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A.S.K. Group Progress Study Group

Study Group and Meditation on
The Law of Group Progress, Laws of the Soul and Group Work

**New for 2021**  The A.S.K. programs have been expanded, new programs alternating with old programs.  The new Group Progress Study and Meditation Meeting will be offered twice a month using this link:

Link to Join Recurring Group Progress Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 956 8661 7864, Passcode: 500486

ASK-Project Schedule

Wednesdays there are the A.S.K Triangles Broadcast, the Science of Triangles Zoom Meeting and the new program  Asking Help for the Animal Kingdom Broadcast.

Thursdays there are the A.S.K. Reappearance of the Christ Meditation Broadcast, and the new programs Calling Upon and Attuning with Angel Meditation Broadcast, and the Shamballa, Where the Will of God is Known Zoom Meeting.

Friday there are the A.S.K. Dissipation of Glamor Zoom Meeting and the Focusing Upon Group Progress Zoom Meeting.

Saturdays there are the Invoking the A.S.K. Invoking the Soul of Nations Meditation Broadcast and the Demanding Help for Climate Change Meditation Broadcast.

Sundays is the A.S.K. Attracting Resources for Hierarchical Purposes Meditation Broadcast.

Dates and Times:  A.S.K. programs continue as time is available. For upcoming dates, please see: Morya Federation Calendar of Events

ASK-Project Meditation documents for download:
DK Dissipating World Glamour
DK Dissipating Individual Glamour
DK Preparation for the Reappearance of the Christ
DK Attracting Money for Hierarchical Purposes

Formats used:

mp4 video files can be watched on-line or they can be downloaded.  To download them, start the video and in the bottom right corner you will see 3 dots, click that and you will see the download option.

m4a audio files can be listened to on-line or they can be downloaded.  To download them, start the audio and on the play bar to the right side you’ll see 3 dots, click that you will get a download option.

You will need to use a media player when watching from your own computer.  We recommend the free open source  VLC media player.


Compilation on Group Consciousness Word Document —  .5MB .doc file.


The Law of Group Progress, Laws of the Soul and Group Work Meeting 4, held on March 12, 2021.  Emphasis was on the Three Effects of the Law of Group Progress as outlined in Esoteric Psychology, Vol II, pages 177-178. The disciple learns to effectively decentralize himself (asking nothing for the separated self, eyes on the light), he learns to serve instinctively (his attitude toward all men is divine, rushing forth to aid, but he must also learn to discriminate in his service).  And he learns to use the mind in two directions (casting the searchlight into the world of the soul and able to recognize truth, and casting the searchlight into the world of illusion to dispel personal as well as world glamour).   Approx 1.5 hrs

Group Progress Study and Meditation Meeting 4 Video — 661MB .mp4 file.
Group Progress Study and Meditation Meeting 4 Audio — 87MB .m4a file.

The Law of Group Progress, Laws of the Soul and Group Work Meeting 3, held on March 5, 2021.  Michael reviewed the first 3 laws of the Soul, that of Sacrifice, Magnetic Impulse, and Service.  Then we moved into the Triadal Laws, which are more expansive and impersonal than those of the Soul.  The Fourth Law is the Law of Repulse (atma, spiritual will; this influence comes via the egoic petals of sacrifice and the subsidiary Law of Sacrifice.  The Fifth Law is the Law of Group Progress (buddhi, spiritual love; this comes via the love petals of the egoic lotus, and the subsidiary Law of Magnetic Impulse.  The Sixth Law is the Law of Expansive Response (manas, higher spiritual mind; it comes via the knowledge petals and the subsidiary Law of Service).  These higher spiritual laws reflect themselves in the three lower spiritual laws, finding their way into the lower consciousness via the egoic lotus and the Antahkarana.  The Fifth Law of Group Progress is esoterically called the Law of Elevation, and it has progressive energy – we are raising our point of tension all the time. The quite ordinary formulations of loving, living, and of daily instinctive self-sacrifice are familiar, yet they are only the outer fringe of the deepest world truths.  The disciple must learn discrimination at a deeper level, not just a superficial understanding.  He needs to be able to distinguish between the pairs of opposites (soul and personality), and also discriminate the vibration of the Soul, of the inner group, of the Master, and the rays of his vital body, emotional body, and mental body.  Can he detect the soul vibration of other people he comes into contact with, or the vibration of a large group like the New Group of World Servers?  When the recognition of the soul has been firmly established, these different discriminations become instinctual reactions.  Approx 2 hrs

Group Progress Study and Meditation Meeting 3 Video — 694MB .mp4 file.
Group Progress Study and Meditation Meeting 3 Audio — 105MB .m4a file.

The Law of Group Progress, Laws of the Soul and Group Work Meeting 2, held on February 12, 2021.  Michael discussed looking ahead to the Aquarian Age and it’s relationship to the Law of Group Progress (also called the Law of Elevation), once there is better human interaction as the soul triumphs over the dweller.  Right now the dweller is very strong in humanity, and we see that in the dramatic events working out around the world, especially in the United States.  Master DK described it as quite a melting pot that will arise in the US and various other places like Australia, New Zealand, and others.  Certainly there are other people responding to the sixth sub-influence of the fifth root race having to do with cultivating mind, and then the abstract mind, which is beginning now.  Under the Law of Progression the seed groups emerge, and these groups in the future will seed humanity with new and progressive Aquarian ways, leading to the mountain top experience in Capricorn and down again into the valleys where you have to express what you’ve learned.  Groups have always existed, but they are predominantly third ray groups and dominant over outer expression and materialism.  But that has always been part of the plan, because the third ray is then transcended to become the builder of foundations, of right objectivity and expression.  The groups forming now are of second ray activity, and that is very much the ray of the builder, as is the seventh ray.  They are building group forms of expression for the New Age.  Approx 1.15 hrs

Group Progress Study and Meditation Meeting 2 Video — 515MB .mp4 file.
Group Progress Study and Meditation Meeting 2 Audio — 68MB .m4a file.

The Law of Group Progress, Laws of the Soul and Group Work Meeting 1, held on February 5, 2021.  This first meeting in the Study of Group Progress kicked off with a short meditation and discussion on what the term “group work” actually means.  Participants offered their impressions and discussion ensued about the true server with a pure motive and the eventual hope of leadership by the group for the group.  Initially Ashrams and most groups work a little differently with one person like a Master at the head, directing the group work.  But it can be seen that, like with Hierarchy, that while they are working in a united group towards the Divine Plan, each Ashram has its own work that needs to be done separately. Ultimately, the purpose and aim must be deeply shared.  This involves both Aquarian as well as Leo activities; Leo has the personality gifts that need to be used for group activity.  We don’t want to beat the personality out, we want to refine it for the work of the Soul and to make our gifts available to that shared objective.  The discussion continued with the distinction between exoteric group work and esoteric group work, what makes group consciousness possible, and much more on the dynamics of group work.  Approx 1.6 hrs

Group Progress Study and Meditation Meeting 1 Video — 538MB .mp4 file.
Group Progress Study and Meditation Meeting 1 Audio — 98MB .m4a file.