planetary, solar plexus, planetary sacral center and planetary base of the spine center.
- The centers which are most awake in our Planetary Logos are the heart center, heart center, throat center, ajna center and solar plexus center.
- Energy of sacral center is dropping below threshold and the base of the spine center is quiescent except for its pranic effects related to vitalization and survival.
- “No planet is a sacred planet unless the centre at the base of the spine (speaking symbolically) is aroused and the great fusion of energies resulting therefrom has been effected.”
- Such contradictions which seem to appear in the Tibetan’s books are “contradictions in Time”. When the many cycles are better understood the seeming contradictions will disappear.
- The debated points will be clarified by the initiate consciousness.
- The planetary base of the spine center will not be awakened until the seventh root-race. This will require bringing the planetary solar plexus into right relationship with the planetary throat center.
- The planetary solar plexus is said to be the animal kingdom, but the assignment of the planetary throat center is not given.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 119 section b. 202 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 119 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 119 section b. 66 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 119 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 119 section a. covers pages 447-451, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Leo marks the height of achievement for the human soul. This achievement is stimulated by the force flowing into Humanity from Shamballa.
- Aquarian Age is rapidly coming into expression.
- The Shamballic stimulation will turn the one-pointed attitude of the Leo person into the expanded consciousness and decentralized attitude of the Aquarian individual.
- Disciples and initiates also come under the influence of Venus, the ruler of the third decanate when entering Aquarius. (This statements is the reverse of what is usually stated about advanced people being ruled by Saturn when they enter Aquarius on the counter-clockwise wheel.
- In the Age of Aquarius Venus will contribute to the emergence of group responsibility, and “group individualism”.
- Saturn, Uranus and Venus produce a triangle expressing energies of R3, R7 and R5.
- These three ends playing upon Germany’s fourth ray soul and first ray personality have contributed to the conflict of the war. The energies produces a material effect upon Germany.
- Triangles generally produced changes in human consciousness.
- The Triangle of Great Bear/Sirius/Pleiades produce changes in the spiritual life of our planet and of humanity as a whole.
- It is the destiny of humanity to transmit life to the lower kingdoms.
- Human beings cannot respond to the “supernal triangles” until they take the third initiation.
- The triangle Leo/Pisces/Capricorn often has effect upon individual people as well as upon Shamballa, Hierarchy, and Humanity.
- Capricorn via Mercury influences humanity.
- The individual disciple responds to Capricorn most easily, for better or worse.
- First ray disciples respond to the Leo/Saturn influence more readily than second ray disciples who respond more readily to Pisces/Uranus.
- When gauging response to triangles, the two line of ray transmission— and 2.4.6. must always be held in mind.
- All disciples regardless of ray should respond to the Hierarchy primarily.
- As a general rule response to the Shamballa Force will be in the personality.
- For all disciples, the heart center must dominate the solar plexus.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 119 section a. 417 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 119 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 119 section a. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 119 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 118 section b. covers pages 444-447, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Seventh ray force via Uranus is involved in the transmission of Sirius force via Pisces to the Hierarchy.
- Sirius is sometimes called the “middle centre”.
- The seventh ray is sometimes called “the Ray of Ritualistic Decency”.
- There is this excellent description of the functioning of the seventh ray: “It aids and inaugurates the appearing of a new world order, based on a spiritual drive and on aspiration, mental freedom, loving understanding and a physical plane rhythm which provides opportunity for full creative expression.”
- The highest comprehensible aspect of Pisces is presently “Mediatorship”.
- Descriptions of Hierarchy as a “mediating transmitter” between: 1: Humanity and the Will of God; 2: Humanity and its karma; 3: Humanity and cosmic evil;
- Attacks on Masonry are engineered by the Black Lodge.
- Masonry is the seed of future hierarchical effort to be externalized on Earth.
- Masonry is governed by the seventh ray.
- Uranus produces the urge to better conditions. It links the inner and outer man.
- In ancient days Uranus led to the evacuation of the Moon and the transfer of its life to our planet.
- Uranus lies behind shifts of populations.
- In Leo a man undergoes preparation for the first initiation and takes it in that sign. (EA 447, 143)
- The exhaustion of the demands and desires of the lower nature in Leo lead to a painful life of reorientation.
- The “ordeal and accolade of fire” precedes the first initiation.
- When to the energy of Leo is added the energy of the seventh ray and Uranus, there is present on Earth the energy needed to precipitate the crisis of initiation.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 118 section b. 306 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 118 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 118 section b. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 118 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 118 section a. covers pages 441-444, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Triangles of Force in relation to planets
- Great Bear/Sirius/Pleiades
- Leo/Pisces/Capricorn
- Saturn/Uranus/Mercury
- Shamballa/Hierarchy/Humanity
- Saturn is very potent today and breaks up existing conditions. It removes obstructions, hence its association with opportunity.
- Saturn paves the way for Mercury and the presentation of the vision.
- Leo and Capricorn are both “birth” signs, birthing self-consciousness and
- Via Leo, Saturn and Capricorn Shamballa is brought into closer relation with Humanity.
- Development of the new astrology requires due reflection in a time of peace.
- The advancement of the new astrology provides an educational service for humanity.
- The new astrology will indicate lines of least resistance to the emerging good.
- One should not be passive in the face of difficult karma; intelligent and purposeful confrontation of such karma is expected. This speeds the resolution of karma.
- Interestingly the Tibetan says that “Only through resistance to evil…can karma be brought to an end.”
- Solar fire and a resultant “transcendental idealism” and “radiance” when inappropriate to difficult karmic situations can slow the karmic resolution of those situations.
- DK suggests basing optimism on long-range vision.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 118 section a. 320 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 118 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 118 section a. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 118 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 117 section c. covers pages 437-441, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The active intelligence of man is related to the Pleiades
- Initiatory activity is related to Capricorn
- Illumining radiance is related to Mercury
- Triangle Two is the triangle of advanced man
- It is associated with the Kingdom of Souls
- Triangle Two attracts Triangle Three, attracting units in Triangle Three into the Kingdom of Souls.
- Discussion of Triangle Two: Pisces/Uranus/Hierarchy
- Pisces has been most influence on humanity during the past 2000 years.
- The influence of Pisces inclines humanity to become a World Saviour.
- Pisces is also a sign of death and has a first aspect significance.
- The death aspect active at the close of the Piscean Age. This relates to both Pluto and Neptune as rulers of Pisces.
- Uranus is the planet of occultism
- It veils that which is essential
- It transmits knowledge of the “hidden mystery”
- Occultism (Uranus) is non-existent for the average man
- Triangle Two magnetically attracts Triangle Three
- From one perspective Uranus is related to the Kingdom of Souls and Mercury to humanity. A shift is required.
- Pisces and Capricorn are interrelated, with either one considered as superior to the other at various times in the cycle of human development.
- Triangle Two and Triangle Three are merging in the present world period, though not completely.
- These six energies are related to the founding of the sixth root race.
- Discussion of Triangle One: Leo/Saturn/Shamballa
- The potency of Triangle One is felt more in Hierarchy than in humanity.
- The three constellations here discussed are focussed in Shamballa as the “triple energy of Will”.
- Leo represents the will of self-determination.
- Pisces represents the will of sacrifice
- Capricorn represents the will to choose.
- Shamballa receives the energy of the three great constellations.
- Triangles Three and Two are becoming responsive to Shamballa, which is the custodian of Divine Purpose.
- Triangle One is very occult even to the trained occultist.
- Leo:
- Leo is the will of the self-conscious Entity to manifest.
- Leo holds the key to self-conscious being.
- The Planetary Logos is consciously using the will energy.
- The self-conscious, willful man of the world is more response to the Shamballa force than is the disciple who generally responds to the more gentle vibration of Hierarchy.
- The energy of Leo associated with Shamballa is now finding direct entrance into humanity. Leo is associated with both Shamballa and humanity.
- Saturn, Hierarchy and Shamballa
- Saturn presents opportunity to Hierarchy and its affiliated disciples.
- Saturn is “the planet of discipleship”.
- Hierarchy is facing the crisis of the approach to Shamballa whereas humanity is facing the crisis of its approach to Hierarchy.
- Both approaches, which should produce a great alignment, are conditioned by Saturn.
- Humanity needs the Hierarchy in order to surmount its present crises.
- A divine intervention is coming. It should come from Hierarchy and not from Shamballa. Shamballic interventions are very destructive as was the case in the great Atlantean Flood (though H.P.B. tells us there were several).
- The three triangles of energy (each involving one superior constellation, one zodiacal constellation and one planet) are basic and determining in human affairs.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 117 section c. 185 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 117 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 117 section c. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 117 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 117 section b. covers pages 433-437, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Mention of the impacts of the energy stream reaching human beings from “the furthest centre”. Discussion of which centre this may be.
- The Pleiades is obviously central to our local cosmo-system, and is further away in terms of light years than either the Great Bear or Sirius. Sirius is very close and so are the “Seven Solar Systems of Which Ours is One” of which Sirius may be one of the leading stars.
- Discussion of the development of sensitivity through the development of response to “distant points of contact”.
- Three forms of sensitivity:
- Sensitivity to the soul (Sirian)—i.e., to that which is found within oneself. The right eye is related.
- Sensitivity to the past which is sensitivity to “centres left behind”. The third ray, the left eye and Pluto are involved in this type of sensitivity.
- A developed sensitivity to “the furthest centre”. From one perspective, this would be the center through which the “One About Whom Naught May Be Said” functions. The third eye is related.
- There is no true interplay unless there is reciprocity.
- Reference to the three types of eyes should be related to the three types of sensitivity. The right eye gives sensitivity to soul; the left, to the past; the third eye to the “furthest centre” and the future.
- The three great constellations are the “distant cosmic archetypes” of the three planets associated with them—Saturn, Uranus and Mercury.
- Presentation of the three triangles which are the higher factors in the eighteen-fold presentation of energies here discussed.
- Discussion of Triangle Three: Capricorn/Mercury/Humanity
- Capricorn in relation to density and initiation
- Capricorn holds down the struggling soul until liberation is possible
- Capricorn is the major stream in this triangle
- Mercury fostering the growth of intuition
- Mercury as the interpreter. Interpretation is related to the third ray
- Under Mercury, humanity will become the mediating interpreter
- Mercury related to three phases of mind: abstract mind, “Sun of Mind” and concrete mind.
- These types of mind are a threefold activity in the body of the Planetary Logos
- Capricorn causing the major crisis at this time.
- Mercury is bringing a crisis in mental perception.
- Capricorn leads to both initiation and to the “crumbling of the mountain load of karma”. This crumbling heralds a new vision from the mountain top.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 117 section b. 189 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 117 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 117 section b. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 117 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 117 section a. covers pages 432-433, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- In-depth review of the Sirian stream of energy (as set forth in the Old Commentary), adding new thoughts to those given in EAA 116 a.,
- In-depth discussion of the Pleiadian stream of descent (as set forth in the Old Commentary).
- See whether the pictorial language of the Old Commentary evokes your intuition in a way that ordinary language cannot do.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 117 section a. 192 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 117 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 117 section a. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 117 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 116 section a. covers pages 430-432, is truncated at about 51 minutes long, and includes the following topics:
- Two of three stanzas from the Old Commentary related to the three great constellations are discussed.
- The discussion of the section related to Sirius and its zodiacal and planetary relationships is reviewed in 117 a., as there were some technical problems in EAA 116 a.,
- The language is pictorial and highly evocative. Hints are given to the intuition regarding relationships between the three levels of Beings discussed.
- A.B. offers clarifying references in those instances in which she suspects that we might not correctly identify which Beings are under discussion.
- Give the form and structure of these Old Commentary sections, it is interesting to see how DK interpreted them for the organized Western mind.
- See what deeper hints you can discover about these Beings and their interrelationships from considering the interesting ways to which they are referenced in the Old Commentary.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 116 section a. 114 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 116 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 116 section a. 49 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 116 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 115 section a. covers pages 428-430, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The tabulation under study reveals many triangles of force—both horizontal and vertical; cosmic, zodiacal, planetary, intra-planetary and human
- Small tabulation on the relation of the three centers, Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity to the human chakra system.
- Sacral center omitted because it is related to the physical body and its perpetuation.
- Discussion of a very esoteric definition of the sacral center from the Old Commentary.
- Discussion of the triangle formed between the egoic lotus, throat center and sacral center.
- Discussion of a subsidiary triangle between the throat center, the sacral center and the physical body.
- The relation of all these four to the third ray and creativity.
- The triangle is to be considered the basic geometric form of all manifestation
- Is a “zodiacal round” the same or different from the round of 250,000 years which involves, hypothetically, the revolution of the “Seven Solar Systems of Which Ours is One” around the Pleiades?
- Discussion of the triangle consisting of the right eye, the left eye and the “Eye of Shiva”. This indicates the human being who is manifest but not yet truly manifesting.
- This triangle has a higher and lower interpretation which is offered in discussion.
- Discussion of the “Eye of the Father” related to the Great Bear; the “Eye of the Son” related to Sirius; and the “Eye of the Mother” related to the Pleiades.
- The energy of light associated with the Pleiades is active when Taurus is accentuated in the individual horoscope
- All that concerns the development of man down the ages must be understood in terms of light.
- The triangles now under study can be approached through the understanding of light.
- The symbol of the Cardinal Cross is similar to the description of the extensions of the triangles.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 115 section a. 155 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 115 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 115 section a. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 115 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section e. covers pages 424-428, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The basic Science of Triangles needs to be contemplated to be understood.
- Each one of the three great constellations affects our solar system at a particular time, according to the development of our solar system. This is also true of their effect upon our planet, humanity and the individual.
- The second or consciousness aspect should not be engrossing the attention of the developing human unit.
- All approaches to truth and knowledge must, in this cycle, be through consciousness.
- A certain developmental stage in man must be reached before he can understand the Science of Triangles.
- The degree of acuity of perception is dependent upon the degree of aliveness of the centers of force—the chakras. This is true of all L/lives for all L/lives have chakras.
- The signs of the zodiac can be divided in a group of seven and a group of twelve.
- Seven signs relate to the unfoldment of planetary consciousness on Earth.
- Five signs relate to the unfoldment of human consciousness.
- Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces relate to the unfoldment of human consciousness.
- These signs are related to the five root-races of which the Aryan Race is the fifth, and also to the precipitation of the five continents thus far precipitated.
- The five continents are not as chakras to the Planetary Logos but as endocrine glands. This means they are precipitations of chakras.
- “Life” can be defined in relative and more absolute terms.
- Man is related to both the 7 and the 5: “Man, it might be stated, is the expression of seven principles and of the life expression or activity of five planes”.
- The energy of the three great constellations pour into Shamballa, Hierarchy and humanity.
- The energies of the three great constellations pass from one point to another and are transmuted along the way, carrying their own energy but also affected by the centers through which the transmission occurs.
- Eighteen energies control the human being. The tabulation considered is eighteen-fold. There are eighteen subplanes upon which the human personality expresses.
- These eighteen energies hold the clue to the “666” which is the “mark of the beast”.
- Contrasting the material 666 with the spiritual 999.
- Discussion of an eighteen-fold tabulation with three sixfold lines of descent beginning with the three great constellations. This time the Sirian line is given the middle position instead of the Pleiadian line.
- Both Sirius and the Pleiades express both manas and buddhi.
- Every rearrangement made the Tibetan should be studied for its significance.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section e. 295 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section e. 63 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section d. covers pages 422-424, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The seven stars of the Great Bear are the originating sources of the seven rays, especially from the will aspect. Sirius or the Sirian system may relate to the seven rays from the perspective of love and wisdom and the Pleiades from the perspective of the intelligence and form.
- The Rishis of the Great Bear are the Prototypes of the Planetary Logoi.
- Each of the seven rays is transmitted into our solar system through three constellations and their ruling planets—which are rulers of these constellations.
- What about the “Seven Solar Systems of Which Ours is One”? Should these not be part of the transmission of the rays into our solar system?
- Extended discussion on the seven groups of three constellations and their orthodox and esoteric ruling planets. Hierarchical rulers are presently omitted. Many connections are discussed.
- The “great Synthesis is qualified life in appearance or manifestation”.
- There is an intricate relation uniting human beings to the Great Lives.
- When one relates the human being to the Great Lives one can think of the analogy of the relationship between a cell or atom in an abdominal organ of the human being to the soul! A speculative discussion of this relationship follows.
- Because of humanity’s relationship to the Great Lives, the evolution and successful achievement of humanity is guaranteed.
- The Will of God moves the worlds and the Love of God determines the results.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section d. 272 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section d. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section c. covers pages 410-413, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- In this section of the book, Master DK is giving a new line of approach to the study of astrology.
- DK asks for our interest in His presentation. We cannot yet understand it but we are to treat His presentation as a working hypothesis.
- Presentation of an important tabulation with eighteen interrelated parts.
- Great Bear/Sirius/Pleiades
- Leo/Pisces/Capricorn
- Saturn/Uranus/Mercury
- Shamballa/H/Humanity
- Head center/Heart center/Ajna center
- Base of the spine center/Solar plexus center/Throat center
- This is one of the most important series of triangles functioning today
- It is unusual to see Uranus in the R2 series of descending energies, except that Uranus rules Aquarius which is the sign most associated with Hierarchy.
- The glyph for Uranus and Pisces show some similarities.
- There is also a great second ray Entity in which Uranus, with Jupiter and Venus, is a planet of expression.
- The rays and the signs of the zodiac are to be considered two types of energy to be blended.
- These two types produce the essential dualism of manifested life.
- Together they are responsible for the difficulties humanity experiences in its evolutionary life.
- The energies discussed have a cosmic, systemic and planetary effect which humanity cannot grasp unless the stage of personality living is transcended.
- Impersonality is required for true sight.
- When obstructions are removed, one can see the “passage of the energies”
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section c. 247 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section c. 56 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section b. covers pages 417-420, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Human beings cannot presently unravel this aggregation of related energies.
- Study the etheric body to understand the heavenly triangles.
- Only a few triangles can studies and proven to be effective.
- One can study one’s own life history in the attempt to prove the reality and effectiveness of the triangle, but it must be the psychological and spiritual life history and not the history of outer events.
- Astrologers have begun to grasp something of triangular formation in the study of the zodiacal elemental triplicities.
- The elemental triplicities have a basic relation to our planetary life.
- In the organization of the triangles there is beauty and coordinated movement.
- Triangles are created with three centers sweep into each other’s radius of influence.
- Not only are the three great constellations and our solar system interrelated, but the various stars within the three are interrelated and related too to our Sun and its planets.
- The interrelationship involves the seven stars of the Great Bear, the seven major stars of the Pleiades, and the Sun Sirius which may be also part of the “Seven Solar Systems of Which Ours is One”.
- The “One About Whom Naught May Be Said” lies behind the three great constellations.
- From one perspective, these three great constellations with our solar system constitute the manifested or personality aspect of a Great Life.
- Master DK limits Himself to a study of those triangles which have a definite and recognized effect upon humanity.
- All triangles studied will be assumed to have a major conditioning energy, a secondary qualifying energy, and a lesser expression of force—correspondences, respectively to the Monad, soul and personality.
- The three energies of the triangles are to be considered to be related to Life, Quality and Appearance.
- The triangles are really “triangles in revolution” and the different points of the triangle can be at different times the dominating influence.
- There is a cosmic Law of Expediency.
- The interior mathematics determining the movement of constellations and of stars within constellations is far beyond not only the ken of man but of any Life within our solar system.
- There is constant mutation and also infinitely changing processes—through these the cyclic expression of life is demonstrated.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section b. 247 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section b. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section a. covers pages 415-417, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Triangles of energy refer specifically to the constellations
- Behind all triangles in our solar system are the “Three Great Constellations”—the Great Bear, Sirius and the Pleiades.
- Energies from the Great Bear relate to the will and purpose of our Solar Logos and to Shamballa.
- Energies from Sirius relate to the attractive power of our Solar Logos and to the Hierarchy of our planet.
- The energies from the Pleiades relate to the intelligence aspect of our Solar Logos and to humanity.
- Great Bear/Aries/Pluto relates to Shamballa.
- Sirius/Leo/Jupiter relates to Hierarchy.
- Pleiades/Cancer/Venus relates to humanity.
- These triangles are in rapid movement and have fourth and fifth dimensional extension.
- Triangles just mentioned are not in full expression. Often only on point of each triangle is activated.
- Each point of these cosmic, systemic and planetary triangles emanates three lines of force—nine in all.
- In a way, triangles compose the cosmic web.
- The symbol of the Cardinal Cross is similar to the description of the extensions of the triangles.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section a. 201 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section a. 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 114 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 113 section b. covers pages 413-415, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- We have been dealing with the reasons for the present stress and strain in the human family.
- There is a sixth reason: humanity today is reversing the wheel just as the individual disciple does.
- Such reversal indicates a tremendous point of crisis in the human kingdom.
- The six reasons for upheaval in the human family show a situation almost fantastic in its difficulty.
- These six are: 1. The upwelling of Sirian magnetism; 2. The change in the axis of the Earth; 3 the completion of a 250,000 year cycle, when the Sun entered Pisces about 47 B.C.; 4. Change from Age of Pisces to Age of Aquarius, in two levels—lesser precessional and the Great Platonic Year; 5. Influence or effect of the decaying Moon; 6. Humanity’s reversal of the wheel, with humanity becoming the World Aspirant and even the World Disciple
- Three major qualities manifest in every triplicity. This is a fundamental law.
- Man must become the detached on-looking observer of these energies.
- The disciple must become aware of the energies of the threefold personality, the threefold soul and the threefold Monad.
- There is always a manifesting aspect connected with each triplicity. It is often considered a fourth and more concrete factor.
- Mentioning of three manifesting factors in relation to the personality, the soul and the Monad. Some surprising thoughts.
- Man should study the greater triangles by studying himself as the microcosm.
- Within himself man has the possibility of total comprehension.
- In every triangle studied there will be a correspondence to Monad, soul and personality.
- Study the triangle of the three fires for illustrative purposes.
- Electric fire is “initiatory fire”
- Solar fire is “qualificatory fire”
- Fire by friction is “purificatory fire”.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 113 section b. 121 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 113 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 113 section b. 41 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 113 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 113 section a. covers pages 410-413, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The influences of constellations are represented by signs.
- It is familiar to us that that Sun is not ‘in’ the constellation to which a particular sign refers at any given moment. There is presently an offset of approximately thirty degrees.
- Another factor contributing to the present turmoil is the disintegrating Moon.
- While the Moon has no radiation of its own, its disintegration causes terrestrial results.
- The cycles of 250,000, 25,000 and of one Earthly year correspond to the life cycles of the Monad, the soul and the personality. The factor separating the monadic and soul cycles is a factor of ten; the factor separating the soul and personality cycles is a factor of 25,000!
- Great shifts in consciousness result in upheavals in the world of form.
- The shifts in the Earth’s axis indicates that the Planetary Logos is passing through a initiatory period.
- Greater energies impacting the form have a hindering or stimulating effect.
- Zodiacal energies are related to Shamballa and the Monad.
- Systemic energies are solar and are related to Hierarchy and the soul
- Planetary energies are related to humanity and the personality.
- The state of the form of a lesser entity determines the effect which a greater energy will have upon that entity.
- The impact of zodiacal or greater energies upon sacred or non-sacred planets is widely different
- Response of the Monad, soul or personality to zodiacal energies is widely different.
- The type of mechanism and the quality of the consciousness determines reception and response.
- Individual horoscopes cannot be properly interpreted until astrologers expand their consciousness greatly.
- Science of Triangles refers to subtle energies which condition the consciousness and not particularly the outer form.
- It takes time for the human being to respond to the subtle energies of the triangles.
- Consciousness conditions form but not immediately. It takes time to work through and into the personality.
- The energies of the triangles will work out in the world of ideas and of consciousness as it relates to the three levels of B/beings under discussion. It is always subtle.
- In the study of the Science of Triangles we are dealing with effects in the world of consciousness and not directly in the world of effects, though all states of consciousness gradually their way down and cause changes in the worlds of form.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 113 section a. 191 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 113 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 113 section a. 63 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 113 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 112 section c. covers pages 409-410, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Continuation of the discussion of the reasons for the present upheavals on our planet.
- A greater round of 250,000 years (the sweep of our Sun around a greater zodiac) was completed at the beginning of the Age of Pisces
- There is a 5000 year transition period between signs of the zodiac where the greater round is concerned. But does the round here referenced last 250,000 or 25,000 years and does the 5000 year transition period refer to both, or should there be a 50,000 year transition period in relation to sequential 250,000 year cycles?
- Discussion of multiple levels of upheaval
- Discussion of cycles which affect the “Seven Solar Systems of Which Ours is One” and all its suns; those which affect only our Solar Logos and based upon the rotation of the “solar atom” in an approximately 100,000 year cycle; those which affect our planet for 25,000 years; and those which affect our planet for approximately 2500 years (2160 years more exactly).
- The interdependence of great and smaller cycles.
- The relation of macrocosmic initiation to cycles and to upheavals
- Upheaval is also caused by the passing of our Sun from the influence of the constellation Pisces to that of Aquarius, in the smaller precessional cycle of 500 (2160) years.
- The overlap period for the smaller precessional age is approximately 500 years.
- General speculation about the length and cause of the larger cycles.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 112 section c. 231 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 112 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 112 section c. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 112 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 112 section b. covers pages 407-409, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Master DK does not discuss the mathematics which substantiates this new approach to astrology
- Not much is said about the individual in the new astrology. Rather there is group emphasis.
- Changes in the orientation and direction of the Earth’s axis are throwing confusion in present astrological computations
- The “pointed direction” of the Earth’s pole is not yet stabilized
- Only approximation in analysis and interpretation is possible today
- Changing pole stars; is this type of change the same or not the same as the change in the direction of the Earth’s axis?
- With changes of in the pointed direction of the Earth’s axis there is always upheaval and confusion
- Causes of the present world crisis:
- Upwelling of magnetic force on Sirius
- A shift in the Earth’s polarity due to the pull of a great cosmic center. Changes in the orientation of the Earth’s axis are related.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 112 section b. 193 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 112 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 112 section b. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 112 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 112 section a. covers page 407 (Review), is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Review of the original chart under which Esoteric Astrology Adventures began
- Examination of the sub-chart under which Section 3 begins
- Beginning of the Science of Triangles
- Three different kinds of triangles: constellational, planetary and those related to planetary and individual centers
- According to Master DK, Astrology at the time of His writing of this book was entirely exoteric
- Fourth force psychology and the movement towards esoteric astrology
- General review of the subject and credit to the various esoteric astrologers who are developing esoteric astrology and related areas
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 112 section a. 205 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 112 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 112 section a. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 112 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 111 section d. continues on page 404—Decanate Study for Taurus—Clockwise Wheel Document, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Discussion of the last three phases of human development in relation to the decanates of Taurus and their rulers.
- Analysis of Saturn, Mercury and Venus in each of the three developmental phases: Aspirant, Disciple and Initiate.
- The pervasive importance of Venus in relation to Taurus even though it is Taurus’ orthodox ruler. Suggestion that the same is true for Jupiter in relation to Sagittarius.
- Analysis of the keynotes of Taurus—both keynotes spoken by the soul.
- The word of the soul to the form is: “Let struggle be undismayed.”
- The Taurean of lower development is meant to take, grasp and courageously go after that which is desired.
- The Word of the Soul, per se, is “I see and when the Eye is opened, all is illumined”.
- There is a Cosmic Eye as well as a solar, planetary and individual eye.
- The eye of man opens in response to cosmic light from the Cosmic Eye of the Bull.
- Both Taurus and Scorpio, being fourth ray signs, are signs of “victory”.
- Cosmic energy will subdue and reorient the energy of humanity.
- DK’s summary of the process following in the analysis of the signs of the zodiac.
- Higher energies can be attracted to our planet and humanity under a ‘Law of Similarities or the “Law of Contraries” or “Law of Contradictions” (for opposites attract).
- There is a vast and bewildering aggregation of impelling energies.
- Man’s mind is stunned when he tries to consider them, but his capacity to do so will inevitably.
- Man must build a better mechanism of reception in order to become aware and use productively this vast array of cosmic energies.
- Man through his capacities can carry forward the “good” conceived by the Great Architect of the Universe.
- In Taurus man fashions all things towards a divinely foreseen end and through Venus and Vulcan is led from the unreal to the real.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 111 section d. 191 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 111 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 111 section d. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 111 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 111 section c. continues on page 402—Decanate Study for Taurus—Clockwise Wheel Document, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Study of the decanates of Taurus
- Alan Leo and Sepharial seem to agree closely because the Moon and Venus are often considered interchangeable.
- Venus represents active intelligence in its higher aspects and the Moon represents active intelligence in its lower aspects.
- Venus—intelligent love; the Moon—the intelligence of matter.
- The Moon in relation to Taurus signifies the dominance of the form nature; Venus in relation to Taurus signifies the release of the Taurean subject through the Venusian Son of Mind.
- The Moon of Venus, Mercury and Saturn control the decanates of Taurus; but it is difficult to determine their proper arrangement.
- Form life, intelligent activity and intense struggle symbolize the Taurean problem. This sequence sounds as if it begins on the Clockwise Wheel and thus Saturn would rule the first decanate, since the process for the ordinary Taurean begins with the third decanate and progresses in a clockwise manner.
- Mercury, though not a ruler of Taurus, is closely related to it as Mercury and the Buddha are allied.
- Mercury on the “Reversed Wheel” signifies escape from illusion.
- Venus on the “Reversed Wheel” signifies the entering into the light.
- Discussion of the decanates of Taurus for the Clockwise Wheel beginning with the Moon at thirty degrees, proceeding to Mercury at twenty degrees and proceeding to Saturn at ten degrees. This is a different ordering than that derived from the Alan Leo (Hindu) decanate system, which also has a kind of validity.
- A reasonable analysis of the Taurean decanates could also be presented using a different order: Venus/Moon for the first decanate; Mercury for the second; Saturn for the third.
- Much research will be needed to clarify this seeming contradiction.
- The order of Saturn, Mercury, Venus correlates well with the proposed order of the extra-zodiacal constellations associated with Taurus: Eridanus the River of Souls, Auriga the Chariot, and Orion the Hunter. Saturn is well associated with Eridanus and Venus with luminous Orion.
- Discussion of the first three phases of human development in relation to the decanates of Taurus and their rulers.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 111 section c. 188 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 111 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 111 section c. 56 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 111 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 111 section b. covers pages 400-402, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The form is exalted through the translation of desire into spiritual will.
- The horns of the Bull symbolize the crescent Moon and also the destructive nature of the form life of the Bull.
- Desire is changed into aspiration through the destruction of the form and the ending of influence by the form.
- The fall of Uranus in Taurus indicates the sharp division between body and soul in the life of the average Taurean.
- Gemini is a sign of sharp interplay and conflict.
- The exalted Moon and fallen Uranus gives a marvellous picture of man’s history during the stages of personality development and power.
- Uranus hidden in the depths of Taurus is to awaken the Taurean to intuition.
- Uranus in Taurus leads eventually to full illumination.
- Many thoughts on the higher significance of Uranus in Taurus.
- The exaltation of Uranus in Scorpio and its fall in Taurus indicate a closely related process leading to liberation.
- Taurus is a naturally warlike sign.
- Mars in detriment in Taurus just adds to the general struggle in Taurus.
- Mars “adds to the glamour and confusion but holds within itself hope for the struggling man.”
- Wherever desire-will are found in expression there will be struggle.
- Taurus induces a cosmic, systemic, planetary and individual struggle.
- Listing the various desirable outcomes of the struggle: reaching the light, soul domination, transmutation of desire into aspiration and eventually into the will-to-achieve.
- On the ordinary wheel the processes of Taurus bind a man to the Wheel of Rebirth.
- On the Reversed Wheel, the processes of Taurus lead to freedom from form, release and liberation.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 111 section b. 207 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 111 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 111 section b. 57 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 111 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 111 section a. covers pages 398-400, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Signs between Cancer and Capricorn are signs of life-experience
- Aries—“sign of institution”
- Signs following Scorpio—signs of discipleship and initiation.
- The exaltation, fall or detriment of any planet in a particular sign is a symbolic way of describing the accommodation or resistance of form to various energy impacts.
- The exaltation of the Moon in Taurus signifies that for the average Taurean the form life is a powerfully controlling factor.
- The Moon veils Vulcan in relation to Taurus
- The Moon in Taurus stands for both Father and Mother: The veiled Vulcan is the Father and the Moon is the Mother.
- The Moon/Vulcan is involved in the fashioning process.
- The first mode of fashioning is the fashioning of the selfish personality. This concerns the Moon per se.
- The second mode of fashioning relates to Vulcan and the Reversed Wheel. As a result of this mode, the form is irradiated and “lifted up into heaven” and thus glorified.
- The fate of the form in the different signs of the zodiac is a specialized branch of astrological.
- This branch relates to certain constellations: Cassiopeia, Andromeda, Coma Berenice, and also Virgo, as well as to the planet Venus.
- A disruption in a previous solar system led to the Moon becoming a dead planet in this system.
- The Moon was a one point the transmitter of the energies of the feminine constellations mentioned above and of certain planet which were produced through the activity of these constellations.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 111 section a. 295 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 111 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 111 section a. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 111 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 110 section a. covers pages 387-391, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The destructiveness of the sign Taurus, hence it is a “dangerous sign”.
- The self-destructiveness of the Taurean until desire is tempered by aspiration.
- A fourfold sequence: Desire, Aspiration, Intelligent Activity, Will
- For the Taurean, temper should give way to spiritual energy
- Definition of “Temper”: “temper is but energy run wild in the interests of the personality”
- Transitions for the Taurean:
- From temper to directed spiritual energy
- From blindness to vision
- From self-pity to compassion for all humanity and selfless service
- The Taurean often embodies outstanding limitations as regards the process of spiritual evolution.
- The liberated Taurean is ever a constructive, planning, creative and forward-moving force.
- Taurus is an energy much involved in lifting the energy of the sacral center to the throat. Taurus rules the neck which contains the throat center.
- Taurus (with Venus) deeply involved in the sublimation of the sex energy
- The Taurean on the Path should employ directed and motivated speech.
- The more advanced Taurean should become a wise co-operator with the Plan
- The more advanced Taurean should transform his ideals into words and acts and thus bring about transformation. Transmutation and translation on the mountaintop are also included.
- Both Taurus and Scorpio are involved in promoting the free flow of energy between the sacral center and the throat center.
- Taurus often blunders forward but should move intelligently upon the Way of Liberation.
- Scorpio also involved in the creative process, along with Taurus.
- Scorpio is meant to work under the inspiration of aspiration.
- Taurus brings about basic changes in in purpose, interest and orientation and all this must manifest in Scorpio.
- Scorpio, surprisingly, must learn to express that beauty which all forms intrinsically veil.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 110 section a. 230 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 110 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 110 section a. 63 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 110 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 109 section c. covers pages 393-396, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The combination of the first, fifth and third rays tremendously increases the already difficult task of the Taurean subject.
- Love and wisdom often quite noticeably lacking in those who are born in Taurus.
- A discussion of the many faults of the Taurean subject: For instance:
- Selfish centralization
- Stubbornness
- Spasmodic action
- Static depression
- Mental acquisition but not practical application
- Bull-headedness and destructiveness
- The Taurean individual must learn to become an instrument of God’s Love.
- Knowledge must be transmuted into wisdom.
- The Taurean subject must learn to become the “fashioner” instead of the destroyer.
- The energies of the love-line can be brought to bear on the Taurean subject indirectly from the rulers of the other three arms of the Fixed Cross.
- In this manner all the rays reach the Taurean subject—even the third ray which is the personality ray of the Earth, since the Earth is particularly related to Taurus.
- The Taurean subject is presented with great difficulties but also with immense opportunities.
- The relative age of an individual or group simply must be determined; then fresh light on astrology will arise.
- The three great angles from which the age of the human being must be considered are the following: the undeveloped man; the aspirant/disciple; the initiate.
- The Three Crosses (Mutable, Fixed and Cardinal) are known as the Cross of the Hidden Christ; the Cross of the Crucified Christ; and the Cross of the Risen Christ, respectively.
- Statistical analysis must be applied to determine which signs, on average, govern the different types of human beings.
- Four energies make a man; eight energies make a Master; twelve energies make a Buddha of Activity.
- Taurus and Scorpio together have a very powerful conditioning and re-conditioning effect.
- Under the energy impact of Taurus, profound disruptions, alterations in character, quality and direction take place.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 109 section c. 204 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 109 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 109 section c. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 109 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 109 section b. covers pages 391-393, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Through Venus, Taurus is related to Gemini, Libra and Capricorn.
- Taurus is related to the Mutable Cross by one stream of energy and to the Cardinal Cross by two streams.
- The Mutable Cross relates to body and soul and the Cardinal Cross to soul and spirit.
- Aspiration is the sublimation of desire.
- The major link of the soul is with spirit.
- In Taurus the real goal or true vision appears.
- Desire in its lowest expression is linked to form in Taurus.
- The highest form of aspirational idealism is also found in Taurus.
- Aspiration can be linked to either soul or spirit.
- Self-will relates man to form.
- The Will of God relates the soul of man to the spirit. This is discovered at the third initiation.
- Venus in Libra reveals the exoteric significance and results of desire.
- Venus is Gemini reveals the attraction of the pairs of opposites for each other.
- Venus in Capricorn reveals to man the desire for the whole or the universal.
- Vulcan is a veiled and hidden planet.
- Vulcan is the “Fashioner of divine expression”.
- Vulcan is the strength and potency which sets the world evolutionary process in motion.
- Vulcan is the ray or planet of isolation and governs the fourth initiation.
- Through Vulcan the depths of aloneness are plumbed at the fourth initiation.
- Vulcan has to do with the renunciation of desire in favour of will.
- Vulcan signifies the strength to move forward in service.
- The Gethsemane experience may be considered the fourth great initiatory process—really the sixth initiation.
- At this experience some aspect of the Will of God which he must bring through into expression is revealed to the initiate.
- Vulcan is a substitute for the Sun. It is sometimes said to be veiled by the Sun and sometimes it stands for the Sun itself.
- Taurus, Vulcan and the Sun as three symbols of light.
- Vulcan stands of the Heart of the Sun.
- Illumination is ever the great theme of Taurus.
- The two rays directly affecting Taurus are the fifth ray through Venus and the first ray through Vulcan.
- The fifth and first rays combine with the third ray of Earth to indicate a most difficult combination of rays all along the line of first ray energy.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 109 section b. 245 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 109 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 109 section b. 57 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 109 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 109 section a. covers pages 387-391, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The subjectivity of Taurus makes its meaning difficult to grasp.
- Humanity will understand Taurus when it understands the will.
- Aries and Taurus are signs of initial impact upon form or soul.
- The hidden secrets of the three subjective signs, Aries, Taurus, Gemini are revealed at three successive initiations.
- Aries is associated with the third initiation and the process of beginning to understand the life of the Spirit.
- Taurus is associated with the second initiation and the ending of world glamour.
- Gemini is associated with the first initiation and the relation between Father, Mother and Child.
- Subjective energies are energies pouring from the soul into the form.
- Desire is not really a subjective energy but is a distortion of the energy of will.
- “Will is the energy of the soul expressing itself as direction, progress, and conformity to the Plan.”
- The Plan, from the individual perspective, is as much of the Will of God as the individual can understand.
- Form radiations, such as desire, are not subjective.
- The high call of duty and sensed responsibility are truly subjective.
- Force comes from the form and energy from the soul.
- The energies of Aries, Taurus and Gemini are consciously directed in Cancer.
- Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are signs of liberation.
- The signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces form two potent triangles of force and are unified in King Solomon’s Seal. Thus is the higher or spiritual aspect of this Seal expressed.
- These six potencies form the “Star of Christ”.
- The six-pointed star is one of the symbols of the sixth initiation.
- Taurus is connected with the Will-to-Liberation. This begins in a pronounced way at the second initiation.
- The Will-to-Serve-Universally is associated with Aquarius.
- Aries, Taurus and Gemini can also be associated with the first, second and third initiations respectively.
- Considerations of abstractions which cannot easily be understood helps equip the student to become an initiate.
- Initiation is the demonstration of intuitive understand put to practical expression.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 109 section a. 272 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 109 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 109 section a. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 109 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 108 section c. covers pages 385-387, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The true nature of sex as the relation of the form nature to the Higher Self.
- Sex concerns union with divinity.
- Sex is rightfully related to the “divine marriage”.
- For humanity, sex has been debased, seen solely as an animal function.
- The true inner fusion and harmony cannot be produced through physical expression.
- The inner duality which must be transcended is not transcended through physical means or rituals, but rather in consciousness.
- Vulcan is the forger of metals working in the densest levels of the natural world.
- Vulcan is possessed of an “innate art” which suggests the importance of the fourth ray in its most interior nature.
- Vulcan creates that which is both beautiful and useful.
- Vulcan stands for the soul.
- Vulcan is involved in the process by which Hercules fashioned his own weapons before he succeeded in his struggles.
- The art of Vulcan guides His fashioning.
- Vulcan is involved in fashioning the instruments of war.
- Through Vulcan, the mineral kingdom has been placed under man’s control since the Middle Ages.
- Vulcan relates man to the mineral kingdom.
- Vulcan’s first ray relates it to the first kingdom—the mineral kingdom.
- The following esoteric triangle exists: will, humanity and the mineral kingdom.
- This triangle can serve the Plan or material selfishness.
- The Great War (World Wars I and II) is a war in which the mineral kingdom is used against the human kingdom.
- Having descended to the depths of concretion, humanity is now ready for an upward shift.
- Vulcan is involved in the fact that the human kingdom as the macrocosm of the three lower kingdoms, fashions or conditions those subhuman kingdoms.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 108 section c. 285 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 108 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 108 section c. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 108 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 108 section b. covers pages 383-385, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Taurus as a complex aggregation of forces, and yet a sign which is simple in its expression.
- Taurus related to Aries, the Pleiades and the Great Bear.
- That Taurus should be ruled by only two planets is one of the secrets of the Ageless Wisdom.
- Venus holds a unique relation to Earth.
- Because of this relationship, Taurus is brought into very close relation to the Earth. Earth is more closely related to Taurus than to any other sign.
- This close relationship applies particularly to this world cycle—whatever a world cycle really is.
- Taurus, Venus and the Earth have a very definite karma and dharma together.
- Pondering on Will, Desire, Light and Plan may reveal something of this karma and dharma.
- Men must learn to think in simple symbols.
- The planet Venus is the planet Earth what the higher self is to the personality.
- The relationship of Venus, the Earth’s alter ego, is revealed only at the third initiation.
- All glamour and illusion are dissipated at the third degree.
- Venus (and especially when we consider Taurus with it) suggests four themes: mentality, sublimation, sex and symbolic expression.
- In the Old Commentary the arising of sex is associated with a “great mistake”.
- The arising of sex and the outward turning of the mind are related.
- A study of the symbology of the three earth signs: Taurus—the plains; Virgo—caves; Capricorn—rocks.
- These three are closely connected with the resurrection of the Christ who, resurrected, emerged out of the rocky caves and walked upon the plains.
- Through the resurrective process, the Christ had overcome form in its depths and the “woman knew him not” from that time forth.
- The form life dies deep in the rocky caves, in the crypts of the Temple.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 108 section b. 222 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 108 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 108 section b. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 108 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 108 section a. covers pages 380-383, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Secret of Triangles and Triplicities yet to be researched.
- If Taurus is the eleventh sign upon the ordinary wheel, the sign of commencement is Pisces.
- The sign Taurus is associated with the taking of an astral shell.
- Humanity is not yet ready for the astrology of the astral body.
- Taurus is the second subjective sign upon the reversed wheel
- Taurus associated with the following:
- Desire leading to aspiration
- Blindness leading to sight
- Darkness leading to light
- Death leading to liberation
- Taurus strongly involved in the interplay of the eternal dualities
- The dynamics of attraction and repulsion lead to the ascent of the attractive force.
- Synthesis is the final illumination seen through the eyes of Taurus.
- Three important keynotes of Taurus are: Desire, Aspiration, Will.
- Scorpio is the dominant arm of the Fixed Cross upon the reversed wheel.
- Taurus is the dominant arm of the Fixed Cross for the average person.
- Taurus is the initiating energy of the Fixed Cross.
- The initiate relates the energies of all three Crosses within himself.
- Four important symbols associated with man are: the triangle, the square, the cross and the five-pointed star.
- The triangle and the five-pointed star are subjective in nature; the square and cross are objective.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 108 section a. 198 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 108 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 108 section a. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 108 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 107 section a. continues discussion of page 369, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- World glamor distorts the intentions of the all-creating Will
- What is desired is the free subordination of the lower will to the higher purpose in group formation
- The imposition of man-made will by a super-state is not desired
- What is needed is the free expression of a free people
- The influence of the greater Will can also lead to an illumination which reveals synthesis, indicates a dualism which must vanish and which lead to Right Human Relations
- The influence of Taurus, then, is twofold: the onward rush of the materialistic systems of life or a far vision of higher possibilities and a steady movement towards that vision despite dangers and obstacles
- Taurus the Bull, therefore, is dual in its expression
- It is uncertain whether the Bull of desire or the Bull of divine illumined expression will succeed
- As an earth sign Taurus indicates that desire or will must be carried out on the plane of outer living
- Taurus concerns the physical body and its health.
- The health of the body is dependent upon past desire or present idealism.
- The care or cure of the physical body is of general concern to all today.
- Taurus is also concerned with “gold” and thus with economics.
- The economic problem today is based upon the upwelling of desire, ruled by Taurus.
- We are living through a time when the urge to gather gold is ruling the lower half, or the personality.
- Gold is also the symbol of the golden light divine
- The orientations towards the two types of gold must necessarily clash
- It is prophesied that “gold” may vanish. This correlates with the Tibetan’s prophecy that money as a medium of exchange may have to be withdrawn.
- Description of the triangle of material expression: Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus; Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
- Capricorn the sign of greatest density but also of the triumph of the inner Spirit/soul
- Virgo the sign of the quickening of the inner Christ Life which at first reaches out into the world of form but which later gives birth to the Christ Consciousness.
- Taurus the sign of desire but also of reoriented desire or aspiration.
- The Christ Life reveals itself through the death of the Mother
- It is the “life aspect” which reverses itself upon the wheel.
- Taurean progress eventually takes place “upon the wings of aspiration”
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 107 section a. 163 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 107 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 107 section a. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 107 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 106 section c. continues discussion of page 369, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Vulcan is forging the way for the coming Avatar
- Taurus influence of exceeding potency today
- Taurus is a synthetic and manifestational sign
- Taurus manifests as desire in the mass of men and as will in the disciples and initiates
- Taurean stubbornness is willful adherence to personality aims
- Taurus also involved with intelligently expressed will
- Taureans should test the origin of their motives; do they emanate from the personality or the soul
- Secret of Divine Purpose and planning is hidden in Taurus
- Taurus, the Pleiades and the Great Bear is an important triangle
- Another is Taurus/Pleiades, the Great Bear and our solar system
- Another is Taurus, Pluto and the Earth
- The “eye of the Bull” is the eye of revelation. This eye can be considered to be the star Aldebaran
- The “onward rush of the Bull of God” is the evolutionary process
- Evolution reveals the sublime plan of Deity
- The Taurus/Pluto/Earth triangle is the cause of much of the present difficulty in the world’
- The Shamballa force “fans and intensifies the light”
- There is an alignment between:
- The Great Bear
- One of the stars in the Pleiades
- Aldebaran
- The Head Center of our Planetary Logos– Shamballa
- The above is one of the major lines of transmission for the energy of will
- This descent of will can produce a welling up of self-will and of the Will-to-Power
- This descent of will can also produce the will to serve the Plan and manifest the Purpose of Deity
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 106 section c. 186 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 106 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 106 section c. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 106 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 106 section b. continues discussion of page 369, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The unready and unprepared also respond to the Shamballa influences but in undesirable ways
- For some the response to the Shamballa Force is the growth of the Will-to-Power and the growth of the wrong kind of personality integration—the selfish kind
- The Shamballa force is responsible for the terrible but cleansing process called war
- The major war between 1914—1945 had different causes than previous wars. This great war was a result of the conflict between the pairs of opposites and between spirit and matter.
- From the great war good results could emerge: mental development under spiritual guidance; the removal of undesirable conditions; effects upon the emotional body through suffering and pain.
- Shamballa influences can lead to a “Reversal of the Wheel” for all of humanity
- Time is a brain-conditioned sense of awareness
- Hierarchy sought to see that the war would not last too long
- There was a “correct world lesson” to be learned from the great war
- The dark forces were to be driven back by the “sweeping onslaught of the Forces of Light”
- Aquarian Age is associated with universal awareness and new modes of expressing world synthesis
- Humanity, the world disciple, is coming under the influence of Taurus
- Taurus also involved with the “Reversal of the Wheel”
- Incoming Taurus influence could have two distinct types of effects—one very negative the other positive
- Negatively, Taurus is connected with the “fiery heights of self-interest” rather than the vision from the mountain top
- Incoming Aquarian and Taurean influences unavoidable, but humanity’s response to them is not entirely predictable
- Taurus through Vulcan forges the instruments of constructive living or destruction
- Taurus and Vulcan involved in the forging process—forcing either the chains which bind or the key which unlocks the mysteries of life
- Vulcan associated with the “anvil like processes of time”
- Vulcan strikes the blow which shapes the metal into that which is desired
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 106 section b. 191 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 106 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 106 section b. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 106 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 106 section a. continues discussion of page 369, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- There is a reorientation of the individual preceding the state of discipleship
- Taurus as the “sign of major life incentive”
- Taurus as a symbol of desire in all phases
- Three factors relate to Taurus: desires, aspiration and will
- These three relate to man the personality, man the soul and man as a channel for spirit or life
- Buddha clarified for man the nature of desire and its unhappy results
- Christ taught the transmutation of desire into aspiration
- Christ demonstrated the acquiescence of the human will to the Will of God
- Modern man is seeking “enlightened fusion” with the Will of God
- Everywhere there is now fomentation of the Will-to-Good
- The Shamballa influences are now very strong and man’s will is responding to them
- There is an increasing magnetic interplay between the great center in Shamballa and the human center
- Major changes in Hierarchy’s approach to humanity are necessitated by the response of the human will to the Shamballa Force
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 106 section a. 206 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 106 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 106 section a. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 106 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 105 section b. continues discussion of page 369, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Continued discussion and completion of the Sixfold Decanate Tabulation for Gemini
- Discussion of the Alan Leo rulers as if they could be assigned moving in two directions
- The two mantrams for Gemini: the first uttered by the soul at the beginning of the incarnational process and afresh in every Gemini incarnation on the clockwise wheel; the second uttered by the soul during the stages of the Path
- Fluidity, recognition of duality and soul control as the three keynotes of Gemini
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 105 section b. 194 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 105 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 105 section b. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 105 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 105 section a. continues discussion of page 369, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The very different decanate rulers for Gemini proposed by Alan Leo and Sepharial
- Both are correct in their own way
- Sepharial gives Jupiter, Mars and the Sun which is, uncharacteristically for him, the more esoteric assignment.
- Alan Leo gives Mercury, Venus and the Moon—reflecting the Hindu Decanate System.
- Neither one of these astrologers takes into consideration the Reversal of the Wheel and so the planets must be assumed to be assigned to decanates in the customary counter-clockwise order.
- Two decanate rulers assigned by Alan Leo are the same as two of the rulers of Gemini and thus reinforce those rulerships
- Gemini with Saturn causes a “basic revolution”—probably the first Reversal of the Wheel
- Fourth dimensional vision is necessary if we are to understand the reason for the assignment of decanate rulerships
- The complexity of the decanate assignment problem is emphasized in this Gemini chapter
- The “wheel turning upon itself” turns in all directions simultaneously
- Initial discussion of information found on extra-zodiacal constellations and the expression of the six decanates and their proposed rulers (derived from clockwise and counterclockwise motion)
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 105 section a. 198 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 105 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 105 section a. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 105 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 104 section b. covers pages 366-369, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The zodiacal signs affect the physical body
- This effect can be related to the science of esoteric healing
- It to the physical form, Gemini rules the arms and hands
- Arms and hands indicate the service which the two Brothers must render to each other
- Pluto dissolves the separative relations which exist between the two Brothers for many ages
- Gemini governs “health unto life”
- Gemini governs the oxygenation of the blood
- Gemini governs the free circulation of the energies of Spirit and soul throughout the organism
- Gemini is related to the achievement of perfect health, and to such an achievement as engineered by the initiates Masters
- The initiates and Masters can possess controlled health and chosen immortality
- Gemini governs the nervous system and fluid interactions within that nervous system
- Two aspects of the soul are controlled by Gemini: the life aspect seated in the heart (and using the blood stream to confer life-giving expression) and the consciousness aspect (using the head and nervous system)
- Gemini, understanding both life and consciousness, promotes the final release mentally achieved. Gemini is relate to the fourth initiation also.
- Gemini helps man achieve an intelligent grasp of the consciousness mechanism and of life processes
- Gemini is also related to the thymus gland, usually inactive in the grown human being
- The opening of the thymus gland is related to the awakening of the heart center
- The thymus gland will become active when “the immortal brother floods the mortal brother with the light and life of God”
- The mystery of the sign Gemini is concerned with the “secret of response”
- Gemini people are sensitive and have quick reactions. This is true when the Sun is in Gemini or Gemini is the Rising-sign.
- In advanced stages of evolution, the Gemini influence leads to a fluid yet analytical understanding of men and circumstances
- Gemini is the most important aspect of the Mutable Cross
- In Sagittarius the versatile, changeable man becomes the self-directed disciple
- When Gemini and Sagittarius are combined there is both one-pointedness and versatility
- No planet is exalted or falls in both Gemini and Sagittarius
- Between Gemini and Sagittarius are strictly human signs through which equilibrium must be maintained
- Between Gemini and Sagittarius harmony must be achieved with the avoidance of all extremes—such as exaltations and falls represent
- Gemini is focused upon the mortal brother and Sagittarius upon the immortal brother
- The lessening of the power of Jupiter in Gemini is reversed for the higher type of individual; the lessening of the power of Mercury in Sagittarius is also reversed for the advanced person
- Jupiter expresses a basic spiritual dualism and Mercury a body-soul dualism
- Mercury is to be associated with the lower mind and Jupiter with the universal or spiritual mind
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 104 section b. 198 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 104 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 104 section b. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 104 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 104 section a. covers pages 363-366, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Rays emanating from certain constellations are focussed in the three planetary rulers of Gemini and affect the Earth
- A planet is the resultant effect of ray influences
- Sacred planets are ray potencies expressive of soul and Spirit. The personality ray of a sacred planet are subordinated to the rays of the two higher periodical vehicles
- Non-sacred planets are still subject to the ray of the personality life and the occult correspondence to the monadic ray is esoterically non-effective
- Gemini is subject to the indirect influences of the three other members of the Mutable Cross
- Moon, Jupiter, Mars and Pluto , and thus, rays four, two, six and one join the rays which are expressed through the planetary rulers of Gemini
- The seventh ray is missing from the expression of Gemini and also from the expression of the three other members of the Mutable Cross, if the ruling planets are considered to express their rays in the ordinary manner
- Because of the absence of the stabilizing seventh ray, the Gemini person often has difficulty with manifestation and expression upon the physical plane
- The seventh ray produces “fixation upon the exoteric level of experience”
- The seventh ray “anchors” the other ray forces in form
- Since six forces meet in Gemini Kind Solomon’s Seal (the Double Triangle) is considered emblematic of this sign
- Gemini, without the seventh ray, has great versatility
- Through Mercury the Gemini person can always find points of contact with many different types of people (people on every ray)
- Masonry is related to Gemini and yet the Ray of Ritual is missing from the expression of Gemini.
- Reasons given for the missing seventh ray.
- The indirect fourth ray influence of the Moon combines with the fourth ray influence of Mercury adding to the struggle experience by the Gemini person
- These two planets and their rays also contribute to the emerging sense of harmony which follows conflict
- Conflict in the evolutionary process leads to the stage of conflict upon the Path
- Conflict under the direction of form is unconscious and conflict under the direction of the soul is conscious
- Two types of harmonization are promoted by the fourth ray forces of the Moon and Mercury; harmonization within the vehicles of the personality and harmonization between the soul and personality
- Struggle always leads to harmonization
- When Jupiter is powerful in relation to the sign Gemini it indicates the “dualism in synthesis” of soul and spirit
- Mercury in relation to Gemini enables the man whose Sun is in Gemini to attain the synthesis of soul and personality
- The activity of Jupiter in relation to Gemini allows the man whose Rising-sign is in Gemini to attain the integration of soul and Spirit
- The indirect influence of Mars upon the Gemini subject promotes the conflicts leading to these syntheses or integrations
- Mars provides such devotion to the visioned objective that final failure is impossible
- The fourth indirect influence working upon the Gemini subject produces the destruction of the hindering factors during the final stages of the Path
- Pluto in relation to Gemini produces the death or destruction of the separative instinctual factors lying behind all dualism
- Ahamkara (the sense of lower egoity) is closely related to the separative instinctual nature
- Ahamkara is inimical to the aspirations of the imprisoned soul
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 104 section a. 198 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 104 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 104 section a. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 104 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 103 section c. covers pages 362-363, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Correlations of the three planetary rulers of Gemini with the personality vehicles of our Planetary Logos
- Earth—the planetary vital body
- Venus—planetary astral vehicle or kama-manas
- Mercury—planetary mind
- Are the cosmic astral plane and cosmic mental plane involved in this assignment?
- On Earth the two streams of energy—one from Gemini and one from Sagittarius—are being balanced. Mercury and Venus promote this balancing
- Through Venus, Taurus, Gemini, Libra and Capricorn are related. These produce “the desperate conflict of the imprisoned soul upon the astral plane”
- This conflict applies to both the Planetary Logos and also human beings
- Taurus via Venus produces desire
- Gemini via Venus awakens the sense of duality and contributes to the conflict between spiritual will and desire
- Libra via Venus equilibrates these opposites. The Mercury/Venus mind is involved in this equilibration.
- Capricorn via Venus produces the final efforts in this struggle between the opposites
- The three rulers of Gemini constitute this dual sign a “working triplicity”
- The three planets can be assigned to three points in the triangular antahkarana
- The aid from these three planets produce the appearance in form of the soul and the subjective psychic personality
- Venus, Mercury and the Earth producing the “ever recurring divine triplicity” the work of which is to release the soul from form.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 103 section c. 202 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 103 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 103 section c. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 103 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 103 section b. covers pages 359-362, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Man cannot yet appreciate the true nature of illusion. Further progress is needed
- What the Tibetan is not imparting does not yet convey any exact knowledge
- Gemini/Aries/Mercury initiates trial efforts and beginnings on Earth to promote relationships intended by the Divine Plan
- The conflict initiated leads to an “intermediate consummation” in Libra
- Gemini/Virgo/Mercury conditions the soul within the form and leads to the intensification of the ordinary evolutionary process. Soul light waxes, personality light wanes. This process is recognized as a struggle between soul and personality. This process leads to a final stage in Capricorn
- Gemini/Capricorn/Mercury induces a process which will place the soul in the place of power. There is a continuation onward from the balance achieved in Libra. This process involving Scorpio produces the “present world conflict” (which has not yet subsided)
- Decisions in London and the United States (both ruled by Gemini) are necessary in resolving this conflict.
- Humanity is on the Path of Discipleship
- Gemini governs the “way of many changes”
- When Gemini, Scorpio and Mercury are correctly related, the United States too will be on the Path of Discipleship
- London needs a drastic purification of motive. Probably the Taurean motives of Great Britain must be purified
- London’s energies are those of Gemini, Leo and Libra and the seventh ray
- Potencies of Gemini/Scorpio/Mercury lead to true service in Aquarius
- Great Britain’s Motto—“I Serve” should be considered in this context
- Venus and Earth as the esoteric and hierarchical rulers of Gemini contribute to the development of the consciousness of universality on our planet
- The term “Hierarchy” is key to this type of consciousness
- Venus is the “alter ego” of the Earth and considered its true complementary and supplementary planet.
- Think of Mars as a possible complementary planet to Earth. Also think of supplementary angles and complementary angles in geometry, for further understanding
- A dual double relationship: the Two Brothers and Venus/Earth
- Venus related to the Brother whose light is waxing
- The Gemini/Venus relationship is responsible for our planet being called “the planet of releasing sorrow and purifying pain”
- Mercury, as a focusing planet, is also involved in this relationship causing pain and sorry
- The planets Earth, Venus and Mercury are related to the personality of our Planetary Logos
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 103 section b. 205 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 103 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 103 section b. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 103 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 103 section a. covers pages 356-359, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The Old Commentary comments on the relationship between Sagittarius and Gemini
- The Old Commentary tells us that humanity will become the Hierarchy, “the bestower of all good”
- The three rulers of Gemini closely related to the development of humanity
- These three are called a synthesis of “eager potencies”
- Under the Earth and R3 Gemini conditions the etheric body
- Under Gemini and Sagittarius there are staged the conflicts in the astral body which lead to the burning ground and subsequent release
- Under the influence of Capri, Venus (ray five) enables man to take initiation
- These three energies—Gemini, Sagittarius and Capricorn (along with rays three, four and five) are essentially dedicated to the development of humanity
- Mercury is called the “star of conflict”
- It relates Gemini to three other constellations which are ruled in some way by Mercury: Aries, Virgo and Scorpio
- The mission of Mercury emerges as of supreme importance
- Via Mercury and in relation to Gemini the Three Crosses become closely interrelated
- The energy of the three constellations Aries, Virgo and Scorpio are synthesized and coordinated and focused through Gemini producing much difficulty but eventually the awakening of humanity to full planetary consciousness
- These constellations also produce the awakening of our Planetary Logos to “full cosmic consciousness”
- Mercury as related to Gemini produces a steady pull between the pairs of opposites
- Mercury and Gemini in relation to Virgo produces the struggle between the soul consciousness and the form consciousness—between the esoteric self and the exoteric not-self
- We are considering three triangles: Gemini—Aries—Mercury all in relation to the Earth; Gemini—Virgo—Mercury all in relation to the Earth; Gemini—Scorpio—Mercury all in relation to the Earth
- The potency of Gemini—Aries—Mercury focuses the “Will-to-Be” on Earth
- There is the Will-to-Be in form and the Will-to-Be free from form
- Will brought to Earth by Aries in connection with Gemini is achieved through conflict of which Gemini and Mercury are the eternal symbols
- Scorpio in relation to Gemini and Mercury has a mass effect which is subtle. Individual man must have planetary consciousness to understand this effect
- The fact that man is embraced by the ring-pass-not of Earth makes it impossible for him to understand the true constellational relationships to Earth
- The Great Illusion as experienced on Earth relates to man’s geocentric perception
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 103 section a. 198 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 103 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 103 section a. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 103 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 102 section b. covers pages 354-356, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Mercury and Venus correlated with the Gemini subjects function as “revealers of new divine truths”
- Venus and the fifth ray give “embryonic understanding of causes and conditions resulting therefrom and also of the Plan”
- A duality of relationship is established by these two rulers between the third kingdom of nature and the Kingdom of Souls.
- Interplay between Sagittarius and Gemini instrumental in producing the fourth kingdom of nature—humanity.
- Venus under Gemini produced, largely, the Crisis of Individualization
- Venus, Mercury and the Earth set up a magnetic field which called in the influence of the Great White Lodge on Sirius. Added to this was the dual stimulation of Gemini resulting in the production in the human kingdom.
- Gemini is the third sign and possesses a “third potency” which it allowed it at the time of individualization to reach the third or animal kingdom.
- Only the higher forms of the animal kingdom were individualized
- Humanity thus uniquely related to Gemini
- In the future New World Religion the month of Gemini, June, will be used to bring humanity nearer to the spiritual realities. Appeal will be made to those Forces which can assist in working out the Divine Plan on Earth.
- Venus is erroneously thought to relate to the sex life. This is because it relates certain of the pairs of opposites
- There are only two constellations ruled by Earth—a fact of major significance.
- The interplay between Sagittarius and Gemini guarantee the unfoldment of the soul of our planet
- The Earth is a “woeful planet”
- The fact that pain and sorrow are the distinguishing features of our planet conceal a “secret mystery”
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 102 section b. 198 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 102 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 102 section b. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 102 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 102 section a. covers pages 353-354, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Mercury as the exoteric ruler of Gemini “carries messages between the poles within speed and light”
- Gemini reinforces the duality found within Mercury
- Mercury the expression of the dual aspect of the mind as it mediates between higher and lower
- Mercury’s mediating energy is first expressed through the concrete mind where it works in relation to the personality and its environment and emphasizes the self and the not-self, the “me and thou” consciousness
- Mercury’s second and higher function is to mediate between the soul and the personality. In this function it is the “illumined mind” relating soul and personality. This higher type of relating is carried forward on the Path of Discipleship
- Later, when the first two interrelations are perfected, Mercury represents the abstract mind and relates spirit and soul
- As the abstract mind, Mercury first reveals the spiritual triad and later the life aspect itself during the process of the higher initiations
- Mercury increases in the Gemini subject the latent sense of duality
- Mercury promotes in Gemini mental agility and fluidity of mind
- When there is facility of mental approach in any direction and in connection with the many opposites in manifestation, you have the appearance of the Divine Messenger
- The Gemini/Mercury subject can comprehend extremes and relate them divinely to each other
- Gemini is predominantly the sign of the messenger
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 102 section a. 202 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 102 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 102 section a. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 102 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 101 section b. covers pages 351-353, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Three major aspects of divinity are focused through Cancer, Gemini and Aquarius at this time
- Cancer related of the intelligent synthetic consciousness of the mass
- Gemini brings emerging recognition of duality
- Aquarius produces “universal group awareness”
- These three constellations are involved in relation to humanity, to all kingdoms of nature, and to planetary and solar expression
- Attraction and repulsion relate both to our Solar Life and to Gemini. Attraction and repulsion reach us through Gemini
- The interplay between the two Brothers produces all waxing and waning—in humanity, upon our planet and in our solar system
- In far off times there was a definite relation between Gemini and the waxing and waning Moon. Though this occurred anciently, it had to have occurred on the Earth-chain as there would be no visibility of the waxing and waning Moon from the perspective of the Moon-chain alone
- Were Earth-chain processes in effect when responsive life was removed from the Moon? It may be the case.
- The rhythm then set up still remains but as a reflection. This rhythm still promotes illusion
- Gemini closely related to the etheric body
- Gemini is the intermediary between soul and body
- In average man the etheric body is the transmitter of psychic energy
- In the disciple, the etheric body is the transmitter of soul energy
- The “six subjective rays” are probably soul rays
- During days of soul influence, the energy in the etheric body is focused above the diaphragm
- Transfer of the energy of the lower chakras to those of the higher is related to Gemini, but in an abstruse manner
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 101 section b. 273 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 101 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 101 section b. 63 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 101 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 101 section a. covers pages 348-351, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Great Bear/Pleiades/Gemini is the Triangle of the Cosmic Christ
- Always a triangle behind fourfold appearance
- The Triangle of the Cosmic Christ is a golden triangle
- The Cross formed by the Cosmic Christ is the Mutable Cross
- Sagittarius is called the “Seeker”; Pisces the “submerged Fish”
- Gemini is both the “Head of the Cosmic Christ” and the “Head” of the Mutable Cross
- Three air signs, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius closely related the Great Bear, Pleiades and Sirius
- Air signs hold hint concerning the resolution of the pairs of opposites: opposition, equilibrium, synthesis
- Synthesis is “universal fusion”
- Gemini is a point of entry for energies from Sirius
- Libra transmits energies from the Pleiades
- Aquarius expresses energies from Aquarius
- Great White Lodge on Sirius is prototype to the Great White Lodge on Earth of which Masonry is the distorted reflection
- The Mutable Cross provides points of change and opportunities for reorientation prior to needed developments and new activities
- Mercury plays a part in the mutability of the Mutable Cross
- The Fixed Cross brings about crisis after periods of change. Saturn, planet o opportunity, plays a significant role in bringing about these crises
- Cardinal Cross brings about points of synthesis as a result of both change and crisis. Jupiter focuses these energies of the Cardinal Cross
- Gemini connected with the Heart of the Sun and “the love of the Whole”
- Cancer connected with the physical sun and “the intelligent activity of the Whole”
- Aquarius connected with the Central Spiritual Sun and “the will of the Whole”
- Gemini controls the pulsation of life which sustains all that is
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 101 section a. 249 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 101 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 101 section a. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 101 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 100 section d. covers pages 346-348, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The presently Jewish coloring of Masonry will change, most probably
- The history of Masonry deals with the unfolding of the indwelling Christ Consciousness and of the inner light—this must continue
- The two pillars of Masonry are called Jachin and Boaz and are also the “Pillars of Hercules”
- Gemini as the major symbol of duality in the zodiac
- Gemini linked with all other pairs of opposites in the zodiacal wheel. Gemini relates them
- Such triangles involving Gemini become important in the horoscopes of advanced individuals and also esoteric groups
- For the opposition Gemini/Sagittarius, the sign Pisces becomes the mediating principle
- Pisces is both the beginning and the end
- The Science of Triangles is the most important aspect of the teachings on esoteric astrology
- Gemini sometimes called the “constellation of the resolution of duality into a fluid synthesis.”
- Gemini preserves the magnetic interplay between the pairs of opposites, later to resolve them into a unity
- The twelve zodiacal potencies eventually blend into a six
- Speculations on the placement of the blended six into a six-pointed star
- It is the consciousness of the polar opposites which fuses—not the form
- Initiates must achieve the “freedom of the two”
- At a certain point in evolution those who are born in signs which are polar opposites each possess the main qualities of the sign which is opposite to theirs
- Gemini, one of the most important of the twelve signs, its influence underlying every one of them
- Gemini is related to the idea that “love underlies the entire universe”
- The underlying Love of God in our solar system reaches our system primarily through Gemini
- Gemini forms a cosmic triangle with the Great Bear and the Pleiades
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 100 section d. 284 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 100 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 100 section d. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 100 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 100 section c. covers pages 343-346, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Beginning study of Gemini, the Twins
- Learn by studying the polar opposite
- Much already given on Gemini when studying the other signs of the Mutable Cross
- Gemini, with Taurus and Aries, is one of the “subjective” signs leading to the objectivity of form-taking
- What, really, is the duration of a “world cycle”?
- Pisces is the starting point at this time for the greater round of the zodiacal wheel, of some 25,000 years
- The date for the beginning of this cycle cannot be determined by the astrological science of man
- Aries, Taurus and Gemini have a more psychic effect and subjective influence than strictly phenomenal effects
- Study esoteric astrology always from the broad generalities and only then to the particulars
- Gemini determines the paramount influence within the fourfold influence of the Mutable Cross
- The Mutable Signs produce constant flux and periodical change within time and space. Such mutation is needed for the unfoldment of the Christ Consciousness
- Gemini is particularly associated with the producing of those changes needed for the evolution of the Christ Consciousness
- Virgo, the nurturing force of substance itself…
- Under Sagittarius the form life and soul are integrated during the gestation period
- Pisces— the life expression and active appearance of the Christ consciousness in form…and the energy of the world savior
- The Mutable Cross as a particularly Christian symbol
- Much of the 2—4—6 line of energy on the Mutable Cross
- Gemini related to Masonry, particularly through its “formless” nature
- Exoteric form of Masonry has changed often over the years. These changes correlate with the nature of Gemini
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 100 section c. 227 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 100 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 100 section c. 54 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 100 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 100 section b. covers page 343, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Continuing discussion of the sixfold process of evolutionary development in relation to Cancer and its decanates
- Two examples of the “Word of the soul”—the spiritual mantram and initial mantram of the soul in relation to Cancer
- The need to overcome isolation in Cancer
- The possibility of experiencing even more drastic isolation before one builds a lighted house which can attract and warm other human beings
- Illusion, loneliness and separation as part of the Great Illusion
- Humanity, in Cancer, is preparing for unity, freedom and release
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 100 section b. 250 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 100 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 100 section b. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 100 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 100 section a. covers pages 341-343, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Importance of form and the psychic nature and their relation to Jupiter and Neptune, respectively, both exalted in Cancer
- “Love as relationship to divinity and wisdom as relationship to form lie behind the soul’s intent”
- The concrete perfection of the form and psychic nature in Capricorn
- Initiate wields mass service in Cancer
- Saturn leads to difficult circumstances, struggle, pain and penalty in Cancer home of its detriment
- Cancer, place of symbolic imprisonment
- Sepharial chooses Venus, Mercury and the Moon for the rulers of the decanates
- In this case he is more accurate than Alan Leo who, according to the Hindu system, chooses the Moon, Mars and Jupiter
- The way of incarnation is governed by the mind, conflict and the form
- The way of the disciple is governed by the right use of the organ of illumination, conflict and struggle which build strength, and the breaking of all bonds which the processes of incarnation have forged
- Beginning of discussion of the extra-zodiacal constellations in relation to Cancer and the first few stages of the sixfold process of evolutionary development in relation to Cancer
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 100 section a. 249 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 100 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 100 section a. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 100 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 99 section d. covers pages 339-341, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Aquarius-Leo soul consummation
- Pisces-Virgo soul consummation
- These two discussed in detail
- The consummation in form is governed largely by the ray of the personality
- The consummation in the world of the soul is governed largely by the ray of the soul
- Again the need to determine the evolutionary status of the individual is emphasized in order to understand personality ray and soul ray consummations in the different signs
- DK advises studying the sign opposite when attempting to understand any sign
- Cancerian subjects have a tendency to achieve through conflict because of the presence of the fourth ray via the Moon and the indirect influence of Mercury through Aries
- Battlegrounds are to transmuted into burning grounds through the instrumentality of Uranus
- The lower face-off between the form and the psychic nature has a higher correspondence in the confrontation between the soul and Spirit
- The true clue to the relationship between Cancer and Capricorn is contained in the H.P.B. quotation concerning the equivalence of spirit and matter
- Rays coming through Cancer plus its own influences all tend towards concretion
- Venus in Cancer makes the mind subject to the personality
- DK suggests we study the effect of Cancer and its energies upon the unevolved man demonstrating form control and the spiritual man demonstrating soul control
- Relationship of Cancer to Virgo, Aquarius and Scorpio examined from two perspectives—one the perspective of the personality and the other the perspective of the soul
- Scorpio seemingly implicated in the processes of the fourth degree
- Cardinal Cross as the final Cross of Initiation, indicating an abstruse situation
- Jupiter and Neptune both exalted in Cancer indicated the successful development and expression of the form and also both the higher and lower forms of psychic sensitivity
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 99 section d. 269 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 99 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 99 section d. 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 99 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 99 section c. covers pages 337-339, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Is the sensitivity of the incarnating soul principally to life in form or to the possibility of initiation?
- Cancer and Capricorn provide the clearest example of the interplay between the opposites
- The study of two types of consummation—of the form side of life and of the life of the soul
- Aries-Libra personality consummation
- Taurus-Scorpio personality consummation
- Gemini-Sagittarius personality consummation
- Cancer-Capricorn personality consummation
- Leo-Aquarius personality consummation
- Virgo-Pisces personality consummation
- All these discussed in detail
- Libra-Aries soul consummation
- Scorpio-Taurus soul consummation
- Sagittarius-Gemini soul consummation
- Capricorn-Cancer soul consummation
- All these discussed in detail
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 99 section c. 245 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 99 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 99 section c. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 99 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 99 section b. covers pages 335-337, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Reiteration of the principle that one must know the level of evolution of the subject for whom the horoscope is to be cast—beforecasting the horoscope
- Through a study of people born in Cardinal signs the clearest indications concerning evolutionary status will emerge
- Study the Cardinal Cross to arrive at clearest understanding of ordinary human beings, group beginnings and the first initiation
- Study the Fixed Cross to arrive at clearest understanding of initiates, group absorption into synthesis, and the third initiation
- Study the Mutable Cross for clearest understanding of disciples, group activity and the second initiation
- Possible reasons for the Tibetan’s statements along these lines are given
- DK suggests close study of His statements in this regard even if they appear to reverse statements He has offered earlier
- It is recommended that one study the exoteric, esoteric and spiritual implications of the three Crosses—the last of these only revealed at the higher initiations
- Capricorn related to highest initiation and deepest concretion. What does DK mean by “highest”?
- Astrologers encouraged to think in terms of energies and forces, lines of force energy relationships, qualities and characteristics
- Important quotation:” The whole story of astrology is, in reality, one of magnetic and magical interplay for the production or externalisation of the inner reality;”
- Foci of energy and streams of force differentiated
- Cancer related to the “magnetic magical light which guides the soul into the dark place of experience”
- Capricorn related to: that “radiant light which leads the soul in safety to the mountain top.”
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 99 section b. 262 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 99 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 99 section b. 54 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 99 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 99 section a. covers pages 334-335, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Intermediate relationships between the twelve signs
- These are not ‘consummatory’ relationships as between opposite signs
- The geometrical angles created in the intermediate relationships
- The intermediate relationships given on pages 332-333 of EA are only definitely active and effective after initiation. DK may mean the first initiation in some of these cases and not only the third.
- The intermediate relationships are said to be established mostly through ray relationships. Examination of whether this seems to be the case.
- To understand intermediate relationships between the signs, knowledge of evolutionary status is necessary
- Contents of the new esoteric astrology involves prediction, interpretation from the perspectives of both the personality and soul, character indications and a study of the Law of Rebirth
- Close study of the Creative Hierarchies in relation to the sign of the zodiac not yet capable of elucidation
- Close study of the tabulation on pages 332-333 will cause a drastic revolution in the field of astrology
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 99 section a. 275 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 99 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 99 section a. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 99 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section d. continues on page 333, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Three categories of response for those born in or under Aquarius
- Three categories of response for those born in or under Pisces
- Summary of twelve responses to zodiacal energy of Undeveloped Man
- Summary of twelve responses to zodiacal energy of Advanced Man
- Summary of twelve responses to zodiacal energy of the Disciple or Initiate
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section d. 378 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section d. 77 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section c. continues on page 333, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Three categories of response for those born in or under Libra
- Three categories of response for those born in or under Scorpio
- Three categories of response for those born in or under Sagittarius
- Three categories of response for those born in or under Capricorn
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section c. 330 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section c. 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section b. continues on page 332, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Three categories of response for those born in or under Gemini
- Three categories of response for those born in or under Cancer
- Three categories of response for those born in or under Leo
- Three categories of response for those born in or under Virgo
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section b. 292 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section b. 56 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section a. covers pages 330-332, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Because Cancer displays only vague, inchoate light, the first and second rays do no manifest through it either directly or indirectly
- The sign Cancer always preserves the “mass relationship” for the sake of the incarnating individual and to guarantee the salvation of substance itself
- Human beings without initiated vision interpret all signs in terms of their own individuality
- To the individual who has taken the first three initiations, the effect of the signs upon the individual is an incidental. They are more interested in the effect of the signs upon humanity as a whole, upon the solar system and the kingdoms of nature
- Man consciously or unconsciously responds to the influence of the signs according to his level of development. This is true of all signs and contributes to the rounding-out of human nature
- The three categories to be considered are: Undeveloped Man: Developed Man: and Man upon the path.
- Three categories of response for those born in or under Aries.
- Three categories of response for those born in or under Taurus
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section a. 259 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section a. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 97 section c. covers pages 328-330, is about one hour and twenty minutes long, and includes the following topics:
- Approaching the understanding of the zodiac from the perspective of “unfolding and increasing radiance”
- The “glory of the One” relates to the glory of the “One About Whom Naught May Be Said” in which the zodiac of constellations functions as the heart-in-the-head center
- The mode of the development of the inner light, zodiacally considered, is a secret of the higher initiations
- We are speaking of the “growth of light in light”
- Light as the nature of the soul
- Zodiacal light is, from this perspective, “soul light”
- The Twelve Types of Zodiacal Light
- Aries—The Light of Life Itself
- Taurus—The Penetrating Light of the Path
- Gemini—The Light of Interplay
- Cancer—The Light within the Form
- Leo—The Light of the Soul
- Virgo—The Blended Dual Light
- Libra—The Light that Moves to Rest
- Scorpio—The Light of Day
- Sagittarius—A Beam of Directed, Focused Light
- Capricorn—The Light of Initiation’
- Aquarius—The Light that Shines on Earth Across the Sea
- Pisces—The Light of the World
- In the study of these zodiacal forms of light we have the symbolical story of the “irradiation of matter”
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 97 section c. 302 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 97 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 97 section c. 80 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 97 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 97 section b. covers pages 326-328, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Approaching rebirth or “cyclic impulsion” in a new way which negates personality glamour
- Reincarnation should be studied from the historical angle—the appearance of differently qualified groups which achieved certain ends in the context of the Divine Plan
- It is a study of the “major reincarnating groups”
- Reincarnational process can only be traced in relation to “advanced souls” at this time
- Trace the theme of service and sacrifice running throughout history
- Descriptions of the rays governing certain nations can be useful in tracing the location and activity of major reincarnating groups
- The astrological signs governing these reincarnating groups are also of importance and can be related to the nations in which they are found
- The importance of studying history in the context of the evolving and emerging Divine Plan
- The fourth ray as the producer of conflict
- The lower and higher aspects of the fourth ray: conflict lower, harmony higher
- The exhaustion of the lower aspect of the fourth ray, conflict, is rapidly coming to pass and giving way to the presence of the second ray of Love-Wisdom
- The potent focus of the second ray through Gemini and Jupiter together
- A long cycle of beneficent development is coming
- Reconciliation of conflicts will be worked out mentally
- The salvaging saving egos of the fifth kingdom will be instrumental in bringing about and sustaining this era of beneficent development
- The rays of Cancer must be studied from the vantage point of the mass mind or mass consciousness
- Cancer as a sign of relative synthesis and fusion, but at a relatively lower level—that of soul and body
- In mass consciousness, the stage of the psyche is still “unindividualised”
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 97 section b. 253 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 97 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 97 section b. 55 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 97 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 97 section a. covers pages 324-326, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- To major rules with respect to the Law of Rebirth
- Continuation of the reincarnation process until individual perfection is achieved
- Rebirth takes place under the influence of unsatisfied desire
- These rules, however, are only partial and there are larger truths involved
- Actually, will and knowledge of the Plan prompt rebirth
- The “ego” as already perfect and not in need of perfecting in the lower worlds
- Sacrifice and service is the main incentive for cyclic rebirth—the lifting of the lesser lives to the spiritual status of the one lifting
- Reincarnation contributing to the negation of the space-time illusion
- Better terms for reincarnation and rebirth are: “cyclic impulsion,” “intelligent purposeful repetition” and “conscious in-breathing and out-breathing”
- Rebirth as a “cosmic” process
- The necessity of thinking in terms of group rebirth to which individual rebirth is incidental
- Most so-called “occult” books, woefully deficient in describing the true principles related to rebirth
- Humanity’s intelligent understanding of the Plan will contribute to the understanding of rebirth
- Groups of souls fulfilling the Divine Plan
- Education concerning the nature of the Plan necessary for a more intelligent understanding of rebirth
- A truer understanding of theme of rebirth as one of the secrets of the first initiation
- Rebirth as a magical, magnetic process related to the seventh ray
- Analysis of an Old Commentary section showing the interrelation between the “crying ones” and the “saving ones”, to be understood in the context of rebirth
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 97 section a. 279 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 97 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 97 section a. 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 97 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 96 section d. covers pages 320-324, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The rulers of Cancer
- Acting as distributors of cosmic energies
- Understanding zodiacal interrelationship by studying the signs which are related to each other through the medium of a single planet
- The Moon and Neptune; the Mother of the Forms and the God of the Waters
- Moon as form
- Neptune as “desire-sensitivity”
- Moon and Neptune together symbolize the Atlantean stage of development
- Today, much Atlaneanism
- Mass identification with form is Atlantean in nature
- The meaning of the cosmic triangle, Cancer/Virgo/Aquarius, related to each other via the Moon
- Relating mass consciousness to Christ Consciousness to universal consciousness
- Neptune is veiled by the Moon even in Cancer
- Neptune is the only planet which rules Cancer; just as the Sun is the only planet which rules Leo
- These two signs are the only ones ruled by only one planet; the Moon’s rulership of Cancer is simply a veil
- Why the Moon is substituted for Neptune in the position of orthodox rulership
- Average man is most characterized by feeling-sensitivity
- The good fortune for humanity that the Moon veils Neptune in the case of the average man
- Average humanity incapable of dealing constructively with the unveiled Neptune
- Extreme (Neptunian) sensitivity as the greatest problem of the disciple
- The difficulty for the disciple of grasping the nature of mass consciousness and group consciousness
- Christ Consciousness is the goal for the average man
- The soul “obliterates” the influence of the Moon and of Neptune (considering the lower meaning of Neptune)
- The analogy of the breaking of the waters before birth to the birth of Christ Consciousness
- The supreme usefulness of form and emotional sensitivity, and thus of the influence of the Moon and Neptune
- The Moon and Neptune are needed of the soul is to know “God in manifestation”
- Direct and indirect influences of the signs upon the Cardinal Cross
- The seven planets which rule the Cardinal Cross and their meanings: Mars, Mercury, Uranus, Moon, Neptune, Venus, Saturn
- Mars—conflict: Mercury—intuition; Uranus—the “cosmic pull”; Moon—the form; Neptune—“desire sensitivity”; Venus—intellect; Saturn—opportunity.
- Planets of indirect influence have a subjective effect building up soul responsiveness
- Virgo follows Cancerian development
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 96 section d. 249 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 98 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 96 section d. 56 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 96 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 96 section c. covers pages 318-320, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Cancer and Virgo represent sub-consciousness and that which is latent or hidden
- Individual mind is hidden in Cancer; Christ Consciousness is hidden in Virgo
- Hiding the human soul and the divine soul
- Scorpio a sign of transition in which the hidden stands revealed
- In Capricorn the disciple expresses to some extent the life of two kingdoms
- Four signs and three incarnations or four incarnations
- Emphasis upon these signs appears in sequential incarnations—either four or five… This fact can help us determine the stage of discipleship at which the esoteric influence of these signs is to be applied
- Pisces, Shamballa and the urge to salvage and save are all related
- Dividing the five signs in this way: Cancer/Virgo; Scorpio; Capricorn/Pisces
- Two types of dualism: Soul/Body and Spirit/Soul
- Nine signs carrying a man from imprisonment in form to freedom in the Kingdom of God
- Thus a wider way of looking at the five signs under discussion and the signs which intervene between them
- Aries and the Will-to-Be
- Taurus and the Will-to-Know
- Gemini and the Will-to-Relate
- Aries/Taurus/Gemini as subjective signs whether considered macrocosmically or microcosmically
- Aries and the logoic plane; Taurus and the monadic plane; Gemini and the atmic plane
- Aries, Taurus and Gemini representing the lower mental, emotional and etheric vehicles of man
- The symbol of the five-pointed star with a triangle at the center; for what type of initiate or what type of initiation is it the symbol. Perhaps the third. Perhaps the fifth.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 96 section c. 245 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 96 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 96 section c. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 96 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 96 section b. covers pages 316-318, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The mysterious Cardinal Cross and the general misunderstanding of Cancer and Capricorn
- Discussion of the different levels of evolution of the Constellational Lords. Can the Cardinal Cross contain the most evolved of them
- Comparing the evolution of Constellational Lords with the evolution of Planetary Lords
- Only initiates of the third degree can really understand the Cardinal Cross
- The higher initiations and the need to pass through the “pool of pure fiery light”
- Different types of burning grounds—some clearer and colder than others
- The cleansing power of the “fire of God”
- The misunderstanding of the subject of “rebirth”; emphasis on personal minutiae distorts
- Most of what is discussed in relation to reincarnation is both unproven and unprovable
- Symbolism and the signs of the watery triplicity; the Crab, the Scorpion and the Fish
- The original symbol of Pisces included a woman and was the origin of the idea of the mermaid
- The Crab as a slow-moving creature
- The Scorpion as a transformed Crab
- The symbol of the Fishes (Pisces) no longer has the symbol of materiality
- Three signs of the watery triplicity give a complete picture of man’s evolutionary growth
- The esoteric linking of Cancer—Virgo—Scorpio—Capricorn—Pisces
- On the Path of Discipleship or occurring over a longer span?
- The planets which unite these five signs: Moon, Neptune, Pluto, Mercury
- What is the peculiar stage of discipleship at which the esoteric influence of these five signs are called into play?
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 96 section b. 247 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 96 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 96 section b. 57 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 96 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 96 section a. covers pages 313-316, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Renewal of activity in Aries and related to the “Life” aspect. Aries intimately associated with the Divine Breath. This can be considered microcosmically or macrocosmically
- Relationships: Aries to Life; Taurus to Consciousness; Gemini to manifested duality
- Cancer, the sign of “outer manifestation”
- Libra—the fusion of the first four signs which achieved inchoate fusion are balanced against the consciousness aspect—soul
- Scorpio disturbs this equilibrium
- In Capricorn the basic triplicity returns to the “breath of the spirit” but in full consciousness
- The One Life pulsates. Pulsation is a type of motion associated with the first ray
- Further relations achieved on the Cardinal Cross
- Cardinal Cross and the Secret of Life: Fixed Cross and the Secret of Consciousness; Mutable Cross and the Mystery of Form
- Christ and His comprehension of all three Crosses
- Buddha and His comprehension of the Mutable Cross and Fixed Cross
- Hercules and His comprehension of the Mutable Cross
- Discussion of what the Initiation Jesus experienced and what the Christ experienced
- Two of three possible Words given at the Crucifixion of the Initiate Jesus, and what these words meant or indicated
- The “Robe” is the causal body
- The “God” who forsakes is the Solar Angel
- Christ, Lord Maitreya, saw the golden thread of light connecting all three Crosses
- Speculative meanings of the “Cosmic Crucifixion”
- Scorpio and the “secret of directed energy”
- Which type of “Transfiguration” did the Christ, per se, undergo?
- Two Words conveying the purpose and intent of the Cardinal Cross and especially of the signs Cancer and Capricorn: “self-preservation” and “immortality”.
- Cancer is associated with “self-preservation”; Capricorn with “immortality”
- Capricorn as both concretion and liberation from concretion
- “Immortality” as the divine aspect of “self-preservation”
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 96 section a. 264 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 96 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 96 section a. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 96 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 95 section a. covers pages 311-313 plus Decanate Charts, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Summation of the Initiatic/Monadic phase of Leo in relation to the three decanates.
- The difficulty of understanding the sign Cancer and really, all signs on the Cardinal Cross
- Mass consciousness and group consciousness and the difficulty of the average individual when attempting to distinguish between them
- Humanity at midway point between mass consciousness and group consciousness—much difficulty resulting therefrom
- The Leo phase between these two phases of consciousness
- The resultant “clash of idealisms”
- Relationship between Cancer, Leo and Aquarius: mass consciousness, individual consciousness and universal consciousness
- Cancer as one of the two “gates”; Capricorn the other
- The meaning of the “final revolt” until which the influence of Cancer towards incarnation prevails
- Cancer allied with materiality and Capricorn with spirit
- Cancer in relation to the “Law of Rebirth” and reincarnation
- Much indefiniteness about the inner meaning of the sign Cancer
- Difficulty of understanding the real and higher meaning of Cancer
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 95 section a. 171 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 95 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 95 section a. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 95 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 94 section a. covers pages 310-311 plus Decanate Charts, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The lessening of power of Uranus in Leo when Uranus rules mind alone.
- The lessening of power of Saturn in Leo, except for Saturn’s involvement with the Great Bear, Leo and Shamballa.
- The Leo subject as the “dominant self-aware agent”
- Leo uninfluenced by circumstance, and thus by Saturn
- Man ruling circumstances and events with deliberation
- Leo as “king of himself”
- No planet is exalted or falls in Leo—the Sun is not influenced by planets.
- Leo individual positive to circumstances and perhaps less influenced by karma
- Sepharial giving Saturn, Jupiter and Mars as the decanate rulers of Leo
- Alan Leo giving the Sun, Jupiter and Mars.
- Some discuss of the value of the Alan Leo decanates.
- The Tibetan given Mars, Sun and Jupiter as the rulers. Initial conflict; self-rule; successful issue under the blessings of Jupiter
- Leo and the three levels of selfhood epitomized by three mottoes
- Close analysis of Leo decanates and extra-zodiacal constellations associated with Leo: Hydra, Crater and Corvus
- Discussion of the six stages of development in relation to Leo
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 94 section a. 208 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 94 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 94 section a. 54 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 94 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 93 section a. covers pages 307-310, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Requirements for initiation in relation to Leo: full Self-consciousness, mystical orientation, occult development
- The pure vision of Neptune
- Occult training under Uranus
- Freedom from ordinary glamors and illusions, a necessity
- Energies of the Heart of the Sun as a source of motivation for the Leo initiate
- At-one-ment through Uranus
- An undiscovered planet related to Leo/Aquarius and to Uranus/Neptune
- Is the name of the planet “Isis”, therefore relating it to Sirius, another name for which is “Isis”
- August as the month in which the forces of the undiscovered planet reach our Earth
- Uranus and Neptune as distributors of the forces of the undiscovered planet.
- Charts of “cosmic lines of directed forces”—but only one is given
- Rays two, six and seven are controlling energies in the chart of the Leo subject
- Factor of “direction” inseparable from Uranus
- Neptune confers “idealistic one-pointedness”
- Leo as sign in which perfection is readily achieved.
- Uranus a planet of “inner control”
- Neptune the planet of the “ideal objective”
- Excellent summary of the qualities of Uranus in relation to Leo
- The only true discipline possible for the Leo subject is “self-discipline”
- Not enough for the Leo subject simply to be
- Negativity often arises in the life of the Leo subject, leading to a life of “unexpected futility”
- The Leo subject must acquiesce to the higher Will
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 93 section a. 274 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 93 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 93 section a. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 93 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 92 section b. covers pages 305-307, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Symbols of cosmic sources found on the points of the blue triangles of spirit
- The relationship of these symbols to the monadic ray of the initiate concerned
- Fourth dimensional charts of adepts and beyond
- Various relationships between Cancer and Leo via Neptune
- The true definition of group consciousness, still retaining individual consciousness
- Uranus and Neptune described in relation to Leo
- The Sun as full self-consciousness
- Neptune as mystical consciousness
- Uranus as occult consciousness
- Two kinds of veilings of Neptune and Uranus—one of them the transmission of these influences by the Sun with intensity
- Sun, Neptune and Uranus at three initiations
- Leo as the “battlefield of the Forces of Materialism and the Forces of Light”—reasons why
- The relationship between egoism and materialism
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 92 section b. 238 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 92 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 92 section b. 55 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 92 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 92 section a. covers pages 304-305, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Aries involved in the seventh initiation.
- The eventual transference of initiating potency from Capricorn to Aries
- The need to demonstrate initiatory accomplishment on the physical plane
- The six-pointed star of humanity consisting of the Sun, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, Venus and Mars—conditioning man’s consciousness not events
- Squares, stars and triangles in the charts of those who are adepts and beyond
- Black squares
- Golden stars
- Blue triangles.
- The Science of Triangles and the Science of Relationships as sciences subsidiary to the Science of Esoteric Astrology. Or is this true of the Science of Relationships?
- The kinds of astrological relationships dealt with in the Science of Relationships
- Various stars of consciousness based upon the orientation of the foremost apex of the five-pointed star of consciousness
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 92 section a. 256 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 92 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 92 section a. 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 92 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 91 section b. covers page 302, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The subjective quaternary of the reincarnating soul consists of Aries, Libra, Leo and Aquarius
- Aries: soul intention; Libra: the mental unit; Leo: the astral permanent atom; Aquarius: the physical permanent atom
- Mental focus and mental balance are required of the man in Libra who would reverse the Wheel
- Leo in relation to Desire, Aspiration, Will, Purpose, Intent
- The etheric body through its countless connections promoting the universal consciousness associated with Aquarius
- Definition of a permanent atom as a “unit of energy within the sphere of influence of the soul ray”
- Permanent atoms as “memory cells”
- Contrast between “gained quality” in the permanent atoms and in the petals of the egoic lotus
- The materiality of the permanent atoms
- Natural clairvoyance is needed to more fully understand the subject of the permanent atoms
- The science of the permanent atoms is a “very advanced science”; its relation to the first solar system
- Forces of Materialism working through the permanent atoms whereas the Great White Lodge works through the forces centers
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 91 section b. 227 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 91 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 91 section b. 59 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 91 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 91 section b. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 91 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 91 section a. covers pages 300-302, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Linking Spirit, Soul, Mind and Brain to the four stages of the meditation process: Inhalation, Higher Interlude, Exhalation, Lower Interlude
- The kinship of inhalation and inspiration (in relation to Sirius)
- After the third degree the initiation has liberated intuitive perception
- Influence of Sirius not consciously felt until after the third degree
- Sirius a major life factor for advanced initiate—beyond the third degree
- Sun and Moon are simply planets to be ruled for the advanced initiate
- Beyond the third degree, the initiate is concerned with Sirius, Leo, Sun, Moon, Mercury,
- Energy of Sirius focused in a threefold stream through Regulus in Leo
- Regulus is the “Heart of the Lion”
- The link of Sun, Neptune, personality, astral body: astral body the symbol of the personality
- Uranus symbolizes effect of soul upon the personality
- Seventh ray as lowest expression of the first ray
- Triangle of the Head, Heart, Base of the spine center
- Unusual assignments for a very high initiate, perhaps a Master: Sun (head center), Uranus (heart center); Neptune (base of the spine center)
- Triangle of Sirius/Mercury/Saturn correlated with Central Spiritual Sun, Heart of the Sun, and the Physical Sun
- Solar Angels may be called “the Lions, the divine, tawny orange Flames”
- Triangle of Sun/Jupiter/Venus—two second rays and a fifth ray (underlain by the second and sixth)
- Sun/Jupiter/Venus denuded the Moon-chain of the “seeds of life” and helped in the transfer of lives to the Earth-chain
- This triangle negated the undesirable influence of the Moon over these lives
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 91 section a. 238 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 91 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 91 section a. 58 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 91 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 91 section a. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 91 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section e. covers pages 298-299, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The Sun, Moon (hiding a planet) and Saturn as the indicator that a man is to take initiation when they are found in a certain house
- Is this a natal or progressed consideration?
- Are more than one initiation indicated?
- Is the planet veiled by the Moon always the same, or does it depend on the initiation?
- Does the house in which the three are located change depending on the initiation?
- Leo in relation to the numbers 5 and 8, to Mercury and to Scorpio
- Our Planetary Logos took a “major initiation” at the time of human individualization
- The derivation of signs whose numbers are the same. An experiment in indicating subtle astrological relationships
- The meaning of the word “month” as DK uses it
- August as the month of the “Dog Star”
- The Sirian influence
- The meaning of the term “ruled”—two meanings especially
- The fifth initiation in relation to Sirius. The initiate as a “humble disciple” in the Sirian initiatory regime at the fifth initiation
- The New World Religion and the dedication of the month of August to contacting the Sirian energies
- The dedicating of each month of the year to contacting one of the twelve zodiacal energies
- The esoteric quaternary of spirit, soul, mind and brain
- Sirius, Leo, Mercury and Saturn occupying these positions respectively
- A very esoteric tabulation which may apply at the time even of the fifth initiation
- To these must be added the triangle of the Sun, Uranus and Neptune
- Leo the constellation and Leo the sign—considering the constellation as possibly superior to Sirius but the sign as inferior
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section e. 257 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section e. 58 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section e. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section d. covers pages 296-298, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Leo in relation to its two veiled planets—Neptune and Uranus
- The registration of Uranus in the Leo subject at the third degree and possibly the fifth degree
- The relation of the Mutable Cross to the physical Sub
- The relation of the Fixed Cross to the Heart of the Sun
- The relation of the Cardinal Cross to the Central Spiritual Sun
- The Mutable Cross conveying its energies through the physical Sun via Jupiter
- Is Jupiter exoterically veiled by the Sun, just as Neptune and Uranus are veiled esoterically and hierarchically?
- Leo, the Sun, Neptune and readiness for the second initiation
- Neptune and the transmutation of emotion-desire into love-aspiration
- Neptune in relation to and the “sublimation of the influence of the Moon”
- Sun/Moon/Neptune as a triangle affecting the Leo subject
- The Old Commentary carrying the note of esoteric stimulation
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section d. 292 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section d. 60 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section d. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section c. covers pages 294-296, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The reason why the Sun rules Leo exoterically, esoterically and hierarchically
- The Sun as the source of physical consciousness, soul consciousness and spiritual life
- Discussion of the outstanding theme of Leo in relation to consciousness
- Four types of sensitivityrelated to Leo: environal, to the personality, to the soul, and to the relationship between the higher spiritual energies and the environment
- Contrasting inner spiritual sensitivity with outer material sensitivity
- Different factors of soul involving Leonian sensitivity: the anima mundi, the animal soul, the human soul, the spiritual Ego on its own plane
- Leo, the Sun and the revelation of all phases of the soul
- The Sun as that which brings the three aspects of consciousness to birth and renders them attainable’
- The relation of the physical Sun to the anima mundi
- The relation of the Heart of the Sun to the human soul and the divine Ego
- The relation of the Central Spiritual Sun to the Divine Consciousness
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section c. 266 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section c. 57 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section c. 57 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section b. covers pages 292-294, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The implications for energy reception of the fact that each entity is a part of a still greater Life
- Reflection as a potent means of revelation
- Leo as the sign of sensitivityand self-consciousness
- Emergence from the herd in Leo
- Leo and the isolated attitude of the “one in the centre”
- Fixed Cross energies correcting the emphatically egoistical Leonian attitude
- The way the Leonian attitude shifts (under Aquarian influence on the Fixed Cross) to greater awareness of the environment and the group
- The relation of the Fixed Cross to light and liberation
- Contrasts between the way man reacts to the energies of the Fixed Cross before and after the long and drastic experience upon that Cross
- The Fixed Cross as the “Cross of Light”
- Leo expressing the “Fires of God”
- Three Fires expressed by the fire signs: Aries, cosmic fire; Leo, solar fire; Sagittarius, planetary fire
- The three fires and three burning grounds
- Spirit, soul and body in relation to the three fire signs
- Leo tread the burning ground with will and self-effacement
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section b. 276 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section b. 58 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section b. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section a. covers pages 289-292, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Leo in relation to two subsidiary keynotes: the Will-to-Rule and the Will-to-Illumine
- The Will-to-Illumine associated with the urge towards self-knowledge, self-perception and intellectual positivity
- The Will-to-Rule leads to self-mastery and personality control
- The Will-to-Rule lead Leo to control others, also in group formation
- At an advanced stage the Leonian and the Aquarian potencies fuse
- Taurus—Leo—Aquarius as a significant zodiacal triangle
- The relation of this triangle to the Fourth Creative Hierarchy
- Taurus and the gain or acquisition of knowledge
- Leo and the justification of knowledge
- Aquarius and the distribution of knowledge in service
- The Leo-Virgo-Pisces triangle relating to the development of the Christ Principle. Also to lower unity, duality and higher unity.
- Retrospective on a number of triangles thus far mentioned as important
- Esoteric Astrology as the astrology of consciousness
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fireas the psychological key to The Secret Doctrine
- The purpose of the first three volumes of A Treatise on the Seven Rays
- Why material revelation must precede spiritual revelation
- The form must be brought to the condition in which it can bear the revelation of the higher spiritual energies
- Understanding the relation of time to the relationship between the form and the meaning behind the form
- Advances by the form are utilized by the soul. Vulcan plays its role here
- The necessity that astrologers accept the occult premises
- Esoteric Astrologywritten from the perspective of meaning and consciousness only. Outer proofs can be easily attained once the occult premises are accepted at least hypothetically
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section a. 243 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section a. 59 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section a. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 90 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 89 section b. covers pages 287-289, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- An experiment following DK’s hints about how to derive certain triangles.
- Take the number of a sign
- Double it
- Count clockwise from either Pisces or Aries to find the number of the sign which was doubled
- Count forward or counter-clockwise to find a sign corresponding numerically to the sign the number of which was doubled
- A Triangle emerges
- Deriving several triangles using this methods
- Speculations regarding the meaning of these triangles
- A closer look at the triangle Leo/Scorpio/Capricorn: from lower unity, through the experience of warring dualities to a higher unity
- Leo as the preeminent fire sign at this time. The reason for this.
- The spiritual meaning of fire
- Water and fire as elements associated with purification
- Purification by water related to ordinary humanity (and to those upon the Path of Probation)
- Purification by fire related to those who are treading the Path of Discipleship
- Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces interesting in terms of purification
- Aries/Leo/Sagittarius warrant study in terms of purification
- Fire carrying forward the initial work of water
- The modes in which Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces purify. Scorpio offering the most intense form of purification. Pisces associated with the ordinary wheel and the Mutable Cross. Cancer beginning the cycle of purification through the “waters of experience”
- Aries leading to that purification which reorients towards the universal
- Leo leading to the purification which reveals the self
- Sagittarius leading to the purification which leads to one-pointed attitudes
- “Leo is of paramount control in the life of the aspirant”. Why?
- The meaning of real self-awareness. It does not arise from the emotional body but through the mind
- Looking at the Sphinx from two perspectives in relation to Leo and Virgo
- The revelation of the “nature of the world” dispelling the Mystery of the Sphinx
- The necessity for awareness of a higher Self is one is to be truly self-aware
- Recognizing one’s illusory centrality is not the same as self-awareness
- The self-awareness of the ambitious self-directing personality contrasted with the real Self-awareness of the disciple
- Soul awareness required to be the truly Self-aware individual
- Thus, clarifying misconceptions re self-awareness
- Self-awareness related to effectiveness in the world
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 89 section b. 238 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 89 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 89 section b. 59 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 89 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 89 section b. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 89 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 89 section a. covers pages 285-287, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Aquarius related to wholeness and distribution
- The opportunity of the Leo subject in the Age of Aquarius
- The meaning of the “Leo type”—the individual with the Sun in Leo or with Leo rising
- The most powerful interplay between the energies of Leo and Aquarius in planetary history
- The reason for the emergence of dictators in relation to the two signs Leo and Aquarius
- The potential value of dictators as synthesizers of national life
- Hitler as a unifier in relation to Germany
- Hitler and the lowest form of Aquarianism
- The necessity that dictator be intensely self-aware
- The importance of Leo in the soul horoscope of Hitler
- DK’s suggestion that the horoscopes of major world leaders be cast
- Finding the influence of Leo in such charts; if not, the charts are not correct
- People of major importance are on or nearing the Path of Discipleship
- Lower and higher examples of Aquarian unity
- If Leo does not control in the charts of prominent leaders, then the Sun must
- Leo as a 5 related to the 10 of Capricorn, and to the clockwise 8 of Scorpio
- The meaning of the triangle, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn
- Capricorn as a sign of group consciousness
- Scorpio as a sign indicating the beginning of a new cycle
- Contrasting the triangle of crisis—Leo/Scorpio/Capricorn with the earlier triangle of crisis: Leo/Libra/Capricorn
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 89 section a. 257 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 89 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 89 section a. 59 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 89 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 89 section a. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 89 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 88 section b. covers page 285 and MDR Tabulations and is about one hour long. The last 15 minutes or so were recorded in audio only, and then Michael turned the video back on and repeated that same material in a different way in the video. The audio for that sections is available in mp3 format below. Section b includes the following topics:
- Virgo and three extra-zodiacal constellations
- The problematic positions of Bootes and Centaur—the likelihood of reversing them so that Bootes is related to the third decan and Centaur to the second
- The six stages of human unfoldment related to the three rulers of Virgo
- The decanate rulers related to each of the six stages of human evolution
- Occasionally incorporating the Sepharial rulers for added understanding
- Reaffirmation of the idea that a human being at any stage of evolution can be born in any of the Virgo decans
- Through a mistake the last 15 minutes or so of the AUDIO program are different from the last 15 minutes of the VIDEO program. There is valuable and different information in each and I would suggest listening to both
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 88 section b. 230 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 88 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 88 section b. 57 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 88 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 88 section b. 57 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 88 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 88 section b. extra audio section 12 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 88 section b. extra audio section by Michael Robbins. This is additional audio material given when the video recording was not running.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 88 section a. covers pages 282-285, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Decanate study in Virgo
- The mode of progression of the individual is the key point to be determined
- Conflict in the life of the disciple caused by the two directions of the Great Wheel
- The disciple’s first decanate is the third decanate for the ordinary man
- Examples drawn from Aquarius
- Saturn, Mercury and Venus as the three rulers of the Aquarian decanates
- Saturn connected through opportunity derived from conflict
- Mercury and the illumination of the mind
- Venus and brotherly love
- Brotherly love equated with wisdom
- Venus understood as “instinctual mind or affection” upon the Wheel of Form
- The Mercurian mind, on the clockwise wheel, grows only slowly.
- Saturn rules the third decan for ordinary man, giving opportunity to suffer and thus to choose rightly
- Because humanity is beginning to mount the Fixed Cross of Discipleship, humanity is now entering Aquarius via the first or Saturn decan
- Though many human beings are still entering via Venus
- Entry via Saturn is entry via an “open door”
- It is primarily non-thinking people who enter Aquarius via Venus
- Sepharial decanates for Virgo are the Sun, Venus and Mercury
- Alan Leo decanates for Virgo are Mercury, Saturn and Venus
- The more esoteric nature of the Alan Leo decanates
- The weakness of the Sepharial decanates, due to the fact that Mercury and the sun are one
- How the disciple must recognize and respond to Saturn, Mercury and Venus to be the true initiate
- These are much higher forms of recognition than will be possible for the average man
- While Sepharial’s decanate rulers for Virgo are weak and unsatisfactory for the student of esotericism do they convey some truth for those who are average, non-aspiring human beings on the clockwise wheel?
- The keynotes of Virgo, not just two but three
- The injunction for us to claim our identity with both divine aspects: with spirit and matter, with soul and form (the Christ and the Mother)
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 88 section a. 275 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 88 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 88 section a. 59 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 88 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 88 section a. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 88 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section c. covers pages 280-282, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Virgo as a major focal point for distribution of energy to the Fourth Creative Hierarchy
- Jupiter’s rulership of four signs:
- Jupiter and the Hidden Christ, the Hidden Master, the Hidden Server and the Hidden Saviour—Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces
- Planets which rule Virgo are of paramount interest
- Mercury in relation to Virgo
- Mercury representing both the third ray and the second
- Mercury and the various aspects of mind
- Mercury achieving fullest power in Virgo
- Venus in relation to Virgo
- The meaning of the fall of Venus in Virgo
- Venus and Virgo as two aspects of intelligence
- Venus—pure “love wisdom” falling into generation in Virgo
- The meaning of the detriment of Neptune in Virgo
- Neptune possessing drive which is overcome by Virgoan energies
- The meaning of the detriment of Jupiter in Virgo—contrasted with its hierarchical rulership of Virgo
- Viewing rulerships, exaltations, falls and detriments from a wider perspective
- Planets must be rightly related to the rays they are expressing for the wider theme of the soul’s life to emerge
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section c. 250 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section c. 57 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section c. 57 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section b. covers pages 279-280, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- An exercise relating all signs of the zodiac, via their rulers, to all signs which share the same rulers
- Interesting results of this exercise
- Encouragement for the student to locate the signs to which each sign is NOT related by its rulers
- These are exercises in the Science of Relations
- Nine energies helping the two solar systems complete their work in man
- The Cardinal Cross related to the Path of Initiation
- What the two solar systems via the two Crosses accomplish in man
- Understanding to some degree the coming revelation of the next solar system at the time of the third initiation
- The non-existence of words to convey understandings revealed at the third initiation
- Virgo in relation to the energies of the Third Aspect of Divinity
- The reason for the subjecting of Virgo to the energies of the second aspect of divinity
- Is Virgo subjected to second ray energies through energies superior to it or through energies inferior to it?
- Relating the Moon and Mercury to the third ray
- Is Vulcan an example of purely first ray energy or is it not?
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section b. 224 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section b. 58 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section b. 57 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section a. covers pages 277-279, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces related through Jupiter
- Rulership understood as “conditioning”
- Different ways of understanding rulership
- The relationship of Sagittarius to the lunar lords
- Sagittarius as control of the lunar lords and rebellion by the lunar lords
- Astrology as a major science of the future
- Astrology and the scientific control of the personality
- The efforts to be made during the twelve months controlled by the twelve zodiacal signs
- The New World Religion and the twelve signs
- The Virgin Mother and the Fish Goddesses
- Aries and Scorpio as the beginning and the end
- Aries and Scorpio the exoteric alpha and omega
- Virgo and Pisces the esoteric alpha and omega
- Contrasting a “world cycle” with a “major world cycle”
- The nine constellations related to Virgo (including itself) and the essentialized function of the nine
- All four signs of the Mutable Cross found among the nine
- Mutable Cross as governing the first solar system
- The Fixed Cross as governing the second solar system
- Mutable Cross governing the Path of Probation
- The Fixed Cross governing the Path of Discipleship
- Virgo as a “sign of reception”, receiving four Mutable Cross energies, three Fixed Cross energies and two Cardinal Cross energies
- Relating Aquarius, via its rulers, to the constellations with the same rulers
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section a. 265 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section a. 61 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section a. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 87 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section d. covers pages 273-277, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The relation of Virgo to Taurus through Vulcan
- Vulcan and the “endurance aspect of the Will-to-Be”
- Vulcan and persistence, endurance and continuity of effort
- Positive and constructive first ray expressions as opposed to the usual destructive ones
- The Third Unmanifested Creative Hierarchy ruled by Taurus and the “light which liberates from death”
- The relation between Taurus, Vulcan, the Third Unmanifested Creative Hierarchy, Virgo and the Moon
- Psychological research in relation to the above five
- Astrology of the future depends upon establishing group awareness among men
- Eight definitions of the “waters” in relation to Neptune
- Cancer and the feminine pole of existence
- Cancer and the “slow rhythm of mass life”
- Leo in relation to individuality and self-conscious effort
- An important six-pointed star consisting of Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
- Triangles of Humanity
- Neptune as a planet which produces momentum from Cancer to Aquarius
- The Wheel of Life turning in two directions, one for those identified with form and another for those who are disciples increasingly identified with consciousness
- The rending or “tearing asunder” caused by the motion in two directions of the Wheel
- The Wheel turning in two directions causing the “rending of the veil”.
- The Wheel turning in two directions even at the time of the fourth initiation
- The dual activity of the Great Wheel precedes the onset of the “dark night of the soul”
- An Old Commentary section on the dark night and triumphant emergence from it
- The Virgo/Aquarius relationship via Jupiter
- Christ expressing through matter, Virgo through Aquarius
- Aquarius and the “dead lives” of inorganic substance
- Moon symbolism in relation to Aquarius and the “dead lives”
- Jupiter hierarchically in Virgo related to Moon as the hierarchical ruler of Aquarius
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section d. 225 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section d. 60 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section d. 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section c. covers pages 271-273, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Relating Virgo to Aries, Gemini and Scorpio through Mercury
- The above triangle important in the life of the “Christ Child”
- Aries and Scorpio in relation to the Christ Energy and its integration into the Fourth Creative Hierarchy
- The dual manifestation of the Christ Principle
- The Christ Principle and the Bhagavad Gita: “Having pervaded the entire universe with a fragment of myself, I remain”
- The fundamental mystery of Virgo and the way in which Gemini and Mercury contribute to its revelation
- The manifestation of the unmanifested Creative Hierarchies on sacred planets, but not on ours
- The essential duality in Aries, Gemini, Virgo and Scorpio. Four expressions of this essential duality
- Scorpio and the factor of control
- Four signs of “creative dualism”
- Mercury’s purposes are directly related to the achievement of the Fourth Creative Hierarchy which Mercury rules
- Aries, Gemini, Virgo and Scorpio connected with the Logoic Quaternary. So are certain planets, of which Earth and Venus are numbered
- In Virgo, the Moon veils not only Vulcan but Neptune as well.
- The connection of Virgo to Taurus, Cancer and Aquarius via the Moon and Vulcan
- Four names of the Christ Avatar in relation to the four signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo and Aquarius
- These four signs related to the stage of disciples and to the manifestation of the “solar disciple”
- The Great Crosses and “intermediate crosses” which relate the Three Crosses
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section c. 210 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section c. 57 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section c. 56 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section b. covers pages 269-271, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- A human initiation responsive even to some cosmic energies
- The initiate as a focusing lens
- Capacity to serve depends upon the number of energies to which an individual can be responsive
- Rays which express themselves through two planets. Why is this so? Why is the answer one of the secrets of initiation?
- Upon which ray is the “Lord of our Earth” to be found? Why?
- Speculations on the “mystery of the perfected Seven”
- Understanding the Seven Spirits Before the Throne—two groupings which concern us
- Seven Spirits Before the Throne representing the Rishis of the Great Bear and the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades
- Seven Planetary Logoi as Seven Spirits Before the Throne; planetary Kumaras as Seven Spirits Before the Throne
- The meaning of the Rishis of the Great Bear in the context of the “One About Whom Naught May Be Said”
- The Seven Rishis as rulers of the Seven Manifested Creative Hierarchies
- Seven zodiacal signs related to the Seven Rishis and the Seven Sisters
- Speculations on which the seven zodiacal signs may be
- The unequal development of the Lords of the Zodiacal Constellations
- The great complexity of forces playing upon our planet
- What must be fulfilled on our planet and by man if the destiny of the Solar Logos is to be determined
- Virgo related to nine constellations, itself included
- Points of crisis produced by the nine which are tested by the three—Leo, Libra no doubt
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section b. 226 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section b. 58 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section b. 57 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section a. covers pages 267-269, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- A Law of Affinity
- Affinity and magnetic pulls between constellations and planets and planets and forms on various planets
- The planet of evolution of the form determines its ability to profit from the reception of planetary energies
- Forms are often unresponsive to undiscovered planets. When there is a readiness to respond to such planets, the planets are discovered
- Speculations on the imminent discovery of Vulcan as the capacity for spiritual will grows in humanity
- A planet to which human beings can respond is called “magnetically informing’
- Response to undiscovered planets increases as man approaches the Path
- The unequal development of the Planetary Logoi. Some are further advanced on the Path of Cosmic Initiate than others.
- The Logoi of sacred planets are upon the Cosmic Path of Discipleship; the Logoi of non-sacred planets are upon the Cosmic Path of Probation
- Contrasting the cosmic initiatory status of the Logoi of Earth and Venus
- On the Reversed Wheel the orthodox and esoteric rulers are “unitedly active”
- Increased sensitivity of disciples accounts of the difficulties of the Path of Discipleship
- It is the initiate who responds to planets which are hierarchical rulers
- Hierarchical rulers awaken major group responses
- Speculations on the different meanings of the term “world period”
- Ranks of initiates to be greatly increased under the influence of the Age of Aquarius
- Proposed meanings of “attendant constellations” and “attendant planets”
- Still greater sensitivity to many energies on the Poi
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section a. 237 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section a. 58 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section a. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 86 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 85. covers pages 266-267 and is inadvertently truncaed at about 22 minutes long. It includes the following topics:
- Leo–Libra—Capricorn: triangle of the Father Aspect marking points of attainment
- Cancer—Virgo—Pisces: triangle of the Mother Aspect characterized by intelligent activity. They indicate points of inner opportunity
- Capricorn also represents group consciousness…an individual within group consciousness
- Six above signs indicating clues for working with mass horoscopes
- Mixing the meanings of constellations and signs
- Planets functioning as distributing agents in our solar system
- Emanation, transmission, reception and transmutation
- Ancient relationship between signs and planets. But is the relationship really between the constellations and planets
- Energies of constellations and signs attracted by planets according to the degree of development of the planets.
- Solar signs surrounding the Sun
- A triangle of transmission: constellations, solar signs, planets and then planetary signs surrounding the planets
- Truncation due to blue screen.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 85. 88 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 85. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 85 22 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 85 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 85 22 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 85 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section f. covers pages 264-266, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Virgo’s relation to eight other signs via its rulers: Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Scorpio
- Nine as the number of man and the number of initiation
- Categories of initiation: planetary, systemic and cosmic
- Nine related potencies developing the Christ life in man
- Leo, Libra and Capricorn as “signs of crisis” bringing “testing points” in relation to the processes of the nine other signs
- Leo—the Crisis of Individualization
- Libra—the Crisis of Balance
- Capricorn—the Crisis of Initiation
- The nine signs are “creative in their effect”
- The three signs are testing in their effect determining the stages of evolution
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section f. 214 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section f. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section f. 57 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section f. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section f. 57 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section f. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section e. covers pages 262-264, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The personality-soul is called “Leo-Virgo”
- Virgo is the “womb of time” and the “womb of form”
- Virgo as the guardian of the Christ Principle
- Three principle signs connected with the Christ Principle: Virgo (gestation of the World Saviour), Capricorn (Labour to bring forth the World Saviour) and Pisces (the Birth of the World Saviour)
- Contrasting the horoscope of the form and the horoscope of the “living Christ principle”
- Analysis of the three rulers of Virgo: Mercury (Orthodox); Moon (veiling Vulcan—Esoteric); Jupiter (Hierarchical)
- The rays released through the rulers of Virgo: the fourth, first and second
- The satisfactory work of Mercury in relation to humanity
- The emerging work of Vulcan in relation to humanity, causing conflict between selfish will and goodwill
- The later emergence of the beneficence of Jupiter
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section e. 267 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section e. 63 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section e. 62 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section d. covers pages 258-262, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The necessity of studying the interrelation of the three
- Three earth signs: Taurus—Virgo—Capricorn and their peculiar relationship to the Earth
- Taurus and the “Light of Knowledge”
- Virgo and the “Hidden Light of God”
- Capricorn and “The Light of Life”—other signs related to the Light of Life
- All three express “desire” as it merges into “aspiration”
- The three express respectively: “The Light of Know”; “The Light of Wisdom”; “The Light of Initiation”
- The expression of these lights must occur within the plane of form, i.e., upon “the radiant surface of the Earth”
- Virgo is related to the assumption or glorification of the Virgin
- Capricorn is the sign in which the final assumption of the Virgin takes place
- Descriptors related to Virgo: depth, darkness, quiet, warmth, deep experience; slow, gentle, powerful crises
- Virgo standing for the “womb of time”
- Virgo, Aquarius and the eighth month of humanity’s gestation period
- Capricorn, the ninth or birth month, if signs are counted from Virgo clockwise, including Virgo
- Aquarius releases Virgo from her load
- Three divisions in the passage of humanity around the zodiac: passage of animal man, counter-clockwise; the passage of individualized man, clockwise; the passage of advanced, re-oriented man, counter-clockwise
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section d. 255 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section d. 62 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section d. 62 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section c. covers pages 256-258, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Virgo closely related to Cancer.
- Both Virgo and Cancer very active in the previous solar system.
- Cancer ruled the first half of the previous solar system and Virgo the second half
- In the present solar system their expression is much higher than it was in the previous solar system
- The six-pointed star is the ancient symbol of Virgo
- The six-pointed star symbolizes both involution and evolution carried to a point of balanced in Libra
- Points of perspective and the Great Illusion
- Scientific pronouncements do not yet reveal the whole truth anent the many shiftings and movements in cosmos—only a relative truth
- Crosses considered as “crossed streams of energy”
- Mutable Cross expresses the whole goal of man in four definite stages
- The four critical points which the Mutable Cross symbolizes are Humanity (Gemini), the Path of Probation (Virgo), the Path of Discipleship (Sagittarius), the Path of Initiation (Pisces)
- Virgo “involves the service of the immediately present”
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section c. 221 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section c. 54 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section c. 54 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section b. covers pages 253-256, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Eve, Isis and Mary are the three “Mothers of the Christ”. Through that which they represent, the Christ must express.
- Virgo, the synthesis of these three feminine aspects
- Leo perfects the three personality aspects
- Virgo as the opposite pole to spirit; stands for a more developed relation of the two than either Aries or Gemini provide. Notice the presence of Mercury in all three signs
- The mass movement of spirit-matter in the major involutionary cycle proceeds around the zodiac in the same manner as the developed individual—from Aries to Pisces, via Taurus
- “Original sin” and the orientation of the wheel turning clockwise—early humanity proceeding against the “normal zodiacal current”
- During discipleship a proper reorientation occurs
- Virgo—the receptive agent where Father-spirit is concerned
- We cannot yet understand the broad sweeps of energy upon the involutionary arc
- Cosmically the “Holy Spirit” and the “Virgin Mary” are distinct
- Virgo closely related to the previous solar system in which matter reigned supreme
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section b. 263 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section b. 55 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section b. 54 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section a. covers pages 251-253, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- End of Libra—Keynotes
- Virgo—shielding, nurturing and then revealing the inner spiritual reality
- The human form and a unique expression of divinity
- Gemini and Virgo closely related—more fusion between the opposites in Virgo
- “Christ in you the hope of glory”—the most accurate description of the mission of Virgo
- Universal presence of the “Virgin Mother” in all world religions
- “Virgo”—a word which is corruption of an ancient Atlantean name for the “Mother”
- Atlantis—a matriarchate
- Lilith—the last of the virgin goddesses of Atlantean times
- Allegory of Hercules and the Amazon Queen
- Eve, Isis and Mary represent the entire form nature
- The Holy Spirit is the nurturing principle in the universe
- Eve, symbol of the mental nature; Isis, symbol of the emotional nature; Mary, symbol of the etheric-physical nature
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section a. 307 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section a. 62 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section a. 62 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 84 section a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 83 part b. covers pages 251 and MDR Tabulations, is about one hour long, and continues with Decanate Indications for Disciples and Initiates.
- The stage of discipleship ruled by Uranus, esoteric ruler of Libra
- Considering the decanates in counter-clockwise order—Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury
- In-depth analysis of each stage—discipleship and the stage of initiate according to each of these three rulers.
- Some examples of individuals who may be initiates and their relationship to certain decanates in Libra and elsewhere
- Comments especially on the Libra component of Gandhi and Vivekananda
- Keynotes of Libra should be attached here but will have to be discussed in EAA 84
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 83 part b. 255 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 83 part b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 83 part b. 54 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 83 part b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 83 part b. 54 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 83 part b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 83 part a. covers pages 251 and MDR Tabulations, is about one hour long, and describes the Decanates according to DK’s Text.
- Truth of the Libra decanate rulers lying between the systems of Sepharial and Alan Leo
- True decanate rulers are Jupiter Saturn and Mercury
- What about Venus for the first of the counter-clockwise decanates?
- Venus as the exoteric ruler of Libra ruling the first four phases of human development when Libra is a major sign of influence
- The Venus Lemurian stage—strictly physical instinctual
- The Venus Atlantean stage—adding emotional responsiveness
- The Venus early Aryan stage—adding mental ability—in-depth analysis of this stage
- The chakras associated with these developmental phases
- Up to this point considering the decanate rulers in reverse order—Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter
- The Venus later Aryan stage—indicating the integration of the personality and the stage of aspiration. Adding some of the influence of Uranus, the esoteric ruler
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 83 part a. 255 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 83 part a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 83 part a. 56 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 83 part a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 83 part a. 55 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 83 part a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 82 covers pages 248-251, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The planets governing the Cardinal Cross and their rays
- The absence of the first and second rays expressing through the planets which govern the Cardinal Cross
- Libra as a sign disposing towards concrete understanding, intelligent will and knowledge
- The effectiveness of Libra upon the physical plane
- The relation of H.P.B. to the energy of Libra—speculations regarding how Master DK thinks of this relation
- The meaning of the exaltation of Saturn in Libra
- Saturn in intelligent choice upon the physical plane in the brain consciousness
- Saturn in relation to the first decan of Aquarius for all human beings, even those entering the sign under the influence of the Venus decan
- The Path of Probation as the “Path of Choices”, hence related to Libra
- The meaning of the detriment of Mars in Libra
- Mars and the “quickening” of spiritual life in Virgo
- The meaning of the fall of the Sun in Libra
- Libra and the pairs of opposites of the man treading the Path of Probation or preparing to tread it.
- Examination of a table of contrasting qualities for such an individual
- The difficulty in understanding the Libran individual.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 82. 246 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 82 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 82. 44 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 82. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 82. 73 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 82 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part e. covers pages 246-248, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The frequent futility of mystics and world servers because they work from too high a plane
- How to work with the Third Aspect of Divinity: “the relating of physical need and physical supply”; “the bringing together of two tangibles through the power of the creative imagination”
- The necessity of right motive, group formation and selfless purposes when working with money for spiritual purposes
- The triangle Aries, Libra and Uranus related through Uranus, which rules each in a particular way
- Aries and Libra as symbols of the Great Pairs of Opposites
- Libra, through her rulers, in relation to five other signs of the zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn, Aquarius
- This grouping plus Libra creating one of the six-pointed stars of evolution
- The significance of the rulers of Libra being found upon the first major line of force
- Uranus as “God the Father”; Venus as “God the Son”; Saturn as “God the Holy Spirit”
- The three rulers of Libra and the movement from Instinct to Intellect, thence to Intuition to Inspiration
- Libra and Aries as signs in which a “point of crisis” does not occur. Yet, Libra ruling the “Crisis of Balance”
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part e. 210 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part e. 58 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part e. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part d. covers pages 243-246, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Libra in relation to the Third Aspect of Divinity
- Libra in relation to Law, Sex and Money
- The triune nature of each of the Divine Aspects
- Libra as its sheds light upon the Third Aspect of Divinity
- Law, Sex and Money as Law, Affinity and Concretized Energy
- Money in relation to both the third and second aspects
- Money as “gold”
- Studying Law, Sex and Money as they should develop in the future
- The meaning of Venus in Taurus, Libra and Capricorn—very important in relation to the history of desire and its transformation into love
- Tracing the golden thread of evolutionary progress through the three lower kingdoms
- Taurus, Libra and Capricorn in relation to the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms respectively
- Taurus and natural law; Libra as natural affinity; Capricorn as the concrete expression of the Law of Supply
- Uranus in relation to the “mystery of money”
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part d. 239 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part d. 56 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part d. 55 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part c. covers pages 241-243, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Three air signs signifying Duality, Equilibrium and Initiation. Libra, Equilibrium
- Libra related to super mind as the “Cause of Synthesis”
- Air signs as “signs of the Mind of God as it expresses itself through man”
- The air signs providing a great interrelation between the three Crosses
- The omission of Libra and Gemini from the list of signs related by the rays of their planetary rulers
- Earlier ten and eleven sign zodiacs
- A ten sign zodiac based on the omission of Libra and Gemini
- An eleven sign zodiac based on the fusion of Leo and Virgo
- Zodiacs progressing through the following number of signs: 8, 10, 11, 12, 11, 10
- Libra and Gemini as “strictly human signs”—but other five also as strictly human
- Five pairs of zodiacal signs carrying man beyond the strictly human stage
- The three rulers of Libra
- Saturn and the stupendous Third Creative Hierarchy
- Contrasting the members of the Third Creative Hierarchy with the members of the Fifth Creative Hierarchy—the Solar Angels
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part c. 274 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part c. 60 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part c. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part b. covers pages 238-241, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Libra as the “master of no-man’s-land”
- Libra in relation to Arjuna’s problem, as discussed in the Bhagavad Gita
- Kurukshetra in mid-Atlantean days
- The major conflict in these Aryan times being fought out in Scorpio and not in Libra as in Atlantean days
- The occurrence of a great reorientation for millions of human beings since the great Atlantean battle
- Today’s battle in Scorpio preparing the world disciple for initiation
- Four essential ideas on the Cardinal Cross: Creation, Manifestation, Legislation and Initiation
- Libra identified with Legislation
- Profound definitions of each of these four offered by the Tibetan
- Study of the Cardinal Cross and grasping of the larger purpose
- Life upon the Cardinal Cross
- Becoming one’s own creator, manifestor, legislator and initiator
- The three air signs. Libra in relation to the two other air signs
- Libra as “super mind”
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part b. 265 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part b. 57 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part b. 56 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part a. covers pages 236-238, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Libra and the legal profession—the “sponsor of the law”
- Libra and the union of East and West
- Law as the “custodian of a positive righteousness:
- Libra and the cultivation of the “social attitude”, the opposite of “violent selfishness”
- Libra and the correct education of the young
- Libra, sex and the judicial system
- Libra as the ruler of the interlude between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius
- The increasing power of Libra in the planetary horoscope
- Regulus and the reorientation of the legal profession
- Legislation for children sponsored by Russia and the USA before 2035
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part a. 258 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part a. 60 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part a. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 81 part a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part f. covers pages 232-236, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The decision-making process in Libra for both individuals and humanity as a whole
- Mind as the deciding factor compared with desire as the deciding factor
- Decisions in Libra for the mass of humanity and in Scorpio for the intelligentsia, aspirants and disciples
- Libra and the “Problem of Sex”
- Libra in relation to Taurus and Scorpio re the Problem of Sex
- Libra’s role in the solution of the Problem of Sex
- The relation of Libra to the “judicial mind”
- Normal instinctual attitudes to six contrasted with emotional attitudes.
- License and suppression in relation to sex expression
- The present chaotic and unwholesome attitude towards sex
- The necessarily complex, multifaceted solution to the Problem of Sex
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part f. 208 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part f. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part f. 58 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part f. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part f. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part f. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part e. covers pages 230-232, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Descriptions of the functions of the signs on the two Paths—one of outgoing and one if ingoing
- Speculations on the timing of the great “Judgment Day” and the role of Libra therein
- Planetary cycles and world cycles—speculations as to their significance, timing and duration
- The final zodiac of ten signs
- Our zodiac and preparations for the next solar system
- The various possible meanings of the “Cosmic Christ”
- The history of desire in Taurus, Libra, Scorpio and Pisces
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part e. 221 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part e. 56 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part e. 56 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part d. covers pages 228-230, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Analysis of five “strictly human signs” and their role in a fivefold meditation process
- Libra as an opportunity for the soul to organize for battle in the next sign, Scorpio
- Initiation in Sagittarius prior to the initiation ceremony in Capricorn
- The soul as the “man of the heart”
- Swinging between the pairs of opposites is equivalent to the process in which “the scales tip back and forth”
- The difficulties and bewilderments of the Libran life
- Libra and the separation of the “sheep from the goats”
- Libra and the “Judgment Day”
- Differently numbered zodiacs of signs
- Libra as the center of a system of eleven signs
- Signs of outgoing and ingoing—five each
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part d. 249 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part d. 61 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part d. 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part c. covers pages 226-228, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The keynotes or mantrams for Scorpio
- Beginning analysis of the sign Libra.
- Libra and the first real vision of the Path
- Libra and the weighing of values
- Libra and intuitive perception
- The Libran life for better or for worse
- Libra in relation to its neighboring signs, Virgo and Scorpio
- Libra in relation to the “Reversal of the Wheel”
- Libra’s place in a fivefold meditation process ruled by the five “human” signs—Leo through Sagittarius
- Libra’s role in the stage of contemplation
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part c. 241 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part c. 57 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part c. 57 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part b. covers MDR Tabulations, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Beginning with the fifth stage of human development, that of the soul-responsive disciple—responsive principally to the esoteric ruler.
- The sixth stage of human development—that of the initiate responsive to the hierarchical ruler.
- Concluding with a general reflection on the decanates
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part b. 246 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part b. 57 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part b. 56 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part a. covers pages 226 and MDR Tabulations, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- Analysis of the decanates of Scorpio and their various rulers.
- Examination of the six stages of human development in relation to the decanates and their rulers—ending with the fourth stage of selfish or aspirational personality integration.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part a. 220 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part a. 59 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part a. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 80 part a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part e. covers pages 225-226, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The meaning of Venus in detriment in Scorpio
- The meaning of the fall of the Moon when in Scorpio
- Overcoming glamour in Scorpio
- The ways in which each sign on the Fixed Cross reinforce every other sign on that Cross
- Transformations which result from submitting to tests and trials in Scorpio
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part e. 260 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part e. 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part e. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part d. covers pages 222-225, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- The necessity of determining the soul ray of advance people before setting up their chart
- The Sun-sign and the personality ray and the Rising-sign and the soul ray as starting points for interpreting the charts of average individuals and advanced individuals respectively
- Astrology as the “Science of Relations”
- Relationship and the coming world fusion
- What is to be gained on the vertical and horizontal arms of the Fixed Cross
- Scorpio, purification and Baptism
- Scorpio and the final stages of the Path
- The meaning of Uranus as exalted in Scorpio
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part d. 235 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part d. 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part d. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part c. covers pages 221-222, is about one hour long, and includes the following topics:
- What happens when the one born in Scorpio stands in the center of the Fixed Cross
- “Reversal of the Wheel” as reversal of life currents in the energy system
- Eight planets and six rays conditioning the one who stands in the center of the Fixed Cross
- The importance of the Fixed Cross even when one is not born in or under a sign from the Fixed Cross
- Why the third ray is not represented by the planetary rulers of the Fixed Cross
- The vertical and horizontal dimensions of the Fixed Cross
- Six rays as subrays of the ray upon which the soul of the disciple is found
- Determining the ray of the personality before setting up the chart of the average non-aspiring individual
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part c. 254 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part c. 57 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part c. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part b. covers pages 220-221, is about fifty minutes long, and includes the following topics:
- The relationship between Cancer and Scorpio via the sixth ray.
- Scorpio and the reasons for the “Reversal of the Wheel”
- Four signs with dominate when the individual is born in or under Scorpio
- The history of the soul sealed in the numbers 1—4 –8—11
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part b. 238 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part b. 47 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part b. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part a. covers pages 217-220, is about one hour and ten minutes long, and includes the following topics:
- The mystery of the Cancer-Neptune Creative Hierarchy—the eighth numbering from below
- The relationship of the First Creative Hierarchy (almost liberated) to the Creative Hierarchy of Human Monads (the ninth) and the Creative Hierarchy of Solar Angels (sometimes called the Fifth Creative Hierarchy
- Linking the Sagittarian Creative Hierarchy to the Cancerian and Scorpionic Creative Hierarchies
- The importance of the sixth ray in all these three Creative Hierarchies
- The relation of Scorpio to Aquarius via Mercury and Neptune
- The importance of the great and often veiled triangle—Vulcan, Neptune and Uranus, and its relation to the Mother Principle
- Neptune and Mercury in relation to the development of group consciousness
- Neptune as the Christ–the Initiator
- Interpretations of the Old Commentary section on the “fish goddesses”
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part a. 283 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part a. 68 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 79 part a. by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 78 covering pages 213-217. These two programs, EAA 77 and 78, each of two hours’ duration, deal with the meaning of Scorpio and Mars as they relate to the physical body, the personality, sex, blood, death and the five senses. The effect of Scorpio and Mars upon St. Paul and His unfortunate slanting of Christianity is also a subject of focus.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 78 456 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 78 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 78 89 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 78 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 78 147 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 78 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 77 covering pages 209-213. These two programs, EAA 77 and 78, each of two hours’ duration, deal with the meaning of Scorpio and Mars as they relate to the physical body, the personality, sex, blood, death and the five senses. The effect of Scorpio and Mars upon St. Paul and His unfortunate slanting of Christianity is also a subject of focus.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 77 381 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 77 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 77 90 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 77 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 77 148 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 77 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 76 covering pages 200-209. This Adventure continues the Scorpio Chapter. The material about the factor of memory as related to the emergence of the Dweller on the Threshold is fascinating. The depth of the Tibetan’s discussion of Scorpio is a must for every true disciple. This method of proceeding gives the opportunity to linger over many important factors which are usually given superficial treatment.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 76 360 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 76 by Michael Robbins. This video is 3 hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 76 131 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 76 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 3 hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 76 172 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 76 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 3 hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 75 covering pages 192-200. This Adventure has the end of Sagittarius plus detailed discussion of Sagittarius decanates. Also there is the beginning of the Scorpio Chapter with much discussion of the Points, Sirius and Alcyone along with the constellations they represent.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 75 538 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 75 by Michael Robbins. This video is 4 hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 75 176 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 75 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 4 hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 75 232 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 75 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 4 hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 74 covering pages 189-192. This Adventure continues the discussion of Sagittarius the Archer. The relation of Sagittarius to preparation for initiation is discussed and, thus, its relation to Capricorn. The Tibetan in analyzing Sagittarius gives a model for analyzing the interplay of all energies operative for every sign.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 74 230 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 77 by Michael Robbins. This video is two hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 74 89 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 74 by Michael Robbins. This audio is two hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 73 covering pages 177-187. Human consciousness evolving through the six signs of the six-pointed star of humanity. The power of the mind is Scorpio—two expressions. The intuition in Sagittarius—flashes of illumination. The arrow of aspiration and the returning arrow of intuition. The mutable cross in relation to the unevolved man and the aspirant. Libra and the Reversal of the Wheel. The method of realizing the complexity of energies to which an individual is exposed via the Sun Sign, the Ascendant, the Cross, the Exoteric Rulers of the Cross, the Esoteric Rulers of the Cross and the Hierarchical Ruler. This method can be applied to all twelve signs, not just Sagittarius.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 73 384 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 73 by Michael Robbins. This video is 3 hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 73 132 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 73 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 3 hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 73 174 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 73 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 3 hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 72 covering pages 176-177. This Adventure includes the Old Catechism in relation to the symbology of Sagittarius. The five keynotes of Sagittarius.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 72 92 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 72 by Michael Robbins. This video is truncated at about 40 minutes.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 72 31 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 72 by Michael Robbins. This audio is truncated at about 40 minutes.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 72 41 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 72 by Michael Robbins. This audio is truncated at about 40 minutes.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 71 covering pages 174-176. Conclusion of Capricorn with focus on the many levels of the Light Supernal. Introduction to Sagittarius. Contrasting the meaning of the Centaur with the Rider on the White Horse. Also a excellent tabulation involving the three signs which have the closest relation to humanity: Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 71 130 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 71 by Michael Robbins. This video is 1 hour long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 71 46 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 71 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 1 hour long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 71 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 71 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 1 hour long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 70 covering pages 171-174. Here we have exposition of the decanates in Capricorn. Three extra-zodiacal constellations in relation to the decanates. Also, the six stages of evolution and the experience in the three last stages when the individual is born in any of the Capricornian three decanates.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 70 387 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 70 by Michael Robbins. This video is 3 hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 70 132 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 70 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 3 hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 70 175 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 70 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 3 hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 69 covering pages 169-171. The best and worst of men in Capricorn. Capricorn and India. The fall, exaltation and detriment of planets in Capricorn.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 69 106 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 69 by Michael Robbins. This video is 48 minutes long and ends abruptly. The remainder of the presentation is availabe in the audio version.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 69 45 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 69 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 1 hour long and contains the remainder of the material that is missing from the video version.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 69 74 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 69 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 1 hour long and contains the remainder of the material that is missing from the video version.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 68 covering pages 158-169. This Adventure is 5 hours long, and takes us deep into the Capricorn Chapter. It includes: Signs of crisis for those of the three Paths: Evolution, Discipleship, Initiation. Also rays, planets and signs connected with the three segments of the Path: Path of Aspiration; Path of Discipleship; Path of Initiation. Important information on zodiacal signs on various types of “Dwellers on the Threshold” for the individual, for humanity, for the Fourth Creative Hierarchy, and for the Fifth Creative Hierarchy. Four Signs and Four Secrets: Taurus, Gemini, Libra and Capricorn. In General all manner of interconnections. The astrological significance of the New Testament. The Two Gates and when they are open.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 68 576 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 68 by Michael Robbins. This video is 5 hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 68 220 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 68 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 5 hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 68 364 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 68 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 5 hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 67 covering pages 153-158. This EAA is the conclusion of Aquarius and Capricornian Mysteries.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 67 215 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 67 by Michael Robbins. This video is 2 hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 67 89 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 67 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 2 hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 67 147 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 67 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 2 hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 66 covering pages 150-153. This EAA includes Signs of Commencement and Consummation. It has a little more on the Mythology of the Extra-Zodiacal Constellations associated with Aquarius.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 66 125 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 66 by Michael Robbins. This video was truncated at 1 hour.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 66 50 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 66 by Michael Robbins. This audio was truncated at 1 hour, 7 minutes.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 66 82 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 66 by Michael Robbins. This audio was truncated at 1 hour, 7 minutes.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 65 continuing on page 150. This EAA concludes the Aquarius Decanates.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 65 189 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 65 by Michael Robbins. This video is 75 minutes long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 65 55 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 65 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 75 minutes long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 65 92 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 65 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 75 minutes long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 64 covering pages 146-150. This Adventure contains a discussion of the Sun’s detriment in Aquarius and the fact that no planet is exalted or falls in Aquarius. We also begin the discussion of the Aquarius Decanates and their significance for our present age as well as the centuries ahead.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 64 150 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 64 by Michael Robbins. This video is 75 minutes long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 64 57 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 64 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 75 minutes long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 64 94 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 64 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 75 minutes long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 63 covering pages 142-146. This Adventure focuses on the meaning of the Fixed Cross signs for those who are on the Fixed Cross in Consciousness.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 63 159 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 63 by Michael Robbins. This video is 90 minutes long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 63 66 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 63 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 90 minutes long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 63 88 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 63 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 90 minutes long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 62 covering pages 140-142. We deal with the effects which the energies of the esoteric planets have on the personality and its exoteric ruling planets. And the contrasting of Aquarius and Pisces as signs of culmination.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 62 145 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 62 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 62 48 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 62 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 62 64 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 62 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 61b covering pages 138-140.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 61b 122 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 61b by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 61b 56 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 61b by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 61a Version 2, covering pages 135-138.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 61a2 120 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 61a2 by Michael Robbins. This video repeats the subject matter of Adventure 61a in video form, but adds much new material.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 61a2 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 61a2 by Michael Robbins. This audio repeats the subject matter of Adventure 61a, but adds much new material.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 61a covering pages 135-138.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 61a 29 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 61a by Michael Robbins. Most of the Adventure is missing—this video starts about 50 minutes after the beginning of the presentation. The missing part of this presentation is available in audio form, below.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 61a 62 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 61a by Michael Robbins. This audio contains the complete presentation of this Adventure.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 60 covering pages 133-135. This Adventure completes Pisces and begins Aquarius with Aquarian Keynotes. 1.) Concluding Pisces chapter note the keyword for ordinary average or undeveloped person, “And the Word said, Go forth into matter”; 2.) The use of the word “Word” or “command” refers usually to that of the Soul’s ‘command’ and these words indicate what is behind on the path of evolution; 3.) DK provides a practical suggestion that students gather all statements about each sign, planet or major constellation, and having all information ‘under the eye’ will help the beginner approach the subject like a textbook (the many compilations the modern ageless wisdom students have provided in this way are serving as such); 4.) The experts of the science of astrology has tested it for millenia of years and have proven it correct, so DK advises us to regard yourself as beginners and leave conclusions until you know more of the essentials; 5.) At 26 minutes in, we begin Aquarius, which is of “supreme importance to our solar system at this time” and is responsible for changes in the kingdoms of nature and transitions from kingdom to kingdom as we eventually will enter the Age of Aquarius and are in an overlapping period as we emerge from Pisces; 6.) This influence can produce undesirable effects upon some, as Aquarius can change minds – change consciousnesses, and as an air sign it can be unstable; 7.) The influence soul can be detected in the personality horoscope; 8.) Aquarius keynotes are: service of the personality, selfish activity and self-conscious living, which changes finally into a sensitive humanitarian awareness; 9.) These keynotes change from superficial to profound conviction as the undeveloped Aquarians (upon the Mutable Cross) manifest through superficial self-awareness which matures in Leo and becomes a profound interest in self and eventually all superficialities disappear until—upon the reversed wheel—self-consciousness of Leo expands into the group awareness of Aquarius.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 60 121 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 60 by Michael Robbins. This video is one hour long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 60 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 60 by Michael Robbins. This audio is one hour long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 59, covering pages 132-133 on Decanates, using also the Sixfold Table and the Large Decanate Tabulation. 1.) Continuing in depth on Pisces decanates, Michael shows Large Decanate Tabulation and Sixfold Table on the video, and explains how Alan Leo and Sepharial and other ancient systems and modern commentators may provide the esoteric or exoteric rulers differently on the clockwise or counter-clockwise wheel; 2.) Material (page 132) about Vulcan and the Sun from the previous webinar is reviewed and expanded upon, especially Mercury, Vulcan, and Sun in different decans; 3.) At 18 minutes in Michael also shows a tabulation on the video the constellations and planets also involved with the signs; 4.) Emphasis must be made that the six decanates (clockwise and counter-clockwise) are not exclusively one level or another but are likely more descriptive of tendencies and must be individually interpreted based upon their place on the path and other factors; 5.) Michael provides an example of human psychological dynamics in terms of Jupiter, Moon, and Mars controlling decanates; 6.) Chart of Ramakrishna is reviewed at 35:00; 7.) Constellationally with Pisces we have The Band, Andromeda, and Cepheus related to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd decanates; 8.) With any concerns about Pisces, and decanates in general, whether you are coming or going – this may be the webinar to study.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 59 136 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 59 by Michael Robbins. This video is one hour long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 59 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 59 by Michael Robbins. This audio is one hour long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 58 covering pages 131-133. This Adventure begins the discussion of the Pisces Decanates. 1.) The influence of planets waxes and wanes; 2.) The three lower subplanes of the cosmic physical plane (dense physical of Solar Logos) is man’s task to master and dissipate in this world cycle. 3.) This dissipation and revelation of the Real, begins on the buddhic plane (in the cosmic etheric body of the Solar Logos); 4.) All initiates undertake this task after their twelve final tests in the signs (before the fourth initiation); 5.) Mercury “falls” and has its energy lessened in Pisces [in two stages] which means that after initiation in Capricorn and triumph of Scorpio, the mind per se lessens, eventually allowing direct contact between the soul and physical brain without the reasoning mind as the mediator; 6.) Mercury, as the Sun, mediates between the Monad (Life) and Soul (Consciousness); 7.) Spirit has taken up as the central fire in the “Jewel in the Lotus” and fusion between Spirit and soul occurs after the third initiation, consummated at the fourth, and still more fulfilled at the fifth; 8.) Decanates for Pisces have Alan Leo closer to the esoteric interpretation of astrology, Sepharial exoteric: Saturn—Jupiter—Mars, as Saturn and Mars assist to work off karma and Jupiter encourages success. 9.) Leo gives us Jupiter, the Moon and Mars, indicating completion of the successful phase of discipleship, and consequent readiness for initiation; 10.) Usually the Moon conveys experience (along with the Earth), but Vulcan is substituted for the Moon as spiritual will overcomes Lunar instinct; 11.) Vulcan a planet of blinding light—Vulcan replaces the Moon and the Sun replaces Vulcan; 12.) Four planets involved in the second decan—Moon, Mercury, Vulcan, Sun, so an application through effort of all that is seen in the second decan – the Sun is exalted in Aries and through Mars we move towards that Exaltation; 13.) Michael emphasizes the extraordinary fluidity needed in interpretating Pisces and the decanate dynamics.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 58 148 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 58 by Michael Robbins. This video is one hour long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 58 64 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 58 by Michael Robbins. This audio is one hour long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 57 covering pages 129-131. NOTE: This Adventure includes Six Potencies and the release of humanity from bondage. Also Neptune’s rulership in Pisces—a special type of rulership.
- Pisces governs the feet, progress, treading the Path of Return; 2.) Humanity is reversing the wheel and nearing the first initiation in this Piscean Age lesser cycle now [a period of 2160 or, with overlaps, 2500 years]; 3.) Pisces is the origin of world religions for the Path of Return; 4.) Pisces is associated with the sacral center – as a man nears the path he should be increasingly creative in the higher sense and physical generative processes give place esoterically to regeneration [Pluto]; 5.) Pisces as imagination creates forms which can carry soul energy – it is how we build a new world, generate the higher man in Christ through Neptune, Vishnu, Christ to create mentally; 6.) Jupiterian factors are related to the sixth and second rays, and imagination takes on archetypal forms; 7.) Two orthodox rulers of Pisces give way to the four esoteric rulers of Pisces, giving way to the four esoteric rulers of the Fixed Cross; 8.) Neptune may be an alternative to Jupiter, and this is involved in the mystery of initiation, and Neptunian and Piscean energy is pervasive for humanity as a whole; 9.) Man refocuses at the fourth degree upon the buddhic plane and then begins to coordinate the buddhic vehicle; 10.) Venus is exalted in Pisces, which is related to Pisces to Gemini — Venus is the climax of the solar angelic project; 11.) At the fourth Initiation the human being is exalted out of the need to incarnate, and the Solar Angel can “go home” — Pisces completes the Geminian project with respect to man; 12.) The soul comes into its own and is released from captivity to form, to produce the freer soul as Pluto cuts the thread which binds; 13.) Venus is exalted in Pisces and at the end of the greater cycle, which may be the end of the solar system; 14.) Gemini and Sagittarius because Earth is more closely related to Venus than to any other planet; 15.) The individual enters the bondage of form in Pisces; One way of looking at six potencies is the six planets which are the orthodox and esoteric rulers of the Mutable Cross, the other way is the four signs of the Mutable Cross and Earth and Venus, which is likely the story of the release from bondage.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 57 121 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 57 by Michael Robbins. This video is one hour long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 57 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 57 by Michael Robbins. This audio is one hour long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 56 covering pages 128-129. Note: This Adventure includes special instructions on the Power of Combination, with examples combining the esoteric rulers of the Mutable Cross with the more dominant esoteric rulers of the Fixed Cross. The method of doing this is illustrated.
1.) Six planets govern the Mutable Cross as far as humanity is concerned” Love(Jupiter)—Mind (Mercury )—Experience (Earth)—Form (Moon and Vulcan)—Human Understanding (Venus)—Death (Pluto): the keynotes of the fourth Creative Hierarchy; 2.) Six is the number of the period of manifestation, “the Beast” or lower nature – that which can be controlled finally by the soul; 3.) Numerology is a branch of esoteric astrology; 4.) These qualities, Love, Mind, etc. are coming from the signs/constellations themselves…and not just from the planets; 5.) Through the activity of these qualities man is brought to a Crisis of Polarisation whereupon he must repolarize in the soul, before entering the Fixed Cross; 6.) These words also govern the Path of Discipleship and of Probation process and it is the task of the disciple subordinate them to the Fixed Cross; 7.) thus man prepares himself for the twelve great tests (on the Cardinal Cross).
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 56 120 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 56 by Michael Robbins. This video is one hour long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 56 62 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 56 by Michael Robbins. This audio is one hour long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 55 covering pages 127-128. 1.) Continuing with Pisces – the esoteric influences of the Mutable Cross begins to influence man before he transfers onto the Fixed Cross (ie, before the first initiation, and likely throughout all transitions there is overlap of planetary rulership influence); 2.) Venus is particularly the planet of the Soul and love, the illumined mind, or Son of Mind; 3.) Vulcan, through the moon, uplifts matter during the bondage of form experience; 4.) Matter and humanity are becoming more radiant and ‘of light’; 5.) Through Earth experience, personal consciousness is transmuted into group or planetary consciousness; 6.) The etheric body is stimulated in Sagittarius; 7.) Pluto never destroys the consciousness but the impediments to wider consciousness and thus Pluto clears the way for Jupiter which signifies wider deeper consciousness; 8.) Therefore six planets (a number of the ‘great work of manifestation’) govern the Mutable Cross.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 55 52 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 55 by Michael Robbins. This video is 28 minutes long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 55 27 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 55 by Michael Robbins. This audio is 28 minutes long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 54 covering pages 125-127. 1.) The First and Second Rays are strong in Pisces through rulership of Pluto and Jupiter; 2.) In the mutable cross, Michael discusses how Pisces and Sagittarius have sacred planets in orthodox rulership, and non-sacred planets in esoteric or hierarchical rulerships; 3.) For Pisces, Jupiter and the Second Ray force bring the two fishes (soul and form) together in a functioning relationship; 4.) The duality of Gemini is related to this duality in Pisces and related to bondage and free choice; 5.) Jupiter fuses the third and second aspect of divinity, and is important in producing the World Saviour; 6.) The planetary rulers of the Mutable Cross are, orthodox—Jupiter and Mercury, and esoteric—Pluto. The Earth. The Moon (hiding Vulcan) and Venus; 7.) Pluto stands for death, Earth stands for the sphere of experience, Moon or Vulcan for glorification of matter, and Venus for emergence of the love principle through the intelligent love; 8.) Michael adds that humanity today is a fourth ray soul and fifth ray personality; later will have a fourth ray personality and second ray soul; 9.) Mercury indicates the fourth ray’s is humanity’s line of least resistance to seek harmony through conflict.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 54 126 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 54 by Michael Robbins. This video is one hour long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 54 46 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 54 by Michael Robbins. This audio is one hour long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 54 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 54 by Michael Robbins. This audio is one hour long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 53 covering pages 117-125, continuing with Pisces. 1.) Michael brings forward the previous session’s emphasis on Pisces and Service; 2.) Individual man emerges in Cancer (but maybe Pisces as a first incarnation, as Michael suggested earlier) and “metaphorically mounts” the Mutable Cross for the long lessons of servitude eventually result in freely given service by right motive; 3.) The pairs of opposites are experienced for Pisces via Virgo providing a stabilizing influence of the mind; 4.) Sagittarius gives Pisces and the entire Mutable Cross experience a sense of focus – whether for lower or higher desires; 5.) Michael suggests various ways of finding ‘opposites’ or balancing energies in the horoscope and brings forward from TWM, p. 629, the table on Correspondences of Instincts ; 6.) Gemini assists in the realization of instability, that the Great Illusion is a dream of the “undesirable or untrue”; 7.) The experiences on the Mutable Cross last the longest (most incarnations) involving Re-Creation, Regeneration, Reorientation, Renunciation; 8.) The Fixed Cross cultivates altruism, whereas the Mutable Cross is the Cross of Selfishness; 9.) The man upon the reversing wheel in Gemini becomes increasingly aware of the intuition; 10.) Virgo, changes the critical mind quality to illumination and revelation, as analysis leads to the Light; 11.) On the reversed wheel, Sagittarius is the one-pointed disciple and covers ground quickly on the way to the mountaintop in Capricorn; 12.) Pisces in the final stage stands for death of the personality and release of the soul from captivity – Salvation is the “originating motive” of the Monad; 13.) This final death indicates that “there is no more sea” – the inevitably “death of the fishes” and no more need for incarnating personalities; 14.) At the end of the Mutable Cross the intellect is rather well developed but still material in its interests; 15.) On the Fixed Cross the emphasis is on unfolding mass consciousness into group consciousness; 16.) Pisces is an important sign of mediatorship and Christ is the Great Psychic and Pisces people are often confused by so many impressions accepted without discrimination as the mind has not been awakened adequately in Virgo (Mercury falls in Pisces); 17.) DK provides the symbolic story of the latent Christ and outer personality in the story of Jonah and the whale; 18.) Transmutation occurs in this dual sign with the lower nature to the higher; 19.) DK’s suggestion that trance mediums likely have Pisces dominant, while the more ‘positive’ mediums likely have Virgo potent in their charts (the spiritualistic movement has Pisces and Cancer strong); 20.) The two major rays expressing through Pisces are the First Ray and Second Rays.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 53 369 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 53 by Michael Robbins. This video is three hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 53 135 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 53 by Michael Robbins. This audio is three hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 53 179 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 53 by Michael Robbins. This audio is three hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 52 covering pages 112-114. 1. The Crosses are “signs” which concentrate constellational influence to Earth; 2.) Our Sun carries all the planets around our central and conditioning star Alcyone; 3.) Comparing the symbolism of the lesser and greater zodiacs to the twelve month and 25,000 year cycles of the Great Platonic Year will also show the influence of the esoteric and orthodox functions to the soul and personality; 4.) Eventually the constellational energy of the twelve signs supersedes the influence of the planets; 5.) Sirius, the Great Bear and the Pleiades work through the twelve constellations, and nine in particular (see EA p. 50; 6.) These three major constellations with the seven solar systems of which ours is one (SSSOWOIO), are the ten constellations; 7.) The involutionary process for all kingdoms is the movement from Aries to Pisces, via Taurus – it is only the personality or ignorant man which proceeds against the natural order; 8.) the human being en masse, or as a group activity, emerges in Cancer; 9.) When the world soul reached Cancer and the fourth Creative Hierarchy manifested through the fourth kingdom, the reversal took place – so the true “Reversed Wheel” involves reversing the reversal; 10.) The spirit of the Earth (Planetary entity) embodies all form life in all kingdoms of nature, and expresses the anima mundi or world soul; 11.) Individualized human beings are part of the Anima Mundi and humanity is a differentiation of the world soul; 12.) From man’s perspective, The Lord of Earth is regarded as an “imperfect God”, yet from man’s perspective is perfect; 13.) The triple division of ‘The spirit of the Earth’, ‘humanity’ and ‘Lord of the Planet’ expresses the three major aspects of the ancient and esoteric science of astrology; 14.) Humanity lost the sub-human consciousness which was the basis of animism and has not yet developed consciousness which enters him into the Life and Mind of the planetary Logos; 15.) Humanity has only dealt with the lower aspect and is ignorant of the different phases of the World Soul.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 52 249 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 52 by Michael Robbins. This video is two hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 52 92 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 52 by Michael Robbins. This audio is two hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 52 122 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 52 by Michael Robbins. This audio is two hours long.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 51 covering pages 109-111. 1.) Michael concludes the discussion of detriment, fall and exaltation in Aries; 2.) The intricacies of the science of relationship via Rays and planets is investigated with several examples; 3.) Keywords for Aries: creation, being activity, strife, and synthesis; 4.) DK addresses a few questions regarding the student’s “inevitable temporary bewilderment” about the new astrology; 5.) See page 589 for the predicted new dispensation to come “around the year 2025”; 6.) The first question from a student (in the Arcane School) is when and in what sign does the Sun reverse its progress for the disciple?, with the answer being that the subjective man involves the Heart of the Sun not the illusory nature of the three worlds which continues to condition the personality.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 51 127 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 51 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 51 45 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 51 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 51 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 51 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 50 covering pages 106-109. 1.) Justification is again explained for the variant order of decanate rulers used by Alan Leo or Sepharial, as Venus as mind and Jupiter as heart must be brought into play upon the reversed wheel; 2.) The beginning of the reversal, the crisis of reorientation, involves Aries which impulses all beginnings; 3.) There are four cycles from individualisation to initiation: recreation, regeneration, reorientation, and renunciation; 4.) Re-creation involves Cancer and the pull into incarnation, and the Seventh Ray; 5.) Regeneration suggests the growing influence of the Fixed Cross which leads to the last two cycles; 6.) Reorientation relates to the influence of Libra and the ‘swerving of the Bull in mid-career’; 7.) Renunciation is the final cycle of liberation from the human kingdom; 8.) Liberation is twelve-fold as triumph must be experienced in each sign, just as captivity, defeat and failure have been; 9.) There is always the dual experience –from Aries to Taurus, or from Aries to Pisces, which suggests man has the power to mount the Cardinal Cross from staging in Pisces; 10.) The final planetary initiation (probably the 6th) involves the passing on to one of the seven paths; 11.) As Chohans we can be trained on planetary schools, and thereby receive the freedom of the seven planetary spheres; 12.) The two keywords for Aries are “And the Word said: Let form again be sought” for the man, and “I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule”, for the initiate; 12.) The keynotes express the effect of the cross upon which man is crucified, the influence of planetary Rulers, the Rays, Qualities, interplay of the polar opposite (see page 337), dignities, and keywords, and themes.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 50 133 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 50 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 50 48 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 50 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 50 63 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 50 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 49 covering pages 105-106. 1.) Brief review that Sun is exalted in Aries, Venus in detriment, and Saturn falls; 2.) These three happenings (exaltation, detriment, and fall) can be seen in every sign; 2.) The rulers of decanates must be dealt with according to the direction man travels (symbolically); 3.) If a man on the Common Cross enters in Aries he will be under the influence of Mars, Sun, and Jupiter (Venus); 4.) Michael examines the variant ways the decanates are handled by Alan Leo and Sepharial, and the different directions of entering the signs; 5.) Three constellations are associated with Aries – Cetus, Cassiopeia, and Perseus; 6.) When on the Fixed Cross man is under Jupiter, Sun and Mars; 7.) Michael provides many examples of decanate expressions on various levels or stages, planes and rulers, initiations, etc., and suggestions on how to apply this information to your own horoscope.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 49 116 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 49 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 49 44 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 49 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 49 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 49 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 48 covering pages 103-105. 1.) Michael refers us to E.A. pages 472 and 265 for cross referencing information on crisis and birth opportunity; 2.) Questions for astrologers to ask include for which death is a man preparing? Is there an imminent crisis at hand; 3.) First assessment is to determine which direction the man is progressing; 4.) From the beginning of consciousness entirely identified with form on the Mutable Cross, there comes an interlude in Libra when consciousness shifts to the group and soul purposes via the Fixed Cross; 5.) Correlations to the Masonic degrees have the EA degree to the Common Cross, FC to the Fixed Cross, and MM to the Cardinal; 6.) The Sun is exalted in Aries and stands for the life of spirit; 7.) Venus is in detriment in Aries because when the Father aspect blazes forth, the lesser luminaries fade – as the personality is lost in the light of the solar Angel, the soul in the radiance of the Presence; 8.) Saturn falls with Aries into the lower worlds, and Saturn’s power is complete when man has freed himself from Karma after the fourth initiation; 9.) The Cardinal Cross is above the karma in the three lower worlds.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 48 136 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 48 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 48 46 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 48 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 48 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 48 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 47 covering pages 101-103. 1.) The crisis of the burning ground is brought about through choice, the balancing of the pairs of opposites through Uranus in Aries and Libra; 2.) The Rays 1 and 7 demand a point of balance which is provided in Libra (3rd Ray), and Rays 6 and 4 (2nd Ray); 3.) Through Uranus, Aries is related to the world server in Aquarius who helps liberate humanity from the Fixed Cross; 4.) Four signs are related to birth: Aries (birthplace of divine Ideas), Cancer (birthplace into the life of form), Leo (birthplace of the individual), and Capricorn (birthplace of the Christ); 5.) From hints like these future astrologers will determine the type of horoscope which should be cast; 6.) Two questions will determine this: whether the subject is a personality or beginning to manifest as a soul.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 47 120 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 47 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 47 44 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 47 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 47 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 47 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 46 covering pages 99-101. 1.) The first Ray energy comes from Alkaid in the Great Bear and works out through Mars, Mercury and Uranus; 2.) Mars embodies sixth Ray force through its personality; 3.) God’s idea in Aries becomes the concrete plan in Capricorn; 4.) Mars leads to the battle ground of Scorpio where we fight to manifest our thoughts or ideas; 5.) Mercury is the “Star of Conflict” which embodies the fourth Ray; 6.) The personality rebels at first to the Soul’s message and Mercury mediates between these contending opposites; 7.) Illusion can be dispelled in Aries and also in Scorpio when the Hydra is conquered; 8.) The Sun in its second aspect mediates as the Son of God between Father-Spirit and Mother-Matter; 9.) In Virgo the Word of God (sound) takes form and the latent life in Aries comes to the “crisis of the birth hour” prior to the birth of the Christ cosmically and individually which takes place in Capricorn; 10.) Uranus and the seventh Ray works analogously to Mercury as it also relates spirit and matter producing manifestation; 11.) Uranus leads the soul to the burning ground fire of Aries which burn what is inauthentic; 12.) Uranus rules the occult Way and access to the hidden realities – it is connected with the Hierophant of the Mysteries of Initiation, the Awakener; 13.) Objective manifestation of the soul occurs under Cancer and on the dense physical plane (check the crises on page 772).
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 46 123 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 46 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 46 45 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 46 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 46 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 46 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 45 covering pages 97-99. 1.) The Old Commentary provide insights into three signs of ‘death’: Aries, Scorpio, Pisces – the symbolic deaths through fire, earth and water (burning, suffocation and drowning); 2.) This world cycle does not have death through air (scattering or dispersion) as a goal of our system is “initiation or release into the air” represented by the buddhic plane and Uranus; 3.) Final death is liberation or relinquishment which means more conscious identification with the Planetary Logos at the 6th initiation when man re-becomes fully the Monad; 4.) These signs, on three different crosses, initiate man into three planetary centers: Humanity, Hierarchy and Shamballa; 5.) The doctrine of the trinity is the esoteric basis of occultism, Death is therefore of three kinds, and the Monad practices the Science of Divine Dying; 6.) Through the Science of Relations, Aries is related to Scorpio (through Mars), to Virgo (through Mercury), and Aquarius (through Uranus) – so the Cardinal Cross is related to the Fixed and Mutable Crosses; 7.) The human is of more importance than appears and which the orthodox horoscope shows only the unimportant fate – esoteric astrology indicates group usefulness, the astrology of the soul; 8.) The Sun or Moon are veils for the hidden planets, Uranus or Vulcan and are interchangeable or difficult to tell which is meant unless specified.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 45 111 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 45 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 45 44 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 45 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 45 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 45 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 44, covering pages 94-97. 1.) The cardinal signs and crosses take the undeveloped man from Aries to Capricorn to Libra to Cancer, and developed man reverses the process; 2.) These experiences involve the three wheels, the Wheel of Incarnation (mutable cross), the Wheel adjusted or reversed (fixed cross), and the Wheel dominated (the cardinal cross); 3.) Experience spent upon the mutable cross takes the majority of his evolutionary time; 4.) When consciousness becomes fixed towards the soul the reversal of the wheel is a rending or ‘crucifying’ transition at the Fourth, when the Solar Angel leaves the man on his own; 5.) The cardinal cross is the experiences of true initiation, from the third initiation onwards; 6.) Michael references in The Rays and the Initiations, page 694, about initiations 5 through 9 undertaken on the cardinal cross; 7.) This entire process initiated in Aries is about the human (the true monad(as creator beginning manifestation and leading to full expression of spirit through the soul demonstrating as Life—Quality—Appearance; 8.) Aries brings in Electric Fire to our solar system, which is about the dynamic nature of God as a driving forward through space or progress onwards; 9.) Aries is involved in the fires of sustainment and fires of destruction; 10.) There are three signs related to three deaths, these are Aries, Scorpio, and Pisces; 11.) Aries “forces” the soul onto the burning ground through Mars so war or strife can purify, and later through Mercury so the mind may illuminate; 12.) Scorpio brings death of the personality; 13.) In Pisces, the death is the final relinquishment of all that holds man to the wheel of birth; 14.) These three ‘deaths’ occur on each of the three crosses and is pouring through the energy of the signs and independently of planetary rulers; 15.) This destroying energy “predetermines a crystallising process” and destruction of a kind of control.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 44 106 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 44 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 44 44 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 44 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 44 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 44 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 43, covering page 93. 1.) Aries has four keynotes all conveying the same idea of Creation—Being—Activity—Strife—Synthesis; 2.) Aries is a sign of Being and Doing; 3.) The First and Seventh Rays emphasize the power to manifest; 4.) Uranus is the Hierarchical ruler, Aries is the second liberated Hierarchy or Kumara; 5.) Mars is involved in the ability to battle or war ‘for the Lord’ – the Lord being the law or ruler of any realm; 6.) Aries begins the Cardinal Cross and a great cycle of struggle in matter as the vehicle for manifestation of the soul; 7.) There are two goals, that of the personality ambition and the soul ambition, and depending on which direction one is traveling; 8.) Capricorn is the sign when the will nature is fulfilled and the visioned goal reached.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 43 50 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 43 by Michael Robbins. This file ends abruptly, but there is no missing data.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 43 17 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 43 by Michael Robbins. This file ends abruptly, but there is no missing data.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 43 29 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 43 by Michael Robbins. This file ends abruptly, but there is no missing data.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 42, beginning the discussion of Aries and covering pages 90-92. 1.) We now begin upon the “Spiritual Effects of the Zodiacal Constellations”, which is the bulk of the book’s subject, having concluded the introduction; 2.) We note that DK takes the apparent reverse order, from Aries to Pisces, concluding with Taurus – which is most noteworthy in itself about a reorientation needed in considering this Science and new terminology; 3.) Aries is the purest form of First Ray Energy; 4.) DK emphasizes that his comments will be general and not specific; 5.) Aries is on the Cardinal Cross, the cross of God the Father, transmitting Rays 1 and 7 – so Mars and Mercury and Uranus, the other rulers, all transmit this Ray 1 and 7, along with their own 6th and 4th ray qualities; 6.) At the level of functioning on the Cardinal Cross man no longer functions simply as a member of the Hierarchy upon the mental plane, but involved with all the three world centres—Humanity, the Hierarchy and Shamballa; 7.) Aries initiates the cycle of manifestation; 8.) All souls begin in Cancer, emerging as mental entities in the sign Aries, as emotional-desire entities in the sign Taurus and as vital entities in the sign Gemini, taking then physical form in Cancer. This is an involutionary cycle; 9.) the first impulse is awakened in Aries as it is where the initial idea to institute activity takes form and it is the birthplace of ideas and the ‘will to incarnate’; 10.) Aries rules the head and mind and the first ray aspect of the monad, the Will; 11.) Michael concludes with some touch upon Aries being related to the Atmic Plane, which is actually ruled by Libra.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 42 116 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 42 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 42 44 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 42 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 42 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 42 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 41, covering pages 88-90. 1.) On page 88 is a list of six stages or periods of evolution wherein various triangles are most operative; 2.) It is from clairvoyant reading of these triangles that one may judge the point of evolution – ie, spiritual man to the third initiation considers many of those individuals we deal with as peers, and the heart, throat and head centers are most active; 3.) The pranic triangle includes the shoulder center, centre near the diaphragm, and spleen; 4.) man controlled from the astral plane has the base of spine, solar plexus, and heart centers active; 5.). Man controlled from the mental plane has the base of spine; heart and throat active; 6.) man partially controlled by the Ego, advanced man has the heart, throat, head-ajna; 7.) Spiritual man to the third Initiation has heart, throat, and seven head centers; 8.) Spiritual man to the fifth Initiation has the heart, seven head centers and the two many-petalled lotuses; 9.) There is a long excerpt from Treatise on Cosmic Firepage 169-171 which elaborates upon the nature of the chakras as fiery wheels; 10.) The houses of a chart show karmic debts, and Michael provides many insights on how to read planets and rays in the chart to see the esoteric influences based upon the level of evolution – providing some new areas of investigation for himself: some intriguing new ways to look at the chart; 11.) Consideration is given to whole sign charts and viewing them as ‘charts of the crosses’ and how the Masters view us astrologically prior to the third initiation; 12.) Some expansion on the first three initiations is provided, as this section concludes.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 41 109 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 41 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 41 39 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 41 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 41 51 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 41 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 40, covering pages 86-88. 1.) More insights are provided on the Tabulation VIII of Orthodox and Esoteric Rays rulerships and the sometimes unconventional associations; 2.) Ref page 301 we see Neptune as base of spine; 3.) Michael discusses the unique application required by Esoteric Astrology, which is really five sciences: The Science of the Rays, of Esoteric Interpretation, of Triangles, of the Centres, of Destiny; 4.) The Science of the Triangles provides insights into the level of evolution and activation of the chakras, and can be reviewed with the table on Treatise on Cosmic Fire page 170; 5.) The Science of Destiny will be based on the previous four and will be applied for future indications, such as the progressed horoscope – to show what is the purpose of the incarnation; 6.) A relationship to human triangles is suggested, remembering that according to the ray so proceeds the geometrical rising of the fire in ordered sequence; 7.) More on the progression of the fires along the ray triangles and unexpected ray relationships are included after a premature ending.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 40 107 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 40 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 40 46 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 40 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 40 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 40 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 39, covering pages 85-86 and Tabulation VIII. 1.) Michael recaps the topics of the truncated EAA 37 and 38 interesting topics towards the end of the Introduction to Esoteric Astrology, with an emphasis upon a knowledge of the Seven Rays; 2.) Fundamental to our consideration is the influence of the Rays and that the Great Bear is the originating source for our system; 3.) Can a star be a constellation? Michael considers this and the ongoing apparent similar use DK gives to the terms ‘sign’ and ‘constellation’ and terms related to how the Rays ‘come though’ or are ‘behind’ these ‘stars’ and the complexities of how Rays emanate or transmit via other signs or planets; 4.) Tabulation VIII on page 85 summarized the Seven Planetary Logoi in terms of each three signs which convey each Ray: Ray One is Aries, Leo, Capricorn; Ray Two Virgo, Gemini, and Pisces; Ray Three is Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn; Ray Four is Taurus, Scorpio and Sagittarius; Ray Five is Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius; Ray Six is Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces; and Ray Seven in Aries, Cancer and Capricorn; 5.) On each of these triplicities Michael provides relevant insights to the various planetary rulers and ray relationships, including conjecture about influence of possible Ray galaxies.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 39 103 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 39 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 39 48 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 39 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 39 63 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 39 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 38, covering pages 84-85. 1.) There is a complex analogy of the head center of the One About Whom Naught May be Said and the Great Bear in relation to man we may find some analogy; 2.) There are hierarchical distinctions between the head centers, and so how do the signs align with these? Michael makes interesting inquiry and correlations along this line of rays and chakric relationships to constellations, and magnitudes of power, which are sometimes reversed, or used as blinds, etc; 3.) The Little Bear also, with Pleiades and Sirius and their relationships is also conjectured upon in relation to the head center and rays and signs; 4.) The emphasis in the new astrology will be upon the 7 and the 5, and the Rays and Quality (and Michael shares the six ordinal derivations of the rays, i.e., see p. 1195 in TCF, from The Theosophist: A(BC) B(AC) C(AB) etc.).
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 38 121 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 38 by Michael Robbins. The pages covered are the same as for Adventure 37, but Michael elaborated extensively on the implications of some very important occult information.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 38 46 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 38 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 38 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 38 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 37, covering page 84. 1.) An outline of the three crosses shows crises points, that of the crisis of Incarnation (Mutable Cross), this manifests as Manhood – the second crisis, of Reorientation on the Fixed Cross, resulting in Christhood, and the Crisis of Initiation, the Cardinal Cross of Transfiguration Manifesting as Divinity; 2.) These crosses or crises work out via the twelve signs and twelve planetary Rulers, from the Great Bear (through the Little Bear), or 36 factors, two from Sirius and three from the Pleiades; 3.) During a world cycle or mahamanvantara these energies are sixteen: 7+7+2=16=7; 4.) In these numbers the mystery of our evolutionary process lies hid.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 37 62 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 37 by Michael Robbins. This video is truncated at about the 50 minute mark.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 37 22 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 37 by Michael Robbins. This audio is truncated at about the 50 minute mark.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 37 36 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 37 by Michael Robbins. This audio is truncated at about the 50 minute mark.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 36, covering pages 80-84. 1.) DK continues with Task Four of this book, which is to elaborate the interplay between three groups of ruling planets (Tabulation VI) which God uses to implement his purposes; 2.) There is a basic cyclic law governing the evolutionary process, summed up in crisis, polarisation and sweep (or crisis, tension and emergence); 3.) Man proceeds through the signs in pain, forging his equipment to enable him to arrive at a moment of crisis, upon which he is polarized or achieves a point of tension upon a cross; 4.) The mutable cross provides many changes and is the seed of all illusion or ahamkara (sense of limited self); 5.) The fixed cross is one of liberation, blinding light, and fiery pain; 6.) Upon the final, cardinal cross, the Angel and the wheel stands still; 6.) The first human incarnation was always taken in the sign Cancer (the birth of the human kingdom); 7.) Cancer is “the doorway into life of those who must know death” and Capricorn “doorway into life of those who know not death” – Capricorn is the Will that Conquers Death; 8.) Personality ray changes from life to life, yet are these paradoxical statements?; 9.) On the Paths of Discipleship and Initiation the man becomes conditioned by the Soul and is subjected to the twelve signs and in each of the 12 incarnations he proves he fights for his spiritual life and is finally “made anew –a “new man” sensitive to spiritual vibrations in our solar system and has free from the wheel of rebirth at the fourth initiation.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 36 125 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 36 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 36 46 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 36 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 36 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 36 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 35, covering pages 78-80. 1.) Context is non-sacred planets that rule the five centers in the spine (astrally polarized centers) and their relation to the non-sacred planets, specifically the moon and earth and the spleen and vagus nerve; 2.) Mars and Pluto related to the sacral center and solar plexus (perhaps in relation to the Solar Logos as well); 3.) Pluto obscures the lower nature when man is becoming “alive in the higher sense”, through a death of the desire nature; 4.) The Sun governs a centre in the front of the throat, related to the para-thyroids and not to the thyroid and actual throat center; 5.) Vulcan veiled by the Sun brings a kind of death to the sacral center, providing a different kind of growing creativity; 6.) DK explains the tasks he will provide in this book and Task One is to consider why five of the seven rays express through two sets of planets, sacred and non-sacred (except for Gemini and Libra, as previously considered ‘unrelated’; 7.) This First Task shall therefore relate man’s seven etheric centers,the 4th Creative Hierarchy’s seven races to the seven centers, the seven planetary centers, the seven and five planets – all in the orthodox and esoteric angle. 8.) Task Two is to consider from the point of view of the Path of Initiation the three major constellations (which may be thought to be Great Bear, Sirius, and Pleiades – but may be Leo, Capricorn and Pisces as they are separated from the other nine signs. This is not straightforward if not as on page 50 in Esoteric Astrology); 9.) From the constellations these energies are further funneled (in a kind of complex manner which can be further investigated by students) to Saturn, Mercury and Uranus (Moon) to the head, ajna, and heart, and then to throat, solar plexus and base of spine; 10.) Sacral center and spleen are connected with the Earth and sometimes DK relates the Sacral to Taurus, and the dense physical plane; 11.) Task Three will be to consider the Cosmic Crosses (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable) and all levels of these to the twelve planets and man’s incarnation.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 35 120 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 35 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 35 46 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 35 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 35 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 35 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 34, covering pages 77-78 (truncated 20 minutes). 1. (Previous EAA 33 concluded at 50 minutes in, Michael picks back up at page 77) the triangles vary with the ray type and so this science of the centers is complicated; 2.) The old Atlantean techniques of laya yoga are unsuited for modern man, as well as the old astrology is unsuited for advanced people; 3.) The important point will be considering the relation of the sacred and non-sacred to the centres and “cycles of polarisation” which implicate predicted “periods of crisis.”; 4.) The 12 planetary lives for the unevolved man are focused almost entirely on the astral plane; 5.) Earth and Moon connected with spleen and a center connected with the vagus nerve or thymus gland, before heart center which is awakened later.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 34 43 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 34 by Michael Robbins. This video is truncated at about the 20 minute mark.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 34 15 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 34 by Michael Robbins. This audio is truncated at about the 20 minute mark.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 34 20 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 34 by Michael Robbins. This audio is truncated at about the 20 minute mark.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 33, covering pages 71-77. 1.) At the fifth or final initiation, Uranus and Jupiter reorganize the initiate’s equipment and then he can escape the wheel to truly live; 2.) Chapter Two begins with consideration of the posited two separate groups of planetary rulers, for undeveloped and average man, and for those on the path, there are infinite permutations and complexities possible; 3.) Generally, average and undeveloped man live below the diaphragm focused in the solar plexus or sacral; 4.) a large number are working through the throat with some response in the ajna or heart; 5.) Those on the final stages are working from the highest head center and various other centers; 6.) When all these triangles are factored there will be a science of triangles underlying all astrological deductions.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 33 95 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 33 by Michael Robbins. This video is truncated at about the 50 minute mark.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 33 38 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 33 by Michael Robbins. This audio is truncated at about the 50 minute mark.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 33 50 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 33 by Michael Robbins. This audio is truncated at about the 50 minute mark.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 32, covering pages 68-71. 1.) Accuracy of astrological prediction is based on three factors: a.) zodiacal thoughtforms were constructed in Atlantean days and are reservoirs of energy, b.) the astrologer’s intuition and sensitivity must be present, c.) the ability to calculate for precession must be known as well as an understanding of ray cycles; 2.) The first imperative is to know the level of evolution of the entity for which the horoscope is cast; 3.) Those on the Path of Discipleship are influenced by Mercury and Saturn; 4.) depending upon the initiation to be undergone, the planets affect the candidate differently; 5.) The first initiation requires the forces of Vulcan and Pluto; 6.) The second initiation brings Neptune and Venus and Jupiter into primary influence; 7.) The third initiation has the planet veiled by the moon, and Mars, in a “fearful conflict”; 8.) The fourth initiation against sees Mercury and Saturn involved but in a very different way than they were at the first.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 32 121 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 32 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 32 45 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 32 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 32 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 32 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 31, covering pages 66-68. 1.) Gemini and Libra are both uniquely ‘unrelated’ to other constellations due to their rulers expressing 5th and 7th ray energy; 2.) Taurus and Pisces, through Vulcan and Pluto, are related to Ray One; 3.) Leo and Aquarius are related to Ray Two; 4.) Sagittarius and Capricorn to Ray Three; 5.) Aries and Virgo related to Ray Four; 6.) Cancer and Scorpio related to Ray Six; 7.) Tabulation VI provides the Planetary rulers in orthodox and esoteric terms.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 31 95 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 31 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 31 46 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 31 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 31 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 31 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 30, covering pages 64-66. 1.) Sagittarius governed the subjective approach for human evolution but the sun was in Leo when physical plane individualization took place; 2.) the Sun was in Gemini when humanity was consummated with the founding of Hierarchy – hence the Masonic symbology of twin pillars in early history; 3.) Leo governs the EA degree, Gemini the FC degree, and Sagittarius the MM, and Capricorn the final part of the MM to the HRA; 4.) There will be apparent contradictions to all whose intuition is not yet developed; 5.) Constellations and planets have one effect on one kind or type of man and a different one on another and yet a third for the highly evolved: the response comes from the quality of the form receiving impression; 6.) A review is made of the tabulations, with the orthodox rulers and rays and with the unorthodox or esoteric rulers, planets, signs and rays.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 30 131 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 30 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 30 46 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 30 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 30 61 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 30 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 29, covering pages 61-64. 1.) Three signs are important for the disciple and initiate, Cancer, Leo and Aquarius – from mass to individual to group awareness; 2.) Capricorn provides opportunity for furthering the plan as ‘the fish who swims free in the ocean of matter’; 3.) The initiate desires, aspires and identifies with each sign of the zodiac, transmuting selfishness into active service; 4.) Re-emphasis that astrology is based upon illusion from the exoteric point of view, as the misuse of energies on the astral plane which has caused illusions; 5.) In relation to this the precession of the equinox is a fourth type of force that influences mankind and the planet itself; 6.) The requirement for an accurate birth chart cannot be achieved until there is a fixed time from which to reckon, this may be sourced from both the “the statement in the Bible that the prime date of creation is 4004 B.C.” and the “Great Approach” of Hierarchy when individualisation took place – the Solar Angels arrival (21,688,345 years ago) when Sun was in Leo.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 29 120 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 29 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 29 45 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 29 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 29 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 29 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 28, covering pages 58-61. 1.) The Great Wheel of Life of man shows his spiritual evolution passing through the signs according to orthodox and then to esoteric astrology – i.e., either from Aries to Taurus via Pisces, or progressively, the counter-clockwise progression from Aries to Pisces, via Taurus (for the 4th or 5th degree); 2.) The orthodox method is based upon the illusory and temporary nature and “as he thinks, so is he”; 3.) When man becomes a Solar God or Hercules, the disciple, he reverses the process and the inner Teachers look to the horoscope only of these three entities: a) the horoscope of the planet itself; b.) the horoscope of the human family; c.) the horoscopes of disciples – the Masters do not study the charts of ordinary man; 4.) It is upon the “principle of duality” which emphasis is placed once the adjustment of form relations is being consciously engaged; 5.) This study of esoteric astrology therefore focuses upon the relation of the six upper and six lower constellations; 6.) This study commences from Aries brings man to a point of reversal and reorientation, and stops from his retrograding, until he is in Cancer a part of mass consciousness and then in Scorpio he becomes the triumphant disciple, having found himself in Leo; 7.) the Crisis of Reorientation may take a long time and struggle, characterized by the fourth ray; 8.) This study continues from the standpoint of the probationary path, at which point Gemini begins to be potent in the disciple’s life, Sagittarius pierces the heart and man reaches Capricorn for the Crisis of Renunciation.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 28 123 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 28 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 28 45 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 28 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 28 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 28 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 27, covering pages 56-58. 1.) We discuss the symbols of the seven dual zodiacal signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Aquarius, and Pisces; 2.) Leo and Sagittarius are the two signs which are simple figures with no other significance; 3.) Virgo and Scorpio and triple signs and crucial in the functioning of man in form; 4.) Capricorn’s symbol conceals the mystery of crocodiles and makara and is misleadingly constructed; 5.) Man is a threefold entity, spiritual soul (triad or Monad), the human soul, and the form nature; 6.) The 4th, 5th and 6th Creative Hierarchies are man as Electric Fire (4th) and identification AS the Monad, as Solar Fire (5th) expressing full life, and the Fire by Friction (6th) producing life experiment and identification with the personality.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 27 104 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 27 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 27 45 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 27 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 27 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 27 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 26, covering pages 53-56. 1.) The five non-sacred planets are Sun and moon (both veiling planets), the Earth, and Mars and Pluto; 2.) Man himself is the five-pointed star; 3.) Until the fifth initiation the non-sacred planets have an effect on man, and the 7 sacred planets are effective throughout; 4.) The 12 constellations and 12 planets cause response in the vehicles; 5.) The vehicles ‘hold down’ and make consciousness dependent upon its vehicles; 6.) DK suggests that we must allow the planetary influence to wane somewhat before the full zodiacal influence can be felt; 7.)There are cosmic and systemic streams of energy, via planetary schemes and their corresponding seven centres in Earth, that pour through the “twelve houses”. It is this cosmic and systemic levels which implicate our system as of “intrinsic duality” (love-wisdom); 8.) Man’s major task is to regulate the pairs of opposites, such as in zodiacal signs, and the theme of duality is part of man’s story; 9.) Path of Purification consummates the merging of the physical and etheric forces; 10.) Path of Discipleship resolves the pairs of opposite on the astral plane; 11.) Path of initiation brings face-to-face the Angel and the Dweller upon the mental plane; 12.) Analogous to the astral plane resolution is when the sun sign and planets are perfectly adjusted, or on the mental plane when the sun sign and rising sign are blended and soul and personality are brought face to face; 13.) There is a significance of Gemini as the quarrelling brothers or forces in conflict.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 26 110 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 26 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 26 45 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 26 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 26 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 26 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 25, covering pages 50-53. 1.) Continuing with the tabulation that showed the Dynamic energy related to the Cardinal Cross and picking up with Magnetic Energy, related to Solar Fire and the Fixed Cross, Taurus and Scorpio and the Third Creative Hierarchy; 2.) These energies are called into play when man is training on the path of discipleship; 3.) The 12 planets, govern the 12 houses and the physical or personality expression and karma; 4.) The 12 Signs or Constellations are concerned with stimulating the soul in the form, in two stages – the first when the sun sign dominates (the Sun of Probability), and the second when the rising dominates (the Sun of Possibility); 5.) When the energy from the signs causes the ‘crisis of orientation’, man reverses his progress and goes from Aries to Pisces, via Taurus; 6.) It is Taurus, Scorpio and Capricorn which are the “paramount signs of influence” during the process of mental discrimination; 7.) It is through pain that the soul learns to function first as a member of humanity and then as a spiritual entity; 8.) A point of perfection is reached (the fourth initiation) when the three great constellations are blended with the seven rays (Planetary Logoi); 9.) Where there is a complete fusion of the sacred and non-sacred planets we have the end of a great world period or mahamanvantara.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 25 109 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 25 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 25 46 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 25 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 25 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 25 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 24, covering pages 48-50. 1.) These Hierarchies are the true forms of everything within the etheric body of the planetary Logos – they are the sum total of all that is – not the dense form or gross maya, but archetypal “energy configurations”; 2.) There are four superior groups, two lowest groups of involutionary lives (the three densest subplanes), and the fifth Hierarchy which is a mediating body between the two; 3.) There is a correspondence between the seven head centres and the seven groups of egos on the mental plane – this relates to the pineal, pituitary, and alta major and the Soul, etheric and physical brain alignment; 4.) Hierarchies VI and VII have an interesting place as they are not regarded as providing principles for the Logos, but they do for man; 5.) Seventh Hierarchy, Baskets of Nourishment, are the etheric life “found at the heart of every atom”; 6.)These are the lowest residue of the previous system – the liquid, gaseous and dense matter; 7.) Next we focus on Tabulation III and the major energies in our local cosmos: Dynamic energy related to the will and electric fire; 8.) This first part of Dynamic energy is related to Sirius, Cancer and Capricorn; 9.) Saturn and the Fifth Creative Hierarchy or the 8th (the almost-liberated Kumara) are also Sirian and related to care taking; 10.) The next part of dynamic energy is related to the Great Bear and Aries and Libra, and the Second or 11th Hierarchy (Kumara), dealing with the Sun veiling Vulcan; 11.) The third aspect of dynamic energy comes through Pleiades, Gemini and Sagittarius, Mercury and the Fourth Creative Hierarchy (Kumara) or the 9th, the quality of Desire for Duality on the Cosmic Astral.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 24 116 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 24 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 24 45 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 24 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 24 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 24 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 23, covering pages 45-48. 1.) The Fifth Creative Hierarchy is mysterious due to its relation to the five Kumaras or ‘liberated’ Hierarchies, which the history of the Buddha may shed light upon and the relation to Sirius, Gemini, Libra, Capricorn; 2.) The karma of the Solar Logos is deeply tied to Sirius (and Draco) as the “secret of the Dragon” or “serpent energy” brought the manasic energy into the solar system; 3.) Our Planetary Logos and His Earth represent the base of the spine center of the Solar Logos; 4.) The curious term “contracting poles” is used in reference to the Fifth Group, and how they are the “Benign Uniters” and Producers of Atonement or Saviours of the Race – that which lifts the lower aspect up to Heaven; 5.) There is a triangle between Pisces, Venus and the Solar Angels which may implicate Venus to the heart of the Solar Logos; 6.) Is the egoic lotus of the Solar Logos 12 petalled or actually 21 petalled?; 7.) Energy flows from the Solar Logos to the Central Spiritual Sun or its Monadic Nature, to the Heart of the Sun to the Physical Sun; 8.) The Heart center of the Planetary Logos is on the fourth cosmic etheric plane which is man’s buddhic plane – consideration ensues about why it is not on the monadic plane; 9.) There is a further great mystery of the Fifth Creative Hierarchy in terms of its dual aspects of manas.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 23 124 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 23 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 23 45 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 23 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 23 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 23 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 22, covering pages 44-45. 1.) Picking up with consideration of the Lower Four Hierarchies, we realize that these are involved with the Third Principle of Intelligence; 2.) There are dominant and subsidiary hierarchies, meaning some express more fully than others: the dominant groups are the second, fourth and fifth; 2.) The Second Hierarchy expresses duality as the Son; 3.) The Fourth, the human monads are mediators expressing the gain of System One and the goal of System Two; 4.) The Fifth is linked with the five liberated Hierarchies and expresses their synthesised life and represents all on the Cosmic Astral Plane; 5.) The Fifth and the Fourth unified create man; 6.) Prototypes of the Monad and the Second Hierarchy are considered in terms of emanation theory and what the vehicle actually is; 7.) Each Solar System has a different series or range of initiations available to man; 8.) A list of 24 names of Solar Angels, which Michael had collected from DK’s references, is provided here and each considered, including the addition of Prometheus!
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 22 110 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 22 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 22 45 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 22 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 22 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 22 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 21, covering pages 42/43-44. 1.) Michael reviews from page 42 on the Fourth Creative Hierarchy of man, considering that all Hierarchies may be triple, but the fourth and fifth are considered dual; 2.) Hierarchies Four, Five, Six, and Seven are all man’s “very self”; 3.) The Monad is sometimes called Atma-Buddhi, the Will and Love aspects being developed at this time. Michael has coined the term “positude” and elaborates upon this in relation to the Monad; 4.) It is important to know man’s position in the scheme and every Hierarchy is essentially monadic – an expression of the Universal Logos; 5.) [New material about 10 minutes in, on page 43] with Hierarchies being positive or negative (receptive) to others; 6.) The Secret Doctrine quote about the Jiva being the true pilgrim or extension of the monad; 7.) Interesting comments about how human life was held in a state of obscuration during the interchain period and the Moon chain monads were unready to enter the Earth Chain of the Earth Scheme until schooled or developed further; 8.) Comparison of chains to chakras and therefore are simultaneous but in various states of development and thus ‘appear’ sequentially. Consideration is given to the lengths or time scales involved; 9.) The three aspects of the Trinity are pervasive: Being, Consciousness and Intelligence; 10.) The “falls” of man are covered here, the first and second relating to the taking of form and this relates to the lower Hierarchies which deal with the dense physical body of the Logos, and this the redemptive role of the Divine Pilgrim by taking this fall; 11.) Planetary Logoi would have achieved mastership many many maha-kalpas ago; 12.) Man is considered ‘the present’ and the Fourth Hierarchy and Fourth Ray is connected to the Eternal Now.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 21 120 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 21 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 21 44 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 21 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 21 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 21 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 20, covering pages 42-44. 1.) All Hierarchies are interrelated and negative or positive to each other; 2.) The Fourth or Human Hierarchy is the nursery for the incarnating Jiva or true Pilgrim; 3.) The Humans are carried in a kind of germ which achieved the human stage in another solar system and only evolved so far before that system went into latency; 4.) The four lower Hierarchies are manifesting in the physical body of the solar Logos; 5.) The solar Angels are in physical incarnation and this is the “second fall”; 6.) The first fall relates to taking form in cosmic etheric like the Heavenly Men who are prototypes of the human jivas; 7.) The four lower Hierarchies link the past and the future – they are the present and Fourth ray types are always involved in the PRESENT in spontaneity in the Eternal Now; 8.) Humans now must continue their contact with the intelligence principles from the preceding kalpa.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 20 129 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 20 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 20 45 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 20 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 20 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 20 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 19, covering pages 41-42. 1.) The Hierarchies express seven types of energy of the seven cosmic planes, cosmic prana, and solar energy or electric fire, solar fire and fire by friction; 2.) Each Hierarchy manifests a triple energy, similarly as when considering the triadal rays, see TCF 176-177; 3.) Discussion on what is the eighth sphere where one becomes self-centered; 4.) These first three Hierarchies are termed ever “seeing the Face of the Ruler of the Deep” 5.) The next two Hierarchies are the human or self-conscious entities; 6.) This is the fifth Hierarchy which is dual and involved with the occult significance of the number thirteen; 7.) Creative Hierarchy 5 is partially Solar and partially Lunar, as “Seekers of satisfaction”; 8.) Human beings are “Imperishable Jivas” and evolve through a graded series of self-induced or extraneously aided initiations; 9.) There is a double marriage involved a soul-infusion marriage below through an influx of higher life into the elemental life; 10.) The Fourth fourth Creative Hierarchy is where the highest aspect of man is placed; 12.) Is this Fourth Creative Hierarchy triple or dual?; 13.) The most valuable lesson in this study is the the place and importance of man in the scheme; 14.) Buddhi is the middle or equilibrating type of electricity which unifies Spirit and Matter and the Fourth Creative Hierarchy comes close to being the buddhic link between Spirit and Matter.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 19 129 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 19 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 19 45 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 19 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 19 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 19 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 18, covering pages 39-41. 1.) This Second Hierarchy or Virgo Hierarchy is also the seventh and unable to incarnate into the denser material or intellectual evolutions; 2.) The First, or Sixth, Leo Hierarchy can be viewed as the mental vibration of the solar Logos and the second with His emotional or cosmic astral, nature; 3.) The Third Hierarchy, or eighth, Libra, are “the Triads” or the three Persons of the Trinity and are the donors of immortality.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 18 141 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 18 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 18 47 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 18 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 18 78 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 18 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 17, covering pages 38-39. 1.) Each of these groups are septenary and the forty-nine fires of Brahma are their lowest manifestation; 2.) Each group may be considered “fallen” because they are involved in the building process and occupy forms; 3.) The first or Leo Hierarchy emanated from the Heart of the central Spiritual Sun; 4.) There is a karmic link between the animal kingdom and the human personality which is related to the sex impulse and law of attraction; 5.) The second Hierarchy is allied with the Great Bear.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 17 106 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 17 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 17 45 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 17 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 17 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 17 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 16, covering pages 36-38 (Reading the two Charts continued). 1.) Much can be learned by studying the numbers of the Hierarchies, counting both up and down and with or without the Cosmic Astral level. Note that the Secret Doctrine may list Hierarchies under different numbers; 2.) The first four Hierarchies achieved liberation in the first major solar system obtaining freedom from the cosmic physical plane, and their influence reaches Earth via the fifth Creative Hierarchy, that of the human personality or makara; 3.) The liberated Kumaras are related to the four minor rays of Attribute, under the Third Ray; 4.) Pisces is head of the list for this astrological world cycle of 25,000 years. It is one of the dominant signs at the time of individualization – although we usually think of Leo, Gemini, and Sagittarius; 5.) The fifth Hierarchy, Cancer Kumara, is also number 8 and related to the tenth or fifth, that of Capricorn; 6.) The Human Hierarchy of Scorpio has no element as it fuses all; 7.) This chart is drawn up in relationship to the fourth or human Creative Hierarchy only; 8.) These hierarchies are mediators between Spirit and matter and build the forms within the solar system, and convey zodiacal energy to these forms.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 16 104 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 16 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 16 45 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 16 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 16 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 16 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 15, covering pages 32-35 (Reading the two Charts). 1.) This webinar covers the Creative Hierarchies and the key chart on pages 34 and 35; 2.) This chart shows the interlocking energies that evoke conscious response only when the vehicle is adequate to receive — there is an unconscious reaction but this is on a mass scale; 3.) The 5th Creative Hierarchy is the prototype for the Solar Angels; 4.) A solar system is found on the cosmic physical plane; 5.) The Seventh Ray is influencing this Cancer Hierarchy (or Kumara) and this is the Ray of Magical Order and of Ceremonial Organisation, seeking to relate spirit and matter via the mantram, the highest and lowest meet; 6.) Michael makes a review of the numbers up and down for each of the Kumaras and Creative Hierarchies; 7.) The seven planes of our solar system are subplanes of the cosmic physical plane; 8.) In our solar system anything astral is potent because our Solar Logos is astrally polarized; 9.) The Cancer Kumara or Hierarchy is ruled by Neptune which is called the “repository of the solar flames”, and it will join the other four Hierarchies when the sixth (or first), the Leo Creative Hierarchy is nearing liberation; 10.) Reference to page 50 of E.A. to see more relationships between the Great Bear, the Pleiades, Sirius, and seven solar systems; 11.) The Hierarchies of Monads are divided into four self-conscious and three not yet individualized; 12.) The two most significant in this cycle are the two deva Hierarchies, the fifth and the sixth; 13.) The fourth Creative Hierarchy is the Hierarchy of Initiates, also numbered the 9th.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 15 109 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 15 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 15 45 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 15 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 15 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 15 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 14 Version 2, covering pages 30-32. There is a considerable elaboration of what was missed in Version 1. 1.) Begins with realization that the previous material did not video record and so repeats the topics with new information, starting with the major astrological influences; 2.) Refer to topics above for majority of concepts addressed in a new way with extensive elaboration of the chakras likely involved; 3.) Michael also considers at length the seed groups and their chakras and planetary associations; 4.) A deeper consideration of how prototypes of constellations to planets are developed.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 14 Version 2 123 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 14 Version 2 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 14 Version 2 45 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 14 Version 2 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 14 Version 2 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 14 Version 2 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 14 Version 1 covering pages 30-32. The video was not recoreded for this Adventure, so Michael produced Adventure 14 Version 2. The information in Version 1 is useful and different in many respects from what is presented in Version 2. 1.) Undeveloped humanity is mainly influences by the position of the planets in the 12 houses; 2.) intelligent humanity and those on the Path respond to the planets, the sun sign, and the rising sign; 3.) Disciples and initiates are influenced by all these mentioned and also the three major constellations (Pleiades, Sirius, Great Bear); 4.) The Seven Rays are closely connected to the stars in the Great Bear, the three primary and four secondary, and also to the Pleiades; 5.) The Great Bear relays positive or masculine force to the planetary logoi; 6.) There are interlocking triangles of the stars in the Great Bear, Pleaides, and the planets – these are sacred triangles; 7.) One day when the horoscope of a planet may be cast, these lines of force will be recognized as more influential than the zodiac upon the human; 8.) The zodiacal constellations are prototypes of the Planetary Logoi.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 14 Version 1 48 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 14 Version 1 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 14 Version 1 64 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 14 Version 1 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 13, covering pages 26-30. 1.) Continuing with Three Propositions –the First is that every Ray Life is an expression of a planetary logos, the Second that Ray Lives receive and distribute energies, and Third that the quality of a Ray Life determines the appearance of the form, not the other way around; 2.) A definition of a Ray (from EP I) is provided; 3.) There are many hidden energies unrelated to usually-considered astrological factors, and this includes the Seven Rays and relationship to the zodiacal constellations and their effect upon Earth and the kingdoms of nature, including the 4th or human; 4.) Students need to learn the technical terms of regular astrology elsewhere; 5.) This a science about “effective energies” and causes; 6.) There were only about 4 astrologers in DK’s time who took an interest in this and DK is hoping more will seriously research the soul’s effect on the personality through astrology; 7.) The astrological energies fall into three groups: certain great constellations, 12 constellations in the zodiac, and energies from the planets; 8.) DK emphasizes he is speaking in terms of consciousness; 9.) Planets represent the subtle bodies and the Earth the dense physical body; 10.) The seven solar systems are linked up astrologically with the constellations, the Great Bear, the Pleiades, and Sirius; 11.) Michael wonders if when DK speaks of the “Seven Solar Systems of Which Ours is One” does He mean the Great ‘Constellations which are chakras in the “One About Whom Naught May Be Said”?.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 13 124 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 13 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 13 44 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 13 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 13 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 13 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 12, covering pages 25-26 (abrupt ending). 1.) Michael begins with a review of the forces operating upon the personality of the Earth and what rays are involved; 2.) We focus on the terms “pass through” and “pass out” about how energies move through centres and forms and also occupy the same space – the hour glass or double dorje diagrams around page 610 are referenced as Michael gives an example of how sixth ray energy may pass through Mars; 3.) The heart, throat, ajna and head centres are receiving centers and the lower or distributing centers of the base of spine, sacral, solar plexus and spleen centres (related to the Sun) are galvanised into activity by receiving centres; 4.) An astounding consideration is that most of humanity is still kama-manasic polarized even after 21 million years – it is such a long time for personality development; 5.) Michael suggests one can look to the etheric body for the signs of the reversal—clockwise and counter-clockwise movement; 6.) All entities, for most of their evolution, do not have all of their chakras functioning; 7.) DK’s priorities of truth he is responsible for (from R&I) are, first, his teaching on Shamballa, the New Discipleship, then the Rays and the Astrology are third and fourth, and the Second Ray must be understood and fully expressed in this solar system and is the most important; 7.) Every astrological factor has a ray associated with it, so the Rays and Astrology teachings are completely intertwined; 8.) There are three key relations then, such as the 7 Rays and the 12 signs, the Rays and 12 Creative Hierarchies, and the Rays and the 12 houses of expression; 9.) Three propositions are given, the first that every Ray Life is an expression of a solar life, linking all planets, animated by the SSSOWOIO and actuated by three streams of force (the Seven Solar Systems, our own System and our own Planet); 10.) Proposition two has to do wtih the Ray Lives who are the recipients and custodians of energies, and Michael elaborates upon the various kind of ray lives.
Abrupt ending.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 12 103 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 12 by Michael Robbins. This Adventure ends abruptly ten minutes earlier than the other Adventures. There is no missing data, it just ended early.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 12 46 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 12 by Michael Robbins. This Adventure ends abruptly.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 11, covering pages 23-24. 1.) Zodiacal signs affect the ordinary average man through four chakras: the base of the spine, the sacral centre, the solar plexus centre, the spleen; 2.) Michael brings a quote from Treatise on White Magic forward, pp. 437-438, emphasizing the difference between energies the personality responds to and those the soul can access; 3.) DK notes the four categories of earth is the physical plane; water the astral plane; air the lower mental plane; fire is the higher mental plane; 4.) Generally it is impossible to presently cast an accurate horoscope for an advanced man, it is only the low grade human who lives below the diaphragm and is governed by his animal nature which can be read; 4.) The inner group of solar systems and zodiacal signs are what affect those living above the diaphragm; 5.) There are also four types of force which affect the personality of our Earth – the quality of our solar system; the quality of the Logos of our planet, Earth’s complementary or polar opposite, Venus; 6.) Michael investigates what three planets may be involved in this esoteric triangle of force.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 11 135 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 11 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 11 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 11 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 10, covering pages 21-23. 1.) Esoteric astrology readjusts the method of casting a horoscope for those on the reversed wheel, and average man’s astrology continues as normal; 2.) Most of the energy that reaches Earth is unnoticed or incidental; 3.) Energies of constellational Logoi reach us through the Solar Logos and ultimately through Shamballa and therefore are capable of evoking the major response from the monads, which are cells in the Planetary Logoi; 4.) Constellations also express through the three major planetary centres, Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity; 5.) The zodiacal influences evoke the will aspect and is conveyed through Leo, Pisces, and Capricorn to kingdoms, cities, chain and globe lords; 6.) These influences effect advanced man enabling him to respond to the radiation of the Hierarchy, and effect unevolved man enabling him to function as an ordinary, unenlightened human being; 7.) The goal for humanity is to become consciously aware of the various energies and, for the occultist, to use these in service; 8.) The energies are recognized as a vibration, colour, note, or sound; 9.) There are three books for the three types of humans: the Book of Life for Initiates—the 12 constellations, The Book of Wisdom—Disciples—the 12 planets, the Book of Form or of Manifestation—Humanity—the 12 Creative Hierarchies.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 10 124 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 10 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 10 45 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 10 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 10 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 10 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 9, covering pages 18-21. 1.) Esoteric astrology focuses upon the sun sign as the present problem of personality life – what is seeking expression, the rising sign as the secret of the future which procdues right soul personality relationship, and the moon which indicates the past, physical body or prison of the soul; 2.) All planetary energies are either hindering or stimulating according to the body upon which they play; 3.) The hindering or stimulating effects can be understood by how Saturn provides decisions, either rejection of opportunity or acceptance and personal responsibility becomes fact in a planned life; 4.) Saturn as Hierarchical ruler of Libra indicates this poised point for Mastery, as spoken in the Old Commentary: “Amid the whirling forces, I stand confused. I know them not, for, during all my past, they swept me up and down the land wherein I moved …“; 5.) Man passes from Pisces to Aries, retrograding through the signs and when man begins to emerge out of that illusion, the “great Wheel of Life is reversed”.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 9 113 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 9 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 9 45 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 9 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 9 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 9 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 8, covering pages 16-18. 1.) The Sun sign holds the secret of the personality ray, indicates responsiveness and integration with soul qualities, available equipment and type of likely group relations; 2.) This is a reversal from exoteric astrology, as we are now focusing upon the soul within the personality nature; 3.) The rising sign indicates the spiritual goal and purpose of this incarnation and how the death of the personality takes place; 4.) The death of the personality is either physical death or a subjective death; both characterized by a transfer of personality force from one center to another.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 8 116 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 8 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 8 44 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 8 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 8 58 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 8 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 7, covering pages 14-16. 1.) The solar centers are related to the karma of the Heavenly Man, and is personality karma. There is a veil over planetary lore, and likely a greater veil on zodiacal lore; 2.) The bulk of this webinar covers the major influences coming from far distant Sources to Earth; 3.) The constellation of the Great Bear is the source of the Will Aspect of the Seven Rays, associated with the seven head centers of the OAWNMBS; 4.) The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades are associated with the throat center or may related to the 1,000 petalled lotus and the hub of the wheel, as Alcyone is considered the center; 5.) Sirius, as the Dog Star, star of initiation, sensitivity, karma, and freedom. Michael questions into DK’s meaning of the term star for a constellation; 6.) Next set of influences includes the seven solar systems (which may be great Constellations) of which ours is one (SSSOWOIO); 7.) Then the seven sacred planets – of which ours is not one; 8.) The five non-sacred planets or “hidden” planets; 9.) The seven planetary centres; 10.) The seven centres of force in the human etheric body; 11.) The twelve zodiacal constellations. This makes NINE energies that impact upon us; 12.) There are other steams of energy such as from Betelgeuse or Antares, but their influence comes indirectly, through the zodiac; 13.) If we add the radiatory effect of the Earth itself, we have a summary of the influential energies; 14.) Conscious control of individual reactions are possible once man is fairly advanced and he first learns to control his reactions to the planets which direct his personality affairs; 15.) A first step to gaining control is to have a proper horoscope cast (to the exact moment of birth) and a determination made about how to negate undesirable influences, initially by rational thought and then increasingly through soul infusion; 16.) Astrologers need to learn that the planetary influences indicate trends of the outer life, and the houses are the containers of these circumstances; 17.) Eventually, for the advanced man, the horoscope will appear to be inconclusive or inaccurate as the force of the planets lessen, and the energy that comes through them and the constellations become more pronounced.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 7 118 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 7 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 7 45 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 7 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 7 60 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 7 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 6, covering pages 12-14. 1.) The seven major constellations are chakras in OAWNMBS (p. 293, TCF); 2.) Review of Sources and Causes and need for humans to decentralize and gain sense of proportion; 3.) The term ‘infinite grasp of man’s mind’ must mean profoundly broad but not technically ‘infinite’; 4.) The moon is symbolic and a product of ancient thought and teaching from Lemurian times; 5.) The moon is a dead form with “no effect of any kind”. Students should interpret the moon “as a thought effect and as the result of a powerful and most ancient thoughtform”. The moon is the habitual nature and should be left behind. Related to physically-focused confusion around sex at this time of 7th Ray incoming and Uranus, sacral center; 6.) Michael makes a MOON CHAIN reference which students may find handy. [around 23:00]: “The Moon was the vehicle of a globe lord, the physical body of a chain lord, the moon chain was the third chain in Earth Scheme, it no longer exists, being replaced by the Saturn Scheme. In this place for the Lord of the Moon Chain – it must still be with us, but is currently manifesting through the Earth chain along with the earth chain lord; so two types of lives or supervising deities are active throughout this earth chain and this is the strong disturbance of old moon pattern and the newer pattern which the earth chain lord is seeking to express. Moon chain lord has lost his vehicle, and is being given shelter by a neighbor, and then discovers the guest brings liabilities. Under the evolution of the Planetary Logos and the sorting out is a necessity. This is a redemptive aspect.“; 7.) Further, HPB warns of this Moon chain failure and kind of ‘effluvia’ or noxious outflow as from a decaying body. Lunar emanations are the effect of decay, so any focus upon the moon or lunar-oriented rites and magic and should be avoided. The lunar involve the “forces of obstruction”; 8.) Astrologers should substitute Vulcan with the moon for average man, Uranus for the highly developed man, and probably the middle range Probationer, use Neptune; 9.) The moon shows how the emotional nature expresses; 10.) Uranus is flashes of intuition and an electrical mental nature. Current mentally polarized students note transformative qualities of these MENTAL TEACHINGS. These are not mystical teachings; 11.) From p. 621 of Esoteric Astrology, quote on constellations and galaxies of stars, and the signs are as devic representatives for the concentrated influencies to be dispensed and felt in human relations; 12.) The sun may have is own zodiac of potencies or signs; 13.) Michael writes “each planet represents a solar chakra, and perhaps they occur in triangle in relation to each chakra, with revolution in the triangle, so that now one and now another of the planets takes up the major chakric influence.” 14.) The earth as base center, base of the spine chakra for the Solar Logos; 15.) The term ‘planetary centres’ can be any level such as geological, or races of humanity, or entire kingdoms, all is the karma of the Heavenly Man; 16.) Will what DK brings in 2025 going to be sufficient and provide us with enough to bring the true esoteric astrology into being? We realize we know so little about this stupendous subject. (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1051)
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 6 126 MB .wmv file
Video of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 6 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 6 44 MB .wma file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 6 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 6 59 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 6 by Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 5, covering pages 9-12. 1.) “Sources” express through the ethers. Chart VIII shows Monad, Soul, and personality in relation to planes; 2.) The term ‘universe’ may mean a local group; 3.) The cosmic etheric body is physical and all energies eternally play within it; 4.) Aquarius and Gemini are akin to ceaseless motion of the single etheric field; 5.) Law of Analogy and Correspondence assist our study by comparing Heavenly Man to individual man, as above as below, the whole etheric field to the human nervous system, etc.; 6.) The etheric is not an isolated or separated vehicle but connects the entire human family and kingdoms and entire planetary etheric body, solar system and beyond. Examples of energy flow disruptions like human wealth disparity – too much or not enough pranic energy; 7.) Cosmic Golden Web is basis for wholism and all astrological theories; 8.) ‘Spiritual reading’ is a technique of seeing the nature of a thing, its symbol or essence. See Chart for subplane references; 9.) Energy determines the form (“energy follows thought, and the eye directs the energy … (vsk) and the energy determines the form), and p. 23 “The Book of Life” and “The Book of Form”) energy influences the manifested forms;
11.) DK’s Second Point is the etheric body has seven major force centres; 12.) From the constant activity of etheric centers, the RAY TENDENCIES emerge and the point in evolution clearly indicated; 13.) reference to SSSOWOIO and OAWNCBS: “the seven solar systems, of which [Page 12] our solar system is one … the One About Whom Naught Can Be Said.”; 14.) Again we are both ‘put in our place’ and shown man’s potential: a human being in temporary existence upon “a most unimportant planet” … then we may discover signs of divinity which may be found in the “infinite grasp” of man’s consciousness when illumined by the light of the soul”; 15.) Man radiates out from earth by standing upright; 16.) We must gain understanding of the energy of Earth itself; 17.) Michael prefaces the Great Invocation with a context for what Entities and Forces are being invoked in so doing.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 5 227 MB .wmv file
Video of Adventure 5. The last 15 minutes of this one hour video is missing.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 5 44 MB .wma file
Includes the last 15 minutes that is missing in the video version.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 5 73 MB .mp3 file
Includes the last 15 minutes that is missing in the video version.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 4, covering pages 7-9. 1.) We review the first two important statements DK provides, that astrology is based upon Illusion, and the Second, that seems contradictory, that astrology is one of the purest forms of truth; 2.) So how is it that it is illusion and the purest form of truth? 3.) The Third Statement is that “space is an entity”; 4.) This entity and its energies and cycles, the times and seasons, are the all inclusive contents of consciousness of the one being – there is no self outside the one perception and this reality of this one entity; 5.) There are many keys to the Secret Doctrine, perhaps 7 or 10, and Michael reviews these in context of the astrological key; 6.) The approach in the entire book is to always work from the general to the specific; 7.) The space is the ether, forms the etheric bodies of all bodies, and is this etheric field is that within which all the energies from the many sources play.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 4 269 MB .wmv file
Full length is approximatelyone hour
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 4 44 MB .wma file
Audio-only file of the Esoteric Astrology Adventure.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 4 145 MB .mp3 file
Audio-only file of the Esoteric Astrology Adventure.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 3, covering pages 5-7. 1.) This recording continues with Michael reminding us that esoteric astrology is the astrology of the Soul, and he describes the vast span of time which a true soul horoscope may require; 2.) For continuity, we touch back upon the Second Statement DK makes, that astrology is the purest presentation of truth and the aids in the development of scientific living; 3.) Man’s focus is usually upon his own chart of energies which reinforces a sense of isolated importance and the goal of this study is to help decentralize our perspective. (The term “i-soul-lated”, ego-ism or egotism, is also covered in an astrological sense a bit further into this session); 4.) The rising sign must be emphasized as the ascendant indicates the soul purpose or most spiritual point in the horoscope; 5.) Michael provides some personal details about his interview with Dane Rudhyar whom DK describes as a “world disciple”, and comments Marcia Moore made to Michael about her understanding of Rudhyar’s practice of esoteric astrology; 6.) We look at the definition of the term “lune” and relation to lunar sections and precession of the equinox; 7.) There are around 70 “hidden planets” in our solar system, and we also note 115 ‘etheric’ mentioned elsewhere and consider asteroids or other bodies in the stellar hierarchy; 8.) Sensitivity of different levels of identification is important for expansion of consciousness; 9.) DK says he will not deal with interpretation of the individual horoscope, however he does provide hints and examples about how esoteric astrology applies to the individual, but the focus will be upon universal relationships and what is behind the Great Illusion; 10.) Michael makes mention of March 24th as Morya Remembrance Day [25:00]; 11.) Our thinking affects our perceptions and can change archetypal patterns; 12.) The planetary or stellar sources are alive and have their own psyche; 13.) Michael searches further references about the reason we need to keep both our sense of individuality and universality from The Rays and the Initiations; 14.) Science and religion are brought together in the theme of synthesis in this study of Esoteric Astrology.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 3 289 MB .wmv file
Full length is approximatelyone hour
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 3 45 MB .wma file
Audio-only file of the Esoteric Astrology Adventure.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 3 149 MB .mp3 file
Audio-only file of the Esoteric Astrology Adventure.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 2, covering pages 3-5. 1.) Michael begins with a quick recall of the chart of the start of this webinar series and the spirit of spontaneity as we begin reading; 2.) He reminds that we must speak about the whole field of esoteric knowledge in order to understand astrology; 3.) We start at the beginning of the book, page 3, Chapter 1, the Zodiac and the Rays; 4.) DK begins by explaining the likelihood that this work will appear as either revolutionary, erroneous, improbable or unprovable – and He encourages a willingness to consider hypotheses and to test conclusions over years of study; 5.) We place all consideration upon three Basic Statements, the First Statement is that Astrology is based upon illusion, and He describes the nature of the zodiac as it appears from earth; 6.) Michael elaborates upon the various considerations about astrology over the years and that DK emphasizes that astrology is a science which should be restored to its truer perspective; 7.) So the Second Statement[about 43:00] follows upon this, that astrology is essentially the purest presentation of truth, and that man must decentralize himself and the Earth from being the center of all importance, and Michael considers later how this decentralization may occur through consciousness; 8.) Michael as well has expanded upon the use of ‘veils’ or ‘blinds’ and their use in context of the terms ‘signs’ and ‘constellations’, and the nature of illusion and what the idea of the zodiac revolving around the Sun may mean, etc.; 9.) The course in Morya Federation (and as presented by faculty earlier in New Zealand and Australia) called The Language of Energy emphasizes the various vibrational matrices involved in this study.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 2 264 MB ,wmv file
Full length is approximately one hour.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 2 44 MB .wma file
Audio-only file of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 2.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 2 72 MB .mp3 file
Audio-only file of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 2.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 1, introduction. 1.) Michael Robbins begins this epic series with an overview of his intention to read through the book of Esoteric Astrology spontaneously and share his thoughts, line by line. Each video will be about an hour long and the pros and cons of extemporaneous video discussion rather than written commentary is addressed. He has anticipated doing this series for many years and pondered a good starting time; 2.) Michael shows the astrological chart for this series, which has the sun in Aries, rising in Leo, and moon in Sagittarius. This time was intentionally chosen and the various qualities of all points are reviewed in context of his rationale of providing value to this study; 3.) We are reminded of the music Michael has created upon the astrological themes: ; 4.) The Constitution of Man chart is shown and explained how it helps us understanding the levels upon which the planetary entities function; 5.) Some of the Sabian Symbols (by Dane Rudhyar) are elaborated upon; 6.) Michael’s inimitable sense of humor and engaging self-deprecation should encourage the student along in this daunting adventure; 7.) Michael concludes this first video in the series with the Great Invocation and that we will begin reading into the book itself on the next webinar.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 1 397 MB .wmv file
Full length is approximately one hour
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 1 43 MB .wma file
Audio-only file of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 1.
Esoteric Astrology Adventure 1 72 MB .mp3 file
Audio-only file of Esoteric Astrology Adventure 1.
Some summaries are provided by Vicktorya Stone and any errors are hers.