Morya Federation Inaugural Webinars
Dear Students, Prospective Students, Faculty and Friends of the Morya Federation, the Tibetan recommended that the new esoteric schools begin their academic year with the Capricorn Solstice, and thus we have always offered an inaugural mediation for the Morya Federation shortly preceding the Solstice. During the webinars we explore the whole concept of the new esoteric schools—both preparatory and advanced.
Formats used:
mp4 video files can be watched on-line or they can be downloaded. To download them, start the video and in the bottom right corner you will see 3 dots, click that and you will see the download option.
m4a audio files can be listened to on-line or they can be downloaded. To download them, start the audio and on the play bar to the right side you’ll see 3 dots, click that you will get a download option.
wmv video files cannot be watched on-line, but they can be downloaded. Click on the video link and it will download to your computer, you’ll see the progress of the download in the bottom left corner of your screen, click the arrow and it will give you the option to open when the download is complete
mp3 audio files can be listened to on-line or they can be downloaded. To download them, start the audio and on the play bar to the right side you’ll see 3 dots, click that you will get a download option.
wma audio files cannot be watched on-line, but they can be downloaded. Click on the audio link and it will download to your computer, you’ll see the progress of the download in the bottom left corner of your screen, click the arrow and it will give you the option to open when the download is complete
You will need to use a media player when watching from your own computer. We recommend the free open source VLC media player.
Morya Federation Inaugural Recordings
They can also be found on the Morya Federation YouTube Playlist at:
Morya Federation Inaugural Webinar 21 December 2021
Video 541 MB .mp4 file
Audio 80 MB .m4a file
Morya Federation Inaugural Webinar 21 December 2020
Video 331 MB .mp4 file
Audio 54 MB .m4a file
35th Anniversary of the Seven Ray Institute Meditation
Video 1.5 GB .mp4 file
Morya Federation Inaugural Webinar 21 December 2019
Video 93 MB .wmv file
Audio 78 MB .mp3 file
Morya Federation Inaugural Webinar 21 December 2018
Video 722 MB .wmv file
Audio 195 MB .mp3 file