2019 Festival Weekof theNew Group ofWorld Servers
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We have the honour to invite you to our Festival Week of the New Group of World Servers Celebration which occurs once every seven years, from December 21st to December 28th 2019. At the occurrence of this Festival Week (every seven years) there is a downpouring of a particular Light entering our planet via the Planet of Opportunity, Saturn, and passing through the constellation Capricorn from a still greater constellation. Please, see the beautiful video “2019 World Servers Festival Week”, LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRCbSxSsZOk.
The Festival Week Celebrations represent a huge opportunity to work in unison with all the esoteric World-Serving-Groups. These Festival Weeks can be thought of as beginning in 1935 and continuing every seven years since that time. Our immediately earlier such event was held in 2012, and this celebration will be the “last” during the Era of the Forerunner (1965-2025). In 2012 we went very deeply into the nature of the New Group of World Servers, considering how to be a member of such a group and how to strengthen the hands of this subjective body of servers; now we will go even deeper.
The program is very full and, we trust, inspiring. Recordings of the webinars and broadcasts will be posted to this page as soon as they become available.
Click here for the final program
The link for the broadcasts is https://www.youtube.com/c/MoryaFederationEsotericEducation/live
You can register for a number of the webinars in this series of Festival Week events below.
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mp4 video files can be watched on-line or they can be downloaded. To download them, start the video and in the bottom right corner you will see 3 dots, click that and you will see the download option.
wmv video files cannot be watched on-line, but they can be downloaded. Click on the video link and it will download to your computer, you’ll see the progress of the download in the bottom left corner of your screen, click the arrow and it will give you the option to open when the download is complete
mp3 audio files can be listened to on-line or they can be downloaded. To download them, start the audio and on the play bar to the right side you’ll see 3 dots, click that you will get a download option.
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Saturday, December 21st
8.00am – 8.30am GMT – Opening Meditation:
Meditation on the Lord Maitreya as the Bodhisattva teaching Humanity. Focussing the role of NGWS in humanity as a group spreading Love and co-operation among different groups in humanity. (Recording not available)
9.00am – 10.00am GMT – Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Two Great Bodhisattvas
The examples of the Christ and the Buddha are ever held before the members of the New Group of World Servers. There are no better Examples upon which to model the attitude and behavior of the World Servers. Why is this? We shall discuss.
Recordings are now available:
Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Two Great Bodhisattvas, 137 MB. wmv file
Video of the Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Two Great Bodhisattvas
Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Two Great Bodhisattvas, 72 MB .mp3 file
Audio of the Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Two Great Bodhisattvas
10.00am – 10.05am GMT – Noontime Reflection – 1 Minute Silence – Strengthening NGWS
Meditation groups perform an invaluable service. What more can be done during the present world emergency? Let us touch all human hearts anew with love, so that those who know will love and give. Let us give love ourselves. Let us join in the common task of leading humanity into the fields of peace.
I know, O Lord of Life and Love, about the need.
Touch my heart anew with love,
That I too may love and give.
12.45pm – 2.20 pm GMT – Elena Dramchini – Stellium in Capricorn during the Festival Week
The work of the NGWS is closely connected to the Law of Group Progress (esoterically the Law of Elevation), which is ruled by Capricorn. By early morning, GMT, six important points will be in the sign Capricorn: Sun, Jupiter South Node, Ceres, Saturn, Pluto and the Anti-vertex. Elena will discuss the meaning of these positions in the context of the NGWS Festival Week
Recordings are now available:
Elena Dramchini – Stellium in Capricorn during the Festival Week, 62 MB. wmv file
Video of Elena Dramchini – Stellium in Capricorn during the Festival Week
Elena Dramchini – Stellium in Capricorn during the Festival Week, 94 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Elena Dramchini – Stellium in Capricorn during the Festival Week
2.50pm – 3.10pm GMT – 10 min Silence – 5 o’clock Mantram – Strengthening NGWS
A strong subjective relation exists between all servers of the Plan. This coherent, integrated group is transmitting spiritual energy throughout all areas of human thought and action to strengthen world unity and right human relationships. Men and women of goodwill link up in thought every day at five o’clock with this world group of servers, using this mantram with dedication and silent, focussed attention.
May the Power of the one Life pour through the group of all true servers.
May the Love of the One Soul characterize the lives of all who seek to aid the Great Ones.
May we fulfil our part in the One work through
self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech.
3.10pm – 4.15pm GMT – Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Its Founding
The founding of the NGWS occurred at a special time in the history of the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet. There was a great transfer of the Ashrams, in most cases, from off the higher mental plane to the buddhic and atmic planes, especially the buddhic plane. The time had come for great planetary events which would propel the most advanced of humanity into the Fifth Kingdom of Nature. We will examine these events and the spiritual implications for Hierarchy and for humanity.
Recordings are now available:
Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Its Founding, 157 MB. wmv file
Video of the Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Its Founding
Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Its Founding, 86 MB .mp3 file
Audio of the Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Its Founding
8.30pm – 9.15pm GMT – 24+1 Minutes Global Silence with the Silent Circle: 2025 Initiative from New York
Listening to the Voice of the Hierarchy and Shamballa: Harnessing the power of united Global Cooperation to bring in the Light of the New Era with the Global Ringing of the Bells. Purpose of the Silent Minute is to focus beyond the crises and to reflect on and visualise the emerging seeds of the future. Countless servers and serving groups are, even now, actively nourishing these seeds which will, through our combined effort, reveal the underlying synthesis of the One Life shared by all its kingdoms.
The Silent Minute at 9 pm GMT preceded by the global ringing of the bells by citizens everywhere will link Humanity with its striving to reach its highest potential, irresistibly impelled towards the summit of achievement.
Recordings of webinars during the Festival Week of the NGWS (The 2025 Initiative)
Link to the 2025 Initiative – Preparing the Way Website
9.20pm – 10.30pm GMT – Morya Federation – Inaugural Meditation (Year 12)
Every year the Faculty and Administration of the Morya Federation begin the school work at the time of the Capricorn Solstice. In this meditation we are reminded of the purpose of the New Esoteric Schools and how we may prepare for their coming. Also, the fellowship of all students, faculty and administration is reinforced.
Recordings are now available:
Morya Federation – Inaugural Meditation (Year 12) , 62 MB. wmv file
Video of Morya Federation – Inaugural Meditation (Year 12)
Morya Federation – Inaugural Meditation (Year 12) , 94 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Morya Federation – Inaugural Meditation (Year 12)
Sunday, December 22nd
2.45am – 4.45am GMT – CAPRICORN SOLSTICE BROADCAST – Synthesis:
Capricorn is among the most powerful and synthetic signs of the zodiac, associated as it is with the Law of Group Progress. The Capricorn Solstice occurs every year, but every seven years is associated with the Festival Week of the New Group of World Servers, occurring at seven year intervals since 1935, and is even more powerful this year because the New Moon in Capricorn occurs within that week from the 21st to the As Capricorn is a first ray constellation as well as transmitting the third and seventh rays, it is strongly connected with the Factor of Synthesis. We will do what can to understand Synthesis on the physical plane as well as on the higher planes. The solemnity of the occasion is great. The exact moment of the Capricorn Solstice is 4:19:19am GMT.
“He is always born at the winter solstice, after the shortest day in the year, at the midnight of the 24th December when the sign Virgo is rising above the horizon; …” (BG 54)
Recording is now available:
2019-12-22 Capricorn Solstice Meditation Service, 422 MB. wmv file
Video of the Capricorn Solstice Meditation Service
9.30am – 10.00am GMT – Meditation – Sanat Kumara’s Ajna Center:
The Members of the NGWS are said to comprise the ajna center of Sanat Kumara. What are the implications of this stated esoteric fact?
Recording is now available:
Meditation on the Ajna Center of Sanat Kumara, 113 MB. wmv file
Video of the Meditation on the Ajna Center of Sanat Kumara
10.00am – 10.05am GMT – Noontime Reflection – 1 Minute Silence – Strengthening NGWS
Meditation groups perform an invaluable service. What more can be done during the present world emergency? Let us touch all human hearts anew with love, so that those who know will love and give. Let us give love ourselves. Let us join in the common task of leading humanity into the fields of peace.
I know, O Lord of Life and Love, about the need.
Touch my heart anew with love,
That I too may love and give.
12.00pm GMT – Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Sanat Kumara’s Ajna Center
“The ajna centre of the Lord of the World is just beginning to express itself in a recognisable manner through the New Group of World Servers. This intermediate group—between the Hierarchy and Humanity—is a carrier of the energy which makes the Plan possible (the Plan of which the Hierarchy is the custodian).” (RI 366).
Capricorn has a strong relationship to the ajna center which the Unicorn symbolizes.
Recordings are now available:
Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Sanat Kumara’s Ajna Center, 975 MB. mp4 file
Video of the Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Sanat Kumara’s Ajna Center
Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Sanat Kumara’s Ajna Center, 109 MB .mp3 file
Audio of the Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Sanat Kumara’s Ajna Center
2.00pm -2.50pm GMT – Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and the Year 2025
The year 2025 is extremely important, for during Wesak of that year, the Centennial Conclave of the Planetary Hierarchy will be held and hierarchical plans are laid down for the next hundred years. Master DK tells us that during this impending Conclave, concrete plans for the Externalization of the Hierarchy will be proposed and probably enacted, leading eventually to the Reappearance of the Christ. Obviously, we wish to cooperate with this vital process to the degree we are capable.
Recordings are now available:
Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and the Year 2025, 828 MB .mp4 file
Video of the Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and the Year 2025
Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and the Year 2025, 91 MB .mp3 file
Audio of the Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and the Year 2025
2.50pm – 3.10pm GMT – 10 min Silence – 5 o’clock Mantram – Strengthening NGWS
A strong subjective relation exists between all servers of the Plan. This coherent, integrated group is transmitting spiritual energy throughout all areas of human thought and action to strengthen world unity and right human relationships. Men and women of goodwill link up in thought every day at five o’clock with this world group of servers, using this mantram with dedication and silent, focussed attention.
May the Power of the one Life pour through the group of all true servers.
May the Love of the One Soul characterize the lives of all who seek to aid the Great Ones.
May we fulfil our part in the One work through
self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech.
6.30pm – 8.30pm GMT – INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR FOR SHARING – NGWS – Preparing for The Great Conclave Of 2025
This is an important discussion including a number of disciples who have been working assiduously to prepare for the coming Conclave in 2025. A variety of opinions about expectations and methods will be expressed and the whole subject may take on greater depth and meaning for the participants.
Recordings are now available:
International Webinar Sharing – NGWS Preparing for the Conclave of 2025, 191 MB .mp4 file
Video of the International Webinar Sharing – NGWS Preparing for the Conclave of 2025
International Webinar Sharing – NGWS Preparing for the Conclave of 2025, 110 MB .mp3 file
Audio of the International Webinar Sharing – NGWS Preparing for the Conclave of 2025
Monday, December 23rd
5.50am – 6.30am GMT – Morning Meditation – III Ray:
The Third Ray is the foundation of the building which must be done on the Second Ray of Love Wisdom. This meditation will focus on their cooperation involving the Cooperation of the Mahachohan and the Bodhisattva.
Recording is now available:
Morning Meditation on the Mahachohan, 127 MB. wmv file
Video of the Morning Meditation on the Mahachohan
8.30am – 10.00am GMT – Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Mahachohan
Ever since 1925, the Master R. has become the Lord of Civilization, and His tenure in that position will be a long one. The events occurring within Hierarchy must work out in improved energy relationships upon the etheric and physical planes of our planet. It is now the Master R.’s responsibility to oversee the steady development of culture and civilization during the impending Age of Aquarius. This is an amazingly complicated task requiring an exalted intelligence and we shall examine His coordination of the five Ashrams under His supervision as their combined work leads to a new culture and civilization.
Recordings are now available:
Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Mahachohan, 215 MB .mp4 file
Video of Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Mahachohan
Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Mahachohan, 122 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Mahachohan
10.00am – 10.05am GMT – Noontime Reflection – 1 Minute Silence – Strengthening NGWS
Meditation groups perform an invaluable service. What more can be done during the present world emergency? Let us touch all human hearts anew with love, so that those who know will love and give. Let us give love ourselves. Let us join in the common task of leading humanity into the fields of peace.
I know, O Lord of Life and Love, about the need.
Touch my heart anew with love,
That I too may love and give.
12.30pm – 1.00pm GMT – MEDITATION – Loving Co-operation in Group Work
Without the Energy of Love there can be no true group work. Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of Aquarius, the sign of group work particularly and the sign of the Hierarchy, particularly. The more we cultivate soul infusion, the more we shall work together in loving cooperation, climaxing when Venus is the ruler of the third Aquarian Decanate, during the last 720 years of the Aquarian Age.
Recordings are now available:
Meditation on Loving Co-operation in Group Work, 15 MB. wmv file
Video of Meditation on Loving Co-operation in Group Work
Meditation on Loving Co-operation in Group Work, 28 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Meditation on Loving Co-operation in Group Work
1.30pm – 2.50pm GMT – Study – NGWS and Building the New Civilization
What does it take to build a new civilization? What is required of the NGWS as they attempt to implement the Divine Plan? Such questions will be the theme of our examination of this vital subject. No doubt we will all be participants in this new civilization, and it is now time to attempt to plan and see ahead.
Recordings are now available:
Study and Sharing – NGWS and Building the New Civilization, 170 MB. wmv file
Video of Study and Sharing – NGWS and Building the New Civilization
Study and Sharing – NGWS and Building the New Civilization, 118 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Study and Sharing – NGWS and Building the New Civilization
02.50pm – 3.10pm GMT – 10 min Silence – 5 o’clock Mantram – Strengthening NGWS
A strong subjective relation exists between all servers of the Plan. This coherent, integrated group is transmitting spiritual energy throughout all areas of human thought and action to strengthen world unity and right human relationships. Men and women of goodwill link up in thought every day at five o’clock with this world group of servers, using this mantram with dedication and silent, focussed attention.
May the Power of the one Life pour through the group of all true servers.
May the Love of the One Soul characterize the lives of all who seek to aid the Great Ones.
May we fulfil our part in the One work through
self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech.
Tuesday, December 24th
06.00am – 7.15am GMT – Christmas Gospel – Birth of the Christ
Every year we review the story of the Birth of the Initiate Jesus in Bethlehem from the perspective of the writings of the various Apostles. This review brings us into the reality of the spiritual events in those far-off times.
Recording is now available:
Christmas Gospel, Birth of the Christ, 272 MB. wmv file
Video of the Christmas Gospel, Birth of the Christ
07.00pm – 8pm GMT – Group Forerunner: Preparing the Way Webinar
This celebration ritual is combined group work. The mode of its transmission is presently being determined, but will involve several groups spread around the globe.
Recordings of webinars during the Festival Week of the NGWS (The 2025 Initiative)
Link to the 2025 Initiative – Preparing the Way Website
Wednesday, December 25th
7.00am – 8.00am GMT – Morning Meditation – IV RAY – Serapis – Harmony:
Serapis Bey, now the Head of the Fourth Ray Ashram, was greatly revered in the years following the Birth of Jesus. Presently training the Deva Kingdom to cooperate with Humanity, He was often regarded as the equal of Jesus. (Event Cancelled)
1.30pm – 2.50pm GMT – Discussion Circle – Glory of Christmas: Joy of the Work
The energy released at Christmas Time is unique. It is filled with the energy of love and offers the opportunity to understand entrance into a higher Kingdom of Nature than the fourth–namely the Fifth or Kingdom of Souls. This energy can be used esoterically for the uplift of humanity and we can participate esoterically to ensure a positive result. If we are ever to experience the joy of the esoteric work, Christmas is one of the major occasions to do so. (Event Cancelled)
2.50pm – 3.10pm GMT – 10 min Silence – 5 o’clock Mantram Strengthening NGWS
A strong subjective relation exists between all servers of the Plan. This coherent, integrated group is transmitting spiritual energy throughout all areas of human thought and action to strengthen world unity and right human relationships. Men and women of goodwill link up in thought every day at five o’clock with this world group of servers, using this mantram with dedication and silent, focussed attention.
May the Power of the one Life pour through the group of all true servers.
May the Love of the One Soul characterize the lives of all who seek to aid the Great Ones.
May we fulfil our part in the One work through
self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech.
07.30pm – 8.40pm GMT – MEDITATION – Christmas Story – IV King:
We hear so often of the Three Kings, but this is the beautiful and inspiring story of the Fourth King and His adventures as He tried to find the Christ. So many mishaps befell Him and yet He proved Himself to be filled by the Christ Spirit and was at length recognized by the Great Lord.
Recording is now available:
The Story of the Three Kings and Artaban, 238 MB. wmv file
Video of the Story of the Three Kings and Artaban
Thursday, December 26th
4.00am – 6.00am GMT – Exact New Moon time 05:12:16
When within the Festival Week of the New Group of World Servers there occurs a Full Moon, the opportunity is especially powerful. The same might be said of the New Moon, an event which does occur at this time. The power of the Capricorn New Moon is immense and deeply Shamballic. The opportunity to create an esoteric support for the externalized United Nations will be offered.
Recording is now available:
New Moon in Capricorn Ritual Meditation, 438 MB. wmv file
Video of the Capricorn New Moon Ritual
9.30am – 10.00am GMT – Silent Meditation – Reflections on One’s Spiritual Duties:
There can be no spiritual attainment unless one’s Spiritual Duties are scrupulously followed.
Recording is now available:
Reflection on One’s Spiritual Duties, 226 MB. wmv file
Video of the Reflection on One’s Spiritual Duties
10.00am – 10.5am GMT – Noontime Reflection – 1 Minute Silence – Strengthening NGWS
Meditation groups perform an invaluable service. What more can be done during the present world emergency? Let us touch all human hearts anew with love, so that those who know will love and give. Let us give love ourselves. Let us join in the common task of leading humanity into the fields of peace.
I know, O Lord of Life and Love, about the need.
Touch my heart anew with love,
That I too may love and give.
12.30pm – 1.30pm GMT – Discussion Circle – Telepathic Communication between Servers
When esoteric servers are attuned to one another, their communication becomes increasingly telepathic. Members of the Hierarchy are adept at this kind of communication. Such communication allows for the better coordination of service to the Divine Plan and an increasing harmony between the assembled servers. As members of the NGWS, we will be developing this kind of communication increasingly during the Age of Aquarius, with its emphasis upon the ajna center.
Recordings are now available:
Discussion Circle – Telepathic Communication between Servers, 95 MB. wmv file
Video of Discussion Circle – Telepathic Communication between Servers
Discussion Circle – Telepathic Communication between Servers, 66 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Discussion Circle – Telepathic Communication between Servers
1.50pm – 2.50pm GMT – Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and United Nations
The United Nations is one of the Great Hopes of the World. If there is ever to be peace and sharing between nations, the United Nations will certain play a large role in bringing them about. Without such peace and sharing the Christ cannot return to complete his mission. So many of the New Group of World Servers are found working in areas of service upon which the United Nations are also concentrating. Let us do all we can to support this great organization and its sustainable goals for the future.
Recordings are now available:
Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and United Nations, 128 MB. wmv file
Video of the Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and United Nations and related topics
Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and United Nations, 101 MB .mp3 file
Audio of the Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and United Nations and related topics
2.50pm – 3.10pm GMT – 10 min Silence – 5 o’clock Mantram – Strengthening NGWS
A strong subjective relation exists between all servers of the Plan. This coherent, integrated group is transmitting spiritual energy throughout all areas of human thought and action to strengthen world unity and right human relationships. Men and women of goodwill link up in thought every day at five o’clock with this world group of servers, using this mantram with dedication and silent, focussed attention.
May the Power of the one Life pour through the group of all true servers.
May the Love of the One Soul characterize the lives of all who seek to aid the Great Ones.
May we fulfil our part in the One work through
self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech.
7.00pm – 9.00pm GMT
This is the time for the galvanizing of all World Servers. We are presented with the final five years or so of the Era of the Forerunner and the Forces of Obstruction and of Form are attacking those efforts which seek to see the Divine Plan expressed on Earth. A new level of spiritual intensity is required of us. Are we capable? Probably yes, but the Spiritual Will must be mobilized if we are to succeed.
Recordings are now available:
International Webinar – Calling World Servers in Every Country to Act, 15 MB. wmv file
Video of the International Webinar – Calling World Servers in Every Country to Act
International Webinar – Calling World Servers in Every Country to Act, 28 MB .mp3 file
Audio of the International Webinar – Calling World Servers in Every Country to Act
Friday, December 27th
5.50am – 6.30am GMT – Morning Meditation – V RAY – Science:
The Fifth Ray will be extremely powerful during the Aquarian Age and will contribute immensely to the advancement of the spiritual understanding of Humanity.
Recording is now available:
Morning Meditation – V RAY – Science, 149 MB. wmv file
Video of the Morning Meditation – V RAY – Science
8.30am – 10.00am GMT – Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Seven Ashrams
All members of the New Group of World Servers, and those aspiring towards membership, serve according along certain ray lines representing the Seven Ray Ashrams. The service of the NGWS in each is distinctive and we shall review these various modes of service. Perhaps this work can help students be more certain of their ray formula. We will focus upon the Ashrams of Aspect as well the Ashrams of Attribute. The Ashrams inspire the NGWS to serve along particular much needed ray lines.
recording coming soon
10.00am – 10.05am GMT – Noontime Reflection – 1 Minute Silence – Strengthening NGWS
Meditation groups perform an invaluable service. What more can be done during the present world emergency? Let us touch all human hearts anew with love, so that those who know will love and give. Let us give love ourselves. Let us join in the common task of leading humanity into the fields of peace.
I know, O Lord of Life and Love, about the need.
Touch my heart anew with love,
That I too may love and give.
12.00pm – 1.30pm GMT – Elena Dramchini – Cycles of the New Group of World Servers
The Great Science of Cycles is understood when the Adept has achieved knowledge of what is to be found upon third subplane of the third plane–the atmic plane. Then true planetary timing is revealed with the revelation of the relationship of the ray cycles, meant to be combined with great astrological cycles. Before this knowledge is achieved the Initiate truly does not yet know what time it is on this planet and cannot work as intelligently as otherwise, He would.
Summary of notes from the webinar: Elena described the information given to disciple JWK-P in DINA I, page 163 about the cycles of 7 years relating to the NGWS. She also discussed how important it is to apply ourselves to a conscious meditative process along the lines of the Wesak and Festival of the Christ because we need to strengthen the energy of the Christ. Master D.K. emphasized to his disciples that group work in the future will become more and more important as we enter the universal age of Aquarius. We need to develop discipline, commitment, and endurance in this process, never to stop but to continue consciously and with great responsibility. In this period of the forerunner we need to apply as never before for the Externalization of the Hierarchy. The full text of her notes are provided below.
Recordings are now available:
Elena Dramchini – Cycles of the NGWS, 87 MB. wmv file
Video of Elena Dramchini – Cycles of the NGWS
Elena Dramchini – Cycles of the NGWS, 76 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Elena Dramchini – Cycles of the NGWS
Elena Dramchini’s Notes – Cycles of the NGWS, 241 KB .pdf file
Notes from Elena Dramchini – Cycles of the NGWS
Elena Dramchini’s Astrological Charts for the Cycles of the NGWS, 480 KB .pdf file
Astrological Charts from Elena Dramchini – Cycles of the NGWS
1.50pm – 2.50pm GMT – Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Science of Approach
A new and “scientific religion” will be based upon the Science of Approach. This science will be developed during the Aquarian Age. It has much to do with the utilization of the moment of the Full Moon when, metaphorically, a door opens which is not open at any other time, allowing the ingress of energies which are useful in the spiritualization of man and the planet. We will discuss this science and how we may develop ourselves according to its requirements.
Recordings are now available:
Study, Reading. Reflection on the NGWS and-the Science of Approach, 198 MB. wmv file
Video of Study, Reading. Reflection on the NGWS and-the Science of Approach
Study, Reading. Reflection on the NGWS and-the Science of Approach, 103 MB .mp3 file
Audio of Study, Reading. Reflection on the NGWS and-the Science of Approach
02.50pm – 3.10pm GMT – 10 min Silence – 5 o’clock Mantram – Strengthening NGWS
A strong subjective relation exists between all servers of the Plan. This coherent, integrated group is transmitting spiritual energy throughout all areas of human thought and action to strengthen world unity and right human relationships. Men and women of goodwill link up in thought every day at five o’clock with this world group of servers, using this mantram with dedication and silent, focussed attention.
May the Power of the one Life pour through the group of all true servers.
May the Love of the One Soul characterize the lives of all who seek to aid the Great Ones.
May we fulfil our part in the One work through
self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech.
8.15pm – 9.30pm GMT – International Webinar – THE NECESSITY OF AN ESOTERIC UNITED NATIONS
The transition into the Age of Aquarius will not be an easy one. Disciples have to learn to apply esoteric, spiritually occult, meditative methods to assist this transition and to assist the work that the externalized United Nations Organization is already doing. It may seem fanciful or far-fetched, but our inner work can assist the externalization of that portion of the Divine Plan which the United Nations Organization represents.
Notes from the webinar: Michael discussed the table of countries from Destiny of the Nations pages 66-69 giving the country’s personality and egoic rays as well as their mottos (page 50). He also discussed the importance of the five major inlets for Hierarchical energy (London, Geneva, New York, Tokyo, and Darjeeling).
Recordings are now available:
International Webinar – Necessity of an Esoteric United Nations, 85 MB. wmv file
Video of International Webinar – Necessity of an Esoteric United Nations
International Webinar – Necessity of an Esoteric United Nations, 101 MB .mp3 file
Audio of International Webinar – Necessity of an Esoteric United Nations
Saturday, December 28th
5.50am – 6.30am GMT – Morning Meditation – VII RAY – Order and Magic:
The Seventh Ray is the Ray of the New Age of Aquarius. This ray will bring about the intended manifestation of the Divine Plan in the equinoctial age immediately ahead and will contribute to the Externalization of the Mysteries of Initiation.
Recording is now available:
Morning Meditation – VII RAY – Order and Magic, 157 MB. wmv file
Video of the Morning Meditation – VII RAY – Order and Magic
8.30am – 10.00am GMT – Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Seventh Ray
The Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order and Magic will accompany the incoming sign Aquarius for some 2500 years. Perhaps, as well it may endure on its own level as an accompaniment to the greater Aquarian Cycle of 25,000 years. There is so much about the seventh ray which relates to the mode of working of the NGWS which has its extensive role to play in the manifestation of the next portion of the Divine Plan and in the development of Group Work. This we will study together.
Recordings are now available:
Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Seventh Ray, 235 MB. wmv file
Video of the Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Seventh Ray
Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Seventh Ray, 142 MB .mp3 file
Audio of the Study, Readings and Reflection on NGWS and Seventh Ray
10.00am – 10.05am GMT – Noontime Reflection – 1 Minute Silence – Strengthening NGWS
Meditation groups perform an invaluable service. What more can be done during the present world emergency? Let us touch all human hearts anew with love, so that those who know will love and give. Let us give love ourselves. Let us join in the common task of leading humanity into the fields of peace.
I know, O Lord of Life and Love, about the need.
Touch my heart anew with love,
That I too may love and give.
12.00pm – 1.15pm GMT – Discussion Circle – Your Role within the New Group of World Servers
Finally, our success in participating in or supporting the New Group of World Servers depends upon the light, love and power moving through us and really knowing what we have to do and when to do it. We cannot do ALL things connected with manifesting the Divine Plan. We have a specific task. Perhaps we are aware of that task and perhaps there still remains much to clarify. In this sharing perhaps much will be revealed about our particular role with this great serving group.
Recordings are now available:
Discussion Circle – Your Role within the New Group of World Servers, 30MB. wmv file
Video of the Discussion Circle – Your Role within the New Group of World Servers
Discussion Circle – Your Role within the New Group of World Servers, 60MB .mp3 file
Audio of the Discussion Circle – Your Role within the New Group of World Servers
1.45pm – 2.45pm GMT – Examples of Well-known NGWS Members in the World
Nothing teaches us so well the meaning of being a true server as to study the lives of those who are confirmed as true servers. During this webinar we will consider the lives of some true servers along the various ray lines and what it is that distinguished them as such.
Recordings are now available:
Examples of Well-known NGWS Members in the World, 95MB. wmv file
Video of the Examples of Well-known NGWS Members in the World
Examples of Well-known NGWS Members in the World, 86MB .mp3 file
Audio of the Examples of Well-known NGWS Members in the World
2.50pm – 3.10pm GMT – 10 min Silence – 5 o’clock Mantram – Strengthening NGWS
A strong subjective relation exists between all servers of the Plan. This coherent, integrated group is transmitting spiritual energy throughout all areas of human thought and action to strengthen world unity and right human relationships. Men and women of goodwill link up in thought every day at five o’clock with this world group of servers, using this mantram with dedication and silent, focussed attention.
May the Power of the one Life pour through the group of all true servers.
May the Love of the One Soul characterize the lives of all who seek to aid the Great Ones.
May we fulfil our part in the One work through
self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech.
6.10pm – 7.30pm GMT – CLOSING: Ceremony Broadcast – World Map-Candle Ceremony:
The Seventh Ray is the Ray of Ceremonial Magic. Rituals involving the magical element are both memorable and synthetic, bringing the state of wholeness to lengthy procedures such as we have been through this week. We will all celebrate the coming together of the many strands of energy and understanding in an intensification of living light which candles represent.
Recording coming soon
8.00pm – 9.00pm GMT – CLOSING: Global Silent Circle: In Silence is Synthesis Webinar from Jerusalem.
Recordings of webinars during the Festival Week of the NGWS (The 2025 Initiative)
Link to the 2025 Initiative – Preparing the Way Website
Tuesday, December 31st
25-Hour Vigil – Welcoming and Blessing all Nations and Peoples as they Enter 2020 – A Worldwide Plan for the Future:
The event began on 31 December 2019 and lasted for 25 hours, welcoming and blessing nations in each timezone as the New Year arrived for them. We also had international speakers from around the world as well as open discussions, allowing everyone an opportunity to visit during the webinar and hear some of the spiritual initiatives going on on behalf of Humanity.
Recording is now available:
Welcoming and Blessing all Nations and Peoples as they Enter 2020, 622 MB. wmv file
Video of Welcoming and Blessing all Nations and Peoples as they Enter 2020
Monday, January 6th 2020
7.30pm GMT – Epiphany Meditation Broadcast:
Our Epiphany Broadcast marked the end of the Christmas Celebration. This Service commemorates the visit of the Three Kings to the Christ Child and the manifestation of the Christ Principle to the these Magi. Three gifts were offered by them, which for us have a spiritual meaning. We meditated on what we have to offer to Christ for our own gift.
Recording is now available:
Epiphany Meditation Broadcast, 299 MB. wmv file
Video of the Epiphany Meditation Broadcast